nedeľa 24. apríla 2022



If you are one of the fitness enthusiasts who will not miss any new trend from the world of supplements, you have probably heard of turkesterone. Interest in this substance is growing very fast in Europe. Turkesterone is also very popular in America among bodybuilders and other strength athletes. We can even hear about him in one of the most famous podcasts - The Joe Rogan Experience. Other personalities, such as Jeff Nippard or Dr. Layne Norton.

Turkesterone is a natural supplement that people promise mainly to support healthy levels of testosterone and increase it, more muscle growth and better athletic performance. And all this in a natural way and without unpleasant side effects as in the case of anabolic steroids. No wonder there is such a commotion around him. However, not all the gold that shines is over, so let's take a closer look at the effects of turkesterone.

What is turkesterone?

Turkesterone is a plant steroid that is most often obtained from herbs - from runaways such as Ajuga turkestanica. It comes from Central Asia and grows mainly in Uzbekistan. Turkesterone is one of the ecdysteroid hormones that support the growth of plants or insects, making them considered anabolic substances. Their other representatives include the slightly more famous Ecdysterone. They resemble androgens in their structure and are therefore popular among athletes as steroid substitutes, but also as dietary supplements to improve muscle performance and growth. And according to current knowledge, turkesterone is the most effective of them. 

Its chemical structure even resembles human testosterone, which we associate mainly with male health and also with muscle growth. As a result, turkesterone has reached the sights of many bodybuilders, bodybuilders and other athletes who want to get the most out of themselves. The level of testosterone in the body naturally decreases during life. Therefore, athletes who strive for maximum muscle gain are often looking for ways to keep testosterone in optimal levels or increase it, and thus take their form to a new level. 

In addition to the optimal training load, regeneration and a properly set diet, these athletes also try natural supplements containing bioactive substances and plant steroids, such as turkesterone. In addition, according to the latest research, it is safe for health and is not a doping substance, as is the case with testosterone. But does turkesterone really have the effects that are everywhere?

What do we promise most often from turkesterone?

After reading all these effects, it may occur to us that we have just discovered the holy grail of power sports. Many people claim that turkesterone has a positive effect not only on muscle growth, but also on many other areas of our lives. 

What are the effects of turkesterone most associated?

maintaining healthy testosterone levels and increasing it
growth of muscle mass
increase in strength
improving overall sports performance
support for fat burning and weight loss
more energy during the day
higher resistance to stress
support of brain functions
protection against depression
lowering blood sugar
anti-inflammatory effects
antioxidant properties
better digestion
support for immune functions
liver and heart health protection

Naming the effects of turkesterone thus looks very promising. However, these are unofficial effects that have arisen mainly on the basis of personal experience and assumptions. Unfortunately, only some of them are based on scientific evidence, but this may change in the future due to the limited amount of research on turkesterone so far.

What does science say about the effects of turkesterone?

Turkesterone is most often associated with testosterone support, muscle growth, better regeneration, athletic performance and higher mental endurance. But what does science say about the effects of turkesterone on these areas?

1. Testosterone level

At present, unfortunately, we do not find much research that would unequivocally confirm or refute the effect of turkesterone or other ecdysteroids on testosterone levels. According to one of them, there was no increase in testosterone in the blood when taking ecdysterone. On the other hand, experts mention another effect that could replace the increase in this androgen. According to them, turkesterone can bind to the estrogen beta receptor. It plays an important role in building muscle mass (hypertrophy), but also in its regeneration, thanks to which it can have similar anabolic effects as testosterone. However, this effect has so far only been observed in animal models.

It follows that if we want to increase or maintain a healthy testosterone level in the body, we prefer to continue to turn to more proven supplements.

Which substances can support healthy testosterone levels?

Zinc is needed, among other things, to make testosterone, but also to maintain its normal levels in the blood.

DAA or D-aspartic acid is an amino acid that plays an essential role in the very process of testosterone production in the body.

Fenugreek contains steroid saponins that are being tested for their promising potential to increase testosterone levels. In one study, an increase in total testosterone levels of 12% was even observed compared to baseline. In the case of this herb, further research is also needed to confirm its effects.

Tribulus Terrestris is an extract from the ground anchor, which also contains effective saponins, especially protodioscin. As a result, it is very popular and used to increase testosterone levels, libido and support reproductive functions.

Ashwagandha is an herb that has been shown in many studies to have a positive effect on increasing testosterone levels. In two of them, she even managed to increase the level of total testosterone by 15-40%.

The complex supplement in the form of AlfaMale Testobooster contains the already mentioned zinc, DAA, Greek hay, even beta-ecdysterone and other biologically active substances. It is therefore an effective combination of substances that can help optimize testosterone levels.

2. Muscle growth

Having even bigger muscles, without the effort and side effects of anabolic steroids, is a dream not only for most bodybuilders, but also for regular gym visitors. Many of them are already trying to achieve this by using turkesterone. This substance is thought to increase Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS). At the same time, the body repairs, rebuilds and builds muscle mass.

The anabolic effects of turkesterone have been confirmed both in animal studies and in vitro (in a laboratory sample). Researchers have observed a 20% increase in muscle mass production. 

The research from 2019 also brought impressive results. Its participants were divided into 3 groups, with each of them using a different amount of ecdysteroids (ecdysterone).

After 10 weeks, the group taking the highest dose (800 mg) gained 2 kg of muscle.

In comparison, the group receiving the lowest dose (200 mg) achieved a muscle growth of 1.6 kg.
Participants with placebo had the least increase in muscle mass.

However, most experts are skeptical about this research. According to the subsequent laboratory analysis, the ecdysteroid supplement contained only 6 mg of active substance instead of 100 mg, which, according to them, is not sufficient for a more significant effect on muscle growth. In addition, body composition was measured using bioimpedance, which is not accurate enough for scientific purposes.

On the other hand, there is other research that has also been done with ecdysterone, which has not confirmed its positive effects on muscle growth. In one of them, strength training men took 200 mg, 800 mg or 1000 mg ecdysterone daily for 8 weeks. In none of the groups did the researchers notice any changes in testosterone levels, strength or body composition.

The effect of this substance on increasing muscle protein (MPS) synthesis in mice was further investigated. No positive changes in muscle mass formation were observed here. Even when co-administered with leucine, the anabolic effect of leucine was reduced. 

Although the results of some research seem promising, there are others that have come up with the opposite finding. Therefore, we are not yet able to draw definitive clear conclusions. There is currently a lack of quality research to demonstrate or disprove the anabolic effect of turkesterone. If our goal is to grow muscle mass, it is still true that the basis is a well-designed training and supplementation plan, menus, adherence to the principle of progressive overload and sufficient rest.

However, a comprehensive approach may also include scientifically sufficient and as yet insufficiently proven food supplements. They often lack relevant evidence of their effects, but on the other hand, it may depend in part on how convinced we are of their effectiveness, as placebo is also a great success.

3. Muscle regeneration

The support for muscle protein production (MPS) mentioned above also contributes to better regeneration. Thanks to faster repair of damaged muscles by training, we can train more often or more intensively.

According to some studies, ecdysteroids, which include turesterone, may also support leucine metabolism and its incorporation into cells. This essential amino acid is one of the most important in terms of repairing muscle-damaged muscle fibers. The paradox is that one study found the exact opposite. 

However, turkesterone is not a miracle substance that would relieve our muscle pain after exercise within an hour. In this regard, too, we should continue to rely on quality sleep, rest between workouts, adequate protein in the diet, and other methods that can promote regeneration. These include cold therapy, sauna or massage. To some extent, you can do it yourself with the help of a massage gun. In addition, you can try turkesterone or other supplements that will best suit your individual goals and requirements.

4. Better sports performance

As muscle mass grows, more strength typically goes hand in hand. However, this is not the only potential effect of turkesterone on athletic performance. According to many scientific studies, ecdysteroids can also generally help to increase the body's glycogen stores. These are then directly related to the production of energy in the form of ATP, which is the basic fuel unit in our body, as well as in internal combustion engines gasoline or diesel. Thanks to this, we can train for a longer time without feeling tired. So far, this effect has only been described in animal models. However, we will have to wait to confirm or refute the effectiveness on people.

Which substances can support sports performance?

Creatine helps restore ATP during physical activity. Thanks to this, the explosive power, which is important in strength, team and martial arts, is mainly supported.

Caffeine is one of the most popular stimulants in the world, which helps maintain alertness and concentration during training. According to research results, it supports strength or endurance.

Beta-alanine can increase athletic performance in high-intensity activities, which typically have a shorter duration. It can have a positive effect on the breakdown of lactic acid from working muscles.

Arginine forms nitric oxide (NO) in the body. This contributes to better blood flow to the working muscles, which can lead to a more efficient supply of nutrients and oxygen to the muscles. This can typically result in better athletic performance.

A complex pre-workout supplement, such as Thor, contains said caffeine, arginine, beta-alanine and other active ingredients. Overall, it will help prepare the body for intense exercise, and even improve it.

5. Adaptogenic effects

Ecdysteroids, including turkesterone, are also adaptogens. These substances are known for their positive effects on mental resilience, stress management and overall human health and well-being. According to research conducted so far, turkesterone can contribute to increased resistance to stress and better adaptation of the organism to demanding conditions. So it will help us cope with difficult life situations, stressful exams at school or new job challenges. Even in this case, however, we still have to make do with the results of animal research, and we still have to wait for those carried out on humans.

How is turkesterone typically used and dosed?

Turkesterone is most often found in the form of a plant extract in capsules or tablets, which is usually standardized at 10% active ingredient content.

It is recommended to take with food at any time of the day or before training, but never on an empty stomach.

The recommended daily dose of turkesterone is most often in the range of 500 - 1000 mg per day.

We can also calculate the recommended daily dose by multiplying 10 mg of this substance per 1 kg of fat-free weight of our body (Fat Free Mass). For example, an 80 kg person with 10% fat has 720 mg of turkesterone per day.

Is it necessary to cycle turkesterone?

Turkesterone is not an androgen and therefore should not suppress the body's natural production of testosterone. This is often the case with anabolic steroids. Therefore, it is not necessary to interrupt its supplementation for some time. In any case, most turkesterone users take a break of several weeks after 8 to 12 weeks of use. They want to prevent the body from adapting to this substance, which could lead to a gradual reduction in effect.

Does turkesterone have any side effects?

Unlike anabolic steroids, turkesterone is considered safe. It does not bind to androgen receptors in the body, which is considered to be risky with these substances. In this connection, there is no risk of side effects with normal turkesterone dosing. However, if you do not follow it or if you use this substance on an empty stomach, we may experience nausea or indigestion.

What do you get out of it?

To sum it up, we can say with certainty that turkesterone has some potential impact on improving some areas of our lives. On the other hand, these conclusions are based on a small amount of research and we lack evidence of an effect on the sporting population. However, at the usual dosage, it is a safe supplement, so that the effect of this substance can be convinced by everyone if they are interested.

When achieving set goals, such as muscle growth or optimizing testosterone levels, we should always follow the basic rules in training, diet and rest. Subsequently, we can add turkesterone as such a superstructure.

nedeľa 17. apríla 2022

The Importance Of Post-Workout Nutrition! | - -

 The Importance Of Post-Workout Nutrition!

If you've just finished up an awesome workout and are trying to decide what to eat, then this article is for you!

From what I see on a daily basis, it's clear to me that most people in the gym are wasting their time investment. They're spending precious hours engaged in strength or endurance training programs that yield little or no results?

Need proof? When was the last time someone in your gym made any noticeable physical progress? In fact, when was the last time that you made any significant physical progress? Exercise training has the potential to yield huge returns on any given time investment. Isn't it a shame that most people don't ever see this magnitude of return?

Despite this disappointing reality, I'm here to tell you that hope is not lost. In fact, there's a very easy way to capitalize on your investment. You see, in most cases the exercise is not the problem. The problem is that people fail to invest in the other important commodity that, in combination with exercise, yields the biggest returns.

Now I could write a dozen articles focused on straightening out the nutritional problems of the world. In this article today, I intend to focus on what is, in my opinion, the most important aspect of exercise nutrition—eating during the post-workout period. The knowledge of how to eat during this time will maximize your efforts in the gym and yield the biggest returns on your time investment.

Remodeling And The Post-Workout Period

Exercise, both strength and endurance training, is responsible for countless health and aesthetic benefits. However the exercise itself is a significant physiological stressor. Perceived symptoms of this "stress" are often mild and include muscle soreness, the need for extra sleep, and an increased appetite.

These symptoms let us know that the exercise has depleted the muscle's fuel resources, caused some minor damage, and that the muscle is in need of replenishment and repair. While the words depletion and damage may sound like negative things, they're not if they only stick around for a short period of time. You see, these changes allow the muscle to adapt by getting better at the exercise demands placed on it.

Therefore if you're doing endurance exercise, the muscle will become depleted and damaged in the short run, but in the long run it will super compensate, building itself up to be a better aerobic machine. And if strength training is your thing, you'll tear down you're weaker muscle fibers in favor of building up bigger, stronger ones.

In all cases, exercise essentially tears down old, less adapted muscle in order to rebuild more functional muscle. This phenomenon is called remodeling.

While the remodeling process is much more complex than I can describe here, it's important for me to emphasize that this remodeling only takes place if the muscle is provided the right raw materials. If I plan on remodeling my home I can hire a guy to tear down a couple of walls, a guy to clean up the mess, and a guy to come in and rebuild better walls than the ones that came down.

But if I don't give that guy any bricks, how's he going to get anything done? If I don't give him the bricks, all I'll have in the end is a much smaller, unfinished house.

The same holds true with exercise remodeling. In particular, during the exercise bout and immediately following it, exercise breaks down our muscle carbohydrate stores and our muscle protein structures. Then, the immune system comes in to clean up the mess.

And finally, signals are generated to tell the body to rebuild. However, as I hope you can now see, without the proper protein and carbohydrate raw materials, this building can't take place. You'll be left with muscles that never reach their potential.

So with this analogy, I hope it's obvious that this post-exercise period is not a time to take lightly. Remember, you spent a significant amount of time in the gym breaking down the muscle for a good reason. You want it to be better adapted to future demands.

So to realize full return on your time investment, you need to give the body the raw materials it needs, namely protein and carbohydrates.

Feeding Hungry Muscles

As I mentioned earlier, all trainees (male or female), regardless of their chosen mode of exercise, must take their post-exercise nutrition seriously in order to provide the muscle with the raw materials it needs. As all types of exercise use carbohydrates for energy, muscle carbohydrate depletion is inevitable. Therefore a post-workout meal high in carbohydrates is required to refill muscle carbohydrate/energy stores.

However any ol' amount of carbohydrates will not do. You need to consume enough carbohydrates to promote a substantial insulin release. Insulin is the hormone responsible for shuttling carbohydrates and amino acids into the muscle. In doing this, carbohydrate resynthesis is accelerated and protein balance becomes positive, leading to rapid repair of the muscle tissue.

Therefore, by consuming a large amount of carbohydrates, you will promote a large insulin release, increase glycogen storage, and increase protein repair. Research has shown that a carbohydrate intake of 0.8 to 1.2 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight maximizes glycogen synthesis and accelerates protein repair. However, unless you've had a very long, intense workout, 1.2g/kg may be a bit excessive as excess carbohydrate can be converted to body fat.

Therefore I recommend 0.8g of carbohydrate per 1 kilogram of body weight for speeding up muscle carbohydrate replenishment while preventing excess fat gain (van Loon et al 2000a).

In addition, since muscle protein is degraded during exercise, the addition of a relatively large amount of protein to your post exercise meal is necessary to help rebuild the structural aspects of the muscle. After exercise, the body decreases its rate of protein synthesis and increases its rate of protein breakdown. However, the provision of protein and amino acid solutions has been shown to reverse this trend, increasing protein synthesis and decreasing protein breakdown.

Researchers have used anywhere from 0.2g-0.4g of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight to demonstrate the effectiveness of adding protein to a post-workout carbohydrate drink (van Loon et al 2000b, Roy et al 1998). As an increased consumption of the essential amino acids may lead to a more positive protein balance, 0.4g/kg may be better than 0.2g/kg.

While your post-workout feeding should be rich proteins and carbohydrates, this meal should be fat free. The consumption of essential fats is one of the most overlooked areas of daily nutritional intake but during the post workout period, eating fat can actually decrease the effectiveness of your post-workout beverage. Since fat slows down transit through the stomach, eating fat during the post workout period may slow the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and proteins.

As your post-workout feeding should be designed to promote the most rapid delivery of carbohydrates and protein to your depleted muscles, fats should be avoided during this time.

Finally, another important factor to consider is the timing of this meal. It is absolutely crucial that you consume your post-workout meal immediately after exercise. As indicated above, after exercise, the muscles are depleted and require an abundance of protein and carbohydrate. In addition, during this time, the muscles are biochemically "primed" for nutrient uptake.

This phenomenon is commonly known as the "window of opportunity". Over the course of the recovery period, this window gradually closes and by failing to eat immediately after exercise, you diminish your chances of promoting full recovery. To illustrate how quickly this window closes, research has shown that consuming a post-exercise meal immediately after working out is superior to consuming one only 1 hour later.

In addition, consuming one 1 hour later is superior to consuming one 3 hours later (Tipton et al 2001, Levenhagen et al 2001). If you wait too long, glycogen replenishment and protein repair will be compromised.

In conclusion, when you decided to start exercising you decided to give up a specific amount of time per week in the interest of getting better, physically. However, if you haven't spent the necessary time thinking about post-exercise nutrition, you're missing much of the benefit that comes with exercising.

I assure you that once you start paying attention to this variable in the recovery equation, your time in the gym will be much better invested.

Whole Food Vs. Nutritional Supplementation

While I wholeheartedly believe that complete, unbleached, untreated, and unprocessed whole food should form the basis of any sound nutritional regimen, there are some instances in which supplements can actually be superior to whole food. In the case of post-exercise nutrition, I believe that liquid supplemental nutrition is far superior to whole food for the following reasons.

1. Liquid Meals Are Palatable and Digestible

Typically, after intense exercise, most people complain that eating a big meal is difficult. This is understandable as the exercise stress creates a situation where the hunger centers are all but shut down. However, as you now know, it's absolutely critical that you eat if you want to remodel the muscle, enlarge the muscle, or recover from the exercise.

Fortunately liquid supplemental formulas are palatable, easy to consume, and can be quite nutrient dense, providing all the nutrition you need at this time. In addition, since these formulas are structurally simple (I'll save the biochemistry for another article), the gastrointestinal tract has no difficulty processing them. Your stomach will thank you for this.

2. Liquid Meals Have A Fast Absorption Profile, Whole Food Is Just Too Slow

The latest research has demonstrated that liquid supplemental formulas containing fast- digesting protein (whey hydrolysates and isolates) and carbohydrates (dextrose and maltodextrin) are absorbed more quickly than whole food meals.

To put this into perspective, a liquid post-exercise formula may be fully absorbed within 30 to 60 minutes, providing much needed muscle nourishment by this time. However, a slower digesting solid food meal may take 2 to 3 hours to fully reach the muscle.

3. Liquid Meals Take Advantage Of The "Window Of Opportunity", Whole Foods May Miss It

The faster the protein and carbohydrates get to the muscle, the better your chances for muscle building and recovery. Current research has demonstrated that subjects receiving nutrients within one hour after exercise recover more quickly than subjects receiving nutrients three hours after exercise. Liquid nutrition is making more sense, isn't it?

4. Liquid Meals Are Better For Nutrient Targeting

During the post exercise period, specific nutrients maximize your recovery. These include an abundance of water, high-glycemic index carbohydrates, and certain amino acids (in specific ratios). It's also best to avoid fat during this time. So the only way to ensure that these nutrients are present in the right amounts is to formulate a specific liquid blend. Whole foods may miss the mark.

nedeľa 10. apríla 2022

7 Nutrition Tips For A Successful Transformation | - -

 7 Nutrition Tips For A Successful Transformation

Don't let your diet ruin your transformation goals. Follow these 7 tips from successful BodySpace athletes and build a rock-solid nutrition program!

If you want to transform, you can't rely on your workouts alone to get the job done. Losing fat or building muscle takes a lot of hard work in the kitchen, too! Without a solid grasp of nutrition, you won't get the results you're training so hard for. If you want to make 2015 your best year yet, you need to go in with a failproof nutrition game plan.

Our BodySpace MuscleTech athletes are here to help! They know exactly what it takes to make the most of your nutrition so you can transform successfully. Implement their tips into your diet plan so you can efficiently burn fat and build muscle.

1. Adjust Calories On Non-Training Days

Many transformation hopefuls make the mistake of eating the same amount of calories on training days as they do on non-training days. "People don't fuel properly during their transformation process," says athlete and fitness model Tricia Ashley. "On training days, you need extra fuel to train and help your body repair."

Ashley recommends lowering your calories on non-training days and increasing them on training days. Her personal calorie count is 2,000 calories on rest days and 2,500 calories on working days.

Adjust your calories according to your weight, gender, goals, and workout intensity, but rather than wildly varying your calorie intake by the thousands, use Ashley's 500-calorie swing as a guide. You can source many of these calories from protein and extra carbohydrates, which will help fuel peak performance on your training days.

2. Listen To Your Body

You might think that eating healthy is black and white: You stick to a list of diet-approved foods and never stray. However, it's important to personalize your nutrition plan. "Don't neglect to account for how your body responds to different foods," says fitness model Jimmy Everett.

A particular food might be healthy, but it may not make you feel very good. If your body doesn't react well to something, don't include it in your diet plan. If you do cut something out, replace it with a different healthy option.

Don't force yourself to eat foods you hate or react poorly to simply because your plan calls for them.

3. Don't Be Too Restrictive

There's no question that, to lose body fat, you need to make better choices in the kitchen. Not-so-healthy foods that may have filled your plate before will most likely be omitted in your new plan. Don't, however, eliminate everything you love to eat at the onset of your journey.

"Focus on eating healthy foods as much as possible, but don't view any food as 'off limits,'" says personal trainer Lindsay Cappotelli. If you restrict yourself to only eating a few foods over and over, you'll go crazy, and your plan won't be sustainable.

"Know that if you make healthy choices for most of your carbohydrate, protein, and fat servings, there's room for a treat here and there. Balance is key," Cappotelli adds.

4. Power Up With Protein

A 2005 study in "The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" found that when healthy adults increased their protein intake from 15 percent to 30 percent, feelings of satiety were significantly increased, while caloric intake and fat mass decreased.

Consuming 20-30 grams of high quality protein at each meal can also help increase rates of protein synthesis and boost muscular growth. In other words, protein is king! So, if you started your transformation and haven't increased your protein intake yet, now is the time.

Eating more protein doesn't necessarily mean you have to feast on meat every meal though. "Vegetarians can get their protein from lentils, beans, tempeh, and soy," says fitness competitor Danielle Beausoleil. "It's also important to keep in mind that the quality of your food impacts your body. The better the foods you put in, the better you'll feel."

5. Don't Fear Fat

Some people avoid dietary fat completely because they think it doesn't belong in a fat-burning diet. The truth is, however, that your body needs dietary fat to burn fat. "Studies have shown that eating nutrient-rich healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids can actually assist in fat-burning," says Beausoleil.

One such study suggested that six weeks of fish oil supplementation actually increased lean mass and decreased fat mass in healthy men and women.

"Healthy fats also help to decrease the level of cortisol in the body, helping control stress levels," Beausoleil adds. Additionally, combining fish oil with exercise has been shown to not only reduce body fat, but also improve cardiovascular and metabolic health.

Beausoleil recommends a diet rich in healthy fats from fish, fish oil, nuts, avocados, and olive oil, coupled with fibrous vegetables, low-glycemic fruits such as berries, and, of course, ample protein.

6. Decrease Calories Slowly

Going from 2,500 daily calories down to 1,500 in one fell swoop can leave you feeling hungry, deprived, and frustrated. It's much better to cut back slowly. "I suggest starting with a 200-calorie decrease [from what you're eating currently] and then slowly increasing activity and intensity levels," says fitness model James Pulido.

Decreasing your calories slowly will help ensure that you see ongoing results. If you drop your calorie intake too quickly at the start of your journey, you'll have nowhere to go from there.

Beginning with the minimum effective dose of dropping calories and adding cardio ensures that you'll be able to progress for the long haul.

7. Stay Hydrated

"Staying hydrated is crucial to the fat-loss process," says model Jimmy Everett, "so make sure you drink enough water."

Hydration can impact everything from your metabolic rate to your energy levels. Too many people walk around all day in a partially dehydrated state, causing them to feel fatigued when they shouldn't be and eat when they really just need a drink.

How do you know when you're properly hydrated? The simplest way is to look at the color of your pee. Your goal should be to get your pee the color of lemonade—if it's looking more like apple juice, then you need to increase your fluid intake.

If you take a multivitamin, you may notice that the color of your urine is a neon yellow (due to excess riboflavin), so keeping track of how often you make a trip to the bathroom (aim for a trip every couple of hours) might be a better option for you.

Don't try to hydrate with energy drinks and coffee. If you don't like regular water, flavor it with some BCAAs or lemon slices.


nedeľa 3. apríla 2022

Build Your Burn | - -

Build Your Burn

Most people will look to cut weight at some point in their fitness journey. Whether you are cutting for a competition, looking to lose 50lbs, or somewhere in the middle, the basics are the same. From the gym to the kitchen table to your supplement stash, here's the info on what it takes to drop fat and get lean. We've got the tools and information you need for healthy weight loss success.

Kick Up The Intensity

Step one is to get moving. No matter your fitness level we have the perfect fat loss workout plans from top industry experts and trainers to help you reach your weight loss goals. 

Beginners: If you're ready to get in shape but not sure where to start, Transformed is a great starting point. This guided, complete transformation journey covers every angle of fitness, from exercise to nutrition to supplements. It isn't just a short-term diet and workout plan—you'll learn healthy habits you can keep for life.

Intermediate: If you’ve been putting in work at the gym for a while and now it's time to reveal the definition, Blueprint to Cut is for you. When it's time to uncover your hard work for a contest, a big event, or just because, this classic cutting plan will help you lean out in 8 weeks.

Advanced: If you already have a solid workout foundation and want to get (or stay) lean without having to greatly restrict calories or do heaps of monotonous cardio, then Chiseled is for you. Fitness model and athlete Kizzito Ejam is known for being shredded 365 days a year. He designed this sustainable fat loss program to keep his body in shape for the long haul. 

If you’re happy with your current workout split but want to layer in some extra cardio, Hannah Eden’s 10 Minute Meltdown is a great choice. In just 10 minutes a day you can kick up the calorie burn first thing in the morning, on your lunch break, or after work. Even on your busiest days, you can work in a quick burner. 

Abs Are Made In The Kitchen

It might be a bit cliche but it’s absolutely true. You can’t outwork a bad diet. The key to losing weight is simple: keep your calories in lower than your calories out. Seems easy, right? Well, if that was the case then we’d all be rocking six pack abs. In reality, it’s often difficult to get that ratio down. To dial it in, you need to know how many calories you need each day to maintain, then determine how many calories you burn from exercise, and then determine what meal plan will help you get 

Not sure how to get started on a meal plan? Check out our top nutrition articles to help you land on the ideal diet for your goals. Or, for an even easier option, check out a meal delivery kit like Flex Pro Meals to take the guesswork out of meal planning. 

Stack The Deck

Once you’ve landed on a solid workout program and meal plan, the next step is to layer in a few key supplements to help you accelerate your weight loss.  

Whey Protein 

Having a whey protein supplement while losing weight can play a huge role in your success. Whey protein helps give you the needed nutrients (Protein & Amino Acids) for your muscles to recover after those tough workouts without adding a lot of calories and carbohydrates to your diet. It may also help you feel fuller for longer periods of time. 

Fat-Loss Supplement

While there may not be a magic pill, there are fat-loss supplements that can help you lose weight more effectively in conjunction with a good workout program and diet.


Just like a car needs oil to operate effectively, our body needs a certain amount of vitamins and minerals to operate effectively. This is especially important when you are trying to lose weight and a multivitamin will help ensure you’re filling any potential gaps in your diet. 
