nedeľa 31. januára 2021

How does the need for protein change with age? |

 How does the need for protein change with age?

According to several studies, there are recommendations for a daily protein standard.

Under 18 years: 0.6-0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight
19-40 years: 0.8-1.1 grams per kilogram of body weight
41-65 years: 1.1-1.3 grams per kilogram of body weight
More than 65 years: 1.3-1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight

Even if you don't measure exactly how many grams per kilogram, the general rule is that more protein should be added as you age.

Why so much?

As we age, our bodies are less efficient at using protein. Over time, this lack of protein, or in other words "anabolic resistance", can lead to reduced strength and loss of muscle mass and mobility. Sarcopenia or loss of muscle tissue is a common problem among the elderly. Protein can help reverse this natural process. One study recommends that people over the age of 65 consume at least 1-1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day to maintain and regain muscle mass, and also recommend that older people consume their proteins evenly throughout the day, with 25-30 grams of protein should be included in each meal as such a general goal. Recent protein research provides similar recommendations for elderly patients ranging from 1.2 to 2.0 grams per kilogram of body weight per day, a number that is consistent with the recommendations of the International Society of Athlete Nutrition. Such amounts can be difficult to consume for older people who feel satiated immediately, and this is where protein supplements may be useful. The fluid tends to empty out of the stomach faster, so a protein drink can help with fullness at an early stage. However, eating right is not enough. Studies also unanimously recommend that older people continue to perform endurance and strength training.

So the recommendation for older people is that they may not always feel like athletes, but they should keep in mind that a muscle cell remembers everything, but in order to remember it, it must not only receive enough nutrition, but also enough exercise.

štvrtok 28. januára 2021

What does protein do in our body? |

 What does protein do in our body?

The most common supplement that most people try first is protein. Many of them use it for a long time because it is effective and also tastes great. But what really happens in our body, when we take protein, you can find out right here.

As you suddenly begin to exercise, lift heavy weights, and pursue your goals, you will also begin to think more about proteins and their amino acids than "building materials" for muscle growth. What actually happens when you take your post-workout dose of protein? The metaphor about building material will tell us only part of the story. In fact, one of the basic tasks of amino acids is to provide important biological and biochemical signals for growth and regeneration, especially after heavy exercise or sports performance. Here's what you need to know about the role that protein plays in your quest for maximum muscle growth and maximum utilization between your intense workouts!

Tilt the anabolic scales in your favor!

During the day, two processes take place in your body, namely the synthesis of muscle protein in other words, anabolism or the breakdown of muscles called catabolism. Both processes are necessary so you don't have to worry about catabolism, it's a part of life. Your key to gaining muscle mass is to ensure that your time in anabolism exceeds your time in catabolism. This is known as "pure protein balance" or "pure protein synthesis". If you do everything right, your pure protein synthesis will be positive. After taking a protein supplement, there is a short and strong period of elevated amino acids in the blood known as hyperaminocidemia, which stimulates more than normal amounts of muscle protein synthesis and anabolism. Guess what else stimulates amino acid levels? Hard training! It produces a deep anabolic response, especially when you consume protein before or after training (or in both cases). Many studies have confirmed that the most important component of this whole is the amino acid leucine.

Leucine is the key!

Leucine is one of the three branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). It acts as a signaling molecule to stimulate muscle growth by activating a strong anabolic process known as the mTOR pathway. The leucine contained in whey protein is one of the factors that promotes hyperinsulinemia, which means that it promotes higher levels of insulin in the blood and thus further increases anabolism and at the same time reduces the rate of catabolism. Leucine will help you increase your anabolism and eliminate your catabolism. In fact, the researchers concluded that the leucine content of any protein is what determines the muscle protein synthesis response that your body achieves. So, which protein has the highest leucine levels? Whey protein. This, as well as other benefits, is why whey remains the optimal protein after training. To optimize the amount of leucine you get from whey, look for products that offer at least 25 grams of protein per serving.

Take your protein to the next level

Much literature has concluded that whey protein promotes anabolism, increased strength, muscle, and also promotes fat loss. However, some research suggests that it may also have positive effects on gut health and immunity far better than other sources of protein. Of course, it's all based on how your body can digest protein as efficiently as possible. Recent advances in protein technology, such as digestive enzymes, can help you here. When proteolytic enzymes are combined with a whey isolate, the result is a semi-ligated protein or a "hydrolyzed" protein. This can have several positive effects:

Hydrolyzed whey protein is absorbed faster from the small intestine than complete milk proteins.

Hydrolyzed whey protein stimulates plasma insulin twice as much as milk proteins alone. This should lead to reduced muscle breakdown and increased nutrient transfer to tired muscle (promotes increased regeneration).

Hydrolyzed whey protein causes the greatest availability of amino acids up to three hours after ingestion. In fact, this effect was 37% greater after the use of hydrolysed whey protein than after the ingestion of a complete milk protein supplement.

Research shows that when whey protein is combined with digestive enzymes, amino acid absorption increases to a rate of approximately 8-10 g per hour. So if you take 20-40 grams immediately after exercise, you should get a steady stream of protein for up to 2-4 hours after use.

And what about longer periods of time?

If you are looking for the most effective way to quickly get protein into your muscles, whey is the right choice. But what if you have longer periods of time ahead of you than, for example, before going to bed? There is currently no other source of protein on the market that provides more support in the supply of amino acids than high quality micellar casein.

Be careful not to confuse miceral casein with lower quality calcium caseinates. Micellar casein is the purest form of casein protein. Casein proteins are sensitive to pH, which causes them to thicken in the acidic environment of the stomach. The ability of proteins to form a gel in the stomach slows the rate of digestion of intact proteins, which ensures a sustained release of amino acids into the bloodstream. This unique property makes casein ideal for a nocturnal or long-term protein-free period. Taking only 30 grams of micellar casein has been shown to support incredible seven hours of maintained blood amino acid levels, reducing catabolism by 34 percent and increasing anabolism by 31 percent within seven hours of use. This article and many research shows that whey during the day and casein at night is the most ideal way to use it.

utorok 26. januára 2021

Everything you need to know about iron |

 Everything you need to know about iron

Iron is an important mineral for health and fitness. In this article, you will learn why it can be dangerous to have a deficiency, or vice versa, when you get too much iron in your body. Your body needs a certain amount of iron to function properly. Not everyone in the regular diet receives enough iron. If you are replenishing iron, here is everything you need to know.

What is iron and what does it do?

Iron is a trace mineral that helps the body transport oxygen through the blood and muscles, creates red blood cells and releases energy from cells. Iron is contained in hemoglobin, where it carries oxygen from the lungs to the whole body, also in myoglobin, which transfers oxygen to the muscles. So when you have a high enough level of iron, the supply of oxygen to your whole body will reward you with the influx of energy.

How much iron do you need?

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for adult men (19 to 50 years of age) is 8 milligrams. The RDA for adult women is 18 milligrams per day. This difference is mainly due to monthly blood loss during menstruation in women. Therefore, the RDA for postmenopausal women is reduced to 8 milligrams. Most people can cover their daily iron needs by eating a healthy diet full of raw foods.

What happens if you don't have enough iron?

Iron deficiency can result in iron deficiency anemia, which means that the red blood cells are either low or damaged. Because iron helps carry oxygen, symptoms of anemia include low energy levels, poor performance, intolerance at low temperatures, and even a pale, diseased appearance. If women do not get enough iron during pregnancy, it can be dangerous for both mothers and babies.

Who is at risk of iron deficiency?

Iron deficiency is one of the most common deficiencies in the United States, especially among women. Iron from meat is easier to absorb and use as iron from plants, so vegans, vegetarians and others who do not consume meat products are at risk of iron deficiency. Interestingly, the action of the foot on the ground is the main cause of damage or loss of red blood cells. This means that long-distance runners also have a high risk of iron deficiency. Hard exercise can generally increase the number of red blood cells, which means you need more iron to make them. Iron is also lost through sweating, so the more an athlete sweats, the more he may be at risk of iron deficiency (although this can be very variable). Bodybuilders preparing for a competition or show often dramatically reduce their calorie intake while trying to maintain or increase their training volume. This can result in the loss of important micronutrients such as iron. All athletes must secure enough iron!

Why is it good to supplement iron?

If you have low levels of iron, supplementing to an adequate level can help protect your health, physical performance and energy levels. Athletes who are deficient in iron are likely to experience great improvement after supplementing it. If you have enough iron and just hope that if you take even more, it will be advantageous for you, then you are wrong. The benefits of iron supplementation are visible only to those who have had iron deficiency. If your levels are normal after iron supplementation, you will not feel the difference. In any case, to really know that you need iron supplementation, you need to check your blood levels and consult your doctor.

What are the side effects of iron supplements?

The upper limit for iron was set at 45 milligrams per day. Consumption above this dose (usually through overdose and inappropriate overdose) may cause toxicity, including symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, dizziness and vomiting.

Where is the most iron in the diet?

The easiest way to supplement iron is to eat red meat and some seafood such as clams and oysters. As for plant sources of iron, they include legumes, whole grains and leafy vegetables. While the bioavailability (that is, the amount your body can absorb) of iron from meat is lower than from plant sources, eating both types of iron along with vitamin C can help you absorb more. For example, orange juice with oatmeal, or tomatoes in a salad or oysters drizzled with lemon. If you eat enough red meat, fish, legumes, whole grains and leafy vegetables, you will probably get enough iron in your body. Vegetarians must already consider how to achieve adequate levels when consuming plant iron sources in combination with vitamin C.

What forms of iron are available?

For most people, iron taken from food is enough. However, if your doctor recommends supplementing it, you can find it in many multivitamins, or separately in the form of capsules or gel (both forms are fine). Ideal for the best absorption is the use of iron on an empty stomach. The dose is determined by your deficiency, your energy needs and how much iron you get from your diet.

What are the possible interactions of iron?

Coffee can reduce the absorption of iron if you drink it with or after a meal. Do not affect the absorption if you have coffee an hour before a meal. Dialysis patients have reduced kidney function and lack erythropoietin, a hormone that signals the production of red blood cells and is formed in the kidneys, so reduced kidney function is associated with anemia. In addition, diets prescribed for dialysis patients with some drugs may affect iron absorption, which guarantees higher doses. There are a number of drugs that affect iron absorption, such as angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors for high blood pressure. Prilosec, Zantak for ulcers, heartburn and gastrointestinal problems. Antibiotics such as tetracyclines (Vibramycin, Minocin) or quinolones (Cipro, Noroxin)

Having enough iron is essential for health and good sports performance. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to replenish at all costs. Too high a level can be just as bad. Eating lots of leafy vegetables, meat, fish, legumes and whole grains should give you plenty of iron. If you have symptoms of deficiency or are in the high-risk category, see your doctor to have your blood tested for iron.

nedeľa 24. januára 2021

Cricket protein versus chicken |

 Cricket protein versus chicken

Chicken meat is considered to be most effective in converting feed into protein. This is probably why chicken is one of the cheapest types of meat. The problem is that the mass behavior of chickens is unsustainable and causes enormous damage to these animals. There must be a much better alternative to chicken protein in the future. And with cricket farming, the future may be closer than you think.

Crickets are more efficient at making proteins than chickens

A study comparing crickets with chickens found that 450 grams of specialized poultry feed was sufficient to produce 260 grams of edible crickets and 190 grams of chickens. This is an impressive result, as chicken has benefited from 90 years of farming experience over 500 consecutive growing cycles on around 20 million chickens. In contrast, the authors completed only 3 growth cycles with approximately 50,000 crickets for this study. Just imagine what happens after the cricket breeders suddenly find the ideal food. Insect farming also has great potential in the field of automation and vertical farming. Crickets are a hope for the future, but nevertheless his breeding is still in its infancy and therefore its price is still high. However, there is a lot of research and a lot of people who are trying to make the price of cricket protein competitive.

štvrtok 21. januára 2021



For many people, the beginning of a new year is associated with commitments. And it's probably no surprise that a large part of them are related to change of body and weight loss. Are you also one of the people who have been unsuccessfully aiming to lose a certain number of kilograms for several years now, and each year they only increase this number by their newly gained weight? Then it is time to make changes in your life that will really help you. And you may be surprised that just a little is enough for the hand on the scale to finally move downwards.

Have you ever heard of the acronym NEAT? If not, be careful. What lies behind it will finally help you understand the secret of weight loss and also explain why your friend can, exaggeratedly, eat an elephant without gaining weight, and you, on the other hand, have to think about almost every bite to gain weight. kept.

What all makes up our total daily energy expenditure

The energy that we intentionally or unintentionally expend during the day can be classified into 4 categories. Each of them contributes to our expenditure in a different way. In general, however, we can say that BMR (basal metabolism) has the largest share in expenditure, about 60-75% of total energy expenditure. Approximately 15% then consists of NEAT (non-exercise activities), 10% TEF (thermal effect of food) and 5% EAT (exercise activities). And what do these mysterious abbreviations actually mean?

1. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) - this figure expresses the number of calories that our body burns at rest to maintain basic life functions. These calories therefore keep our heart, lungs, nervous system, kidneys, intestines, genitals, muscles, etc. active. An easy way to estimate the value of basal metabolism without laboratory experiments is to use an equation for the calculation. One of the most accurate ways if you don't know your% body fat is to use Miffin-St. Jeor's equation. If you know this fat value, you can use the Katch-McArdl equation, for example. However, the easiest way for you will be to enter values ​​into our calculator, which will do the calculation for you. Its value is affected by many factors, such as your age or body composition.

You can read more about how to calculate the BMR value in the article How to calculate the intake of energy and macronutrients for weight loss or muscle gain?

2. Thermic Effect of Food (TEF) - this is the energy that our body needs to process the food we receive. It is also necessary to take into account that each macronutrient has a different thermal effect. Proteins have the highest thermal effect, namely about 20-30%. This means that out of 100 such calories, only about 70-80 kcal is absorbed into our body, depending on the type of protein taken. Worse are carbohydrates, whose thermal effect is somewhere between 5-10%, and fats in the range of 0-3%. 

3. Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (EAT) - this is the number of calories your body will expend during exercise. This includes all sports activities that you perform, such as strength training, HIIT or any cardio.

4. Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) - This is the number of calories your body spends during non-exercise activities. This includes, for example, going for a drink, stamping your feet nervously, combing your hair, and so on.

Why can NEAT be key in weight loss?

Although you may not believe it, your spending during the day can be greatly affected by small things that you don't normally pay attention to. The very position in which you spend most of the day has a significant impact, so there is a difference whether you lie down, sit down or stand still. Let's show it with the example of an 80 kg student who spends 6 hours a day learning.

In the first case, when he learns to lie down in silence and just read the curriculum, he burns approximately 624 kcal (including BMR) during this time.

In the second case, when he learns aloud sitting and stomping his feet, his expenditure can reach up to 864 kcal (including BMR) in the same time.

In the third case, when he learns aloud and walks around the apartment, throws a ball or performs another similar activity that helps him concentrate and talk about the topic, he burns about 1056 kcal (including BMR) during this time.

At first glance, the difference may not be so visible, but if we take into account that this student will learn during the exam for at least 3 weeks (5 days a week just mentioned 6 hours), burn recliners a total of 9360 kcal, seats 12960 kcal and standing 15840 kcal. The difference between standing and lying is 6480 kcal. Therefore, if our student changes the position of learning from lying to standing, he can burn less than a kilo of fat in 3 weeks of learning, because it contains 7700 kcal. And it pays off, doesn't it?

In addition to the reward in the form of weight loss, you will certainly be pleased with the more effectively learned substance, which you will perceive with more senses during loud renunciation, you will master it better and thanks to the higher supply of oxygen you will also remember.

Higher NEAT can reduce fat and improve health

Similar results, as we showed in the students above, were obtained by the researchers themselves. The relationship between fat gain and insufficient energy expenditure through NEAT was demonstrated, for example, in a study of twenty volunteers (10 lean and 10 obese). They were exposed to a similar environment, examining posture and movement to assess NEAT. Volunteers engaged in routine daily activities and did not exercise. The results showed that obese individuals sat more, specifically 2.5 hours longer. In addition, the researchers found that if obese individuals performed the same NEAT activities as lean ones, that is, if they did not resume this time, their expenditure would increase by 350 kcal per day.

However, a slimmer body is not the only benefit you get if you engage in more non-exercise activities. By living a more active life, you will reduce the incidence of chronic diseases, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and the like. However, if none of these diseases bother you, weight loss can be the main motivation for being more active.

How big a caloric deficit can occur due to NEAT?

I'm probably not surprised by the information that the day is 24 hours. If we count on the ideal, then one sleeps 8 hours of it. We have 16 hours left, which is crucial if we are trying to lose weight. It is up to each of us how we use them. Let's take a closer look at the example of 2 women - Jana and Lucie. Jana is unhappy because she would like to lose a few pounds, unfortunately she is not doing well. Silence envies Lucia, who can indulge in what she likes, and does not gain weight. How is it possible? Suppose they both weigh 65 kg and eat the same food. To what extent can their daily energy expenditure differ?


sleep (8 hours) - 494 kcal
getting ready for work, preparing breakfast and preparing food for the whole day, easy cleaning of the apartment (1 hour) - 143 kcal
way to work (15 min. walk, 30 min. bus ride) - 83 kcal
office work behind the computer (8 hours) - 780 kcal
way from work (15 min. walk, 30 min. bus ride) - 83 kcal
running at a speed of 8 km / h (40 min.) - 360 kcal
lying in front of the TV in the evening (3 hours) - 195 kcal
other activities such as eating, showering and other non-demanding activities (2 hours) - 286 kcal [10]
Jana's total expenditure, including basal metabolism, could be approximately 2424 kcal for the day.


sleep (8 hours) - 494 kcal
getting ready for work, preparing breakfast and preparing food for the whole day, easy cleaning of the apartment (1 hour) - 143 kcal
way to work on foot (45 min.) - 244 kcal
job performance - maid (8 hours) - 2080 kcal
way from work on foot (45 min.) - 244 kcal
running at a speed of 10 km / h (1 hour) - 637 kcal
garden planting (1.5 hours) - 487 kcal
household cleaning (1 hour) - 214 kcal
other activities such as eating, showering and other undemanding activities (1 hour) - 143 kcal
bedside reading (1 hour) - 85 kcal [10]
Lucie's total expenditure, including basal metabolism, could be approximately 4277 kcal for the day.

Sure, Luccy's example is a bit exaggerated, and most of us probably don't have that much free time to be so active, but what did we mean by that? When Jana and Lucia sit down for coffee and talk about their lifestyle, they can live on the assumption that their activity is about the same - they both go to work, they both take care of the household, and they even go for a run. Based on this information, Jana may get the impression that Lucia has miraculous genetic equipment, thanks to which she can eat what she wants and not gain weight. However, this is not the case. It's just that Lucia has a lot to spend on non-sport activities (NEAT). In general, it should be borne in mind that people who have a manual job and do so in their free time often burn many times more calories than those who live a sedentary lifestyle. That's why more active people can simply eat more and don't gain weight.

Try to think about what your day looks like compared to Lucie's expenditure. Do you still feel that life is unfair and gain weight from the air, or do you find that you are not as active as you thought? You may also be one of the people who neglect the others due to purposeful sports activities. Well, on purpose - have you ever stretched out on the couch instead of cleaning or walking with your family, because you knew that you would be training for the afternoon, so you wanted to gain strength for it?

If you have self-critically acknowledged that there is room for improvement on your daily days, this is a great first step in becoming more active and losing weight more easily. You can be inspired by our 7 tips on how to do it.

7 tips to promote weight loss and move more naturally

1. Walking

We probably don't have to go into detail about the fact that walking is our most natural movement. You've probably also heard that each person should go through 10,000 steps a day. If you have no other movement and steps are almost the only activity you engage in, then this magical frontier may be ideal for you. According to the study, there is a part of the population with low daily activity, which goes through only about 2000-2500 steps per day. These people should try to increase their number. However, if you are active in other ways, go to the gym, swim or do any other sport, it is not necessary to strictly adhere to 10,000. 

However, you should definitely not avoid walking, as it has quite a few positive benefits. It uses more than half of the body muscles. The degree of their involvement depends on the speed and slope of the terrain. At the same time, it will improve your physical condition, cardiovascular health or blood pressure. However, this type of movement also has a positive effect on our mental health. The phrase "I'm going to vent my head" when you go for a walk, so it definitely didn't come about by chance.

How to involve more walking in a normal day?

Walk on at least part of the way to work.
Avoid the elevator or escalator.
Take at least a short walk during the day. Every extra minute counts.
Walk for shopping, lunch or a meeting with friends.
Instead of sitting in a cafe, take your coffee with you and go for a walk with friends.
Walk while listening to podcasts or meetings.
Instead of calling, go visit or call while walking.
There are many ways to involve more steps in your day. It's up to you what you choose. To motivate you a bit - an 80 kg person will burn 235 kcal in a 20-minute quick meeting on the stairs, which is realistic to fulfill every day if he treats every step honestly. If we do not take into account the adaptation of metabolism and other side factors, this person would burn 85775 kcal per year, and only thanks to the daily 20 minutes of fast walking up the stairs. Interestingly - in this way he could burn energy equivalent to about 11 kg of fat.

2. Help others

Surely you have someone in your area who will be happy to use your help. As a result, both the person you make your job easier and you will be satisfied, even twice as much. This is because you increase your energy expenditure, which will make it easier for you to lose weight, and in addition, you may feel warm at the heart that you have helped someone. Again, you have many ways to get involved:

Watch someone's children. The crumbs will be happy for a change, the parents will relax and you will spend an active day - a win in all aspects.
Take the dog outside. Sure, there is someone near you who can't walk so much anymore, but his pet would like to take a longer trip. Give it to him.
Offer to go shopping. This offer will be appreciated both by people from the area who can no longer handle it themselves, as well as by your loved ones who do not want or do not have the time.
Help with the reconstruction. Every hand is suitable for this work. And to scratch a wall, paint, take away old furniture or assemble a new one you are sure to master.
Help at home or in the garden.
Sweep the snow across the street.

Did you know that an 80 kg person can burn up to 600 kcal per hour with intense hourly snow throwing? 

These volunteer activities can often be done part-time, so in addition to the calories burned, you can also earn some money.

3. Don't waste time waiting

Do you have friends who never come anywhere on time, so you spend tens of minutes sitting and waiting for them? Review your approach. Even a twenty-minute walk in the area suddenly counts. You can also spend time waiting for a bus or train if you are going for a long time. And when you know it will come in a few minutes, you still don't have to sit on a bench and stare blankly in front of you. You can also walk after those few meters at the stop, or you can walk to the next stop and connect there to the means of transport.

4. Take care of the household

In connection with housework, people are divided into two groups - some enjoy them and cannot wait for further vacuuming, others hate them and delay their execution as much as possible. Ideal as long as someone else does it for them. But guess who has more NEAT spending? Yes, those who go into them and are able to devote a few hours a week to them. Such a 70 kg woman burns an average of 210 kcal (including BMR) per hour with housework. It may seem like nothing to you, but when you consider that such a clever housewife can spend 2 hours a day in these activities, suddenly we have 2940 kcal per week, which is energy hidden in 550 g (5.5 tables) of milk chocolate. . And that's a decent amount, isn't it? If you regularly do active cleaning, you can easily put a line of chocolate with your coffee, and still be in deficit and lose weight. So hide the automatic vacuum cleaner, which will do all the work for you, back in the box, give it to someone who no longer has the strength to clean it himself, and get to work nicely.

And if you want to increase your energy expenditure during cleaning, try to come up with such a small cleaning workout. Alternate individual activities with squats, cranks or English. You will see that you put your body in an hour, and if you play your favorite music, you will certainly enjoy it.

5. Work in the garden

By gardening, we definitely don't mean to get on a garden tractor, which will do all the work for you (although you will burn more energy while operating the tractor than if you were just lying down). 

However, there are many more effective activities you can do in the garden. How about trying grooming?

Compared to lying down, this activity will increase your expenditure up to fivefold. An 80 kg man burns a beautiful 400 kcal per hour. You can also start pruning shrubs or weeding, which will increase your spending by about fourfold. 

6. Have a mini workout whenever possible

Are you waiting for your girlfriend to finally release the bathroom in the morning before you leave? Use the time and make a few squats and handles. This will stimulate the blood in the body, and you will also easily increase your expenditure. You can just as effectively use a commercial break for your favorite evening movie or kill time before you cook pasta, for example. Maybe people around you will look at you strangely at first, but when they see how these little things have a positive effect on your character, they will understand and maybe they will join you.

7. Lie only at night

As we said at the beginning of the article, just whether you are lying or sitting has a significant impact on your overall energy expenditure. If you are trying to increase NEAT, try to spend only time lying down (about 8-9 hours). Also try to sit at the TV, and if you have it in the kitchen, for example, or you are watching TV from a laptop, you can also stand by your favorite series and use the time to prepare food for the next day. It is also true that if you are reading or learning, it is better to spend time sitting in order to increase your spending. You can also sit on the ball, thanks to which you can involve several muscle parts. And there are even people who learn best when walking, so you can try it too. It's up to you to what extent you deal with these changes. In time, you may not even think that you should sit on the bus.

What do you get out of it?

Let's be honest with each other. If almost all of your activity during the week is that you drive to the gym three times a week for an hour, and you think you're active, that's not the case. NEAT, which represents the calories burned by normal activities other than exercise, is a more important item for our spending than the sport itself. This, of course, is not to say that you have to cough up strength training. However, try to focus on what you do the rest of the time. A day has 24 hours, if you sleep 8 hours and 8 hours on average at work, it's up to you how you spend the remaining 8 hours. You can start by walking more, lying less, not sitting on the bus, getting more involved in cleaning, or helping someone around you. There are a lot of options. Whatever you do, you will see that over time, these activities will affect both your health and your body change.

utorok 19. januára 2021

Is it healthy to eat the same foods all the time? |

 Is it healthy to eat the same foods all the time?

Most of us probably don't want to stand in the kitchen every day and cook and cook. But is it healthy to eat the same foods every day? Read on to find out more.

Nutrition is still a topical issue, and when you read different articles, each will provide you with different and, for the most part, conflicting information. Even many qualified professionals give their clients meal plans with the same daily menu, which is repeated over and over again, but is it really the right thing to do?

To determine how "healthy" it is to eat the same foods every day, consider the implications for our physical and mental health by looking at some of the advantages and disadvantages of consuming the same foods on a daily basis.



If you plan everything you eat in advance, then you can make sure you have enough nutrients. Although it is easy to monitor calories and macronutrients, tracking all vitamins and minerals every day can be very tiring. If you are planning a daily menu that covers all your nutritional needs, then sticking to such a diet is an easy way to receive and monitor the nutrition you need.


Eating the same foods every day is convenient! You can prepare food for several days or even for a whole week in a short time and there is no need to prepare anything more. So you will save a lot of time that you would otherwise spend planning and preparing new meals.


By eating the same foods all the time, it makes it easier for you to stick to your diet. You don't have to worry about social events that could interfere with your diet, because you know that you are sticking to your eating plan, so you should not be tempted by forbidden foods. Although temptation still exists, once you know your daily menu, it is much easier to resist these temptations. You can also take this as your predictable part of your daily routine, such as brushing your teeth or showering, because you don't have to make decisions about which foods to eat if you get hungry.


Poor food choices can help you stick to your diet. It has been shown that the more varied your diet, the higher your calorie intake. This phenomenon is called the "buffet effect" because it describes the fact that we tend to eat more when we have food with a large amount of food.


Eating the same foods every day can be good for your digestion. When you know which foods are doing you good and which make you feel heavier, you will compile a diet that will not cause you any problems and you do not have to worry about food intolerance or other negative reactions to food.


Eating the same foods every day allows you to have complete or almost complete control over your diet. If you are trying to achieve a specific weight or physical goal, then this level of control will allow you to maintain a constant number of variables that might otherwise interfere with the process, such as sodium content.



Although poor selection can help fight overeating, but it is probably the only advantage. Generally speaking, a varied diet is a balanced diet, which means it will supply you with all the necessary nutrients you need for your health. A varied diet has been associated with a lower likelihood of developing metabolic syndrome, hypertension and abdominal obesity, and a varied healthy diet has also been shown to lead to greater weight loss.


The more you limit yourself to food and calories, the more dangerous your diet is. If you eat a lot of calories and foods defined as healthy foods, such as protein, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, you will be much better off than someone who consumes fewer calories, but from a diet that does not meet all nutritional parameters.


Eating the same foods every day puts you at greater risk of nutrient deficiencies and also makes you more sensitive to other potential problems, such as food contamination. If you eat fish with high levels of mercury, or use cadmium-contaminated cocoa powder daily, you are more likely to suffer from some adverse consequences than people who have a richer choice of foods and therefore eat these contaminated foods less often.


Consuming a variety of healthy foods can help grow a diverse microbiome. There is a lot of research around the microbiome because there are many factors that can affect the intestinal microflora and thus the diversity of abundant numbers and species of microorganisms. Based on this, we know that a varied diet can help maintain a healthy gut.


While eating the same foods can be comfortable and also easy to maintain, it can also be boring. Dining is a comprehensive experience. It is a sensory experience, with a pleasant or unpleasant taste, smell and texture, and it can also be a social event through which we can create lasting memories with the people we care about.

At first glance, some of these advantages and disadvantages do not seem to be directly related to health. However, if we take into account the impact of each of the pros and cons, we can see how the results are related to physical and mental health.

For example, a diet that is comfortable and easy to follow can have a positive effect on your mental health and not on the source of stress. Eating the same foods every day can relieve some of the stress of the diet, but again, that doesn't mean it's an overall healthy option. There are many supporters who eat the same foods every day, but there are also disadvantages to consider. So it is up to each of us what suits us best.

Generally speaking, the same diet every day is not very healthy. However, if you manage to observe a certain variety of diet and receive adequate nutrients without feeling bored or stressed, then the same diet may not be so unsuitable for you.

Another option is to set up a flexible menu that allows some adjustments. See an example:

Breakfast: Eggs or tofu, cereals or starch vegetables, fruits or fibrous vegetables, nuts or seeds

Tenth: Protein bar or cocktail

Lunch: Meat or legumes, oil or avocado, cereals or starch vegetables, vegetables

Olovrant: Fruit or vegetables, nuts or nut butter, yoghurt or curd

Dinner: Meat or legumes, cereals or starch vegetables, oil or nuts


By alternating foods you can ensure that you get an adequate intake of nutrients. For example, if you had little iron today, but your average for a week or month is fine, then there is no cause for concern. However, if you have taken in little iron today and eat the same thing every day, then you could experience the side effects of insufficient iron intake.

If you decide to eat the same foods every day, it is important to keep in mind that you will consume the same nutrients every day. Even if those foods are limited in calories, for example, it can be difficult to get all the nutrients your body needs. In these cases, it may be useful or even necessary for you to supplement the necessary nutrients in the form of nutritional supplements.

nedeľa 17. januára 2021

4 proven ways to strengthen your immune system |

 4 proven ways to strengthen your immune system

Reduce the risk of flu or cold by strengthening your immune system to ensure long-term health.

Although most people are aware of their immune system only when they are struggling with a cold, it is an essential part of our daily lives and means much more than just protection against infection.

For fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders, the immune system plays a key role in cell repair and, most importantly, helps us keep our bodies free of disease and harmful microbes when we train, which is a time when your immune system is temporarily weakened, making you more susceptible to disease. .

The immune system consists of several cell types and biological systems that protect against various diseases and disorders. It acts as your body's natural defense system against pathogens, which can be anything from viruses to worms that attack your body's tissues and cells. Therefore, it is important that your immune system works optimally to make sure that you can train harder and at the same time be free of various diseases. In this article, we detail four scientifically proven ways to strengthen the immune system.

1. Consume foods rich in antioxidants

Almost everyone is familiar with the link between vitamin C and the common cold or flu. The reason why vitamin C can be beneficial is that it is an antioxidant, which means that it plays a key role in your body's immune and defense system.

Although antioxidants regulate the immune system, they can be beneficial but also harmful, depending on the circumstances or requirements of the body. Antioxidants are obtained from a variety of food sources, including:

Berries such as cherries and blueberries
Dark chocolate
Green tea
Vegetables such as tomatoes and green leafy vegetables
Fatty fish
Antioxidants play an important role every day in reducing cell death, which in the long run helps us live longer, alleviates the signs of aging and fights diseases such as cancer.

For bodybuilders, or anyone who undergoes training, antioxidants play a crucial role in cell repair, reducing muscle damage and generally helping to grow after training. However, a warning! Antioxidants are a double-edged sword in terms of muscle growth, and when consumed excessively can inhibit anabolism.

2. Consume garlic on a regular basis

Other superfoods, such as garlic, provide a ton of beneficial effects for your body and your health. Garlic has been used for centuries to fight disease. The bioactive compound in garlic - allicin - has antibacterial properties that can potentially prevent disease, and there is evidence that it promotes cell death in some cancers. Although this does not directly modulate the immune system, allicin is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which affect the immune system.

Recent research has also suggested that allicin reacts with sulfur-based compounds that fight disease and support your white blood cells - a key defense system.

In one study, they gave 46 participants a garlic supplement during the winter and monitored them for three months. Individuals taking the garlic supplement found that 40% fewer diseases were reported. Interestingly, those participants who caught a cold or got the flu said they recovered 70% faster than those who did not take any supplement.

You can easily add garlic to most meals, but it is also easy to get as a supplement, such as garlic tablets at a dose of about 1,000 mg per day.

3. Improve your gut health

The gut can quickly become the focus of attention, due to the risk of disease, weight loss and muscle growth. Research continues to show how gut health affects metabolism and fat storage, along with protein synthesis in muscles - adding muscle, influencing athletic performance and affecting many other aspects of health and disease.

If you work hard to improve and repair your bowel, it will be easier for you to achieve better condition, figure and health. For your immune system and disease, approximately two-thirds of all your body's immune cells are located in the walls of your intestines. Your gut also plays an important role in the metabolism of body toxins and acts as a natural detoxification system for the body. There are many ways to improve bowel health. If you do, you will have a better chance of staying healthy and avoiding illness, losing weight more easily and gaining muscle.


Eat more vegetables and fiber, especially starch-resistant fiber, a special type of fiber with many health benefits can improve the health of your intestines and intestinal microflora.
Reduce stress and excessive cortisol by meditating, sleeping more and reducing your intake of processed foods before (if possible) before introducing supplements like phosphatidylserine into your diet
Reduce exposure to environmental carcinogens and toxins by choosing BPA-free products, natural cosmetics and beauty products.
Exercise on a regular basis
Reduce the inflammation that increases unhealthy bacteria in your gut
Take prebiotics and probiotics to increase healthy bacteria in your gut

4. Add these add-ons

In order to improve the immune system, the addition of several other supplements is a great choice, which provides many other benefits.

Here are some scientifically based supplements:

Vitamin D: One of the latest superfoods, vitamin D is a super vitamin that works more like a hormone that is able to increase testosterone and other anabolic hormones while helping to strengthen the immune system, insulin sensitivity and the ability to break down fats.

Glutamine: When we train, about 70-90% of our body's glutamine stores are depleted. It plays an important role in regeneration, along with feeding your gut and supporting your immune system.

Vitamin C: A well-known vitamin for suppressing the common cold and flu. Contrary to popular belief, it's not as strong as garlic, however, it can help you recover faster when you're exhausted or sick.

Zinc: A vital mineral with more than 200 chemical reactions in the body, zinc can help you increase testosterone levels and support the immune system.

štvrtok 14. januára 2021

Pea protein, its benefits, but also negatives |

 Pea protein, its benefits, but also negatives

Pea protein is a supplement obtained by extracting proteins from yellow peas. It is usually used to increase the protein content of smoothie drinks and cocktails and is suitable for almost any diet, as it is naturally vegan and hypoallergenic.

Pea protein is a high quality protein and a great source of iron. It can help build muscle mass, lose weight and heart health. This article evaluates the nutritional value, health benefits, and possible side effects of pea protein

Nutritional benefits

The pea protein or pea protein isolate is produced by isolating a protein from ground yellow peas to form a beige powder.

Nutritional values ​​may vary between brands, but on average 20 grams of pea protein contain:

Calories: 80
Protein: 15 grams
Carbohydrates: 1 gram
Fiber: 1 gram
Total fat: 1.5 grams
Sodium: 230 mg
Iron: 5 mg

Pea proteins offer a number of nutritional benefits:

1. High quality source of protein

Pea protein contains all the essential amino acids that our body cannot make and that it must obtain from food. However, it contains relatively little methionine.

You can compensate for this by combining other foods rich in methionine, such as eggs, fish, poultry, beef, pork or brown rice.

Pea protein is also a great source of branched-chain amino acids, especially arginine - which promotes healthy blood flow and heart and leucine, isoleucine and valine (BCAA) health - which promote muscle growth.

Research also shows that pea protein is one of the most easily digested plant proteins, just behind soy protein and chickpeas.

2. Rich on iron

Pea protein is also rich in iron. Most products contain about 5-7.5 mg of iron per dose, which is approximately 28-42% of the recommended daily allowance (ODD) for premenopausal women and 62-94% of ODD for men and postmenopausal women. However, the iron found in plant foods is less absorbable than that of animal products. However, this can be improved by consuming pea protein with vitamin C or foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus, which increases iron absorption by up to 67%.

If women's iron intake is deficient, including pea protein in the diet could be a great way to increase this nutrient intake.

3. Works with various special diets

Pea protein is naturally vegan, gluten-free, non-dairy and does not contain any of the eight largest food allergens - peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, fish, shellfish, cow's milk, wheat and soy. As a result, it works perfectly with almost any diet. Pea protein also mixes well with water and has a less coarse or chalky texture than other vegetable protein powders such as hemp. Although pea protein works very well for most people, anyone with an allergy, sensitivity or intolerance to peas should avoid it.

Summary: Pea protein is a high quality protein rich in iron, arginine and branched chain amino acids. It is very well digested and absorbed. It can be used in various types of diets.

Health benefits

Pea protein is not only beneficial for you in terms of nutrition, but is also great for your health. Here are some of its main benefits.

1. Builds muscle mass

Studies show that pea protein can help build muscle when paired with resistance training.

In one 12-week study, men who gained weight and consumed 50 grams of pea protein a day gained the same amount of muscle as those who took whey protein. This suggests that pea protein is as effective at building muscle as more common milk-based proteins. However, adding protein to your diet without exercise is unlikely to have any effect on your muscles, it must be associated with quality training.

2. You will feel fuller, more satiated

Research has shown that proteins help people feel fuller for longer than carbohydrates or fats. This means that high protein diets can reduce overall calorie intake and lead to gradual weight loss over time.

Pea protein offers an easy way to add protein to your diet and reap its benefits. One study found that 20 grams of pea protein taken 30 minutes before eating pizza reduced the average number of calories consumed by about 12%.

Further research has found that pea protein is as effective in promoting fullness as milk-based proteins such as casein or whey. Pea protein is a good choice if you want to increase your protein intake and also increase the feeling of satiety after meals.

3. It is good for your health

Animal studies have shown that pea protein can reduce some of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Pea protein hydrolyzate - a partially digested protein that contains smaller protein particles (peptides) has been shown to significantly reduce blood pressure levels in rats after three weeks. A similar three-week study in humans found that 3 grams of pea hydrolyzate a day reduced systolic blood pressure by 6 points.

However, ordinary protein powder that has not been partially digested does not appear to have the same effect.

Animal studies have so far found that pea protein can reduce cholesterol levels. It is thought to work by increasing the intake of cholesterol in the cells and reducing the production of fat in the body. Although these results are promising, further studies are needed to determine whether pea protein can lower cholesterol levels in humans.


Pea protein has a number of health benefits, including support for muscle growth, increased fullness and support for heart health.

Potential side effects

Pea protein is generally well tolerated and has very few side effects. Because it is made by isolating protein from peas, it has a relatively low fiber content and does not tend to cause flatulence or bloating in some people, as is the case with whole peas.

Pea protein can have a relatively high sodium content. Therefore, people on a diet restricted to sodium should monitor their intake.


Pea protein powder is generally well tolerated, with only a few side effects. However, it may contain relatively high amounts of sodium.


Pea protein is a good way to increase protein intake. It can be especially useful for people who are trying to increase their muscle mass.

Research shows that consuming 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day is the most effective dose for building muscle.

Most people who use pea protein add it to smoothies or water and have it as a training drink.

Other creative uses include:

Mixing into oatmeal, wheat porridge or brown rice cereals
Added to baking, for example to muffins, brownies or waffles
Mixing into vegetable milk to create a more complete source of protein
Mix into smoothies and freeze inside the popsicles
For maximum muscle building effects, pea protein is best consumed within two hours of exercise.


You can add pea protein to foods and drinks to increase your protein intake. To support muscle mass, drink your protein shaker within two hours of exercise.

Pea protein is a high quality, easily digestible source of protein made from yellow peas. It is rich in iron, arginine and branched chain amino acids and offers benefits such as supported muscle growth, feelings of fullness and heart health.

It works with most diets and is naturally vegan, gluten free, milk free and hypoallergenic. Pea protein is a great choice if you want to add more protein to your diet.

utorok 12. januára 2021

Spirulina and its health benefits |

 Spirulina and its health benefits

Spirulina is one of the most popular supplements in the world. It is full of various nutrients and antioxidants that can contribute to a healthy body and brain. We bring you 10 research-based health benefits of spirulina.

1. Spirulina has an extremely high content of nutrients

Spirulina is an organism that grows in fresh but also in salt water. It is a type of cyanobacteria, which is actually a family of single-celled microbes, often referred to as blue-green algae. Like plants, cyanobacteria can produce energy from sunlight through a process called photosynthesis.

Spirulina was consumed by the ancient Aztecs, but became popular again when NASA announced that it could be grown in space for Austronauts. The standard daily dose of spirulina is 1-3 grams.

This small algae is full of nutrients. One tablespoon (7 grams) of dried spirulina powder contains on average:

Protein: 4 grams
Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 11% ODD (Recommended Daily Allowance)
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 15% ODD
Vitamin B3 (niacin): 4% ODD
Copper: 21% ODD
Iron: 11% ODD
It also contains a decent amount of magnesium, potassium and manganese and small amounts of almost every other nutrient you need.
In addition, the same amount contains only 20 calories and 1.7 grams of digestible carbohydrates. Spirulina may be the most nutritious food on the planet. A tablespoon (7 grams) of spirulina provides a small amount of fat - about 1 gram, including omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in a ratio of about 1.5: 1.0.

The quality of the proteins in spirulina is considered to be excellent, comparable to eggs. It provides us with all the essential amino acids we need.

It is also often claimed that spirulina contains vitamin B12, which is not a correct statement. It contains pseudovitamine B12, which has not been shown to be effective in humans.

Summary: Spirulina is a type of blue-green alga that grows in both fresh and salt water. It is one of the most nutritionally rich foods on Earth.

2. It has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects

Oxidative damage can disrupt the structure of your DNA and cells. This damage can lead to chronic inflammation, which contributes to cancer and other diseases. Spirulina is a fantastic source of antioxidants that can protect against oxidative damage.

Its main active ingredient is called phycocyanin. This antioxidant also gives spriruline a unique blue-green color. Phycocyanin can fight free radicals and inhibit the production of inflammatory initiating molecules, providing impressive antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Summary: Phycocyanin is the main active ingredient in spirulina. It has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

3. It can lower levels of triglycerides and bad LDL cholesterol

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. Many risk factors are associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Spirulina has been shown to positively affect many of these factors. For example, it can lower total LDL cholesterol (called bad cholesterol) and triglycerides, while increasing HDL cholesterol (called good cholesterol).

In a study of 25 people with type 2 diabetes, 2 grams of spirulina a day significantly improved their levels.

Another study in people with high cholesterol found that 1 gram of spirulina a day reduced triglycerides by 16.3% and so-called bad LDL cholesterol by 10.1%.

Summary: Studies show that spirulina can lower triglyceride levels and so-called bad cholesterol and at the same time can increase the so-called good HDL cholesterol.

4. Protects LDL (bad cholesterol) from oxidation

Fat structures in your body are prone to oxidative damage, known as lipid peroxidation, a key factor in many serious diseases.

For example, one of the key steps in the development of heart disease is the oxidation of bad LDL cholesterol. Interestingly, the antioxidants in spiruline appear to be particularly effective in reducing lipid peroxidation in both humans and animals.

 In a study of 37 people with type 2 diabetes, 8 grams of spirulina significantly reduced the indicators of oxidative damage. It also increased the levels of antioxidant enzymes in the blood.

Summary: The fat structures in your body oxidize, leading to the progression of many diseases. However, antioxidants in spirulina can prevent this.

5. Spirulina may have anti-cancer effects

Some evidence suggests that spirulina has anticancer properties. Animal research suggests that it may reduce the incidence of cancer and the size of the tumor.

The effects of spirulina on oral cancer or oral cancer have been well studied. One study looked at 87 people in India with precancerous lesions in their mouth called oral submucosal fibrosis (OSMF). Among those who took 1 gram of spirulina daily for one year, 45% experienced disappearance of lesions, compared with only 7% in the control group. When these people stopped taking spirulina, almost half of them developed lesions again the following year.

In another study of 40 individuals with OSMF lesions, 1 gram of spirulina a day led to a greater improvement in the symptoms of OSMF than with Pentoxyfilline.

Summary: Spirulina can have anti-cancer effects and appears to be very effective, especially against a type of precancerous lesions in the mouth called OSMF.

6. It can lower blood pressure

High blood pressure is a major trigger for many serious diseases, including heart attack, stroke, and chronic kidney disease.

While 1 gram of spirulina is not effective, a dose of 4.5 grams per day has been shown to lower blood pressure in individuals with normal levels. This reduction is thought to be due to the production of nitric oxide, a signaling molecule that helps your blood vessels relax and dilate.

Summary: Higher doses of spirulina can lead to lower blood pressure levels, which is a major risk factor for many diseases.

7. Improves the symptoms of allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is characterized by inflammation in your nasal passages. It is triggered by environmental allergens such as pollen, animal fur or even dust.

Spirulina is a popular alternative treatment for the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and there is evidence that it can be really effective.

In one study involving 127 people with allergic rhinitis, 2 grams a day dramatically relieved symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, stuffy nose and itching.

Summary: For allergic rhinitis, spirulina supplement is very effective as it reduces various symptoms.

8. It can be effective against anemia

There are many different types of anemia. The most common of these is characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin or black blood cells in your blood. Anemia is relatively common in older adults, leading to long-term feelings of weakness and fatigue.

In a study of 40 elderly people with a history of anemia, spirulina supplements increased the hemoglobin in the red blood cells of these people and improved their immune function.

Keep in mind that this is just one study. Further research is needed before any recommendation can be made.

Summary: One study confirms that spirulina can reduce anemia in older adults, but further research is needed.

9. It can improve muscle strength and performance

Exercise-induced oxidative damage is a major contributor to muscle fatigue. Some plant foods have anti-oxidant properties that can help athletes and physically active individuals minimize this damage.

Spirulina appears to be very beneficial, as some studies show improvements in muscle strength and endurance. In two studies, spirulina increased endurance, significantly increasing the time it took people to get tired.

Summary: Spirulina can provide multiple benefits in terms of exercise, including increased endurance and increased muscle strength.

10. It can help control blood sugar levels

Animal studies have linked spirulina to markedly low blood sugar. In some cases, it has even surpassed popular diabetes drugs, including Metformin.

There is also evidence that spirulina may also be effective in humans. In a two-month study of 25 people with type 2 diabetes, 2 grams of spirulina a day led to an impressive reduction in blood sugar levels. HbA1c, the value for long-term blood sugar levels decreased from 9% to 8%, which is quite solid. Studies estimate that a 1% reduction in this marker may reduce the risk of diabetes-related death by 21%. However, this study was small and short, so further studies are needed.

Summary: Some evidence suggests that spirulina may be beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes as it significantly lowers fasting blood sugar levels.


Overall summary

Spirulina is a type of cyanobacteria, often referred to as blue-green algae, and is incredibly healthy. It can improve your blood lipid levels, suppress oxidation, lower blood pressure and lower your blood sugar.

Although more studies are needed, spirulina is one of the few SUPERFOODs that really deserves its title.

nedeľa 10. januára 2021

Muscle building for vegetarians |

 Muscle building for vegetarians

Can you be a vegetarian and build muscle at the same time? Yes, it is possible, but only if you follow a certain diet. The key is to combine foods so that you achieve a balanced ratio of individual amino acids.

Essential amino acids are the basis

We have 22 amino acids, the combinations of which produce proteins necessary for tissue growth and regeneration. In order for your body to synthesize proteins, all of these amino acids must function. If only one is missing or its concentration is too low, protein synthesis is limited.

Eight of these 22 amino acids cannot be synthesized by our bodies on their own and must be supplied by the diet. These amino acids are referred to as essential amino acids. Seven of the 22 amino acids are referred to as semi-essential amino acids. This means that they are synthesized in our body, but under certain conditions their need is significantly higher. The other seven amino acids that our body can synthesize are called non-essential amino acids. The body itself produces non-essential amino acids from carbohydrates and nitrogen, and from other, essential and non-essential amino acids.

Complex and full-value proteins

Foods that contain all the essential amino acids in the amounts needed for health and growth are called complex proteins. Proteins contained in dairy products, eggs, meat, fish, or other animal sources of protein are complex and thus contain all 22 amino acids.

Some foods of plant origin generally do not contain all 22 amino acids and are often referred to as non-complex proteins. However, this is not quite the case. The important fact is whether they contain all the essential amino acids. If a food of plant origin or a combination of plant foods contains all 8 essential amino acids, we can practically speak of a full-fledged and complex protein.


Your vegetarian diet must contain enough essential amino acids. Therefore, it is necessary to combine foods so that a suitable combination of foods achieves a balanced intake of amino acids. An amino acid deficiency in one food should be balanced by a combination of another food that contains a sufficient amount of the amino acid. It is not necessary for these two foods to be combined in one meal, but in one day.

For example, corn cereals contain a limiting amount of lysine but a higher amount of methionine. Legumes, such as beans, contain a small amount of methionine but a higher amount of lysine. By combining these two foods, you will achieve the intake of complex protein.

The best protein for vegetarians

For vegetarians and vegans, it is a very practical way to get enough essential amino acids to get a unique nutritional supplement from the English company Viridian - Balance Amino Acid, which directly contains only essential amino acids.

There are also a number of protein drinks for vegetarians (rice, hemp, peas), which contain all the essential amino acids and are an excellent, healthy and quality source of protein.


Rice protein is an excellent protein for vegetarians, vegans and people with various allergies. It will also be replaced by women and athletes who try to live healthier and not acidify the body. It is also known to be alkaline, which, unlike animal proteins, does not acidify the body. It contains all the essential amino acids (the body cannot make them on its own), which are needed to make muscle tissue, hormones and enzymes, without which we cannot survive. Its amino acid composition is comparable to whey protein and much better than soy protein. It is quickly absorbed, so it is suitable immediately after training.

Rice protein is made by filtering protein and fiber from enzymatically pre-digested whole grain brown rice, including germ and bran. The production process is at low temperatures, without the use of chemicals and acid hydrolysis.


high protein content 80%
excellent digestibility
does not contain gluten, soy, lactose, milk or other allergens
alkaline effect
good taste
high content of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, tocopherol and other substances
good price
high glutamine content


Hemp protein is considered the best vegetable protein. It is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, all essential amino acids, antioxidants and fiber. Its great advantage is the detoxifying effect. It has beneficial effects on pH balance and does not cause acidification like soy and whey proteins. It is called a complete protein because it is the source of all the amino acids necessary for regeneration. This makes it fully comparable to any animal protein. It is suitable for all active people, vegetarians, vegans and people suffering from allergies.

Hemp protein is made by crushing hemp seeds. By pressing, hemp flour and hemp oil are obtained. The whole-grain hemp flour is then cold-dried and sieved to separate the coarse parts of the bran from the fine hemp powder, which has a high-quality protein content of up to 50%.


excellent digestibility (up to 90%)
high content of omega 3, antioxidants, digestible fiber, vitamins, minerals, enzymes
does not contain lactose, gluten, milk, soy, hexane and other allergens
representation of all amino acids "complete protein"
does not contain THC - has no psychotropic effects
is a source of GLA (omega gamma-linoleic acid)
suitable for vegans and vegetarians
without the use of chemicals


worse taste
lower protein content 50%


Pea protein is a full-fledged "natural" that includes all the essential amino acids. It is designed to support the growth of muscle mass for all athletes. Pea protein contains approximately 80% protein isolate. For protein isolation, a patented, very gentle non-aggressive technology is used, where only pure water is used, without the use of chemical substances!

If you are a vegetarian who is eggs and dairy, you do not have to worry and think about food combinations. The proteins in milk, eggs, cheese and other dairy products contain all the essential amino acids you need to regenerate, maintain and grow tissues.

Vegetarians and iron, zinc and vitamin B12 deficiency

If you decide to exclude meat from your side, pay attention to diet planning to avoid the problems that can be associated with excluding meat. It is mainly a lack of iron, zinc and vitamin B12. This can impair your athletic performance. Here are some tips on what to do if you are doing strength training to avoid this situation:

Eat plenty of protein-containing foods. Maintain a steady intake of 1.6 - 1.8 g of quality protein per kilogram of body weight, which is the recommended intake for those who seek to build muscle mass. You can achieve this by consuming dairy products and foods of plant origin with a high protein content. If you are a vegan, ie you do not consume any food of animal origin, increase your protein intake to 1.8 - 2 g per kilogram of body weight.

Remember the sources of iron. As already mentioned, proteins of animal origin contain a better absorbable form of iron, the so-called heme iron. If you are a semi-vegetarian, ie you eat chicken and fish and you do not eat red meat, you are lucky because fish and chicken contain a sufficient amount of heme iron. If you do not eat any food of animal origin, your heme iron intake is zero and it will be more difficult for you to supply your body with the appropriate amount of iron in your diet. A slightly lower iron intake signals your body to use more iron from the vegetables contained in your diet. The plant diet contains enough iron, but with lower absorption. For example, nuts, legumes and cereals contain more iron than red meat. If we consume enough fresh foods rich in vitamin C, there is no problem with the absorption of iron.
Beware of vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is one of the most important substances that vegans may suffer from. This is because the source of vitamin B12 is only animal products. Fortunately, the need for this vitamin is very small (the recommended daily dose for adults is 2.4 micrograms). Adequate intake is essential for proper hematopoiesis (red blood cell production) and for the nervous system. Thus, a deficiency of this vitamin has serious consequences and can cause irreversible changes in the nervous system. Fermented products, such as soy and tempeh products, supply the body with a certain amount of vitamin B12 from a bacterial culture that causes fermentation, but this is not enough. Vegans should eat foods fortified with vitamin B12, or nutritional supplements containing it.

Beware of zinc and iron deficiency. Some foods contain phytates, oxalates, or other substances that block the absorption of iron and zinc from the gut. Phytates are a storage form of phosphorus and this form is bound to fiber. Coffee and tea (regular and decaffeinated), whole grains, bran, legumes and spinach are examples of foods containing these substances. It is advisable to combine them with foods containing sources of heme iron and vitamin C to ensure the absorption of more iron and zinc. The main sources of zinc in the diet of vegetarians are: whole grains, nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews), walnut butter (cashew butter, almond butter), pumpkin seeds, legumes (beans, lentils, soy), wheat germ, quinoa, in addition also suitable intake of iron and zinc in the form of nutritional supplements.

Although dietary supplements are not a substitute for food, in this case it is desirable to supplement the insufficient intake of iron and zinc in the diet with food supplements containing these minerals. Ensuring that you take their recommended daily allowance in the form of nutritional supplements will protect you from the serious effects of their deficiency.

utorok 5. januára 2021

Vitamin D can improve the strength of your muscles |

 Vitamin D can improve the strength of your muscles

Vitamin D has a huge number of health benefits, from maintaining the health of our bones and teeth, to even potential protection against diseases such as diabetes and certain types of cancer. A new study shows that vitamin D can also improve muscle strength.

Vitamin D is key to developing and maintaining healthy bones. It also has many positive effects on the immune system, endocrine glands and cardiovascular system.

Some research studies have linked vitamin D deficiency to a high risk of rectal and breast cancer, while others have found a correlation between vitamin D levels and the risk of autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis.

A new study - conducted by researchers at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom - examined the effect of vitamin D levels on muscle strength. These findings were published in the journal PLOS One.

Analysis of the effect of vitamin D on muscle mass

Using innovative technology, researchers have been able to study both active and inactive vitamin D levels, along with their effect on muscle strength.

Vitamin D - whether in the form of D2 or D3 - is itself biologically inactive until it is activated by two enzymatic reactions: one in the liver and the other in the kidneys.

Dr. Zaki Hassan-Smith of the University of Birmingham explains the innovations of the research process in a recent study:

"Previous studies have tested inactive forms of vitamin D in the bloodstream to measure vitamin D deficiency. Here, we have been able to develop a new method to determine the numerous forms of vitamin D, in addition to extensive testing of body composition, muscle function and muscle gene expression."

The team examined vitamin D levels in 116 healthy participants aged between 20 and 74 years. They also measured the participants' body fat and net muscle mass - a measure of muscle mass obtained by subtracting the weight of body fat from the total body weight.

Nutritional supplement - vitamin D can increase muscle function

The researchers found that women who had a healthy composition and low body fat levels were less prone to high levels of inactive vitamin D - a common indicator of vitamin D deficiency.

Conversely, women with higher body fat tend to have less inactive vitamin D. While this suggests a relationship between vitamin D and body composition, the active form of vitamin D does not correlate with body fat. Instead, vitamin D levels are associated with pure matter.

People who had higher levels of lean mass and muscle mass also had higher levels of active vitamin D. This suggests that active vitamin D may help optimize muscle strength.

Dr. Hassan-Smith explains findings that reflect previous studies that suggest a link between muscle mass deficiency and low vitamin D levels:

“Looking at the numerous forms in the same study, we can say that it is a more complex relationship than we previously thought. It may be that body fat is associated with elevated levels of inactive vitamin D, but pure matter is key to elevated levels of active vitamin D. It is essential to understand the overall picture and uncertain mechanisms so that we can learn how to take vitamin D supplementation in order to increase muscle strength. "

The researchers also noted that some of the beneficial connections have not been identified in men and that future multi-stage studies are needed to confirm whether the differences observed are purely biological. Researchers plan to work with foreign colleagues in order to study the mechanism in laboratory studies and clinical trials.

"We have a good understanding of how vitamin D helps maintain strong bones, but we still need to learn more about how it works in muscles." Hassan-Smith explains: "When you look at the significant challenges facing healthcare providers around the world, such as obesity and the aging population, you can see how great the interest in optimal muscle function is."