nedeľa 31. júla 2022



What is whey protein?

Health benefits of whey protein

When to drink whey protein?

What to take from it?

Most people think of whey protein as a powder that athletes mix with water and drink after exercise "to grow muscles". This is of course true, but fewer people know that this notion significantly underestimates whey protein. Not only can it be useful even for non-exercising mortals, but it even has a large number of health benefits. In today's article, you will learn what they are.

What is whey protein?

Whey is a liquid that is created as a waste product during the production of cheese. It contains whey proteins, which make up roughly 20% of the milk protein content. The remaining 80% of proteins in milk are casein proteins. By adding enzymes to the milk, the casein coagulates into a solid form, whey remains, and whey protein (whey protein in English) is made from it through other gentle technological processes.

Types of whey protein

There are three types of whey protein, and each of them differs in taste, absorbability, but also in protein, lactose or fat content.

Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC): This type of whey protein is the best-known and best-selling. It usually contains 70-80% protein, approx. 3% fat and 4-6% lactose.

Whey Protein Isolate (WPI): Isolate is made from the above-mentioned concentrate, which undergoes further filtration. The result is a higher proportion of protein (80% or more) and a smaller proportion of fat and lactose. This type of whey protein will be appreciated, for example, by those who have difficulty digesting lactose or athletes who are looking for the purest possible source of protein.

Whey Protein Hydrolyzate (Whey Protein Hydrolysate - WPH): Hydrolyzate is produced by various processes that break down long protein chains into smaller sections (peptides). Thanks to this, the hydrolyzate is the fastest digestible. The protein content is 70-85%.

Health benefits of whey protein

1. Supports the growth and maintenance of muscle mass

Whey protein is one of the highest quality protein sources. It contains all essential amino acids (EAA), i.e. those that our body cannot produce by itself, but must receive them through food. If there is not enough EAK in the diet, the body cannot create all the necessary proteins for the production of hormones, immune cells or muscle mass.

What is the quality of whey protein?

Protein quality is evaluated, for example, using the amino acid score method (Amino Acid Score, AAS), which compares the content of essential amino acids in the observed protein with the so-called reference protein defined by the World Health Organization (WHO). A slightly more accurate method is the so-called PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score), which also takes into account protein digestibility. The whey protein score is 1, which is the highest possible value. 

Whey protein is rich in quickly absorbable branched amino acids (Branched-Chained Amino Acids/ BCAA). A particularly important role is played by the amino acid leucine, which triggers the formation of muscle proteins (proteosynthesis). Proteosynthesis is best stimulated by a dose of 20-40 g of protein, which should contain 1-3 g of leucine. If we want to achieve growth in muscle mass, an increase in protein intake alone may be sufficient in the beginning. However, a combination with strength training is much more effective (and necessary for significant muscle growth).

Whey protein is not only beneficial for athletes

The regular inclusion of whey protein in the diet can also be appreciated by people who are trying to maintain muscle mass while losing weight, or by older people who are at risk of losing it faster. Proteins are essential for maintaining muscle mass in old age, and their sufficient intake ensures better body function and quality of life. Whey protein, which is easily digestible and significantly stimulates proteosynthesis, can serve as an aid to elderly people in the fight against sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass and muscle strength that worsens with increasing age).

If you want to make a hearty snack with a higher energy value from protein, you can mix it with milk or, for example, a plant-based drink (rice, oat, etc.). However, if you drink whey protein after sports activity, it will be more beneficial to mix it with water only. You can read more about it in the article Is it better to drink protein with water or milk?

2. It has a high satiating capacity and reduces appetite

Proteins have the highest satiating ability compared to fat and carbohydrates. However, whey protein causes an even higher feeling of satiety than other protein sources (meat, legumes, etc.). Feelings of hunger and satiety are not only affected by the fullness of our stomach, but also by hormones that are secreted as a reaction to food intake. Eating protein promotes the release of stomach peptides, such as cholecystokinin or GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide 1), which induce a feeling of satiety.

The high content of branched-chain amino acids and their rapid absorption probably have an effect on the faster satiety after consuming whey protein compared to other protein sources.

3. It is a good helper for weight loss

When we are trying to reduce weight, every little thing that helps us endure the reduction regime is useful. As you have already discovered, whey protein has several properties that make it a suitable food for a diet.

Thanks to its high satiety and appetite-reducing effects, it can help maintain a reduced energy intake without worrying about hunger.

When losing weight, there is a risk that not only fat, but also muscle mass will be lost. Whey protein not only helps to maintain it, but also promotes its growth.

The higher the proportion of muscle mass we have, the higher our basal metabolism (the amount of energy we need just to maintain basic vital functions).

In addition, proteins have the largest thermic effect of all macronutrients (15-30%), which means that the largest amount of energy is consumed during their digestion. When we take 100 kcal in the form of protein, up to 15-30 kcal are burned during digestion. A higher proportion of protein in the diet thus increases energy expenditure. However, it is still true that a varied and balanced diet containing all macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats) is important.

4. Supports immunity

Sufficient protein intake is the basis for the proper functioning of the immune system, since just like muscle cells, immune cells and other components of the immune system are made of proteins. Whey protein is a source of high-quality proteins and all the aforementioned essential amino acids.

However, whey protein is not only beneficial for immunity as a building material, but also has various immunological effects. Immunoglobulins protect the body from viruses and bacteria or, for example, neutralize toxins. β-lactoglobulin, which is the protein that makes up the largest part of proteins in whey (55-65%), can support the formation of immune cells in the spleen. α-lactalbumin peptides influence the function of immune B and T cells.

5. It has antioxidant effects

With regular consumption of whey protein, the body's health can also be supported by its antioxidant effects. Antioxidants destroy and neutralize free radicals, which in excessive amounts damage cells and cause oxidative stress. This increases the risk of developing cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes or other diseases. In whey protein, several bioactive substances, such as lactoferrin or lactoperoxidase, have an antioxidant effect. Whey protein also supports the activity of glutathione peroxidase, which is one of the most important antioxidant systems in the body.

Lactoferrin also has an antimicrobial (mainly antibacterial) effect thanks to its ability to bind iron in harmful (pathogenic) microorganisms and thus prevent their reproduction.

6. It can help lower blood pressure

In case of high blood pressure (hypertension), one of the treatment options is the use of the so-called ACE-inhibitors, which prevent blood vessels from narrowing. ACE-inhibitors suppress the function of the so-called angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), which contributes to the contraction of blood vessels.

Various peptides, such as α-lactalbumin, β-lactoglobulin or BSA (bovine serum albumin), function as ACE inhibitors in whey protein. Regular consumption of 20 g of whey protein can have a blood pressure lowering effect. 

7. It can help lower blood sugar

Not only carbohydrates, but also proteins trigger the secretion of insulin, which is a hormone that lowers blood sugar (glycemia). Since whey protein is quickly absorbed, the increase in insulin levels is faster after its consumption than after other sources of protein. Thanks to this, whey protein helps reduce blood sugar levels after a meal. It can thus be beneficial for people with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2), as well as for healthy people who would like to prevent this disease.

Adding protein to food (for example, whey protein to oatmeal) also slows the absorption of carbohydrates into the blood. It is also beneficial for healthy people who do not suffer from diabetes, because after a large carbohydrate meal, the blood sugar level of each of us will increase. The higher and faster it rises, the faster it subsequently falls, which can cause hunger and sweet cravings. By combining carbohydrates with proteins, we can easily prevent these taste fluctuations.

When to drink whey protein?

We will use it in situations where a higher protein intake is needed. In a reduction diet, when gaining muscle mass or in case of diseases, when it is necessary to increase the amount of protein in the diet. It is also suitable for the diet of seniors who are trying to maintain their muscle mass.
It is a suitable protein supplement when we cannot take it in the form of solid food.
Whey protein can also be a suitable substitute for solid food in situations where we don't have time and need to drink food, or when we can't consume solid food for various reasons.
Last but not least, due to its good digestibility, whey protein can be appreciated by people suffering from various digestive problems (not related to the consumption of milk and milk proteins).
To learn more about other types of animal and plant proteins, read our article How to choose the right protein for weight loss or muscle growth?

What to take from it?

Whey protein is an advantageous food that has its place not only in the diet of athletes. In people who are reducing weight, it can help maintain muscle mass and at the same time make dieting easier by inducing a greater feeling of satiety. Both athletes and non-athletes can use whey protein in their diet to benefit from its positive effects on muscle mass growth, but also on blood pressure, immunity or blood sugar levels.

pondelok 25. júla 2022



Why swim? 8 benefits that will improve your life
1. Better sleep
2. Easier weight loss
3. Better flexibility
4. Effective training
5. Positive effect on mental health and mood
6. Better condition
7. Ideal for people of all ages, including pregnant women
8. Better body structure

Swimming is one of the popular sports and many of us enjoy it, at least on a recreational level. This happens especially in the summer, when the weather literally encourages you to cool off in lakes, reservoirs or swimming pools. In winter, various indoor pools, swimming pools or frozen lakes come into play if you are a fan of bracing yourself.

Even without it, however, swimming itself brings not only fun, but also a number of health benefits and ways to stay fit. The fact that you engage a large number of muscles also speaks in favor of swimming. In addition, it is suitable for almost everyone, regardless of body weight, thanks to less stress on the joints compared to other sports. Neither age nor physical condition plays a role in swimming. This activity can also be used by people who suffer from musculoskeletal pain and cannot, for example, run because of it. However, it is necessary to think about following the correct technique, because, for example, swimming breaststroke with the head up will not benefit our body very much.

Why swim? 8 benefits that will improve your life

Below is a list of eight benefits of swimming that will make you want to jump in the water today.

1. Better sleep

The benefits of swimming, which is an aerobic physical activity, can be seen in many areas of our lives. Sleep is no exception, which is also supported by several studies. An example is a smaller 16-week study focused on elderly people with sedentary jobs who suffered from insomnia. The group that regularly engaged in aerobic physical activity, which includes swimming, recorded better results in relation to the length and quality of sleep, as well as overall vitality.

At the same time, swimming, like other sports, can help reduce stress, the high level of which can have a negative effect on sleep. The best part is that you can observe this effect on yourself whenever you exercise. After that, you yourself will surely feel that you somehow sleep better and all problems are more solvable.

2. Easier weight loss

Many people probably know that swimming can help them burn a decent amount of calories. However, few people realize that it can be at least as effective an activity as running, which for many can be boring and unattractive.

Nevertheless, it is completely natural that everyone can enjoy a different physical activity. However, if your goal is to lose a few kilos, swimming can be not only fun, but also an effective way. To move from theory to practice, the calorie-burning benefits of swimming are best highlighted with a concrete example. The parameter MET (Metabolic equivalent of task) will help us with this, thanks to which you can calculate approximate values ​​yourself. It expresses the energy you spend during a specific physical activity compared to a rest mode.

One MET unit represents the difficulty of an hour of lying at rest. For example, if MET is equal to 3, it means that you will burn 3 times more calories during the given activity than if you were to just lie on the couch. This means that, for example, a 70 kg man would burn 70 kcal while lying on the couch for an hour (MET = 1). However, if he were to engage in sports activity with MET 10, he would burn 700 kcal, which is already a very decent amount.

If you want to refresh your swimming training and thus support the burning of calories, for example, you can try HIIT training. Alternatively, you can set every 5th pool to 80% of maximum power. Of course, you also have to think about your swimming skills and fitness.

3. Better flexibility

It's true that swimming won't stretch your muscles like yoga or pilates, for example. Even so, it can serve as a great means of stretching. The maximum range of motion during swimming can effectively stretch shortened muscles, which will then become more flexible. It also applies to the health aspect, when a person can suffer from upper cruciate syndrome, for example. It is typical for the latter that we have shortened pectoral muscles and upper fibers of the trapezius, while the interscapular muscles are weakened. It is regular swimming that can help solve this and overall contribute to better posture and mobility of the involved joints.

4. Effective training

Swimming is not only fun, but also a decent exercise for our body. It has to overcome the resistance of the water, thus engaging many muscle groups. Depending on the swimming technique, we even work with muscles that we do not use normally or regularly. We engage the shoulders, abdomen, entire back, forearms, glutes and hamstrings. Thanks to this, you can effectively exercise the muscles of the whole body. So whether your favorite style is butterfly, breaststroke or crawl, the fact remains that it can serve as a full body workout.

Swimming also helps build strength, endurance and speed. In the case of endurance, continuous swimming training can be a great way. Speed ​​and strength can be built thanks to speed swimming, i.e. in the HIIT way, for example. 

5. Positive effect on mental health and mood

Swimming does not only bring physical benefits. Maybe you didn't even know that it can also contribute to improving your mood. In this case, the principle is similar to other types of physical activities, during which endorphins are released in our body. Thanks to them, we then feel more relaxed, happier and more at ease. If you are no stranger to swimming, you have probably already noticed these feelings in yourself many times. For example, when you felt like swimming after a hard day and somewhere between the sixth and seventh pool, your excess worries remained.

Swimming vs. mental health

Various studies have been devoted to the effect of swimming on mental health. Their findings include, for example, that:

regular doses of swimming can be an effective helper in the fight against depression
A 10-week swimming program was able to contribute to reducing anger or fatigue and improved mood or subjective feelings of well-being
swimming significantly improves mood

6. Better condition

One of the key components of swimming is optimal breathing, which affects our aerobic capacity. Regular swimming training contributes to its increase, thanks to which we can use oxygen more efficiently. The greater the adaptation to training and the greater the capacity of our lungs, the greater the volume of air we can process. As a result, this will be reflected in the improvement of the overall condition. Thanks to this, for example, you no longer get out of breath on the stairs or catch the bus with clarity. Thanks to swimming, you also work on your aerobic capacity without sweating. However, it is not only the work of the lungs, but of the entire circulatory system. Thanks to swimming, the economy of the work of the heart improves, as well as the efficiency or quantity of mitochondria, which are a kind of small power plants in every cell that produce energy. 

7. Ideal for people of all ages, including pregnant women

One of the key advantages of swimming over other physical activities is that the water floats our body, so our limbs carry only a fraction of our weight. This is a low-load exercise that does not put pressure on the spine, does not burden the skeletal system, joints, knees or hips. It can therefore be ideal for older people and the NHS (National Health Service) recommends it for pregnant women for the same reasons.

Reducing the load allows swimmers to more easily move their limbs to their full range. Regular swimming training can thus help to maintain elasticity and flexibility, but also exercise stabilizing muscles, which are important for maintaining overall vitality not only in older people. This statement is also supported by a study that followed men older than 70 years and compared a group of swimmers and non-swimmers. Those who swam were 33% less likely to fall compared to non-swimmers.

8. Better body structure

When you look at the physical condition of swimmers, it must be clear to you that the sport they practice has a clear part in their body structure. During swimming, a large number of muscles face the onslaught, which naturally leads to their development. Over time, thanks to training adaptation, you can work towards a larger proportion of muscle mass and, conversely, a smaller proportion of fat or healthier blood values. As a result, you can contribute to a better body composition and shape your figure. 


So swimming is one of the great sports activities. Thanks to the fact that it does not burden the joints, even elderly people and pregnant women can benefit from its benefits. It is therefore suitable for everyone regardless of age. It can help us lose weight, improve our body structure or work on fitness. It will serve great as a main or additional physical activity. However, one should not forget the correct technique, which is the key to maximizing the effects of swimming on our health. If you're not sure about yours, it's definitely a good idea to hire a coach at the beginning to point you in the right direction. All that remains is to add - good luck swimming!

nedeľa 17. júla 2022



Weight loss teas will not save you, but low energy intake
Do not expect miracles and rather reduce the weight slowly
9 tips on how to easily reduce energy intake and lose weight with food
How to increase daily energy expenditure?
What to take from it?

Would you like to lose a few kilograms, but the idea of weighing, recording and constantly checking your food scares you? Can't you imagine having to monitor whether you've overdone it today with the amount of fat or if you're lacking in protein? The good news is that you don't have to. Weighing food and tracking energy intake values is effective and efficient, but not necessary.

Weight loss teas will not save you, but low energy intake

You will only succeed in losing weight when your energy intake is lower than energy expenditure. You won't lose weight with miracle teas or drinking apple cider vinegar, but by honestly reducing the amount of energy you take in from your diet and increasing your energy expenditure with daily exercise. However, you do not have to worry that the amount of food will be extremely low and you will starve. A high-quality reduction menu with a large amount of food with a low energy value can surprise you with unexpectedly large portions.

Before we start, we have to answer the questions that are in the mind of everyone who starts to lose weight:

How fast will I lose weight?
How long will it take me?
Will I make it to the wedding?
Can I lose 15 kilograms in a month?

Do not expect miracles and rather reduce the weight slowly

Maybe you can do it if you go on some drastic diet. However, then you can be almost certain that the weight will be back within a few months, most likely with interest. A strict diet often results in a loss of fat and muscle mass. However, this drastic approach cannot be sustained in the long term, so sooner or later you will return to your original habits. Returning to the old regime will typically also cause weight gain, but this time probably mainly in the form of fat. In order to avoid the yo-yo effect and allow your body to adapt to ongoing changes, slow weight loss is more beneficial. It is recommended to lose weight at a rate of 0.5-1 kg per week. However, the pace at which you succeed in losing weight will depend on many factors. It will be important, for example, what your starting weight is or how strictly you will follow the reduction regime.

9 tips on how to easily reduce energy intake and lose weight with food

1. Eat several meals a day regularly, avoid snacking between meals

"I eat so little and I still don't lose weight!" Said Mrs. Julka, who after breakfast had a snack of two portions of fruit, returned after a while for a handful of nuts and then tasted while cooking. After eating her lunch, she finished eating after the children and treated herself to a biscuit with her afternoon coffee. Later, breakfast was not enough for her, so she ate some dried fruit and in the evening, during the TV series, she satisfied her appetite with cheese and other nuts.

At first glance, it seems to her that the portions are small and, moreover, she is constantly hungry, so she is convinced that her energy intake is low. In reality, however, the energy value of all the foods that she threw in between the main meals, the snack and the snack, will pay for at least one more hearty meal. It can easily happen that the energy intake is too high for her to lose weight. A number of small dishes appear there, often because the main dishes are too restrictive and unsatisfying.

Don't make the same mistake as Mrs. Julka. Forbid "kidding" between meals. Treat yourself to three main meals and, if you like, add a snack and a snack. It depends on you whether you eat 3, 4 or 5 times a day. A different mode suits everyone. However, make sure that there is nothing extra added during the day.

2. How to lose weight without exercise? Put your food together properly, don't forget proteins and fiber

We are only able to maintain a regular regimen without the above-mentioned "tickling" for a long time when the food satiates us sufficiently. A complete meal that does not leave us hungry, contains complex carbohydrates, proteins, fats and fiber.

Where are carbohydrates and what foods to eat?
First of all, these are all cereals. It includes, for example, wheat, rye, barley, corn, oats, millet, rice, sorghum or millet.
Let's not forget pseudo-cereals - buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa.
Next on the list are all products made from grains and pseudo-grains. It includes baked goods, flour, pasta, bulgur, oatmeal, groats, semolina, muesli, various instant porridges, etc.
Complex carbohydrates can also be found in legumes - lentils, beans, peas, mung beans, chickpeas, etc.

Where are the proteins and what foods to eat?
We consider meat and meat products, fish and seafood as a source of protein.
This also includes all dairy products - cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurts, sour drinks, etc.
We can't forget eggs or plant-based alternatives to meat, such as tofu, tempeh, soy cubes, robi or seitan.
Legumes are also a vegetable source of protein.
Don't forget about concentrated protein sources, which include whey or vegetable protein or a protein bar.

Where are the fats and what foods to eat?
Fat is found in all animal foods (meat, fish, meat products, dairy products).
Choose lean meat and meat products and dairy products with lower fat content.
We should not neglect the vegetable fat found in oils, nuts and seeds.
A good source of fat is oily marine fish.

Where is the fiber and what foods to eat?
Legumes contain the most fiber.
Second in order are whole grain products, such as whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, natural rice, oatmeal, etc.

Using an example, we will show a correctly and incorrectly assembled breakfast. On Monday morning, our friend Julka treated herself to oatmeal boiled in water and added banana and raspberries to it. On Tuesday morning, she wanted yogurt with buckwheat flakes, to which she added strawberries and some almonds.

After which meal was she fuller? On Tuesday, she definitely stayed full for a longer time, because the food contained all the nutrients (yogurt - protein food, flakes - a source of complex carbohydrates and fiber, strawberries - a source of fiber, almonds - a source of fat). The breakfast of cereal, water and fruit she had on the first day lacked protein and a source of fat. It was proteins that played the biggest role, because they have the greatest satiating ability of all macronutrients and thus have a great impact on the feeling of satiety.

3. Create your own healthy plate

Break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats in food according to the following rules:

Fill ½ of the plate with vegetables and fruits, which will provide you with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and will satiate you thanks to their fiber content. We should eat at least 400 g of vegetables and 200 g of fruit per day.

Load protein on ¼ of the plate.

Fill ¼ of the plate with carbohydrates. Choose foods containing complex carbohydrates (cereals and cereal products), ideally their whole-grain variants (whole-grain bread, whole-grain pasta, natural rice, etc.).
Fats are part of all animal foods and we regularly use them in cooking, so we don't need to focus on them. However, you will do well for your health if you indulge in e.g. a small handful of nuts or seeds and 2 times a week you eat sea fish.

4. Use your hand to scoop out the correct portion

You do not need to weigh the food to know how to load the right amount of food. All you have to do is use your hand instead of a scale to compare foods.

How to do it?

Protein foods should be the size of your palm. 1 palm corresponds to approximately 20-30 g of protein and we can think of it as a cup of yogurt, 2 eggs or 85-115 g of tofu or cooked meat.

Load up on carbohydrate foods as much as you can fit in your fist. One handful will have around 20-30g of carbohydrates and can be 100-130g of a cooked side dish, a slice of bread or one medium-sized piece of fruit.

A serving of vegetables is the size of your fist. One such large portion corresponds to approximately 100-130 g of vegetables.

Indulge in just enough fat to make a portion the size of your thumb. You can put an inch of nuts or nut butter, an inch of butter or an inch of oil (1 tablespoon) on your plate. The amount of fat per serving is 7-12 g.

For the average woman, it might look something like this:

one daily meal: one portion (palm) of protein foods, one portion (handful) of carbohydrate foods, one portion (fistful) of vegetables, 1 portion (inch) of fat

daily intake: 4-6 portions of carbohydrate foods, 4-6 portions of protein foods, 4-6 portions of fat, 4-6 portions of vegetables

converted, the stated daily intake is 1400-2100 kcal, 115-170 g of protein, 125-185 g of carbohydrates and 50-80 g of fat

For the average man, it might look something like this:

one daily meal: 2 portions (palms) of protein foods, 2 portions (handfuls) of carbohydrate foods, 2 portions (fists) of vegetables, 2 portions (inches) of fat

daily intake: 6-8 portions of carbohydrate foods, 6-8 portions of protein foods, 6-8 portions of fat, 6-8 portions of vegetables

converted, the indicated daily intake is 2300-3100 kcal, 180-245 g of protein, 205-270 g of carbohydrates. 85-115 g of fat

If your goal is weight loss, eat 1-2 servings of carbs and 1-2 servings of fat. At the same time, however, it is important to observe whether weight loss is successful or not, and to make further changes in portions based on this. However, in order to achieve the desired goal and reduce your weight, the right choice of food is also necessary. Even when using this method of portion estimation, ham should be preferred over salami, white yogurt instead of sweet, or a white roll should be replaced with whole grain. A balanced diet containing the right foods will bring results over time.

5. Pay attention to food and eat slowly

Admit it, are you one of those people who turn on a TV series with every meal or distract yourself with social networks? If so, you'll probably eat more food than you would if you just focused on the plate, the cutlery and the food. When engaging in activities other than eating, our brain is confused and does not process information about the feeling of hunger and satiety in a timely manner. That's why it regularly happens that it doesn't tell you that you've had enough and it's time to put the rest of your lunch in the fridge. If you were to focus only on lunch itself, you would probably feel a pleasant feeling of fullness much sooner and eat a smaller portion.

A similar problem occurs when we eat too quickly. Even in this case, the connection between the digestive tract and the brain works with a delay. Therefore, the important advice is: eat slowly and focus only on food. This way, you will avoid eating more food than could be enough to fill you up. Ideally, we should be 80% full, while it is important to listen to our body and feelings.

6. Do not skip meals in the morning hours if it is not part of your plan

It very often happens that when the day moves into the second half and the evening hours approach, the food suddenly seems to be more tempting and it is difficult to stay in check. Do you recognize yourself in that? If so, think about what your diet looks like in the morning and early afternoon. It is very common that excessive hunger and cravings in the second half of the day are caused by significantly limiting the amount of food or skipping meals.

To curb hunger and cravings, you can use the following tips:

Don't skip the main dishes.
Do not reduce portions to reduce energy intake. In the afternoon, you probably won't last, and what you denied yourself in the morning, you will add with interest in the evening.
Do not exclude carbohydrates or fats, try to follow the full composition of meals.
Skipping meals and moving the consumption of the first meal to the afternoon can be okay when a person observes the so-called intermittent fasting. In this case, however, food intake and regimen are controlled, and the person probably does not have a problem with uncontrollable hunger and cravings.

7. Eliminate foods with a high energy value

There are certain foods and food groups that simply give us too much energy. These are, for example, highly industrially processed foods with a high content of fat and simple carbohydrates, which have minimal nutritional value (they lack vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc.), such as various sweets, long-lasting salami, etc. They can also be foods that provide us with some useful nutrients, but together with them we also get an unnecessarily high energy charge. Since we need to reduce energy intake when losing weight, it is important to know about these foods and limit them.

8. Don't drink your calories and base your drinking regime on water

Drinks that contain energy from sugar or alcohol are the first thing that should be at least limited at first, and over time ideally removed from the diet of a person trying to lose weight. In order for you to understand why, we will show it with an example.

Two friends go out to lunch together, each drinks 0.5 l of liquid with the meal. Lucka orders Coca-Cola sweetened with sugar, Martina chooses water. After lunch, they go to the cafe, where Martina has an unsweetened espresso and water, while Lucka orders a frappe (or similar coffee drink) containing sweet syrup and whole milk and homemade lemonade, where syrup is also added.

The result of the trip is probably a big surprise for Lucka. She received up to 630 kcal in the form of drinks. One large main meal with a piece of chocolate as a dessert can have such an energy value. However, these drinks did not satiate her, so she still indulges in an afternoon snack and dinner during the day, as always. At the end of the day, she will therefore have a 630 kcal higher energy intake than she would have if she chose the same drinks as Martina. If he has a drinking regime based on these drinks, the situation is even worse. At the same time, by limiting these 630 kcal, she could lose 1 kg of fat in 2 weeks (1 kg of fat has an energy value of approx. 7,700 kcal).

9. Get a good night's sleep and don't neglect sleep

An often neglected and underestimated aid for losing weight is a long and quality sleep. Sleep affects the production of hormones, which are responsible for inducing feelings of hunger and satiety. Leptin tells us that we are full and should stop eating. The hormone ghrelin is responsible for signaling feelings of hunger. The problem is that a sleep-deprived person has lower levels of leptin and therefore less satiety. On the contrary, ghrelin is secreted in larger quantities and induces a greater feeling of hunger.

However, lower satiety and stronger hunger do not correspond to our real need at all. As a result, due to lack of sleep, we take in more energy than we really need.

How to increase daily energy expenditure?

Losing weight does not only depend on whether you exercise purposefully or not, but also on how active you are throughout the day.

For example, you can increase your daily activity as follows:
If you have a sedentary job, take a short walk (even 10-15 minutes counts) before coming to work/school.
During working hours, stand up several times, walk around the building, around the campus...
Shorten your journey by public transport, walk a few stops.
Replace the elevator with stairs.
Be active at home as well, cleaning or working in the garden also counts.
Help yourself by tracking your pedometer, setting a goal of 10,000 steps a day. This amount is a suitable reference value for a healthy adult.
Ideally, include targeted exercise in the form of aerobic or strength training, ideally a combination of them.
Try fat burners to speed up your metabolism. Our article How to choose and use the most effective fat burner will help you with your choice.
You can also find more information on how to reduce your weight in the article What is the most important factor in losing weight.

What to take from it?

You don't need to count calories to lose weight. However, in order for your energy intake to be lower than your expenditure, you should follow a few simple rules. Follow a regular regime of several meals a day, between which you will not snack. Prepare meals with a full-fledged composition - it will help you if you follow the so-called a healthy plate or simply the size of your hand. Limit foods with too much energy and drinks containing sugar and alcohol. Last but not least, focus only on food when eating, do not neglect sleep and exercise enough.

nedeľa 10. júla 2022

Lactose intolerance in athletes | - -

 Lactose intolerance in athletes

Nowadays, we encounter the term lactose intolerance more and more often. According to the latest results, it was found that about 20% of people do not produce a sufficient amount of the enzyme lactase, which leads to problems with the digestion of milk and milk products.

What is lactose intolerance?

Lactose intolerance, or milk sugar intolerance. It is a very common disease occurring at any age. There are two types of lactose intolerance, each with a different cause.

Primary lactose intolerance This is a decrease in the function of the lactase enzyme, which occurs gradually with increasing age. It is partly genetic and its occurrence is different in different regions of the world.

Secondary lactose intolerance This is a rare form of intolerance caused by various types of diseases. For example, an infection of the digestive tract or celiac disease (gluten intolerance).


Lactose intolerance causes digestive problems. The main symptoms are gas, abdominal cramps, bloating and diarrhea. Symptoms appear 30-120 minutes after consuming milk. If the correct diet is followed, lactose intolerance does not cause any digestive problems.

What is lactose in?

Lactose is mainly found in dairy products.

Cow milk
Goat milk
Cheeses (hard and soft)
Ice cream
Yogurts and sour milk products contain lactose, but they also contain live cultures that help break it down.


The examination is completely painless and takes only a few minutes. It takes place in the morning, on an empty stomach, and the amount of exhaled hydrogen is measured. Subsequently, the milk solution is drunk and this measurement is repeated. Based on the amount of exhaled hydrogen, intolerance is determined.


The basis is the exclusion (restriction) of the consumption of milk and milk products. Some patients tolerate a certain amount of lactose, others require a fairly strict lactose-free diet. Hard and mature cheeses are often well tolerated. Today, pharmaceutical preparations are also available in the form of tablets that contain the enzyme lactase and thus improve the tolerance of products that contain a lot of lactose.

Which proteins to choose?

With lactose intolerance, it is important to focus on proteins with a reduced lactose content. Such proteins also include Whey protein isolate. It contains minimal or no whey, which is removed from them by several methods (filtration, microfiltration or ion exchange method). It is also possible to choose vegetable or beef proteins.

If you suffer from lactose intolerance, you can try these proteins

nedeľa 3. júla 2022




Why is it important to drink during sports?
Why do we need to replenish electrolytes?
What is an ionic drink?
What functional substances does the ionic drink contain?
Types of ionic drinks and their use in sports
Use of ionic drinks
When, on the other hand, is it not necessary to drink ionic drinks?
How to make homemade ionic drink?
What to take from it?

If you're an avid runner, cyclist or other endurance athlete, you've already heard about the importance of ionic drinks. They are generally known to help replenish fluids, electrolytes and energy during prolonged physical activity. But do they also make sense when exercising in the gym, at football training and in other sports?

Why is it important to drink during sports?

As a rule, we sweat more when running, cycling and other physical activities, resulting in loss of body fluids. If this decrease reaches 2% of body weight (for a 70 kg person, this corresponds to 1.4 l), dehydration may occur. Among its manifestations are fatigue, headache, dizziness and also deterioration of performance. 

It is common for performance athletes to lose between 4 and 10 liters of water in one day. For this reason, it is important that they replenish fluids during the day and during the performance.

Recommended fluid intake during sports

Fluid intake always depends on environmental conditions, such as the temperature of the surrounding environment or air humidity, the length and intensity of the load or the weight of the athlete. When we move, working muscles also generate heat that needs to be removed. Our body then does everything to be able to cool down effectively. Sweating works best in this regard.

By default, it is recommended to drink:

- 500 ml of fluids 2 hours before the performance
- 125-250 ml immediately before exercise
- 125-250 ml every 10-20 minutes during training or racing
- after training, it is recommended to drink 150% of fluid loss (e.g. when we weigh 1 kg less after training, we should gradually replenish 1.5 l of fluids)

These recommendations apply especially to endurance sports, when typically the greatest fluid losses occur. Mineral substances or electrolytes also leave our body together with sweat, which also need to be replenished. In such a situation, it is advisable to replace pure water with ionic drinks containing electrolytes.

Why do we need to replenish electrolytes?

Mineral substances that we recommend as electrolytes include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and chloride. For example, an athlete can lose 3,500-7,000 mg of sodium per day. All of these micronutrients have a number of important roles in our bodies related to hydration, muscle function, nerve transmission and nutrient metabolism. They can thus fundamentally affect sports performance.

From the point of view of sufficient hydration, it is necessary to maintain the optimal level of sodium and potassium in the body. These minerals regulate the excretion and retention of water in the body. Low sodium can even lead to dangerous hyponatremia. This condition is typically manifested by disorientation, nausea and disturbances of consciousness. It appears especially during demanding endurance events such as a marathon or ultra-marathon, and it is also dangerous during sudden high intake of water with a low sodium content. In addition, a lack of sodium, magnesium and calcium is associated with a higher risk of muscle cramps. 

In the case of demanding and long-lasting trainings, the intake of electrolytes from food and supplements before and after training may not be enough. We often need to supplement them during activity as well as carbohydrates, thanks to which we can prevent a decrease in performance. The easiest way to achieve this is by drinking ionic drinks.

What is an ionic drink?

Ionic drinks are intended for athletes, who help to replenish liquids, minerals and energy effectively. In their composition we usually find electrolytes, easily digestible carbohydrates and sometimes also vitamins, amino acids, caffeine and other functional substances. Thanks to this, they can contribute to maintaining performance and delaying fatigue, especially during endurance activities. 

A number of studies prove the positive effect of ionic drinks on sports performance. Their conclusions often show that compared to plain water, drinking fluids containing electrolytes and carbohydrates led to improved performance. This effect occurred during high-intensity sports activities that lasted at least an hour. In the case of shorter and less demanding activities, such results usually do not occur, and therefore it is usually enough to stay with clean water. 

Sports drinks containing ions can help us:

- manage a longer training and run or cycle a longer distance,
- to better tolerate high load intensity, and thus improve, for example, your times at different distances and get the best out of yourself in races.

What functional substances does the ionic drink contain?

1. Electrolytes

Sodium is most often found in the composition of ionic drinks. It is then followed by potassium, magnesium, calcium and other electrolytes, which have an important function in sports. We can also find them in the form of practical tablets that just need to be swallowed with water.

What are the functions of electrolytes in sports?

- Sodium and potassium are in charge of water management in the body. They are thus crucial for the proper absorption and excretion of water.
- Magnesium, calcium and potassium contribute to proper muscle function.
- Magnesium helps reduce the feeling of fatigue and exhaustion.
- Chloride supports the maintenance of acid-base balance in the body.
- Calcium contributes to the normal function of nerve transmissions, thanks to which our muscles receive the signal for movement from the brain. 
- Drinks containing electrolytes will thus help us maintain the level of these mineral substances at an optimal level, thanks to which they contribute to protection against dehydration, hyponatremia, indigestion, muscle cramps, fatigue and weakness.

What is the recommended electrolyte intake for endurance sports?

In endurance sports, it is most important to supplement with sodium, in order to prevent hyponatremia. Therefore, the official recommendations mainly concern this electrolyte.

For sports lasting longer than 2 hours, we should add 300-600 mg of sodium per hour.

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, it is advisable to choose a drink with a sodium content of 0.5-0.7 g per 1 liter of liquid during sports activities within 3 hours. It is then necessary to drink 125-250 ml every 10-20 minutes.

For performance exceeding 3 hours, due to greater sweat losses, it is better to switch to more concentrated drinks with an amount of 0.7-1 g of sodium per 1 liter of liquid. We should drink 125-250 ml every 10-20 minutes.

2. Carbohydrates

The content of carbohydrates varies in individual ionic drinks and most often ranges from 3 to 8 g per 100 ml. They are usually in the form of quickly absorbed carbohydrates, such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, isomaltulose or maltodextrin. 

These carbohydrates serve as an easily available source of energy during sports. They are quickly broken down and absorbed in the body, thanks to which our muscles can use them almost immediately to provide energy for movement. They help prevent the exhaustion of glycogen storage carbohydrates, thus delaying muscle fatigue.

Compared to carbohydrate gels and bars, we find a smaller amount of carbohydrates in ionic drinks, but there is a reason for that as well. A low concentration is the key to efficient absorption of fluids and electrolytes from the digestive system. With a higher amount of carbohydrates, this process could slow down and there would be a risk of digestive problems.

What is the recommended carbohydrate intake for endurance sports?

- The American College of Sports Medicine recommends drinking drinks with 6-8% carbohydrate content (isotonic drink) during sports activities over 60 minutes.
- To maintain an optimal level of glycogen, during endurance activity, we should take a total of 30-60 g of quickly digestible carbohydrates per hour from drinks and other supplements.
- In the case of activities (races) lasting longer than 2.5 hours, this intake can be increased up to 90 g. A combination of glucose and fructose in a ratio of 2:1 (60 g of glucose + 30 g of fructose), which is effectively absorbed through the digestive system, is ideal.
- We always adapt the intake of carbohydrates to our own habits and the tolerance of the digestive tract.
- In the case of ionic drinks in powder form or in the form of a liquid concentrate, the concentration of carbohydrates depends on the amount of product and water used. Depending on the dilution, you can reach lower, but also higher values ​​of carbohydrates.

3. Other active ingredients

Some ionic drinks differ in the content of caffeine, vitamins, amino acids in the form of BCAA or a fat burner, typically l-carnitine. Thanks to these substances, they provide extra benefits. Caffeine, for example, can encourage us to continue training and delay fatigue, while a fat burner is useful for losing weight, when every extra calorie burned counts. Added BCAAs can help delay fatigue and protect muscle mass from being burned for energy, which is useful in both endurance and strength sports.

Use of ionic drinks

For most sports activities that last no more than an hour, it is enough to take fluids in the form of pure water. However, the situation changes with high-intensity or longer-lasting sports, when, especially in demanding environmental conditions, higher losses of water and electrolytes occur, and at the same time the need for energy supplementation increases.

1. When is a hypotonic drink suitable?

The hypotonic drink has the lowest carbohydrate content of the three (less than 6%). It is therefore suitable for activities when we do not need to replenish energy as much, but at the same time we want to receive electrolytes.

Sports activities up to 60 minutes at higher temperatures and increased air humidity, when we usually sweat more.
Bikram yoga or other type of exercise in a hot environment.
During warm summer days to maintain optimal hydration. 

2. When is an isotonic drink suitable?

The isotonic drink boasts an ideal ratio between the content of water and carbohydrates (6-8%). Thanks to this, it is quickly absorbed by the body, does not burden the digestive tract as much and at the same time gives us energy.

Endurance sports such as running, cycling, swimming and mountain hiking over 60 minutes.
Team sports such as football, hockey, rugby, volleyball, basketball over 60 minutes.
High-intensity strength training or crossfit lasting more than 60 minutes.
Zumba, aerobics and other high-intensity dance classes that last longer than an hour.
For short and high-intensity exercise sessions. In this case, however, only rinsing the mouth with a carbohydrate-containing drink (mouth rinsing) proved effective. There is no burden on the stomach, and yet we can feel a rush of energy thanks to the activation of certain centers in the brain. 

3. When is a hypertonic drink appropriate?

The hypertonic drink has the highest carbohydrate content (more than 8%). For this reason, it is digested more slowly and puts more strain on the digestive tract. Therefore, it is not suitable in cases where our primary goal is rapid fluid replenishment. But if we need a source of energy that is absorbed faster than from solid food, a hypertonic solution can be ideal.

Before and after exercise to replenish glycogen stores.

As a quick source of energy, for example, when blood sugar drops, after a long period of starvation.
Endurance activities in cold weather over 60 minutes, when we don't need to increase fluid intake so much, but we are mainly concerned with replenishing energy. In this case, the recommended fluid intake is usually reduced. Alternatively, we can alternate the hypertonic drink with isotonic or hypotonic, which are more suitable for replenishing fluids.
For short and high-intensity exercise sections, mouth rinsing only.

When, on the other hand, is it not necessary to drink ionic drinks?

In the case of some sports activities, ionic drinks lose their meaning and it is enough to stay with them only with pure water. If our goal is to lose weight, they can even delay our results. One liter of isotonic drink contains approximately 250 calories, which is more than the average 65 kg woman burns during an hour of Pilates or yoga. So instead of a caloric deficit, which is crucial for losing weight, we can get into a caloric surplus. 

1. Regular training in the gym

In classic strength training, for which pauses between sets are typical, we usually do not reach such a high intensity that we need to replenish energy or electrolytes.

2. Cardio training and indoor lessons within 60 minutes

Clean water is also sufficient for running, cycling or other forms of exercise in normal conditions (without extreme temperatures).

3. Pilates, yoga and other lower intensity exercises

As long as we attend yoga, pilates or gymnastics classes (on a non-professional level), we also generally do not need to replenish electrolytes and energy during exercise.

How to make homemade ionic drink?

Ionic drinks contain a balanced ratio of water, minerals and easily digestible carbohydrates. They are designed for athletes with their needs in mind. Those purchased are a safe bet because they already contain the ideal mixture of substances in the optimal ratio. We can drink them straight from the bottle or dilute them with water according to the recommended dosage. However, there is also the possibility of making a homemade sports drink. It probably won't be as tasty, but it will serve the purpose. How to do it?

To create 1 liter of isotonic drink we will need:

- 1000 ml of clean warm water
- 60-80 g of maltodextrin, glucose or fructose
- ¼ teaspoon of salt
- you can also mix powdered magnesium into the mixture
- sweetener to taste as needed

Mix everything thoroughly, ideally in a shaker, and use it as a sports drink according to the recommendation described above.

What to take from it?

After reading today's article, we already know when ionic drinks make sense and in which cases it is enough to drink pure water. For example, when we are going for a long run or a day trip by bike, it will be better to pour an isotonic drink into a sports bottle.

However, if we have an hour-long training session in the gym or yoga, it is not necessary to deal with replenishing electrolytes and carbohydrates. In any case, it is important to monitor the all-day fluid intake and adapt the drinking regime to current conditions (weather, physical activity).