pondelok 27. júna 2022

IS IT BETTER TO DRINK PROTEIN WITH WATER OR MILK? | Steroids4U.eu - Steroids4U.net - Steroids4U.to


What is a protein and why use it?
What should we mix the protein with?
Differences between protein mixed with water and protein with milk
1. Digestibility
2. Absorbability
3. Taste
4. Energy value
5. Consistency
What to drink protein with respect to your goal?
What do you get out of it?

Whether it is better to mix protein with water or milk is similar to that of pizza pineapple. Every camp has its truth, which it stands for and which it will not give up. Therefore, in today's article, we will take a closer look at how whey proteins behave in different beverages, and we will not deprive you of information on whether it is better to mix protein with milk or water.

What is a protein and why use it?

Protein is a dietary supplement that is one of the concentrated sources of protein. These should be eaten approximately 0.8-2 g of protein per kilogram of TH (body weight) each day, depending on age, health and physical activity. For an average 70 kg person, it is 56-140 g per day. Protein plays an important role in our body. They are essential for muscle growth and protecting muscles from burning for energy. In addition, they also help reduce hunger and cravings for sweets, which can make it easier to lose weight.

In today's article, we will focus on mixing protein with cow's milk and water. Specifically, we will focus on whey proteins, which are also made from milk, so it is natural to mix them with this fluid. Whey proteins have a favorable amino acid spectrum and overall composition. That's why they are the best option among proteins for many people. If someone decides to get other types of proteins, such as vegetable ones, it is not usual for them to be mixed with cow's milk. Likewise, we would not try to mix even if we bought, for example, collagen with an orange flavor.

What should we mix the protein with?

We can't just say from the table that one combination of protein and fluid is better or worse. Each of them has its own specifics, and therefore is more suitable for other situations. So it is always important to look at the context when you want to get protein. It will also depend on the resulting properties of the protein whether you decide to mix it with low-fat, semi-fat or full-fat milk.

Let's look at the properties of a protein with milk or water so that we can better deduce which combination we should ever reach.

Differences between protein mixed with water and protein with milk

Combining protein with milk or water produces two different drinks that have different properties. How are they different?

1. Digestibility

Digestion is the process during which the nutrients in the body are chemically decomposed. Upon absorption, these substances then pass through the intestinal wall. In terms of digestibility, the clear winner is protein with water, which will digest your body faster than it would with milk. In connection with digestion, we cannot forgive even a remark about people who have lactose intolerance, and therefore their body cannot digest milk sugar well. For them, it is appropriate to use only whey isolates or hydrolysates and observe how the body reacts to them. At the same time, mixing with water is ideal to avoid milk problems. An alternative can then be mixing with vegetable or lactose-free milk. [6 – ⁠7]

What to mix protein with in terms of digestibility?

The best digestible protein is mixed with water.

If you have problems digesting lactose, use only whey protein isolate or hydrolyzate and mix it with water. You can completely or partially replace it with vegetable or lactose-free milk, but the drink will then be digested longer.

The combination of protein with milk is ideal in a situation where we will not eat for a long time and we do not mind that the body will digest the drink for longer. A typical example is drinking milk protein at bedtime. Micellar casein, for example, often referred to as nocturnal protein, is ideal for these occasions.

2. Absorbability

Absorption is the process by which substances pass through the intestinal wall into the blood, from where they travel to their target sites. From this point of view, too, the protein-water winner is the speed.

In the production of whey protein, the resulting powder is free of casein protein, most of the fat and possibly also lactose, which is especially true for whey isolates and hydrolysates. If we mixed whey proteins with milk, to a lesser extent we would get these components there again, which would then have a negative effect on their absorption.

This would not be ideal, especially after training, when you want the proteins to reach the muscles as quickly as possible and to help regenerate the muscle fibers damaged by training. However, slower absorption when mixed with milk does not matter if you do not drink protein after training, but at any other time during the day as a snack. Thanks to the milk, it will be better sown and you will not be hungry so quickly.

What to mix protein with for absorption?

Protein with water is better and faster absorbed. This makes it one of the ideal training drinks.
Milk protein is absorbed more slowly. Therefore, it is a drink that is ideal as a snack at any time of the day.

3. Taste

In taste, we cannot generally say what is better and worse. Everyone has different preferences, so something different suits us. It also depends a lot on the flavor of the protein. Personally, however, I am of the opinion that protein mixed in cow's or possibly vegetable milk tastes better than protein with water. But if you prefer protein only with water, then go for it.

What to mix protein with in terms of taste?

Personally, I have come across the idea that protein tastes better when mixed with milk, which I agree with.

However, if someone is not a fan of dairy drinks and likes more protein mixed with water, they can prepare the drink in this way.

4. Energy value

You may not be surprised to learn that the caloric value when mixed with different fluids differs. For example, if you are trying to lose weight and it is a priority for you to save as many calories as possible, then protein with water will be a clear choice. However, keep in mind that the protein will also be digested and absorbed faster. If you mix it with milk, your calorie intake will increase, your digestion time will be longer and you may feel fuller for longer.

What to mix protein with in terms of caloric value?

If you reduce your energy intake, it will be better for you to mix the protein with water, which will not give it any extra calories.

If you are trying to gain weight and have trouble eating the amount of food you need, whole milk protein is the perfect way to easily get more calories.

5. Consistency

Do you long for a delicious and creamy protein drink? Then it will be a better choice for you to have milk protein. It has a higher density than water, so it will help you create the desired consistency. The less milk you use, the thicker the shake will be.

Similarly, you can achieve a creamy consistency for some proteins when mixed with water. Compared to whey protein, it can produce a naturally denser drink such as micellar casein. However, you will not make a mistake even if you choose a protein containing guar or xanthan gum, which will help create a creamy thick consistency. You don't have to worry about these ingredients, they are nothing dangerous. Guar gum is made from the guar beans of a plant called Cyamopsis tetragonoloba. Xanthan gum is a polysaccharide formed by the fermentation of Xanthomonas campestris. Both additives appear in proteins in really small amounts, so you don't have to worry about their quality decreasing.

What to mix the protein for in terms of consistency?

When using the same amount of liquid, the protein will be creamier with milk.

Micellar caseins generally also form a more creamy consistency.

If you want a creamy consistency, look for proteins with a mixture of guar or xanthan gum.

The less liquid you use, the thicker and creamier the consistency.

What do you get out of it?

As you can see for yourself, there is no right answer to the question of whether it is better to drink protein with water or milk. Different situations require different solutions. And different people have different needs. Therefore, it is always important to think about what my goal is and what exactly I expect from a protein in a given situation.

Accordingly, it may then be more appropriate to select a fluid. But keep in mind that protein, whether it's milk or water, makes up only a small portion of your daily caloric intake. And which fluid you use is more of a detail and doesn't have that effect on your overall results. So make sure that you have enough of the necessary proteins in your diet before you solve these little things.

nedeľa 19. júna 2022



What is acne?
What are the causes of acne?
How to get rid of acne?
And what about pimple extrusion? Should Acne Be Squeezed Out?
What do you get out of it?
Red pimples, black dots, white dots, painful pimples - we can all imagine this under an unpleasant and annoying problem called acne. It has more serious and less serious forms, sometimes it requires the intervention of a doctor. It is most often a nightmare for adolescents, but it cannot be avoided by adults either.

What is acne?

Acne is a chronic skin disease in which there is excessive production of sebum by the sebaceous glands and subsequent clogging of the pores (hair follicles). When the pores become clogged, it often does not end, these places can ignite and at the same time they are an ideal environment for the multiplication of bacteria.

What are the causes of acne?

Acne is partly a "win" in the genetic lottery. However, it is also significantly affected by hormonal changes (especially the excessive production of male hormones androgens). Acne changes most often occur in puberty due to changes in hormone levels. Women also know from experience that the production of acne changes in the various stages of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy or during the onset of menopause. This health problem is also common in athletes who use anabolic steroids. 

Furthermore, the surrounding environment (environmental pollution, humidity, etc.), stress, cosmetics used or lifestyle contribute to the formation of acne. 

Types of acne

Acne comedones is characterized by black or white spots on the skin (called comedones), this degree of acne is not yet inflammatory and is the least severe

acne papulopustular is manifested by inflamed red pimples, often with a white purulent top

the most severe form of acystic acne, in which large inflamed cysts occur, often leaving scars

Acne does not only appear on the face, but can also make life uncomfortable on the back, neck, shoulders or hair, for example.

How to get rid of acne?

Remember that this is a disease, not just an aesthetic problem. Therefore, especially for more serious forms, follow the recommendations of a dermatologist who will help you with acne treatment. It is often a long distance run and acne can sometimes not get rid of it completely. However, it will always be possible to at least alleviate it. You can definitely help yourself by focusing on the factors you can influence.

1. Drink more and better and try to reduce stress

You may not be surprised that acne is next on the list of problems that can be exacerbated by stress. The inflammation present is promoted by hormones (e.g. cortisol and the already mentioned androgens), which are formed to a greater extent during stress and can also be stimulated by substances which are formed directly in the skin in response to stress.

How to reduce stress in everyday life?

Move. Exercise has excellent stress-reducing effects. Walk regularly, run, work out at home or in the gym, dance, swim, do what you enjoy. Stress will help reduce both aerobic and anaerobic physical activity.
Spend at least 7 hours a day. Don't forget its quality either. Insufficient and poor sleep is also considered a serious stress factor. 

Relax with activities that make you happy and relax.

Try different relaxation activities, such as meditation or yoga.

Harden yourself. Cold showers can help you lower your stress hormone cortisol or increase your serotonin levels to keep you in a better mood. 

If you have trouble sleeping, read our article What to do if sleep doesn't work? Focus on these 7 types of rest.

2. Help yourself with nutrition. Remove the sugar and add to the seafood.

The effect of nutrition on acne formation is an indefinitely discussed topic. Currently, science is inclined to the fact that a diet with a high glycemic index, which contains a high amount of rapidly absorbed carbohydrates and significantly increases blood sugar (so-called glycemia), can have a negative effect. 

You can reduce your blood glucose index with these tips:

Limit foods containing simple sugar (confectionery, sweetened drinks, sweetened dairy products, juices, cakes, desserts, etc.).

Include higher amounts of fiber in the form of whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits.

Avoid white bread, large portions of dried fruit or breakfast cereals (you can do well by replacing those chocolate balls with oatmeal or sprinkled muesli).

Pay attention to a diet rich in protein (dairy products, lean meat, fish, etc.) and quality sources of fat (vegetable oils, nuts, seeds).

Add more omega-3 fatty acids to your diet

Conversely, acne problems could be alleviated by the anti-inflammatory effect of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids you get regular consumption of fatty sea fish (salmon, mackerel, trout, herring, etc.), but also with the help of flax or chia seeds, walnuts, soybean or rapeseed oil. If fish are not a regular part of your diet, it would be worth supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids.

What vitamins will help us with acne?

So far, no vitamins or minerals are known to miraculously help us. The best thing to do is take care of a balanced diet with enough vegetables and fruits to get the widest possible range of nutrients and keep your skin healthy.

3. Make sure you have an adequate drinking regimen to keep your skin healthy and hydrated

Healthy skin is sufficiently hydrated skin. While there is no convincing evidence that a sufficient drinking regimen reduces the incidence of acne, we know that water is needed for proper processes in the body, including those in the skin.

Therefore, do not neglect the drinking regime and drink 30 - ⁠45 ml of fluids per kilogram of your weight daily. Imagine a girl named Lenka who weighs 60 kg. Lenka should receive 1800 - ⁠2700 ml of fluids daily.

Maybe she would be frightened that she had to drink so much. The good news is that they don't have to, because up to 20% of their daily fluid intake is normally in the diet. It therefore has 1440 - ⁠2160 ml of fluids to drink. It should ideally drink the recommended amount in the form of pure water, weakly mineralized mineral water or unsweetened teas.

The need for fluids increases with physical activity or warm and humid weather. It also varies based on how much a person sweats. With heavy sweating, the athlete can lose 3 liters of fluid per hour during exercise. 

If you are more interested in the topic of drinking regime, definitely do not miss our article How an insufficient drinking regime affects health.

4. Maintain an optimal weight, obesity does not benefit our skin

It is now well known that keeping your weight in the optimal range is a prevention of a large number of diseases. But you may be surprised that this also applies to acne. Obesity is characterized by insulin resistance and overproduction of IGF-1 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 1), which are also involved in the formation of acne. In addition, hyperandrogenism (increased levels of the male genital organs) can be observed in obese women, which occurs, for example, in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). 

The optimal weight is given as BMI (Body Mass Index) in the value of 20 - ⁠25 kg / m2. Since BMI tells us nothing about body composition and the amount of muscle and fat mass, it is good to remember that for a woman it is advisable to have about 21 - 31% body fat (more than 35% already means obesity), while for men it is 12 - ⁠25% body fat (more than 25% already indicates obesity). 

Maintain weight by combining proper nutrition, adequate physical activity, adequate and quality sleep, and reducing stress factors in daily life.

5. Avoid cigarettes, they also affect the skin

Perhaps there is no body that is not negatively affected by smoking. Its skin, which is the largest organ in the body, does not avoid its harmful effects. Smoking probably stimulates the inflammatory processes that are involved in acne.

6. Clean your skin honestly and gently, take care of your choice of cosmetics

Areas of skin and skin with acne are not dirty, as many people think, but primarily sensitive. Therefore, it is essential that a person with this problem takes care of proper hygiene, which is gentle and does not harm sensitive skin.

How to properly care for the skin?

Do not touch your face more than necessary. No scratching or catching your face with dirty hands so you don't irritate acne unnecessarily.

Ideally, use those cleansers that describe them as suitable for acne prone skin. You will definitely not step aside when you get advice from a dermatologist or pharmacist.

Do not use peels and soaps. Improper cosmetics can support inflammatory processes. Also avoid essential oil and oil-containing cosmetics, as the oil clogs the pores. 

After washing, just dry your face, do not rub it.

Try to use as little cosmetics as possible, limit yourself to using make-up, a large number of creams, etc

As we mentioned above, acne is not only on the face, but also on the back, shoulders and other parts of the body, so adjust your clothing accordingly. Wear clothing that is loose and breathable so that it does not irritate the skin and keep sweat.

And what about pimple extrusion? Should Acne Be Squeezed Out?

As much as it attracts you and you want to get rid of them, do not squeeze the pimples, try to reach for them as little as possible. Displacing the problem will only make the problem worse and increase the chance that you will have scars and acne marks on your skin.

What do you get out of it?

Acne is a complicated health problem that is caused by a number of factors. From genetic predisposition to hormonal and environmental influences to factors that affect our lifestyle and we can influence them ourselves. Self-treatment may not always be effective and the solution may end up being the help of a dermatologist. However, always make sure that you do what you are in control of correctly. In addition to a healthy body weight, pay attention to a long and quality sleep, a proper diet and a sufficient drinking regime, reduce stress, say goodbye to smoking and, last but not least, take good care of your skin.

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nedeľa 12. júna 2022

HOW TO DRAIN THE BODY AND REDUCE WATER RETENTION? | Steroids4U.eu - Steroids4U.net - Steroids4U.to


It seems to you that you suddenly have some swollen legs, the ankles are slowly invisible, the whole body is somehow heavy, it is more voluminous and you do not feel in your skin at all? Don't worry, you don't have to panic right away that you've gained a few pounds of fat or look for dehydrating detoxes and diets. Excessive water retention will first be to blame. There can be several reasons for this, and many times you will even be able to deal with this problem on your own. Therefore, in today's article, we will take a closer look at the role of water in the body, what causes its excessive retention and how you can get rid of its excess.

How much water do we have in our body and why is it so important?

In the adult, water makes up about 45-65% of the body, most of which is intra-cell water and a smaller part is extracellular. Especially for men, the share of total water in the body is close to the upper limit, for women it is around 55%. This is due, for example, to the fact that men have more muscle mass that contains water. It is normal for the volume of water in the body to change by about 5% during the day. It can be caused by what you eat, how much you sweat, or if you exercise. Let's show how this affects our weight in practice. 

For an average 80 kg man, who has 65% water in his body, water weighs about 52 kg. With 5% fluctuations, the weight of water can change by 2.6 kg. It is therefore quite normal for the weight of this average man, just for less or more water retention, to be in the range of 77.4 - 82.6 kg for several days.
For an average 65 kg woman who has 55% water in her body, water weighs about 36 kg. With 5% fluctuations, the weight of water can vary by 1.8 kg. It is therefore common that the weight of this average woman can only change and range from 63.2 to 66.8 kg in relation to water retention.
When you see how much water can affect your weight, you may have just called it the number one enemy that just confuses your head and sabotages progress. But it definitely won't be that way. Water has a number of important functions in the body, without which we would not be able to function.

What functions does water have in the body?

Without water in the body, we would not be able to function and we would not survive a single day. It is involved in vital processes.

It is a natural part of every cell. You would not be able to exist without it.
It regulates our internal body temperature, for example by sweating.
It is involved in the transport of important nutrients.
Helps with the excretion of waste products (eg urine).
Moisturizes tissues in the eyes, nose and mouth.
It helps dissolve micronutrients so that they are better available to the body.
Protects body organs and tissues.
Lubricates joints.

And these are just some of the functions that water participates in. We should therefore see her primarily as a friend who helps us to function properly. The importance of water is also evidenced by how its scarcity manifests itself. After only a few hours without drinking, we can begin to observe the first signs of dehydration, which may gradually worsen. These include, for example, thirst, muscle weakness, dizziness and headaches. You can read more about these negative manifestations and the importance of hydration in the article How an insufficient drinking regime affects health.

How much water should we drink?

Although water is important in the body, this does not mean that we should overwhelm 10 liters a day. In this case, it is not true that more is better. Its excessive intake also has its pitfalls, which can lead to water intoxication and actually causes the so-called hyponatremia. It is a condition in which ions in the body (especially sodium) are diluted due to excessive water intake, the body collapses and there is a risk of death. This dilution is further exacerbated by the fact that, for example, athletes lose sodium by sweating. However, ordinary water will not replenish it.

The results of a study of 488 runners participating in the marathon showed that hyponatremia occurred in a large proportion of non-elite athletes. There are even cases where a person has died of hyponatremia. One of them was the runner of the Boston Marathon in 2002. Athletes who engage in high-intensity training or several-hour endurance activities should therefore supplement ions in addition to fluids, for example in the form of tablets or a sports drink. 

Therefore, try not to drink much or too little. It is ideal to adhere to the recommended intake of 30 - 45 ml per kg body weight. If you are playing sports or it is a hot summer day, it can be a bit more. However, optimal water intake is just one of many factors that affect whether we retain more water and are swollen. It is not enough to just drink the ideal amount of fluids. Other factors also play a role.

Causes of excessive water retention in the body

If you have recently woken up swelling, with a feeling of a heavy body, and your clothes are a little tighter, you are definitely looking for possible causes of the problem. Here are some of them.

1. Hormonal changes

The most common hormonal changes in women are related to the menstrual cycle. Especially during the luteal phase, which begins after ovulation and ends on the first day of menstruation, the hormone progesterone increases, which in itself can have an effect on higher water retention and swelling. However, it can also increase our appetite for highly processed foods rich in carbohydrates and salt. And more food, especially highly processed food, can go hand in hand with higher water retention. A swollen body and similar problems due to hormonal changes can be observed by women during pregnancy or menopause. Hormonal changes caused by contraceptive use may also play a role in water retention.

2. Changing eating habits

If we were to point out one type of food that can cause higher water retention in the body, it would be ultra-processed foods rich in carbohydrates and salt. The sodium contained in the salt contributes to water management in the body and its excessive amount can also cause higher water retention. However, carbohydrates also play a role. One gram of stored carbohydrates in muscle (glycogen) naturally binds about 3 g of water. So if you ate for a while, e.g. low-carbohydrate and suddenly you have returned to your earlier eating habits, a bulkier body may be a common side effect.

3. Lack of movement

People who have a sedentary lifestyle can often experience more water retention. The feeling of heavy and swollen legs can, of course, also cause a long sitting, during which the body is not able to pump blood so efficiently. Due to gravity, the ankles then swell. Typically, this problem occurs during long journeys when we sit in a car, bus, or plane for several hours.

The movement of the body during activity helps to dilate blood vessels and supports the circulation of water in the body. Physical activity increases blood flow, which redistributes body fluids. This can be manifested, for example, by a reduction in the swelling of the lower limbs. Sports can also help move the lymph or reduce cellulite. 

4. Inadequate drinking regime

We have already discussed the consequences of excessive water intake in connection with hyponatremia. Of course, insufficient fluid intake also has its negative effects. It does not work in such a way that when water is retained, it is enough not to drink and wait until the body gets rid of excess fluid. In this case, the principle is rather the opposite. The body tends to begin to perceive water as an insufficient commodity and to hold it as best it can. Instead of getting rid of the water, he then tries to hold back every drop you give him. And so you support irrigation even more. Despite the fact that waste accumulates in the body, which should be excreted in the urine.

5. Excessive stress

During stress, the level of the stress hormone cortisol increases in our body. It directly affects ADH (antidiuretic hormone), which affects the body's water management. Therefore, due to stress, water can be retained in the body and swelling can occur. 

Adaptogens can also help you manage stress. You can find out how they work and which are really effective in the article Adaptogens: Natural substances that help manage stress.

6. Lack of sleep

You may not have known how much sleep can affect body water. Lack of rest is perceived by the body to some extent as stress, which can again lead to an increase in the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. And as we already know, it affects the antidiuretic hormone, as a result of which it can cause higher water retention in the body. Lack of sleep can also affect the levels of the hormones of hunger and satiety (leptin and ghrelin). Therefore, you may feel less satisfied after a meal and naturally look for more caloric, highly processed foods rich in salt and carbohydrates. And these can increase water retention.

If you are interested in the other negative effects of lack of sleep, you should not miss our article What happens to your body when you sleep little?

7. Hot weather

Do you happen to hold more water during hot summer days? The blame is the hormone aldosterone, which is involved in saving fluids in the body. This allows the kidneys to retain more water, in addition to reducing the amount of salt in the sweat. Therefore, there will be more left in the body, thanks to which our body is able to retain more water and ensure optimal hydration. Of course, the feelings of a swollen body can also be an accompanying phenomenon.

8. Drinking alcohol

Have you ever tried to have a few beers to quench your thirst? In addition to the monkey, you could also have a nice dehydration and a swollen body in the morning. How is it possible?

Alcohol is known to have diuretic effects. After consuming it, the body gets rid of more water through the urine, and thus dehydration occurs. The body responds by trying to hold back water so that it no longer loses water. As a result, after a party, you can often fight swelling of the face, legs and other parts of the body. 

In addition to dehydration, swelling is also caused by an imbalance of electrolytes, which the body gets rid of in the urine. Excessive sodium intake via salt can also lead to it, for example. When you fold the drinks with salty chips, peanuts and end the ride with a kebab at the station while waiting for the night bus, you give the body another boost to hold back the water. 

Abstinence is the easiest way to avoid swelling due to alcohol. However, if you like wine, beer or a drink, always try to supplement it with soft drinks and avoid consuming ultra-processed foods that you would not eat as sober.

9. Regular use of drugs

If you have a health problem and take medication regularly, this may be one of the reasons why your body is holding more water and you are feeling swollen. In addition to the aforementioned hormonal contraceptives, corticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and some types of drugs for type 2 diabetes can also cause this problem. 

10. Problem with the lymphatic system

The lymphatic system plays a key role in maintaining fluid balance in the body. If you have difficulty with it, it can either swell the whole body or only in one place (so-called local lymphedema). If you have problems with the lymphatic system, a healthy lifestyle, compression clothes or, for example, a lymphatic massage can help. Of course, it is advisable to see a doctor and consult him. 

As you can see, there can be many reasons why your body retains water. Fortunately, there are many ways that can help us get rid of this problem. Don't worry, we won't recommend extremes such as a long sauna, a hot water bath, running in a winter jacket when it's 30 ° C outside, avoiding food or drink, and so on. Such approaches do not belong to the healthy lifestyle of an ordinary person. Therefore, let's leave them to athletes who drain before the race.

So we will focus on how to ensure a healthy level of water in the body, with which you will feel good and you will not be bothered by unpleasant feelings. However, always keep in mind that its volume in the body is variable, which can cause various changes in your weight. So don't make a big deal out of it and don't worry if one day you lose a pound more than you normally do.

7 tips to get rid of excess water in the body

If you are a healthy part of the population and your body is hydrated and swollen, there may be some area of ​​your lifestyle behind it. Fortunately, you can greatly influence it yourself and include changes in it, with which you can reduce water retention in the body or get rid of it completely.

1. Do sports and be on the move during the day

Lack of exercise is one of the main reasons why the body retains water. Each of us used to sit at school or office all day, and in the evening he felt the hem of his socks press against his swollen ankles, and his legs also weighed on him, didn't we? People who have a sedentary lifestyle are significantly more likely to experience swelling due to water retention during their lifetime. Lack of exercise goes hand in hand with obesity, which is also associated with higher water retention in the body. 

Thus, movement will help to stimulate the lymphatic system, blood circulation and flushing out unnecessary substances from the body, it will also help to move the whole body. It can also help us maintain an optimal weight and thus a volume of water in the body. Regarding general exercise recommendations, each person should devote at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of high-intensity activity per week. However, this is the bare minimum. It will be ideal if you try to include a higher number of activities in your life. And it's up to you whether you go for a walk, a gym, a bike ride or a swim. Everything counts. 

Don't know which sport to start with? The following articles could be an inspiration for you:

How to start running? Simple guide even for complete beginners.
Mental well-being, weight loss and better sleep. What are the other benefits of tourism?
Strength training for women? Yes! 12 reasons to exercise and strengthen.
Cycling strengthens the legs, buttocks and helps with weight loss. What else can he do?

Don't forget to move while traveling

Try to move while traveling. Sitting in a car for a long time, while teasing to make your ride run faster, is a situation created to keep water in your body. All the more so when you drink little so that you don't have to stop at the toilet all the time. Whenever you can, try to walk, stretch or do a few squats. It should also be a matter of course to change positions for longer sessions. It can also help that you exercise your ankles in a circular motion and do not cross your legs while sitting.

2. Watch your salt intake

Surely you have heard that you need to guard your salt intake in your diet. But why is that so? In addition to the fact that regular high salt intake can gradually lead to the development of health problems, including high blood pressure or other problems with the cardiovascular system, it can also be the cause of excessive water retention. Salt is a source of sodium, which is one of the main electrolytes involved in water management in the body.

It is generally stated that a person should consume about 5 g of salt per day. The amount can be a little higher for very active athletes who sweat more and can lose a relatively high amount of salt. However, a large part of the population consumes much more salt, about 9-12 g per day, which is about twice the recommended daily dose. Its aim should therefore be to reduce this amount. 

How to reduce salt intake?

Avoid fast foods and ultra-processed foods. One fast food menu can playfully cover the total recommended daily salt intake.
The easiest way to optimize your salt intake is to prepare food at home. In this case, you have control over how much you used to cook.
When preparing meals, also keep in mind that the taste of the food can be improved in other ways than just salt. How about giving herbs, for example?
If you use spice mixes, read their composition. They often already contain salt, so there is no need to get any food.
Keep in mind that you already eat salt from common foods, such as cheese, cold cuts or pastries, so you don't need to salt any more food.
If you want to focus on salt intake, read the information on the packaging, where you will also find information about the amount of salt used. You may be surprised to find it in products you wouldn't expect.

3. Optimize carbohydrate intake and eat healthier

Don't worry, we won't tell you a story right now about the bad carbs that may be gaining weight. This myth is perhaps long since refuted. Of course, this does not mean that you should stop dealing with their income. If you eat one sweet after another during the day, have breakfast cones or buns, and drink it all with a sweetened drink, a fruit smoothie or flavored milk, it is likely that you are overdoing it with carbohydrates. And, as we have already said, carbohydrates bind water, which can lead to swelling due to their excessive intake.

You may have a solution in the form of a low-carb diet. But you better not get involved. It can happen that due to lower carbohydrate intake, the body will retain less water, so the weight will drop rapidly during the first days. However, this style of eating is not sustainable in the long run for many people. Well, guess what happens when a person returns to their old eating habits, which include higher amounts of carbohydrates. Sure, the water comes back and he's mass where he was. 

Therefore, do not be tempted by these results and rather focus on a quality diet in which all macronutrients will be in balance. Keep to the golden mean and don't overdo it. If you don't know how much protein, carbs and fats you should eat, our energy intake calculator will calculate everything for you.

4. Drink plenty of water

Optimal hydration is the basis for a properly functioning healthy body. We should not drink so much or so little. The ideal amount is generally considered to be an intake of 30-45 ml of water per kg of body weight. You should try to approximate these values ​​even if you are bothered by water retention. You definitely don't have to worry about fluids. It does not work by drinking 500 ml of water and swelling immediately. There are a number of factors that affect what happens to the body in the body.

Also, you shouldn't be in a situation where you find that you only drank one glass of water a day and start catching up. First, you would spend the whole next night constantly going to the toilet, you could also put an unnecessary strain on your kidneys. Their water filtration rate is approximately between 0.8 - 1 l of water per hour. Therefore, we should not absorb more water suddenly.

Therefore, distribute the required fluids evenly throughout the day. So that you don't forget to drink, you can set a regular reminder on your phone to drink a glass of water. You will see that you will gradually get used to it and in time you will no longer need comments.

It is quite possible that not only will your problems with a swollen body improve, but thanks to a sufficient intake of fluids, you will also avoid the unpleasant symptoms of dehydration.

5. Learn to manage stress better

We all feel a certain level of stress in life, this is normal. There is even positive stress that can help us wake up the body and get the most out of it. However, if we feel stress that limits us for a long time, more of the stress hormone cortisol is flushed out in our body. This can ultimately result in greater water retention. 

There are many ways to better manage stress, you just need to find one that suits us. Perceived tension and cortisol levels can help us reduce, for example, sports activity, sufficient rest, a relaxing bath, meditation or, for example, a walk in nature.

6. Get enough sleep

Sleep has a big impact on many areas of our lives. And water retention is no exception. Good sleep is therefore essential for maintaining hormonal balance in the body, which in turn affects water management. For this reason, it is ideal that we enjoy a 7-9 hour, undisturbed sleep every day.

7. Try supplements

The key to a healthy body that will not need to retain excess water is, above all, a healthy diet, exercise, adequate sleep and a life without excessive stress. There are, of course, dietary supplements that can help you on this path to getting rid of excess water. Which are they?

Electrolytes help replenish trace elements that a person loses after, for example. Because some of them (such as sodium and potassium) are involved in water management, optimal intake can help prevent excessive water retention.
Potassium, together with sodium, is involved in the body's water management. Optimal potassium intake can therefore help prevent excessive water retention. 
Water loss is a unique complex of natural extracts, magnesium and vitamin B6 for women who feel that their body is retaining excess water. It contains plant extracts that are considered natural diuretics. As a result, they can help eliminate excess water.
Caffeine is a substance we also know from its diuretic effects. However, research suggests that the body is able to adapt to regular intakes of higher doses of caffeine, which gradually reduces this effect. 
Magnesium with its function in the body is connected with other electrolytes, which affect the body's water management. In addition, research shows that this mineral can help reduce water retention in connection with PMS.
According to the results of scientific research, dandelion extract can increase the frequency of urination and thus help reduce water in the body.
You can also give a chance to other herbs, such as fennel, horsetail or nettle, which are also associated with diuretic effects.

What do you get out of it?

After reading today's article, you already know that the amount of water in our body is affected by a number of factors. However, some fluctuations are a natural phenomenon in this regard, so there is no point in stressing that you have a pound more today than yesterday. If you want to feel good in your body, focus on a healthy diet, drinking regime, adequate exercise, quality sleep and better stress management. You will see that you will feel better and your body will have no reason to retain excess water. And if you can't get rid of this problem even with a proper lifestyle, you can try to see a doctor.

nedeľa 5. júna 2022

What to avoid after exercise? | Steroids4U.eu - Steroids4U.net - Steroids4U.to

 What to avoid after exercise?

After exercise, your body needs protein for the regeneration process to run efficiently. If you lie down after training and do not supply the body with the necessary nutrients, the process of muscle regeneration may be disrupted and you may lose muscle mass.

Nothing puts you more on your feet after a hard workout than a supply of protein. You may also rely on an honest rest on the couch. Please read on before you make yourself too comfortable. If you've been through a hard workout, you know that consuming protein is needed to get essential amino acids (EAAs), especially leucine, to restore and grow muscle. In a recent study, Dutch researchers found out what can reduce the amount of EAA needed for muscle tissue in the "anabolic window" after training. At the beginning of the study, the researchers considered other factors that may reduce the absorption of EAA. Protein forms play a big role e.g. fast-digesting whey gets more EAA into the muscles than slower casein digestion. Absorption also depends on when the food is consumed, how much you consume, how much your food contains EAA, how the food is composed, how it is prepared and how it is eaten. All of these factors may affect the absorption of EAA. The aim of the study was to find out if something as simple as body position could affect this process. The researchers tested eight healthy men who abstained from alcohol and strenuous physical activity for two days before each test and fasted the evening before the test. The next day, their blood was taken and everyone was given a protein drink. After eating, four men remained seated while the other four lay in bed. All participants were bled every 15 minutes for the next 4 hours. This test was repeated once a day for 14 days. At the end of the study, the researchers concluded that men who were in a supine position had significantly lower blood EAA levels than participants in upright positions. This is important for those who prefer strength training, because after training in the so-called. The "anabolic window" when muscle repair and growth occurs is important to how much of the person in question has received the right nutrients. As to why this is the case, the researchers pointed to published computer modeling studies that have shown how difficult it is for the stomach contents to continue to move through the digestive tract while lying down.

It is not reasonable to think that after a hard workout you are doing your body a favor by lying down and sipping your protein shake while your body relaxes and absorbs all that goodness. Therefore, resist this temptation at least until your anabolic window closes.