nedeľa 28. januára 2024

What is Best? Protein Whey vs Soy! | - -

What is Best? Protein Whey vs Soy!

There are many types of protein powders. Everyone has advantages and disadvantages. The two most common are soy protein and whey protein. Discuss between soy and whey protein and which is better to use before, during, and after weight training. So, let’s take a look at protein whey vs soy:

Protein Whey vs Soy Comparison

Protein Whey vs Soy Comparison

Soy protein has less ability to produce ammonia. Ammonia is a major cause of muscle fatigue. For this reason, soy protein is best used before and during exercise. Soy protein also contains phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are thought to help with heart health and prevent osteoporosis.

When soy protein is digested, it promotes rapid muscle synthesis. It provides a high concentration of BCAAs that the body easily converts to energy. Soy protein helps build muscle. This, however, might not be the best protein choice. Soy protein is in the middle of the pack when it comes to muscle protein synthesis.

Possible Harms of Soy Protein

While soy protein has many benefits, there are some concerns.

Soy protein contains phytates, also called antioxidants. These antinutrients also reduce the amounts of iron and zinc. However, phytates should not harm your health unless you eat a very unbalanced diet and are completely dependent on soy for iron and zinc.

An additional concern is that soybeans can impair thyroid function. Isoflavones in soy can interfere with the production of thyroid hormones and the amount of iodine through the thyroid. However, studies show that soy has little effect on thyroid function.

The Benefits of Whey Protein

Protein supplements have the highest biological value (BV) of all protein sources. BV classifies the availability of protein sources after digestion. Whey protein is the fastest absorbing protein. This makes it ideal for post-workout consumption. For over 50 years, whey protein has been considered the perfect protein supplement. It can surpass all other protein powders in building muscle. Whey protein is absorbed relatively quickly by the body after use. It is easy to digest and absorbs about 100% of whey protein.

Possible Harms of Whey Protein

The sixth important carbohydrate in protein is lactose. Lactase is the enzyme needed to digest lactose. Whey concentrate is the least processed form of whey and causes the most stomach upset. For those who suffer from lactose intolerance, converting to isolated or chlorinated hydrolysis can relieve gastrointestinal symptoms. Isolated and hydro isolates are better treated and more lactose is removed. This makes them more ideal and suitable for people with lactose intolerance. – – | Best EU Online Steroid Shop – Buy Steroids

pondelok 22. januára 2024

Most Important Supplements for Bodybuilding Muscle Growth | - -

 Most Important Supplements for Bodybuilding Muscle Growth

Supplements play an important role in the Health and Fitness industry. Supplements are compulsory for bodybuilding and healthier life. They enhance our health and fitness that’s why we should take properly balanced diet with proper supplements.

Some of the best supplements, you should take:

  • Multivitamins
  • Vitamin D
  • Protein Powder
  • Fish Oil
  • Greens Supplements

1. Multivitamins: Benefits and how much we should take?

The main purpose of taking multivitamins is to fill the nutritional gap. It provides the wide variety of healthful nutrients and chemicals which is naturally found in food. Here are the benefits of multivitamins…..

  1. Increasing energy level
  2. Stronger Bones
  3. Healthy skin
  4. Healthy Heart
  5. Improve stamina level
  6. Improve Moods
  7. Reduces stress and anxiety
  8. Improved short-term memory
  9. Maintained muscle strength

How much –

1/2 dose with breakfast and another 1/2 dose with another meal later in the day. It is even better, to split a full day’s dose across three or four servings. If you take a high-potency multivitamin on an empty stomach, be forewarned that it will not only reduce the absorption of  nutrients, but there’s also possibility that you’ll begin to feel nauseated within 30 minutes of taking the supplement.

2. Vitamin D: Benefits and how much we should take?

Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin. It is the most important and powerful nutrient for supporting the immune system.

Some of the food sources are:

  1. Salmon
  2. Mackerel
  3. Tuna
  4. Sardines
  5. Vitamin D is fortified like milk, orange juice, and cereals.

How much-

One should take 2,000-4,000 IUs with breakfast and again with another meal later in the day. Is a fat-soluble vitamin, so taking it on its own isn’t likely to be as effective? And if you take a vitamin D supplement, then it would be better to walk in sunshine too.

3. Protein Powder: Benefits and how much we should take?

Protein Powder is the main source of bodybuilding and shaping. It is compulsory for all the individuals who spend lot of time for workouts.

Basically protein powders help in body repairs and grow muscle. It also improves insulin sensitivity and blood glucose control, supports healthy blood pressure and inflammatory response, reduces age- or inactivity-induced losses in muscle and strength, and is critical for a robust immune system. Also, protein increases calories burn and reduces hunger more than either carbohydrates or fat.

If you get your protein then must include these:

Dairy products, egg, chicken or other animal sources, vegetables (soy, rice, pumpkin, hemp, etc.), fish, algae-like spirulina— the list goes on and on.

However, I believe that the WHEY protein is one of the best supplements for protein. Here below is the guidance for taking Whey protein in our daily workout life:

Whey Protein (How much)

Consuming at least 25 grams of Whey per serving(at least once) but possibly multiple times per day. It helps reduce appetite and lower blood glucose response to a meal, drink a WHEY Shake at least 30 minutes before eating a meal. It is around exercise, there’s no wrong or conclusively right time to consume whey: pre-, intra-, or post-workout. Its potential benefit depends upon other factors. Consuming whey around the time of your workouts can amplify the positive effects of your training.

4. Fish Oil: Benefits and how much we should take?

Omega 3 with fish oil is the name of the capsule that you should take for enhancing skin and muscle growth. Benefits of taking Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplements:

  1. May support heart health
  2. May help treat certain mental health conditions
  3. May support eye health
  4. May reduce inflammation
  5. May support healthy skin
  6. May support pregnancy and early life
  7. May reduce liver fat
  8. May improve symptoms of depression
  9. May improve attention and hyperactivity in children
  10. May help prevent symptoms of mental decline
  11. May improve asthma symptoms and allergy risk
  12. May improve bone health May improve bone health.

How much

World Health Organization recommends a daily intake of 1.1–1.6 grams (1,100–1,600 mg) of omega-3 fatty acids. It may be necessary to increase the dosage if you are pregnant, nursing, or at risk of heart disease.

5. Greens Supplements: Benefits and how much we should take?

Very first you should consider yourself someone who eats healthy; obviously, it can be tough to get all the veggies and fruits you need.

Basically these green powders are supplements made from greens, vegetables, seaweed, proboscis, digestive enzymes, and more.

It may boost immunity and reduce chronic disease risk, but results may vary based on ingredients.

Some of the healthy greens foods, you should add to your diet:

  1. Cruciferous greens (kale, collards, Swiss chard)
  2. Fresh green herbs (dill, parsley, basil)
  3. Living greens (moong beans, broccoli, and sunflower sprouts)
  4. Spicy greens (arugula and mustards)
  5. Asparagus
  6. Green pods (snap peas, snow peas, and garden peas)
  7. Avocado.
  8. Green apples and kiwi
  9. The green powders (chlorella, spirulina, and barley grass)
  10. Green juices

How much

It is suggested to take two tablespoons (10 grams) of greens powder daily. It prevents damages to blood proteins like enzymes; also it decreases both systolic and diastolic blood pressure by about 8%. – – | Best EU Online Steroid Shop – Buy Steroids

utorok 16. januára 2024

What Do Bodybuilders Eat to Stay Healthy and Fit? | - -

 What Do Bodybuilders Eat to Stay Healthy and Fit?

Whether you’re looking for a simple diet plan to lose weight or the best fat diets for building muscle, here are some things to keep in mind: You will feel better before and after. Exercise to increase energy and muscle development. But it doesn’t matter how you approach such details, “What should I eat?” The most important answers. And “How much should I eat?” Let’s take a look at what do bodybuilders eat.

Shopping List for Bodybuilding Basics


Protein (Powdered Form), white of an egg, a whole egg (including yolk), some white meat, a bit of white fish, some Greek yogurt.


Brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, potatoes, oats, and whole-wheat pasta, bread, muesli, and wrap


Tropical fruits, berries, green/fibrous vegetables, beans.


Olive oil, Coconut oil, nuts/seeds

4 pillars of bodybuilding diet

It is important to listen to your body and give it the fuel it needs to meet your training goals. Healthy eating produces the best results when you combine it with a dynamic training plan.

Use these four pillars of nutrition as a guide to help guide you along the way.

Eat all day:

Yes, you can gain or lose muscle by eating three meals a day. However, for many of us it is more effective to have several small meals and healthy snacks throughout the day to give your body energy and keep your blood sugar levels under control as your metabolism adjusts to the stimulus of the exercise.

Limit Processed Foods:

Eliminating high-calorie, low-nutrient foods from your diet and life can keep your meal plan consistent with your meal plan. If you are like most people, you will find that your workout feels better, your desires decrease, and you will see the difference in the mirror!

Stay hydrated:

Drink water and non-calorie drinks to keep your body functioning. Avoid sugary drinks that sabotage your body’s immune system. Do you like sweet drinks? A low-calorie blend of branched-chain amino acids can be life-saving.

Strategy your carb intake:

Carbohydrates come in two forms: starchy, fast-acting options such as rice, bread and pasta that raise blood sugar rapidly. And starchy carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which are high in fiber and slowly raise blood sugar. Non-starchy carbohydrates should be the backbone of your carbohydrate intake. When you eat starchy carbohydrates is the key to maintaining and maintaining a lean and muscular body. They are best before or immediately after exercise when you can use them for fuel or to replenish muscle glycogen.

Hence, this wraps up our guide. We hope you now have a pretty good idea of what do bodybuilders eat. – – | Best EU Online Steroid Shop – Buy Steroids

utorok 9. januára 2024

How to lose belly fat while building muscles? | - -

 How to lose belly fat while building muscles?

Is it possible to add muscles while burning belly fat? Online posts about fitness and bodybuilding are geared toward men and say they need to bulk up if they want to enhance their muscular tissue.

But a huge of mens and women have no desire to determine the scale to go up while raising the lean mass. It is suggested to fuel your body with sufficient calories from carbs, proteins, and fats if you want to grow your muscles.

You must also perform a mixture of resistance training with high cardio intensity to improve the results. In this article, we will tell you about the many effective techniques that help you burn fat while building muscles. Let’s start first with the basic technique.

1. Eat enough calories

If you want to build your muscles while burning fat, then it is suggested to consume enough calories. You have to eat moderate calories to add to the muscles while releasing or burning the fat from storage.

Remember that you are not on a diet. You have to try to raise the muscular tissue while burning stored belly fat. All you need to have is maintain the proper balance between the calories and the macronutrients to fuel the fat and build the muscles.

2. Push protein consumption

If you consume plenty of proteins, then it will help to protect your muscular tissues from breakdown. This is because when amino acids exist in your body system, it automatically senses that it does not require breaking down the muscular tissue to harvest them.

So never avoid consuming the proteins. On the contrary, increasing the number of proteins daily is suggested. It will also positively impact your muscular tissue body, similar to the calories.

3. Focus on muscle gain, not on fat loss

It is unsuitable for muscular gain if you spend your time on endless circuit training. Rather than it, it is suggested to must focus on integrated compound movements, such as deadlifts, presses, squats, and rows. These type of moves permits you to lift the weight and stimulate the total muscular mass possible, and this is the reason why this technique is the foundation of every workout.

You have to focus on increasing the weight when you have the time to aim for the 5-8 reps per set. You can also opt for the higher rep training, but it will be challenging for you to complete with the 15-20 reps. Incorporating the combination of resistance training along with repetition training is considered the best method to gain the muscles.

4. Utilize cardio to burn fat

Join a long session of cardio is a major mistake made by people while burning belly fat. This is work for burning calories, but it can also turn into a caloric deficit where your body starts to burn the muscle tissue over the burning fat.

Rather than it, if you want to aim for the combo of muscles and leanness, then it is suggested to get high-intensity interval training as the primary form of cardio. It has been determined that this training helps you to preserve the muscular mass and increase the fat by using the fuel.

5. Cut the carbs

It is suggested to consume most carbs two hours before and right after the workout if they benefit and suit your body. The remaining carbohydrates whole in the day should have come from the high-fiber vegetables. It will help you to keep the energy and work to stave off hunger.

It is suggested that the first start to aim with the 1.5 grams of carbs on every pound of body weight in the day. The amount of exercise you do during the day also impacts this. If there are non-training days, you should consider dropping the carbs to 0.75 to 1.0 grams per pound.

6. Consume healthy food

Every gram of fat will increase every pound of body weight. Ensure that you consume a variety of sources to get the many benefits by consuming the several types of healthy fats they offer.


This article covers all the details related to the techniques that help you to burn belly fat, even if you are building muscles. However, the above six techniques are really beneficial for you if you burn your fat without any effects on your muscles.

Following all the above techniques is suggested if you also want to do the same. Was this article beneficial for you? Never forget to share your feedbacks, on what you learn from this article. – – | Best EU Online Steroid Shop – Buy Steroids

pondelok 1. januára 2024

Benefits of doing push-ups | - -

 Benefits of doing push-ups

Pushups are one of the most common and easy versatile workouts which are highly effective in not only reducing those extra pounds but also for building the coordination between our muscles and skills. This wonder exercise has a plethora of health benefits. All you need is just a clean floor to put your palms and toes and balance your weight for pushing the body against gravity.

A common misconception is that pushups benefit only the upper arms and the chest. However, when done correctly, pushups benefit all the muscles in your body. Let’s check some of the amazing benefits of doing push-ups every day.

Benefits of Push-ups

1. Enhances cardiovascular health

Doing regular pushups enhances your cardiovascular health as the exercise pumps an adequate amount of blood and oxygen throughout the body. This keeps your heart strong and reduces the risk of any cardiovascular problems, including cardiac arrests and heart failure.

2. Improves bones and joints

Push-ups are weight-bearing exercises and help to build bone density. Hence, the benefits of this exercise can be seen in the joints and muscles of the various body parts.

3. Helps to build a good body posture

Push-ups focus on your back muscles and help in building a better posture with a strong core.If the pushup exercise is executed correctly, it toughens the muscles responsible for supporting your posture. This helps in developing balance in the body and improves your posture.

4. Build body muscles

The more you do pushups, the more the release and production of the growth hormones. This helps in improving muscle growth and makes them stronger. The exercise also benefits strong and dense bones while reducing the chances of osteoporosis. Check here: Best Exercises for Lower Chest

5. Improves sensory organs

Push-up exercise helps in proprioception which is the sense of knowing the correct position of our body while performing some activities. While doing pushups, these sensory neurons keep sending information to either contract or relax. This helps the nerves to make quick decisions and balance our bodies in certain difficult situations.

6. Reduces the risk of lower back injuries

Push-ups affect your entire structure and stabilize your body movements. This helps in reducing pressure on your lower back which prevents and reduces the risk of lower back injuries.

7. Increases height

Pushups benefit your muscles and affect the entire body. The continuous motions help in cartilage formation and stimulate musculoskeletal activities. This helps in increasing height.

8. Helps women in reducing weight

Women benefit from push-up exerciseas it increases muscle mass, helps in faster metabolism, and burns calories. However, a lot of factors like age, gender, height, and body mass play an important role.

9. Improves sexual wellbeing in males

Hormonal imbalance is common with age. Men go through low levels of testosterone, which is important in shaping their body, building muscle mass, improving their performance, and improving sexual health. Push-ups is the finest way toorganically improve testosterone levelamong men.


Start with light pushups and once you have mastered them, you may gradually increase the intensity. Doing it correctly everyday is the best way to attain maximum benefits from this wonderful exercise. – – | Best EU Online Steroid Shop – Buy Steroids