nedeľa 29. januára 2023

5 Anadrol Side Effects You Should Know About | - -


5 Anadrol Side Effects You Should Know About

Anadrol is just one of many brand names of Oxymetholone; an extremely popular bulking steroid in bodybuilding circles nicknamed ‘A-bombs’. It’s no surprise that Anadrol is a controlled substance, illegal to use outside of its prescribed purposes. Still, hard-gainers around the globe try to get their hands on it, but at what cost to their health?

Let’s take a quick look at what Anadrol actually is before we get into the nasty details of what it can end up doing to your body.

What is Anadrol?

Anadrol is an extremely strong androgenic steroid that was first produced in the 1960s. It can increase your red blood cell count, so it can be good for those who suffer from severe anaemia. It’s also been used to treat osteoporosis and more recently seen an increase in popularity to treat HIV/AIDS wasting syndrome.

With its ability to promote blood cell production and improve nitrogen retention it’s no surprise that Anadrol improves your ability to bulk up and gain mass by improving protein synthesis. Effectively Anadrol has the power to make your body a muscle building powerhouse.

The standard daily dosage of Anadrol is 50mg. With Anadrol 50 tablets being the common dose of Oxymetholone on the market, at this dosage moderate gains can be made. Frequently this dosage gets upped to 100mg by many bodybuilders where the gains are much more pronounced, increasing dosage to 150mg has minimal impact but dramatically increases the side effects and is commonly thought to not be worth the risk.

Being one of the most powerful steroids available today, only a knucklehead would believe there’s no such thing as Anadrol side effects. Let’s take a look at 5 of the main issues you could face with this drug:

1. Water retention

Water retention is basically an increased amount of fluid under the skin, and this can become a significant issue when using Anadrol. It can lead to a decrease in visible muscle definition and a look that can only be described as bloated.

2. Connective tissue damage

I know this sounds ridiculous, but Anadrol is actually too powerful. It can increase your mass by as much as 20–30 lbs in 6 weeks. Such a rapid increase is too much for your connective tissues to handle. This can lead to detached muscles. Getting them surgically reconnected isn’t pretty.

3. Gynecomastia (man boobs)

Gynecomastia is enlargement of the male breast tissue. As well as looking embarrassing, the tissue can grow unevenly and be tender and painful. If it’s a well-built chest you want, as seen on the front of fitness magazines, Anadrol might not be right for you.

4. Body hair, acne and oily skin

As we mentioned already, Anadrol is very powerful. Some of the androgenic side effects caused by other steroids, such as unwanted body hair, oily skin, and acne, are even more severe when caused by Anadrol. They may also surface faster in Anadrol users than in other steroid users – which is pretty damn quick.

5. Liver damage

We know from looking at other steroids that the chemical C-17 Alpha Alkylated (C-17aa) means that the steroid has been altered to survive the first pass through the liver. As you can imagine, this doesn’t do the liver any good at all! Compared with other steroids, Anadrol has an extremely high number of milligrams per dosage – higher than other popular steroids such as Winstrol and Dianabol – which further increases the stress the liver faces. - - | Best EU Online Steroid Shop - Buy Steroids

nedeľa 22. januára 2023

Coming off steroids – what you need to know! | - -


Coming off steroids – what you need to know!

So, let’s say you decided to bite the bullet and risk it. You decided that you wanted to complete a course of anabolic steroids. You got them and all the advice you needed from your supplier at the gym. You know when and how to take them. Bingo.

Unfortunately however, if you change your mind and decide to come off steroids it isn’t so simple. You should never simply just stop, getting off steroids isn’t that simple. This would make the whole process a waste of time as well as dangerous given some of the side effects of steroids such as HGH, Winstrol, Dianabol and the rest of them we have previously covered:

  • Dianabol Side Effects
  • Sustanon Side Effects
  • Clenbuterol Side Effects
  • Tren Side Effects
  • Deca Side Effects
  • Anadrol Side Effects
  • Anavar Side Effects
  • Winstrol Side Effects

It would be of great benefit to complete a second course known as a “post cycle therapy” (or PCT for short). Nobody wants to experience the “post cycle crash”. This is a term used to describe a crash in natural hormone production after a steroid cycle.

When you take Anavar or Tren, for example, you stop producing hormones naturally. This means that when you stop taking steroids, you have a gap where no hormones are being produced or entering your system artificially. This leads to lowered levels of androgens but normal levels of corticosteroids. As you have an imbalance of androgens to counteract the muscle eating (catabolic) effects of corticosteroid, your newly formed muscle tissue may begin to disappear.

Your body should recognise the problem and begin to produce hormones again, but by then the damage may have already been done.

The science behind a PCT and the individual drugs needed is extremely complex. You will however need to be aware of the three main drugs; Clomid, Nolvadex and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). These are the three drugs that make up a complete PCT. Clomid and Nolvadex alone are not effective at restoring natural testosterone production. They can best be remembered as the drugs that support HCG.

HCG is a prescription fertility drug that mimics luteinizing hormone (LH). This is an effective drug because we can inject as much as we need to shock the testes in to producing testosterone sooner. This will slow the rate of catabolism (muscle breakdown).

So, at this point we know which drugs we need for a complete PCT and just enough about them to understand why they may be important. Now we need to know how to take them.

Surprisingly, there are very few PCT protocols in the medical journals. One however, called the PoWeR (Programme for Wellness Restoration), tested 19 young males who had taken Nandrolone for 12 weeks. The PCT they were given was made up of the following drugs.

Nolvadex was taken for 45 days the day after the final dose of steroids.

Clomid was taken for 30 days the day after the final dose of steroids.

HCG was taken for 16 days the day after the final dose of steroids.

You couldn’t be blamed for thinking that a PCT may be a bit shorter than this, and last about a week or something similar but unfortunately this isn’t the case. Restoring hormonal imbalances in your body is a long old process.

You may also be surprised to find that the drugs you need to complete the PCT can be as equally as costly as the steroids, which can be taxing on the piggy bank.

It really is better in every sense to explore the other options available before delving into the world of taking steroids, especially considering the recent development of healthy, safe and effective alternatives on the market! - - | Best EU Online Steroid Shop - Buy Steroids

nedeľa 15. januára 2023

What Happens When Bodybuilders Stop Taking Steroids? | - -


What Happens When Bodybuilders Stop Taking Steroids?

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to look big and bulky. And if you play your cards right, you can do just that. But it’s when you start dipping your toe into the pool of steroid use things begin to get messed up.

If you’re a bodybuilder or dedicated gym goer and currently take steroids, just know that there’s another angle you can take. One that’s natural, clean and legal, and will allow you to maintain the body you want.

You just have to be willing to put some work in, have an open mind, and ditch the roids.

Do bodybuilders lose their gains when they stop taking steroids?

This is likely THE most pressing question a steroid user would have when he’s looking to wean off. Obviously, you wanted to gain size, that’s why you started using roids in the first place. But if you want out because of the health risks, you still want to maintain what you built up, right?

Here’s the deal. Steroids cause your body to produce a high amount of testosterone, which is the master hormone behind building muscle. It happens pretty rapidly too, evidenced by the speed at which people bulk up.

It’s not uncommon to put on several pounds of muscle in a few weeks and continue that trend for the duration that a cycle is being used. Now, once you start a period of steroid withdrawal, your body will no longer be pumping out as much testosterone or growth hormone, which will definitely have an effect on your size.

However, this doesn’t mean you’ll shrivel up into a prune and fade away. Your body can come back to normal once your hormones recalibrate. And, if you go the direction of using all-natural supplements instead of steroids, you can still get a good effect.

The bottom line is, yes you will likely lose some mass. But the good news is, you can still maintain a sizeable amount of bulk and be a healthier, happier human being all round.

Do bodybuilders need to do PCT when stopping steroids?

In case you were unfamiliar with the process, bodybuilders who use steroids go through a period of time where they take various steroids, and then they get off of them for a period of time.

The taking phase is called a cycle, and it’s during this time frame that their hormones are going through the roof, but their body is no longer producing them naturally. Yes, this goes against the laws of mother nature, and that’s one of the main reasons why steroids are so detrimental to your health.

Now, when they come off the roids for a spell of time, they often do what’s called post-cycle therapy or PCT for short. This involves using various other drugs to slowly wean the steroids out of their system and to get their bodies to produce testosterone and growth hormone naturally again.

The article PCT Uncovered: Why is Post-Cycle Therapy Needed After Steroids? goes into more detail about this concept if you want to get a little more dialed in. But to cut a long story short, the sad reality is bodybuilders generally do need PCT with steroid withdrawal.

It just makes sense. They spent months – or maybe even years, forcing their bodies to produce higher amounts of hormones to gain an advantage in the weight room. Then to just stop cold turkey and expect things to go back to normal is a far stretch.

This is similar to gaining a bunch of weight over the years because your eating and lifestyle habits were atrocious, then expecting to get right back in shape after one or two workouts at the gym.

That’s called fantasy and it’s unrealistic. Well, the same can be said about using steroids and thinking you can snap right back to your healthy self before you started using them.

When is the right time to start taking legal alternatives?

As the saying goes, “there’s no time like the present.” If you do take steroids and want to go the healthier route, there’s seriously no time like right now to make that happen. And here’s what’s in it for you:

  • No side effects
  • No risk of being thrown in the poky
  • No erectile dysfunction
  • A feeling of achievement that you accomplished a great body without cheating

You can’t really ask for anything better than that.

And if you’re concerned about losing size, legal alternatives might just be able to bridge that gap for you. These are made with all-natural ingredients that come directly from mother nature. They can give you a similar effect to hardcore steroids, but without the negative effects.

Final words of wisdom

There is an entire bodybuilding world out there free of steroids. At the end of the day, just know that you have a lot of options at your fingertips that don’t put your mind and body at risk of health issues. But it’s really up to you to make the decision and ultimately the transition away from roids. - - | Best EU Online Steroid Shop - Buy Steroids

nedeľa 8. januára 2023

5 Dianabol Side Effects You’ll Want To Avoid | - -


5 Dianabol Side Effects You’ll Want To Avoid

The world of steroids is a dark, confusing place, and it can be hard to find reliable information about them. Blogs, forums, and people like your friend “Big Pete” down at the gym will tell you all kinds of bull. But the one thing these guys don’t talk about is the health-crippling side effects of steroids.

If you’ve been thinking about stocking up on some ‘roids, then you’ve probably already heard of Dianabol (or dbol as it’s known in the gym). The granddaddy of all anabolic steroids, it’s one of the most popular of all time. Dianabol is the brand name for methandrostenolone, a descendant of testosterone. Although it hasn’t been available legally in the US for over two decades, it’s still one of the most-used black market drugs.

It’ll come as no shock to you that Dianabol, like most steroids, can have some pretty crappy side effects.
Here are 5 reasons you should stay away from Dianabol:


Dianabol is an estrogenic drug. It’s common for users to suffer from the effects of gynecomastia, which is the growth of breast tissue in men. Gynecomastia can happen early on in the cycle, which – and I’m just guessing here – probably isn’t the effect you’re looking for from a steroid. It can affect either one breast or both, depending how your body responds. And the more Dianabol you take, the quicker it can occur.


It’s safe to say that one of the reasons most people take anabolic steroids is to improve the way they look. However, Dianabol can actually cause a lot of water retention, which means you could end up looking like a bloated mess. This is due to subcutaneous fat and water building up under the skin, and it’ll ruin any muscle definition you may have gained from the drug in the first place. Not ideal, is it?


Taking ‘roids to look good? Too bad. If something seems too good to be true, then it usually is. In addition to estrogenic effects, Dianabol brings about very noticeable androgenic side effects, meaning it’s very likely to give you oily skin and acne. And these side effects won’t just disappear if you stop taking the drug. It will take time to leave your system, so you’ll be stuck looking like a pimply teenager for a long time after you’re off the ‘bol.


As Dianabol is a descendant of testosterone, it can increase some male characteristics. This includes excess body and facial hair, and I’m not talking about luscious long beards and beautiful locks. It can cause hair growth all over the body in both men and women, with effects ranging from a hairy face in females to a hairy back in males. You just can’t predict what’s going to happen. So, if you don’t fancy looking like King Kong, you may want to hold off on Dianabol.


This is the most serious side effect: Dianabol can be very dangerous. Oral Dianabol is C-17 alpha alkylated, a term that refers to the synthetic alteration of oral steroids. In a nutshell, this means it prevents Dianabol from breaking down and deactivating in the liver, allowing the full drug to enter your bloodstream instead. But because the drug is so potent, getting the full whammy like this is extremely toxic and can lead to severe liver damage and in some rare cases, liver cancer.


These are just five of the reasons why you should avoid Dianabol. There’s loads more. Dianabol is so popular because it does exactly what it says on the tin: it gives you massive gains. But while it has the power to transform your body, it also has the power to literally destroy it.

Don’t juggle with your health. It’s really not worth the risk. - - | Best EU Online Steroid Shop - Buy Steroids

nedeľa 1. januára 2023

What Are The Best Steroids for Weight Loss? | - -


What Are The Best Steroids for Weight Loss?

  • Can steroids be used for weight loss?
  • What are the benefits of using steroids for weight loss?
  • 3 weight loss steroids
  • Side effects of steroids
  • What are the best options for females?
  • Conclusion and recommendation

Can steroids be used for weight loss?

You might think that steroids are only good for helping you to build up muscle during a bulking cycle. However, the clever thing about steroids – if you want to risk calling them ‘clever’ – is that they do have to potential to burn belly fat.

In fact, steroids are often utilized during cutting cycles to help protect lean muscle mass and increase fat burn (by reducing stored body fat) – leaving you looking lean, cut and defined.

And should you choose to stack them? Well… with the right combo, you can turbocharge your fat loss and achieve a ripped body in as little as 30 days.

NOTE: women should NEVER stack steroids. Not unless they want to develop facial hair, deeper voices and experience balding (due to its high androgenic effects). The best weight loss steroids for females are Anvarol, Winsol and Clenbutrol, although these should still be used on their own during cutting. 

What are the benefits of using steroids for weight loss?

The theory behind this is not that unrealistic. Yes, anabolic steroids are primarily used to help you build up more muscle. However, this is only achieved by increasing the amount of fat your body burns. And the less body fat you have, the lighter you will be – bingo.

Yet this is not the only benefit you can experience from using steroids to shift those excess pounds:

  1. Steroids can boost the presence of red blood cells in your body, ensuring your organs receive extra oxygen and nutrients. This combination can help to not only improve your energy and stamina, but also your strength. And this is important, as the more weight you are able to lift, the more calories you’ll burn. And the more calories you burn, the more weight you’ll lose.
  2. Some steroids can boost water weight loss – which is perfect if you stsuffer from water retention.
  3. Steroids can increase your rate of metabolism, encouraging a higher rate of fat loss.
  4. Some steroids encourage belly fat loss – something even non-gym goers/ regular-Joe’s will love – as no one wants a wobbly belly.

Now, you might think that the biggest benefactors for this type of weight loss are bodybuilders who are trying to cut. And it’s true – the fact that these steroids can protect the muscles you’ve acquired during bulking means you can confidently enter into a calorie deficient, burn fat and walk away with lean, rock hard abs.

Yet they are not the only individuals who can benefit…

In fact, steroids could arguably help ANYONE to lose weight.

Admittedly, not all dieters will want to build muscle whilst losing weight. However, where this extra lean muscle mass goes is entirely up to YOU.

Think about it…

There is a reason why you see so many bodybuilders with thick upper arms and stick thin legs! They have spent so much time bulking their arms, but they’ve skipped/forgotten about their leg days. And this lack of exercise shows! Namely, in the appearance of unattractive twiglet legs that look incapable of carrying their bodies. Ridiculous!

However, it doesn’t have to be this way…

Depending on your body type and workout regimen, with the right steroid combo it is possible to control the distribution of this muscle, avoid gaining bodybuilder type muscles – and achieve an athletically slim, lean frame that isn’t overly muscled.

Even more importantly, do it right and you can benefit from a significant amount of fat/weight loss in a matter of weeks.

3 weight loss steroids

Whilst you might now be thinking – ‘can’t all steroids encourage weight loss?’ The truth is, the title for the ‘best steroid for weight loss’ belongs to the following three:


Also known as Oxandrolone, this ‘mild-mannered’ steroid is suitable for both men and women.

Admittedly, it has got a high anabolic rating – so you would think that it is better for bulking – however, the truth is, it can produce promising cutting results. This is because this same heightened anabolic activity can protect your body from muscle loss, whilst still allowing you to lose weight.

But that is not all:

  • It can impede stress hormones which are renowned for encouraging increased fat build and sabotaging lean muscle tissues.
  • As a dry steroid it can boost water weight loss.
  • It can raise your metabolism which is great for improving your fat burning capabilities.
  • It encourages belly fat loss – studies have found that compared to testosterone and other natural weight loss techniques; Anavar can cause a greater increase in subcutaneous and visceral abdominal fat. In fact, it is considered to be the best steroid for losing belly fat!
  • It can boost the presence of red blood cells in your body, ensuring extra oxygen and nutrients are delivered straight to your muscles. This helps to enhance your stamina and endurance, and ultimately your strength (and the more you can lift, the more calories you will burn).
  • It is considered to be the safest weight loss steroid on the market as it helps to reduce thyroid-binding globulin, whilst raising thyroxine-binding prealbumin.
  • It can help you to lose weight without causing muscle loss.
  • Anavar can inhibit glucocorticoid hormone (like Cortisol) which is responsible for encouraging body fat.

And the results from this steroid are subtle, meaning you can use this steroid for weight loss, and won’t look excessively muscular. Instead, it can help you to achieve a toned, athletic appearance and a body that is covered in lean muscle.


Commonly known as Stanozolol, this steroid is great for promoting weight loss AND muscle gain. By increasing nitrogen retention and protein synthesis; together they can help you to build muscle as well as protect it once you’ve finished bulking/enter a cutting cycle.

In addition to building muscle, Winstrol can also:

  • Raise your metabolic rate – as your muscle mass increases, this will cause your metabolism to rise and burn fat faster.
  • Encourage more free testosterone to circulate around your body and create extra protein for muscle development – and as your muscles grow, so will your strength, resulting in increased calorie burn, fat and weight loss.
  • Spur the loss of extra water weight i.e. water retention – this ensures your body isn’t carrying any unnecessary weight.
  • Encourage rock hard, lean muscles.
  • Preserve bone mass (which is great for patients with osteoporosis) enabling you to heal faster from bone fractures.
  • Studies have shown Winstrol to be a helpful addition for those struggling with hormone related obesity (when used as part of a treatment plan).
  • Be used by men AND women – for women they can use it to maintain lean muscle tissue and benefit from greater fat loss.

Winstrol has the added advantage of being good for both bulking and cutting. However, thanks to its ability to boost weight loss whilst protecting your muscles, we feel its strengths lie more with dealing with calorie deficient.


Of the three steroids in this collection, Clenbuterol differs from the rest because technically it isn’t a steroid. Yep, that’s right – it’s not a real steroid.

The truth is, this little performance enhancer is actually a stimulant and potent thermogenic fat burner that works by triggering thermogenesis (increasing your body’s core temperature). As your inner temperature rises, this helps to boost your metabolism leading to successful weight and body fat loss.

Clenbuterol is also a beta-2 agonist, meaning it is designed to encourage the breakdown of fat cells to be used for fuel. And this is good news for your body as this combination of a faster metabolism with a greater amount of fuel (to use), will enable you to burn fat quicker.

But, that is not all. Clenbuterol can also:

  • Suppress your appetite – this allows you to curb calories and stop you from eating too much.
  • Utilize its stimulant potentials to give you an added energy boost – this will help you to work out harder and achieve maximum weight loss.
  • Produce rapid results – combined with a proper diet and physical exercise, you can witness a significant drop in body fat, fast.
  • Preserve lean muscle mass.

Side effects of steroids

Now whilst each of these may claim to cause minimal to no side effects, the truth is – they aren’t completely innocent.

Sure, they aren’t as bad as some of the other anabolic steroids on the market. However, taken in too high of a dose and they CAN cause the following:

  • Acne
  • Hair loss
  • Abnormal body hair growth (more common in women)
  • Joint pain (Winstrol)
  • Increased bad cholesterol levels/falls in good cholesterol
  • Liver damage (hepatotoxic) – NOTE: all of the above are tablets; however, you can also buy them as injections which usually makes them less toxic to your liver. This isn’t true of Winstrol. Its tablets and injections are made the same way, meaning they will both irritate/damage your liver.
  • Unless combined with PCT, they can hold back natural testosterone production (leading to testosterone suppression)

Now, given that Clenbuterol isn’t actually a steroid, you would hope that its side effects were fewer. Sadly, this isn’t the case. Clenbuterol has been known to cause the following adverse reactions:

  • Insomnia/disturbed sleep
  • Excessive sweating
  • Headaches
  • Tremors
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea
  • Anxiety
  • Erratic heartbeats
  • High blood pressure
  • Suppresses taurine and electrolytes

Are there any legal steroids for weight loss?

Now we would NEVER recommend the use of steroids because the fact is – steroids are illegal. What you can see online isn’t legit and in most cases has been made on the black market.

But this doesn’t mean there aren’t legal steroid alternatives for each of the above. You just need to know where to look.

What are the best options for females – Should women use steroids for weight loss?

As a rule, women should avoid steroids like the plague as most can cause virilization e.g. the appearance of facial hair, voice drops and patterned baldness.

This is even truer if women are wanting to use steroids to lose weight, as steroids are basically based around male sex hormones i.e. they imitate testosterone. This means the risk of developing man-like features is even greater.

And what woman wants to experience breast reduction, irregular menstrual cycles, excessive facial and body hair, clitoral enlargement and a deeper voice? None!

Even if their goal isn’t just to lose weight, but also build up lean muscle mass; we doubt there are any who’d want to endure any of the above side effects. No thanks.

Yet, not all hope is lost…

All three of the above ‘steroid’ supplements can safely and legally be used by women to lose weight.

But what are the best weight loss steroids for females?

Of the three, we have to say Anavar. Not only is it the mildest steroid of the bunch, its side effects are the smallest, and it is the best at burning belly fat – which let’s face it is the bane of every woman’s life.

Conclusion and recommendation

The truth is, once you get past the glitz and glamor, steroids are illegal. ILLEGAL.
This means that despite their promising ability to: boost weight and fat loss, increase strength, and encourage lean muscle mass gains, energy, calorie burn and stamina – when you strip all of this away; what you are really exposing your body to is an illegal product that has probably been created from low quality ingredients that can’t even fulfil these claims.
Even the ones above – Anavar, Clenbuterol and Winstrol – aren’t free of side effects. From excess body hair, acne and balding, to headaches, nausea and tremors (to name a few)… when faced with these potential risks, why put your body through them? Why – when there are safer, legal and more natural alternatives to choose from?

And that is the point, isn’t it? Why place your body in danger, when there are other ways to achieve the results you want?

Now don’t get us wrong. Of all the steroids out there, Anavar, Clenbuterol and Winstrol are the best steroids for weight loss. Not only are they safer for women to use (as they are milder), but legitimate versions can encourage lean muscle mass gains; increased strength, and improved fat burn, weight loss and metabolic rate.

However, given that they are illegal, the likelihood is – what you’re receiving is a poor imitation that is ripe with hidden ingredients and more horrendous side effects. - - | Best EU Online Steroid Shop - Buy Steroids