nedeľa 25. septembra 2022

5 Hormones To Control In Bodybuilding For Advanced Muscle Growth | - -


5 Hormones To Control In Bodybuilding For Advanced Muscle Growth

5 Hormones To Control In Bodybuilding For Advanced Muscle Growth

Hormones are the regulatory agents in your body, and with these regulators, not on your side, you are up for a hindrance of strength and a lack of clear results. Let’s look at anabolic hormones list you need to pay close attention to while training.

All of us want to grow stronger, right?

I really do not think there is a single person that walks into the gym and thinks – “Hey, I wish I could maintain muscle”.

With that said, there are far too many people who are not focussed on the important details of muscle growth.

By this I mean everyone is focussed on the major elements of strength training. Yes, the amount of weight you lift on a daily basis and the general calories you put into your body will have an effect on your overall muscle development – but what about what’s going on inside the body?

Did you ever stop to think if you are doing everything possible to ensure you are building muscle for the long-term?

Did you ever stop to think if your hormones are in balance or if you are getting the correct amount of recovery?

To be honest, not many of us do. As a trainer, I see this almost every day. Clients come far and wide and many of them have the same goals and the same lifestyle challenges – most of which are holding them back from pushing more weight and feeling better.

At the end of the day, we are here to grow stronger but it is also important to value how you feel. How your body responds to training is a direct correlation to how healthy you are.

Chances are if you take more than 48 hours to recover from a normal workout – your body is not healthy.

Over the course of my career, I have noticed that many people – more than I can count, are very good at motivating themselves to train. Many people are super concerned with how they look in the mirror and how much they weigh in on the scale but very few people are truly concerned with how healthy they are.

One of the best way to tell how healthy you are is by looking at your hormones.

Control hormones for better muscle growth

What Are Hormones

On the most basic level, a hormone is a stimulatory molecule that plays a role in regulation. There are many hormones in your body and each of them have a unique job or role in the body.

While some hormones like ghrelin and leptin will control your cravings and hunger, other hormones like growth hormone and testosterone will control your growth and vitality.

The most important factor that they all have in common is that they are transported throughout the body and are produced by specific glands to serve a function.

Think of hormones as the scales in your body. They help to balance things and keep you regular and healthy.

Without hormones signalling your body what is good or bad, you would lack the ability to track anything going on.

For example: let’s say you have low testosterone (pretty common in middle-aged men), this could be a clear signal of many things like lack of sleep, poor diet, lack of exercise and many more.

Hormones even have a huge role in how we eat and take in food. Some hormones like insulin even appear to have some type of mutation which can cause specific types of diabetes – or the lack of insulin resistance – pretty crazy right?

Hormones play a huge role in your body and every function you go through on a daily basis. Without a balance of hormones in your body you will struggle to grow stronger, recover properly and you might even be subject to some overeating or even long-term diseases and illness.

My intent here is not doom-and-gloom, but it is important that you start to understand the true importance of hormones. In this way, you can take a step back from the constant training and start to grow stronger by properly listening to your body.

How to Balance Hormones Naturally

When it comes to balancing your hormones naturally the bread and butter will always come with lifestyle factors. Here are the most effective ways to balance your hormones naturally:

Get Adequate Sleep

Nine times out of ten clients tell me that they sleep 6 hours a night and cannot wake up unless they have a cup of coffee. This just blows my mind and has always confused me (because I love sleep).

When it comes to balancing hormones you need to get adequate sleep.

I would go as far as saying if you are not getting 8 hours a night you should not be bodybuilding at all – it’s just too much stress on your body without adequate rest.

Sleep is important for many hormones, including testosterone. Do your best to get 8 hours of sleep a night and try not to change your sleep schedule.

Wake up at the same time every day and when your body wakes you up, get up and be ready for the day – don’t go back to sleep.

Eat Whole Foods

We are constantly bombarded with media on what we should eat, but 90% of it is complete junk food. I recently watched a football game and noticed very quickly that all of the advertisements were for pizza, burgers and all the other food that provides little to no nutritional value.

This is not rocket science guys – this stuff just is not good for you. Not only do fast foods provide empty calories, but they are also filled with terrible trans fats that do not, in any way, help your body to grow stronger.

Eat whole foods for better hormone balance

In fact, a high-fat diet has been shown on many occasions to influence unhealthy weight gain which can lead to obesity and obesity caused illnesses not to mention the effect that high-fat storage can have on hormone balance.

Do yourself a favour and eat whole foods that are unprocessed. By this, we mean foods like fruit, vegetables, lean meats, nuts, seeds and whole grains.

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise has a plethora of benefits – one of which is a better balance of hormones. In fact, those that exercise seems to have a better control of insulin – which is essential for health and diet.

If you can schedule yourself to 4-5 sessions of strength and cardio training a week you will not only grow stronger, but you will help your body to balance and regulate important hormones production

Hormones to Control for Advanced Muscle Growth

#1 Testosterone

The hormones that many of us are likely most concerned with. Testosterone is a steroid hormone that stimulates the development of male secondary sexual characteristics, produced mainly in the testes, but also in the ovaries and adrenal cortex.

If you can accurately control this hormone through a balanced diet and adequate sleep you can overcome strength plateaus and recover faster – not to mention the high level of strength you will have during a workout.

Effects of testosterone hormone on your body

TOP TIP: Supplementing with a good testosterone booster or 2-4g of d-aspartic acid prior to a workout can be a great way to temporarily elevate strength levels and lead to better muscle development. 

#2 Growth Hormone (GH)

This one is a little more complex than many of the other hormones found in your body. Growth hormone is a general term for a type of hormone that stimulates growth – pretty basic, right?

This growth is not just for muscle tissue, but also organs, soft tissue and anything else that has the potential for growth. Growth hormone is the hormone that allows you to grow so quickly as a child and will generally slow down during adulthood.

6 Ways To “Naturally” Boost Human Growth Hormone

Balancing this hormone will mainly come down to your diet and supplementation (if you wanted to increase it).

Eating balanced food and committing yourself to a whole-food diet will help your body to grab all the nutrients it needs from a diet for proper growth which will not lead to an overproduction or underproduction of GH.

We cover HGH and supplementation in more detail on our HGH supplements page.

#3 Insulin

This is where it gets a little tricky – especially as a bodybuilder. As many people may know, insulin is the hormone that works to control the amount of glucose in the blood.

Effects of Insulin

It is important to remember that glucose is needed in the blood. In fact, this is one of the best ways to transport energy throughout the body during exercise (which is why exercise is best for balancing insulin).

The issue arises when the body is not able to deal with the amount of glucose in the blood, or cannot regulate it – this can cause diabetes. The accumulation of glucose in the blood can cause inflammation which can lead to long-term issues in your health.

Controlling insulin can be as simple as exercising more and eating a whole-food diet, but if your body has a resistance to insulin you may need medication to solve this issue.

#4 Estrogen

Estrogen is a sex hormone that is produced in the body. Traditionally, it was believed that estrogen was only important for females, but we now know that even men have a certain amount of healthy estrogen-grouped hormones in the body.

How To Lower Estrogen Naturally

Being able to regulate this amount of estrogen in the body is an important factor for bodybuilding. Having a diet that is lower in fat will generally allow for a better balance of estrogen.

#5 Cortisol

Perhaps the most interesting and complex hormone we have in the human body. Cortisol is famously known as a stress hormone – meaning it helps you deal with stress in the body, but it is so much more than that.

Cortisol can help control blood sugar levels, regulate metabolism, help reduce inflammation and assist with memory formulation. It has a controlling effect on salt and water balance and helps control blood pressure.

Cortisol Functions. Cortisol is released in response to stress and low blood-glucose concentration.
Cortisol Functions. Cortisol is released in response to stress and low blood-glucose concentration.

Understanding how to control cortisol can help to increase muscle mass and emphasize recovery. Using this hormone to your advantage means controlling secretion by the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the adrenal gland.

Things That Negatively Affect Your Hormone Balance

There are many factors that negatively affect your hormone balance. From diet to lifestyle choices, controlling your hormones can be as simple as living a healthier life or as complex as strange medications.

Here are the things you should stop doing to have a better control of your hormone balance:

Eating Fast Food

No nutritional value and very high in unhealthy fats, fast food has never been good for you and never will be good for you. Instead, cook a fresh meal with plenty of fruit, vegetables and lean foods.

Waking Up Late

Early risers will always beat you to the punch on this one. Those of you that sleep in and have sleep schedules that do not match their lifestyle will find that if they regulated their sleep and started waking up earlier would find much better balance in their body.

Stressing Out

Constant stress has never been good for your body. Combining stress with a lack of sleep is an easy way to mess with cortisol, decrease testosterone and put a huge hindrance on your health and strength.  

Importance of Hormones and Conclusion

The ability to control and regulate hormones is something we should all pay more attention to. It is far too common for us to be completely fixated on the training we are doing and leave everything else to chance.

Hormones are the regulatory agents in your body, and with these regulators, not on your side, you are up for a hindrance of strength and a lack of clear results.

Do yourself a favour and try to sleep better, eat wholesome food and get your blood work checked out. At the end of the day, you will not truly know if things are off balance unless you get a qualified health professional to measure your bloodwork. - - | Best EU Online Steroid Shop - Buy Steroids

nedeľa 18. septembra 2022

Keto For Bodybuilding? Can You Actually Build Muscle On Keto Diet? | - -


Keto For Bodybuilding? Can You Actually Build Muscle On Keto Diet?

Much controversy surrounds the keto diet. Some claim it’s the best way to eat for losing fat and shaping an eye-catching figure. Others say it’s just another fad: here today, gone tomorrow. Who’s right?

In this article, you’ll discover the truth on the keto diet for bodybuilders. We take an unbiased look at what current scientific research says, so you can decide whether going keto is right for you.

What Is the Keto Diet?

On the keto diet, you eat high amounts of dietary fat, moderate amounts of protein, and only a tiny bit of carbs.

To maintain this low carb intake, you don’t eat foods like grains, potatoes, legumes, beans, starchy vegetables, most fruits, honey, and other sugary products.

But what you do eat low-carb foods like meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, leafy vegetables, and certain dairy products.

Here’s what a day of keto eating can look like:

  • Breakfast: Poached eggs with spinach and macadamias
  • Lunch: Wild asparagus with minced tuna and garlic
  • Dinner: Pan-seared boneless lamb chops with broccoli
  • Snack: Creamy button mushroom soup

There’s no set-in-stone amount of carbs to eat on the keto diet. That’s because various factors like metabolism, activity level, and body weight influence how many carbs you should strive for each day. Generally speaking, however, you’ll consume fewer than 50 grams of carb a day.

Due to this minimal carb intake, glucose levels in your body drop. This causes the production of “ketone bodies,” an energy source your body can use when glucose is scarce.

When your body mostly uses these ketones and fatty acids for fuel (rather than glucose), you enter a state we call “ketosis.” Keto-diet proponents claim such a state has many benefits, including superior fat loss.

But does the keto diet live up to these often-made claims? In the upcoming two sections, we take an unbiased look at the pros and cons of this eating style when it comes to fat loss and muscle growth.

The Benefits of the Keto Diet for Bodybuilders

What follows are two evidence-based benefits the keto diet may offer bodybuilders. As we’ll see, however, neither is as useful as is often claimed.

(Somewhat relevant) benefit #1: Superior weight loss

The keto diet can be an excellent way to drop the number on your scale. For example, a meta-analysis of thirteen randomized, controlled studies concluded:

“Individuals assigned to a VLCKD [very low carbohydrate ketogenic diet] achieve a greater weight loss than those assigned to an LFD [low-fat diet] in the long term; hence, a VLCKD may be an alternative tool against obesity.”

Plus, other randomized controlled trials show the keto diet can produce up to three times as much weight loss as a high-carb, low-fat diet.

Sounds impressive, doesn’t it? But before we conclude that the keto diet is superior for those who want to lean down, hold on for a second. There are four essential points to make:

First off, most studies that compare the keto diet to a regular eating style for weight loss use overweight and obese participants. This doesn’t necessarily mean the same benefits apply to bodybuilders who want to lean down into single digit body fat percentages.

Second, most studies that show better weight loss results produced under the keto diet don’t match macro intake among subjects. The keto diet is often higher in protein. And because higher-protein diets are better for weight loss, this could be a reason the keto dieters lose more weight.

Third, research shows going keto produces more weight loss, not necessarily more fat loss. And as a physique athlete, it isn’t about how much weight you lose; it’s about how much fat you drop.

Fourth, the primary reason the keto diet causes more weight loss is that it induces water loss. The keto diet reduces fluid levels in two main ways:

  • By lowering insulin levels. This causes your kidneys to excrete sodium from your body, which leads to flushing out water.
  • By reducing liver and muscle glycogen storage. Since each gram of glycogen attracts at least three grams of water, if your glycogen levels would reduce by 400 grams, the number on your scale drop by 1.5 kg or more.

In other words, while the keto diet causes more weight loss, this is of little value for bodybuilders because it’s primarily due to water loss, not fat loss.

(Irrelevant) benefit #2: Increased fat burning

I bet you’ve heard it before, the claim that eating more fat while cutting carbs from your diet turns you into a fat burning machine. But is it true? The answer is yes. If you follow a keto diet, your body will burn more fat for fuel.

And while that may sound beneficial in theory, it’s trivial in real life. Here’s why:

While you burn more fat for fuel on a keto diet, this doesn’t lead to losing more body fat. The reason your body burns more fat is that you eat more fat, not because this eating style has any unique body fat burning abilities.

To illustrate this, compare your body as a fireplace. Whatever macro you dump into it is what will get burned. Take in more carbs and your body will burn more glucose. Take in more dietary fat and your body will burn more fatty acids.

In other words, the claim that the keto diet helps you burn more fat is correct, but it’s misleading and irrelevant because it doesn’t lead to more fat loss.

The Downsides of the Keto Diet for Bodybuilders

The Downsides of the Keto Diet for Bodybuilders

As we’ve just seen, the keto diet can cause more weight loss but doesn’t lead to more fat loss. That’s why the so-claimed weight loss benefits of the keto diet are irrelevant for bodybuilders.

But what are the downsides of this eating style? Could it be that, in certain ways, the keto diet is inferior for building muscle and losing fat? The answer is yes. Here are the five (potential) problems of going keto.

Downside #1: Can impair resistance training performance

While some studies found the keto doesn’t impair athletic performance, most data shows performance worsens if you only eat a tiny bit of carbs.

In particular endurance-type activities such as long-distance running, soccer, basketball, and football are affected. That’s because energy production during these activities relies on glucose, a stored form of energy derived from carbs.

But not only endurance sports are affected. Low-carb dieting can also impair weight lifting performance, as shown by research published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

The researchers found that two days of reduced carb intake significantly lowered the amount of squats females could do with 80% of their one rep max.

Downside #2: Worsened muscle growth

Because the keto diet can reduce workout performance, this eating style may lead to inferior muscle growth results.

After all, if you can’t perform at your best in the gym, it’ll be harder to apply progressive overload, which is crucial to building muscle.

What’s more, low muscle glycogen levels post-workout impair signalling related to muscle growth. This may hurt your gains and make you susceptible to muscle loss when you diet.

In other words, if you want to maximize muscle growth, you’ll likely get better results if you add some carbs to your diet.

Downside #3: Increased hunger cravings

Effective fat loss requires you to consume fewer calories than you burn. While it sounds easy in theory to do this, it’s often a struggle in real life because hunger cravings rear their ugly head if you lower your food intake.

The problem with the keto diet, however, is that you get most of your calories from dietary fat – the macro that’s much less satiating than protein and carbs.

That’s why going keto may cause severe hunger cravings, which makes it harder to control your calorie intake.

Combine this with the fact that dietary fat is the most calorie dense macro, and you’ll understand why it’s easier to overeat on a high-fat diet and why obesity is more common among high-fat dieters.

Downside #4: Difficult to adhere to during social gatherings

If you go to a social gathering or restaurant as a keto dieter, you’re faced with a dilemma. Most meals have more carbs than your nutrition plan allows for the day. What to do?

You can eat like the other folks, which takes you out of ketosis. You can skip the food, which makes you a social outcast. Or you can search for a keto-friendly dish, which is sometimes available but not always.

In other words, since most “social foods” and almost all alcoholic drinks contain at least some carbs, it can be hard to adhere to a keto diet during social gatherings.

Downside #5: Can cause nutrient deficiencies

Because you cut carbs from your diet on a keto diet, you won’t be eating fruits, whole grains, legumes, beans, and potatoes – all foods that contain many beneficial nutrients.

Also, consider that some nutrients are hard to get from low-carb foods alone. An example of this is vitamin C. This vitamin is primarily found in carb-rich foods, which is why keto dieters are at an increased risk of being deficient in this nutrient.

Not only can nutritional deficiencies affect health, but they can also affect body composition. That’s because many of these nutrients influence processes related to fat loss and muscle growth, including hormone production and your metabolism.

The Bottom Line on the Keto Diet for Bodybuilding

Can the keto diet be helpful under certain circumstances? For sure! In fact, it would be beneficial for most people to drop their carb intake at least somewhat.

But if you want to optimize your physical appearance, you’d be mistaken to cut carbs from your diet. Doing so can hurt workout performance, impair muscle mass, and toughen fat loss by causing hunger cravings.

Instead, if you want to shape an eye-catching figure, here’s what you want to do:

Here’s what to do Instead

While dieting is a broad topic, below you’ll find the four fundamentals of an effective diet for bodybuilders.

Step 1: Optimize your calorie intake

Whether you want to lose fat or build muscle, your first nutritional step is optimizing your calorie intake.

It’s simple. If you want to build muscle, consume more calories than you burn. And if you want to lose fat, consume fewer calories than you burn.

Various factors influence the exact amount of calories you need to eat for optimal gains, such as your body weight and height. To help you out, we’ve created a robust, step-by-step method to calculate your calorie requirements in this article.

Step 2: Get enough protein

After calories, the second most essential nutrition step is ensuring you consume enough protein. Here’s how to determine your ideal protein intake:

  • To build muscle, get at least 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily (0.73 grams of protein per pound of body weight).
  • To lose fat, get between 1.8 and 2.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight a day (0.8 and 1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

Step 3: Set your carb and dietary fat target

Both carbs and dietary fat provide unique benefits, not only for your health but also for your figure.

The primary benefit of carbs for physique athletes is that they aid workout performance. By consuming enough carbs, you’ll perform better in the gym, and therefore you’ll be more effective at stimulating muscle growth.

Dietary fat, on the other hand, plays a part in almost all bodily functions. These include supporting cell growth, insulin health, and hormone production.

Here’s what you want to do:

  • Dietary fat: Get between 15% and 25% of your daily calorie intake from dietary fat.
  • Carbs: Get your remaining calories from carbs.

Step 4: Eat the right foods

With the rise of If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM), lifters often claim food quality as irrelevant for building muscle and losing fat. But that belief is wrong! Food selection does influence your results for various reasons.

One of these reasons is that vitamin and mineral content varies among foods. And your body needs these nutrients to support functions such as your metabolic rate and hormone production.

That’s why you want to get at least 80% of your calories from nutrient-dense foods such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, meat, and fish.

Also, aim to have variety in your diet by consuming a wide range of beneficial foods. Doing so helps ensure you’re consuming enough of each nutrient.

Step 5: Determine your meal frequency

Compared to factors like calorie intake, macro intake, and food selection, meal frequency is much less important. However, optimizing this aspect can support your gains. So here’s what you want to do:

  • To build muscle, consume at least three meals a day. (Four or more may be even better.) Doing so aids protein synthesis (i.e., muscle growth).
  • To lose fat, consume three or four meals a day. This aids muscle maintenance and tends to be ideal or most people to manage hunger levels. However, if you find it easier to control calorie intake on a higher frequency, eating more often is fine, too.

Step 6: Drink enough water

While many lifters overlook hydration, it’s a crucial part of every diet because not consuming enough water hurts fat loss and muscle growth.

For instance, research shows that those who don’t drink water habitually consume, on average, 9% more calories a day than those who do. For an average adult male with a daily energy need of 2,500 calories, that represents around 1,575 extra calories a week.

Besides, being dehydrated also worsens gym performance. It reduces motivation, raises fatigue, alters body temperature control, and makes exercise feel a lot harder, both physically and mentally.

And if you can’t train at your best in the gym, you can’t stimulate your muscles optimally, and thereby don’t make the most gains.

Various factors influence the amount of water you should drink. A few examples are body size, the environment you live in, and activity levels. That’s why there’s no set-in-stone water intake that’s best for all of us.

Instead, aim to have at least five clear urinations a day. That’s five urinations during which your urine looks clear, not five in total! If you accomplish that, you’re well-hydrated. If not, drink more water. - - | Best EU Online Steroid Shop - Buy Steroids

nedeľa 11. septembra 2022

Trenbolone Steroid: What You Should Know And Why Consider Legal Tren Alternative | - -


Trenbolone Steroid: What You Should Know And Why Consider Legal Tren Alternative

Trenbolone Steroid: What You Should Know And Why Consider Legal Tren Alternative

Trenbolone Acetate is one of the most powerful – effective and controversial – steroids available. It comes with a strong reputation, huge popularity, and some of the lower risks of side-effects compared to many other strong steroids.

It is, perhaps, for this reason that it’s become such a common name that it’s made its way into everyday gym culture.

The idea that you should “Tren hard” isn’t about promoting steroid use, but a tongue-in-cheek reference to the role anabolics play in gym culture. This is one of the many examples of just how well-regarded this steroid has become.

But what does Tren do? How is it used? How does it work? We’re going to answer all of these questions and provide you with a brief guide to this popular and effective steroid.

We’re also going to discuss the legal and logistical issues surrounding Tren, and why a legal steroids alternative may be a better choice for you and your goals!

Basics of Steroids: Paving the Way for Trenbolone

If you’re interested in Trenbolone, you probably already have an idea of what steroids are and how they work – above and beyond “making you bigger and stronger”. However, there are a few simple concepts and terms everyone should be very clear on before discussing Tren and other powerful steroids.

The anabolic index is a simple measure of the growth-promoting change they cause in the body. This is what you’re taking it for: an increased dominance of pro-growth, pro-lean chemicals in the body. This anabolic state is what you’re looking for: it promotes muscle, reduces fat, and turns your recovery/progress up to 11.

The other side of anabolic androgenic steroids is the androgenic effects. These are the side-effects that come from the simple fact that steroids are male sex hormones, adapted to be more potent. The problem here is that excessive androgenic effects make certain steroids difficult for women to use without masculising effects.

The other side of this is the aromatisation of steroids. This is what happens when you have an excess of male steroid-hormones and they are converted into Estradiol and other Estrogen-like compounds. This is disastrous, as it comes with increased water-retention, risk of gynecomastia, and other feminising effects in men.

The balance of these two effects are important for picking the right steroids and using them effectively. The ratio of anabolic: aromatising should be as high as possible. This means all the positives with as few negative results as possible – the key to a versatile and effective steroid.

What is Trenbolone?

Tren is a popular anabolic steroid with a relatively good balance of potency to side-effects. It’s a non-aromatising steroid, which means that the ratio of anabolic: aromatising effects are enormous – making it one of the most powerful drugs you could choose for your cycle.

This is one of the reasons why Tren is considered a “dry” steroid: it doesn’t increase the retention of water, bloating, or “softness” seen with many other compounds such as Dianabol. The effects are almost entirely positive when it comes to your physique: hard, grainy muscle gains and a reduction in both bodyfat and subcutaneous water.

It’s no surprise that the popularity it saw in bodybuilding was huge during introduction in the 1980s, or that it has remained one of the most popular steroids for those looking to build a commanding, lean physique without any of the side-effects. This accounts for its popularity in early steroid use and the market for it being so strong to this day.

Is Ronnie Coleman using Trenbolone?

The Benefits of Trenbolone

The first and most obvious benefit of Tren is the sheer potency that it provides. Tren is even more powerful than drugs like nandrolone in terms of potency. The increases in muscle mass and reductions in fat storage are both key players in getting a better physique, improving performance, and boosting athletic progress rapidly.

The second key benefit is that it won’t have the same side effects you see with straight-testosterone or other androgenic steroids whereby they turn into feminising hormones. The chemical structure of Tren means that it can’t be converted into either Estrogen or Estradiol – making it a purely androgenic, non-aromatising steroid.

The benefits of this non-aromatising status are two-fold. Firstly, it means avoiding the unpleasant side effects associated with aromatisation on a steroid cycle. With Tren, you’re not likely to experience side-effects such as gyno, bloating, or other negative results.

On the other hand, you’re going to experience an improved testosterone: Estrogen ratio. This comes with its own benefits – unbound androgenic primacy is a key player in reducing water retention and boosting muscular glycogen intake, as well as a host of other processes. The result is “full”, “hard” muscle gains and an appearance of significant ‘grain’.

How to take Tren

Trenbolone is primarily injected. It’s found in an oil-suspension form and has a fast-acting ester. The acetate form of Tren is a rapid-effect drug that will do two things within a matter of days: increase muscle mass/reduce water retention and suppress your natural testosterone production.

This is why Tren is most commonly considered to be a drug that requires very little aromatase-inhibition but large amounts of post-cycle therapy with clinical drugs like HCG. These can be very intimidating for many Tren-users since the natural rhythms of testosterone production are incredibly important and they may not recover straight away after a cycle of strong androgenic compounds.

There are also oral versions of Trenbolone that have a high-availability rate. These are relatively rare, but they provide a similar availability to injection, without the discomfort of needles. This is also a good way to reduce the most-severe cases of Trenbolone cough, which tends to occur most severely in response to injections.

This doesn’t entirely avoid the issue, as respiratory disease is a legitimate problem on Tren.

We’re sceptical of oral Trenbolone, however, as Trenbolone and Tren-prohormones require you to process the drug in the liver. This is one of the most potent androgens and excessive use of oral forms can rapidly cause you liver damage and reductions in efficiency. Tren is a powerful drug, and any conversion in the body is going to bring serious consequences to your health.

Is Trenbolone Legal?

The simple answer is no.

Steroids are prohibited in the United States under the brand of being controlled substances. They are schedule-III and possession, production, or sale of steroids is a felony offence. While the morality behind this ruling is incredibly sketchy, it is still widely enforced in recreational users, though professional athletes seem to be let off the hook with the law.

This means that Trenbolone itself is either difficult to get or illegal to possess. This only increases the need for an alternative that won’t land you in jail, require stabbing, or cause liver damage. The prohormone forms of Trenbolone are in an ambiguous legal place, so they’re also probably worth avoiding since steroid-related law can catch you out with non-steroids. It’s just tricky.

With this in mind the question “where to buy Tren” becomes a bit pointless – it’s a drug that is commonly found on the black market, but only there. There is no therapeutic exemption for Trenbolone in the united states as it is not a common drug for medical purposes, so owning any is considered a felony.

If you can find Trenbolone on the black market, you’re looking at the risk of jail time, respiratory side-effects, and if you’re getting it orally then liver damage is also a concern.

Legal Alternatives to Trenbolone: What and Why?

There are a few reasons to get past the idea of taking Tren if you’re on the fence.

Avoiding Legal Consequence

The first is obviously the legality. Being arrested doesn’t sound like much fun, especially with mandatory sentencing laws in place for drug charges – it really isn’t worth the legal risk if you’re caught in the purchasing or ownership of steroids.

This is even more of a problem since you’re stuck between buying more often (increased risk) and buying more at once, which may make your risk greater. You’re caught between being exposed to risk more often or a larger risk with the “supply” dosage for a criminal conviction being practically very little.

The law on intent to supply is vague, but the fact that you’d have to buy more than a single vial makes it look like the compound has been arranged for re-sale. This makes you look like a dealer in the eyes of the law, even if you’re not a drug-tested athlete or you’re simply being forward-thinking. This carries a huge penalty which, depending on what you’re buying, could be 20 years in jail.

Best avoided!

Side Effects and Injections

The second reason to opt for a legal Trenbolone alternative is simply the reduction in side effects and the need for injections.

The Tren cough is perhaps the most characteristic, but this is a common problem associated with the compound. The injection times are the height of this side-effect and a legal alternative that doesn’t come with the same respiratory health risks is going to mean a healthier option.

Additionally, needles are awful, and injections can be painful, downright scary, and prone to infection. Another reason to avoid Trenbolone and opt for the safer, lower-risk legal option!

Long-Term Health Risks: Liver and Hormonal Risks of Trenbolone

Finally, the risk of increased liver damage and hormonal changes is a real concern. If you’re looking to train for health but you want physical gains and a muscle-hardness that comes with supplementation, a legal alternative can be a big win.

The risk of liver damage is high with all steroids, but more so with Tren due to the fact it doesn’t aromatize and provides incredibly pronounced androgenic effects. On the other hand, alternatives can be made legally and without any of the risks associated with Trenbolone proper. This is a problem that can affect your life for decades to come.

Damage to the liver is a huge deal. This is a severe risk as anabolic steroids’ effect on the liver is one of the main systems by which they can damage your health with occasional deadly consequence.

The long-term shut-down of your testes’ (or neural, for women) production of testosterone during a cycle of Tren is a huge problem, too. By taking an injectable or oral Trenbolone solution you’re risking the complete shut-off of your natural steroid-hormone production – including testosterone.

With negative health effects, the need for HCG injections the costs of effective post-cycle therapy, and the mental/physical changes, a legal alternative can save you some real stress.

This is even more pronounced since a high-quality legal alternative to Trenbolone like Trenorol will provide a boost to your hormonal health, rather than a complete shutdown!

Closing Remarks

Overall, the defining trait of Trenbolone is power without the usual downfalls of aaromatization This means that you are swapping out one set of drawbacks for a very different type.

While you’re not going to retain water during your muscle gains, and you’re going to have a much more aesthetically-pleasing cut, you’re also going to be at risk of serious long-term problems.

The aesthetic side-effects such as acne and balding are much greater risks, since the increase in testosterone means an increase in DHT and those side effects!

Reality is that Tren is an extremely powerful, but controversial, steroid. It has huge popularity for the gains, but it does come as something of a Faustian bargain: you’re gaining muscle and looking great at the cost of your long-term health and hormonal balance.

The use of a high-quality, healthy, safe and legal alternative is one of the best choices for your health and quality of life.

If you’re going to try and get Trenbolone on the black market we can’t stop you, but we do suggest looking at your alternatives and considering the importance of consistent, sustainable gains to performance and health! - - | Best EU Online Steroid Shop - Buy Steroids

nedeľa 4. septembra 2022

What’s The Best Training Frequency For Muscle Growth & Hypertrophy | - -


What’s The Best Training Frequency For Muscle Growth & Hypertrophy

If you wonder how often you should train to maximize muscle growth, you’ll want to read this article.

In it, you’ll discover the evidence-based truth about the best workout frequency so you can train according to a set up that’s ideal for your situation and goals.

HINT: Most traditional info on training frequency and following it will cause you to miss out on gains!

What is Training Frequency and Why Does it Matter?

Training frequency refers to how often you work out a particular muscle in a given time-frame, generally a week.

Bodybuilders often believe that training each muscle just once a week but with much volume during that session triggers the most growth.

In fact, a survey of 127 competitive male bodybuilders found that more than two-thirds of them trained each muscle group only once per week.

Here’s an example of a “split routine” with which you train each muscle group once a week:

  • Monday: Chest and Triceps
  • Tuesday: Back and Biceps
  • Wednesday: off
  • Thursday: Shoulders and Abs
  • Friday: Legs
  • Saturday: off
  • Sunday: off

The survey mentioned above also found that the remaining one-third of the participating bodybuilders trained each muscle group twice a week.

Here’s an example of a split routine with which you train each muscle group twice a week:

  • Monday: Upper body
  • Tuesday: Lower body
  • Wednesday: off
  • Thursday: Upper body
  • Friday: Lower body
  • Saturday: off
  • Sunday: off

Interestingly, the survey found that none of the 127 bodybuilders trained a muscle group three or more times a week.

Still, here’s an example of a workout routine with which you train each muscle group three times a week:

  • Monday: Full body
  • Tuesday: off
  • Wednesday: Full body
  • Thursday: off
  • Friday: Full body
  • Saturday: off
  • Sunday: off

Now, these workout routines above are just three examples. There are many more ways that you can schedule your weekly workout volume, which stirs the question:

What’s the Best Training Frequency for Building Muscle?

If we were to believe traditional bodybuilding wisdom, it’s best to train each muscle group just once a week. If we look at the scientific research, however, we’ll come to a different conclusion.

Consider the following:

  • A study on twenty well-trained men looked at the difference in muscle growth between those who trained each muscle group once a week as opposed to those hitting it three times per week.

As a result, those who did three full-body workouts a week experienced superior gains. That was even though both groups did the same amount of total training volume (sets x reps).

  • Another study compared muscle growth between completing all weekly training volume in one extensive full-body workout compared to spreading it out over three smaller full-body sessions.

The result? Lean body mass increased by a meager 1% in the one-day-a-week group but by 8% among those who trained each muscle three times a week.

  • A four-week volume-matched study on 24 male rugby players compared three full body workouts a week to training each muscle only once a week with a “bro split.”

The finding was that the full-body group increased fat-free mass by 0.8% while the bro split men gained 0.4%. That’s double the results for those who trained their muscles more often.

  • A study on 18 strength-trained men compared training each muscle five times a week with full-body workouts to once a week with a bodybuilding split.

As a result, the five-day a week group gained more mass on their biceps (11.2% vs 5.8%), triceps (11.2% vs 5.8%) and quads (9.7% vs 5.4%)

In other words, you’ll build more muscle if you train each muscle three or more times per week compared to if you hit them only once… even if you would do the same amount of sets and reps on both routines.

But that’s not all.

Some data suggests that you’ll get even better results if you train each muscle more than three times a week.

For instance, one study had sixteen Norwegian powerlifters do an identical 15-week workout program. So, they did the same exercises, training volume, training intensity, and so forth.

The only difference, however, was that one group did all their training volume in six weekly sessions while the other group did three.

The result?

Those who trained three times per week gained, on average, 3.6 kg of fat-free mass. But those trained six times per week gained, on average, 5.6 kg of fat-free mass.

In other words, even though all training factors were the same except for training frequency, those who trained more often gained more muscle.

Also, please note that the participants of the study were high-level lifters. The men and women squatted between 125 kg and 205 kg, bench pressed between 85 kg and 165 kg, and deadlifted between 155 kg and 245 kg.

So, even if you already sport a decent amount of strength and muscle, the study findings are still relevant to you.

Why Does Training More Often Trigger More Muscle Growth?

As we’ve seen, you’ll tend to get superior results if you train a muscle more often. But why is that the case? After all, contradicts traditional bodybuilding wisdom.

Well, one of the primary reasons why training a muscle more often boosts growth has you to with protein synthesis, a process which refers to how much proteins get build up and broken down in tissues.

It works as follows:

  • If more proteins get broken down in a muscle than get built up, you’ll lose muscle;
  • If more proteins get built up in a muscle than get broken down, you’ll build muscle.

Now, after your workout, protein synthesis increases to repair damaged muscle fibers and to add extra fibers to prepare you for similar stimuli in the future. That’s why weight training helps you build muscle.

The thing is, however, is that muscle protein synthesis only remains elevated for around 36 to 48 hours after a workout.(8) After that period, protein synthesis drops, and you won’t build much, if any, more muscle.

This means that if you train a muscle only once a week, you only stimulate growth for about 36 to 48 hours a week. During the other 108 to 120 hours, you’ll miss out on gains.

On the other hand, if you train a muscle every 48 hours, your muscles stay in a more “anabolic” state throughout the entire week. That’s why training each muscle more often allows you to pack on more muscle.

Two More Reasons Why It’s Best to Train Often if You Want to Build Muscle

Besides keeping protein synthesis elevated, there are two more benefits of training each muscle two, three, or even more times a week.

1. Improved training quality:

If you train a muscle more often, you can spread out your training volume for that muscle over more workouts. That benefits muscle growth because you’ll be able to do more high-quality sets.

For instance, after you do four sets of balls-to-the-wall squats, you won’t be able to perform at your best on the next leg exercise. The third leg exercise will suffer even more. And the fourth one will be garbage.

If you spread these exercises out over the week, however, your performance won’t be as much affected by fatigue, which means you can use more weight on each set.

In other words, you can place higher-quality stimuli on your muscle if you divide your training volume over the week.

2. Less muscle soreness

Have you ever noticed that if you train a muscle two, three, or even more times a week for a while, you experience less muscle soreness after each workout compared to if you would train a muscle only once a week?

The reason for this is that training more often reduces delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) after each session.

So, regular training means less muscle damage after a workout, which means you recover faster from each session and can do more total training volume.

Sounds good, right? But before you bump up your training volume, it’s important to note that…

Training More Often Isn’t Always Better

As we’ve seen, you’ll get superior results if you spread out your training volume for a muscle over multiple sessions as compared to one.

We also saw that when high-level powerlifters divide their training volume over six weekly workouts instead of three, they gained more muscle.

But before you start to train each muscle daily, hold on for a second. There are two reasons why it’s not always better to work out more often.

1. Increasing training frequency can be impractical

You’ve got things to do, people to meet, and places to visit. That’s why it may already tough for you to go to the gym a few times a week.

Now, if you would bump up your train frequency for each muscle to four, five, six, or even seven times a week, your life will largely revolve around working out.

Sure, it may benefit your gains. But if you want to get excellent results without making the gym your life, you can also do so by training each muscle two or three times a week.

2. When done wrong, a high training frequency can set you up for overtraining

If you would spread out the training volume you would usually do in one session over more session, you won’t increase your risk of overtraining. In fact, you’ll recover better between sessions.

However, that’s not how most people approach it. When they increase training frequency, they also tend to bump up training volume.

So, let’s say they would train each muscle only once a week for 12 sets in total. If they then start to hit each muscle three times a week, they also triple their total training volume. And if that’s the case, your risk of overtraining soars.

Here’s What I Recommend You to Do:

If you want to optimize muscle growth, train each muscle two or three times a week. This provides an excellent balance between practicality and making gains.

An example of such a routine can be doing full-body workouts three times a week. For instance, complete a full-body workout on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

  • Monday: Full body workout 1
  • Tuesday: –
  • Wednesday: Full body workout 2
  • Thursday: –
  • Friday: Full body workout 3
  • Saturday: –
  • Sunday: –

As previously stated, if you bump up your training frequency, you should maintain your current training volume. The only thing that changes about your training volume is that you will spread it out over more sessions.

For example, let’s say you currently do fifteen sets per week for a muscle in one session.

If you then switch to training a muscle three times a week, you may now do five sets for that muscle on Monday, five sets on Wednesday, and five sets on Friday.

Now, besides doing three full-body workouts a week, there are a variety of training setups from which you can choose. Here are some more workout routines that train each muscle group two or three times per week.

Full-body twice a week (you’ll train each muscle twice per week):

  • Monday: full-body workout 1
  • Tuesday: off
  • Wednesday: off
  • Thursday: full-body workout 2
  • Friday: off
  • Saturday: rest
  • Sunday: rest

It’s not ideal to train only twice per week if you want to build muscle. That’s especially true once you become more advanced. However, if you can’t train more often, make sure you do full-body workouts for both sessions.

In addition, doing two weekly full-body sessions is also a valid approach to maintain muscle mass when you’re forced to scale back on training time.

Examples are when you have an exam period or must focus on a time-consuming business project.

Standard upper-lower split (you’ll train each muscle twice per week):

  • Monday: upper-body workout 1
  • Tuesday: lower-body workout 1
  • Wednesday: off
  • Thursday: upper-body workout 2
  • Friday: upper body-workout 2
  • Saturday: off
  • Sunday: off

Full-body workouts can be tough. Some people just don’t have the energy to do various compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and chin-ups in one workout.

If that’s the case for you, the solution can be to divide your training volume over upper and lower-body sessions.

Doing so makes each workout easier compared to full body workouts, although it also means you’ll have to hit the gym more often to hit each muscle with the same frequency.

High-volume upper-lower body split (you’ll train each muscle three times per week):

  • Monday: upper-body workout 1
  • Tuesday: lower-body workout 1
  • Wednesday: upper-body workout 2
  • Thursday: lower-body workout 2
  • Friday: upper-body workout 3
  • Saturday: lower-body workout 3
  • Sunday: off

Once you get close to your natural genetic muscle building potential, you must increase training volume to keep making progress.

Since you’ll train two times more a week on this routine than on the previously-outlined upper-lower split, you can do more training volume on this variation.

If you’re a beginner or intermediate lifter, however, don’t use this approach. Instead, do three full-body workouts a week or do two upper and two lower body-workouts.

Modified push-pull-legs routine (you’ll train each muscle twice per week):

  • Monday: push muscles workout 1
  • Tuesday: pull muscles workout 1
  • Wednesday: leg muscles workout 1
  • Thursday: push muscles workout 2
  • Friday: pull muscles workout 2
  • Saturday: leg muscles workout 2
  • Sunday: off

In this case:

  • Push muscles are chest, front delts, side delts, and triceps;
  • Pull muscles are back, rear delts, and biceps;
  • Leg muscles are glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, abs, and calves.

This push-pull-legs split can be a good choice for those who prefer to do shorter workouts. After all, full-body and upper-lower body workouts tend to be longer in duration.

That said, doing a push-pull-legs routine means you’ll have to hit the gym six days a week to only train each muscle twice.

So, from a time efficiency perspective, it’s better to do full-body or upper-lower body workouts.

Morning vs. Evening Workouts − What’s Best for Gaining Muscle?

By now, you know how often you should train each muscle for optimal gains. But at what time of the day should you do these workouts? Or is that irrelevant?

Well, even though most lifters rarely discuss training timing, it can have a significant impact on your gains.

Consider the following:

In a 2016 study, scientists compared the effectiveness of doing a 24-week workout program in the morning between 6:30-10:00 and in the evening between 16:30-20:00.

The result? Both groups gained similar strength and endurance, but those who trained in the evening gained much more muscle.

What’s more, another study compared the progress of 16 bodybuilders who either trained before 10 in the morning or after 6 in the evening. And, once more, those who trained in the evening gained much more muscle.

Training in the evening

Interesting, right? But why does training later during the day produce better results? Researchers believe the following two factors are of influence:

  • Your workout performance is higher in the evening. This means you can place a greater muscle building stimuli on your muscles if you train later.

The reason for this performance increase is that core temperature peaks in the evening, which enhances muscle activation, nervous system efficiency, energy metabolism, and blood flow.

  • Muscle anabolic signaling post-workout is higher in the afternoon than in the morning. That’s because testosterone production is higher at night while cortisol secretion is lower.

The Bottom Line on How Often You Should Train

Just because most bodybuilders use “bro splits” doesn’t mean it’s ideal. As we’ve seen, you’ll build more muscle if you train each muscle more often per week.

So, if you currently train each muscle only once a week, bump up your training frequency.

While the best training frequency depends on your situation, goals, and schedule, a tested and proven way to grow mass is by doing three full-body workouts a week.

As an excellent alternative, you can also do two upper-body and two lower-body workouts per week. - - | Best EU Online Steroid Shop - Buy Steroids