štvrtok 29. apríla 2021

How protein will help you naturally lose weight | Steroids4U.eu

 How protein will help you naturally lose weight

Protein is the most important nutrient in terms of weight loss and a better looking body. Income of a high quantity of protein starts metabolism, reducing appetites and changes a few hormone regulating body weight.

Protein can help you in loss weight and fat from the abdomen and works through several different mechanisms. This is a detailed review of weight loss proteins.

Protein changing several hormones regulating weight

Your weight is actively regulated by your brain, especially part called hypothalamus. In order to give your brain to determine when and how much to eat, it processes several different types of information. Some of the most important brain signals are hormones that change feed response.

Higher protein intake actually increases saturation hormone levels (reducing appetites) as GLP-1, peptide YY and cholecystokinin, while reducing your hunger levels of Ghrelin.

By replacing carbohydrates and fat proteins, reduce hunger hormone and increase several hormones. This leads to a significant reduction in hunger and it is the main reason that proteins help you lose weight. It will help you to eat fewer calories automatically.

Summary: Proteins reduce Ghrelin hunger levels, while increasing hormones reducing GLP-1 appetite, peptide yy and cholecystokinin. This leads to automatic calorie income reduction.

Digestion and metabolism of protein burn calories

When you eat some calories are used for digestion and food metabolism. It is often referred to as the thermal effect of food (TEF). Although not all sources match the same numbers are clear that proteins have a much higher thermal effect (20-30%) compared to carbohydrates (5-10%) and fats (0-3%).

If the thermal effect of protein is 30%, this means that only 70 calories is applicable from 100 protein calories.

Summary: About 20-30% of protein calories are burned while the body of protein spends and metabolizes.

Proteins cause larger calorie burning (increasing "calorie drain")

Thanks to the high thermal effect and several other factors, high protein intake results in increasing metabolism. It causes you to burn more calories 24 hours a day, including periods during sleep.

It has been shown that high protein intake increases metabolism and also the amount of calories burned by about 80 to 100 per day (14, 15, 16). This effect is particularly distinct during overeating or during caloric excess. In one study, increased burning by 260 per day was rich in protein-rich combustion.

By making a larger calorie combustion, high protein diet has a metabolic advantage in your body, compared to that less protein.

Summary: High protein intake can cause burning by 80-100 calories per day more, with one study showed an increase of up to 260 calories during overeating.

Proteins decrease appetites and cause you to eat less calories

Protein can reduce hunger and appetite using a few different mechanisms. This can lead to automatic reduction of caloric income. In other words, you will end up when eating less calories without having to count or consciously control portions.

Several studies showed that when people increase their protein intake, they start to consume fewer calories.

In one study caused protein with 30% calorie automatic reduction of their caloric income by 441 calories a day, which is a huge amount.

So a high protein diet does not only have a metabolic advantage, but also the "advantage of apetite", allowing you to limit calories, compared to the diet with lower protein.

Summary: High protein diet is very dedicated, so leading to a reduction in hunger and appetite, compared to the diet with lower protein. So for you will be easier to limit calories.

Proteins limit the "gamy" and reduce the desire for food in late night hours

"Chovy" are the worst enemy of those who try to eat healthy. They are one of the greatest reasons to get used to people in their eating fail. Another big problem is late night eating. Many people who tend to gain weight has "gerves" at night, so have a lead to evening. These calories are added to all the calories they eaten during the day.

Interestingly, proteins can have a strong effect on both chords and desire for food at night.

The high-income group is shown in a blue color and a natural protein receipth group is shown in red.

In this study, protein with 25% quantity of calories helped reduce the desire for a meal of 60% and after late night eating half!

Breakfast is probably the most important meal where you can load proteins. In one study, a high protein breakfast has been considerably reduced so-called. "Christmas" in the girls in the teenage age.

Summary: Consuming a larger quantity of protein can lead to a significant reduction in eating desire and night eating. These changes should facilitate you to comply with your healthy diet.

Proteins will help you with weight loss without knowing calorie restrictions

Proteins are functioning according to equation "Dispose of calories versus calorie intake". They reduce calorie intake and increase their dispensation. Therefore, it is not surprising that a high protein diet leads to weight loss, even without aware restriction of calories, servings, fats or carbohydrates.

In one study with 19 individuals caused the increase in protein intake to 30% of the calorie massively reducing calorie income.

In this study, participants agreed on average 5kg over a period of 12 weeks. Remember that they just added proteins to your diet, not intentionally restricted.

Although the results are not always also dramatic, most studies show that a high protein diet leads to a significant weight loss.

Higher protein intake is also associated with smaller fat content on belly, with a harmful grease that accumulates around the authorities and causes diseases. Sculpting is not the most important factor, but it is just a long-term compliance that counts. Many people can be "on a diet" and lose weight, but most ends when it is backing.

Interestingly, higher protein intake can also help as prevention of weight gain. In one study, a slight increase in protein intake (from 15 to 18% calorie) caused a reduction in reimbursement by 50%.

Summary: The consumption of a high protein diet can cause weight loss, even without counting calories, serving portions or carbohydrate restrictions. A slight increase in protein intake is also prevention against the release of the balance.

Proteins (proteins) help the prevention of muscle mass and metabolism slowdown

Loss of scales does not always mean loss of fat. When you tune, muscle mass is reduced as well. However, what you really want to lose weight is body fat, subcutaneous fat (under the skin) as well as body fat (around bodies).

Losing muscle mass is the side effect of weight loss that most people don't want.

Another side effect of weight loss is that the metabolism speed tends to decrease.

In other words, you'll end up in combustion fewer calories than before you slept. This phenomenon is often called "starving mode" and can cause several hundred less burned calories every day.

Consuming a lot of protein can reduce the loss of muscles, which should help in maintaining a higher metabolic rate when burning body fat.

Strength training is another important factor that can reduce muscle loss and slowing weight loss metabolism. Therefore, high protein and heavy power training are high in two amazing components of an effective weight loss plan.

Not just help keep your metabolism fast, they will also ensure that what is under grease actually looks good. Without protein and strength training you can end up so that you look "poor but with fat" instead of fit and with clean matter.

Summary: Consuming a large quantity of protein acts at weight loss as preventing muscle loss. It also helps to keep your metabolism speed high, especially in conjunction with severe power training.

How many protein is the optimal amount?

The daily recommended protein income is only 46 and 56 grams for average woman and man, in this order. This quantity may be sufficient than preventing a deficiency, but it is far from optimal if you try to lose weight (or get muscle). Most protein and weight loss studies expressed protein intake as a percentage calorie. Based on these studies, focusing on protein than 30% calories seems very effective for weight loss.

You can find this number of grams by multiplying your calorie income by 0.075. For example, if you have a diet with 2000 calories ate 2000 x 0,075 = 150 grams of protein.

You can also focus on a certain number based on your weight. For example, 0.7-1 gram of protein per pound clean matter is a common recommendation (1.5-2.2 grams per kilogram).

It is best to divide your protein intake during the day so that you eat protein with every meal. Think these numbers may not be accurate, anything between 25-35% calories should be effective.

Summary: For weight loss is focusing on 25-35% protein from calories optimally. 30% of calories means 150 grams of protein in diet with 2000 calorie.

How to get into your diet more protein

Increasing your protein intake is simple. Simply eat more protein rich food.

And those are:

Meat: chicken, turkey, pure beef, pork, etc.
Fish: salmon, sardines, cod, trout, etc.
Eggs: all kinds
Milk products: milk, cheese, yoghurts, etc.
Legumes: beans, chickpeas, lentils, etc.

If you have a low carbohydrate diet, choose more colorful meat. If you are not a low carbohydrate diet to get involved as many pure meat as it can be. This will make it easy to maintain protein at a high level without taking too many calories.

Taking protein supplements is also a good idea if you have a problem achieving the desired quantity of protein. The whey protein powder has been shown to have a number of benefits, including increasing weight loss.

Although it is easy when you think that eating more protein will come simple, actually incorporating it into your life and nutritional plan can be complex. I recommend using some calorie / nutrients at the beginning. Weigh and measure everything you eat to make sure you achieve your protein goals.

You don't have to do this forever but at the beginning until you look like a high-protein diet is very important.

Summary: There are many high protein dishes that you can eat to increase protein intake. At the beginning, it is recommended to use some calorie / nutrients to be sure that you are receiving enough.

Proteins are the easiest and tastest way to lose weight

As regards fat loss and a better-looking body, proteins are the king of nutrients. You don't need to limit anything to benefit from higher protein intake. It's just about their add to your diet. It is especially attractive mainly because most meals rich in protein tastes really well. The eating many of them is simple and satisfactory.

Protein-rich diet can also be an effective strategy in preventing obesity, it's not just something that temporarily enjoy you to get rid of fat. A permanent increase in protein intake will export issued and received calories in your favor. In the course of months, years or decades can change your belt huge. However, keep in mind that calories still count. Protein can reduce hunger and increase metabolism, but you don't touch if you don't eat less calories as you burn. It is certainly possible to roost and dismant a calorie deficit caused by high protein income, especially if you eat a lot of unhealthy food. For this reason, you should base your diet mainly on meals with one ingredient. Although this article is focused on weight loss, proteins also have many other other benefits for our health.

nedeľa 25. apríla 2021

Why you need to train your legs more | Steroids4U.eu

 Why you need to train your legs more

Many people don't like leg day, but the truth is that you should actually have more leg training. See why and use these types for leg training!

In practice, I usually come across the opinion that we should train our feet only once a week, but this is not true! You curse them, you fight them, and then you always try to manage the debilitating pain for the next three or four days. You repeat the same stereotypical cycle of necessity every week, although you still find time to experiment with 274 ways to train your biceps and chest. So listen well! You are depriving yourself of serious gains in your legs and other muscle groups. You need to train smarter by training your legs more often. I promise you that it will help you with additions EVERYWHERE. In our article you will learn how.

How often to train your legs

Frequency is a key component of quality training. Together with intensity and volume, frequency (frequency) serves as one of the pillars of program design. By controlling these variables, you can set specific goals, regenerate, and maximize your body's ability to adapt to strength training. Even though you may already know all this, you probably still waste too much time thinking and worrying that:

What if you're overtraining

How many times can you train your hands in a three-day period
And why "leg day" is so terribly difficult

And you probably don't spend enough time worrying about the essentials:

Optimizing the frequency of your training for all parts of the body
Foot training more often than once a week

Hot news

If you want to really grow, you need to train your legs at least twice a week. Research has shown that the golden way to maximize hypertrophy (muscle growth) involves training each muscle group at least twice a week. Many researchers argue that this is related to the mTOR pathway, which is responsible for regulating protein synthesis.

Good training stimulates an increase in protein synthesis (and thus muscle building) for a maximum of 48 hours before returning to basics. The peak increase usually occurs within 24 hours, from this time range. Take these findings into account when choosing or designing your program. When you are trying to gain in size, your goal should be to use training and nutrition while maintaining a constant level of increased protein synthesis. Think of each workout as an incremental on / off switch. The longer this switch is turned on, the more muscle you are able to build. Are you starting to see what all this has to do with foot training more than once a week? If not, read on! After all, it all lacks systemic growth and regeneration.

Hormonal gradation, which is the result of intensive training, is an important part of growth and regeneration. However, there is not enough knowledge about it. You have to USE it. This is especially important for natural exercisers who rely entirely on the internally produced anabolic ingredients. Exercises targeting multiple muscle groups (such as squats, lunges, and deadlifts) stimulate greater growth in testosterone and growth hormone, compared to smaller isolation movements. What is missing here is the fact that growth hormone and testosterone are not local hormones. Yes, the muscles you have recently trained are more sensitive to them, but the systemic effect of these strong anabolic components cannot be ignored. We, who are going for it in a natural way, need as much help as we can. The higher testosterone levels, the more muscle you can build, EVERYTHING! It is not a statement, it is not a theory, it is a physiological fact. The best part is that you can increase your testosterone naturally.

Exercising squats, leg presses, and deadlifts increase testosterone and growth hormone levels more than a biceps lift or triceps pulley. These elevated testosterone and growth hormone levels later lead to faster regeneration and greater potential for systemic growth. The research is clear and leads to a very clear conclusion: If size matters (why not), you need to train your legs more often.

How to train your legs properly

It's time to treat your feet as if they actually made up half of the pure mass of your body. Fortunately, their training is quite clear. They tend to react quickly when subjected to an adequate training load and do not require a variety of strength equipment.

I'll even give you an example program to begin with. A great way to increase the frequency of your leg workouts is to set one day each week when your hamstrings (back thigh muscles) will dominate and one day when your front thigh muscles will dominate your workouts. It's a great method when you're already training your legs once a week, as it allows you to have extra time to regenerate. Your hamstrings can still be sore when it's time for the front thigh muscles after a few days.

A few things to keep in mind:

Repeat these exercises for 4 weeks, adding weight if necessary.
Keep rest intervals between sets of 30-45 seconds. It will be annoying.
For each exercise, choose the weight with which you will achieve technical failure.
The purpose is important. Deliberately perform isolation movements at the beginning of a workout to activate your target muscles and connect to the volatile muscle mind.
Be persistent, get to work and the results will show.

Legs A (dominant are the front thigh muscles)

Exercise Repetition Series

1. Digging 4 25 *
2. Front squats 5 20, 12, 12, 8, 8
3. Bulgarian squat 4 15, 12, 12, 8
4. Large barbell squats 3 20 * *
5. Walking laps with own weight 1,100 in total * * *
* For the last set, pause at the top of each repetition

** No rest at the top, stop sign down

*** Add 20 repetitions each week

Legs B (hamstrings and sciatic muscles are dominant)

Exercise Repetition Series

1. Burial 5 10
      2a. Romanian deadlift 4 12
      2b. Hyperextension for gluteus 4 15 *
3. Lung lunges (large steps) 4 A total of 30 steps
4. Sumo leg press 4 25, 15, 15, 10
* 2 second isometric hold on top

Enjoy scooping and good luck in finding jeans that will fit you like a glove. However, pay attention to the correct execution of each exercise, especially the technical execution of the squat, but about it later.

piatok 23. apríla 2021

How to supplement ATP as effectively as possible | Steroids4U.eu

 How to supplement ATP as effectively as possible

Our body produces ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for all our movements and performances, but it usually does not produce enough. What is ATP? Can ATP be used as a supplement? You will also find answers to these questions in our article.

What is ATP?

Adenosine triphosphate or ATP is the main source of energy that keeps our bodies alive. ATP has long been considered a chemical that the body makes from other nutrients, but not a supplementable substance. However, taking ATP pills or pills could be beneficial to your workouts. ATP has three phosphate groups (triphosphate) in each molecule. When these groups are removed from the molecule, a huge amount of energy is released. Your body uses energy to perform several critical processes. These include the transport of proteins and lipids to and from cells, communication between cells, DNA and RNA synthesis and, last but not least, it controls the muscle contractions that allow movement.

How does ATP work?

When you use your muscles, your body creates new ATP to maintain energy intensity. But muscle tissue can only store enough to last only a few seconds. When you have a hard workout, you deplete energy very quickly, so your body focuses on phosphocreatine, glucose and oxygen to replenish ATP. Some people take a keratin supplement that provides energy for short-term, high-intensity exercise. Creatine supplies this energy by increasing phosphocreatine, which your body can then use to make more ATP. Consumption of carbohydrates before training works in a similar way. This raises blood glucose levels, which can also be used to increase the amount of ATP during a process called glycolysis.

Advantages of ATP supplements

Some studies point to beneficial effects, and subsequent studies using human participants have unfortunately not been so promising. But that's not the end of the story. ATP supplements may not directly increase the amount of chemical in your muscle tissue, but they can improve blood flow to active tissue, increasing physical performance and speeding up regeneration.

Improve your strength and endurance

A study in medicine, science, and sports found that two weeks of supplementation did not increase the amount of ATP in muscle tissue, but allowed study subjects more repetitions with greater intensity than subjects without supplementation. Another study showed that 400 milligrams of ATP taken over 15 days reduced muscle fatigue and helped participants develop more energy during intense exercise compared to the control group. The researchers found that 400 milligrams of ATP, combined with training for 12 weeks, allowed participants to make significant improvements in their performance compared to participants taking placebo. The study also showed that participants who took supplements gained more than twice the thickness of quadriceps muscle than those who took placebo. A new study from 2017 found that ATP supplementation would prevent its decline after intense exercise. Participants taking the supplements performed better than those taking the placebo.

Increase blood flow

In addition to improving muscle function, ATP supplementation can also increase vasodilation (dilation of the arteries). Wider leadership means that more fuel (oxygen and glucose) gets into the muscles faster. This vasodilation also helps to eliminate metabolic waste products such as lactate and urea from muscle tissue and provides more nutrients for rapid muscle recovery.

Side effects of ATP supplement

To date, no side effects are known with adenosine triphosphate, although the longest study to date has been only 12 weeks. The effects of continuous use have not been studied. It seems that ATP can be safely combined with other supplements.

How is ATP used and what forms exist?

ATP preparations are usually in the form of pills. Health experts often suggest that creatine monohydrate is best if you want to increase ATP levels during exercise. The key is to make sure you get 400 milligrams of ATP to maximize your potential benefits.

A component of a dietary supplement called ribose or d-ribose increases ATP and thus increases energy levels in the body. Our body must maintain its production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) at its highest possible level for maximum energy production and maximum physical performance. You can read more about ribose in our article: What is ribose and how it works.

When should you take ATP?

So far, there are no definitive studies on the best times and amounts of ATP supplements. Existing research suggests that taking 400 milligrams of ATP 30 minutes before exercise is most ideal. On days when you are not exercising, take ATP on an empty stomach about 30 minutes before your first meal.

nedeľa 18. apríla 2021

6 tips for better intake and intake of more calories | Steroids4U.eu

 6 tips for better intake and intake of more calories

Are you someone who struggles during the day to consume enough calories to build muscle? If so, try these 6 tips for people who have trouble picking up!

Here are 6 tips to help you overcome the obstacles to gaining more muscle mass.

1. Stop worrying about what's healthy and what's not

One of the biggest mistakes I see in people trying to gain pounds is that they try to eat too healthily. In general, the "healthy scoop" of these people is very poor in terms of energy.

For example, sweet potatoes and normal potatoes have become the basis of some people's "intake" diet because they are rich in carbohydrates and people think they have a lot of calories. However, the truth is that foods like these do not have enough.

The average medium-sized sweet potato has only 30 grams of carbohydrates and is one of the foods that saturates the most. Do you think you eat a lot of carbohydrates by eating 5 medium-sized sweet potatoes a day? Unfortunately, you only get 150 grams of carbs from them, which is not enough calories at all to build muscle mass when it comes to carbs.

It usually extends beyond carbohydrates, straight to protein sources. For example, chicken breasts also have a very low energy content and will feed you really fast (with each bite you will feel really full).

If you are a person who is having a hard time gaining weight, you need to maximize your calorie intake in every part of your diet. Choose protein sources that have a higher energy content than chicken thighs, 80/20 ground beef, fatty fish such as salmon, etc.

The same goes for choosing fats.

2. Liquid calories as a basis

If you have a hard time gaining and don't drink a lot of your calories, you're doing it wrong.

Liquid calorie intake is a method of injecting extra energy into yourself, and it's also the perfect way to get a lot of calories into yourself without having to set aside a ton of space in your stomach, go through the painful preparation of calorie-heavy food, and waste time eating it. .

For example, you can throw 2 full cups of milk, 2-3 bananas, some whey protein, 2-3 tablespoons of peanut butter, spinach and whatever comes to mind, press the miracle button and 60 seconds later you have a ready meal containing 1000 -1500 calories and you can drink it on the way to the gym.

Liquid foods are usually faster to digest and people do not feel as full as solid foods with the same caloric intake, allowing you to get more calories into you during the day. For most people, these high-calorie liquid foods are a tenth or lead.

3. Smug calories into your body by mixing foods

There is one trick that really helps people get more food into their stomachs: mixing meals together.

Let me explain what I mean.

For example, when those who are gaining weight are preparing rice, it is quite easy to add a little butter or olive oil to the rice at the end, which will increase the number of calories by up to 200-300 calories per serving. It packs pretty quickly when you have two servings of rice a day.

The same goes for the preparation of proteins. A tasty sauce can be combined with grilled chicken. It can be, for example, just a simple chimichurri with a base of olive oil or a decent portion of barbeque sauce.

If you are preparing a salad, wrap it with a good portion of avocado, nuts and a proper salad dressing. If you try hard enough, you can turn a salad with 200 calories into a salad with 2,000 calories.

4. Capture your brain

In addition to society, strange music, psychedelics, and dubious fashion, other interesting things came into being in 1970: designer food.

Between 1970 and early 2000, there was a boom in scientific food research, which revealed how to design food that clutches in your brain the food enjoyment response.

By finding the right combinations of salt, sugar, fat, energy, crunchiness and other key aspects of food, food manufacturers have made a number of super tasty foods to the point where they can go through your natural behavior and signal hunger in the brain.

Think of it this way. When you arrive a large portion of dinner, where you have roasted chicken, broccoli and brown rice, you feel properly filled and someone offers you a bowl of ordinary baby carrots, you think, "I'm so full, there is no such thing as to eat anything" and you refuse.

However, when someone offers you a plate of hot cookies with pieces of chocolate, you say, "Cough it up, I can still find a place for these 4 bad boys." This is the power of tempting food.

Of course, with super tasty and tempting brainstorming foods, it should not be overdone, because as they are sources of almost empty calories, it can cause you serious problems that you did not plan. However, if you have difficulty getting enough calories, these dishes can be super helpful for you.

5. Skip the vegetables

Before you all look at me angrily… I understand you. Vegetables are important for our health and longevity, but during 70-100 years on this planet you can put vegetables on their side for 6-12 months. Don't worry, you won't die!

But why omit vegetables? It's simple math. If you have severe difficulty gaining weight, you can't afford to waste a precious spot in your stomach for essentially empty calories.

Broccoli is great, but it won't help you pack up on pounds (or grams) of muscle tissue. You better save your empty space in your stomach for the calories you need to grow.

6. Preparation, preparation, preparation

People think that food preparation is key when following a diet. I would say that it is more important for those who have a hard time gaining and trying to gain some of that mass.


It is simple. You can simply grab a protein bar or protein shake and call it food if you are busy and need to follow a diet. However, it is much harder to satisfy your protein and caloric needs when you are trying to consume 5,000+ calories a day.

If you've ever tried to eat 5,000+ calories a day for more than a day or two, you know how much food it actually is and how much effort you need to put in to eat it every day. If you were to stop and cook every single meal, you would spend 16 hours a day cooking, eating and washing - preparing food becomes an important part.

piatok 16. apríla 2021



Protein or protein is one of the most important nutrients for our body. They are the alpha and omega in the fitness world, because they function as a basic building block for the growth and maintenance of muscle mass, but also for the cells of the immune system. However, they are not only important for active athletes, because they have a really wide effect on our functioning. They have a positive effect on bone health, skin, enzyme production, hormones and play a vital role in all body tissues. Life without them would not be possible and the body also uses them to create connective tissues (ligaments, cartilage and bones) and muscle tissues (smooth, cardiac and transverse striated).

The positive news is that we can find proteins in a wide range of foods that we normally consume every day. Their best source is poultry, dairy products, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts and various whole grain products. Optimal protein intake depends on several factors. If it is insufficient, it can affect your health or your inability to achieve your fitness goals. So how do you recognize protein deficiency?

How proteins work in our body

Before we begin to describe the signs that signal a lack of protein, we need to say something about how they work. During digestion, proteins in our body are broken down into amino acids. These help the body to function and grow optimally. Therefore, as mentioned in the introduction, this macronutrient is important for healthy and strong muscles, bones, hair or nails.

We know of nine essential and eleven non-essential amino acids, of which arginine or histidine, for example, are partially essential (necessary in certain situations). The difference between essential and non-essential amino acids is that essentially our body cannot produce itself. Therefore, we should consume them in the diet or nutritional supplements. The storage of amino acids in our body is taken care of by the so-called amino acid pool. It is a term that characterizes amino acids in the circulatory system, where they are immediately available to our body, for example in the synthesis of proteins. However, the capacity of the amino acid pool is very small. Therefore, we should pay attention to their regular supply. Simply put, if we do not get enough protein, our health may be at some risk.

Optimal daily protein intake for adults

So how much protein should we take? The optimal daily protein intake is the amount you should consume every day for the healthy functioning of your body. It depends on several factors, including gender, lifestyle, current weight, sports activity or fitness goals.

The minimum dose should be 0.8 g per kilogram body weight. But this is true for people who live inactive ways. For most others, this amount is insufficient and the most inclined value is thus on average around 1.2 to 1.8 g / kg. However, when you exercise, your protein intake should be even higher. For example, if you do strength sports, you should be at 1.4 - 2 g / kg with protein. However, the need for protein may increase in the case of a really demanding sports load, or in a combination of a hard drawing diet and training.

Signs of insufficient protein intake

As mentioned in the introduction, insufficient protein intake has a very negative effect on your health. A condition in which you have low levels of protein in your blood is called hypoproteinaemia. Signs of poor protein intake vary and can range from less severe to severe. 

An example is:

fatigue and weakness
recurrent viral or bacterial infections
mood swings
craving for foods rich in protein

It should be added that these symptoms may also be associated with a general lack of energy and other health problems. Therefore, the diagnosis of hypoproteinemia is only possible after a medical examination. However, protein deficiency also brings other problems. Therefore, below we will introduce you to 5 characters that should warn you.

1. Shortly after a meal you feel dissatisfied and hungry

Feelings of hunger fluctuate throughout the day. It is therefore natural that after strenuous training you are more hungry than on days when there is less physical activity. However, if you feel dissatisfied and hungry shortly after eating, it may be a sign of a lack of protein. The body digests proteins more slowly than carbohydrates, which give you an immediate source of energy. It is a good idea to include a source of protein, complex carbohydrates and fats in every meal. The resulting food will be nutritionally balanced, you will spend it longer and it will provide you with a more stable flow of energy or a feeling of satiety.

It is this that is much larger here than with foods with a lower protein content. If their intake is not ideal, you may notice a greater appetite and a desire to put something good under your tooth. Often this urge is associated with the craving for sweet, savory, fatty and caloric foods, the consumption of which can lead to weight gain.

2. You lose muscle mass

Your muscles are the largest store of protein in your body. If you have a deficiency of them, the body will arrange itself by taking them from skeletal muscles. This is to protect important tissues and functions of the body. As a result of this process, protein deficiency leads to muscle loss over time, known as sarcopenia. It is a syndrome of gradual loss of muscle mass, strength or function.

It usually manifests itself in the elderly and even when there is even a slight lack of protein. However, people who are low in protein are no exception, which can be a problem in connection with a lot of sports. However, their increased intake can reverse muscle degeneration, according to studies. It is ideal to combine protein with strength training to help you gain muscle mass. This is then one of the prerequisites for a longer and better life.

3. You have problems with your hair, skin and nails

Hair loss, dry skin or breaking nails can be one of the first signs that your protein intake is not enough.

Biotin, a water-soluble vitamin B, is essential for the metabolism of branched-chain amino acids.

These are found in proteins. And biotin is needed to maintain healthy hair, skin and nails.

Lack of protein and biotin usually goes hand in hand. Hair, skin or nail problems can also be related to deficiency:

omega 3 fatty acids

4. You have trouble sleeping

If you have prolonged sleep problems, your body may want an increased protein intake. The process of burning them is much slower than in the case of carbohydrates.

If you lack protein and energy, you can wake up every 2-3 hours during the night because your body wants its next meal. Eating enough of them, along with a well-designed diet, will give you a greater feeling of satiety and better insulin stabilization. Smoother sleep can also be associated with this.

In addition, poor sleep is involved in a number of different problems. If you are more interested in this topic, be sure not to miss our article What happens to your body when you sleep a little.

5. You are stressed and cannot concentrate

The release of stress hormones can have an effect on increased muscle and tissue breakdown. It is important to realize that stress is to blame. If you do not have enough protein in your diet, it will have nothing to recover. Your tissues suffer as a result of a stressful lifestyle and inadequate nutrition.
In addition, protein deficiency also contributes to your concentration.

If you can't concentrate, your diet may be at fault. Neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine need the right amount of amino acids for their synthesis, which is provided by proteins. Their deficiency can lead to malaise, poor concentration and reduced mental alertness.

Tips on how to supplement the missing protein

If you feel that you lack enough protein, you can reach for some proven tips on how to supplement these important substances. Among the most effective are:

Limit processed foods. Instead of consuming too much simple carbohydrates and sugars, try to eat as little processed food as possible. Give room for legumes, meat, nuts, dairy products and the like.
Try to represent protein throughout the diet. The key is that each of your meals contains a portion of protein. Thanks to this, your diet will be balanced and healthy.
Give space to an alternative source of protein. Try, for example, vegetable proteins found in legumes, nuts, beans or soy.
Think of the tenth. Many underestimated tithes can be a great source of protein supplementation. An excellent choice is, for example, protein bars, cookies and the like.
Consider supplementation. Protein supplements are among the most effective tools to help with the supply of more protein. You can supplement them with quality whey, vegetable, beef or multi-ingredient protein.

An overview of the best sources of protein

It follows that a diet high in protein has many benefits to our health and can help prevent more problems. Therefore, you should give space to the best sources of protein, which include:

beef and chicken
fish and seafood
milk, cheese and dairy products
legumes (peas, beans, lentils)
pseudo-cereals (buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa…)
nuts and seeds
tofu and tempeh
vegetable meat substitutes
whey and vegetable protein
protein bars


After reading the article, we know that protein is one of the most important nutrients that should definitely not be missing in our diet. Not only are they the cornerstone of muscle growth and maintenance, but they also contribute to a number of biological processes, including the proper functioning of the immune system. The optimal daily protein intake is about 1.2 to 1.8 g / kg. However, with an active lifestyle, this number should be higher to the upper end of the interval. If our body lacks protein, we can cause unpleasant health problems. Their absence is associated with feelings of hunger, loss of muscle mass, mood swings, poor sleep or inability to achieve sports goals. We should therefore think about protein in every meal. Their best sources include meat, legumes, fish and dairy products.

streda 14. apríla 2021

Which vitamin is most important | Steroids4U.eu

 Which vitamin is most important

Many years ago, the English company Reflex developed a multivitamin called Nexgen®, to be honest, it was developed to meet the personal needs of the business owner as an exemplary multivitamin product that could reach every level. Thanks to the fact that it was manufactured within the company, a complete control of the components used was achieved and the required quality was achieved. That was about 10 years ago, and since then Nexgen® has evolved very dramatically as the molds have been improved year after year, with the final incarnation being Nexgen® PRO.

The relationship between vitamins is very important

It is very difficult to provide a simple explanation of how Nexgen® PRO has been formulated because there is much to understand as the specific relationships between key ingredients such as magnesium and vitamin D. Few are aware of the important relationship that these two ingredients play in health and the vital importance of these two with another little-known vitamin.

The most important components of a multivitamin

At that time, the owner of Reflex asked himself the question of what are the most important ingredients in a multivitamin preparation. It's not B vitamins, vitamin C or selenium, but a vitamin that completely changes the game, a vitamin that everyone needs. It is Vitamin K2-MK-7. For several years, K2-MK-7 has been quietly formulated and a specially made variety called K2VITAL has been used.

How much to dose vitamin K2

You may ask how many K2 MK-7s are in Nexgen PRO. The response is 75 mcg of vitamin K2-MK7 (K2VITAL). A really important aspect to keep in mind is that K2-MK7 can be easily degraded in some commercially available K2-MK-7 supplements. Some show significant signs of deterioration, which is why we use K2VITAL, which is an extremely stable form. You can read more about this high-quality form of vitamin K2.

I hope you have also learned that there is an important relationship between vitamin D, magnesium, vitamin K2 and, to a lesser extent, vitamin A. All are associated with the control of calcium in our body and it is necessary that they are all present. Finding more information about this complex thing is easy; A quick search through Google will reveal a considerable amount of valuable information. Take a look at the "COMB" studio, which will tell you a lot and of course any video with Dr. John Whitcomb.

The only thing that is hard to find is a multivitamin containing K2-MK7, vitamin D, magnesium and vitamin A in appreciable doses, which is why we developed Nexgen PRO!

nedeľa 11. apríla 2021

Proper nutrition against heart disease | Steroids4U.eu

 Proper nutrition against heart disease

Last time we dealt with the most important vitamins and minerals for heart health. In today's article, we'll look at some other things that can help you reverse heart disease or prevent it, including the best herbs for the heart.

Cayenne pepper has a wealth of cardiovascular benefits, including strengthening, stimulating and strengthening the heart, balancing circulation, and calming the pounding.

Hawthorn, a favorite of the famous herbalist John Christopher, improves oxygen and blood supplies and is rich in flavonoids that protect small capillaries from free radical damage. Hawthorn is effectively used in angina, arrhythmias, arteriosclerosis, blood clots and hypertension. The best results are usually noticeable after a few months, hawthorn is safe even with long-term use.

Garlic prevents the formation of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases the good one (HDL). Garlic also lowers blood pressure, prevents platelet aggregation and improves circulation.

Pycnogenol has been found to be more effective than buffered aspirin in reducing arterial platelet production, a major factor in heart disease.

Cocoa is a natural source of theobromine, which has long been considered a heart tonic and a mild stimulant. Cocoa also contains epicatechin, a flavonol that improves blood vessel function.

Feline claw or vilcacora contains a number of valuable phytochemicals that inhibit the processes involved in the formation of blood clots. It increases blood circulation and prevents inappropriate clotting, thus helping to prevent stroke and reducing the risk of heart attack.

In many studies, ginkgo has been shown to cause dilation and increase blood flow in arteries, capillaries, and veins, as well as prevent platelet aggregation, reduce blood clotting, and help protect our blood vessel walls from free radical damage.

Ginger lowers choesterol levels and blood pressure and also prevents the formation of blood clots. Like garlic, ginger interferes with a long sequence of events needed to form blood clots, which helps prevent clots that can settle in narrowed coronary arteries and cause a heart attack.

Turmeric lowers blood cholesterol by stimulating bile production. It also prevents the formation of dangerous blood clots that can lead to a heart attack.

Alfalfa leaves and shoots help lower blood cholesterol levels and plaque build up in the walls of arteries.

Alpha-lipoic acid works with other antioxidants in the body to increase their effectiveness against oxidative stress and help keep the arteries clean by preventing the incorporation of LDL choesterol into the walls of the arteries.

Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple. Bromelain can dilute blood and help cleanse artery walls of deposits. One study showed that bromelain relieves pain from sore throat, which is associated with heart disease.

Essential fatty acids help prevent unnecessary blood clotting, reduce inflammation and regulate blood pressure. They are found in blackcurrant seed oil, borage oil, evening primrose oil, fish oil and linseed oil.

Pectin is a fiber found in grapefruits, apples and other fruits and vegetables that help lower LDL cholesterol and remove fatty plaque deposits from the arteries.

Other herbs and supplements that are beneficial for the heart are iodine, wormwood, blueberry, arjuna, fo-ti, citrine, artichoke leaf extract, guggul, cordyceps, L-carnitine, lecithin, taurine, activated carbon, dragon, dandelion, rosemary , chamomile, valerian root, bug, kelp, cola, myrrh, passion fruit, psyllium,, thorny deciduous tree, saffron and tarragon.

Warning: do not use a bug or dragon during pregnancy. Do not use ginseng if you have high blood pressure.

Finally, many important foods and supplements can help you prevent and treat heart disease. A healthy lifestyle, including regular physical activity, is also essential.

piatok 9. apríla 2021

Everything you need to know about MSM | Steroids4U.eu

 Everything you need to know about MSM

Are you considering adding MSM? This ingredient could help you if you want to relieve muscle pain and speed recovery. In this article, I will explain all the possible benefits of this supplement.

MSM or Methylsulfonylmethane is a relatively well-known dietary supplement. It has gained popularity especially in recent years, as many large studies suggest that it can bring various health and performance benefits. In particular, MSM has been shown to reduce pain and inflammation associated with exercise, also reduce oxidative stress and improve regeneration. Based on this article, it will be easier for you to decide whether you want to supplement your body with MSM or not.

What is MSM?

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a chemical that springs from sulfur inside the earth into bodies of water such as oceans, rivers and lakes. From there it penetrates the soil. MSM contains organic sulfur, which is considered one of the basic minerals. Sulfur is the third most abundant element of the body in relation to body weight. Due to its small size and high ability to penetrate cell walls, MSM gets from the soil to the plants and further focuses on the animals that eat them. This is why MSM occurs naturally in many common foods, such as fruits, vegetables and cereals. MSM can also be used in supplemental form, which facilitates the use of higher doses of MSM than would be possible if consumed only from natural sources.

What does MSM do?

As a dietary supplement, MSM is used to relieve pain and inflammation that can occur after exercise, as well as to improve the ability to perform physical activity. MSM is often found as an adjunct to products containing glucosamine and chondroitin. Research suggests that in combination with one of these products, use is more effective than when used alone. MSM works mainly with antioxidant capacity, which reduces the accumulated damage of free radicals. It is a very small molecule that can easily move into and out of cells, allowing it to have an extensive effect in the body at the tissue and cellular levels.

What are the proven benefits of MSM?

The claims for reduced pain and functional improvement attributed to MSM supplementation support clinical and randomized controlled trials. One study tested 1.5-gram and 3-gram daily doses of MSM for 30 days and found that subjects recovered more quickly from resistance and showed reduced muscle pain and fatigue. The health and performance benefits of MSM are well known in the literature, but new research has even focused on the benefits of using MSM in a population of patients with metabolic syndrome.

What are the side effects of MSM?

He considers the use of MSM to be safe. One 26-week study, the longest study on MSM, has so far shown no side effects, even at a dose of 6 grams per day. Due to the lack of research in the population of pregnant and breastfeeding women, they are not recommended to take MSM supplements.

Are there natural forms of MSM?

It is very likely that you are consuming MSM in your regular diet. MSM can be found in higher concentrations in cow's milk, coffee or tea. It also occurs naturally in tomatoes, corn, apples, raspberries and even beer. The concentration of MSM found in natural resources is relatively low, which is why synthetic production has become relatively widespread. As more and more studies confirm its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, the demand for this supplement is also rising. Synthetically made MSM has the same properties as the naturally occurring version, which allows users to supplement their diet with higher doses without having to consume unrealistic amounts of food.

What is the recommended daily dose of MSM?

Oral MSM supplementation ranges from 500 milligrams to 3 grams per dose, with twice daily administration in most studies. The recommended dosage also depends on what result we expect. For example, studies of the antioxidant effects and therapy of osteoarthritis associated with MSM range from 1.5 to 3 grams per day. To increase recovery from soft tissue injuries, the dose may be only 50 milligrams. Although studies show that the dose can be higher (up to 20 grams per day), the highest reported dose in the research literature is 6 grams per day.

What are the possible drug interactions for MSM?

MSM can be given with some medicines and medicines to increase drowsiness and may have antihistaminic-like effects.

Summary of the benefits of MSM

MSM is a natural part of the human diet and its supplementation is safe. There are a wide range of benefits associated with MSM use, including improved joint function, improved post-exercise recovery, pain relief, relief of inflammation, and reduction of oxidative stress. The use is especially useful for those who want to reduce inflammation and joint pain so that they can return to their normal daily activities. For athletes, MSM can be a valuable addition to their routine supplements for better post-workout recovery and reduced joint inflammation.

streda 7. apríla 2021

5 ways to get the most out of your fat burner! | Steroids4U.eu

 5 ways to get the most out of your fat burner!

How to effectively burn fat? Whether you have a competition ahead of you or are just trying to lose a few pounds, in this article you will learn everything you need to know to make the most of one of the most popular types of supplements!

Do Fat Burners Really Help Weight Loss and Lead to Fat Loss? The short answer is yes. However, be aware that no fat burner will do all the work for you, and if you have unrealistic expectations, you will probably be disappointed. Burners can help you, but it's up to you to use them effectively in your weight loss program. If you do it right, your results will certainly come and be positive. Here are some tips to get the most out of your fat burner!

Train wisely!

If you use a fat burner, you are probably trying to run into a caloric deficit, which means that your body burns more calories than it receives. The only problem with this approach is that long-term calorie restriction can cause confusion in your metabolism. Instead, adjust your training program to burn more calories and improve your metabolism. For example, add to the intensity or shorten the pauses.

Adjust your diet according to the type of fat burner!

Not every burner is the same, so not everyone should be used in a specific way. Some fat burners work better on an empty stomach, while others do not work well in the presence of certain macronutrients. That's why customizing your meals is important to maximize the results of your fat burner. For example, yohimbine is an ingredient found in many fat burners. Studies have shown that when Yohimbine is consumed on an empty stomach, it absorbs up to 7% of fat in some individuals. In another study, those who had the slowest rate of gastric emptying when consuming yohimbine with food responded best to yohimbine, not on an empty stomach. If your fat burner contains yohimbine, take it with food ideally with some fat, as this could further delay the movement of food through the stomach and thus improve the absorption of the body. Most importantly, remember that there is no substitute for a healthy diet. The healthier food you eat, the better results you can expect. The fat burner is not a magic pill that will help erase your sinful weekend.

Proper timing!

Timing is important, especially to make sure you make the most of your fat burner. For example, if you are taking a burner to reduce your appetite, your first dose should be before the first meal of the day. Because many burners contain energy-boosting ingredients, you can take your dose 15-30 minutes before your workout to take advantage of the energy-boosting benefits to get the most out of your workout. Keep in mind, however, that if you are taking other supplements before your workout, you should not take them from your burner at the same time. Both training supplements and fat burners often contain relatively large doses of caffeine and other stimulants. An alternative may be to use a non-stimulating burner if you know you have pre-workouts and will take other supplements. Most fat burners recommend multiple doses throughout the day, so if you have a busy day ahead, start taking it in the morning, taking the second dose to suppress the afternoon slump and another to recharge after the work day. On days without training, you can use it as an energy booster and to suppress your appetite, time your doses and spread them every 5-7 hours. Keep in mind that dosage recommendations may vary for each type of burner, so it is important to read the label carefully to clearly understand the dosage of each product.

Check your sleep!

Lack of sleep can have serious adverse effects on your fat burning goals. Even partial sleep deprivation has been shown to reduce calories burned in response to exercise, and long-term sleep deprivation has been shown to potentiate this effect. Adequate sleep improves your natural metabolic rate, allowing your fat burner to be a useful addition to your weight loss program, rather than as a necessary compensation for bad habits. Getting enough sleep each night will also help you feel better every day, help you stay motivated, train harder and stick to your fat burning plan. Most people feel the stimulating effects of caffeine about six hours after consumption, so as a general rule, do not use your fat burner 6 hours before bedtime, it is even recommended 8 hours. If you are more sensitive to caffeine, plan your dosage well!

Hydration, hydration, hydration!

Never overlook the importance of drinking enough water to increase your fat burning benefits. Water is essential for life and optimal health, energy, strength and metabolism. When your body is not well hydrated, your performance in the gym decreases rapidly. When you are supplied, you will be able to do more and better, which will lead to burning more calories. Simple drinking water alone can improve your body's ability to handle what is known as metabolic flexibility, or the ability to switch between using carbohydrates or fats for fuel supplies. According to research, water consumption, when blood sugar and insulin levels are low, increases fat oxidation. Of course, when you drink water instead of high-calorie drinks, your total calorie intake per day decreases. This is obvious to everyone, but given how many people still drink heaps of hidden calories, in the form of juice or alcoholic beverages, it's always worth repeating!

nedeľa 4. apríla 2021

How to avoid DOMS - delayed onset muscle pain syndrome | Steroids4U.eu

 How to avoid DOMS - delayed onset muscle pain syndrome

DOMS is a muscle pain syndrome with delayed onset. If you suffer from this syndrome, you know that it is not easy at all. Fortunately, Japanese scientists have figured out how to avoid it.

DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) can cause you to feel muscle stiffness or muscle swelling and pain, with the pain lasting for a maximum of 1-3 days after exercise. That's why research from a university in Japan may be welcome news for hard-working athletes who experience DOMS more often than they might want.

Sports scientists have known for some time that branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) can help protect muscles from damage caused by intense strength training. A Japanese research team found out what happens when BCAA is combined with taurine, an amino acid that can also prevent muscle cell damage after exercise. The researchers divided 36 students into four groups. One group took placebo for two weeks, always before intense training, and then for four consecutive days after exercise. The second group took 3.2 grams of BCAA three times a day during the same period and the third group took 2 grams of taurine three times a day. To sufficiently test their theory that the combination of BCAA with taurine would reduce the new damage caused by DOMS, they gave the fourth group a total of 9.6 grams of BCAA and 6 grams of taurine per day for the same period of time. For four days after the training, the researchers asked the students if and what muscle pain they had. They also measured the concentration of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in the blood of each. LDH is released when muscle tissue is damaged, so it is considered a marker of muscle damage. Students who combined BCAAs with taurine experienced the least intensity of muscle pain between the four groups. In addition, their blood tests showed significantly lower LDH levels. Of course, not everyone responds in the same way to taurine supplements, but if you want to avoid or reduce pain, the combination of BCAAs with taurine can help you.

piatok 2. apríla 2021

4 important nutritional principles for fat loss | Steroids4U.eu

 4 important nutritional principles for fat loss

The exercise plan and fat reduction need to be synchronized a bit to make it easier to reach your goal. Here are four eating strategies to help you succeed.

Before you start planning your workouts, make sure that you really need the calories and macronutrients you receive daily. If you want to find out how many calories you can take per day while losing weight, you can use the nutritional calculators that you can find on the Internet. Statistics and activity rates are recorded in the calculator. Keep in mind that the daily amount of calories is just an estimate. To get any results, you need to monitor your food intake every day and check your morning weight several times a week. Your goal for weight loss should be 0.5-1.0 percent of your body weight per week. For example, 0.5 - 1 kilogram per week with a body weight of 85 kilograms. If you lose weight more slowly, reduce your total calorie intake by 10-15 percent. If you lose weight too quickly, you risk losing muscle, you should increase your calorie intake by 0.5-1.0 percent of your body weight per week.

Principle no. 1 - Eat more protein!

Protein offers benefits that help you maximize your body changes. First, it plays an important role in muscle growth and regeneration. If you consume enough protein, you can optimize muscle maintenance even with limited calorie intake. Second, protein can reduce appetite because it takes longer to digest, so the food stays longer in the stomach. Plus, the protein triggers the release of several saturation hormones, including cholecystokinin to suppress appetite. The more protein you take, the more cholecystokinin is released and the less hunger you will feel. But how much protein do you really need to eat? One study found that athletes who are preparing for heavy exercise consume 1.1-1.4 grams per kilogram of body weight, for example, 204-259 grams of protein per day for an 85 kilogram person. You must also ensure that you receive protein evenly throughout the day to maximize muscle growth and maintenance. This is because you need a minimum level of leucine, an amino acid found in protein that fully activates muscle growth and regeneration at the cellular level. You should try to take 25-35 grams of protein per serving to reach the recommended dose of 2-3 grams of leucine per serving. Make sure your protein comes from quality complex proteins such as dairy products, beef, poultry, pork and soy. These complex proteins are rich in leucine and contain all nine amino acids necessary to maximize muscle growth and repair.

Principle no. 2 - Reduce fat content!

The amount of protein you consume should always be the same during your program. Your job is to adjust other macronutrients to create a calorie deficit. When you need to reduce calories, remove the fat first. You should not start by reducing carbohydrates as they are the primary fuel source of your brain and muscles. During exercise, your body relies on both hydrocarbons and fat as fuel. The higher the volume and intensity of your workout, the more your body relies on carbohydrates. Let's say you have to create a deficit of 300 calories. You can remove 33 grams of fat, which corresponds to two tablespoons of olive oil or 4 tablespoons of peanut butter. You can also omit 75 grams of carbohydrates, which corresponds to 2 cups of brown rice or 3.5 medium-sized apples. However, limiting these carbohydrates would probably have a greater effect on your satiety.

Principle no. 3 - Prefer carbs around exercise!

Consumption of carbohydrates during training brings a fast digested fuel supply, which protects muscle glycogen and reduces muscle breakdown. The food you consume within one hour of your workout should be full of carbohydrates to replenish the glycogen stores in your muscles and prepare your body well for the next workout. Eating carbohydrates after training also minimizes the rate of muscle breakdown and increases the recovery process. To maximize energy before, during and after training, break down your carbohydrate intake as follows: 30-40% before training, 5-15% during training as a supplement, 30-40% after training. If you follow this recipe, you will be able to train more intensively and at the same time do everything you need to maintain muscle maximum.

Principle no. 4 - Drink more fluids!

When you drink more fluids at once, the stomach dilates, triggering the receptors in your stomach to send satiety signals to your brain. Drink more fluids before, during and after a meal. By staying hydrated throughout the day, your body will not crave high-calorie foods and it will be easier for you to stick to your diet plan.