nedeľa 27. marca 2022

The Best Way to Start a Fitness Routine | - -

The Best Way to Start a Fitness Routine

We all know that if you want results–whether it's better fitness, eating healthier, or simply starting a new workout, you should work hard to change the habits you've spent a lifetime forming.

Starting Is Hard–Here’s How To Make It Easier

Yet, how many times in our lives do we start something, notice the results, then stop doing the thing that gets us those results and eventually fail? The next thing you know, we are back in our old habits and feeling guilt or shame for failing.

Most people have enough resilience to fail at something a few times. But, few of us will allow ourselves an opportunity to fail every time. The constant starting and stopping is what we begin to fear and dread the most.

Eventually, we just stop starting, and we give up.

We've often been told that the best way to start something is to "just start it." But what if the reason we stop and eventually fail is that we didn't set ourselves up for success at the start?

The Keys To A Successful Start

Understanding what it will take to succeed is paramount to a successful start, then finish.

As Benjamin Franklin said,

"If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail."

When you start a new fitness routine, wouldn't it be great to know what you will be doing, the results you'll get from doing it, and the pitfalls you'll need to overcome?

The good news is that you can. No matter what you're trying to accomplish, the keys to success are tracking your progress, inner or outer accountability, and motivation.

So, how do you get those things? One way–we think the best way–is by joining the world's strongest  fitness community through the BodyFit Fitness App.

What Is The BodyFit Fitness App?

The BodyFit Fitness App is an all-in-one solution that serves as your digital workout trainer and so much more. It's designed to not only help you get started but to help you continue down the path to success and develop lifelong healthy habits.

It offers tools for progress tracking, accountability by connecting you to the community, and motivation through access to trainers, programs, and transformation guides.

It also takes the guesswork out of finding a fitness routine that works best for you. Let's face it, few people have the time to read fitness books, develop a working knowledge of the human body, and then build out a specialized workout plan. At the end of the day, most people need to show up and be told what to do so that they can see the best results.

That's the goal with the BodyFit Fitness App. It's an all-in-one solution for fitness that serves as your digital workout trainer.

In the app, you'll find:

90+ workout plans and programs from industry experts
Full transformation guides to reach your goals
Meal plans and nutritional information
Workout tracking and other features
2,500+ curated workout articles and videos
3,500+ exercises in one easy-to-use database
It's everything you need to not only start a fitness routine but to continue it for a long time.

Find The Best Path To Build Your Body

It's important to understand that no two bodies are alike. Because of this, you need a program that fits your needs and helps you build a path for your goals. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, you need a fitness program that caters to the individual.

Build Your Body will help you find it. With a few clicks, you can get instant recommendations to help you start whatever program makes the most sense for you. Whether you’re a seasoned workout vet or just getting started, check out the tool and see what insights it may offer you.

After you choose your workout goal, it offers advice and resources for workout routines, nutrition, and supplements to make getting started as easy as possible. There is no fee to access this library of knowledge.

How Supplements Can Help

If you're unfamiliar with supplements, you may think that they are only for people who are either already fit or bodybuilders; however, supplements can be used by anyone and offer a variety of benefits. Dietary supplements are just that: supplemental products for those already on a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

Whether you want to lose weight, have more energy, or gain muscle, supplements are a great way to help you get there.


Protein is the most popular supplement for fitness, and for a good reason. Protein provides amino acids, which are the building blocks for muscle growth. It also helps you recover quicker from workouts and build more muscle.

Protein comes in many forms, including ready-to-drink shakes, powders, and bars. This makes it easier than ever to ensure your body is getting enough.


A pre-workout supplement is designed to provide your body with energy, endurance, and stamina support. It helps you last longer during your workout and maximize your performance. Pre-workout typically comes in powder form and should be taken with water 30 minutes before your activity.


Unless you closely monitor your diet and vitamin intake, you likely have micronutrient gaps. Multivitamins are a great way to eliminate those gaps and support your overall health, wellness, and immunity.

Amino Acids

BCAAs (Branched-Chain Amino Acids) and Amino Acids enhance athletic performance and promote muscle health for optimal recovery. Amino acids come in powder form and should be consumed 30 minutes after a workout, or they can also be sipped throughout the day.

Starting a fitness routine is hard, but hopefully, this article and the tools we offer can make it a bit easier for you.

nedeľa 20. marca 2022

Thinking of Going Plant-Based? Read This First. |

 Thinking of Going Plant-Based? Read This First.

What Exactly Is A Plant-Based Diet? 

Depending on who you ask you might get a different answer. To some, a plant-based diet means you are only eating vegetarian or vegan foods; however, a plant-based diet is actually different from a vegan or vegetarian diet. Instead, most of your meals will come from vegetables, fruits and other plants instead of animal-based. This includes both the meals you eat and the supplements that you take. The main goal of the plant-based diet is to maximize the consumption of nutrient-dense plant foods while minimizing processed foods, added sugars, oils, and animal-based foods.

Plant-Based Diet Benefits 

There are a number of reasons that people start following a plant-based diet –from health issues to weight loss to environmental concerns. 

Lower “Bad” Cholesterol Levels
Reduced Risk of Heart Disease 
Lower Risk of Type-II Diabetes 
Reduced Inflammation
Improved Digestive Health 
Reduced Carbon Footprint
Weight Loss 

Obesity is associated with coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and certain cancers, among other health concerns. Plant-based diets are associated with reduced body weight, lower incidence of certain chronic disease, and lower medical costs. A plant-based diet is increasingly becoming recognized as a healthier alternative to a diet laden with meat. Cardiac issues associated with high dietary intake of meat, fat, and carbohydrates is a leading cause of mortality in the US.

How To Start A Plant-Based Diet

Making the choice to go plant-based may help you improve your overall health and wellness. If you aren't ready to jump to a full vegan or vegetarian diet there are ways to increase the number of plant-based meals or to start with simple changes like changing out a whey or casein protein for a plant-based protein option. You can find a number of recipes within Recipes to help you make the switch. Sort by vegan or vegetarian recipes under the "Specialty Diets" section to pull up plant-based dishes.

Not convinced? Try making small changes to your current diet to increase the number of servings of fruits and vegetables and reduce the number of meals in which you eat meat. Meatless Monday is a global movement that encourages people to reduce meat in their diet for their health and the health of the planet. 

Best Supplements For A Plant-Based Diet

There are a number of products with plant-based options that fit into your vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, like plant protein powders. Plant proteins include hemp, pea, and brown rice protein and are perfect for bodybuilders and anyone who doesn’t want a milk-based protein or are looking for an alternative to other animal-based protein.

A high-quality multivitamin is key for a plant-based diet to ensure that you are getting all of the key micronutrients your body needs for peak performance.*

Probiotics are also a great choice to help keep your digestive tract running optimally - particularly when starting a new diet.* 

Creatine is another beneficial supplement for those on a plant-based diet and helps to keep you feeling strong and energized through your workouts.*

Greens formulas are also a helpful way to add extra servings of vegetables and fruits. Mix a serving into your morning smoothie for a micronutrient boost. 

Save more on your plant-based essentials with our Bodyfit membership program. Members get access to 1,000s of workout plans, nutritional advice, articles, an extra 10% off all orders, and free shipping within the US.

Final Thoughts

Making the choice to go plant-based with more fruits and vegetables can lead to a healthier you and a healthier planet. 


nedeľa 13. marca 2022

Shred Season Essentials: Burn Fat and Lose Weight |

Shred Season Essentials: Burn Fat and Lose Weight

Burn fat and lose weight the right way to look leaner and more defined without losing muscle mass

As we approach spring break and summer vacation, being beach body ready can be top of mind. Maybe you’ve been hitting the gym hard for months putting on strength but haven’t been tracking your macros. Maybe you missed or fell off your new year’s resolution. Regardless of where you are, we're here to help. For many, just getting back into an exercise routine can seem daunting, while for others, just getting past that weight loss or body fat plateau can seem insurmountable. Get started today with a few quick tips.

Hit The Weight Room

When most people think about getting shredded they think it needs to be endless hours on the treadmill, stairs, or bike. This isn’t the case. Strength training helps you to burn calories while you’re working out and extends that burn even after you finish your last set. Building more lean muscle mass also helps you on your cutting cycle since muscle burns more calories than fat while you’re at rest.

Pro Tip: Reduce your rest times between sets to keep your heart rate high and stay in the fat burning zone.

Not sure where to start? There are a ton of great options in our BodyFit fitness tracking app, including Transformed for beginners,  Kris Gethin’s 4 Weeks to Shred for intermediate, and Chisled for advanced

Layer In HIIT

You don’t need a ton of fancy equipment or a gym membership to work in more high intensity interval training (HIIT). We were on to something as kids jumping rope in the driveway. A speed rope is the grown-up version and ideal for anybody looking to burn fat. No gym membership? No problem. Adding in just 10-15 minutes of jumping rope aids in your training will burn calories, enhance coordination, and help improve your heart health. Our current favorite is the Sunny Health & Fitness Speed Rope. 

There are a number of killer programs to kickstart your shred cycle with our BodyFit fitness tracking app. Short on time? Try Hannah Eden’s FYR: 10 Minute Meltdown . You’ll get a high-intensity session that is perfect to add to the beginning or end of your training sessions. Got a little more time? Try our 20 min HIIT at Home. You can do this anywhere, anytime. No gym membership or fancy equipment needed.

Prioritize Sleep

There’s no debate: what you eat and how you exercise drive your ability to lose unwanted fat. However, it's important to not overlook sleep in the weight loss equation. The amount of sleep each person needs changes based on age. Teenagers need about 9 hours of sleep on average while most adults need 7-8 hours a night. Not getting enough sleep has side effects that will slow down your progress. Without enough sleep you can see increased cortisol levels, the stress hormone that drives your fight or flight response. One study showed that ongoing sleep deprivation can cause increased hunger and appetite.

Having trouble getting enough ZZZs each night? Supplements like EVLUTION Nutrition SleepMode can help support healthy sleep. This formula has 9 proven ingredients to help you relax, fall asleep faster, and experience deeper, better quality sleep.

Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration is key to performance whether you’re doing a long day of cardio or hitting the weights hard. Dehydration is one of the most popular practices for athletes needing to make a weight class to try to shed the last few pounds. While the number might go down temporarily it’s not a permanent fix and can actually hinder your performance. You need water to aid in everything from muscle recovery to digesting your food. It’s reported that more than 40% of regular gym-goers are at least partially dehydrated during their workouts, yet drinking water can increase the number of calories you burn.

Having trouble hitting your water intake? Go ahead and mix in some BCAAs to add a bit of flavor and additional recovery benefits.

Track Your Progress

While weight isn’t the only way to measure progress it’s a great way to keep yourself accountable.

The Escali glass body fat scale is a digital bathroom scale that accurately measures your weight, body fat, body water and muscle mass. It features a large LCD screen that displays your current weight and BMI.

Pro Tip: Weigh yourself first thing in the morning each day. You weight can vary throughout the day by up to 5lbs based on your meals, sodium intake, and other factors.

In addition to tracking your weight, another key to success for burning fat and leaning out is to track your food intake. Most people severely underestimate the number of calories they eat in a day. The only truly accurate way to track your food is to measure precisely how much you are adding to your plate.

Make meal prep Sunday a whole lot easier with Escali’s Primo Food Scale. It’s an accurate kitchen scale that lets you weigh and measure the number of different foods you eat.

Supplement Smarter

Everyone wants to have that perfect body when they get into summer. This is only possible when you work out and follow a healthy diet. If you stay consistent, it won’t be long before people start noticing your new chiseled look.  Adding in supplements to your diet and exercise routine will help you achieve this faster.


nedeľa 6. marca 2022

How To Gain Muscle Mass If You Are An Ectomorph? |

 How To Gain Muscle Mass If You Are An Ectomorph?

But you exercise but you can't gain muscle mass? Do you have thinner, longer limbs and a narrower key bone structure, so you have an Ectomorph character type? This is exactly what this article is for you! You learn how best to gain muscle mass.

A person who has difficulty gaining muscle actually has a naturally "smaller" body structure, a lighter bone structure and low body fat and muscle. Starting a bodybuilding career with this somatotype is not ideal. Keep in mind that these types of somatotypes - ectomorphs, mesomorphs or endomorphs - are not completely strict. This means that you can also be a combination between these somatotypes. First, we will make a quick overview of the three somatotypes and write down their accompanying characteristics.


Thinner, long limbs and narrow key bone structure. He has a problem gaining muscle mass and fat.


Natural athlete. Natural bodybuilder. It has a wide structure of key bones and a smaller structure of the hips and a congenital so-called X-shape. This person easily gains muscle
and can also easily burn body fat.


It has a naturally heavier body structure with a tendency to easily accumulate body fat and muscle. It has wider hips and shoulders.

How does ectomorph gain in muscle mass?

Many other factors are also involved in the response, such as:

eating habits

type and intensity of training load

taste receptor sensitivity

nutrient utilization metabolism

intestinal environment and the associated absorption of nutrients

hormonal balance and associated productivity of anabolic hormones
and so on

If you are called. "Hardgainer", so you typically have a weak appetite and you are naturally weaker in terms of muscle strength. This means that you should give priority to planning your diet and regular diet, and daily training with dumbbells should become a habit in your case. As the "hardgainer" slowly but surely receives enough food and manages the technique of old school Olympic strokes, his increase in muscle mass and strength will inevitably increase.

Over time, progression slows down due to the body's inability to understand greater food consumption and lifting heavier weights without risking injury.

We therefore have a few ideas that could help you.

The whole meal is great, but not when the "hardgainer" has a weak appetite. We would recommend three servings of the whole meal and three cocktails. Three whole meals should be relatively low in terms of trace elements. In fact, nutritious foods supplemented with trace elements could better saturate the "hardgainer" appetite.

Combine diet with protein and in case you have a job where it is not possible to prepare a drink, or you do not have time / you do not have space, have protein bars at hand, which will ensure energy intake at a time when you would have to miss one course.


Don't be afraid to drink food. We know that you have heard that a whole good meal is better and we agree with you, but sometimes eating 100 grams of carbohydrates and 80 grams of protein in an already saturated state is not feasible. We have found that carbohydrates, for example in the form of corn starch, are an affordable choice of carbohydrates, in combination with a whey protein powder mixture.

Don't be afraid of glycemic load, or glycemic index of carbohydrates or mixtures of carbohydrates and proteins. Eating meals that consist of cereals and whole coconut milk mixed with whey protein isolate is a perfect example of a meal.


Supplement your diet with herbs that will increase your cravings. Horca root extract, also known as hot herb, regulates digestion and rejuvenates the liver. Echinacea is known mainly for its ability to support immunity and for stimulating saliva secretion and aiding digestion. This herb also has hemp-like effects, thanks to ingredients called alkylamines that work together with cannabinoid receptors in the brain that affect appetite.


Change your training program every six weeks to give your muscles a new boost. All of these six-week programs should focus on free weights, as free weights stimulate the body's overall hypertrophy and expand the favorable production of endogenous hormones.