nedeľa 27. februára 2022

The myth of protein intake. How much and when to take protein for muscle gains? |

 The myth of protein intake. How much and when to take protein for muscle gains?

If you also exercise, you have probably already considered the question of when it is best to take in protein and in what amounts. Whether 3 meals a day is enough or should be there, someone even thinks about seven smaller ones. And this is the topic that the article we have prepared for you deals with. And you will surely be surprised that you were wrong so far.

There are a few things in bodybuilding that are understood as fact; they are simply out of the discussion. We all KNOW that in order to optimize muscle growth, it is very important to consume adequate amounts of high-quality protein. WE ALL KNOW THAT THE BEST WAY TO HAVE THE BEST INCOME OF HIGH QUALITY PROTEINS is to divide them into small and frequent portions of meals to maintain a permanently elevated amino acid level in order to maintain a constant stage of anabolism. We also know that eight meals / servings a day is the best way to go. Well, we are all WRONG!

How often protein should be ingested is as important as how much we should consume in each serving, as the sum of the anabolic responses to a meal is not only how high the responses are, but how long the response takes. In other words, when a high-protein meal causes an increase in protein synthesis, how long does this reaction last and when can it be stimulated again? This will determine the optimal frequency of these servings for maximum anabolism.

Anabolic reactions to a complete meal containing protein, carbohydrates and fats have been shown to peak at the 90th minute and return to baseline in 3 hours. So it's easy, isn't it? We should simply eat every 3 hours. Well, before you run away with this information, read the rest of what we want to say. What is VERY interesting about our findings is that while protein synthesis returned to baseline after 3 hours, plasma amino acid levels were still elevated above baseline and plasma leucine (the amino acid responsible for increasing protein synthesis) was elevated almost 3x above the initial value!

Accordingly, the activation of the so-called. mTOR (mTOR activation triggers protein synthesis) was still maximized for 3 hours, while protein synthesis returned to baseline. Thus, an increase in plasma leucine levels was able to induce mTOR signaling and protein synthesis, but a sustained increase in plasma leucine levels and mTOR signaling was not sufficient to maintain increased protein synthesis. This indicates the "resistance" of the protein synthesis response to prolong the increase in plasma amino acid levels. Bohe (2001) et al. Demonstrated a resistance response to a constant increase in amino acids during 6 hours of amino acid loading. 2 Filling produced a constant increase in plasma levels of essential amino acids; as protein synthesis lasted only 2 hours and could no longer be stimulated for 6 hours.

It is unlikely that consuming another meal 2-3 hours after the first meal would be sufficient to increase protein synthesis again because amino acid levels are already elevated. Therefore, to avoid resistance and to maximize anabolism, the best way might be to consume more protein to maximize protein synthesis, while allowing sufficient time (4-6 hours) for amino acid levels to fall between meals, in order to sensitize the system.

We have probably shocked you now by actually telling you that the diet you have been following for so long may not be optimal when it comes to gaining muscle mass! For a long time you worked so hard to make sure you had a constant intake of amino acids and now we have told you that all your efforts have been in vain!

One way to explain resistance is that there is a membrane-bound protein, either extracellular or intracellular, that is sensitive to changes in amino acid concentrations rather than full concentrations. In this case, producing a constant height of plasma amino acids would produce a resilient response, as a constant height of amino acids would not be sufficient to activate the protein. One way to overcome this would be to consume a proper dose of free amino acids between meals, to create a rapid superpsychological increase in plasma amino acid levels, which would also decline rapidly, to re-sensitize the system.

Another possible explanation for resistance could include insulin. In this study, the time course of plasma insulin appeared to lead to protein synthesis. God (2001) and others also showed a similar development during their study. With increasing insulin, it is not necessary to start protein synthesis, this maximizes anabolic responses to amino acids. Apparently, the increase in plasma insulin requires that you maintain protein synthesis after a meal. If this is true, it is likely that the mechanism is independent of the effect of insulin on the so-called mTOR system, as research has shown that the resistance response can occur even when mTOR signaling remains elevated. Because insulin is not required to initiate protein synthesis, it is known to stimulate peptide elongation (elongation of growing protein as synthesized) in skeletal muscle. If decreasing plasma insulin levels reduce peptide elongation, this could shorten protein synthesis and explain resistance.

Consistent with both of these theories, Paddon-Jones (2005) et al. anabolic response of each procedure. They found that during the day, the group that consumed the dietary supplement had a greater anabolic response than the group that did not receive any supplement. Perhaps the consumption of amino acids in the free form together with carbohydrates was sufficient to overcome resistance, or the supplement completely optimized the anabolic response to each portion of food.

Consuming higher doses of protein seems to be spread apart (4-6 hours), supplemented with free amino acids and carbohydrates between meals, is an effective way to maximize muscle protein synthesis and possibly overcome the resistance response.

nedeľa 20. februára 2022

Do you know the effects of vitamin E? |

 Do you know the effects of vitamin E?

If you are looking for a way to promote wound healing after a burn or to rejuvenate your skin, perhaps the right way is vitamin E. In this article, you will read basic information about vitamin E, what its effects are and why it is needed in the body. You will also learn what foods to get it from and what can happen when you have a deficiency in your body.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble substance that can be stored in the liver, adipose tissue, heart, muscles, testes, uterus and adrenal glands. It is one of the tocopherols whose basic structure is tocol. We recognize α, β, γ, δ tocopherols, the effect of which depends on the number of methyl groups. Α tocopherol is the most effective. The biochemical significance of vitamin E is not yet fully understood, but it is generally accepted that tocopherols act as antioxidants.


Vitamin E plays a very important role as a naturally occurring antioxidant. Together with the antioxidant properties of vitamins A and C, they are very important in our body, mainly because they protect cell structures and organic molecules from damage by peroxidation. Vitamin E also helps in the treatment and prevention of NAFLD. The structure of lipids that contain polyunsaturated higher carboxylic acids creates suitable conditions for lipoperoxidation. Lipoperoxidation leads to the breakdown of lipid carboxylic acids and thus to damage the membrane structures of cells and tissues. Vitamin E reacts very quickly with free radicals, thus acting as a free radical scavenger, thus protecting polyunsaturated higher carboxylic acids. Vitamin E and all other antioxidants ultimately reduce mortality.

It dilates blood vessels, prevents blood from clotting
Reduces fatigue
Supports burn healing
Rejuvenates the skin
Increases sexual and physical performance
Relieves menstrual problems


Vegetable oils
Cereal sprouts

Consequences of the deficiency:

Shortening the half-life of erythrocytes
Decreased activity of the immune system
Muscle disorders and loss
Damage to cell membranes

Daily dose:

The recommended daily dose for children is 5 - 12 mg and for adults 12 - 16 mg. The amount consumed depends on the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet, which means that more unsaturated fatty acids increase the need for vitamin E.

Are you surprised what effects vitamin E can have on your body?

nedeľa 13. februára 2022

9 Best Nutrition Supplements for CrossFit |

 9 Best Nutrition Supplements for CrossFit

CrossFit is a training method that combines movement activities from gymnastics, stress and athletics. Very often it happens that athletes do not accept enough all the necessary nutrients that considers of their organism asks for frequent intensive training. In this article, we will highlight the need to receive nutrients, nutritional supplements, especially for crossfiters due to their very intensive body load.

What nutritional supplements enjoy training, after training, morning or evening? I will disassemble the individual basic components that are almost no need for repeated crossfit training. Right to the beginning I want to point out that it is supplemented by nutrition that work, provided that it is a sufficiently good diet rich in protein, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and other nutrients.

Protein for CrossFit

Protein or proteins are a base, building component of muscle mass. In addition to building muscles, they are suitable as a source of energy in lack of carbohydrates, while maintaining the correct hormonal balance in the body or as a muscle mass protection after training or during a diet. Therefore, it is appropriate to use proteins to supplement protein mainly after training or during the day when we are not easy to eat. The ideal protein after training is "rapidly absorbable" one is mainly about whey CFM isolate, whey isolate or concentrate.

I recommend my favorite protein and the highest quality I know from Reflex Nutrition: Instant Whey Pro, but I am simultaneously with another excellent protein from the Self's Omninutrition Swedish brand: Micro Whey Active.

Also, in months when I try to receive the least dairy products is the most suitable pr3 protein from the leading and very high quality Purepharma Danish company.

Dosage: 20-30 g after training or during the day. Super is to take 20-30g right after awakening.

Omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 are probably one of the world's most used nutrition supplements and very legitimate. When a high-quality fish fat is the source, ideally from small sea fish, is a great investment within nutrition supplements. Most people combine them with improving cardiovascular problems, by reducing triglycerides and improved brain function. Well for athletes is mainly mainly in regeneration and as an anti-inflammatory mechanism without any side effects. Just at Crossfiters comes to Great fatigue thanks to the complexity of training, which can lead to an increased inflammatory process at insufficient regeneration. Omega 3 fatty acids are on it as created. When choosing quality OMEGA 3, the resource, the amount of EPA / DHA per dose and also a flavor. The last thing you would like to smell the mouth. The athlete should definitely get in the body about 2000mg a day.

I recommend a quality Denmark Purepharma brand that acquires Omega3 from the anchoviques and sardines and has a lemon extract, so it is not at all feels at the Rybacine. They offer suitable amounts of EPA / DHA (1300mg / 520mg) in a single dose, which will not get certainly in the ordinary pharmacy.

Zinc + Magnesium

These two minerals specially help faster regeneration. Magnesium acts releasing the nervous system, reduces exhaustion and fatigue and supports the correct muscle activity. In addition, it contributes to proper energy metabolism and normal protein synthesis. Zinc again helps repair damaged muscle fibers, but it supports the immune system but also accelerates wound healing, injuries and scars. Here is a very important source and a form of minerals, which results in their absorbability and functionality.

To replenish high quality magnesia and zinc I recommend M3 from Purepharma, which is a unique purity and quality.

Dosage: 900 mg magnesium and 45 mg zinc before bedtime.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is more hormone than vitamin. Is produced by the body in the absorption of sunlight. That is why most of us in our geographical coordinates does not gain plenty of vitamin D the natural way. We would have to be compressed every day for a few hours to get enough vitamin D. It helps to improve bone strength, reduces inflammation in the body, reduces the risk of colon and breast cancer, improves the mood, and helps combat infections and viruses. Recommended doses are not precisely determined, but is a scientifically proven positive impact of up to 10000 IU, which is an international unit for vitamin D. The recommended daily dose begins for 1000 and can be up to 5000 IU.

A suitable and unique source of vitamin D is a natural form of sheep wool (lanoline) supplied by the leading Denmark Purepharma in its D3 product. This product is associated with extra pure coconut oil for better absorbability.


Creatine increases muscle strength, helps increase performance during training. Probably the most discussed substance in terms of its effects on the organism is recently creatine. This substance is for some new miracles of medicine. Creatine we include substances that are helpful in increasing strength and muscle volume. Creatine represents the energy storage room and can be used very quickly as a direct power source for muscle work just like it is at ATP. Creatine is also a factor in removing an acidic environment from working muscles, leading to better regeneration and energy recovery. Do not forget to take a sufficient water supply to the organism when taking creatine.

Dosage: 5-10 g before or during the day.


Beta-Alanine increases muscle endurance during performance. Allows you to do a few repetition in a series of extra, just at the time when it goes into solid. In the energy cover of anaerobic glycolysis (mostly cross-phyte training) there is a decrease in physiological pH and release H + (hydrogen ions). It is just causing muscle pain with inability and ending activity. Each crossfitter knows what speech is. Beta-Alanine leads to higher carnosene synthesis that has a significant impact on performance. Carnosin helps stabilize pH in muscles and flashes faster H +.

Dosage: 2-3 g before training.

Amino acids BCAA

BCAA would certainly not be missed in the crossfiters supplementation because they help in an increase in clean muscle mass as well as its subsequent protection. They improve regeneration, reduce fatigue, are the source of energy during training, prevent muscle degradation. BCAA form branched amino acids leucine, valine, isoleucine, most often in ratio 2: 1: 1. There are also various BCAA products in other, better ratios such as 4: 1: 1 in favor of leucine, which largely provides protein synthesis.

I recommend you best BCAA in 4: 1: 1 


Arginine increases NO in the blood causing blood vessels. By doing so, the muscles, the faster transfer necessary nutrients to muscles and faster regeneration. Taking before bedtime helps secretion of anabolic hormones and as muscles grow during sleep, they will have everything they need.

Dosage: 3-6 g before training and 3 g before bedtime.

MCT oil

MCT oil is the ideal substitute for artificial energy drinks and carbohydrate dishes. To train efficient and best to support your metabolism, we need to confuse rapid carbohydrates for fast fats. These fats are quickly transported into the muscles and thus the immediate source of energy while training. Personally, we will always add a teaspoon of MCT oil in front of the training. It will give me energy for training while I will burn fat.

Dosage: 10-15ml MCT oil in the morning, best add to coffee. Better to start with a minor dose and gradually shaken to higher.

nedeľa 6. februára 2022

6 steps to how lose your fat |

 6 steps to how lose your fat

It is simply not possible to get rid of body fat without hard work in the gym and kitchen. A suitable fat burner maximizes the effects of your hard work, supplying extra ammunition to your body, in the fight against body fat. Fat burners work on the principle of increasing metabolism, increasing energy, suppressing appetite, or blocking fat absorption.

You can maximize the efficiency of your fat burners and get the most combustion with the following six steps!


You can't just use fat burners and have poor nutrition and poor training.

A high-quality fat burner will simplify your journey. Many products are not only designed to increase fat burning, but can also reduce appetite and increase your energy. To get the most out of these effects and really burn calories, it is very important that you have a well-designed fitness program.


There are dozens of products to choose from on the market, so finding the right fat burner for you and your goals is not always easy. But there are a few general procedures that can help you. Fat burners generally fall into two broad categories: stimulant-based and stimulant-free.

Stimulant-based fat burners contain a combination of one or more of the following ingredients: caffeine, synephrine, tyramine. These ingredients aim to increase energy, suppress appetite and increase the release of fat from fat cells (which will be burned as energy).

Non-stimulant fat burners are ideal for those who are sensitive to ingredients with stimulant effects such as caffeine, synephrine, tyramine and yohimbine. In the field of non-stimulant fat burners, the most effective products are green tea extract, acetyl-L-carnitine, CLA and appetite suppressants such as caralluma fimbriata or phaseolus vulgaris (white bean) extract and cynara scolymus extract. (artichoke).


It is very important that you also reduce your calorie intake if you want to lose fat. Take advantage of the appetite suppressing feature by taking the burner immediately after waking up or at least 30 minutes before breakfast and taking the next dose before lunch or 30 minutes before cardio exercise.

The fasting pill will provide you with an increase in metabolism and thermoregulation throughout the morning, and the second dose will provide you with the mentioned effect for the rest of the day.

In the evening, stimulant burners are not recommended due to possible sleep disturbances, so if you want to burn fat during the night, we recommend using a stimulant-free burner before bed, the best of which is CLA.


As fat burners increase your metabolism, you will find that you sweat more when you take them. Stimulants such as caffeine also have diuretic effects, so you may visit the toilets more often.

By drinking at least 3-4 liters of cold water a day, you will not only be sufficiently hydrated, but it has also been shown to speed up metabolism and promote fat loss. It is recommended to drink at least 250 ml of water with each dose of fat burner.


Over time, the body becomes desensitized to certain components and this is exactly what happens with stimulant-based supplements. To avoid these counterproductive effects, you should take a cycle and take stimulant-based supplements for 4 weeks, and then take a break for 2 weeks. Use products without stimulants during those two weeks between cycles.

The best way to find out if you need a break is to judge how you feel when you take them. If, after a few weeks of use, you find that you are no longer as "kicked" as you were at a regular dose, then it is time to take a break.


One of the most important but often overlooked steps on the way to a lean and muscular figure is a reasonable deep sleep. In fact, some people turn to fat burners to gain more energy for exercise because they are constantly in a state of lack of sleep. Unfortunately, this approach can lead to an increase in blood cortisol and a decrease in testosterone, which will keep you significantly behind in terms of muscle gain and loss of fat. Sleep is essential for repair, recovery and hormonal balance. You've heard about it before, because it's very important: Every night, make sure you have seven to eight hours of deep sleep.

If you find that your fat burners are blocking your sleep, do not take anything with stimulants after your lunch dose. In particular, you should limit other sources of stimulants before 6 p.m. If you exercise in the evening, make sure your pre-workout supplements are caffeine-free and stimulant-free.