What is the right course of action if your goal is a fat-free muscular figure? Training and recommendations for cardio training in a short guide.
Anyone who starts sweating at dumbbells would probably want to have a body like the legendary Adonis. You probably already know very well that the path to such a result may be longer than it might seem at first glance. In addition, several key points need to be kept in mind when shaping a muscular figure. In this article, I will summarize what a fat-free muscular figure is and how to work on it. How to build more muscle mass, but with as little as possible to any unnecessary increase in your body fat.
The basis of building a muscular figure without fat is… the basis.
You can easily place this rule at the beginning of most of the known training goals. You want to have muscles, show yourself in good shape in the summer by the water, increase your self-confidence, impress your surroundings. Do you just feel a little better in your own body? You can't move forward without a basic scheme:
STIMULATION - training
FUEL - food and well-being
GROWTH - diet and regeneration
The muscles must receive (stimulating) training, otherwise you will not start any enlargement process in them. Training is a necessary basis for the growth of muscle mass, specifically the trigger. But in order for this to happen as it should be, your body must have optimal nutrition. Once you have stimulated your muscles with your training and you have a suitable daily intake of all macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats), you need to give your muscles a good rest. That means good sleep. Only then does muscle growth take place.
Which training should you choose focused primarily on muscle growth and fat burning?
There are several training options. You can achieve an increase in muscle mass with several variants of your training in the gym and outside it. However, you can't do without the strength base of training. In terms of strengthening, it is ideal to include in each training such exercises that involve more than one muscle part at a time (these are basic exercises, their combinations and alternatives - bench press, deadlift, squats - you can find more exercises with descriptions in our database of exercises).

You can choose the training variants yourself based on the recommendations. In general, however, it is not worth staying too long in any training system. You have to continuously stimulate your muscles with something new so that training for muscles does not become a routine. By changing the training plan from time to time, you can see more favorable results.
Here I will summarize three of my favorite fit / barbell (advanced) variations:
A) Muscle building training - Pressures, strokes, legs
With this style, you divide your exercise into when you do mainly pressure exercises, pull-up exercises or you focus only on the legs in a given training.
Benčpres– 5 series after 6 repetitions
Shoulder pressure (standing / sitting, with two-handed / with single arms) - 4 series of 8 repetitions
One-handed pressures on an inclined bench upwards - 4 series after 10 repetitions
Spreading on rollers - 5 series after 12 repetitions
Tightening with single arms - 5 series after 12 repetitions
French pressures - 4 series after 15 repetitions
Triceps compression of a pulley (rope / rod) - 4 series after 15 repetitions
Deadlift - 4 sets of 6 reps
Big dumbbell pulls in the forward bend - 4 series of 8 reps
Pulling the pulley from top to chest - 4 series after 10 repetitions
One-handed pull-outs in the forward bend - 3 series of 12 repetitions (each hand)
Biceps stroke - 4 series of 8 repetitions
Hammer stroke - 4 series after 12 repetitions
Squats - 5 series after 5 repetitions
Lifting the pelvis (half bridge) - 5 series after 8 repetitions
Romanian deadlift - 4 sets of 8 reps
Legpress - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Lunges with one arms in hands - 4 series of 8 repetitions (each leg)
Pre-digging - 4 series of 12 repetitions
Burial - 4 series of 12 repetitions
Extensions - 4 series after 12 repetitions
B) Training focused on building muscles - Breasts, back, legs
Most often, in the world of exercise, you can meet with a training layout, where you train three basic "big" muscle parts for three days, to which you add "small" muscle parts. This method can have many elements in common with the previous - pressures, strokes, legs.

Benčpres - 5 series of 6 to 10 repetitions
Lying in bed - 5 series after 6 to 10 repetitions
Pressures on a sloping bench - 6 series after 6 to 10 repetitions
Chest Pulleys - 6 sets of 10 to 12 reps
Bars - 5 series to failure
Pullover - 5 series of 10 to 12 repetitions
Failures - 6 series to failure
T-BAR barbell pulls - 5 series of 6 to 10 repetitions
Lower pulley pulls - 6 series of 6 to 10 repetitions
One-handed pull-outs - 6 series of 6 to 10 repetitions
Romanian deadlift - 6 sets after 15 repetitions
Squats - 6 sets of 8 to 12 reps
Legpress - 6 series of 8 to 12 repetitions
Pre-digging - 6 series after 12 to 15 repetitions
Burying - 6 series of 10 to 15 repetitions
Lunges with one arms in hands - 5 series of 15 repetitions (each leg)
Standing extensions - 10 series after 10 repetitions
Sittings in a sitting position - 8 series after 15 repetitions
Extensions - one leg with load - 6 series after 12 repetitions
C) Muscle building training - "Arnold"
It is a training program, which became popular under the description that this is how the legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger used to train most often in times of greatest glory. The "Arnold" technique is based on antagonistic training - the opposite muscles are mainly trained.
Benčpres - 4 series of 10 reps
One-handed pressures on an inclined bench upwards - 4 series after 10 repetitions
Pulover - 4 series of 10 reps
Over-bending bends - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Big dumbbell pulls in the forward bend - 4 series after 10 repetitions
Deadlift - 4 sets of 10 reps
Belly (various exercises) - 5 series of 25 repetitions
Overhead pressure with two rings - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Tightening with one arms - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Shoulder straps - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Biceps lift with two-handed standing - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Biceps stroke with single arms in a sitting position - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Narrow bench pressure - 4 series after 10 repetitions
Standing triceps stroke - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Abdomen - 5 series after 25 repetitions
Squats - 4 series of 10 reps
Lunges - 4 series of 10 reps (each leg)
Burial - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Romanian deadlift - 4 sets of 10 reps
"Good morning" - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Calf - 4 series of 10 reps
Abdomen - 5 series after 25 repetitions
Overall, it is definitely advisable not to overdo the frequency of your training. Since the muscles also need some rest days, you can ideally focus on the ratio:
3 training days (gym) + 2 days of rest
So you can practice 4 to 5 strength training in one week with this style. Between individual training cycles, regardless of the calendar, you will still observe the mentioned 2 days of rest.
During the exercise itself, your strength training would not have to exceed 60 minutes. Stimulate your body as much as possible for a limited time so that you do not sweat for too long and do not lose unnecessary calories by excess activity.
But you can easily set yourself up to want to design your plan exactly according to the calendar. In this case, 4 training days will suffice, the composition of which you can plan according to the following proposal:
Day 1 - back + biceps
Day 2 - chest + triceps
Day 3 - REST
Day 4 - thighs (front and back) + calves
Day 5 - shoulders + trapezoids + forearms (optional)
Day 6 - REST
Day 7 - REST
Keep moving forward. Training must constantly stimulate the muscles.
I mentioned above that your muscles need (ir) regular some form of new stress. Therefore, one of the options will be to increase the load you will use.
You certainly don't need to set a goal to lower the level of 100 kilograms on the bench after a month of exercise, especially if you have a problem with 50 kilograms today.
Remember that nothing motivates you to train better than the results.
Training truth verified by practice.
Meeting smaller, temporary goals will still motivate you to move forward and want more. This way, over time, you will feel that with your recent "maximum" you can suddenly easily do more repetitions. When this becomes a full-fledged series, don't be afraid to increase your weight.
Of course, you will inevitably get stronger over time, so the load you train with must also go up in time.
Should I just mess with dumbbells without unnecessary cardio or sweat on the bike at night?
The correct answer is that none of these options will be crucial for you in this case. While it may seem that cardio will only unnecessarily deprive you of heavily accumulated calories with a quality diet, you should not be completely without it.
Within one week, with a clear conscience, you can indulge in one - two days of cardio training. However, I am not writing about any overly tiring several-hour Mordor. From 30 to 60 minutes in medium (to higher) intensity, such cardio on the way to your goal will be rich enough. The muscles will still have enough nutrients and at the same time you will help a small amount to prevent the accumulation of unwanted fat.

For example, you don't have to defend yourself against some weekend basketball or football with your friends. It is also worth mentioning the relaxed run, when you will not run after the race times, but you will only move your body lightly for an hour.
You also don't have to forget that in this way you will also actively train not only the visible muscles, but also the most important one - your heart.
Your performance and figure is decided not only by training but especially by a quality and well-adjusted diet. Don't forget the fuel.
In order for everything described above to have a real effect on you, your body will need a sufficient intake of calories and especially proteins. Therefore, as a general rule, if you have the opportunity, you should not miss protein in any meal and your daily calorie intake should still be in a slight deficit.
Treat yourself to a full and quality sleep.
During the night, and thus the most important time when our body rests due to the effective destruction of muscles, it also comes to "repair" them. This ultimately means real muscle growth.
Not only does your body need to regenerate properly, but sleep also brings another scientifically based benefit. During it, the human body secretes the most growth hormone, which is, of course, appropriate when using muscle, as much as possible. Therefore, it is generally recommended to indulge in a deep and quality sleep at night for at least 6-7 hours. However, if you manage to adhere to, say, 8-9 hours of sleep a day, the better for you.
Look in the mirror. Training and observation is a means to improve you.
Record your progress. If you map your progress, say, every month, you will see for yourself whether everything is going according to your ideas. If you see a positive move forward, it will push you further in a good sign that you are doing everything right.
However, if you see failure, which in this case may mean minimal or unsatisfactory muscle growth and increased fat growth, go back to your progress after your own steps and check it. With such a simple self-analysis, you will keep an overview of everything that works for you and what you don't have to do for you. In this way, you can go back and start working more fully so that your results will come as soon as possible.