nedeľa 28. februára 2021

Dietary fats: How certain fats affect your heart |

 Dietary fats: How certain fats affect your heart

Have you ever wondered if you were at risk for heart disease by consuming fats? Let's take a look at what science says about the risks associated with consuming fats!


Quarrels on Facebook.

Really silly article titles like, "Eggs are as bad as smoking."

These are the things that come to mind whenever someone mentions the topic of dietary fats and heart disease.

I will listen to my coach's advice and for this article I will follow a 3 step process:

I'll tell you what I tell you
I'll tell you those things
I'll tell you what I already told you
Okay, so let's get to it. I will tell you this in this article: diet plays a very important role in chronic diseases, but I REALLY doubt that exactly the type of fat you eat (trans fats) and in the exact proportion you eat is what decides whether you die in your 40s. for a heart attack or you will be healthy to 100.

Now that you know what I'm going to tell you, I'll tell you those things.

My formal preparation for the certificate was about exercise, metabolism, heart disease and bio statistics, which makes me a great person to tell you about what we know about large data sets on nutrition and what it tells us about heart disease.

Science almost always starts with observation and so they say, "hmm it's interesting," and so they repeat that observation until you can formulate a very specific question, also known as a hypothesis. So let's start there, with observation.

Most of the "saturated fats cause heart disease" stories rely on observation *. When we take all the observations we've made about dietary fats and heart disease, we actually know that. When you look at the observation data, it's total nonsense.

Depending on which population you look at, how you define saturated fats (not all studies define them in the same way), how you measure their intake, what type of analysis you do, the time period of the population you study, and how well you control confusing variables, you can figure out the association you want.

There are many documents showing that saturated fats are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. And there are also many documents showing that saturated fats are associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. And there are other documents that do not show any connection.

I personally would say that observations could support a small increased risk of saturated fat intake over time, but I'm not sure.

This is a serious problem when we talk about anything specific. Of course, he can immerse himself deeply in methods and repeated studies and try to answer some questions and get a slightly better picture.

But the real story is that this relationship doesn't seem very clear, and that heart disease is much more complicated than just saying in a few papers that saturated fats are associated with heart disease, so we should eliminate them from our diet. We probably have to dig a little deeper.

Feed people fat and watch what happens

Observing data from more people is a great place to ask questions. What you really need are experiments that you can interpret and build a certain level of confidence in terms of cause and effect.

This means that you need to play with things to see if your observations will come true. This means that if you assume that saturated fats cause heart disease, then if you give people saturated fats or take them away, it will cause or prevent heart disease.

Thanks to the tremendous funding effort of the NIH between 1980 and 2000, there are thousands of studies that have looked at dietary fats that can be viewed and that have examined the impact on heart disease rates.

I will save you from the bloody details and volumes of 500,000 words that discuss these studies and summarize what we can learn. As in observational research, dietary modification with either saturated or unsaturated fats also has a relatively mixed effect on heart disease, as a number of studies show that unsaturated fats reduce the risk, while others show an increased risk.

Looking at the summary data, it seems that replacing some of your saturated fats with unsaturated ones reduces the risk of heart disease, but does not prevent them in any robust way. On this topic, I would argue that observations can support a small reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease by replacing part of the saturated fat from your intake with unsaturated fats.

Saturated fats and the atomic bomb

Things are starting to get very, very interesting here. It is also the last thing I will tell you about.

In order for something to cause something like saturated fats to cause heart disease, you need to show how it works. There must be a basic mechanism. For example, you can't just say that an atomic bomb explodes, you have to know how it works at the atomic physics level to make it work **.

The same thing applies to heart disease, and there are some really big problems with the idea that saturated fats are a major cause of heart disease.

First, we used animals to support most of the work, which is a big problem. *** So, taking a study done on mice and saying, aha, you see, saturated fats do not / do not cause heart disease is highly problematic.

Second, we have identified dozens of things that lead to heart disease (e.g., inflammation, high blood pressure, smoking, lack of exercise, etc.), which means that there is not one individual reason, but a bunch of things that cause heart disease.

Summary (aka is bacon healthy or will it kill me?)

Even as a scientist, vast amounts of data on this topic make analysis difficult. From this vast body of evidence, we can conclude that any potential role that saturated fats play in heart disease must be considered in the context that it is only one potential factor among dozens of others that also plays a significant role.

Overall, the evidence seems to support control, and in some cases it is a reduction in saturated fat intake to minimize the overall risk of heart disease. This means that bacon is neither a healthy food nor a death sentence.

Consider your total saturated fat intake in the context of the rest of your overall diet, exercise, and overall health metrics. For a very thorough analysis of other factors, I will direct you to a very nice review published in Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine.

* That means you're just observing, you're not doing an experiment directly, so you can't actually prove that something is causing something. You can only say, look, these two things seem to be connected.

** Atomic physics is simply one of the most fascinating topics on the planet. You should look it up on YouTube and crush it, because nuclear physics is the one that holds the universe together.

*** This is very strange in that mice do not have heart disease similar to human disease, and this is a BIG problem in research. I would say many more things about this, but this is for a longer and deeper discussion. But here you will find some interesting documents on this topic.

utorok 23. februára 2021

Abdominal exercises do not reduce fat on your abdomen |

 Abdominal exercises do not reduce fat on your abdomen

A new study looked at the effects of abdominal exercises on abdominal fat. Twenty-four healthy participants with a sedentary lifestyle were randomly assigned to either an abdominal group or a control group.

The group with abdominal exercises performed 7 abdominal exercises, 2 sets with 10 repetitions, 5 days a week for a period of 6 weeks. Abdominal muscle performance and body structure were tested before and after training.

Based on the study, Green Med Info announced:

"There was no significant effect of abdominal exercises on body weight, body fat percentage, android fat percentage, android fat, abdominal circumference, abdominal skin. Ový Six weeks of training the abdominal muscles alone was not sufficient to reduce abdominal subcutaneous fat and other body measurements. "

If you think that making an infinite number of abdomen will pay off with bricks, think again. When 24 adults did seven abdominal exercises, 5 days a week for six weeks, they did not drop belly fat or fat from any other part of the body.

However, this does not mean that you should give up your abdominal training! Participants have greatly improved their muscle performance, and there is no doubt that their muscles would have been more pronounced if they had previously shed a layer of belly fat, but they lacked the key component to make it happen.

What do you need to know to reduce your belly fat?

Eighty percent of your ability to reduce excess fat depends on what you eat, another 20 percent is exercise and the rest is a healthy lifestyle. So, does that mean it's virtually impossible to get a flat and firm stomach if your diet is based on sugars, fructose and processed junk food - even if you exercise regularly?

In most cases, yes! You won't see a fretted belly until you reduce your total body fat, and a poor diet will act as a magnet for your excess fat and cause the fat to stick to you despite your training efforts.

One of the worst effects on your weight loss is fructose, which is hidden in many processed foods and beverages; it is almost impossible to avoid it unless you change your shopping and cooking habits. By avoiding processed food in general and focusing on live, locally grown organic foods cooked at home, you can pave the way through the biggest dietary barrier that exists today.

Step number one in any weight loss or weight maintenance is to reduce or eliminate fructose in your diet.

This is the first of my dietary recommendations that goes against most people's diet choices, but could make a big difference in terms of your weight:

Serious restriction of carbohydrates (sugars, fructose and grains) in your diet
Increasing the intake of healthy fats
If you are interested in reducing your body fat, for more details I recommend my nutritional plan, which is a comprehensive guide that will help you step by step to a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet. That includes:

Limit fructose to less than 25 grams per day and ideally to less than 15 grams per day, as it is likely that you will consume so-called hidden fructose if you eat even a small amount of fruit, processed food or sugary drinks

Reduce or eliminate all processed foods

Eliminate all gluten and highly allergenic foods in your diet

Increase the amount of fresh vegetables in your diet and consider juicing

Eat at least one third of your uncooked (raw) meals, or at least as much as you can

Avoid artificial sweeteners of all kinds

Which exercise is the best fat killer?

I don't want to give you the impression that the exercises are not important, it is more than just far from the truth! To really maximize your efforts, combine your dietary changes with HIIT exercises such as sprinting.

This short intensive training protocol improves muscle energy utilization and expenditure, thanks to its positive effects on increasing muscle mass and improving muscle fiber quality. Muscle tissue burns three to five times more energy than adipose tissue. This means that muscle gains increase the rate of your metabolism and allow you to burn more calories, even while you sleep.

Furthermore, several studies have confirmed that exercising in shorter bursts with pauses, meanwhile, burns more fat than continuous exercise. In fact, you can actually lose more weight by reducing your exercise time than sprint 8, you only need 20 minutes, two to three times a week. A little more and you'll overdo it!

Strength training also helps you burn more fat

Again, one of the most time-efficient ways to burn more calories is to actually gain more muscle! For every extra pound of muscle you gain, your body burns an extra 50-70 calories a day. So, if you gain 5 pounds of muscle, you will automatically burn 500-700 calories a day more than you burned before.

In addition, your muscles are also involved in regulating glucose and lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity, protecting you from obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Practically anyone can benefit from strength training, from children to seniors, unfortunately many of them still make the mistake of comparing training with weights to the gaining phase. Please understand that strength training is not just about looking good. It is also an important part of maintaining a healthy weight, strengthening bones and improving the posture, range of motion and functionality of your body.

Why abdominal exercises are still incredibly important

Your abdominal muscles are part of your 29 core muscles, which are located mostly in the back, abdomen and pelvis. This group of muscles provides the basis for movement throughout the body, and strengthening them can help protect and support your back, make your spine and body less prone to injury, and help you achieve greater balance and stability.

When you build your abdominal muscles, it's like developing an inner corset that keeps your intestines inside. When you pull it down, you create more stability for your spine, vertebrae and plates, which in turn can significantly reduce back pain and make it easier for you to lift heavy objects, turn around and make the movements that a full life requires.

Strong abdominal walls are very important for optimal body movement and it becomes more and more important with advancing age. Strong abdominal muscles are a strong center of gravity, which means you will be more stable with better balance and less prone to falls. Not only that, but strengthening your abdominal muscles will allow you to improve posture by sitting straighter and standing higher.

One of the best abdominal exercises you would never expect

Healthy diet, sprint 8, strength training, done!

You are now ready to begin incorporating even more techniques into your fitness routine, including those exercises that focus directly on specific areas of the body such as the abdominal muscles.

Core exercises, specifically abdominal exercises, must be done in different ranges of motion, at different angles and positions to engage all muscles. It is also important to understand that what works for one person or body type may not work for another. So the key is to find what works just for you and has visible results.

This may include:

Traditional exercises such as a standard bend with rotation or a standing rotation with a light weight in the hand. Functional exercises, including work on a stabilizing ball. Stabilization exercises such as lying on the floor and pulling the abdomen to the spine and holding this position with deep breathing.

Stretching exercises, such as lying on your stomach with your arms outstretched above your head. Then stretch your arms and both feet at the same time. (Hold and count to 5 or 5 exhalations and slowly return them to the floor. Popular exercise programs that work on your core muscles are widely available and include virtually all types of yoga and Pilates. Early this week, I completed two hours of pilates and I was amazed by the results.

Now here's one exercise you probably didn't expect: push-ups! The push-ups not only provide you with a stronger upper body, but also train your abdominal muscles - if you do them right. I encourage you to check out Darin Steen below, but I've also included a few key points to keep in mind:

Keep your body firm and stiff as a board, your elbows should be at a 45 degree angle from your hips, inhale on the way down, lower your body to a position where it gently touches the ground, exhale on the way up. If you want to keep your abdomen as solid as a rock, remember that choosing the right diet is your first step, and from there you will also be able to achieve your goal with more targeted abdominal exercises and a comprehensive fitness program.

nedeľa 21. februára 2021

Lifetime benefits of exercise |

 Lifetime benefits of exercise

Stop putting it off and start exercising! The benefits of physical fitness are too great to ignore.

Feel younger, live longer. It's not a slogan - it's actually the benefits of regular exercise. According to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, people with high levels of physical health have a low risk of dying from various causes.

Physical fitness: What the benefits of exercise mean to you

We have some good news for you. Research has also shown that exercise promotes sleep, prevents weight gain, and reduces the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and even depression.

"One study found that when people with breast cancer put exercise into their lives, they found improvements in physical activity, strength, weight maintenance, and overall well-being," explains Rachel Permuth-Levine, PhD, Director of Strategic and Innovative programs at the National Institute of Heart, Lung, and Blood, which is part of the National Institutes of Health.

"Another study looked at patients with heart failure and found that exercise soothed symptoms, improved quality of life, reduced hospitalization, and in some cases reduced the risk of death," Permuth-Levine. He points out that exercise is not only important for people who are already living in good health: “If we can see the benefits of moderate exercise in people recovering from illness, we should see even greater benefits and results in those who they are generally good at it. "

Physical fitness: Make exercise a habit

The number one reason people cite when asking why they don't exercise is that they don't have time. If it's hard for you to put exercise into your schedule, keep in mind that short rounds of physical activity in 10-minute segments will also help you achieve health benefits. Permuth-Levine advises, "Even if you don't lose weight, relatively short periods of exercise each day reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease."

Set realistic goals and take small steps to bring more movement into your daily life, such as walking up stairs instead of the elevator and walking to the store instead of the car. ”The key is to start gradually and be prepared,” says Permuth- Levine. "Keep your shoes, pedometer and music ready so you can't argue."

To make it easier for you to follow a new habit, alternate your routine, such as swimming in one day and walking the next. Go out and start playing football or basketball with your kids. Even if the weather is bad for you, have a plan B - use a stationary bike at home, pull out exercise equipment or join a local health club. The trick is to get to the point where you look at exercise as brushing your teeth and sleeping - as a very important thing for your health.

Remember that physical fitness is achievable. Even with small changes, you can reap a large harvest, it will pay off in the years to come.

štvrtok 18. februára 2021

How to drink collagen because of the skin |

 How to drink collagen because of the skin

Collagen used to be known only as a substance that is given by injection and should rejuvenate you for several years by filling in your wrinkles and lips. But recently it has changed and we are already drinking collagen. If you're confused, let me explain.

Collagen is a protein that our body produces naturally, helping to build and strengthen bones, skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. You can also think of it as an glue that keeps your skin buried. However, the amount of collagen in the skin tends to decrease with age. For this reason, there was a desire to supplement it with external applications.

Beauty and beverage companies have made money from this phenomenon by advertising collagen beverages as nutritional supplements. And while some studies have shown some promising results in terms of reducing wrinkles and the overall appearance of the skin, do not base your anti-aging regimen solely on these elixirs.

Doctors and dermatologists agree: It is important to protect the collagen that your body produces naturally through a healthy diet, adequate hydration and sun protection. But if you are curious about collagen for drinking, it can be part of your healthy lifestyle. You need to know this.

Know your options

There are two main categories of supplemental collagen in a drink: powders and pre-prepared drinks. Pills (like those made by Vital Proteins) are easy to mix in smoothies and various shakes or even in your morning coffee. Pre-prepared (such as Neuro Protein) do not require any preparation, but must be stored in the refrigerator.

So choose a drink that suits your lifestyle. For example, if you are tastefully busy in one round, you will probably prefer a pre-prepared one to take with you. On the other hand, if you make a smoothie every morning, you can try adding one scoop of collagen powder to it.

Also focus your attention on the ingredients. Most collagens are derived from either a bovine or marine (fish) source such as this from Further Food. So vegetarians and those with allergies should be careful. And anyone who takes collagen supplements should make sure that they come from a quality source.

Store your collagen properly

It is important to store your collagen drinks and powders properly so that they maintain their effectiveness and do not spoil. Pre-prepared drinks should be stored in the refrigerator. Also check the expiration date, as well-produced drinks will not contain a lot of unnecessary condoms, which means that they have a shorter consumption time.

If you use a mix, keep the container in a cool, dark place, away from humid environments, which can cause the powder to lump. So it is not necessary to keep it in the refrigerator (unless stated by the manufacturer), but away from windows and appliances such as microwaves and ovens. And in general, you will probably want to consume your powdered drink as soon as it is created.

Stick to the plan

Drink your dietary supplement at about the same time each day. By doing this, you will create a routine and make sure you don't miss a single dose. Consider drinking your drink in the morning with breakfast or in the evening before bed.

And once you have determined your preferred part of the day, continue drinking collagen for several months. Supplementary collagen is not a quick fix and it can take several months for you to notice results. You are more likely to notice the reduction of new wrinkles than the removal of existing ones.

utorok 16. februára 2021

Everything you need to know about melatonin |

 Everything you need to know about melatonin

Can melatonin act as a hormone to help you sleep, but can it also help with exercise and body building? Here you will find how the supplement is used, the forms, the dosage and the side effects.

Melatonin is best known for its role in quality sleep, but it also helps you fall. Melatonin receptors are found in our body. For example, relatively high levels are also found in the gut, not just the pituitary gland, which regulates sleep. So it should come as no surprise that melatonin supplementation can bring more benefits than just helping with trouble sleeping.

What is melatonin?

In humans, melatonin is derived from the essential amino acid tryptophan (an amino acid associated with post-dinner drowsiness). Through a series of reactions, tryptophan is converted to serotonin, which is then used to make melatonin.

Melatonin production is not only in the pineal gland of the brain, but for example the gastrointestinal tract and the skin also form melatonin. For example, your gut has 400 times more melatonin than the pineal gland. The probable explanation is that your pineal gland causes melatonin to act in your body to regulate circadian rhythms, while melatonin production also occurs in other tissues under the conditions of their own unique environment.

What does melatonin do?

The most well-known work of melatonin is to help with sleep and adjust the circadian rhythm - which includes physiological, mental and behavioral events that follow the daily cycle (eg distinguishes between day and night regimens). This makes it a good hormone for people with sleep disorders. In addition, melatonin also works as an antioxidant, body temperature regulator, vasodilator and also contributes to the quality of our hair and skin. Melatonin has been shown to act as a hormone, a cytokine (cellular signal) and a modulator of the biological and nervous systems. It affects almost all systems of the body, including nervous, endocrine, immune, digestive, circulatory, musculoskeletal, reproductive and integral (eg hair and skin).

What are the benefits of melatonin in the world of fitness and strength training?

From an athletic point of view, the role of melatonin as a sleep aid and antioxidant can accelerate recovery from exercise and help you gain more endurance in your training for better long-term benefits. Similarly, the effects of melatonin in the gut may be a key player in fat loss. Here is a better look at the possible benefits of taking melatonin as a dietary supplement.


As anyone with insomnia can tell you, losing sleep can disrupt your life. Melatonin can help you sleep better. This sleep-promoting effect can be welcomed if you have a sleep disorder, or sometimes suffer from severe sleep, or have difficulty falling asleep. Melatonin supplements can reduce the time needed to fall asleep. This sleep-inducing effect can help night owls move their sleep so that they get to bed earlier and start the next day early. When you are an extreme night owl, it can be a symptom of a sleep disorder called delayed sleep syndrome (DSPS). Even if you don't have insomnia, it is important for you to get enough and good sleep, especially after hard training, after any training. Sleep is important for muscle recovery, it also helps avoid overtraining and maximizes the benefits of training. Without good sleep, your performance and health will certainly decline and your physical activity will begin to decline. Sleep is important for the immune system, so if you lack it, you will also be more prone to illness and injury.


Some people have found that increasing melatonin levels can help with insomnia caused by zonal disease. But while some studies of this hormone have shown that supplementation improves jet lag, other studies have found no effect of melatonin on zonal disease.


One way melatonin can improve low-intensity exercise, such as a long run as well as faster sleep, is to lower your body temperature. This hormone stimulates vasodilation in the superficial tissue of your limbs (eg the skin of your legs and arms), which increases the amount of heat that can be removed from your body and acts as an analgesic (reduces pain). If melatonin can lower nuclear temperature and sensitivity to pain, its supplementation may help with symptoms such as fatigue during exercise in heat.


Melatonin acts as a powerful antioxidant, which means that it can clear harmful free radicals, such as those that are formed during exercise, or during a low-calorie diet or environmental stress and aging. Melatonin is, in fact, extremely active as a critical antioxidant in the mitochondria, the power plants of cells. Melatonin supplementation should help you recover faster after training and also helps to slow down the effects of aging as well as the effects of sun exposure and the effects of other stressors that are bad for your cells. For example, a recent study reported that melatonin supplementation reduces markers of muscle damage and oxidative stress in athletes training for resistance. Another study found that melatonin supplementation reduced DNA damage and increased antioxidant capacity after high-intensity interval training (HIIT). And in obese adults, melatonin has helped not only to lose weight and improve chemical signals associated with weight control, but also to reduce markers of oxidative damage.


As the above study in obese adults suggests, melatonin may help with fat and weight loss. Better sleep also means better regulation of fasting hormones (such as leptin) and metabolism, which are affected by circadian rhythms. Plus, if you've ever suffered from insomnia, you know how easy it is to beat something up all night. Good sleep helps avoid this trap. Another explanation may be that melatonin reduces insulin production and release, as reported in many studies. This effect of melatonin may also explain why pre-workout supplementation increased hydrocarbon fuel consumption during a 30-minute endurance load.


Melatonin can help your skin and hair because it is an antioxidant and there are melatonin receptors in the skin and hair follicles. The use of melatonin as a supplement protects these parts from damage by free radicals (eg exposure to the sun, smoking). It can help them stay healthy and moist enough.

What are the side effects of melatonin?

Melatonin is generally considered safe, but drowsiness, dizziness, headache, nausea, decreased alertness, and slowed reaction times are side effects that can occur with a typical dose (3-10 milligrams). A "hangover" or drowsy feeling in the morning after using melatonin as a sleeping aid is also a common but mild side effect. For some, improving insomnia may be worth drowsiness the next day. If you are bothered by these symptoms, stop taking melatonin. Because melatonin seems to lower insulin levels and may increase blood glucose levels, patients with type 2 diabetes should consult their doctor before trying. Also talk to your doctor if you are taking prescription vasoconstrictive medicines (eg if you have a peripheral vascular disorder or PVD), antidepressants or sleep medicines.

Are there any dietary forms of melatonin?

Traces of melatonin are found in almost all plants, vegetables, mushrooms and algae, but some foods and herbal ingredients contain more than others. Pistachios are the highest source of melatonin, providing about 0.25 milligrams per gram of dried nuts. This means that you only need to eat about 25 grams of pistachios to get a potentially effective dose of melatonin. By comparison, walnuts and fresh tomatoes, which are also considered good sources of melatonin, provide only about 0.0000015-0.00002 milligrams of melatonin per gram; dried lentils yield approximately 0.001 milligrams per gram. Stem seeds are also a good source of melatonin with mustard seeds, which have so far supplied the highest concentration - at least four times more than sunflower seeds and more than 10 times that of flaxseed, but still more than 1200 times less as the amount present in pistachios. If you love coffee, roasted and green coffee beans contain between 0.006-0.01 milligrams of melatonin per gram, but the amount present after brewing will reduce the concentration to 100 times less. Caffeine can also cause symptoms such as nervousness and anxiety, which can make your sleep better. So when you need to improve your sleep, definitely don't drink a lot of coffee. Salmon and dried egg powder are the highest reported concentrations of melatonin in animal-derived foods, but each is only slightly richer in melatonin than walnuts. Cherries can also be a source of melatonin, providing the most melatonin of all fruits, which are still only about 2- to 4-fold the amount present in nuts. Dried cranberries provide up to 0.096 milligrams of melatonin per gram. Interestingly, black rice and other pigmented varieties contain the highest amounts of melatonin in such grains, and non-leptin black rice contains almost twice as much melatonin as those containing gluten.

Melatonin foods
dried cranberries
black rice
mustard seeds
dried egg powder

Some dried medicinal plants are relatively rich in melatonin, such as the leaves of Rimbaba common (Tanacetum parthenium), St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) and Chinese skull (Scutellaria baicalensis) providing up to 0.002-0.007 milligrams of melatonin per gram of dried herb. If you do not get enough of these foods and herbs to increase melatonin levels, consider supplementing it.

How much melatonin should you take, and when?

Although the bioavailability of free melatonin is relatively low (10-56 percent), a dose between 1-5 milligrams, consumed approximately 20 minutes before bedtime, will increase blood levels by 10-100 times the amount we should reach during sleep. The effects will last approximately 4-8 hours. Women appear to have higher bioavailability and a faster return to baseline than men. Experiment with melatonin dosing to get enough to get the sleep you want, but avoid the hangover effect that can happen if you take too much. Start with 1 milligram of melatonin and then increase the dose by 1 milligram per evening until you find the dose that is best for you.

Should you take melatonin with food?

It is not clear whether you should take melatonin on an empty stomach or with food. Because it plays a role in your digestive system, if you take it with food in the form of an intestinal bomb, it could do the work in your gastrointestinal tract instead of helping you sleep. The same thing can happen when you consume melatonin on an empty stomach or after prolonged endurance exercise. This means that it is best used with a healthy snack such as a whey protein shake, a bowl of fresh cherries or a few pistachios.

What other ingredients should you not take with melatonin?

Caffeine can reduce the effectiveness of melatonin and alcohol certainly reduces its ability to help you sleep. One study reported that while one alcoholic beverage did not change, two beverages reduced melatonin by 9 percent, three beverages by 15 percent, and four or more beverages by 17 percent. Both zinc and magnesium can increase the natural synthesis of melatonin from serotonin, but no studies have shown that consuming these supplements with melatonin is much more effective than melatonin treatment alone. However, if you do not have a varied healthy diet and train intensively, then you will probably need supplemental zinc and magnesium to keep testosterone and muscle gains on your path.

Are there any other names for melatonin?

Melatonin is scientifically identified with such catchy names as N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine or 5-methoxy-N-acetyltryptamine, or more formally using one of the systemic names such as acetamide, N- (2- (5-methoxy-) 3-yl) ethyl) - (9C1). Melatonin is abbreviated as MLT or MT.

nedeľa 14. februára 2021

Do we need to supplement proteins? |

 Do we need to supplement proteins?

Some people can get all the protein they need from food. But many cannot eat enough to cover the needs of their body and muscles, or they find it expensive, or it is too time consuming to prepare such meals. In such cases, it is ideal to reach for protein shakes, bars or powders. However, it should be noted that the consumption of protein powder is no more magical compared to a glass of milk or eggs. All three are great sources of protein.
Most prefer protein supplements for convenience when it is so easy to use them. If after training, a cocktail is the only source of protein that you are able to enjoy then, then just do it. When you are trying to gain weight or lose weight, protein is very necessary for you, especially if you miss meals during the day. If you are trying to increase your protein intake, just a protein powder or cocktail is an easy way to get 25 grams of protein per serving. calms down even more when it is part of your breakfast or with any meal. In addition, protein powder can be used in a large number of recipes for cooking and baking. In the past, protein powders and cocktails were mostly associated with bodybuilders or athletes, but today they are much more common and the vast majority, from young people to the elderly, use them regularly.

What types of protein powder exist?

Protein powder allows people to consume protein quickly and easily, and there are varieties on the market that meet almost any dietary preference, food allergy, or taste pitch. Not all proteins are made equal, there are several types of proteins to choose from and each has its own unique aspects and potential benefits.

Whey concentrate is the most popular form of protein powder because it is easy to find, mixes well and is quickly absorbed. This is usually between 70-80 percent protein, the rest of the weight comes from carbohydrates, fats and moisture. It can also be used before or after exercise and as a protein-rich meal between meals.

Whey isolate has little or no fats and carbohydrates and is usually about 85% protein. It is absorbed very quickly, which is a suitable choice immediately before and after physical exercise. It usually belongs to the powders with the least calories.

Whey hydrolyzate is a protein that has been partially broken down before you drink it. Your body is able to absorb it quickly so that it can immediately begin rebuilding the damaged muscle tissue.

Casein is a popular choice for a nightly protein drink because your body absorbs it more slowly than whey. While whey is absorbed in as little as 20 minutes, casein lasts about 3-4 hours.

The milk protein isolate contains both whey and casein proteins because both are present in milk. It is a common component of ready-to-eat proteins and can help your muscles with amino acids in the short term, even a few hours after you drink them.

Egg protein concentrate is a popular ingredient in protein blends because it takes longer to digest than whey protein, but not as long as casein. Many athletes take egg protein from an egg white cocktail or, of course, from eggs! Medium eggs contain approximately 7 grams of protein.

If you are looking for vegan or vegetarian protein, there are more options than ever before. Some of the most popular plant proteins include:

Soy protein is unique because it is one of the only complete vegetarian proteins. Soy products are rich in three branched-chain amino acids that also help your body restore muscle after physical activity. It also has a high content of glutamine, which helps the body recover after exercise, and arginine, which helps dilate blood vessels to get nutrients to the muscles faster.

Vegetable protein is an increasingly popular choice, usually from yellow peas. They do not have the same amount of three branched amino acids as whey, but have a more complete amino acid profile than many other vegetarian options. It is a common component of vegetarian protein mixtures, but is also popular with people with dairy allergies.

Brown rice protein is not a complete protein, but that does not necessarily mean that it is not worth it. It costs if you eat enough. A significant study found that men who took 48 g of rice protein on training days experienced similar muscle gains compared to men who took the same amount of whey. A second study in professional martial arts athletes also found a whey-like muscle advantage with daily use of brown rice isolate.

Cannabis protein is an increasingly popular choice for its high digestibility. Cannabis also has a higher fiber content than many other proteins, which can help reduce feelings of hunger and contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Mixed plant proteins combine various incomplete plant proteins to form complete proteins while utilizing high levels of nutrients in many plant proteins. Many high quality vegetable protein powders contain other vegetable proteins as well as exotic vegetable proteins such as buckwheat, amaranth and all kinds of vegetables.

štvrtok 11. februára 2021

What you need to know about essential amino acids |

 What you need to know about essential amino acids

Learn about the most important amino acids, which are important even if they talk more about their siblings of branched-chain amino acids. You should definitely include them in your supplementary arsenal.
For ordinary athletes and many other people, protein is probably the most important macronutrient. No wonder protein is an essential component of muscle, but there is one more thing you should know, even if you take the whole protein, you can still reap the benefits of protein by taking the amino acids from which the protein is made.

There are nine essential amino acids (EAAs) that your body cannot produce on its own. And while it may look like EAA supplements are new to the scene, there is extensive research into how EAAs support muscle protein synthesis. Here is a quick survey of essential amino acids (EAA).

Essential nine

L-leucine is one of the three BCAAs; it is integrally involved in muscle protein synthesis and acts as an activator of mTORC1. It is the amino acid that gets the most pressure and for good reason.
L-lysine is involved in growth, tissue repair and nutrient uptake.
L-valine is one of the three BCAAs; supports muscle growth and tissue repair.
L-isoleucine is one of the three BCAAs. It is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and the regulation of blood sugar and energy.
L-threonine is involved in the production or synthesis of proteins in the body.
L-phenylalanine plays a role in amino acid synthesis. It is also a precursor of important hormones such as dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine.
L-methionine is needed for tissue growth and repair.
L-histidine is involved in protein synthesis. It also combines with beta-alanine to form dipeptide carnosine.
L-tryptophan is involved in protein synthesis. It is the precursor of the neurotransmitter serotonin and the hormone melatonin.

You can't gain muscle without muscle protein synthesis

I don't expect you to look at that list and understand everything. One of the key topics that should emerge is that many essential amino acids are involved in protein synthesis - and not just three branched-chain amino acids. They do this through their ability to activate the mammalian targets of the rapamycin 1 (mTORC1) complex. If you're a serious muscle student, you've probably heard of the mTOR pathway. Well, mTORC1 involves not only mTOR, but also several other processes that stimulate muscle protein synthesis. The mTORC1 pathway controls anabolic and catabolic signaling of skeletal muscle mass, which regulates muscle growth and muscle breakdown. And research has shown that supplementing essential amino acids in conjunction with resistance training has an additive effect on stimulating muscle protein synthesis in this way compared to hard training. muscle protein. If you stimulate muscle protein synthesis, place yourself in a favorable position to gain muscle, or at least not damage existing muscle.


It contains all nine basic amino acids:

While conditionally important and non-essential amino acids play important roles in the body, studies have shown that the consumption of non-essential amino acids is not necessary to stimulate muscle protein synthesis. Essential amino acids are primarily responsible for amino acid-induced anabolism of muscle protein. Simply make sure that the essential amino acids are preferred in your EAA supplement over other types of amino acids, especially those not found in protein synthesis on the list above.

They are from fermented and vegan-friendly sources:

Amino acids can be derived from many sources, usually in three ways: hydrolysis, chemical synthesis, and fermentation. One of the main reasons for choosing amino acids that are from fermented and vegan-friendly sources is that amino acids can be derived from, say, less than a desirable source, such as pig and duck feathers. In addition, unfermented amino acids come with other potential disadvantages, such as a higher risk of containing heavy metal by-products.

They do not contain artificial colors:

Artificial colors in foods are a controversial topic due to their proposed association with side effects. Yes, it is difficult to remove them completely because they are currently ubiquitous, but since these dyes offer no nutritional value, it makes sense to skip them if you see them.

How to use EAA to stimulate muscle protein synthesis?

Most research data shows that we need about 6 grams of EAA to train to support muscle protein synthesis. But by reducing the availability of amino acids below base levels, it can prevent muscle protein synthesis. So preferring these amino acids, both in the foods you eat and in the supplements you eat, is inappropriate.

Most high quality products already contain BCAAs, so just find EAA as the perfect supplement for training, especially for those who consume dairy protein products. Alternatively, you can use EAA to create your own mixes before and during training. If you're in a phase where you're missing out on carbs, calories, or both in the name of fat loss, it's even more important to get enough protein and amino acids.

utorok 9. februára 2021

4 Easy Ways To Make Your Food Healthier |

 4 Easy Ways To Make Your Food Healthier

For some people, who usually don't cook and don't use anything more complicated than salt and pepper, this may seem intimidating, but with this simple guide you can cook up some other tasty options.

Nowadays, it is modern to eat healthily, but let's face it, healthy eating will keep us fit, so it is important to have some information about your diet. Eating simple meals can make it easier for you to prepare them. However, eating the same thing around is not always for everyone. Spices are an easy way to change the taste of foods without adding a lot of calories. Most spices and herbs contain zero fat and protein may contain a gram or two of carbohydrates, but that's really only if you use excessive amounts. For example, dried garlic has about 2 grams of carbohydrates per teaspoon, which is generally much more than you would use in a single serving. Pay attention to the spices you buy, especially for mixes such as steak seasoning, there is a lot of filler and an excess of salt. Spices can be used for almost anything, but they are especially good on proteins such as eggs, pork or chicken or tofu. Most spices are great on their own, but with a combination of spices, you can create endless flavor options. You can enjoy your chicken in many ways.

The amount of each spice you use will vary depending on the type of food you put it on and your personal taste. Usually use less strong flavors such as onions, garlic and anything spicy such as basil and oregano. In time, you will find out what suits you better and you will gradually add more spices and herbs, when you add a little salt, it will help you to evoke the taste of these spices.

Here are some simplified tips to help you get started:

If you want to add a Mexican touch to your food, make a root mixture with garlic powder and rasca, and also add smoked chili pepper and coriander. This works especially well on meat, but feel free to add the mixture to the rice or sprinkle it with eggs.

For more Italian taste, combine garlic powder, onion powder, basil and oregano. You can use this mixture for meat, or you can pour it on scrambled eggs, or you can mix them into tomato sauce to create your own pasta sauce.

For Thai cuisine, combine basil, garlic powder, curry, powder, ginger and rasca. This mixture can be used for seasonal processing of meat or rice or in combination with canned coconut milk to create a simplified curry sauce.

For grilling without using different sauces, try combining smoked peppers, rasca, cinnamon, black pepper, garlic powder and onion powder. Use it on meat, sprinkle it on eggs or experiment by sprinkling it on other foods to see what you like.

nedeľa 7. februára 2021

5 defensive tactics to safely store and consume salads and vegetables |

 5 defensive tactics to safely store and consume salads and vegetables

If you've read the news about a healthy diet, you certainly haven't missed reports of suspected bacteria found in commonly sold vegetables and salads. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you will keep your vegetables safe to eat.
Various scary headings appeared: In California, a person died and the culprit was the E. coli bacterium on Roman salad. It happened earlier. Consumers in the United States and other countries regularly face food fears. Three people died in 2006 while consuming E. coli on spaghetti with fresh spinach. In 2011, more than a dozen people died from eating yellow melon, which was grown on a farm in Colorado and infested with a deadly bacterium. In 2017, an epidemic of norovirus appeared, which took care of the closure of Chipotle's fast food chain.

According to some sources, nearly 10 million cases of foodborne illness occur annually in the United States. Of these, 51 percent are from contaminated plants and 23 percent are from salads alone. When compared to meat, whether beef, venison, pork or poultry, the incidence of disease was 22 percent and dairy products were responsible for 17 percent of the disease.

Bacteria: Good and bad

Bacteria are as much a part of life on our planet as oxygen. There are good bacteria, such as bacteria that digest food in our gut, and there are also bad bacteria of the above kind. The goal may not be to remove bacteria, some bad bacteria are needed in our body and therefore we should have the "bad" under control and we should support the good ones.

A recent study in Sweden found that washing fresh vegetables cannot eliminate all bacteria, but can significantly reduce them. The final solution is that producers and distributors of "green crops" use industrial methods that are not available for domestic kitchens. Food companies are trying to irradiate production, bombard it with ultrasonic waves and wash it with chlorine and other chemicals. These methods can reduce the number of bacteria, but they are not very effective. Consumers have not adopted such methods. And in many cases, bacteria usually accumulate by the time they enter the food chain.

5 steps to safe vegetables

Studies have offered several ways to make your vegetables a little safer, if not completely safe.


 Although not valid for E. coli, many other bacteria are attached to the leaf surface. By using high-pressure washing, you can eliminate a significant amount of bacteria.


 While this is not a great technique when it comes to water consumption, your vegetables will be cleaner the more times you wash them. For example, researchers washed vegetables five times in a row. Again, this technique will not work for E. coli.


 Washing vegetables under high pressure damages the leaf structure, allowing bacteria to get under the surface. It is very difficult to remove bacteria from inside the lettuce leaf. If you want to wash the whole salad at once, then each leaf will need to be peeled off, washed and stored in the refrigerator for later use.


By slicing, the bacteria can get deep into the leaf, and no matter how much water you use, you will not get these bacteria from there. In addition, these sliced ​​edges then open access to new bacteria.


When you fill a sink with the hope that you will buy your salad in it to remove all the impurities from it, or perhaps hope that you will rid it of bacteria, it really isn't. It does not work.

Before vegetables come into your sink, here are a few more steps you can use to control bacteria:

Buy the freshest products available, keep them separate from the meat and leave them in the refrigerator.

štvrtok 4. februára 2021

What foods are high in protein? |

 What foods are high in protein?

Animal foods such as fish, meat, eggs and dairy products have the most protein in the human diet. The most popular sources of protein for athletes are clearly lean steaks, venison, skinless chicken or turkey breast, ostrich, tuna, eggs and cottage cheese or yogurt.

Beef steak on average contains about 23 grams of protein per 100 grams per serving, while the same amount of pork provides 26 grams of protein and chicken provides about 24 grams. Meat usually contains all nine essential amino acids that our bodies need to get from food.

Fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds contain significant amounts of protein, but individually usually do not have one or more of the nine essential amino acids. Experienced vegans and vegetarians know that they need to supplement these incomplete proteins with some complete protein.

However, if you eat a diet that includes a wide variety of plant proteins, you probably don't have to worry about having to supplement your protein with each serving. Sources of high quality vegetarian protein include quinoa, buckwheat, hemp seed, chia seeds, soy, Ezekiel bread, mycoprotein (Quorn), rice and beans, many grains or nuts, humus and pita bread, a good old peanut butter sandwich. Even green vegetables like broccoli and asparagus offer a decent amount of protein.

Many vegetarians and vegans also use vegetable powder proteins to help ensure sufficient amounts of essential amino acids and proteins in general. Therefore, it is beneficial for them to occasionally use mixed sources of vegetarian proteins, such as a powder, which also contains pea protein with rice protein and also covers all their amino acid needs.

utorok 2. februára 2021

Who are protein bars suitable for? |

 Who are protein bars suitable for?

Protein bars may be good for you. It all depends on the composition of the stick. And if you compare several brands, you'll probably be quite surprised at how much they can vary in terms of the calories they contain. Food manufacturers often create products called "protein bars" that do not offer a lot of protein, but contain a lot of protein components that you probably don't want. Choose protein bars that provide enough high quality protein without high amounts of calories, carbohydrates and fats to help you lose weight, build muscle mass and control your hunger. If the bar has a very low protein to carbohydrate ratio, which means it contains a lot more carbohydrates than protein, you may be excited about the great price, but you will pay for what is essentially unhealthy food.

So you should follow the fixed reference value on the packaging. If the bar does not have at least 10 grams of protein per serving, be sure not to consider it as a protein bar. If it has 20-30 grams of protein, it is definitely the right choice. Choose from a huge amount of the best protein bars to make sure you're getting protein and not just sweets in disguise. And if you're a creative tip, you can also create your own protein bars! With the right ingredients, you can create protein bars that you can be sure of their composition and know will be good for you.