nedeľa 25. decembra 2022

6 Winstrol Side Effects (& 4 benefits) Every Bodybuilder Should Know | - -


6 Winstrol Side Effects (& 4 benefits) Every Bodybuilder Should Know

Winstrol side effects are the equivalent of a really bad date. Except, when a bad date ends, you can pretty much pull yourself back together and get back to normal life the next day.

Unfortunately, Winstrol side effects aren’t quite so forgiving. They can linger around a little longer, like a crazy ex-girlfriend who wants to inflict punishment on you and refuses to go away.

In all seriousness, there’s a real problem with taking Winstrol to get jacked. You may consider it a good option for bringing out the buff in your body, but it can also take one heck of a toll your health. If quality of life is high on your list of priorities, stay tuned.

What is Winstrol?

Winstrol, also known as stanozolol, is a popular steroid amongst bodybuilders because of its ability to get you shredded without sacrificing size.

From a scientific standpoint, Winstrol is derived from dihydrotestosterone, an androgen sex steroid, and it’s available in both oral and injectable forms.

It’s been marketed under several brand names over the years, including Anaysynth, Menabol and Neurabol Caps. It was first patented in the US in 1962, but it’s no longer marketed in America.

Uses in sport

Winstrol is popular with bodybuilders, due to its ability to increase muscle size, strength and endurance without causing water retention.

Unlike most anabolic steroids, however, Winstrol’s popularity extends beyond the bodybuilding community. Due to its performance-enhancing qualities, it’s also a favorite amongst track, field and strength athletes – but none of these uses are above board.

Due to the fact that steroids are now illegal in the US, the only people taking Winstrol legitimately are those with a medical need and a prescription to boot.


From a medical perspective, Winstrol is still prescribed for conditions such as anaemia and angioedema. In these cases, the oral dosage is 2mg, three times a day, and the injectable steroid dosage is 50mg every 2-3 weeks.

When used illicitly by bodybuilders, they jack these doses up considerably. It’s not uncommon for them to take doses of 50-100 mg per day, regardless of whether oral or injectable Winstrol is being used.

At these high doses, it’s no surprise that bodybuilders are much more likely to suffer unsavory consequences.

The benefits of Winstrol

Despite steroids being illegal without a prescription in the US, you’d be amazed to find out how many bodybuilders still get hold of Winsol on the reg.

They love the stuff because of the benefits it offers. Here’s just some of those:

  • It doesn’t convert into Estrogen – And it’s one of the only anabolic steroids which doesn’t, which means there’s less risk of man boobs with this one.
  • It doesn’t cause water retention – Unlike other steroids, Winstrol causes muscle growth without causing water retention. Quite important if you’re wanting to look ripped.
  • Muscles grow stronger, not just bigger – With many steroids, your muscles will grow, but it’s all for show. Not so with Winstrol. The muscle you gain will actually have more strength.
  • An increase in speed, agility, power and endurance – Winstrol increases the body’s production of red blood cells and this allows more oxygen to be carried to the muscles. The result is they can work longer, harder and faster.

After just one or two cycles, it’s easy to see why bodybuilders can become totally hooked. After all, who doesn’t want to look more ripped and perform better?

But before you get carried away, it’s time for a reality check.

Do you really think you can get all of this at no cost to your health? Sorry dude, there’s a downside too. Yep, we’re talkin’ Winstrol side effects.

6 Winstrol side effects you need to know about

Winstrol isn’t selective. If you abuse it, you too can look forward to a real possibility of experiencing the following:


Are you fond of your liver? You might want to think about that before you take Winstrol. Like other steroids, Winstrol has a high potency. That in itself makes it hard on your liver. Combine that with the fact that Winstrol passes through your liver not once, but twice, and you’ll see the issue here.

Winstrol is put through a process known as C17AA – this makes it resistant to break down in the liver; meaning it can pass through your system twice, and this is true even if you inject it.

When you’re constantly putting your body through cycle after cycle of Winstrol, you can see where this is heading – irreversible liver damage. And considering your liver is the organ you rely on to flush toxins from your body, having it not firing on all cylinders is going to be pretty heavy going.


Women get a bonus side effect from Winstrol – you get to look more like a man. Sounds great, huh?

Virilization (the development of male characteristics), is a common side effect of Winstrol – especially when it’s injected. The dosage is simply too high.

The bottom line is women taking Winstrol are at risk of developing unwanted body hair (hirsutism), an enlarged clitoris and a shrunken uterus. If that’s not enough to put you off, your breasts will shrink too. Oh, and you might as well wave goodbye to your period.

Ok, that last one may sound appealing, but it’s not much use if you want to have kids at any point in your life. None of this is natural for a woman to experience, and that should be enough to tell you it’s seriously bad news for your health.


Contrary to popular belief, cholesterol isn’t actually a bad thing. Your body needs it for proper function. It’s when your cholesterol balance gets out of whack that problems begin to develop.

From a biological standpoint, cholesterol is carried in the blood by lipoproteins. We have two kinds of these: high-density lipoprotein (HDL), which is the good kind, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which is the bad kind. It’s elevated LDL that leads to things like artery blockages, heart attacks and stroke.

Well, guess what? Winstrol does exactly what you don’t want it to do to your lipoproteins. It lowers HDL, while raising LDL. It’s more common when taking Winstrol orally, but injecting it also increases LDL.

Basically, you can have the diet of a saint, but if you’re taking Winstrol, you’ll still be at risk of having high LDL cholesterol levels – and that’s something you really don’t want.


Here’s the bottom line. Winstrol can really wreck your sex life. Not only will you not want sex, you probably won’t even be capable of having it. Don’t ignore this one!

Here’s the deal. Estrogen, dihydrotestosterone and testosterone are the sex hormones that keep your sexual function firing on all cylinders. The precursor to these hormones is a glycoprotein called sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) – and Winstrol lowers your levels of this.

The result? You’ll be left with low-to-no sex drive and maybe even erectile dysfunction too. This is understandably unappealing to men, but even women struggle to enjoy sex as a result of taking Winstrol.

You have been warned!


The popularity of Winstrol makes it a money-making machine for dealers, which results in more counterfeit versions on the streets – and these can be potentially deadly.

A quick YouTube search will show videos from underground labs that ‘cook’ your drugs in a microwave, using non-sterile equipment over and over again to save money. The health consequences of poorly made steroids can be really dangerous. Think about it. What if they get the dosage wrong and you end up injecting 100 times the recommended amount?

Let’s cut to the chase. There’s a high risk of you ending up with dodgy gear, and when that happens, the best you can hope for is severe mood swings or depression. The worst is possible death.

Still think Winstrol’s worth it?


It’s not always easy to maintain great hair or skin, but take Winstrol, and you might as well just give up now.
Winstrol severely messes with your hormones. You only have to think back to your days as a teenager to remember what that did to your looks. Winstrol resurrects your teen hormone issues, so if you like acne and greasy hair, fill your boots!

But that’s not all. Aside from the teen-like side effects, you can also look forward to other strange happenings, such as losing hair on your head, while growing unwanted hair on other parts of your body. Hairy backs, bearded women and furry chests are all part and parcel of taking Winstrol.

Basically, on Winstrol, you’re going to get all the parts you hated about being a teen, combined with all the parts you dread about being older, at the same time.

Still up for it?

Filling the void

Unless you like your body to be in a state of chaos, you’re probably beginning to figure out by now that Winstrol isn’t the magic bullet you thought it was going to be in your healthful muscle-building journey.

Stack it with a Clen alternative

Hey, don’t stop there! If you really want to supercharge your results, then adding Clenbutrol into the mix is well worth considering. 

Clenbutrol’s primary function is to promote more fat loss by turning up the thermogenic response inside your body.

Plus, it helps increase oxygen delivery to your muscles, which will enable you to perform your cardio workouts with more power and vigor. The end result is more calories burned and more fat lost.

Reach for the stars (but don’t fill your rocket with explosive fuel)

Having a dream is fine. Having a vision for the future is fine. But is compromising your overall health to just to make a quick win also fine? I really don’t think so.

There’s nothing wrong with setting your sights high. But there’s no sense reaching your goals if your organs are screaming for mercy by the time you get there. Trust me on this – stick to the natural route. - - | Best EU Online Steroid Shop - Buy Steroids

nedeľa 18. decembra 2022

5 Equipoise Side Effects You’ll Want to Avoid | - -


5 Equipoise Side Effects You’ll Want to Avoid

Ok, so you want solid, swole muscle with jacked levels of testosterone (and who doesn’t?) But how far would you go to get it? Would you be willing to use a dangerous compound called Equipoise, usually used on cows and horses, for instance?

It’s hardly the most glamorous way to achieve a shredded physique, is it? And when you use Equipoise, commonly referred to as ‘EQ steroid’, you’re taking a compound meant to improve lean muscle mass in animals, not humans.

Let’s take a look at how this compound went from celebrated to banned, the side effects of Equipoise, and a natural alternative which will help you get similar results, without taking drugs for farm animals.

What is Equipoise?

Equipoise (EQ) has been known by several names over the years, including Ganabol, Ultragan, and most famously, Boldenone Undecylenate, or ‘Boldenone’ for short.

EQ was thought to be a longer-lasting equivalent to Dianabol (one of the most famous steroids in the industry), so naturally, you can see why it gained interest in the bodybuilding community.

Originally developed as a veterinary drug to help improve appetite and lean muscle mass in racehorses, Equipoise was marketed as Boldenone and approved for human consumption during the 60s. At the time users reported a good bulking effect, although granted, it was nothing like you see today with the mass monsters on the Mr Olympia stage. As an added bonus, there was limited water retention, allowing users to avoid that classic bloated look.

Boldenone may have been banned in the 70s, but Equipoise (the veterinary steroid) is still readily available to this day.

An Equipoise cycle usually lasts for 12 weeks and the Equipoise dosage ranges from 200 to 600 mg per week. There are several Equipoise side effects, and the higher the dose, the more severe the symptoms.

Let’s review the top five side effects of the EQ steroid right here.


Equipoise is both an anabolic and androgenic steroid. Anabolic properties relate to the size and shape of your muscle mass. Androgenic refers to the male characteristics that are common during puberty, especially oily skin and acne.

One of the most common side effects of Equipoise is an increase in skin oil production, all too often accompanied by breakouts. Most users complain about acne on the face and back. Since the breakouts are being caused by an increase in androgenic compounds, face wash won’t help. Good luck scoring that date.


The irony of using Equipoise to artificially increase testosterone is that during and after your cycle, your natural testosterone production is dramatically decreased. Don’t take my word for it. There are several studies – not to mention countless discussions by bodybuilders on forums that demonstrate just how many Equipoise users struggle with testosterone suppression.

In one animal-based study, researchers confirmed that injecting male rabbits with EQ caused significant reproductive damage, most notably testosterone suppression. In another animal study, not only was testosterone suppressed but levels of estradiol (an estrogen compound), increased.

What about humans? Sorry guys, here’s the bad news. Male users of Equipoise were found to have lower levels of serum leptin concentration. Researchers noted that after only one injection, testosterone levels dramatically dropped.

Low testosterone can lead to several other equally unpleasant side effects including depression, muscle loss, and…


Users of Equipoise really aren’t doing their sex lives any favors. Due to the testosterone suppression and estrogen dominance that occurs, men can really begin to struggle in this department.

Using the EQ steroid can destroy your libido. With your testosterone levels so low, you won’t be getting in the mood anytime soon.

Couple this with the fact that guys on Equipoise are known to develop Gynecomastia (better known as man boobs), and you’ll see why your confidence in getting your kit off is about to take a dramatic nosedive. I don’t think this was the kind of increase in chest size you had in mind when you made that training plan, was it?

As if that’s not bad enough, studies show that your testicles can actually shrink while using Equipoise. Not only is this embarrassing, it can also reduce your chances of having kids. Sorry to say it, but your sperm count will never be the same again once you’ve taken EQ.


Here’s one for the ladies. Equipoise is very well known to cause virilization. This is when women begin to develop characteristics and traits that should really only be occurring in men. For example, you might find it easier to build muscle mass, but you’ll also notice hair in new places – such as your face. And nobody wants to be a bearded lady, right?

To top it off, women taking Equipoise may also experience a deeper voice, increased aggression, and loss of feminine features. Many women also report losing their feminine curves too.


And finally, a side effect of Equipoise that both sexes can be afraid of: organ damage.

You’ve no doubt heard rumors about how your kidneys and liver take the hit when you use androgenic steroids, and they shouldn’t be ignored. One animal-based study showed that male rabbits injected with Equipoise had signs of renal (kidney) and hepatic (liver) damage.

Same goes for humans. A study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness confirmed that using EQ steroid injections altered the size, shape, and function of the kidneys in bodybuilders.

Seriously, you need your organs. Don’t risk killing them by taking illegal steroids.

Equipoise is for animals, not humans. Using it is going to result in some pretty unwelcome side effects. - - | Best EU Online Steroid Shop - Buy Steroids

nedeľa 11. decembra 2022

PCT Uncovered: Why is Post-Cycle Therapy Needed After Steroids? | - -


PCT Uncovered: Why is Post-Cycle Therapy Needed After Steroids?

When you look at a professional bodybuilder, you can see he’s bigger than a milk truck, ripped to shreds and as strong as a tornado. This leaves you questioning: how did he get that way?

Was it through hard work, a rock-solid diet and the right supplementation plan? Or was it through the means of illegal practices, such as steroid use? Well, the former is a safe approach and the latter is not.

Steroids throw the natural workings of your body totally out of whack. That’s why, after a cycle of ‘roids, you need a “cooling-off” period. This is where post-cycle therapy (PCT) comes in.

What is PCT?

When you take steroids, you’re artificially increasing your strength and size, which can leave you with a whole heap of nasty side effects. But the real trouble starts after you finish a cycle of steroids. During a cycle, your body goes on cruise control and stops producing hormones naturally. That’s why you need PCT.

Post-cycle therapy is an essential process that people go through once they’ve finished a cycle of steroids. The objective is to get their body back to its normal state so it can start naturally producing hormones again. Once a run of steroids is over, a user will start their post-cycle therapy, which can last anywhere from 30 to 45 days.

There are a variety of different drugs that can be utilised for PCT. That’s where SERMS come to the table.


One of the most popular options for PCT is selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs). These are drugs that work to block the effects of estrogen in your body, which makes them a popular option for breast cancer treatment. However, by blocking estrogen, SERMs are also handy tools to use during post-cycle therapy.

In high doses, steroids can convert to estrogen in your body. This is what causes things like man boobs, which can totally wreck your gains. By inhibiting estrogen, using SERMs after a cycle can help combat these annoying side effects. It also boost your T-levels, helping your testosterone production return to normal.

The most popular SERMs for PCT are Clomid and Nolvadex. So, which of these drugs is better? First off, let’s take a look at each of the drugs.


What is Clomid?

Clomid is a drug that’s primarily used to boost fertility in women, and works to induce ovulation. However, it also has a variety of off-label uses, including helping to increase sperm count and improve motility in men.

These off-label uses make it a useful to drug to include as part of a post-cycle therapy plan. When used after steroids, Clomid helps to fire up your testes to start producing testosterone again.

Clomid side effects

Regardless of whether it’s used for its off-label or clinical uses, Clomid can cause some annoying problems. These are much more common in female users, but it’s unclear if men will suffer from the same effects. Here are some of the most common Clomid side effects:

  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Diarrhea
  • Blurred vision
  • Acne

These side effects are thought to be much more common amongst female users. However, some male users have reported suffering from mild side effects after taking Clomid, including blurred vision, mood swings and acne. It’s rare for any of these effects to be serious, but it’s still a good idea to keep an eye on your health when using this drug for PCT.

When to take Clomid

The best time to take Clomid is about two weeks after coming off a steroid cycle. This gives your body enough time to clear out the synthetic version of testosterone that you were taking.

The length of time it takes Clomid to work depends on which cycle of steroids you were taking. The stronger it was, the longer it will take for your hormone levels to return to normal.

You also need to consider the length of time of the steroid cycle. Obviously, with a longer cycle, you’ll need a longer recovery period of PCT. Sometimes, it can take weeks for your body to get back to normal.

SERM #2: Nolvadex

What is Nolvadex?

Clomid is often used in conjunction with Nolvadex during post-cycle therapy. Known generically as tamoxifen, this drug is mainly used for breast cancer treatment in women.

In the bodybuilding world, Nolvadex is used during post-cycle therapy to help suppress estrogen, much like Clomid. Guys coming off a steroid cycle often use Clomid and ‘Nolva’ together to get their body back to homeostasis, and get their T-levels back to normal.

Nolvadex side effects

Like all drugs, Nolvadex comes with the risk of side effects. Similarly to Clomid, these effects have mostly been studied in women, but men are not exempt. Here’s a list to help you keep track of your health:

  • Upset stomach
  • Skin irritation
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Stomach cramps
  • Constipation
  • Loss of libido

These side effects are normally associated with female users. This is because, when used as a treatment for breast cancer, Nolvadex is used for much longer periods of time. When used for PCT, the side effects tend to be minimal. However, despite the fact that it helps restore your natural testosterone levels, one of the main things that Nolvadex can impact is your sex drive. And what’s all that muscle worth if you can’t perform in the bedroom?

When to take Nolvadex

The ideal dose for Nolvadex is 40 mg a day for two weeks, followed by a 20 mg for a further two weeks. Finally, it should be cut to a maintenance dose of 10 mg a day for a couple more weeks.

Nolvadex vs Clomid:

Clomid and Nolva are actually very similar drugs, and only really differ in one area.

Nolva is thought to help produce more luteinizing hormone (LH) than Clomid. This hormone is important for the release of testosterone. In an attempt to cover all bases, the two drugs are often used at the same time.


So, you should just take a load of SERMs after your cycle? Well, that’s the preferred choice for a lot of seasoned steroid users. However, one of the downsides of using SERMs for PCT is that it can take a while for your hormone levels to return to normal. This can really knock off some of those hard-earned gains. And what’s the point of putting your body through the stress of steroids if you end up losing your muscle?

Because of this, some users also include SARMs in their post-cycle therapy.

What are SARMs?

SARMs stands for selective androgen receptor modulators. SARMs actually have a similar effect to steroids, and are sometimes favoured over regular anabolics. This is because SARMs are much more anabolic than androgenic, which means you can enjoy the extra muscle growth without the nasty androgenic side effects that come hand-in-hand with steroids. They’re also available in an oral form, so you don’t have to mess around with needles.

Aside from their performance-enhancing benefits, SARMs can also be used during post-cycle therapy. Because they help with muscle growth, these drugs can help prevent you from losing your gains during PCT. However, unlike SERMs, SARMs don’t restore your natural T-levels. Because of this, it’s recommended that you take a SARM like Ostarine alongside Clomid or Nolva.

SARMs side effects

It’s much less common to have side effects from SARMs than from actual steroids, particularly in the low dosage used for PCT. However, when used instead of anabolics, bodybuilders often take mega-doses. This is when these crappy side effects can happen:

  • Gynecomastia
  • Hair loss
  • Vision impairment
  • Compromised testosterone
  • Infertility

As you can see, the side effects closely resemble those of steroid use.

What happens if you don’t use PCT?

Best case? You lose the gains you worked so hard to get. Worst case? Your hormone levels remain totally screwed for weeks after you finish a cycle. This can leave you gyno, acne, dick trouble and high blood pressure.

So, PCT is extremely important after a cycle of steroids. And this is where using anabolics can become pretty damn expensive. To kit yourself out with a stack of ‘roids and the drugs for your PCT, you’re looking at shelling out thousands of dollars. There are better ways to spend your hard-earned cash.

The fact that you need more drugs to offset the first set of drugs should really be a warning. Your pumping your body full of crap that’s not meant to be there, and you need to fill it with even more drugs just to get it working properly again.

Natural steroids

So, what’s the alternative? Keep it natural, baby. - - | Best EU Online Steroid Shop - Buy Steroids