nedeľa 30. mája 2021

How to use protein safely |

 How to use protein safely

Various diets with a high protein content and a low carbohydrate content are still a topical issue today. In particular, strength athletes and bodybuilders try to take every opportunity to take as much protein drinks as possible. In turn, a person consumes protein bars in the hope of rapid weight loss. How to use protein safely?

The power of proteins

It is easy to understand the excitement surrounding proteins because protein is an important part of every cell in the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Our body uses proteins to build and regenerate muscle tissue. With the help of protein, enzymes, hormones and other substances needed by the body are formed. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood.

Along with fats and carbohydrates, proteins are called "Macronutrient ingredients," which means that the body needs a relatively large amount of them. Vitamins and minerals, which are required only in small amounts, are included in the so-called "Micronutrient components." Unfortunately, unlike fats and carbohydrates, the body does not store protein, and therefore there is no protein supply in the body from which the body could be supplied in the event of a protein deficiency. So we often come across the opinion that it is necessary to take protein throughout the day. However, experts have a different opinion in this regard.

The truth is, we actually need to take in less protein than you might think. The more we use protein from better food sources (quality protein), the more our body will benefit from it.

How much protein is enough?

Apparently we've all heard the myth that the more protein, the bigger the muscles. In fact, the only way to build muscle mass is through exercise. The organs need a relatively small amount of protein to function well. Extremely high doses of protein will not provide you with more muscle mass or strength. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services:

Adolescent boys and active people can get enough protein from three daily portions.
For children aged 2 to 6, most women and some older people, two daily servings are recommended.
For older children, adolescent girls, active women and most men, two daily servings of protein are recommended.
Anyone who eats about 200 grams of steak, which is usually served in restaurants, gets more protein than his body needs. In addition, it absorbs a lot of saturated fats, which contribute to clogging of blood vessels.

For the general population, for a healthy individual, whether female or male, a protein intake of between 0.8-1.2 g per 1 kg of body weight is sufficient, whether she is lean or performs light physical activity. Athletes who exercise regularly and intensively, especially strength-oriented athletes striving for muscle development, should take in increased amounts of protein in their diet, but we recommend a maximum of 2 g per kg body weight, depending on your weight, body constitution and current condition. including the medical. Protein intake higher than 2 g kg body weight is completely unnecessary.

Disadvantages of a high protein diet

Many people who have jumped on the fashion trends of high-protein / low-carbohydrate diets think they can take in as much protein as they like. But nutritionists call for caution. The main reason is to understand what are the right amounts for protein and carbohydrate intake. Only understanding the idea of ​​this diet leads to weight loss. When people ingest a lot of protein but little carbohydrate, a change in their metabolism occurs called ketosis. Ketosis means that the body will no longer burn carbohydrates, but will choose its own fat as a fuel to burn. Under favorable metabolic conditions, the fat forms ketones in the body, which are released into the bloodstream and serve as a source of energy. Ketosis, which also occurs in diabetes, leads to suppression of appetite. The fact that people eat less increases the removal of fluids from the body in the urine, which leads to weight loss.

High protein diets, such as the Atkinson diet, can have short-term benefits with long-term health consequences. Possible risks: The body produces ammonia when protein levels fall. The risk of higher levels of ammonia in the body for a long time is not yet known. There is also evidence that people who eat a lot of protein usually excrete excess calcium in their urine. This suggests that the body releases calcium stores into the bloodstream to combat the increased acids caused by protein consumption (calcium stores, neutralize acids). Excessive calcium loss can lead to osteoporosis.

People on a low-carb diet avoid high-carbohydrate foods, including fruits and vegetables, which are the best source of vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, which are nutrients that help prevent disease and strengthen health. In contrast, animal foods that are high in protein usually also have a high content of saturated fatty acids, which increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and several types of cancer.

The American Heart Association warns: “. Reducing carbohydrate intake usually means an increase in dietary fat intake, which raises blood cholesterol levels and further increases cardiovascular risk. ” The AHA also states that people focus on a source of protein and carbohydrates while eating too much salt, too little calcium, potassium, magnesium, which are commonly found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

A short look at a high-protein diet

It is difficult to detect the various effects of high protein intake during a long period of a high protein diet. According to some studies, a high-protein diet is only safe for 6 months.

The most common questions in the field of protein consumption are the following:

Does a high-protein diet increase fat burning in the body?

Does a high protein diet increase satiety?

Does a high-protein diet reduce total calories taken?

Can a high-protein diet lead to weight loss?

In most cases, the answers are "yes". The protein can be converted in the body to glucose, ie. for energy, but it takes twice as long and with much more effort than converting carbohydrates or fats into glucose. This extraordinary effort occurs only in the extreme case when very little energy is available to the body.
In terms of fullness, clinical studies have shown that high-protein diets increase satiety and hunger compared to high-fat or high-carbohydrate diets. In addition, most, but not all, of these controlled studies have shown that most people on a high-protein diet needed about 10% less energy (about 200 calories) per day, which could be the least of some diets on this type of diet.

There is clear evidence that high-protein diets cause great fat loss. On average, high-protein diets caused a weight loss of approximately 2 kg, compared to the results of other diets after six months.

 “Most studies show results for up to six months, but after six months, they begin to lose their effectiveness, either because people are unable to follow the diet in the long run or because they become biologically accustomed to the diet. This means that in the long run, diets high in protein tend to lose their ability to maintain weight.

Choose your proteins wisely

The type of protein you eat can play a role in successfully losing weight and have an overall positive effect on health. Consumption of large amounts of processed meat, such as sausages and salami, which have been associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and colon cancer, makes it more difficult to maintain weight and lose weight. If you eat these proteins often, it can also have a negative effect on your health, so try to choose fast-digesting proteins such as Egg Protein from the renowned company Reflex Nutrition, which is also suitable for those who have an allergy to soy, or milk products. In our article we will help you find your way when choosing the best whey protein

Food tips from which you can take protein:

Fish: Fish offer the heart beneficial omega-3 fatty acids and generally contain less fat than meat.
Poultry: We can remove most of the saturated fat from poultry by removing the skin.
Beans: Beans contain more protein than any other vegetable protein. In addition, they are full of fiber, which will help ensure a feeling of satiety for hours.
Nuts: Approximately 30 grams of almonds will give you 6 grams of protein, which is almost as much protein as 30 grams of grilled Rib Eye steak (beef from the grill).
Wholegrain grains: A slice of wholegrain bread gives you 3 grams of protein, plus valuable fiber.
“Many plant foods such as soy and legumes can give you the same amount of protein as meat. Eat nuts for breakfast every day, as they not only contain a lot of protein, but are also a source of healthy fat.

streda 26. mája 2021

Resveratrol and its effect on hormonal imbalance in women with PCOS |

 Resveratrol and its effect on hormonal imbalance in women with PCOS

Resveratrol can help reduce the risk of metabolic problems in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and improve the body's ability to use insulin, thereby reducing the risk of developing diabetes, has anti-inflammatory effects, lowers testosterone levels in women with PCOS.

Resveratrol may help to address hormonal imbalances in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). One new study reported that PCOS is a major cause of infertility in women of childbearing potential. The condition that leads to this disease occurs in those who have larger circulating androgens. Androgenic dominance may contribute to women having irregular or absent menstrual disorders, weight gain, hair thinning, and blood sugar imbalances.

Women who have PCOS are also at higher risk of developing other health problems, such as type II diabetes. The exact cause of PCOS is unknown, but some individuals may have a genetic predisposition and subsequently develop it.

Resveratrol is one of a group of plant compounds known as polyphenols, which are found naturally in grapes and nuts. Excellent sources of supplemental resveratrol include red grapes in particular. The compound is believed to have anti-inflammatory effects. According to the study, resveratrol significantly reduces testosterone levels in patients with PCOS as well as dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), a hormone that can increase testosterone in the body.


Thirty women with PCOS completed a randomized study in which they were given a daily resveratrol or placebo pill for three months of taste. Patients had blood samples taken to determine testosterone and other androgen hormone levels. Women also underwent an oral glucose tolerance test to measure the risk of diabetes. The researchers found that total testosterone levels decreased by 23 percent among women who received resveratrol supplementation, and DHEAS decreased by 22 percent, while placebo testosterone levels increased by 3 percent and DHEAS increased by 10 percent. Patients taking the resveratrol supplement also reduced their risk of developing diabetes because their insulin levels dropped by 32 percent, improving their insulin tolerance.

nedeľa 23. mája 2021

How to lose weight effectively with a psychologist |

 How to lose weight effectively with a psychologist

Why haven't you managed to lose weight yet? The psychologist Petra Kaločayová, who is very close to sports, advises. As can be seen in a crowded gym, at the beginning of the new year, many people probably decided to lose weight and start playing sports. However, those who go to it regularly can also see that over time, the onslaught of people decreases. We people have a natural tendency to improve, to look to a better version of ourselves. However, we often come across ingrained patterns, conditioned reactions written deep inside us, habits that we have been building for many years. If we have lived in a certain way for years, in most cases the change will not happen from day to day. If you want to lose weight, start exercising, or you are a coach who works with such people will help you if you know the "background" of the change. You will understand yourself and other people better.

How to lose weight? Change does not happen overnight, it is a long-term process

On Facebook or Instagram, we follow people who have decided to make their dreams come true and have changed for a better version of themselves. However, most of the time we see only the final product of their work, which can give us the confusing impression that they simply have an amazing life. Their change also cost effort, and their journey may have been long and winding. The change is PROCESS.

People on the path to change go through different stages. They stay in them for various lengths of time, but the laws do not change.


We know it. We have a friend or family member whose whole neighborhood sees that he has an unhealthy lifestyle or is overweight, but he does not admit it. We tried to call him to the gym several times, or we offered him "our food for rabbits". We met with rejection, ridicule or resistance. Their answer was, "Don't tell me what to do," or "I don't mind my fat, at least I'm not cold. They should gain weight, you look awful. ”They send us pictures with quotes that support their perception of reality“ how can I be poor, because I'm a woman of gold, with iron nerves nerv ”

People at this stage are focused on their stereotypical lifestyle, they do not want to change or think, they are not aware that their behavior has a negative impact on their health. Their psyche did not allow them to change anything. Since they do not see unhealthy habits, there is no motivation to change them.

If an overweight person starts exercising at this stage, it is usually because they are forced by their surroundings. As a result, it can easily happen that he sees no meaning in exercise or weight loss, he will not want it, he will cancel his trainings or cheat his diet and secretly push the captured bar in the toilet.

Each of us is in a certain area in this "blind" zone, where our behavior did not sound problematic and we need to "mature" in order to see it.


Unexpectedly, a friend becomes interested in what and where we practice. Suddenly he watches our exercise posts page. He asks why we practice, sometimes it sounds like an investigation. However, we will probably not see him in the gym in the near future.

At this stage, people already admit that they should lose weight or start dieting. They are aware of the seriousness of the situation, they know that it would be good to have a healthy lifestyle. So far, however, they have not decided to go to the event, visit a gym, or put broccoli on a plate. "Yes, I know I should lose weight, but" is their common sentence, and they'll tell us a thousand reasons why it's not possible (they don't have time, money). This stage is characterized by decision-making, consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of weight loss or exercise. Hesitation is normal and natural.

Tip: To support a person who is at this stage, look for the subjective benefits of weight loss and exercise with him.


Our friend may have bought her first sports t-shirt because she decided to train, she may already have her own season ticket, but it doesn't work out for her, she was in the gym only once last week. She herself does not know what to eat, she starves for a while and then smashes the whole fridge.

People at this stage have the motivation to act and make a change. They started with small steps. They do not eat two chocolates, but only one, they use stairs instead of an elevator. We see that they are changing their lives, but they lack a system and a regular habit.

Tip: You will support a person who is at this stage by helping them to draw up an action plan for what their weight loss will look like. It is ideal to find a nutritionist who will advise you with the menu and with the coach or coach to define your goal and the appropriate way to achieve it.


At that stage, people are already actively changing their lifestyle. However, it is also common to fall into a previous state. To maintain your weight loss, increase your chances thanks to proven principles of psychology.

Customize your environment

Don't just rely on your strong will. We are human beings and we need to make it as easy as possible. If you have a bar full of sweets at home, you are more likely to get to them. You have decided to lose weight, so eliminate all things that increase the temptation to eat junk food. Forfeiture occurs when you are unprepared. If you have prepared a fit dinner, everything goes like "butter". The problem occurs when you are stressed, rush to a meeting and find yourself hungry. The baguette from the pump will probably end up in your stomach. Be prepared, a suitable solution is a box diet.

Reward yourself

If you don't like exercise, you will go to each workout with dislike and negative emotions. Emotions are key. Unhealthy eating has rewarded you before. You need to "dig through" this formula and find a reward in something that will be positive for you. An example could be that in a gym you meet a person who you like and understand well. It will increase your chances of success, because "shaking into the gym" will not be a poison, but you will look forward to it (reward), because you can no longer wait to see it.

Respond to stress differently.

Your old formula was that you came back from a job that was terrible, you didn't eat all day because you didn't catch up, you had three coffees and cookies. Throughout the day, you were "disconnected" from your body and totally in your head. In the evening you came home, you read and you ate the whole fridge. You dealt with your stress by overeating (so-called emotional eating), which relieved tension (like a scene from a movie where the protagonist pushes ice cream with soup with a spoon and cries because a dude broke up with her). You need to find another, adaptive release source that will serve you. There are various techniques, exercise is one of the ways to relieve mental stress.

Create a support network

The people around us are one big support network who can pull us up. Ask your friends and family to help you. When you run in the kitchen like a nervous tiger and the danger of calling from the fridge will be obvious. Then it is important that they intervene, take you e.g. for a walk or divert attention in another direction…


People are already in the target behavior, working to prevent the initial state from returning. The temptation is less, their self-confidence grows, the temptation to return to the original behavior decreases. There is a well-deserved reward in the form of a healthy habit.

štvrtok 20. mája 2021

Top 3 supplements for gaining muscle mass |

 Top 3 supplements for gaining muscle mass

There are really a large number of nutritional supplements that are suitable for gaining muscle mass, each supplement is different and in this article we will offer you the 3 most effective (creatine, whey protein, essential amino acids) that have already helped many people to get on the right path.

When we try to gain weight massively, it leads to a tendency to do much more than necessary, for example, we strengthen until we can no longer move, we overeat, we use all possible supplements that we can afford. After all, we want to make the most of this precious mass acquisition time, don't we? And when it comes to supplements, we headlessly spend on countless products, and at the same time we could rather invest in better food. Everything must be wise. If you want to gain muscle mass and avoid health problems, there are 3 supplements that can increase the effectiveness of your training and help you recover faster and prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue.

CREATINE = More energy for more volume

Creatine is primarily stored in your muscles, where one of its most important tasks is the rapid production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the cellular source of energy in your body. Unfortunately, our body can only store a small amount of ATP, and the small amount that can be stored is quickly used to deplete energy through intense exercise. By supplementing with creatine, you can increase the amount of creatine available to your muscles. When your body has a sufficient supply of creatine, additional supplementation can help you build more ATP to help you train longer, especially when you are performing high-intensity exercise. This can translate into multiple repetitions at a given weight or faster recovery between workouts. Furthermore, creatine helps to increase the volume and intensity of training and this is exactly what you need to do when gaining weight and strength. Long-term supplementation can not only increase strength and performance, but also improve body composition. The amount of creatine you should take daily depends on your goals. If you are not in a hurry, you only need to consume 3-5 grams a day and slowly increase the amount of creatine stored in your muscles. If your goal is to see rapid weight gain, you can start with a dose of 5-7 grams of creatine five times a day for 5 to 7 days, then reduce to 5-7 grams once a day to maintain stored creatine levels. Both protocols are considered to be equally effective in the long run. Be aware that when taking creatine, you may experience a significant increase in weight in the first 1-4 weeks, which is not yet made up of muscle but water.

Whey Protein = Increased hypertrophy

Some people believe that the only way to gain weight is to consume tons of carbohydrates. In the world of bodybuilding and sports, everyone knows that there is no quality muscle mass without consuming a lot of high quality protein. And when it comes to this type of protein, whey protein has no competition. Whey protein is an extremely fast digestible and bioavailable form of protein. It has been repeatedly shown to outperform other proteins, including casein, soy and even beef, in stimulating or enhancing muscle hypertrophy. Various research articles have found that milk proteins and whey stimulate more muscle growth than other sources of amino acids, and that whey protein supplementation can lead to the greatest increase in muscle mass, of course in combination with training. To get the benefits of whey protein, take 20-30 grams at least once a day, ideally twice. On the days you train, take your post-workout dose when your body's ability to synthesize protein is high. Researchers at a Canadian university found that taking 25 grams of whey immediately after exercise caused 67-69% higher protein retention than carbohydrate consumption. The researchers also said that whey after exercise provides 53-70% better recovery than carbohydrates after exercise.

BASIC AMINO ACIDS = Strengthening of anabolism

It happens that our body alternates periods that are significantly anabolic (muscle growth) and catabolic (muscle breakdown). Timing these anabolic peaks using proteins rich in all essential amino acids (EAAs) can provide your muscles with the extra support they need to grow. Research confirms that amino acids or proteins consumed before training can enhance your anabolic response to exercise. Sometimes such a thick vanilla protein can make your stomach heavy, and that's when amino acids come into play. EAA is nine compounds that provide the nitrogen that your body needs to get from nutritional sources because it cannot produce them on its own. Three of these nine are branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) leucine, isoleucine and valine. These three have a significant effect on the utilization of insulin and glucose in muscle and, in particular, leucine is thought to be most effective in stimulating muscle protein synthesis. So why not just use leucine? Although branched-chain amino acids and leucine have anabolic responses to protein, a recent study showed that EAA defeated BCAAs, and thus leucine, in stimulating muscle protein synthesis pathways during the first 90 minutes after exercise and after supplementation. In fact, EAAs were 18% more effective than BCAAs in activating a critical anabolic mechanism known as the mTOR pathway, during the first 90 minutes of recovery, and remained 40% more effective than leucine after 180 minutes. We recommend a drink with EAA, which has at least 1.8-3 grams of leucine and 0.9-1.5 grams of isoleucine and valine per dose before or during training, it is also advisable to drink drinks with EAA during the day or between meals on support muscle growth.

nedeľa 16. mája 2021

What to enjoy when you're tired? |

 What to enjoy when you're tired?

If you are looking for energy, caffeine is a great choice, but it is not the only supplement that can start you. Look for others that are commonly used together with caffeine. Sports nutrition products will help you build muscles, get perseverance and add on strength. They can also provide you with the energy you need.

Don't you ever want to move you and feel tired? Do you want you to just go out of the fit and just roll up on the couch? Believe that everyone has days of days when it doesn't feel any activity. This is one with the reasons why the accessories were created! Thus, if you desire for energy increase after training, see these ingredients:


The beginning of the list opens the folder that most people know very well. Caffeine acts on your central nervous system to provide you with physical energy and mental concentration, which can be reflected in a better concentration and in total power. Thus, it helps you burn more fat by release more fatty cell fatty acids, leading to weight reduction. Studies have shown that caffeine improves the total level of exercise resistance and increases the overall level of energy burned from fat resources. Of course, consumption too much caffeine can prime your central nervous system and on the contrary you tired. In addition, your body can adapt to the dose of caffeine, which means that the body will need larger and larger doses to achieve the same power. More about caffeine and its effects are also read in our article: Caffeine and its effects


The next step is citrulin, sometimes as a citrulin-malate. We find him in a red melon's juicy. Citrulin acts as a vasodilator, by increasing nitric oxide levels in your organism. Arginine is generally considered a major source of nitric oxide, but most of the arginine you obtained does not enter into the blood circulation due to digestive enzymes known as arginases. However, citrulin receives into a blood circulation with a large bioavailability, where it is then turned into arginine so you can draw energy as you just want. In one study where people enjoyed 8 grams daily supplement of citrilline, they were able to complete 53% more repetitions of test exercises than those who have taken placebo. At the same time, people use citroline recorded a 40% drop muscle pain and 24 to 48 hours after training.


When you are looking for a power steering to help you start your training, try synephrine. This adrenergic amine can increase your energy and like caffeine increases your body's ability to spread and burn fat. Also like caffeine, synefrine stimulates the central nervous system, but does not increase cardiac frequency or blood pressure. If you are hypersensitive to caffeine, Synephrine could be the right for you. It is also sold as "hot orange", this component works by stimulating beta-3 receptors in your body, which then accelerate the disintegration of stored body fat. Many people have noticed that their appetite is smaller, which further helps in loss of fats. Some people even combine sytefrine with caffeine. However, you'll be on the lookout! Two things stimulating your central nervous system can lead to anxiety, insomnia and bad digestion at a time.

Green tea extract

If you like energy from caffeine, try green tea extract. Green tea (as well as extract) naturally contains caffeine and plants compounds called catechin polyphenols. Both of these substances help burn fat. In an American study for clinical nutrition, three groups of people were either green tea extract (containing 50 mg of caffeine and 90 mg of catechin polyphenols) or only 50 mg of caffeine or only placebo. A group used by green tea extract, spent 24% more energy than other groups. This group also had higher norepinephrine hormone levels that helps burn fat.


The last on the list of potential energy powerers is Yohimbe. Yohimbe comes from a tree bark and passes to Yohimbine in your body. This component acts as an alpha-2 receptor antagonist. It increases the amount of norepinephrine in the system through limiting the mechanism that would normally inhibit its release. In addition to other stimulating effects, it causes systemic increase in blood pressure through vasoconstriction. Studies confirmed that Yohimbe can also increase the amount of energy that burns in exercise as well as the total metabolism speed. Both features improve your ability to lose weight. However, this substance is unauthorized in the EU in normal sales.

štvrtok 13. mája 2021



Build a background that will require attention! In this article, we will look at the physiology of the sciatic muscles and also provide you with exercises to help you develop them. Where to start ? What to do ? How do you build muscle without it being too much? How to achieve that round raised background shape? How to achieve that sexy side silhouette Many women want to have a firm, sexy belly and a firm ass. Fitness models want strong muscles combined with a round ass. The dream is to have a sexy ass that they can be proud of and that they can exhibit in bikinis, lingerie and those super tight party dresses, or even in their favorite jeans.

Physiology of sciatic muscles

To build the perfect sciatic muscles, you need to focus on every muscle in your butt. There are three muscles that make up the gluteal muscle:

Gluteus maximus - is the largest and of all the muscles of the buttocks is located most on the surface and forms most of the mass of the buttocks

Gluteus medius - is largely covered by the gluteus maximum

Gluteus minimus - is the largest and is found in the deepest of all gluteal muscles

Many muscles - such as Iliocostalis Lumborum, Multifidus and Quadratus Lumborum, Iliopsoas are located in the pelvic area and play a role in what the sciatic muscles look like, usually by contributing to the posture by acting on the pelvic tilt, etc.…

To build perfect sciatic muscles, you need to focus on your butt from many angles, and there are different types of exercises and activities you can do to develop each and every one of your gluteal muscles to achieve the desired perfect look.

Gluteus maximus - you train it with flexion in the lumbar joint (exercise)
Gluteus medius - you practice it by pulling and laterally circling the thigh
Gluteus minimus - just like gluteus medius

Squats - TOP 1 for sexy ass

If you want to build muscle, you should not refuse squats. One of the best exercises one can do! Squats naturally release more growth hormone and testosterone than any other resistance exercise. The more relaxed anabolic hormones, the greater the chance of muscle growth and the more gluteal muscles, the better your butt will look. Of course, we must not forget about the correct technical execution of the exercise. You can read about how to increase testosterone levels in our articles: How to increase testosterone, Testosterone and its natural production.


Although deadlift does not specifically target the gluteal muscles, it is a multi-joint, complex exercise and therefore works on multiple muscles, including the gluteal muscles. But more importantly, deadlift is one of the most important exercises you can perform to improve your posture. Improving posture can have a dramatic effect on the appearance of your ass.

Deadlift on one leg

One-way exercise, deadlift on one leg working on the sciatic muscles in several planes, compared to classic deadlift, also adds to the variety in terms of training. Practicing sciatic muscles in multiple planes means that more muscle is targeted. The more targeted and trained muscles, the better the overall muscle development of the buttocks and the better the muscle development, the more beautiful and aesthetic it looks.


Lunges can be performed in different ways to focus on each muscle in your butt, and also develop and shape the rest of your lower body. Lunges on the spot are the most commonly performed type of lunge. Walking lunges are a progressive species derived from on-site lunges and involve a certain level of functionality that we can translate into normal daily life.

By using another level, side lunges add variety to your workout and not only can you focus specifically on quadriceps or hamstrings - but they also involve adductor muscles (pullers).


Using only your own weight or added weight, the outputs are an excellent exercise for the development of gluteal muscles, and you also exercise your legs with them - more quadriceps or hamstring, depending on how high you perform.


You use the gluteus maximus when climbing stairs and running, so these activities are perfect for developing muscles. Climbing stairs or on the spot or sprinting will help you achieve a firm, round buttocks.


Have you ever seen a sprinter with a hanging ass? No, because their training causes completely opposite results. Strength and explosiveness, speed, anaerobic destruction of the body at intervals, training of legs and gluteal muscles. Sprinters are among the cleanest muscles in the world, their training methods make sprinting perfect cardio, which will help you to have sufficiently clean muscles and shape your butt according to your ideas.

Summary for sexy ass

Building and shaping your sciatic muscles so that they sit high enough, are hard and muscular, round enough and give your figure that perfect silhouette is not impossible, and with the inclusion of a few different exercises in your program, you can also have a sexy shaped fitness model's ass.

The exercises that develop each of the gluteal muscles and focus on them from every angle are the best and they are squats, deadlifts, deadlifts on one leg, lunges on the spot, lunges in walking, lunges to the sides and ascents. Stairs and sprinting can also be used as part of a strength training program to shape the gluteal muscles of the buttocks you desire.

nedeľa 9. mája 2021

How to choose a quality nutritional supplement |

 How to choose a quality nutritional supplement

You get what you pay for. This is a well-known saying for Reflex Nutrition. The current market for nutritional supplements is flooded with "dirty" protein powders, multivitamins and sports nutrition products, most of which are contracted. Profit seems like intention and quality seems like an ordinary idea. In this article, you will find out why it is possible for so many companies to offer year-round discounts on all products, from diet to vitamins. The truth will be painful for some, but as they say, you only get what you pay for.

Manufacturers of nutritional supplements may mislead

In 2015, a record number of high-quality sports companies were recorded, offering sports nutrition products that are significantly disadvantageous. Almost every company constantly offers discounts or if you buy one product, get the other for free, or you have to put something somewhere. In the end, you either get nothing or you get less quality for a cheaper purchase.

Example: xy produces Diet Whey products and they want to significantly increase sales of this product next year. Therefore, the existing product is slightly updated and seemingly small changes of ingredients and proteins are made, while maintaining the same RRP. These changes will bring more cheap Chinese soy protein and less of those very expensive active ingredients like CLA, adding cheap amino acids to increase protein will save enough money to offer a reworked diet powder at a discounted price all year round, and keep the accountant happy.

There is no quality nutritional supplement at a low price

If you are a consumer with knowledge of this issue, you can check the list of ingredients and product information to avoid poor quality brands. However, for most who do not have so much knowledge, it ends with the purchase of such products with the vision of a great purchase. Although the product is completely legal, this kind of practice is an absolute shame for this industry. The consumer will receive a cheap product and it is very unlikely that it would bring him any benefit. In almost any case, it would be better to buy another product at a higher price. Why? Because this would mean higher quality thanks to significantly higher doses of active ingredients, quality of ingredients and a guaranteed guarantee. Simply, the company will do everything to sell you a quality product at an adequate price.

How to choose the right nutritional supplement and not be fooled

Be very careful when choosing your product, believe that amazing offers often do not relate to amazing values. But sometimes there are really great deals, but it is necessary to check all the ingredients, the dosages of the active ingredients and the proven dosage. If companies have research-proven dosing, they will definitely want to tell you. If they don't, they won't. Either way, the more time you spend choosing products, the more money you will save, because in the end you will get what you pay for!

streda 5. mája 2021

What vitamins in pregnancy |

 What vitamins in pregnancy

Prenatal health has been a hot topic lately and there are many reports that offer seemingly conflicting information and advice.

First, there has been a publication that states that supplementation with prenatal multivitamins and supplements during pregnancy has reduced the risk of miscarriage by up to 55%. Further research concluded that a multivitamin containing iron and folic acid reduces the risk of preterm birth. On the contrary, there is guidance on the use of supplements during pregnancy, which states that supplements are an unnecessary expense for most mothers. It was later stated that vitamin D and folic acid are essential supplements for the mother. A lot of this information can be a bit confusing, so we'd better look at the facts. Basically, the most important is a varied diet of the freshest possible food. A number of studies have addressed the value of nutrients and their physiological effects on neonatal development and the reduction of the risk of adverse health consequences, which include:


DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is considered to be a major building block for fetal and child brain development. Maternal DHA intake contributes to the normal brain development of the fetus and breastfed infants. In addition, at optimal DHA levels, the risk of postnatal depression is reduced. Nevertheless, the levels found in common multivitamins for pregnant women do not contain sufficient DHA, and therefore additional DHA supplementation is recommended if there is insufficient intake from the daily diet.


You will get the active ingredient DHA in the required amount only in high-quality nutritional supplements. As DHA is found in omega 3, it is important to pay attention to the high quality of the product's processing in order to ensure that omega 3 does not contain other toxic substances, as is the case with cheaper unprocessed forms of fish oil. We recommend the highest quality products with a high content of DHA from the company Reflex Nutrition - Omega 3 (220 mg DHA) or the unique first BIO certified fish oil in the world originating from Scandinavian rainbow trout from the company Viridian with a content of up to 370 mg DHA.


Preeclampsia is a pregnancy disorder of unknown origin, characterized by vasospasm, increased blood pressure, and increased neuromuscular irritability. These are also symptoms common to magnesium deficiency syndrome. Research has shown that serum calcium, zinc and magnesium levels in preeclamptic pregnant women are lower than in uncomplicated pregnancies, and it is the addition of these components to the diet that can be a valuable prevention of preeclampsia. Again, the levels required to meet the therapeutic dose do not usually occur in the pregnancy multivitamin, so another supplement is needed if the person does not take enough of these substances from the diet.


It is important to mention the chelated form of zinc and magnesium. Cheaper and lower quality forms that contain zinc in the form of sulfate or oxide are minimally useful to the body. In addition, zinc sulfate can irritate the stomach.








Prefer a zinc source that is bound in chelates to amino acids or other elements. A special form of the highest quality ZMA product - Zinc Matrix is ​​the patented form of zinc and magnesium Albion®. Bound to bisglycinate which is the most bioavailable form for the body. This form contains a unique product from the company Reflex Nutrition - Zinc Matrix. Albion® minerals are the most bioavailable in the world.


Studies have shown that vitamin C has the ability to affect glucose tolerance during pregnancy, so women who consumed less than 70 mg of vitamin C per day had an 80% higher risk of developing gestational diabetes compared to women who consumed higher amounts of vitamin C. This multi-component The vitamin also contributes to the absorption of iron, thus helping to prevent anemia.


We recommend a highly effective and absorbable form of vitamin C. Ester-C is a pH-neutral form of vitamin C in which vitamin C is buffered to make it more gentle on the stomach. Especially at higher doses. Ester-C is absorbed faster and works longer than regular vitamin C.


With its purity and composition, this product meets the parameters of the Kosher category

All ingredients are 100% active

Only the form of quality capsules of plant origin is used, containing "free" powder (Viridian Nutrition brand does not use the form of cheaper tablets due to the high content of ballast "binders and adhesives", which can make up to 50% of the tablet)

The product does not contain genetically modified or irradiated components

Does not contain ingredients of animal origin: suitable for vegans

Does not contain preservatives, artificial colors, wheat gluten, wheat, lactose, added sugars, yeast, magnesium stearate, stearic acid


B vitamins are recognized for their involvement in energy production, DNA synthesis and hormone production, and it is this broad group of vitamins that is needed during pregnancy. In addition, there is evidence that vitamin B6 deficiency is associated with disease.


Folic Acid (B6) with DHA from Viridian is especially suitable for pregnant women. Supports the fetus during pregnancy, suppresses fatigue and depression, detoxifies. Folic acid or folic acid is one of the B vitamins. It is mostly found in vegetables, but in many cases it is lost during heat treatment, so it is recommended in the form of food supplements, which have much higher bioavailability than food. Folic acid is associated with many fundamental processes in the human body - its effects and influence have been described many times and are very well known.

Behind the acronym DHA is docosahexaenoic acid, which is an omega-3 fatty acid. It is usually found, for example, in fish oil, but DHA from Viridian is a plant source and is therefore also suitable for vegans.


By consuming a wide range of healthy, fresh foods during pregnancy, you can ensure the intake of various nutrients that will help ensure the overall health of both the mother and her baby. The World Health Organization recommends taking folic acid supplements before and during pregnancy. Folic acid helps prevent nerve tube defects (spina bifida) and vitamin D regulates the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body, which are needed to maintain healthy bones and teeth.

nedeľa 2. mája 2021

As a whey protein will help you reduce body fat! |

 As a whey protein will help you reduce body fat!

If you have recorded changes, but you still don't know your body fat reduction, consider taking a supplementary whey protein, can help you. Find out!

Sleep, Genetics, Your Training Program, what you eat and stress, all plays a role in how your body looks and how you feel. If you have changed what, when and how much you eat as well as your training program, you still have difficulty reducing body fat, whey protein can help you.

What is whey protein?

Whey protein is a lactic protein that is a liquid byproduct in the production of cheese. As for the supplementary form, whey protein we know in three main forms:

Whey protein concentrate: contains fat and lactose and something between 29% - 89% protein, depends on a particular product. Whey protein concentrates often have more bioactive components.

Whey protein isolate: contains a minimum of fat, cholesterol and lactose and 90% or more protein.

Whey protein hydrolyzate: It is often used in a clinical nutrient because it is preferred and partially cleaved, thus more easily absorbed.

Whey protein has the highest protein digestibility scores improved by amino acids (PDCAA) - the scale of both, how well is spent protein and as well add amino acids needed for adult human. In addition, it is a complete protein, meaning that it contains all essential amino acids. Whey also contains more amino acids with branched chain (BCAA), as any other source of protein and more leucine as other types of protein.

Many studies have shown that whey protein is beneficial for increasing protein synthesis in muscles. Consume whey protein before or after training and after time you reach the top on the range of muscle growth and power increments. But there are many other benefits associated with whey protein.

How Supplementary Whey Protein will help you get rid of fat

Add a whey and do u take the scales? It sounds too good to be true but it can work.

The whey protein is rich in leucine: Leucin plays a key role in protein synthesis, process that burns quite quite calories. In addition, fatty acid oxidation stimulates.

Whey Sends Your Apetite: Studies have shown that whey can saturate your appetite better than other types of protein. Milk proteins contain glycomakropeptide - peptide that stimulates cholecystokinin (CCK). CCK is a gut hormone that is released after eating food and signals the saturation.

Studies have shown that the complementary whey helps people reduce body fat: There are at least two studies in which scientists have examined complementary coasting protein and weight loss. In one study at the University of Oklahoma, scientists said both groups of participants not to change their diet. However, one group gave a nutritional supplement containing whey (300 calories, 40 grams of protein) once daily, for two weeks and twice a day during the remaining eight weeks of the study. Both groups were involved in the monitored resistance and endurance training program for 10 weeks.

After a 10-week study, the amount of fat mass has been reduced in both groups, but a group that had a task of exercise + the use of a nutrition supplement has shown a significantly higher reduction in fat (-9.3% versus -4.6% in the group, that only trained). Add-on Group also showed considerable muscle mass growers and considerable reductions in total and LDL cholesterole.

The 2006 studies found that by adding 60 grams of whey protein a day, compared to 60 grams of soy protein or 60 grams of carbohydrates, resulted in 6 months to a significant reduction in body fat and weight.

Moreover, extra tips that will help you deprive with body fat

Use the notebook meal and write down everything you eat. Studies have shown that there are more likely that people who write their food intake every day come round, as those who do not do.

Look for advice from an expert on a sports nutrition that has the necessary education (nutrition or nutritional biochemistry) and experience.

Try looking for some forums and conversion to find out how others get rid of fat.

If you have problems with weight loss and you feel that you are doing everything right, visit your doctor. Low levels of certain hormones, hypothyroidism and others can cause weight loss is much harder.


If you want to throw fat makes sense to add a whey protein to your routine. If you are a bodybuilder, it's something you have had a long time. Why spend time in the gym, for the purpose of getting a more beautiful body (health and figures) if you don't eat proper food to support changes after which so long? Try whey if nothing else is likely to record force increases.

Tips and recommendations

To know which protein is most appropriate, read the article: What protein is the best? As regards quality, it is definitely worth mentioning to mention Reflex Nutrition, which is one of the leaders in nutrition supplements. They cooperate with the highest quality processors of whey from Ireland and France, with the aid modified by the CFM method and created Native Whey. Native Whey represents the production of unknown, bioactive protein, obtained with a completely different way, when, thanks to modern microfiltration technology and multiple ultrafiltration, protein isolation directly from fresh milk and for temperatures that do not exceed ten degrees Celsius!