štvrtok 28. novembra 2019

All what do you need about DNP - 2,4 Dinitrophenol | Steroids4U.eu

All what do you need about DNP - 2,4 Dinitrophenol | Steroids4U.eu

All informations below has only informative character and is freely available on the internet.

WARNING: Toxic substance ! We don't recommend using it orally !!! Please don't eat it, it's dangerous !! DNP can kill you ! Only on your own responsibility. Only for research, chemical and pesticide use. Only for research purposes and require appropriate facilities in order to purchase.

     This substance is extremely dangerous !


IUPAC name: 2,4-Dinitrophenol
Molecular formula: C6H4N2O5.
Molar Mass: 184.106
Density: 1.683 g/cm³
Melting Point:108 °C, 381 K, 226 °F
Boiling Point: 113 °C, 386 K, 235 °F
Acidity: 4.114

What is DNP?

For purposes of this article we will stick to the physiological application of DNP. If I had to describe DNP in one word…poison. DNP prevents normal chemical reactions at the cellular level. It impedes the normal function of cellular metabolism.

Where did DNP Come from?

The US Army categorizes DNP as a potential insensitive munitions compound because it was used to ignite TNT in the early 1900’s. DNP was found to have other properties that made it useful for making dyes, wood preservatives, photographic developer, and pesticides. DNP is highly toxic, and people working with or around the substance can develop side effects like weight loss, high fever, and death. The weight loss aspect prompted studies regarding the effects of DNP on metabolism.

How does DNP work?

DNP makes changes in our metabolism. Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions in our bodies that keep us alive. Our bodies metabolize nutrients to provide us with energy. Oxidation involves the transfer of electrons between atoms (or molecules) and releases energy. The formal name for this process is oxidative phosphorylation. When our body breaks down nutrients and absorbs then into our cells, one of the functions of the cell’s mitochondria is to produce chemical energy called ATP. In order to create ATP, mitochondria capture and use the energy released from oxidative phosphorylation.

DNP is known as a mitochondrial uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation. In other words, DNP encapsulates and moves protons (ions) across cell membranes, preventing mitochondria from “processing” nutrient molecules, capturing energy via the exchange of electrons, and converting that energy to ATP. The energy released from DNP action is converted into heat energy. Without ATP to provide energy, our bodies look to alternative sources like fat reserves. The overall result is an increase in the metabolic rate by a factor of 30% to 50%.

You might wonder why the body does not use muscle as well as fat as an energy source (catabolism). One of the reasons lies with HSPs (Heat Shock Proteins). HSPs are known to maintain the shape and function of cellular proteins and promote muscle growth. HSPs go to work under circumstances where the body temperature increases, ATP is scarce, and free radicals are present. DNP does all of these things. Although some catabolism is likely to occur with DNP present, it follows that exercise combined with the release of HSPs result in the protection of muscle cells and promotion of protein synthesis.

How is DNP Dangerous?
  1. DNP can kill you. We discussed how DNP converts the energy from food into heat energy, which increases body temperature. Unfortunately there is no limit to how high your body temperature can get while on DNP, so it can literally “cook” you.
  2. DNP can cause fever, stroke, nephritis, tachycardia, respiration problems, coma, and peripheral neuritis.
  3. DNP is a cumulative poison, meaning that it builds up in your system every day that you take it. It takes 3 weeks to evacuate your system and by the time you have a problem, it can be too late.
  4. DNP causes cataracts in 1 out of every 1,000 people.
  5. 10% of users develop and allergic reaction that includes hives, blisters, and rashes.
  6. Without ATP cells start to die.
  7. Free radicals cause cancer.
  8. The EPA, NTP, ASTDR, and WHO all categorize DNP as a category 1 toxic chemical.
  9. We do not really know how much cellular damage DNP causes.

What are the benefits of DNP?
  1. Fat loss
  2. Anabolic rebound – After a DNP cycle the body is in a highly anabolic state.
  3. T3 reduction – If you happen to be running DNP right after an AAS
  4. cycle, the DNP can reduce the excessive T3 production that causes much of the
  5. catabolic type muscle loss post cycle.

Note: DNP can lower T3 to below optimal levels, so in some cases it may be necessary to start taking small doses of T3.

How should I take DNP?

I have a conservative stance on when to use DNP, how much to use, and how long to use it. 

Some people argue that DNP should be used on cycle so as to protect muscle. My contention is that DNP makes you feel like crap, and it can detract from lifting at your best while on cycle. If I am on cycle I want to be lifting hard and I do not want to worry about energy levels or heat stroke.

Other people argue that DNP should be used well after PCT. My only concern would be low energy levels and possible T3 issues. These concerns are manageable via things like ECA stacks and T3 supplementation.

My most preferred time to run DNP is when I start PCT. I still have energy and strength from my cycle and I avoid the whole catabolic post cycle phase. In addition, I have a nice little anabolic rebound at the end of my DNP run and I get to see the results from all my hard work on gear.

DNP is cumulative and it takes three weeks to clear your system. Do not BUMP up your dose because you think you can handle more. Do not use drugs or drink alcohol.

Please note that you do not need to “feel” DNP for it to be working. People have different tolerance levels, even for poisons. You can only get so much DNP into your system (before you die), so you can choose to take a higher dose short cycle or lower dose long cycle. Regardless, by the end of the cycle you will feel the heat and toxicity.

Low Dose Long Cycle

Start with a dose of 200mg per day [100 mg every morning / 100 mg
every evening]. Run it for two or three weeks. 

Day 1 – 14: 200 mg ED
Day 15 – 21: 200 mg ED*

*Experienced users may choose to run the cycle for an additional week.

Total DNP consumption for long cycle: (2,800 to 4,200 mg)

High Dose Short Cycle

Start with a dose of 200 mg per day [100 mg every morning / 100 mg
every evening]. Within 2 to 4 days you should know if you have an allergy.

Day 1 – 4: 200 mg ED
Day 5 – 9: 400 mg ED
Day 10 – 11: 400 mg ED*

*Experienced users may choose to go above the max recommended daily dose of 400 mg
and run the cycle for an additional couple of days.

Total DNP consumption for short cycle: (2,800 to 4,000 mg)

What are common sides to DNP?
  • Discomfort and sweating
  • Insomnia
  • Yellow bodily fluids
  • Muscle Soreness
  • Allergic Reactions
  • Carbohydrate Cravings
  • Vomiting (a good sign that you should stop)

What food and supplements should I take while on a DNP cycle?

You may lose your senses of taste and smell so this is a good time to teach yourself how to eat without using condiments and all the other crap you dont need.
  • Water - One or two gallons a day. Dehydration is the leading cause of DNP problems, including death.
  • Fruit - Glycogen will be depleated. Fructose is good.
  • Protein - Diet should be heavy on protein.
  • Fiber - DNP can be rough so you may want to regulate (pun intended).
  • Complex Carbs - Carbs will make you hot. You should try to time your carb intake so that you are not eating carbs before workouts or before sleep.
  • Multi vitamin - You are likely to be on a rescticted diet and you will need to supplement.
  • Antioxidants - To stop the free radicals
  • Electolytes - V8 is good.
  • Melatonin - If necessary, to help you sleep.
  • ECA stack - If necessary, to boost your energy levels.
DNP for Dummies:

DNP has some painful results, so do not jump for DNP out of curiosity, or without the needed will power to OPERATE this responsibly. So here are my experienced guidelines to using it the RIGHT way.

Dosing. Use ONLY (200mg for men) and (100mg for women) a day for the first four days. Who cares that you don't "feel" anything yet and you wanna BUMP it up. DNP accumulates in the body, and not "feeling" something means NOTHING. It's there, and it's working (the effect on metabolism begins within two hours of the first dose!). Four days will let you test your tolerance: do you have an allergy? Does it give you a rash? etc.

Only after those four days do you BUMP it up, by 200mg a day. The average dose is 400-600/ day, and more than that gets a little severe. A full gram is the highest dose anyone use. Stay around 600 a day, which is HOT but safe and effective. Take caps even hours apart through the day, ending about 4-5 PM.

How to eat on DNP. This is purely personal experience, because some guys like to carb-deplete *before* using DNP (then eat carbs as usual while on), and other guys like a low-carb approach throughout. Both are fine. Using DNP is the only time that fructose is a desireable cutting carb, because it keeps the liver replentished. That reduces lethargy and spares muscle.

Be aware that eating high-carb foods WILL increase the heat sensation within an hour, and last about 2 hours. That means don't eat carbs before bed unless you want those night sweats to be even WORSE. SOME GUYS ate whatever they wanted! IHOP, chinese, fajitas...Yes, it burned hot, but u will still be able to loose 1.5 pounds every 2 days. Keep protein HIGH for muscles' sake, and try it yourself (on your own risk).

Suggested food:
Blueberry yogurt. Blueberries are excellent antioxidants, and yogurt cultures help with digestive function, gas, and stool consistency (disgustingly soft stools are common during DNP).
Oregano-based foods. Oregano is perhaps one of the most potent antioxidants around, and one spoonful counts as a vegetable serving. Pineapple - I've found that pineapple helps alleviate those "DNP Blues". The fructose helps, and pineapple enzymes aid in protein digestion.

Oatmeal - high-fiber foods are necessary. You'll find out why around, oh, day 5 or so. Trust that.

Suggested supplements with DNP:
ECA - DNP is not a stimulant. To keep energy high and aid in fat loss, use an ECA. Some advisors suggest that regular ephedrine is preferable to norephedrine because of the more direct "hit" of energy.
Prohormones - perfectly fine on DNP. Just to help keep strength and muscle up, and it worked fine. No problems here. You won't GROW muscle on DNP, but it'll help with strength and protection.
Obvious stuff - multivitamin, ZMA, etc.
A pre-workout mixture with low-carb, so it won't cause carb-heat in the middle of your workout.

Antioxidants - and why to use them:
- Alpha Lipoic Acid - aids in fat management and blood sugar, and an excellent antioxidant.
- Grape seed extract
- Green Tea
- Fruit antioxidants
- Trimethylglyceine - antioxidant, helps move fat and blood lipids into the liver and out of the body. 500mg, 2-4x day.
- Vitamins E and C (multivatamin tabs are good as well)

Supplements NOT to use:
Any medications that suppress energy. No allergy meds, antidepressants, muscle relaxers, or beta blockers. DNP will have you low as it is; don't worsen your body's energy by taking something that suppresses you further.
DRUGS - NO alcohol (not even "moderate"), NO ecstasy, NO GHB, etc. If you don't have the willpower to forget these habits, DNP is not for you.

Working out on DNP. Keep lifting short, 30-40 minutes. DNP works very well, causing your body to use 150% of the calories per action you'd normally use. That means DON'T try to repeat your usual workouts. Drop to moderate weights, 8-12 reps, not to failure, and with plenty of walking rest between sets. You are NOT going to grow muscle on DNP, so don't use your usual heavy routine. Since DNP can cause light-headedness and heat dizzyness, you have my permission to skip squats in favor of leg presses this time.

Cardio is a controversial one. (ADVICE) - do NOT do cardio on high doses of DNP (600mg or more). It's dangerous and counterproductive. Below that amount, some cardio is fine, but keep it to 20 minutes and not at full-gallop. Remember, DNP will drain water from your body quickly, causing you to leech out minerals, vitamins, and salts. Don't overdo it.

During exercise, consume at least 1 liter of water per 30 minutes of work, whether you're thirsty or not. DNP is evil in the way it blunts thirst, while at the same time doing the cruel trick of bloating your body with water WHILE dehydrating you from water in your organs. MAKE yourself drink. Always folllow DNP exercise with antioxidants, carbs, and this is a good time to use your multivitamin.

Don't feel embarrassed about poor workouts. Listen to your body, and let it tell you when enough's enough; don't gauge workouts by what you *usually* can do otherwise.

This product will Burn fat, lose weight, reduce fat, boost metabolism, lose fat, lose weight and Accelerate your metabolism safely.
Where Can I buy DNP?
For more informations contact us.

utorok 26. novembra 2019

Genetics and its influence on muscle growth and weight loss | Steroids4U.eu

Genetics and its influence on muscle growth and weight loss

You started exercising, you take it seriously, but the expected progress is not coming. You pay attention to the technique of doing exercises, everything is thought through, and your diet is honest. So what's the problem? Is there insufficient progress caused by your genetics?

Our genetic information is organized in chromosomes. Man has 46 chromosomes, 23 from each parent. Think of them as a book with thousands of information about our body. Genetics determines the parameters of our body. However, we often cannot imagine the famous and elaborated bodybuilders at the beginning of their careers. Maybe some of you will say that they have already been born with muscles. However, no one is born as a “superhero”. Or yes?

In 2009, a group of scientists sought to calculate the likelihood of a human being who had all the beneficial genes for strength - all the prerequisites to becoming a born strongman. The result was very interesting. With a population of 6 billion people on our planet, only 2 people could have 17 of the 22 beneficial genes. What does it mean? We are all born with some assumption to get our bodies in shape. After all, the “two lucky ones” from the study have only the potential for strength. It does not mean that they will develop it in life.

Each of us has a body in something different. Muscle growth is influenced by the type of striated muscle fibers, fat distribution, hormone levels, as well as the quality and duration of our workouts. In this article, you will learn more about the factors that influence progress in your exercise. We cannot change the types of striated muscle tissue, hormone levels, or fat distribution. However, we can learn more about them and use our new information to improve our training.

genetics and fat loss  

How does the brain communicate with our muscles?

Muscle tissue is organized into a group with a motor unit. The motor unit is simply a bundle of muscle fibers. The reason why muscle tissue is organized this way is simple - communication. What happens in your body when, for example, you want to raise your hand? Your brain sends a signal through the spine that gets into the motor unit.

What types of cross-striated muscle tissue do we know?

Let's focus on the striated muscles that we can control and that we can do sports. You may not have known that this tissue can be divided into several types.

There are three types of striated muscle tissue:

              1. Type I - slow-twitch

              2. Type II - fast-twitch

                          1.Type IIA

                          2.Type IIB

Type I - "red" tissue - has a higher density and number of capillaries. It is rich in myoglobin and mitochondria, which is why it is red in color. Muscle contraction occurs more slowly, even without much effort. Type I handles aerobic activity well because it uses fats and carbohydrates as its energy source.

Type II - (fast-oxidizing) tissue - less tissue and less mitochondria are found in this tissue. Muscle contraction is rapid and with a large dose of strength. The tissue is strong, but does not last long. This type of power ensures our strength and when exercising with weights there is an increase in these muscles. Type II has two subtypes - IIA and IIB.

The brain knows how much and which tissue it needs for a certain activity. Based on this, it sends signals to specific motor units. Waving your hand requires less muscle than holding a 10 kg bag home from shopping. To exert greater force, the brain must send a signal to sufficient motor units of fast-oxidizing muscles (Type II).    

The tissue types I and II differ fundamentally. The differences between sub-types IIA and IIB are not significant, but it is good to know them. The IIA and IIB subtypes are capable of achieving the same peak performance in terms of value. However, the Type IIA needs more time to do this.

How does genetics affect this process?

Muscles in our body are a combination of muscle types I and II. The type I and type II ratio is genetically determined.

What does it mean? Imagine you are practicing your triceps. After a while you see the result, but your friend has achieved the same result in less time. It does not mean that he practiced more or technically better. His triple shoulder arm has a higher ratio of type II tissues.

What type of character were you born with?

The character type is a very common reason why people refuse to exercise. “I don't have a character to exercise. I could be at the fitness center every day, and I wouldn't take anything in months in the process. ”Do you think these are evasive words? It doesn't have to be true.

Do we get the character genetically? Are there specific types of characters?

Yes and yes.

Already in ancient Greece, people thought about the possibility that there are types of human body. Plato dealt with it. In the 19th century, Frederick Nietzsche also pursued this idea. However, it was precisely determined by American psychologist William Sheldon. He defined three somatotypes of a human figure:


1. Ectomorph - looks poor, has long limbs. Its rapid metabolism can convert sugars into energy very quickly. This, of course, results in ectomorph having a problem of gaining muscle mass. It does not have muscle type II (rapidly oxidizing) developed sufficiently. However, this does not mean that it cannot increase strength. Can ectomorph gain muscle mass? It's not impossible. To increase body weight, however, he has to eat much more than other body types. Even after successful weight gain, their calves and forearms may still look poor.

2. Mesomorph - does not look poor, but not rounded. It has wide shoulders, narrow waist, small joints. The figure is located between the ectomorph and the endomorph. His character is "naturally athletic" or muscular, even without a daily fitness visit. However, this does not mean that mesomorph does not need to exercise and can eat anything. It is true that this type of character can get back into shape more quickly. Easier weight gain and also lose excess fat.

3.Endomorph - shorter limbs, broad hips and rib cage. The largest of somatotypes. They gain body weight quickly, but with a lot of fat. Their body stores energy in the muscles and fats in the lower body. It is very difficult for them to keep their fitness and weight in norm. Like previous somatotypes, the endomorph can be fit. It can excel in higher weight for easy weight gain. However, if it stops keeping in shape, the road to fitness will be very difficult.


How do I find out which type of character fits on me?

One of the most used ways to find out is the Heath-Carter method. Using this method it is possible to determine the somatotype of your character. It measures the shape and composition of your body. The result is a three-digit number, each number designating endomorphic, mesomorphic and ectomorphic elements. The element values range from 1 (low) to 7 (high). A worksheet with values is used for the elaboration. From the finite number we can then determine if our character is more endomorphic (eg 6-2-2), mesomorphic (eg 3-5-2), or ectomorphic (eg 3-3-5). From the result, you can also determine which sport you fit more with the character.

What causes someone to be born as an ectomorph and other than an endomorph?
The most important genetically congenital features that influence the character's somatotype are:

Physical features - height, length, width, muscle mass, adipose tissue
Personality traits - emotionality, sociability
Sexual orientation
Mental disorders

Fat distribution and genetics
"I will gain weight even if I drink a glass of water." Each of us takes fat into different parts and in different amounts. Do you think a person can have total control of fat distribution? This is not entirely true.

Fat distribution in our body is influenced by four basic factors:

Genes - According to a 2017 study, nearly 50% of the fat distribution in our body is affected by genetics.
Gender - women gain weight in other parts of the body (hips and buttocks) than men (abdomen). In addition, the female body contains 14 to 31% fat, while the male body contains 6 to 24%.
Age - slower metabolism and loss of muscle mass results in older people having more fat in their bodies.
Hormones - hormone levels and weight interact, especially after the age of 40. This is due to the natural loss of estrogen and testosterone.

Is the amount of fat also recorded in our DNA?

The fact that the amount of fat in our body affects our DNA is confirmed by the 2007 discovery. As a result, some variation of the FTO gene was associated with excessive body fat, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.

However, this discovery cannot be taken as a "overweight judgment." Just because you have this variant of the FTO gene does not mean that you will surely suffer from obesity. Rather, the variant causes a susceptibility to obesity. Research carried out on schoolchildren in Scotland shows a link between higher-weight children and a variant of the FTO gene. Tests showed that the FTO variant did not cause slow metabolism. The problem was the amount of high-calorie food.

If you are not careful about your diet and sufficient exercise, the FTO gene will be responsible for your weight gain. There is no need to worry about excessive weight gain in a balanced diet and sport activity.

It's not fat like fat

It should not be forgotten that fat is beneficial in our body. It depends on the amount of fat and its type. Our body contains three types of fat:

Subcutaneous - located directly under the skin and on the muscle surface. It accounts for 90% of our fat repository. We can change its amount.
Visceral - fat that envelops our organs, such as the liver. It cannot be felt or caught. However, its lack or surplus may cause health problems.
Brown - the type of fat that keeps our body temperature. It occurs in the area of ​​the shoulders and back.

What about hormones and genetics?

Hormones are very important for muscle growth. Some directly and some only indirectly. Testosterone, growth hormone and insulin-like growth hormone are responsible for muscle strength and growth. Cortisol, adrenaline, norepinephrine and glucagon provide fuel (glucose).

The level of testosterone in a man's body changes over the course of life. In addition, two men of the same age may not have exactly the same testosterone level. However, in 2011, researchers found that low testosterone levels may be due to genetic predisposition. The genetic variants of SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin) and the 10th chromosome are associated with low testosterone levels. Its low levels can cause cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and others. However, why every man does not have the same testosterone level is a mystery to scientists so far.

ektomorf, mezomorf a endomorf

No less important hormone for muscle growth is growth hormone. However, it also affects the growth of the child. Its deficit is unusual, affecting 1 in 5,000 people. The fact that you will probably gain fat more easily in old age must not be a reason for resignation. The more we know about our body, metabolism, or genes, the better we can direct our organism towards a healthy path.

All the combinations of information in our DNA make us original. Most important of all, however, is potential. Knowing your somatotype is very helpful because it affects our training and diet plan. Still, whatever the proportion of cross-striated tissue types, motivation is more important. Genetics seems relentless, but the result is up to you. Remember, our body needs fat but the right amount. The rest is about renunciation, hard work and self-control.

nedeľa 24. novembra 2019

7 most common mistakes you make in weight loss | Steroids4U.eu

7 most common mistakes you make in weight loss

It's been a few weeks since you have been exercising and eating well, but you still can't see the results. You nervously control weight, count calories, but change isn't happening. We understand you, weight loss is a really demanding and lengthy process. Therefore, avoid the most common mistakes you may have when losing excess kilograms. Read our 7 tips to find the cause of your failure and finally reach your fitness goal.

1. Forget about hydration

Lifestyle change is mostly referred to as diet. People focus on eating, but they often forget about getting enough water. Insufficient hydration reduces the amount of fluid in the stomach, which is subsequently mistaken for hunger. Thus, the feeling of hunger can be caused by thirst in the absence of water. Therefore, if you are hungry, try to drink water first, wait 20 minutes and see if your hunger was not just a thirst.

A 2014 research showed that drinking water before meals also reduces appetite. Researchers drank 0.5 liters of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a result, they experienced weight loss, body fat and appetite.

Choose appropriate fluids

Don't you forget that not all drinks are calorie-free? Many of them have a natural carbohydrate content or are supplemented with added sugar. Therefore, the amount of carbohydrates and sugars should always be checked on the label to know how much “unnecessary calories” you will receive.

This also applies, for example, to 100% fruit juices that many people tend to drink in the morning. 100% juice is a good source of vitamins and other nutrients, but it also contains sugar and is therefore not low-calorie.

Looking at apple juice compared to a cola-type sweet drink, the results are really surprising. Apple juice has 9.6 g of sugar per 100 ml and cola drink only 9 g of sugar. These values can be found in the table.

Excessive drinking of juice can, as with sweetened drinks, lead to weight problems. Of course, juice is not a junk drink. However, it is important to reduce sugar intake during weight loss, so you should not overdo it even with 100% fruit juices.

Beware of alcohol

You don't sweeten coffee and tea, drink calories, but in the evening you like a glass of beer or wine. Are you still wondering why you won't lose weight? Alcohol does contain a lot of calories, for example, big beer has 180 calories and a glass of red wine around 140 calories. Imagine drinking 4 glasses of beer on Saturday night. You don't even know how and you've received 720 extra calories. So be careful about how much alcohol you take, or consider not removing it completely from your diet.

2. You eat fast

A hectic time and a number of responsibilities reduce people's time to eat. We have been in a hurry since morning and we have no time to dine in the evening. Too fast eating is not only unpleasant, but it also harms our health.

With fast consumption your body will not be able to send a signal to the brain that you are starting to feel satiated. The brain needs information from the stomach, as well as instructions from hormones that partially digested food already travels through the digestive tract. These processes usually take 15 to 20 minutes.

A study in Japan examined three groups of people for 5 years. The subjects ate fast, at normal pace and slowly. 11.6% of people who ate fast had a predisposition to developed metabolic syndrome. The results in the other groups were significantly lower. People who ate at normal pace had a predisposition of 6.5% and those who ate only 2.3%.

Metabolic syndrome is not the disease itself, but a group of risk factors that lead to the disease. These include obesity, high blood pressure, increased levels of “bad” fats and blood sugar. The occurrence of one of the above mentioned factors can be considered as this syndrome. Combining multiple options further increases the risk of other diseases. However, the positive thing is that you can get the metabolic syndrome under control. However, this requires a sharp change in lifestyle.

Workload and a quick way of life are the reason we eat fast and stop eating. Consumption at normal pace is not only time to enjoy food, but also an opportunity to prevent serious illnesses. Start eating at the table and without stress or time pressure.


3. Sleep for less than 6 hours

A person cannot function fully if he or she does not get enough sleep. Our body needs time to regenerate. You may be surprised, but sleep is also affected by weight loss, through the hormones leptin and grelin. Leptin is a "satiety hormone" and grelin can be called a "hunger hormone". In the absence of sleep, our leptin levels drop and our body produces more grelin. As a result, we feel hungry.

Research from 2019 looked at the effects of sleep on weight loss. The aim was to measure the decrease in waist circumference during sleep. The sample consisted of two groups, participants in the first group slept for less than 6 hours and people in the second group slept for 7 to 9 hours. The research results were unambiguous. Lack of sleep affects the amount of fat we burn at night.

Research has also shown a link between sleep deprivation and food choice. The study revealed that people with a lack of sleep eat more often at night and choose a meal with a higher carbohydrate content. Another study explains the choice of meals based on the fat content. Participants suffering from sleep deprivation chose meals with twice as much fat as participants sleeping for at least 8 hours.

4. You have removed the fats from the diet

Fat is generally considered to be an undesirable substance from which one simply gains weight. However, there are several types of fats. Some of them are healthy and our body needs them to function properly, so you cannot avoid them in your diet. In the human body, fats are a nutrient that supplies energy, with 1 gram of fat containing 9 calories. Our body needs them for the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K. Fats are divided into two basic types - saturated and unsaturated. In the diet we usually accept both species, but in different proportions.

Saturated fats

They can be recognized by their solid state at room temperature. A high intake of these fats increases the level of “bad” cholesterol, causing a risk of heart disease. The term saturated is used because all fat molecules are saturated with hydrogen atoms. Saturated fats can be found in:

animal products - meat, milk and cheese
tropical oils - palm oil, coconut oil, coconut butter

Tropical oils can be found in many products. In particular, palm oil is an ingredient in a variety of delicacies and foods. Saturated fats are also found in food prepared on butter or margarine, such as desserts and cakes.

Unsaturated fats

Unlike saturated fats, unsaturated fats are not solid at room temperature. They come mainly from vegetable oils, and are among the “good” fats that improve cholesterol levels in the body. They can be divided into two basic types:

monounsaturated fats - contain one double carbon bond and are found in olives, olive oil, nuts and avocados. Higher consumption of these fats, however, without decreasing the intake of saturated fats, will not cause a decrease in LDL cholesterol levels. Monounsaturated fats also include omega-9 fatty acids found in seed and vegetable oils.
polyunsaturated fats - this type of fat is very beneficial to health. They can be found, for example, in sesame, sunflower, soybean or corn oil. It is also the main type of fat in seafood and fish. Polyunsaturated fats include:
omega-3 fatty acids - reduce cholesterol and are beneficial in skin diseases, arthritis and joint pain. You can get them from fish like salmon, sardines, or trout. They are also found in soy and rapeseed oil, nuts, or flax seeds.
omega-6 fatty acids - have anti-inflammatory effects and are present in vegetable oils such as soybean or corn oil.

Trans fats

Trans fats are industrially prepared and are not found in nature. They are produced by a hydrogenation process by adding hydrogen to liquid vegetable oils to achieve a solid state at room temperature. The tastes with trans fats are firmer and have a crisper crust. It contains:

salad dressings
biscuits and various delicacies
processed food
cakes, pastries, pizza dough and chips

This type of fat is not beneficial to the body. Its consumption increases the level of “bad” LDL and decreases the level of “good” HDL cholesterol. The risk of heart disease is three times higher when consuming trans fats than other fats.

Only unsaturated fats are required for our body to function. Saturated and trans fats can cause serious illness by excessive consumption. You should control their income. When purchasing food, it is important to control the composition of the food and to differentiate the content of “good” and “bad” fats in the food.

5. Do not read food labels

Do you choose food according to its packaging or composition? Product labels should not be overlooked as they contain a list of ingredients and their quantity in the product. However, due to the distinctive inscriptions and slogans on the front, such as "healthy, natural, low-fat", we often forget to check the actual composition of the food. This is important because “healthy food” does not guarantee that this is a truly healthy product.
You might be surprised at how many foods have better advertising and packaging than the ingredients. Labels with the phrase “fat-free” can hide a high proportion of sugar, salt or calories. Therefore, it is always important to take the effort and read the detailed composition of the product on the back of the package.

Product content is important for all of us, but especially for people who are trying to lose weight. These are the most important components that you should notice:

carbohydrate content and added sugars - carbohydrates and sugars are not the same, because carbohydrates sometimes include starch and fiber. The sugars include natural, milk, fruit and also added sugars. It is this food ingredient that significantly increases caloric intake, so it is important to monitor how much of the carbohydrate is sugar.
Fats - As mentioned above, not every fat is good for health. It is advisable to note the total amount of fats and the proportion of saturated fats. Saturated fats lower the level of “good” HDL cholesterol in the body and are only suitable in small amounts.
fat content in meat - when buying meat and meat products it is necessary to observe the ratio of “clean” meat and fat. Low levels of animal fat are beneficial for the body, but excessive consumption of saturated fat carries some risks. It increases the level of “bad” cholesterol, leads to obesity and can cause cardiovascular diseases.

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6. You exercise too much

In order to speed up the weight loss process, many people exercise as much as possible, and therefore add series, exercises, and training days. However, you should be patient when losing weight. Suppose you have changed your eating habits and are holding a calorie deficit. Also, if you rapidly increase the number of workouts, you add an additional stressor to your body, causing you to become too tired and weak.

The 2015 study also points to better health of people who do yoga at a moderate level. Adequate cardio training can also improve the level of “good” HDL cholesterol, blood pressure, and triglycerides at appropriate intensity and length.

The opposite is the case with top athletes. According to the study, marathoners increase the risk of arterial plaque formation, which causes constriction and poor vascular patency. Endurance athletes in turn have a 5x greater risk of atrial fibrillation, a major risk factor for stroke.

Intensive and regular training is a way to prevent disease and keep the body in good shape. Too many workouts can weaken your body and trigger exactly the opposite reaction. Therefore, think that everything hurts a lot and rely on their quality and regularity rather than the quantity of training.

7. You don't consume enough protein

Sufficient protein intake is very important during weight change. The study pointed out that protein increases the feeling of satiety as it lowers the level of the hormone of hellin hunger. Proteins are also an essential building block of our muscles and provide muscle growth. Stronger muscles mean more power and energy to exercise, and therefore more energy to burn fat. 

More muscle is not the only reason why proteins help speed up the weight loss process. Higher protein doses accelerate metabolism. Our metabolism works 24/7 and thanks to the high intake we start to burn more, even while sleeping. According to the results of the studies, we can increase the number of calories burned by up to 80 - 260 calories. This is due to a phenomenon called the thermal effect of food. Our metabolism responds to food intake by increasing energy expenditure through processes such as digestion, nutrient absorption, or storage. Compared to other nutrients, protein has a stronger thermal effect of 20-30%, with carbohydrates at 5-10% and fat only 0-3%.