utorok 30. marca 2021

What to avoid after exercise? | Steroids4U.eu

 What to avoid after exercise?

After exercise, your body needs protein for the regeneration process to run efficiently. If you lie down after training and do not supply the body with the necessary nutrients, the process of regenerating muscle mass may be disrupted and you may lose muscle mass.

Nothing will put you on your feet more after a demanding workout than a supply of protein. You may also rely on an honest rest on the sofa. Please read on before you make yourself too comfortable. If you've been through a hard workout, you know that consuming protein is needed to get essential amino acids (EAAs), especially leucine, to restore and grow muscle. In a recent study, Dutch researchers found out what can reduce the amount of EAA needed for muscle tissue in the "anabolic window" after training. At the beginning of the study, the researchers considered other factors that may reduce the absorption of EAA. Protein forms play a major role e.g. fast digestible whey gets more EAA into the muscles than slower casein digestion. Absorption also depends on when the food is consumed, how much you consume, how much your food contains EAA, what the composition of the food is, how it is prepared and how it is eaten. All of these factors can affect the absorption of EAA. The aim of the study was to find out if something as simple as body position could affect this process. The researchers tested eight healthy men who abstained from alcohol and strenuous physical activity for two days before each test and fasted the evening before the test. The next day, their blood was taken and everyone was given a protein drink. After eating, four men remained seated while the other four lay in bed. All participants were bled every 15 minutes for the next 4 hours. This test was repeated once a day for 14 days. At the end of the study, the researchers concluded that men who were in a supine position had significantly lower concentrations of EAA in their blood than participants in upright positions. This is important for those who prefer strength training, because after training in the so-called. "Anabolic window" when muscle repair and growth occurs, it is important how much the person in question has received the right nutrients. As to why this is the case, researchers have pointed to published computer modeling studies that have shown how difficult it is for the stomach contents to continue to move through the digestive tract while lying down.

It is not reasonable to think that after a hard workout you are doing your body a favor by lying down and drinking your protein shake while your body relaxes and absorbs all that goodness. Therefore, resist this temptation at least until your anabolic window closes.

nedeľa 28. marca 2021

3 mistakes when using a pre-workout stimulant | Steroids4U.eu

 3 mistakes when using a pre-workout stimulant

When you need something to wake you up in the gym, pre-workout supplements are perfect for you. However, certain rules must be followed for everything to work properly. Pre-workout supplements have become as popular as proteins, and for good reason, they are effective and easy to use.

It's so simple that the name itself will tell you exactly when to take your supplement. Despite all this, make sure that you do not make any of these mistakes when it comes to this popular category of accessories.

Mistake no. 1 - Bad timing!

It happens quite often that people drink their pre-workout stimulant just before arriving at the gym. And most of the active ingredients in your drink reach the highest level in the blood after about 30-60 minutes. When you wait a while before you start exercising, you will definitely start with full effect.

Most of these products are based on stimulants and it is mainly caffeine. It takes 3-5 hours for the concentration of caffeine in the blood to be halved. So if you take it 30-60 minutes before training, you get the full benefit. You should be more worried if you take the supplement too late, especially if you go to workout late in the afternoon or early in the evening. If you do, you may have trouble falling asleep later.

Mistake no. 2 - Taking a supplement on an empty stomach!

If you sometimes drink coffee on an empty stomach, you will surely know the quite unpleasant feeling. If you take 200-300 milligrams of caffeine before training without eating something, you can feel exactly the same. A small meal 30-60 minutes before you start training can help minimize side effects, while these extra nutrients will help you with your workout. If you are concerned about exercising on a full stomach, skip high-fiber foods. Avoid whole grains, raw fruits, nut seeds and raw vegetables.

Mistake no. 3 - Your supplement before training is missing some basic ingredients!

There are many great accessories from which you can choose what suits you best. But there are fewer that have more ingredients and are therefore more effective. Stick to the basic ingredients! Whether you choose by taste or by brand, just make sure it contains the following ingredients:

Caffeine: for extra energy you have to fight fatigue for training for another representative!

Cutrulin malate: to get oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and deliver extra energy to increase your performance.

Creatine monohydrate: to increase muscle mass and strength. Creatine can be taken at any time of the day, but you should take at least one dose before training.

štvrtok 25. marca 2021

Everything you need to know about vitamin C | Steroids4U.eu

 Everything you need to know about vitamin C

How important is vitamin C? Research has shown that vitamin C has antioxidant, immune-boosting and regenerative properties that you cannot ignore!

Although all vitamins are extremely important for normal bodily function, a few of them stand out, as does vitamin C. This vitamin has various properties, which makes it important not only from a health point of view, but also from a sports point of view.

Although vitamin C has gained a reputation as a powerful antioxidant, it is also critical to the healthy functioning of immune cells, which is why you can see so many vitamin C supplements at your local pharmacy.

What is vitamin C?

Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid or ascorbate, is a weak sugar acid and has a glucose-like structure. It has historically been used in the treatment and prevention of scurvy, a vitamin C deficiency disease.

When you think of vitamin C, you will probably think of orange juice, because the best way to get your daily dose is to consume any type of citrus fruit, such as limes, lemons and oranges. Although the food version is often preferred because it contains fruit fiber, the isolated supplemental form of this nutrient has also been studied in detail and has much to offer.

Why should I take vitamin C?

Inside the body, vitamin C plays many functions in almost every system. Most of these processes are associated with the antioxidant effect of vitamin C. As an antioxidant, vitamin C plays a role in the purification of harmful molecules known as "reactive oxygen species" (ROS). ROS are natural by-products of many metabolic processes, and ROS production increases during activities such as intense exercise or prolonged stress. 

As the name suggests, ROS are extremely reactive with almost anything they can access: cell membranes, proteins, and so on. While ROS are a normal part of the metabolic process, they can also be very harmful if their levels go wild, increasing the body's demand for antioxidants.

Vitamin C supplementation can provide the body with the necessary antioxidants to help neutralize these molecules and keep them at healthy levels.

What are the available forms of vitamin C?

While the most commonly available form of vitamin C in most supplements is L-ascorbic acid, in the body vitamin C rapidly oxidizes to ascorbate, the form that is most physiologically active. It usually occurs in an acidic environment such as the stomach.

What are the benefits of vitamin C?

Preventing vitamin C deficiency is important for the body and is incredibly easy. In addition to all the foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, potatoes, cabbage and cauliflower, there are now a number of prepared foods enriched with vitamin C that will give you even more of this important vitamin.

Research confirms that vitamin C provides a number of important health benefits, including boosting the immune system, antioxidant properties, and restoring depleted levels caused by exercise stress.

Although taking high doses of vitamin C cannot prevent the common flu, super high doses like 2-3 grams of vitamin C a day have been studied, and some researchers believe they can reduce the overall time of your illness.

The nutrient vitamin C, present in large amounts in immune cells, is thought to play a role in promoting the production and release of cytokines, as well as in increasing the efficiency of monocytes and getting them where they are supposed to be in the body. However, when the disease occurs, these supplies are rapidly depleted, which is why vitamin C is often included in products such as cough drops and flu drugs.

In addition, vitamin C is a cofactor for several enzymes, which means that the reaction cannot proceed effectively if the vitamin is not present. This includes things such as reactions associated with collagen synthesis, encapsulation of fat in mitochondria for ATP production, and the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine.

Due to its protective and antioxidant effects, there is evidence that vitamin C can reduce muscle pain from exercise. Two studies have confirmed this, using at least 1 gram of vitamin C as a separate supplement to test its effect. Most In studies where no benefit was reported, they used either much lower doses or used in combination with other supplements, which may reduce the effectiveness of vitamin C and could explain why these effects have not been shown before.

If you want to be doubly sure that you will reach your recommended daily allowance (ODD) for vitamin C, you can always kick your intake with a multivitamin supplement, or you can choose a separate vitamin C supplement if you prefer higher doses.

Are there any side effects of vitamin C?

Because water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin C do not tend to enter long-term storage as fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), although excessive consumption tends to be excreted in the urine. This is why concentrations of vitamin C and other water-soluble vitamins are rarely able to build up to toxic levels.

Previous studies have shown that the most common side effects of excessive vitamin C consumption include diarrhea and an increased risk of dental erosion. Several studies have reported no side effects at all, although individuals have taken higher than normal doses. However, it is recommended. that the consumer complies with the ODD for vitamin C.

What is the possible interaction?

Vitamin C has been shown to interact with many other vitamins and minerals, especially in cell cultures. For example, vitamin C has been shown to have an energy-saving effect on vitamin E, leading to reduced oxidation of cell membranes and less free radical formation.

Supplementary use of vitamin C may also increase the rate of absorption and availability of minerals such as iron and zinc. For iron, it is important that it must be free iron that is not bound by the heme group. This means that it should not come from a meat product. Another reason to look for a good multivitamin!

What is the best way to consume vitamin C?

The recommended daily allowance (ODD) of 90 milligrams of vitamin C per day for men and 75 milligrams per day for women is easily achieved through diet. Foods high in vitamin C tend to be citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits, although other foods such as cabbage also contain significant amounts of vitamin C.

However, in terms of benefits for exercise, the dosage needs to be slightly higher. Usually, the easiest way to increase your vitamin C intake is to use a complete multivitamin or a separate vitamin C supplement. Because of the role of vitamin C in proper immune function, supplements actually come in all shapes and sizes, including tablets, chewable tablets, pure vitamin C supplements. beverage mixes and even cough drops with vitamin C.

While vitamin C is definitely not a disposable drug at all, making sure you have enough of it can help you support your immune system and reduce muscle damage, both of which help maintain your health and performance for a long time. More healthy days and strong workouts are always a win!

utorok 23. marca 2021

Artificial Sweeteners - 4 myths about artificial sweeteners | Steroids4U.eu

Artificial Sweeteners - 4 myths about artificial sweeteners 

Many people are afraid of artificial sweeteners, but most of what you have heard about them are myths. Separate facts from fiction by reading this article.

It's amazing how much madness, poison and gnashing of teeth accompanied this topic. I am not a fan of this anger and madness associated with these topics. I prefer to look at it from a scientific point of view and draw rational conclusions.

And that's exactly what our friends are going to do today. Let's look at the truth behind the 4 myths they tried to tell you about artificial sweeteners.

1. Artificial sweeteners will make you fat

We humans like to blame the things that have caused us to gain weight. Take a look at every diet book over the last 30 years, each of them choosing something to blame and saying, “AHA! X is to blame, remove X and your whole universe will be perfect. "

Seriously, we see this again and again. Even artificial sweeteners have not been rid of this fate. Captions on how artificial sweeteners make you fat are spreading fast. But what is good, we have done many studies that have directly examined the effect of artificial sweeteners on weight gain.

In one study, 41 overweight people who were given supplements sweetened with sugar or artificial sweeteners were told to eat a normal diet. After 10 weeks, the sugar group gained 1.6 kg, of which 1.3 kg was fat; the group that consumed artificial sweeteners had no real changes in body weight and fat mass.

This study is not the only one to prove this, in another study of 30 people, people were given soda sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup or aspartame for 3 weeks (it's basically like giving people Coke and diet Coke). In this study, sugar-sweetened drinks caused weight gain, while aspartame-sweetened soda caused weight loss.

A study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, which randomly assigned 641 children aged 4 to 11 who consumed either artificial sweetener drinks or sugar-sweetened drinks.

During 18 months, children in the sugar-sweetened drink group gained more weight, had higher measurements of skin folds (body fat replacement) and a greater weight gain.

It also appears that artificial sweeteners are more useful than conventional sweeteners in maintaining weight loss in changing eating habits, during and after weight loss. So, overall, in intervention studies, artificial sweeteners, especially in the form of diet drinks, do not appear to cause significant weight gain.

2. Artificial sweeteners are worse than sugar

One of the general beliefs is that artificial sweeteners are worse than sugar because they reach the peak of insulin but have no calories. Where did it actually come from…

Initial studies from 1998 showed that when aspartame was applied directly to insulin-producing cells, it did nothing to release insulin. Nothing. However, if you add glucose to this, it seems to result in a small accelerating effect, by increasing the insulin glucose response.

Ok, those were just cells on a slide that were not human and a little weak.

Now some human data.

In 2009, a study was published in which people were fed either saturated water or diet soda. Overall, dietary soda had a very small (not statistically significant) increase in insulin release, which did not differ from carbonated water for all purposes. Interestingly, dietary soda increased the secretion of glucagon-like protein peptide, which plays a role in fasting and glucose metabolism.

To sum it up, it seems that most artificial sweeteners don't really cause crazy insulin output. So we can calm down a bit.

3. Artificial sweeteners will destroy your microflora

There is some speculation and concern that artificial sweeteners may alter your microflora. In addition, there has also been much speculation that changes in the microbial flora may cause weight gain (this is really unknown to people and recent studies suggest that this may not be true).

There are a few things we should know about this, as it is very important that we understand it.

In mice, it has been shown that artificial sweeteners in an appropriate to very high dose can cause negative changes in the microbial flora, and that this can cause a form of glucose intolerance. It is now important to note that not all artificial sweeteners tested caused this effect and that sucrose itself caused the same phenomenon.

In addition, these data were not significantly repeated in mice or humans. In fact, a thorough search for real evidence in humans yields the same result as I got, a big goose egg (it happens to us all…).

So we can say that there is some evidence in rodents that some artificial sweeteners can change our microflora, but we really have no idea if this happens to humans, how long it takes, how and what the final consequences are.

4. Aspartame is toxic

People like to hate aspartame. They often go so far as to call him poison. Well, again, we can look at science and the real evidence of whether it is really poison and, if so, in what dose.

Aspartame metabolizes to methanol, which is bad and causes blindness. Methanol is thought to be toxic and has these effects because large amounts of methanol metabolize to methane, which causes damage.

So for aspartame to be toxic, you have to convert it to a high amount of methanol and then to methane. This study has already been done and is correct.

30 people received a dose of aspartame in a volume of 34 mg / kg (very high dose compared to normal intake), 100 mg / kg, 150 mg / kg and 200 mg / kg. It's the equivalent of drinking an average of 12 to 80 cans of diet soda a day. At 34 mg / kg, methanol levels were undetectable but were detectable at 100, 150 and 200 mg / kg.

However, no methane was detected, even in the highest dose group. No problems with blood markers or eyes were also found.

In addition, there are no other known or studied aspects of aspartame in terms of toxicity.


Based on intervention data, artificial sweeteners do not increase weight. In fact, they can help you lose weight and maintain your weight.

In general, they do not appear to have any significant insulinogenic properties.

There is very limited evidence that some of them change the microflora in rodents in relatively large doses, but this has not been proven in humans. At doses that could be consumed by 99.99999% of us, it does not appear to be toxic.

nedeľa 21. marca 2021

Cure and prevent cardiac diseases with proper nutrition | Steroids4U.eu

 Cure and prevent cardiac diseases with proper nutrition

Lasture we dealt with the most important vitamins and minerals for heart health. In today's article, we look at some other things that can help you reverse cardiac diseases or as prevention, including the best herbs for the heart.

The Cayen spice has an abundant number of cardiovascular benefits, including strengthening, stimulation and heart strengthening, circulation balancing and calming pounding.

Hlohh, Favorite Famous Herkára John Christopher, improves oxygen and blood supply and is rich in flavonoids that protect small capillary vessels from free radical damage. Hloh is effectively used for angina, arrhythmius, arteriosclerosis, blood precipitates and hypertension. The best results are usually audible after a few months, hawthorn is safe even in long-term use.

Garlic prevents evil cholesterol (LDL) and increases the good (HDL). The garlic also reduces blood pressure, prevents platelet aggregation and improves circulation.

It has been found that pycnogenol is more effective than buffered aspirin when reducing blood plate formation, which is the main factor in heart disease.

Cocoa is a natural resource of the Tobromine, which is long considered to be a heart tonic and a slight stimulant. Cocoa also contains epicatechin, flavonol that improves blood vessel function.

The cat claw or vilcacora contains a number of phytochemicals that inhibit processes involved in the creation of blood clots. Increases blood circulation and prevents inappropriate precipitation, helping prevent strikes and reduces the risk of heart attack.

In many studies it has been shown that Ginko causes extension and increased blood flow in arteries, capillaries and veins, moreover, prevents trombocyte aggregation reduces blood clotting and helps protect our vascular walls from free radical damage.

Ginger reduces chesterol and blood pressure and also prevents blood clot formation. Like the garlic, ginger interferes with a long sequence of events needed to form blood clots, helping prevent precipitators that can be settled in tapered coronary arteries and causing heart attack.

Kurkuma reduces blood cholesterol level by stimulating bile production. It also prevents the creation of dangerous blood clots that can lead to heart attack.

Alfalfa tickets and shoots help reduce blood cholesterol and plaque settling in arteries walls.

Alpha-Lipoic acid cooperates with other antioxidants in the body to increase their efficacy to oxidizing stress and helps to maintain arteries clean by preventing integration of LDL Choesterol to the walls of the arteries.

Bromelain is the enzyme located in the pineapple. Bromelain can dilute blood and help cleaning the walls of arteries from deposits. One study has shown that Bromelain relieves angina pain, the bead is associated with heart diseases.

Basic fatty acids help prevent unnecessary blood clotting, reduce inflammation and regulate blood pressure. They are in the oil from the seeds of black currants, in the oil from Borak, pupalkových oil, fish oil and flax oil.

Pectin is a fiber found in grepfrutites, apples and other fruit and vegetables that help reduce LDL cholesterol levels and remove fatty plaque deposits from arteries.

Other herbs and accessories that are beneficial to the heart are iodine, palina, blueberry, arjuna, fo-ti, citrine, artichoke leaf extract, guggul, cordyps, l-carnitine, lecithin, taurine, activated coal, dragon, dandelion, rosemary Habomet, valerians root, pilllet, kelp, bicycles, Myrrha, cramp, psyllium,, deciduous, saffron and estragon.

WARNING: Do not take a pill or drag during pregnancy. Do not use Ginseng (Ginseng) if you have high blood pressure.

Finally, many important food and accessories can help you prevent and treat cardiac diseases. Healthy lifestyle, including regular physical activity is also necessary.

štvrtok 18. marca 2021

5 key tips on how to improve post-workout recovery | Steroids4U.eu

 5 key tips on how to improve post-workout recovery

You cannot grow if your body does not regenerate properly. Take the right steps in the regeneration process by reading this article with 5 tips for optimizing regeneration.

When it comes to achieving fitness goals, most people optimize their training and diet, but they fail on another key thing, which is regeneration.

While diet and training are undoubtedly key, what if I tell you that by optimizing regeneration you can improve your performance in the gym, and at the same time it will help you lose fat, gain muscle, or replenish strength in a short time.

Delayed muscle pain (ONBS) after exercise is very common among athletes and bodybuilders.

ONBS can start as early as 24 hours after exercise and last up to 72 hours and is normally an indication that you are in the process of regenerating, especially if it occurs on a regular basis.

If you've ever exercised before, then you know that ONBS is not only painful, but also reduces performance. Thus, for athletes and bodybuilders, any method to either speed up ONBS or reduce its intensity would be valuable.

If you train hard, take part in various sports or follow a certain diet, then regeneration can be a limiting factor, especially if you are already optimizing your diet and training.

Fortunately, I did some research and in this article I will give you 5 scientifically based tips for optimizing regeneration and reducing ONBS.

1. Proteins and carbohydrates after training

The training anabolic window has played an important role in the nutrition of athletes for several decades.

The protein itself has been shown to have a positive effect on muscle growth and muscle strength after training. However, one practice that still remains misunderstood in many fitness or bodybuilding areas is a strong combination of carbohydrates and protein after training.

When you exercise, your body uses glycogen from your muscles as fuel for exercise. At the end of your workout, depending on its type and intensity, your glycogen stores may be very depleted.

Even if you are not an endurance athlete, some HIIT studies have shown muscle depletion of glycogen from baseline by 40-60% with a few short sprints.

To optimize muscle regeneration and performance, it is very important to replace the lost glycogen, which helps lower cortisol after training, increases insulin and ensures that you have the fuel for tomorrow's training.

Due to improved carbohydrate tolerance and non-insulin dependent nutrient metabolism immediately after exercise, the best way to supplement glycogen is to drink a training shake as soon as you finish your workout.

As expected, studies found that post-workout supplementation of carbohydrates with protein also replenished glycogen stores to a greater extent, compared to carbohydrates alone. Carbohydrates have also been shown to reduce post-workout muscle pain the following day, compared to no carbohydrate intake after a workout.

Try to consume 0.2-0.4 grams of carbohydrates per 0.5 kg of body weight after training. This number depends on your caloric intake, goals, intensity / duration of exercise, etc.

2. Drink more water

Water is probably the most important nutrient your body needs - it plays a key role in digestion, absorption, transport and utilization of nutrients. Water is also responsible for energy production and joint lubrication.

It is common that after intense training you lose a considerable amount of water through sweat. 2% weight loss caused by water loss can lead to diseases associated with overheating and in some serious cases even death.

Most people do not consume enough water because they rely on the mechanism of thirst. However, this is not a good indicator, because by the time you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Therefore, if you want to improve performance and regeneration, it is recommended that you consume at least 2 glasses of water before your workout and another 2 cups of workout, for every half pound you could lose through sweat.
Adequate fluid replacement after exercise has been shown to improve regeneration and performance in subsequent periods.
Try to consume about 500ml of water when you are close to training, plus another 500ml of water for each hour of exercise. This number should be increased if you exercise in a hot or humid environment.

3. Massages

Massages are a regeneration strategy for many, especially in sports. While massages are a very common practice in regeneration, so far there has been surprisingly little research into the effectiveness of massages.

In one study, researchers examined the effects of massage on muscle regeneration in basketball and volleyball athletes. All athletes participated in three difficult days of intense strength training in the gym to maximize muscle damage and pain.

However, one group received a massage on the third day and another did not. The researchers then looked at the degree of perceived pain, as well as the performance of high jump and short distance running.

The results showed that 17% of participants in the control group experienced an increase in pain levels, while 80% of participants in the massage group experienced a decrease in pain after receiving the massage.

Regarding the vertical jump, the control group did not show any changes in the test reports before and after, but the massage group had a reduced sprint time.

Massages can be beneficial to improve muscle soreness, increase blood and lymph circulation, and also to provide extra blood to areas that lack blood, such as tendons and ligaments.

Remember, a massage does not mean you have to hire a professional. Now you can do the massage yourself, also using aids like foam rollers.

4. Casein protein at bedtime

While many people consume protein after exercise to increase muscle protein synthesis and regeneration, they forget about another important thing before bed.

There have been theories that by consuming protein at bedtime, you can increase muscle adaptation and regeneration even ahead, because protein provides a constant supply of amino acids while you sleep, along with reducing protein breakdown, which can occur during long starvation at night.

A group of researchers tested this, provided 16 young healthy men with an intensive training protocol and monitored the anabolic response during the day. These researchers then provided one group with 40g of casein protein at bedtime and another 40g with placebo powder.

The results showed that the group that consumed casein for sleep induced protein synthesis in the muscles 22% higher compared to the control group, which is a key mechanism for muscle growth and regeneration.

Along with helping your muscle regenerate, protein is added while you sleep a great strategy to increase your total daily protein intake, which will promote forward regeneration and reduce ONBS.

5. Sleep

The importance of adequate sleep for muscle regeneration cannot be exaggerated and is one of the best tips provided in this article. Research has shown that when you sleep, you weaken your cognitive, immune and hormonal functions.

While cognitive functions are not associated with regeneration, your immune and hormonal functions play integrative roles in cell repair, removal of toxins and waste material, along with the growth of new cells.

The two key anabolic hormones that are regulated by sleep are testosterone and growth hormone. Insufficient sleep has been shown to lower testosterone levels, affect your natural growth hormone production and increase cortisol.

All of these factors are the clear opposite of what you want when you are trying to gain new muscle, reduce ONBS, and optimize regeneration.
To maximize testosterone and growth hormone production while improving muscle regeneration, make sure you have at least 7-8 hours of sleep overnight and occasionally when you are on a diet, training hard, training several times a day, or generally poorly regenerated, and more.


Many different factors affect muscle regeneration, fortunately, most of them are under your control and are easy to repair.

To optimize muscle regeneration and performance, try these top five tips:

Consume protein + carbohydrates after training
Drink at least 2 glasses of water before and after training
Treat yourself to a massage to quickly reduce pain and increase performance
Consume casein protein at bedtime to maximize gains during the night
Be sure to indulge in 7-8 hours of sleep each night

utorok 16. marca 2021

Does magnesium help us sleep? | Steroids4U.eu

 Does magnesium help us sleep?


Answer: Studies have found a link between low levels of magnesium, an important mineral that plays a very important role in a wide range of processes in the body and in sleep disorders. But if you are concerned that you do not have enough magnesium, changing your diet may be a better option than taking supplements, as "there is really little evidence that taking super-therapeutic doses of magnesium is beneficial to you," said Dr. Raj Dasgupta, Professor of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine at the University of Southern California.

This mineral is widely available in both plant and animal foods, and the kidneys limit the urinary excretion of magnesium, so deficiencies are rare in healthy people. Leafy green vegetables, nuts, legumes and whole grains are good sources of magnesium. Fish chickens and beef also contain magnesium. However, older adults with certain disorders, such as type 2 diabetes, gastrointestinal disease, and alcoholism, may be deficient.

"Magnesium deficiency has been associated with higher levels of stress, anxiety and difficulty relaxing, which are key ingredients for a good night's sleep," said Dr. Dasgupta. He noted that magnesium interacts with an important neurotransmitter that promotes sleep.

One small double-blind clinical study in Tehran with 43 elderly people who were randomly assigned to receive 500 milligrams of magnesium or a placebo for eight weeks found that those who received the supplement slept faster and spent more time in bed sleeping, but their the total sleep time was not necessarily longer.

An even smaller study of 10 people 20 years ago found that taking magnesium supplements helped people with Restless Legs Syndrome get more sleep.

If you suspect that you have a magnesium deficiency or want to take magnesium supplements, consult your doctor first. Magnesium can interact poorly with other medicines and taking excessive amounts in the form of supplements can cause stomach cramps, diarrhea and nausea. Including more leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains in your diet may be a better choice, doctors say.

nedeľa 14. marca 2021

Can lifestyle changes remove deposits in your arteries? | Steroids4U.eu

 Can lifestyle changes remove deposits in your arteries?


Answer: Yes, lifestyle changes, including eating, quitting, stress management, and exercise, can reduce the size of atherosclerotic deposits. They can also help stabilize them so that they are less likely to break off and block blood flow, reducing the risk of heart attack.

The term plaque reduction, medically known as atherosclerosis regression, originated from random observations during World War II. Norwegian researchers have noted that food shortages - especially the lack of high-fat foods such as milk, cream, butter and cheese - are associated with a reduced risk of death from heart disease. This suggests the possibility that dietary changes may induce plaque regression.

The first direct evidence of regression came in 1947. When performing an autopsy on malnourished patients, the astute pathologist noted that the deposits "usually, but not regularly, tend to undergo absorption."

But evidence of regression in living patients did not come for another 40 years. In 1987, a study of diet and cholesterol-lowering drugs first showed that regression was possible in humans. Three years later, these claims were expanded by the groundbreaking Lifestyle Heart Trial study, in which lifestyle changes alone, without cholesterol-lowering drugs, could lead to regression, even in severely atherosclerotic arteries.

However, adhering to the required lifestyle changes was challenging. The diet was about healthy food, it was also a vegetarian diet that limited fat to a maximum of 10 percent of total calorie intake. In addition, subjects had to quit smoking, perform regular aerobic exercise, and participate in group therapies to reduce stress.

However, the Lifestyle Heart study was small, involving only 28 men. But her findings were soon confirmed by larger studies, including a 2015 meta-analysis that combined data from all previous published studies valued the value of lifestyle modifications on more than 2,000 arterial plaques. The data provided convincing evidence that lifestyle changes, albeit intense, can reduce sediment.

Despite their proven benefits, dietary and lifestyle changes must be seen as additives and not as substitutes for medicines for many patients. Regression of atherosclerosis is maximized when all three are used together. Changing habits requires a high degree of motivation, the promise of shrinking plaque, and reducing the risk of heart attack should also be quite motivating.

štvrtok 11. marca 2021

6 ways to help children eat healthily | Steroids4U.eu

 6 ways to help children eat healthily

While it may not seem like your children are listening to you, much of what they learn about how to live healthily comes from you. And because you care about a healthy life and are constantly learning, you can also help your children.

We all know how important proper eating and eating habits are when it comes to our family's health. Most parents consciously prepare and consume healthy food in front of their children to try to instill in them the importance of eating quality healthy food. Despite all this, many of you are still listening to "nieee broccoli nieee". For some parents, getting healthy food into their twigs is a direct struggle, and it may seem like another full-time job. Instead of fighting your children to follow rules, such as "no dessert until you have eaten the vegetables you have on your plate," children need to be involved in the actual process of choosing and preparing healthy meals.

Even if you believe the opposite, your children hear and see everything an adult does in their lives. If you want your children to live long and healthy lives, you need to make sure that what you are showing them supports this goal. Try cooking together, ask your children how they would like to prepare a fish, or how broccoli should be prepared to make it taste good. Children have a lot of imagination and in this playful way you can learn from each other. The more we let the children explore and have fun in the kitchen, the more they will be more sensitive to the new habits you are trying to instill in them. Start by shopping together, for example, then discuss what could be cooked from it, for example, have them washed with vegetables or stored in the refrigerator.

Here are some tips from a well-known fitness center to help your kids eat healthier.

Consuming healthy foods often requires a scale, which may seem obligatory for some children. Give the children their own drawer, where they will have their measuring cups and spoons and other dishes. Show them how to measure a portion. Then teach them how portion size is related to the amount of nutrients their body needs.

From each meal during the day, measure the amount of sugar and salt in these foods and pour the amount into a glass. Then give the children a spoon and ask if they want to eat all the salt and sugar that are there. This is enough for most children to be more aware of food choices.

You can split columns there, which will track sugars, salt, proteins and other compositions, draw pictures there, make marks or stamps, just what a fun way you can think of together. Reward your children for their efforts.

Talk to them, of course at their level, about diseases about obesity and genetics. But you have to talk about these things in a way that doesn't scare them, you may be surprised at how interested they can devour the facts. There are many documents and articles and sometimes it doesn't hurt to let them go.

Give your children from time to time to choose as they see fit, though. If you do not give them the opportunity to eat other than healthy ones, they may do it behind your back. Our children need to trust us and vice versa. We need to trust them to make their own decisions, both good and bad, and then understand the consequences.

The popular recommendation is, teach children to ask these three basic questions: Can I have a snack ?? What can I have? How much can I eat? It will take some time for children to introduce this habit, but it is important for them to understand that if they want a delicacy, they must ask.

How to handle portion size?

Parents often do not know how much their child should eat. I recommend sticking to your children's activity level tables to match the amount of calories their children consume and the amount of exercise they perform. Do not interview children who associate portion size with body size, as this may lead to dissatisfaction with the weight. Instead, focus on the idea that good food choices encourage our bodies to become strong and healthy. The bottom line is that the only way our children know how to make healthy decisions is if we teach them. Many parents do not believe they have the knowledge or skills to help their children make good decisions. The energy we invest in acquiring these skills and knowledge for ourselves will benefit our children - and help us live healthier lives!

utorok 9. marca 2021

Rumors about BCAAs | Steroids4U.eu

 Rumors about BCAAs

Recently, a review was published in which the author described that BCAA supplements alone do not promote muscle anabolism and instead all essential amino acids (EAA) are needed to support muscle protein synthesis. To top it all off, the full title of this review was "BCAAs don't work," and so it still sounds on social media, but some of you may have been misled, so read this article that scientifically describes the function of this branched-chain amino acid chain.

It all works on an "all or nothing" basis. This principle represents muscle hypertrophy. As soon as one component becomes unavailable, the whole process shuts down. For example, if you exercise your legs, exercising alone is an adequate trigger to keep your muscles able to grow. However, if your body does not get all the amino acids (and cofactors) needed to support muscle growth, then your body will capture those amino acids from other muscles in your body that are not currently exposed to the load. In this case, it can easily happen that this disruption of whole-body muscles will outweigh the response to muscle protein synthesis, and instead of giving you an overall anabolic effect, you will end up with a so-called "negative" protein state.

The fact is, taking BCAAs on an empty stomach can help you a little, but not like EAAs. The branched-chain amino acids leucine, valine and isoleucine are just three of the nine essential amino acids that the human body needs to obtain from food sources. It should be noted that the remaining six are equally important. It is also important to assess the nutritional status and intensity of training, it can easily happen that other amino acids will be necessary for you. These are called conditional essential amino acids.

However, how much EAAs are better than BCAAs depends on many factors, including all amino acids and other nutrients that are still circulating or readily available to your muscle from the food or supplement you receive. So if you drink a protein drink or eat a complete protein-rich meal, it is doubtful that an EAA supplement consumed during or after training would be more or less effective in stimulating muscle growth than consuming BCAAs alone.

If your food is vegan and therefore lacks leucine, the BCAA supplement should be as effective as a product containing all EAA. This means that the highest effective strategy to promote area-wide anabolism is a caloric excess of all critical amino acids and other vital nutrients, but supplementation with EAA or BCAAs alone may play an additional role depending on the overall nutritional status.

And what do those BCAAs work at all?

The clear answer is YES. Energy and protein are related, and branched-chain amino acids are the key to muscle growth, and EAA or whey protein only helps. These are the claims of the world's leading researchers in the field of muscle protein synthesis. One researcher from Finland adds that BCAAs can be useful in some situations where there is malnutrition. For example, the unavailability of leucine in vegans, or a low-protein supplement, or improper diets.

The overall conclusion of the study's author has led many readers to believe that there is no evidence that BCAA supplements alone promote whole body protein synthesis when consumed for at least four hours after a meal or dietary supplement. Even when consumed on an empty stomach, BCAAs can promote anabolism in healthy individuals. It may not be as significant as with EAA, or even as much as a complete protein such as whey, but BCAA will certainly take your efforts to the next level if you did not consume it at all, or just leucine. But when was the last time you heard of athletes who train hard to wave their training on an empty stomach to increase muscle mass and performance? Of course, never. And no doubt those sports scientists who contributed to the "BCAAs don't work" review. Instead, anyone who wants to add muscle mass or increase performance has probably read that they need to consume a diet or nutritional supplement rich in protein and nutrients within 1-2 hours before training. This is the real situation in which most BCAA supplements are used. Not as a meal replacement or complete protein. They are used rather when excess excess of other essential amino acids and nutrients are still present, although they are limited. BCAAs are important in drainage. A large number of wise critics of BCAA supplements either fail to distinguish the application in the real world from scientific settings, or instead use the marketing of some companies as representatives of the entire BCAA.

Yes, the claim that BCAAs alone can support optimal whole-body anabolism is really wrong. However, the above-mentioned review that BCAA supplementation cannot promote muscle protein synthesis under any conditions is also incorrect. There are studies that have actually shown a positive effect of BCAAs. One article even concluded that supplementing BCAAs before or during training reduces fatigue, perceived exertion, muscle damage and pain, increases the anabolic response to exercise, and improves the recovery and response of the immune system to exercise. Another, more recent systematic review concluded that when more than 91 milligrams of BCAA per kilogram of body weight is taken for at least 10 days, a dose of BCAA, when consumed prior to intense intensity, can significantly reduce markers of muscle damage. According to the scientific editor, BCAAs still have a place between meals or during exercise, when they can be used to stimulate anabolic processes and compete for fatigue tryptophan uptake by the tryptophan. You can certainly consume EAA or whey drink, but that doesn't change the fact that the BCAA supplement still works.

nedeľa 7. marca 2021

How to have premenstrual syndrome (PMS)? | Steroids4U.eu

 How to have premenstrual syndrome (PMS)?

About 25% of women of childbearing potential suffer from moderate to severe symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, which occur 1-2 weeks before menstruation. The most common symptoms are irritability, anxiety, tension, mood swings, depression, bloating, breast tenderness, headache, swelling of the limbs and irresistible taste.

Some women have very strong symptoms and therefore lean towards chemical treatment, but there are also natural alternatives that have proven to be beneficial.

For example, saffron, a highly prized spice that has long been used to improve moods and has been shown to reduce PMS symptoms, especially emotional symptoms, further alleviate depression and reduce appetite. In one study, women were given 15 mg of saffron extract twice a day, which significantly reduced their PMS symptoms, especially emotionally.

Furthermore, magnesium and vitamin B6 have been shown to reduce the symptoms of PMS, including taste, fluid retention and anxiety. In fact, there are at least nine clinical studies that show the benefits of vitamin B6 for PMS and, in combination with magnesium, have been shown to be even more effective.

Both magnesium and vitamin B6 play an important role in regulating hormones and mood. The information contained in this article is not intended to treat, diagnose, or replace a doctor's recommendation. If you have a pre-existing medical condition or are currently taking prescription medications, consult a qualified physician. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.

štvrtok 4. marca 2021

What to eat before and after your workout | Steroids4U.eu

 What to eat before and after your workout

Pre- and post-workout nutrition can be extremely simple. Read this article to learn exactly what you should eat before and after your workout.

For several decades, we all huddled in the corners of the gym and threw our training drinks at each other as a sacrifice to the god of increments. We had to get the proteins in before the anabolic window closed. It was part of our Bible, we were completely drawn to it.

Then we found out that the anabolic window was probably not even real and that we could not eat for several hours. Many called it the death of nutrition timing, but they missed something. Actually, more than just something. They have missed about 30 solid years of research, which shows that an important aspect of the timing of nutrition is before (and during) training, not after it.

Yes, if maximum gains and optimal performance are what you are looking for you should start thinking about what you are eating before training.

The myth of fasting training

People have been prescribed fast training for decades, especially on cardio, to maximize fat burning. It began with an observation that stated that if you have not eaten and are training at a low intensity, your body will oxidize more fat to fuel than when you have already eaten. While this observation is very interesting, it does not mean that this short-term fat oxidation will lead you to more fat burning.


A few years ago, the researchers investigated and showed that 8 weeks of fasting training had no real benefits for changing body fat, compared to training not on an empty stomach. So it seems that the fact that training on an empty stomach brings real benefits to our body can be set aside.

So what does that tell us? This means that there is no real reason not to eat before training. Thus, no justification on your part about how you did not eat before training so you will be drawn is not supported by any evidence.

More training = more gains

Over the last 50-60 years, the idea has circulated that high-volume training is the key to growth. Recently, a series of studies that have tried to examine what kind of training is best for muscle growth has been shown to be correct.

If you look at all those studies together, you'll see that low-set, high-weight, and high-set workouts, reasonably heavy workouts, yield almost identical results in terms of muscle growth when we count the total training volume (which is basically the amount the work you do).

You're probably asking yourself, "This article is about training nutrition, so why is it exposing myths about fasting training here, but talking about training volume as the key to gaining weight?"

Perfect question! Let me tell you why. Based on these two things, it is quite clear that your pre-workout nutrition must focus on:

To be eaten, before you go training
To maximize the amount of work you can do in a given workout

The largest ergogenic aid in the world

There are countless studies on supplements that increase your work capacity during training (aka ergogenic assistance), and I dare say that over the last 20 years, more than $ 50 trillion has been spent on expensive pre-workout supplements.

Despite the beautiful formulations and the effort to find the latest pre-workout supplement, there is one thing that has repeatedly proven to be a powerful ergogenic tool for long workouts: Carbohydrates.

Yes, I tell you that pre-workout carbohydrates are one of the best supplements on the planet when it comes to maximizing the quality of your workout. Here's how and why it works and what makes carbs key supplements for your workout.

When you start exercising with moderate intensity, your body begins to use muscle glycogen as fuel for your workout, and as time goes on, you begin to use blood glucose to keep things moving.

Glucose from your pre-workout meal begins to flow through your bloodstream, not long after you take it, and continues to appear 1-2 hours after you have eaten. This gives the muscle tissue extra fuel and keeps your workout going.

With this knowledge, would you probably guess that by consuming carbohydrates just before or during training, we will increase performance and training capacity? Well, that's exactly what science proves. There are very clear performance benefits of consuming carbohydrates before and during training.


We have just argued that carbohydrates are key to improving training capacity and increasing training volume, but it seems that proteins can make carbohydrates even better in terms of increasing performance during training and can help increase the rate of regeneration.

In terms of results, pre-workout protein consumption, especially in combination with carbohydrates, has been shown to improve muscle growth. Even without carbohydrates, consuming the protein itself before training can improve protein synthesis in the muscles. So even if you don't have a bunch of bananas, a little whey protein before training can do a lot.

How much do I need before training?

So, now we know that before training you need some carbohydrates and proteins to maximize your training capacity, regeneration and your gains. But how many grams do you need to eat?

It can be either very, very complicated, but super simple, it depends on how much you want to get. To get 95% benefits, follow this method:

If you train certain parts of the body, consume about 20 grams of protein and about 60 to 80 grams of carbohydrates about 30-60 minutes before training.

If you train the whole body in one workout and your workout is extended (more than 90 minutes), consume about 40 grams of protein and about 120-160 grams of carbohydrates about 30-60 minutes before training.

It really doesn't have to be that complicated.

Exercise nutrition is not completely dead

Okay, maybe I got a little carried away by the name. Exercise nutrition is actually far from dead. The study, which people mostly cite, looks at muscle growth, strength, and a very binary view of whether proteins have been consumed within two hours or not, nothing more, more specific. When you actually look at the rest of the parameters, what is enough after training matters.

When we talk about where training is most important, one word comes to my mind: REGENERATION.


One of the most important aspects of sports nutrition is that consuming carbohydrates within 30-60 minutes after training allows the glycogen in your muscles to recover faster than if you waited for several hours. So while your muscle growth may not be directly limited by waiting for protein, muscle glycogen will definitely not replenish very quickly if you miss carbohydrates.

If you consume about 0.5-0.7 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight within 30 minutes of training, you are covered and doing what you need to ensure that you start regenerating properly.

Also, it doesn't matter if the carbohydrates are in the form of a liquid shake or a solid meal with rice or potatoes. Both will help you maximize regeneration.

Not only does it look like the training nutrition helps to regenerate, but it may depend on your gains, but it may not be immediately after. In the Nutrient Survey, Kerksick concluded that consuming protein and carbohydrates (in amounts similar to the pre-workout recommendations above) helps increase muscle protein synthesis and muscle growth.


Pre-workout nutrition is probably more important than pre-workout nutrition, as it is one of the easiest ways to maximize the quality and quantity of training. Carbohydrates are important for maintaining a high workload, and protein can increase carbohydrates and help with regeneration.

Consuming 20 grams of protein together with 60-80 grams of carbohydrates before normal training can prepare you really nicely. For longer, more intense sessions, it is more optimal to use 40 grams of protein and 120-160 grams of carbohydrates.

While pre-workout nutrition is more important, post-workout nutrition is also a key aspect of optimizing your muscle regeneration and growth.

The window for carbohydrate consumption after training, which maximizes glycogen regeneration, is shorter, for about 30-60 minutes, while the protein consumption for muscle growth has a wider window from 1-3 hours (possibly 4-6).

utorok 2. marca 2021

Side effects of taking collagen supplements | Steroids4U.eu

 Side effects of taking collagen supplements

Collagen supplements and collagen peptides are currently very popular in the world of health and beauty. But what is collagen and what are its side effects? It is a family of fibrous proteins that serve as building blocks for the skin, bones, teeth, ligaments, tendons and other connective tissues, according to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. Collagen, which helps heal and repair damaged bones and cartilage, also maintains the resistance, elasticity and mobility of joints and connective tissues. You can take supplements to supplement collagen levels, but there are a few side effects that are associated with it.

Side effect no. 1: High calcium levels

According to MedlinePlus, a website supported by the National Institutes of Health, high levels of calcium or hypercalcemia may appear as a possible side effect of taking collagen supplements. Collagen tablets from a marine source, such as shark cartilage and mussels, contain high amounts of calcium, which can significantly increase calcium levels in a patient taking this supplement. Normal values ​​for calcium levels range from 8.5 to 10.2 mg / dl - higher than 10.2 mg / dl are considered hypercalcemia. Too much calcium in the body causes constipation, bone pain, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and abnormal heart rhythm. You should take calcium supplements with this type of collagen tablet carefully.

Side effect no. 2: Hypersensitivity reactions

Hypersensitivity reactions may be a result of the side effects of taking collagen supplements. As reported on the website of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, hypersensitivity reactions occur as an abnormal response of the immune system to allergens such as food, drugs and supplements. Collagen supplements derived from marine molluscs and other marine sources can cause allergic reactions. Other collagen supplements derived from eggs and their derivatives can also cause hypersensitivity to food, especially in children. Prior to injection of collagen, tests for hypersensitivity are performed.

Side effect no. 3: Bad taste in the mouth

Some oral collagen supplements can leave a bad taste in your mouth (according to MedlinePlus). Collagen supplements from marine sources usually have an unpleasant taste and smell, which is not very pleasant for most people. Drinking fruit juices along with this type of oral collagen supplement can mask this unpleasant taste. Sour fruit juices such as orange, apple, grape and tomato can reduce the strength and effects of collagen supplements, so you should avoid them.