utorok 26. decembra 2023

Stay Hydrated, Stay Healthy: The Amazing Benefits of Drinking Water | Steroids4U.eu - Steroids4U.net - Steroids4U.to

 Stay Hydrated, Stay Healthy: The Amazing Benefits of Drinking Water

It’s important to stay hydrated for a healthy lifestyle. Dehydration occurs when you lose a significant amount of body water. The average adult body is composed of 50-65% water, with men having a slightly higher percentage than women. Severe dehydration can be life-threatening.

Do you know the signs of dehydration? According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, these are common signs to watch out for:

  • Reduced urination or darker urine than usual
  • Strong and dark yellow urine
  • Inability to produce tears
  • Sunken eyes
  • Confusion
  • Dryness or sticky feeling in the mouth

What Causes Dehydration?

One common cause is gastrointestinal illness, which leads to fluid loss through vomiting and diarrhea. It’s also easy to become dehydrated during physical activities and sports, especially on hot days, if you don’t replenish the fluids lost through sweat. Excessive caffeine consumption can also contribute to dehydration as caffeine is a diuretic, causing increased urination.

Preventing Dehydration

Preventing dehydration is important.

  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially on hot and dry days.
  • Water is the best choice as it doesn’t add calories and is great for your health.
  • Dress appropriately for the weather, wearing loose-fitting clothes on hot days to stay cooler and reduce sweating.
  • If you feel dehydrated or dizzy, take a short rest in a cool place and sip water.

Keep track of how much water and water-based drinks you consume, and consider frozen fruit juice bars and treats. Remember that caffeine acts as a diuretic, so reduce your intake of coffee, tea, and sodas. Diluting fruit juice with water can also help cut back on calories.

Staying hydrated offers other benefits. When your body’s cells are properly hydrated, it positively affects your overall well-being. Hydration has been shown to:

  • Significantly reduce joint pain
  • Prevent and treat depression
  • Aid in vision health
  • Replenish healthy skin
  • Assist in the elimination of waste and toxins
  • Promote burning of body fat and building lean muscle.

Make it a habit to drink plenty of fluids, especially clean water. Keep track of what you consume. Your life may depend on it. This is essential health information that everyone can use. It is crucial to stay hydrated.

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nedeľa 17. decembra 2023

Immune boosting supplements you should be taking every day | Steroids4U.eu - Steroids4U.net - Steroids4U.to

 Immune boosting supplements you should be taking every day

Do you want to boost your immune system and make it healthier? If yes, then read this complete article to gain beneficial information. Your body’s immune system contains the complex collection of processes, cells, and chemicals that regularly defends your body against pathogens such as toxins, viruses, and bacteria.

It is always recommended to keep a strong and healthy immune system to prevent your body from infection and any disease. A healthy lifestyle, eating nutritious food, getting sufficient sleep, and exercising are considered the best ways to boost the immune system.

In fact, according to the research, supplements such as vitamins, minerals, and other substances help you respond to your immune system better and protect your body against illness. 

In this article, you will learn about the top supplements that are best known for boosting the immune system. But, first, let’s move more dive into the following supplement.

Vitamin D

  • Vitamin D is considered the fat-soluble nutrient essential for health and functionally best for the immune system.
  • It helps to enhance the pathogen-fighting effects of macrophages and monocytes, in which white blood cells are a crucial part of the immune defense. In this way, it helps to decrease inflammation and promote the immune response.
  • The reports come from health professionals and the science community that Vitamin D is safe and helps individuals protect their bodies from the virus and infections.
  • The supplements, such as Vitamin D, help you to improve the response to antiviral treatments in people with some infections, such as HIV and hepatitis.


  • It is required for immune system development and communication. It also plays a vital role in the inflammatory response.
  •  It also acts as a barrier and protects your body from tissues and foreign pathogens.
  • A deficiency that occurs in the zinc affects your immune system’s ability to function correctly and later results in an increased risk of disease and infection, such as pneumonia.
  • So it is suggested to take these supplements if you want to boost your immune system. 

Vitamin C

  • Vitamin C is the most popular supplement that protects the immune system from infection and makes it strong.
  • It also supports several immune cells’ functions and increases the immune system’s ability to protect from infection.
  • It is also essential for cellular death, which helps you to keep the immune system healthier by removing the old cells and replacing them with new cells.
  • These supplements work like powerful antioxidants and protect you against the damage that occurs from oxidative stress.


  • The supplement in the form of black elderberry is used to treat infections that are being best researched for the impact on immune health.
  • This supplement also demonstrates the antibacterial and antiviral potential to fight against the bacterial pathogens responsible for upper respiratory tract infections.
  • It is recommended to take the supplement elderberry because it will help you to get rid of symptoms of the same infections and the influenza virus.
  • Remember that there are some risks associated with the elderberry. So you have to do complete research before using it.

Medicinal mushrooms

  • This type of supplements are used to prevent in the treatment of diseases. In addition, many types of medicinal mushrooms are available to boost the immune system.
  • There are plenty of recognized species of medicinal mushrooms that are best known for their immune-enhancing properties.
  • Some of the health research determines that supplements with the various types of medicinal mushrooms may increase immune health in many ways and decrease the chances of symptoms of medical conditions such as asthma and lung infections.
  • Medicinal mushroom products are found in teas, tinctures, and supplements.


In this article, you get a clear understanding of the top supplements that helps you to boost the immune system. There are no side effects of the above supplements. If you want to enhance your immune system, then you have to read all about the above-mentioned supplements.

The best supplements, such as medicinal mushrooms, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, etc., may provide immune-enhancing and antibacterial effects.

Hope this article delivers you helpful information. Stay joined by us if you want to get more information related to a healthier lifestyle.

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nedeľa 10. decembra 2023

Best Shoulder Exercises to Add in Workout Routine: Getting Strong Shoulders | Steroids4U.eu - Steroids4U.net - Steroids4U.to

 Best Shoulder Exercises to Add in Workout Routine: Getting Strong Shoulders

When you want to make your shoulders strong and impressive, it’s important to do the right exercises. Your shoulders not only help you look good, but they also give support to your upper body. It doesn’t matter if you’re a regular at the gym or just starting out, using the correct shoulder exercises in your workouts can make a big difference. In this article, we’ll show you the best shoulder exercises to help you build strong and defined shoulders that get noticed.

Top Shoulder Exercises to Add to Your Workouts

1. Push Press: Power and Strength Combined

push press shoulder exercise

The Push Press is a cool exercise that works on your strength and power. It focuses on the front, middle, and back parts of your shoulders, along with your triceps. To do this, start with a barbell on your shoulders, bend your knees a bit, and push the bar up using the power from your legs. This exercise makes your shoulders strong and helps you be better in sports too.

2. Seated Dumbbell Press: Precise and Targeted

The Seated Dumbbell Press is a flexible exercise that works just on your shoulder muscles. Sit on a bench with support for your back, hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height, and lift them up over your head. This move really works your shoulder muscles without bringing in other muscles too much. Using dumbbells lets you move more, and it also helps fix any imbalances in your muscles.

3. Lateral Raises: Shaping Delicate Shoulder Muscles

Lateral Raises are important for making the sides of your shoulders look good. Stand with a dumbbell in each hand by your sides, and lift the weights out to the sides until they’re level with your shoulders. Lower them down gently. This exercise helps your shoulders look wider and more defined, giving you a cool V-shape.

4. Bent-Over Rear Delt Raise: Back and Shoulder Harmony

The Bent-Over Rear Delt Raise works the back part of your shoulders, which often doesn’t get enough attention. Bend over slightly from your hips, with a little bend in your knees. Hold dumbbells in both hands, and lift them out to the sides with a slight bend in your elbows. This exercise makes your posture better, prevents imbalances in your shoulders, and makes your shoulders look great from all angles.

5. Arnold Press: A Twist on Regular Shoulder Moves

The Arnold Press is a unique way to do shoulder exercises. It works all parts of your shoulder muscles. Start with dumbbells at shoulder height, with your palms facing you. Push them up over your head while turning your wrists outwards. This way, different parts of your shoulder muscles work together and grow evenly.

6. Upright Rows: Boost Your Shoulder Strength

Upright Rows focus on the muscles on the sides of your neck and your shoulder. Hold a barbell or dumbbells in front of your thighs, and lift them towards your chin while keeping your elbows higher than your wrists. This exercise is good for your posture, especially if you sit for a long time.

7. Face Pulls: Keep Your Shoulders Healthy

Face Pulls are great for making the muscles that hold your shoulders together strong. Attach a rope to a cable machine at chest height, hold the rope with your palms facing each other, and pull it towards your face while squeezing your shoulder blades together. This exercise helps you develop your muscles evenly and reduces the risk of injuries.

8. Shrugs: Elevate Your Shoulder Game

Shrugs mostly work the upper part of your neck and shoulders, giving them a strong and defined look. Hold a barbell or dumbbells in front of your thighs, and lift your shoulders towards your ears while keeping your arms straight. Focus on squeezing your muscles at the top of the movement for the best results.

9. Single-Arm Cable Lateral Raise: Focus and Control

The Single-Arm Cable Lateral Raise really targets the side of your shoulders, making them look more defined. Attach a handle to a low pulley, stand sideways, and lift the handle up to shoulder height. This exercise stops any imbalances in your muscles and makes your shoulder muscles look even.

10. Military Press: Classic Strength and Power

The Military Press is a classic move that builds strong shoulder muscles. Stand with a barbell on your shoulders and lift it up over your head. This exercise works all parts of your shoulders and makes your upper body strong. Doing this helps you get better at lifting and carrying things.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I do these shoulder exercises at home without gym equipment?

Some exercises can be changed a bit for home workouts, but many need gym equipment for the best results. Dumbbells and stretchy bands are good options for working out at home.

How often should I work on my shoulders?

Try to exercise your shoulders 2-3 times each week. This gives them enough time to rest and grow stronger.

How many times should I do each exercise?

Start with doing each exercise 3-4 times with 8-12 repetitions. Change the weight and how many times you do them to make your muscles work harder as you get better.

Can I exercise my shoulders on the same day as my chest or back?

It’s usually better to do shoulder exercises on different days from chest and back exercises. This way, you don’t overwork your muscles and you can do the exercises with the right form.

Are there warm-up exercises for shoulder workouts?

Yes, you can warm up your shoulder muscles by doing shoulder circles, arm swings, and light shoulder presses. This helps your muscles get ready and improves blood flow.

Should I talk to a fitness expert before adding these exercises to my routine?

It’s a good idea to talk to a fitness expert, especially if you’re new to exercising or have shoulder problems. They can help you choose the right exercises and show you how to do them correctly.


Including the best shoulder exercises in your workout plan is a smart way to make your shoulders strong and impressive. By working on different parts of your shoulders with different exercises, you can get a balanced and great-looking shoulder shape. Remember, doing these exercises regularly and correctly is important for getting the best results. So, go ahead and add these exercises to your workouts and watch your shoulders become a symbol of strength and fitness.

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pondelok 4. decembra 2023

Why peanut butter is good for bodybuilding? What are the Benefits and How much to Eat?? | Steroids4U.eu - Steroids4U.net - Steroids4U.to

 Why peanut butter is good for bodybuilding? What are the Benefits and How much to Eat??

Peanut butter contains fiber, healthy fats and protein. It is made from ground dry and roasted peanuts. Some popular brands include other ingredients in it too like  salt, sugar, oil to enhance the flavor.

Peanut butter is a famous food in the diets of many bodybuilders, as it contains healthy fats and protein and also it’s very high in calories.

A study of 72,556 women and 32,453 men found that eating peanuts at least twice per week can reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 25percent. It’s also useful for the healthy cholesterol levels!!

If compare peanut butter with the cashew butter or tahini, each 2-tablespoon serving peanut butter contains 8-9 grams of protein and cashew butter contains 5-6 grams of protein.

Peanut butter is simply a plant-based protein, regular taking of it may reduce the chances of type 2 diabetes.

Benefits of Peanut Butter for Bodybuilders and Fitness Freaks

Peanut Butter is a good source of protein and it helps bodybuilders to build and repair muscle fibers. Consumption of 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight is normal for the bodybuilders.

Protein content of Peanut Butter is slightly lower than the protein content of chicken or beef. Peanut butter almost contains around 22 grams of protein per 100 grams.

This is why the high protein content in Peanut Butter helps bodybuilders in muscle building and repair, also the healthy fats inside the peanut butter helps in keeping the heart healthy and the fibers helps in improving digestion functionalities inside the body!!

How much Peanut Butter to eat?

The amount of peanut butter to take any bodybuilder is depends on his/her exercise routine, goals and performance. Many experts suggests to take 2-tablespoon at a time in a meal is a very good amount.

However if you take other plenty of fats and proteins such as meat, fish and dairy products, then you don’t need to eat it at all!!

The last if you really enjoy to take peanut butter in food, then it is really a very useful and excellent food for your well maintained body!!

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nedeľa 26. novembra 2023

Coleman vs Cutler: The Bodybuilding Secrets | Steroids4U.eu - Steroids4U.net - Steroids4U.to

 Coleman vs Cutler: The Bodybuilding Secrets

The dramatic clashes between Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler defined a competition as the fiercest of the past generation. The fact that these two superstars matched 12 Sandown does not really imply they utilized the same learning approaches. Despite the competitiveness, It has always been a delight to watch Ronnie Coleman vs. Jay Cutler.


Coleman is a remarkable professional bodybuilder who works out every main part of the body two times a week, which is twice as often as other champions. To fit in all of those workouts, he frequently trains two body areas every session. For example, he quickly exercises biceps following back. On the same day, he also strikes shoulders. Coleman does 12-14 sets each body area. 

However, Cutler practices a much more standard once-a-week body part program, although he finds an exemption for his spine. Cutler, like Coleman, separates his spinal training together into thickening session (mainly layers) and a breadth exercise (primarily pulldowns and chin-ups), with the latter also being included in his shoulder program. “I’m a quantity instructor, and I have always been,” Cutler says. Indeed, Cutler’s back thickness program normally consists of seven or eight movements and 20-24 working sets.

Reps per set becomes a subject where even these two Mr. Olympias agree. Except for legs and abdomen, they nearly usually stay within 10-12 area. Given their (justifiable) reputation as giant forklift, they do not employ those massive loads for three-rep maxes. They’re shooting for ten.

Cutler claims to not count reps in order to focus entirely on the specific muscle(s), yet he still employs a load throughout individual working which takes him within 10-12 area, take or leave a rep or two.None of these two legends are interested about following personal trainers’ exact instructional technique. In addition, Cutler says that it could be harmful at times. Rather, he employs the optimal method for his body, which he learned after years of experimentation. This could often imply a little more movement and perhaps what others could consider improper form, but he uses this to improve attention on the targeted location, not to ever make repetitions easier. Similarly, Coleman has determined the moves that best accentuate his muscles, perhaps adding an additional jolt or sway. For each rep, both champions strive for a complete range of motion from stretching to lockout or near-lockout.


Coleman has kept to a consistent strategy of generally free principles with certain common equipment workouts when he started weightlifting in 1990. His main exercise equipment are barbells and dumbbells, and he focuses on complex movements including lunges, barbell rows, squats, bench presses, and military presses. Also 

As Cutler wanted to train in America in 1991, he likewise constructed his workouts around in the pile-on-the-plates norms, and, like the majority of us, he achieved his finest improvements during his early years in the gym. He did, however, begin to undertake more and more technical workouts in order to avoid injuries and achieve larger “refinements.” He afterwards reverted to basic training, concentrating his workouts on the heavy weight fundamentals.

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nedeľa 19. novembra 2023

Healthy Muscle-Building Fast food for Bodybuilders | Steroids4U.eu - Steroids4U.net - Steroids4U.to

 Healthy Muscle-Building Fast food for Bodybuilders

However, not all unhealthy food is treated equally. By doing your research ahead of time, you can grab an on-the-go plate of food that won’t jeopardies your fitness goals. Take into account one of these 8 muscle-building food menu when fast food is the only option or you merely want a pause from preparing meals! Combine them with a protein powder shake—one of the most convenient on-the-go protein sources—to keep the gains arriving!

Here are the Top 4 Fast food Restaurants with food-menu for Bodybuilders:

1. Chich Fil-A

Recognized for its anti-beef activism, this chicken-paradise lover’s offers a variety of flavorful chicken and milkshake options.

Choice 1: Grilled Chicken and Club Burger or Grilled Chicken Burger with small Fries

  • Total Calories: 1,075
  • Fat: 35 g
  • Protein: 71 g
  • Carbohydrate: 119g

Choice 2: Bagel with chicken, omelette, and yoghurt, Chicken Brunch Tortilla, and Wholemeal bread Oatmeal.

  • Total Calories: 1080
  • Fat: 45 g
  • Protein: 55g
  • Carbohydrate: 120g

If you want more kcal to get through the day, consider combining a small shake of milk for an extra 500 calories!

2. Chipotle Mexican-Grill

Chipotle is where you should go, when you want extraordinary super delicious portion sizes. Chipotle has a plethora of caloric intake options and generous servings. This pretty healthy menu makes it simple to stick to a diet while still enjoying a few tasty Mexican cuisine.

Choice 1: Burrito de Steak con brown rice,  pinto beans, fajita vegetables, black beans,corn salsa, mild salsa, guacamole, and lettuce. Even if you select the bowl of burrito with a base of salad (no tortilla), you will easily exceed 1,000+ calories! Adding guacamole improves the flavour even more.

  • Total Calories: 1,340g
  • Fat: 50 g
  • Protein: 68 g
  • Carbohydrate: 171g

Choice 2: Brown and White rice, black beans, salsa corn, tomatillo green chilli salsa, cheese, and green salads make up the Barbacoa Burrito.

  • Total Calories: 1,230g
  • Fat: 38 g
  • Protein: 56 g
  • Carbohydrate: 169g

Request a bowl with the packaging on the side & double your meat for even more value calories. Your host will be able to squeeze more goodness into the bowl, & you can wrap it in whatever way you want. Remember to be nice to your servers—they may throw in something additional for you.


IHOP’s massive menu offers boundless mass and strength meal options, better known for its spongy muffins with an array of flavored garnishes and imaginative takes on all items breakfast.

Choice 1: Start making your Omelet with shredded pepper cream cheese, avocado, capsicum, and bell pepper, served with White Choco Chip Raspberry Muffins and syrup.

  • Total Calories: 1,275g
  • Fat: 49 g
  • Protein: 47g
  • Carbohydrate: 167g

Choice 2: Scrambled eggs omelet with Chicken Fajitas and Choco Chip Pancakes.

  • Total Calories: 1,578g
  • Fat: 93g
  • Protein: 88g
  • Carbohydrate: 101g

4. SubWay

Subway is known best for its freshly made bread and colorful selection of veggies. Because of their extensive selection of meat and fish, garnishes, and salad dressings, you can customize nearly any burger or salad to meet your needs!

Choice 1: 12-inch Honey Cereal bread Subway Club with melted cheese provolone, green salads, leafy greens, tomatoes, red onion, bell peppers, and avocado.

  • Total Calories: 935g
  • Fat: 32 g
  • Protein: 58g
  • Carbohydrate: 117g

Choice 2: Sweet Capsicum Chicken Teriyaki 12-inch on nine Grain Wholemeal Bread with melted provolone cheese, green salads, red onion, olives, leafy greens, tomatoes, and sauce of sweet onion.

  • Total Calories: 938g
  • Fat: 19 g
  • Protein: 62g
  • Carbohydrate: 138g

Consider ordering double meat or butter, adding guacamole, or combining with a side of caramelized French fries to up your macros!


In this world, we’d prepare a lavish spread for each and every meal. However, fast food is not always an option. Adults should aspire for a daily minimal level of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, or about 7 grams for every 20 pounds, as recommended by the National Academy of Medicine. That means you’ll need about 20 grams per plate of food, give or take, to stay within the recommended range. So, These were top 4 fast food for bodybuilders, you must try in 2022. It will help you in gaining more muscles. Fast Food for bodybuilders will not be a nightmare now.

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nedeľa 29. októbra 2023

Chris Bumstead Workout Routines And Nutrition Plan | Steroids4U.eu - Steroids4U.net - Steroids4U.to

 Chris Bumstead Workout Routines And Nutrition Plan

Chris Bumstead Workout Routines

Chris Bumstead’s workout routine comprises 5 days split in a week taking Saturdays and
Sundays off. After five days of training, the two restful days at the end of the week make him refreshed and comfortable. It motivates him and strengthens his forthcoming training in the coming week.

Monday: Back workouts – 7 exercises

  1. Dumbbell Rows – 4 sets of 15, 12, 10, & 10 reps
  2. Straight Arm Pulldowns – 4 sets of 12 & 15 reps
  3. Bent-over Rows – 4 sets of 12, 10, 10, & 8 reps
  4. Deadlifts – 4 sets of 10, 8, 8 reps & upto failure
  5. Wide Grip Assisted Pull Ups – 4 sets of 12 & 15 reps
  6. Hyperextensions – 2 sets upto failure
  7. Machine Rows – 3 sets of 20 reps

Tuesday: Chest and biceps workouts – 9 exercises

  1. Push ups – 3 sets upto failure
  2. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press – 5 sets of 15, 15 ,12, 12, & 10 reps
  3. Incline Dumbbell Flyes – 3 sets of 15, 12, & 12 reps
  4. Smith Machine Bench Press – 4 sets of 12, 10, 8 & 8 reps
  5. Cable Flyes – 3 sets of 15, 12, & 12 reps
  6. Machine Preacher Curls – 3 sets upto failure
  7. Hammer Curls – 2 sets of 10 & 8 reps
  8. Barbell Curls – 3 sets of 15 reps
  9. Reverse Barbell Curls – 3 sets upto failure

Wednesday: hamstrings and glute workouts – 5 exercises

  1. Straight Legged Deadlift – 4 sets of 15 to 20 reps
  2. Reverse Hack Squat – 4 sets of 15 to 20 reps
  3. Lying Leg Curls – 4 sets of 15 reps
  4. Glute Kickbacks – 3 sets of 12-15 reps
  5. Standing Leg Curls – 2 sets of 4 to 5 reps

Thursday: Shoulders and triceps – 11 exercises

  1. Single Arm Cable – 4 sets of 20, 15, 12, & 12 reps
  2. Rope Face Pulls – 3 sets of 15, 12, & 12 reps
  3. Dumbbell Shoulder Press – 3 sets of 12 reps
  4. Barbell Front Raises – 3 sets of 12 reps
  5. Dumbbell Lateral Raises – 3 sets of 15 reps
  6. Machine Lateral Raises – 3 sets of 15 reps
  7. Upright Rows – 3 sets of 15, 12, & 12 reps
  8. EZ-Bar Skull Crushers – 4 sets of 12 to 15 reps
  9. Single Arm Cable Kickbacks – 3 sets of 12, 10, & 8 reps
  10. Bench Dips – 4 sets of 12 to 15 reps
  11. Reverse Grip Barbell Skull Crushers – 4 sets of 8 to 10 reps

Friday: Squad workouts – 4 exercises

  1. Standing Lunges – 4 sets of 6 to 8 reps
  2. Squats – 2 sets of 8 reps
  3. Leg Press – 4 sets of 40, 30, 20, & 10 reps
  4. Leg Extensions – 3 sets of 15 reps

Chris Bumstead Nutrition Plan

Chris Busmtead consumes 6 meals per day and tries to get 6,500 calories. Here is Chris’s diet routine:


  • Eggs
  • Oats


  • Protein Shake


  • Chicken
  • Jasmine Rice
  • Vegetables


  • Chicken
  • Pasta
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli


  • Eggs
  • Vegetables

Last Meal:

  • Fish
  • Rice