utorok 30. júna 2020

Where does the fat we lose when losing weight go? | Steroids4U.eu

Where does the fat we lose when losing weight go?

As you know, if you want to lose weight, you have to stop eating after 6:00 p.m. well, jokes aside! After all, everyone knows that it is a question of caloric intake and activity. But one thing is not a joke, on the contrary, it is a pure fact. If we try to lose weight, we lose fat. But have you ever wondered where all the fat we lose goes? Whether you have thought about it or it has only come to your mind now, read an interesting study that dealt with exactly how it is with this fat and where it travels.

The UNSW Science in Sydney team found out what happens to fat when we lose some pounds. It turned out that the theories of doctors were wrong. We cannot convert lost matter into heat or energy, we exhale it. The results, published in the British Medical Journal, show that 10 kg of fat is converted into 8.4 kg of carbon dioxide, which we exhale when we breathe, and 1.6 kg of water, which we excrete through urine, tears, then and other body fluids. "The correct answer is that we exhale most of the matter as carbon dioxide. It just goes up in the air, ”said research author R. Meerman.

He first became interested in biochemistry in weight loss after losing 15 kg and asking doctors where this lost weight was going, they couldn't tell him. After a survey of 150 doctors, dietitians and personal trainers, he found that more than half of them thought that fat had been converted into heat or energy. But as a physicist, Meerman knew it would be against the law of conservation of matter. To find out exactly how it all works, he worked with A. Brown, head of the UNSW School of Biomolecular Sciences, and began counting on the biomolecular reactions that led to weight loss. Excess carbohydrates, proteins are converted to triglycerides (compounds made from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen) and then stored in lipid droplets inside fat cells. If they lose weight, these triglycerides need to be broken down to gain access to carbon. The results showed that with a complete decomposition of 10 kg of human fat, we need to inhale 29 kg of oxygen. This reaction produces 28 kg of CO2 and 11 kg of water. "Our calculations show that the lungs are the primary excretory organ for fat," they say.

However, they could not figure out exactly what was happening to the fat cells in this reaction. After months of research, they discovered a formula published in a 1949 study that solved their problem - they found that oxygen atoms are shared between carbon and hydrogen in fat in a ratio of 2: 1 (forming carbon dioxide and water). This allowed them to come up with the final sum that 84 percent of the fat molecules are excreted as carbon dioxide and the remaining 16 percent will end up as water.

Unfortunately, this does not mean that we take several deep breaths and this will help us lose extra pounds. It is necessary to exercise, due to the reactions of carbon and the breakdown of fats.

“You can breathe a certain number of times during the day. During the days we rest, we breathe about 12 times a minute, so 17280 times a day, and each one takes 10 milligrams of carbon. That means you have a limit that says how much you will lose weight in one day without exercise, ”says Meerman.

The funny thing about it all is that according to the following video, we would not only lose fat when we breathe, but if we were a closed system, we would actually become trees. (I'm great!). In any case, a very interesting topic that we wanted to share with you.

nedeľa 28. júna 2020

Motivation and rationalization of the unavailable - we can do more than we think! | Steroids4U.eu

Motivation and rationalization of the unavailable - we can do more than we think!

The year was 1954, specifically on May 6 in Oxford, England. The runner named Roger Bannister managed a hitherto unseen piece - he ran 1 mile (1,609 meters) in 3 minutes and 59 seconds. During the previous nine years, the record was set at 4 minutes and 1 second, and exceeding the four-minute limit was widely considered unattainable worldwide. It was less than 3 years since the record was set by Roger Bannister, and immediately 13 people ran a mile in under four minutes. What has changed? Has there been an extreme progression of runners in those few years, has the problem been in something else?

Let's move a little closer to the present in time. In 2012, a group of trained cyclists was selected for observation, while they had to make the fastest possible time by using their maximum (all effort) on a stationary bicycle, where the track was set to a length of about 6.5 kilometers. Subsequently, in a short time, they were invited back, but one condition changed. They had to compete with the virtual "avatars" who represented their previous time. On average, every single cyclist improved by 1%. To make matters worse, this attempt was made for the third time, where they also competed with their avatar, but he was accelerated by a few hundredths without their knowledge. Again, cyclists were faster, but now by 1.7% than at their previous maximum. How is it possible? Tim Noakes, a sought-after professor of movement and sports science at the University of Cape Town, advocates that it is not the body but the brain that "slows us down" and determines when we will no longer rule. He argued that "fatigue is an emotion, a signal in the mind that helps ensure that exercise is performed within the body's ability. This emotion is influenced by many factors, such as motivation, anger, fear, memories of previous performance, self-confidence, and what the body tells the brain.… Our physical performance controls the brain, not limited by the heart, lungs, or muscles. ” Even though we all know what it is like, a piece of truth is ingrained in this sentence

As we all know, the hardest part is taking the first step - getting up off the couch at all and making a decision. It is also very helpful to use the visualization before performing the exercise, and actually any sports activity. And that is exactly what I come across in the article. Read our article on visualization and apply its principles in practice. Summer is approaching and many are stagnating, form is not and is not stoned, looking in the mirror is not global every day, but we all know that fitness is a way of life and even the transformation or improvement of form is a process that does not take a week or two. If you need to motivate yourself before each workout, who did it, who persevered! But you will achieve the greatest success by building discipline and habit, because the body works on an "autopilot" and performs a set of daily repetitive things, habits, without their awareness and perception. Speaking of motivation, it is a “psychological process that activates human behavior and gives it purpose and direction. It is an internal driving force that drives to meet unmet needs. The will to achieve something. ”So motivation is what makes you stand out of your ass and go after your dreams and desires, and you also need to use our head, in which there is a lot going on and the idea and visualization in sport really it is not just an empty word without real meaning, but a process confirmed by studies, which works and thanks to which everything goes better. However, we must not forget the essential deeds!

Spending a lifetime on genetics, indigestion, heavy bones is not only pathetic, but mostly stupid. What you should take from this article is that the statement if you can't add is not such a fabrication. "I will not be outworked!" - as Will Smith mentions in the legendary video - you may be more talented, more talented, but you simply can't beat me with the effort I make to achieve my goals. This is the right mentality to follow.

štvrtok 25. júna 2020

Not for nothing is sex considered excellent cardio. How many calories do we burn? | Steroids4U.eu

Not for nothing is sex considered excellent cardio. How many calories do we burn?

We have already written one comprehensive article about sex. We were interested in how it affects the muscles, our health and also how it affects exercise. We looked at quality and interesting research and came to a conclusion that will probably please most of you. In any case, we all know very well that the champion's breakfast does not have to be in the form of omelette, oatmeal and fruit, but many love sex. An activity that is compared to pleasant cardio. But what is the reality and how many calories do we burn compared to other types of cardio?

Let's start with a study whose subjects were young healthy couples having sex in their normal environment. Canadians, on average 22 years old. The mentioned energy expenditure during sexual activity reached 101 calories (4.2 kcal / min) for men and 69.1 calories (3.1 kcal / min) for women. Although this number seems suspicious to women, it is not. If you ask about the intensity, it was at the level of 6.0 METs in men and 5.6 METs in women, which is a slight intensity. MET is actually a metabolic equivalent, whose values ​​range from 0.9 (sleep) to 23 (running at a speed of 22.5 km / h). This is actually the value of metabolism at rest in the "average" person. During cardiac on the treadmill, men burned 276 calories (9.2kcal / min) at 8.5 METs and women 213 calories (7.1kcal / min) at 8.4 METs. Thus, the findings suggest an average value of approximately 85 calories (3.6kcal / min) at a moderate intensity of 5.8 METS. And for how long? This was not found in the research, or the value of 85 calories is within one average sexual activity ended by an orgasm on one, the other or on both sides.

Thus, men burn approximately 2.7 times more calories with a 30-minute cardio on a mild-intensity waist than with a single mild-intensity sexual activity. In women, it is about 3 times more calories. However, we need to get closer to an important thing - by increasing the intensity of sexual activity, we can fairly match the calories of boring running on the belt, so it is not for nothing that sex is considered excellent cardio.

Let's go back to the metabolic equivalent for a moment. If you are interested in approximate calculations, we will give some data or inputs. Very moderate activity = 1.1 - 2.9 METs. Moderate activity = 3.0 - 5.9 METs. Intense activity = 6.0 <METs. And more specifically? Here you will find a list with approximate values of various activities.

Formula: MET value x 3.5 x weight in kilograms ÷ 200 = calories burned per minute.

So thanks to this formula, you can calculate the approximate calories burned during any activity. And if you're more interested in the approximate calories burned during sex with your partner, you can try the so-called sexercise calculator here, which takes into account even some positions. A bit of a flight, but still quite relevant.

utorok 23. júna 2020

Orthorexia or when a healthy lifestyle slowly destroys and kills you | Steroids4U.eu

Orthorexia or when a healthy lifestyle slowly destroys and kills you

Do you know people around you who seem to think a little bit of that healthy diet? Maybe it's a more serious thing than you can even think. Ortho (direct, correct), rexia (appetite - appetite). So total orthorexia. One word that can cause multiple problems. Orthorexia is described as a pathological obsession with healthy food, which does not contain pesticides, herbicides, preservatives and artificial additives. It is a fear to eat anything that is not "clean", ie "clean", as has already become established in our country. Unlike anorexia, people here are not so much about losing weight, rather the view of food consumption and overall lifestyle is addressed. However, militant adherence to such a diet can have negative social impacts, and over time, various nutritional deficiencies can begin to develop leading to health problems. The stories and facts below are for thought, and when reading them, one does not understand where this whole "healthy eating" can lead someone.

To support this concept, we can cite a case study of a 28-year-old, 1.59 meter tall woman hospitalized for malnutrition (this is actually a kind of deviation from the normal state of nutrition, which arises due to lack of nutrient intake). Her weight? 27 kg. No, that's not a typo. At the age of 14, she had intense acne, which was not improved by any methods. So she went to an herbalist, who advised her to throw out all fats from her diet (really amazing advice…). At the age of 16, she restricted various types of food until she became a lacto-vegetarian from the age of 18. When she was 24, she also removed eggs and dairy products from her diet. Its weight was already around 43 kilograms. However, she still didn't like it until she became a raw vegan. Her menstrual cycle stopped, her condition gradually worsened, until she was finally hospitalized.

General practitioner Steven Bratman began using the term orthorexia in 1997 and added the suffix nervosa. Steven defines orthorexia as "fixation on proper eating". In addition, he adds that we can safely label some people as "healthy food addicts." Simply put, in some cases it transcends all boundaries and their obsession with healthy food can negatively affect other activities, interests, even relationships, and ultimately this condition can be physically dangerous, as anorexia or bulimia are considered. A study of a sample of 994 people concluded that orthorexia has pathological attitudes and may be subject to obsessive-compulsive symptoms. However, orthorexia is still being debated and some views are controversial. For example, Kummer et al., Who also dealt with orthorexia, stated that this was nothing directly scientifically substantiated, but rather mass media. Well, we'll look at that "fabrication" in the stories a little below. In this study, which had some limitations, they partially confirmed that orthorexia seems to be a common eating disorder and especially for women who think about a "healthy and right" diet on a daily basis. This can ultimately translate into eating disorders in general.

But it wasn't just Dr. Bratman, thanks to whom this concept got into the world. Jordan, a 25-year-old blogger, is also to blame. But she had no idea where it would take her. Jordan was a raw vegan who built her fan base of tens of thousands of people by praising a healthy lifestyle and vegan diet. She considered it a panacea and the best possible way to eat. She hoped it was the right way to deal with her frequent stomach problems. Together with such speeches and beautiful photos made of green smoothies from kale, spinach and chia seeds, she built a fan base and she succeeded. And when you have tens of thousands of followers, you know what happens, right? She was approached by a vegan company that offered her extremely expensive detox products for free. So Jordan started detoxifying at least three times a week. Whenever she finished the detox and ate a full (er, um ...) meal, her stomach problems returned and they always came back a little more uncomfortable. She thought detoxes were the way to go and should do them more regularly. She jumped on the carousel, which was detox, hungry, emotional eating, guilt, and detox again. Jordan still had her eyes closed, and instead of deviating from veganism and trying something else to get along with, she started throwing out other foods from her vegan diet that she didn't think were so healthy and anxious to eat.

Her fixation on only a few foods was already at such a stage that she told her followers one thing: "I suffer from orthorexia and need help." When other media got caught up in it, there was a real boom and Jordan talks about reports that numbered more than ten thousand.

Nutritional Therapist Dr. Karin Kratina has been specializing in the treatment of eating disorders for 30 years and says: “As a nutritional therapist, I see an exponential increase in patients with orthorexia. I have at least one person with these symptoms every week. This is a serious problem. I don't think it's bad to be a vegetarian or a vegan, but the problem is that people moralize eating, weight, food and exercise. "

Another blogger, vegan Ella, whose Instagram boasts more than a million followers, makes us all think that eating healthy will make us feel great. I would not be against this statement, because there is certainly such a connection, but at the same time there are people who take it all literally, inflate it 4 times and make a picture of the #eatclean hashtag over the bed. Beautiful rich color photos of a tasty spinach-cucumber-cabbage sheikh may look good on a monitor, but many fall into the trap of taking extreme restrictions on a healthy diet into a handful and food is the answer to everything. I mean, healthy food, of course. They are slaves to food, often emotionally and physically exhausted. They often live their lives only on social networks and try to convince themselves that two pieces of carrot with soy bread are such an amazing and healthy food. We all know what people are like. "And… but ... she also drinks and looks amazing", so they start drinking green smoothies, adding them to Instagram and the left half of the brain screams hungry, while the right half invents fit hashtags on Instagram.

Another nice sad example is Kaila. She suffered from orthorexia for 10 years, but no one really knew how to help her, and companies beat her up because she did not suffer from the symptoms of anorexia and something like orthorexia is not on the official list. Kaila ate so healthy and restrictive that she was very ill. And as a bonus, she lost her menstrual cycle. That would still be okay (no, it wasn't), but Kaila had to struggle with a few bouts of depression, and suicidal thoughts weren't foreign to her. After many years of suffering, he came to Dr. Bratman and discovered the concept of orthorexia. And that helped her. She found that they did not know the way here and that it was necessary to change her thinking and attitude towards diet.

A similar case happened in 2013. Another fan of a healthy lifestyle wanted to lose 5 pounds, discovered Paleo eating and hoped that this was the right way to help her lose weight and to draw the benefits written everywhere from this eating style. Help. Although she lost weight, Paleo's lifestyle suddenly transformed into an obsession with food and consumed only vegetables, coconut oil and lean meat. People who hadn't seen her for a long time began to compliment her on how great she looked. There were more compliments and she was literally dependent on them. She was afraid of any other food and began to argue when her roommates called her to China. "You're crazy, one Wonton soup won't kill you," they told her. "What they didn't know was that such a soup also contained a devil named wheat." Well, probably no one wanted to look for an exorcist, so she always refused similar invitations. Exhausted under the weight of her own madness, she had anxiety attacks and eventually went for treatment. The therapist diagnosed her with OCD, but she continued on a strict Paleo diet, compliments warmed her heart, and she had constant anxiety attacks.

You can see that the obsession with a healthy diet is here among us and many people suffer from it, whether they are men, but especially women. We are no longer surprised when in our Fitclan coaching we receive in the order in many cases an addendum that she has such and that health problem and we are also not surprised when she is surprised that we can incorporate almost anything into the diet, of course within the possibilities and goals . I think that some of your friends also suffer from orthorexia, because there are still a lot of people who don't go on a day trip with a party, because their bodybuilding tilapia on salt-free water with broccoli every 90 minutes takes precedence. People, at least understand the basics of nutrition and know that chicken and vegetables are not the only way. And correctly, the given sentence would be the only thing without that word. We are people and a healthy lifestyle should be something that makes us happy and not that we become stupid slaves of food.

nedeľa 21. júna 2020

How does little sleep affect your performance not only in fitness, learning or health? You will also find out how it is with sweet dozes during the day | Steroids4U.eu

How does little sleep affect your performance not only in fitness, learning or health? You will also find out how it is with sweet dozes during the day

I'll start with one beautiful, well-motivated quote: "While you're asleep, your opponent trains!". Uhm, good. Let's leave this to everyone who shares motivational images on Facebook 7 times a week, and they don't move a finger in a day. In today's article, we will look at the impact of sleep deficiency not only on our health, memory, learning, but above all on performance. Next we will find out what it is like with this afternoon nap and you will definitely get a lot of new and interesting information again.

Wound under the belt right at the beginning, because we must say that sports performance (such as speed, endurance), neurocognitive functions (attention, memory), physical health (illness, risk of injury or weight maintenance), all this has been shown to be negatively affected , if a person coughs to sleep and is really deficient, or otherwise restricts him in some way. This may not have discouraged people from reading further, but it is probably clear to every average intelligent person that when sleep is low, it will probably not be reflected in a positive way. Interestingly, however, many athletes still do not get enough sleep. Compared to non-athletes, they tend to sleep less (about 6.5 to 6.7 hours per night) and even have a lower quality of sleep. We can only wonder why this is so, but probably what training plans, times when they train, travel (jet-lag), pre-competitive anxiety and the like play a role.

Sleep Deficiency & Performance

There are several overlapping areas of performance that have been significantly negatively affected by sleep deficiency. We are talking, for example, about speed, endurance, strength, attention, executive functions (acting, thinking) or learning (for example, new movements).

Physical performance

The research was of a different nature. The two dealt with the performance and speed of a man on a treadmill throughout one night without sleep. In one, a shorter distance was covered, and in the other, the results were consistent in terms of degraded performance. Among other things, it has been shown that one night without sleep can mean that we do not rule a little earlier than we get used to and increases the consumption of oxygen during rest and also the rest production of carbon dioxide. During one test while cycling, they found an increase in heart rate and oxygen consumption, as well as higher lactate levels. Again on a single night without sleep. Even a slight reduction in sleep can adversely affect accuracy during sports performance. For example, in a study of tennis players who slept for less than 5 hours, they found that their stroke accuracy had dropped from 37% to 53% in the first night. Loss of accuracy has also been demonstrated in research on throwing darts after a night's sleep limited to 4-5 hours compared to full sleep. And let's have a basketball. They investigated the impact of increasing sleep time from an average of 6.6 to 8.5 hours per night. After five weeks, the subjects increased their speed by 5%, the accuracy of their throws by 9%, and the "threes" also threw 9.2% more accurately. Such benefits of increasing sleep time were also shown here (this time by 2 hours), again in tennis players, where their accuracy of administration improved by 5%. A summary of the research is as follows: "Sleep deficiency has a direct physiological effect, which is manifested by reduced speed, accuracy and endurance."

You ask, what about your benchpress, squats and other exercises? There is one good news and one bad news. The good news is that studies examining the power and performance of lifting dumbbells in conjunction with sleep deficiency show mixed results. The bad news is that some of the results were negative. Here, ten (yes, we know, few) weightlifters did not notice any significant difference in performance during one night without sleep, but the negative existed in the form of higher fatigue and drowsiness. In addition, they found that strength was not adversely affected in any way, also on one night without sleep. However, in another weightlifting study, they found that a three-day sleep deficit was associated with a lower volume of training work (fewer pounds) in the exercises where the largest muscle groups were involved. The studies were small and used a variety of strategies.

In general, it can be seen that the combination of little sleep = weaker performance is there. Already 4-5 hours of sleep compared to 7-8 hours (which is recommended for most adults), it can, or can negatively affect performance in several views, although purely in the activity of strengthening in lifting dumbbells, it is all sorts of things. Personally, I think it already plays a role in several factors in life (and the days around training) and while some are fine, others may be weaker. Either way, all research suggests that adequate sleep plays an extremely important role!

Neurocognitive performance - attention, executive functions (thinking about strategy, making decisions) and learning (new strategies, memory)

Attention turns out to be a highly individual issue, and one's sleep deficit can do far more harm than another. However, several conclusions agree that little sleep negatively affects the mentioned attention and even. In the executive functions of the study, they speak mostly the same language - little sleep negatively affects the athlete's ability to make quick decisions, read and change tactics, and respond to changes in the opponent's strategy. And while learning? Sufficiently long sleep enhances faster and higher performance in learned tasks that require physical realization, not to mention that it allows for a better sorting of learned information in the brain.

Sleep Deficiency & Health

Low sleep, poor performance, but great health? Unfortunately not. Numerous studies show a link between poor sleep and the risk of diabetes or cardiovascular disease, and unfortunately 40 years of research also suggest that low sleep has something to do with higher mortality.

Conclusions are accumulated that lack of sleep increases the risk of injury, resp. accidents. Mostly it's just correlations (for example, little sleep = higher accident rate, 1.7x higher possibility of injury during exercise, etc.), but in connection with the things we wrote about above, it is quite relevant and there will definitely be something to it. However, in addition to injuries, it is also prone to disease. In this study, participants monitored the length of their sleep and were given a dose of the "cold" virus, the classic cold. Those who slept less than 7 hours were three times more prone than those with a sleep time of 8 hours or more. Similar conclusions have been shown here. So if you do not want to have an increased risk of developing some pig that will trigger a volcano, cough and you will feel under the dog, you better sleep. Sleep also plays a role in the regulation of pain, but in this study they found a reduced pain threshold of 8% after one night without sleep, and there was a 5-10% increase in pain "size" on a full night without sleep or with disturbed sleep. This can be useful not only for various athletes, but also for ordinary people who go to the dentist, for example.

What about the nap during the day?

It must first be said that it is best if sleep is within the normal circadian rhythm, that is, at night. But fortunately, the potential of napes to increase performance in conditions where a person has limited sleep is here. But beware, a nap counts as a nap. Not like a three-hour nap! Namely, a longer nap (more than 30 minutes), on the other hand, is associated with poor performance after waking up, with such procrastination and shakiness, and also a nap in the later part of the day can have a negative effect on quality and proper sleep during the night. Therefore, a classic nap is recommended at the latest from three to five o'clock in the afternoon. In any case, as we mentioned - the effect of napping on physical performance may or may not be here. Unfortunately, there is little research and it is very small (although some have found a positive effect), so we will not dare say anything completely to the point. But for the sake of interest, we will mention a few of them. In one mini-study, they found that a 30-minute nap during a shorter night's sleep period helped improve alertness, attention, sprint time, along with other various variables, and showed a 20-minute nap in athletes. their physical performance before training. The summary of all research on the topic of nap tends to underline the benefits such as better vigilance, reaction time, accuracy, reduction of fatigue and the like. But let's be honest. If such trifles are collected, the performance is likely to be higher for many. Thus, napping can have a positive effect on exercise, but it is likely to be highly individual and will depend primarily on the type of exercise, the person's total day, the day before, and the size of the night's sleep deficit.

štvrtok 18. júna 2020

Muscular figure without fat. Which exercise to choose and what cardio is optimal for burning? | Steroids4U.eu

Muscular figure without fat. Which exercise to choose and what cardio is optimal for burning?

What is the right course of action if your goal is a fat-free muscular figure? Training and recommendations for cardio training in a short guide.

Anyone who starts sweating at dumbbells would probably want to have a body like the legendary Adonis. You probably already know very well that the path to such a result may be longer than it might seem at first glance. In addition, several key points need to be kept in mind when shaping a muscular figure. In this article, I will summarize what a fat-free muscular figure is and how to work on it. How to build more muscle mass, but with as little as possible to any unnecessary increase in your body fat.

The basis of building a muscular figure without fat is… the basis.

You can easily place this rule at the beginning of most of the known training goals. You want to have muscles, show yourself in good shape in the summer by the water, increase your self-confidence, impress your surroundings. Do you just feel a little better in your own body? You can't move forward without a basic scheme:

STIMULATION - training
FUEL - food and well-being
GROWTH - diet and regeneration
The muscles must receive (stimulating) training, otherwise you will not start any enlargement process in them. Training is a necessary basis for the growth of muscle mass, specifically the trigger. But in order for this to happen as it should be, your body must have optimal nutrition. Once you have stimulated your muscles with your training and you have a suitable daily intake of all macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats), you need to give your muscles a good rest. That means good sleep. Only then does muscle growth take place.

Which training should you choose focused primarily on muscle growth and fat burning?

There are several training options. You can achieve an increase in muscle mass with several variants of your training in the gym and outside it. However, you can't do without the strength base of training. In terms of strengthening, it is ideal to include in each training such exercises that involve more than one muscle part at a time (these are basic exercises, their combinations and alternatives - bench press, deadlift, squats - you can find more exercises with descriptions in our database of exercises).

You can choose the training variants yourself based on the recommendations. In general, however, it is not worth staying too long in any training system. You have to continuously stimulate your muscles with something new so that training for muscles does not become a routine. By changing the training plan from time to time, you can see more favorable results.

Here I will summarize three of my favorite fit / barbell (advanced) variations:

A) Muscle building training - Pressures, strokes, legs
With this style, you divide your exercise into when you do mainly pressure exercises, pull-up exercises or you focus only on the legs in a given training.


Benčpres– 5 series after 6 repetitions
Shoulder pressure (standing / sitting, with two-handed / with single arms) - 4 series of 8 repetitions
One-handed pressures on an inclined bench upwards - 4 series after 10 repetitions
Spreading on rollers - 5 series after 12 repetitions
Tightening with single arms - 5 series after 12 repetitions
French pressures - 4 series after 15 repetitions
Triceps compression of a pulley (rope / rod) - 4 series after 15 repetitions


Deadlift - 4 sets of 6 reps
Big dumbbell pulls in the forward bend - 4 series of 8 reps
Pulling the pulley from top to chest - 4 series after 10 repetitions
One-handed pull-outs in the forward bend - 3 series of 12 repetitions (each hand)
Biceps stroke - 4 series of 8 repetitions
Hammer stroke - 4 series after 12 repetitions


Squats - 5 series after 5 repetitions
Lifting the pelvis (half bridge) - 5 series after 8 repetitions
Romanian deadlift - 4 sets of 8 reps
Legpress - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Lunges with one arms in hands - 4 series of 8 repetitions (each leg)
Pre-digging - 4 series of 12 repetitions
Burial - 4 series of 12 repetitions
Extensions - 4 series after 12 repetitions

B) Training focused on building muscles - Breasts, back, legs
Most often, in the world of exercise, you can meet with a training layout, where you train three basic "big" muscle parts for three days, to which you add "small" muscle parts. This method can have many elements in common with the previous - pressures, strokes, legs.


Benčpres - 5 series of 6 to 10 repetitions
Lying in bed - 5 series after 6 to 10 repetitions
Pressures on a sloping bench - 6 series after 6 to 10 repetitions
Chest Pulleys - 6 sets of 10 to 12 reps
Bars - 5 series to failure
Pullover - 5 series of 10 to 12 repetitions

Failures - 6 series to failure
T-BAR barbell pulls - 5 series of 6 to 10 repetitions
Lower pulley pulls - 6 series of 6 to 10 repetitions
One-handed pull-outs - 6 series of 6 to 10 repetitions
Romanian deadlift - 6 sets after 15 repetitions


Squats - 6 sets of 8 to 12 reps
Legpress - 6 series of 8 to 12 repetitions
Pre-digging - 6 series after 12 to 15 repetitions
Burying - 6 series of 10 to 15 repetitions
Lunges with one arms in hands - 5 series of 15 repetitions (each leg)
Standing extensions - 10 series after 10 repetitions
Sittings in a sitting position - 8 series after 15 repetitions
Extensions - one leg with load - 6 series after 12 repetitions

C) Muscle building training - "Arnold"
It is a training program, which became popular under the description that this is how the legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger used to train most often in times of greatest glory. The "Arnold" technique is based on antagonistic training - the opposite muscles are mainly trained.


Benčpres - 4 series of 10 reps
One-handed pressures on an inclined bench upwards - 4 series after 10 repetitions
Pulover - 4 series of 10 reps
Over-bending bends - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Big dumbbell pulls in the forward bend - 4 series after 10 repetitions
Deadlift - 4 sets of 10 reps
Belly (various exercises) - 5 series of 25 repetitions


Overhead pressure with two rings - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Tightening with one arms - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Shoulder straps - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Biceps lift with two-handed standing - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Biceps stroke with single arms in a sitting position - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Narrow bench pressure - 4 series after 10 repetitions
Standing triceps stroke - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Abdomen - 5 series after 25 repetitions


Squats - 4 series of 10 reps
Lunges - 4 series of 10 reps (each leg)
Burial - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Romanian deadlift - 4 sets of 10 reps
"Good morning" - 4 series of 10 repetitions
Calf - 4 series of 10 reps
Abdomen - 5 series after 25 repetitions

Overall, it is definitely advisable not to overdo the frequency of your training. Since the muscles also need some rest days, you can ideally focus on the ratio:

3 training days (gym) + 2 days of rest

So you can practice 4 to 5 strength training in one week with this style. Between individual training cycles, regardless of the calendar, you will still observe the mentioned 2 days of rest.

During the exercise itself, your strength training would not have to exceed 60 minutes. Stimulate your body as much as possible for a limited time so that you do not sweat for too long and do not lose unnecessary calories by excess activity.

But you can easily set yourself up to want to design your plan exactly according to the calendar. In this case, 4 training days will suffice, the composition of which you can plan according to the following proposal:

Day 1 - back + biceps
Day 2 - chest + triceps
Day 3 - REST
Day 4 - thighs (front and back) + calves
Day 5 - shoulders + trapezoids + forearms (optional)
Day 6 - REST
Day 7 - REST

Keep moving forward. Training must constantly stimulate the muscles.

I mentioned above that your muscles need (ir) regular some form of new stress. Therefore, one of the options will be to increase the load you will use.

You certainly don't need to set a goal to lower the level of 100 kilograms on the bench after a month of exercise, especially if you have a problem with 50 kilograms today.

Remember that nothing motivates you to train better than the results.

Training truth verified by practice.
Meeting smaller, temporary goals will still motivate you to move forward and want more. This way, over time, you will feel that with your recent "maximum" you can suddenly easily do more repetitions. When this becomes a full-fledged series, don't be afraid to increase your weight.

Of course, you will inevitably get stronger over time, so the load you train with must also go up in time.

Should I just mess with dumbbells without unnecessary cardio or sweat on the bike at night?

The correct answer is that none of these options will be crucial for you in this case. While it may seem that cardio will only unnecessarily deprive you of heavily accumulated calories with a quality diet, you should not be completely without it.

Within one week, with a clear conscience, you can indulge in one - two days of cardio training. However, I am not writing about any overly tiring several-hour Mordor. From 30 to 60 minutes in medium (to higher) intensity, such cardio on the way to your goal will be rich enough. The muscles will still have enough nutrients and at the same time you will help a small amount to prevent the accumulation of unwanted fat.

For example, you don't have to defend yourself against some weekend basketball or football with your friends. It is also worth mentioning the relaxed run, when you will not run after the race times, but you will only move your body lightly for an hour.

You also don't have to forget that in this way you will also actively train not only the visible muscles, but also the most important one - your heart.

Your performance and figure is decided not only by training but especially by a quality and well-adjusted diet. Don't forget the fuel.

In order for everything described above to have a real effect on you, your body will need a sufficient intake of calories and especially proteins. Therefore, as a general rule, if you have the opportunity, you should not miss protein in any meal and your daily calorie intake should still be in a slight deficit.

Treat yourself to a full and quality sleep.
During the night, and thus the most important time when our body rests due to the effective destruction of muscles, it also comes to "repair" them. This ultimately means real muscle growth.

Not only does your body need to regenerate properly, but sleep also brings another scientifically based benefit. During it, the human body secretes the most growth hormone, which is, of course, appropriate when using muscle, as much as possible. Therefore, it is generally recommended to indulge in a deep and quality sleep at night for at least 6-7 hours. However, if you manage to adhere to, say, 8-9 hours of sleep a day, the better for you.

Look in the mirror. Training and observation is a means to improve you.
Record your progress. If you map your progress, say, every month, you will see for yourself whether everything is going according to your ideas. If you see a positive move forward, it will push you further in a good sign that you are doing everything right.

However, if you see failure, which in this case may mean minimal or unsatisfactory muscle growth and increased fat growth, go back to your progress after your own steps and check it. With such a simple self-analysis, you will keep an overview of everything that works for you and what you don't have to do for you. In this way, you can go back and start working more fully so that your results will come as soon as possible.

utorok 16. júna 2020

Does it make sense to take a pre-workout? We evaluated their effect and (in) active substances | Steroids4U.eu

Does it make sense to take a pre-workout? We evaluated their effect and (in) active substances

We used to write an article about pre-workout stimulants, but interesting research has been added, so it is necessary to dig through the topic so that the information is as up-to-date as possible. Does the kicker / pump make sense? What substances do pre-workouts usually contain? Are some effective? What about dosing and what did the research find out where the men took the pre-workout for 4 weeks?

Pre-workout stimulants are designed to help us with strength, energy, concentration, pumping and performance. They usually cost around 20-40 € and will last you an average of 25 workouts. If you have a lack of sleep, little energy, you are killed by school or work, or it's just not your day, they should turn a (below) average workout into a great workout. Theoretically.

But mostly they work:

as a placebo - you know when young shuhs take a pre-workout with beta-alanine, this substance makes their ears itch (by the way, this state of itching is called parastesis and has nothing to do with exercise, it's just a side effect alanine) and they think how terribly trampled they are and imagine dream training
thanks to caffeine - it has real effects on performance, which we wrote a beautiful article about here. In that case, however, it would make more sense to buy cheap caffeine pills and not spend tens of euros
on the principle of a kind of routine - you turn on the music, you start to prepare things, you drink the pre-workout and gradually you simply tune in to the training and it's just your ritual that will tune you mentally and prepare you to lift the iron
otherwise - more in today's article
We have good news. Some substances in pre-workouts really make sense (at effective dosing) and may not be just the above-mentioned scenarios. Let's start with a study from the end of 2019 on men (on average 22.5 years, 175 to 181 cm depending on the group and about 3 years of training experience). They were divided into two groups, one using the kicker, the other not. Testing and measurement were before and after the 4-week protocol, with the training being under the scrutiny of the research team and consisting of two top workouts and two lower body workouts per week. They also took the pre-workout during the days of rest, specifically in the morning on an empty stomach. A given multi-component pre-workout stimulant included the following:

The researchers tried to come up with various data concerning, for example, body composition, heart rate, blood pressure, blood IGF-1 levels, various other blood biomarkers, as well as maxima (1RM) on benches and squats. Let's get to the most important thing without unnecessary kyd. The results showed that those taking the pre-workout had a greater increase in lean muscle mass than the placebo group, although progress was, of course, seen in both groups. Within the maxima, they observed an improvement in both groups, but the group with the pre-workout was better at it, especially with squats. In terms of different blood biomarkers, no significant differences were observed, from which it can be concluded that the use is (in general), resp. was (in research) safe.

Talk about the composition of a given pre-workout and the effect on performance + muscles

You may have noticed enough creatine in 1 scoop, a solid dose of citrulline, beta-alanine, caffeine and betaine. Since the difference in pure muscle mass was nice (+ 3.15 kg, compared to the placebo group + 0.89 kg), it is not possible to say exactly what was behind it. Creatine and betaine are stored in the tissue and their osmolytic properties cause the tissue to enlarge due to water. And research shows that both creatine and betaine can cause an increase in muscle mass. The given increase in muscle (ie the difference + 2.26 kg) is primarily due to the training itself and due to creatine, or betaine or a combination, as the synergy of these and other substances can also have a more significant effect. If we should put it in the equation, training> creatine> betaine applies. And as for caffeine, 350 mg is not enough, so performance could also be significantly affected by it.
Thanks to this study, but also another meta-analysis, we can say that a pre-workout with well-chosen substances and amounts of these substances can improve muscle mass and performance. However, it should be borne in mind that most of the benefits would only come from caffeine and creatine alone, while saving a considerable amount of money. However, other substances also have some such effect and, in addition, the synergy of different substances (e.g. the mentioned creatine + betaine) can be beneficial, and thus the benefits for both muscle mass and performance can be somewhat further promoted.

Active ingredients and essential advice: Watch the composition!

Below you can see the substances that are often added to diggers. A separate article could be written about each of them, so today we will focus mainly on scientific consensus and practical quick information.


Creatine does not work on a short-term basis, so its intake just before training will cause nothing. However, as we said in a comprehensive article on creativity, it's one of the few supplements that really works - but in the long run. Increases strength, explosiveness, endurance of muscles. It doesn't matter if you have it before training, in the morning or even in the evening. The important thing is that you get it. The effective dose is 5 g of creatine (monohydrate) every day. In pre-workout, it is probably useless from the point of view that most of us have a classic monohydrate on the shelf, take it every day and do not need it in pre-workout.


In addition to the tingling mentioned in the introduction, it has another effect. Beta-alanine is a modified version of the amino acid alanine and can help increase physical performance in the range of 60-240 seconds, as well as gaining muscle mass. What is the basis of beta-alanine is the fact that it can help with endurance, which means that it can help with one or two extra repetitions in training and will definitely help crossfit fans. This is also associated with the aforementioned muscle growth, as it is precisely due to the possibility of performing some repetition with a given extra weight, a larger volume of work occurs, which can ultimately contribute to hypertrophy. There is a lot of consistent research on this, and this fact cannot be denied. It can also help reduce fatigue. The effective dosage is 1.6 - 3.2 g per day, but simply 3-5 g before training will not be a mistake either.

Citrulline (malate), better than arginine

L-Citrulline is an amino acid that is converted to l-arginine in the liver, so it is more effective at increasing arginine levels in the body. While l-arginine shoots the plasma level of l-arginine, citrulline increases these values ​​over a longer time horizon. However, citrulline is not so clear on the various benefits for our training. This is especially true in the area of ​​weight gain, but there are still a few studies that at least reduce fatigue, improve endurance for both aerobic and anaerobic exercise, and promote cardiovascular health. With citrulline, we can also address potential reductions in cysts. Citrulline malate has mostly been studied (but the benefits are likely to be similar). The effective dosage for improving performance is set at about 6-8 g. So yes, there are some potential benefits and the possibility of better pumping is real, but will it take everyone? Not at all.

Betaine / trimethylglycine

Once less used, but in recent years you will find it in most pre-workouts. It is an active metabolite of choline in the body and is part of beetroot. Research is not unambiguous, some show a small benefit in terms of performance, endurance, training volume, others do not. When we look at a systematic analysis examining its effect on strength, we find that only 2 out of 7 studies showed an improvement (by 24%). So it seems that he will not be such a friend with strength, but he can help with other parameters (mainly perseverance). The minimum effective dose is 500 mg. Unfortunately, independent research has not shown the benefits of betaine, and the whole thing is currently a bit tricky. Speaking of beetroot (high in nitrates), there have been many recent studies of beet juice or beet powder, and the conclusions are not bad at all, although inconsistent. But it also seems that beetroot has the potential for intense exercise with short breaks and your performance can be better.


Anyone who has drunk Red Bull at least should know the term taurine. It is a sulfur-containing organic acid and is found quite commonly in foods, such as meat. Much research has identified taurine as an agent of the heart and blood that provides many health benefits. But as a pre-workout kick or performance aid? It seems not. Good research really speaks against it, and buying taurine alone or basing yourself on having a pre-workout lot of taurine probably won't pay off. In any case, the recommended dosage is 3 grams and since it is a very well known substance, we wanted to mention it.


Maximum concentration and concentration on training? Thanks to tyrosine, companies can afford to write this formula on the packaging. It is an amino acid that produces norepinephrine and dopamine. L-Tyrosine is usually dosed in the range of about 500-2000 mg before any stressor (including exercise). Most human studies recommend a dose of 100-150 mg per kilogram body weight, so if you are 80 kg, the effective dose should be 8-12 g. It's not exactly a substance exposed to a lot of research, so even though the benefits are there, it's not 100% clear facts. But it should be noted that tyrosine works and works very well synergistically with caffeine! So yes, concentration, concentration and tyrosine go together. However, as these factors will be influenced by pre-workout supplementation, it is not so clear-cut. It is similar with theanine, which cooperates as well with caffeine and has similar effects as tyrosine. Better attention, cognitive function or mood.

As you can see, pre-workout stimulants can be viewed from different angles. However, whoever has the money and chooses a kicker with a quality composition can benefit from him, as research shows that different substances and their synergistic effect can support not only performance, endurance, strength, but also muscle hypertrophy. Someone will buy a pre-workout due to some of the above-mentioned ritual, resp. routine before exercise, another due to caffeine and one of them does not feel anything, but he knows that the substances and their amount have a small benefit somewhere in the background. There is also the opportunity to save money - buy the substances separately and "mix" your own pre-workout stimulant based on the recommended effective doses. Either way, this kind of supplement is not necessary, but to say that it is not worth anything and none of it can expect absolutely anything would also be a very wrong statement.

nedeľa 14. júna 2020

Body wraps are a trend this year. Does the method that make you a funny mummy make sense? | Steroids4U.eu

Body wraps are a trend this year. Does the method that make you a funny mummy make sense?

Avalanche! This is exactly what body wraps for weight loss and detox are spreading on social networks. The trend of 2018 replaces slow-dying detoxification teas for weight loss or slimming corsets. Apparently, these conveniences didn't help the girls (is anyone wondering?), Because this year women are almost fighting for body wraps as pensioners for butter and eggs, when we noticed a significant increase in prices. If you don't happen to know what it is (I don't believe it, it's everywhere), let's mention a few official, publicly available sentences.

"Thanks to Body Wraps SPORT, the figure is visibly outlined and muscle mass is highlighted."
"Use the wrap method to get rid of your problem quickly, painlessly and effortlessly."
"Body Wraps Detox is a body wrap that helps detoxify the body."
"Body Wraps BELLY is a set that contains everything you need to have a beautifully shaped belt and to burn fat in your abdomen faster. They focus on fat burning and waist shaping. ”
"Body Wraps Slim supports fat burning. Slim methods are for those who want to lose weight quickly and permanently. "
"The substances in our mixture speed up the metabolic processes in the body and thus the body burns fat better."

As you may have noticed, there are more types of body wraps. The more, the more targeted naive people. I understand. Ultimately, however, all types offer the same thing - it is said that you will lose fat, you will be detoxified and your metabolism will start. The bonus is supposedly the removal of cellulite. Of course, different types of body wraps have a different procedure. Somewhere they just rub you with magic cream and then they bandage, while others you first have to drink detox tea and then you will exercise for 15 minutes and lie down for 40 minutes. There must be a lack of measurement / photography before and after, or a guarantee of loss of centimeters on the body. And the mummification process can begin.

At this point, every quality nutrition therapist and doctor is already foaming, because it already stinks of a bullshit. We will also talk about the dangers of this method today. But let's not be pessimists, because it came to Slovakia from as far away as Florida, and in America everything is progressive, so it must work. Plus, many celebrities advertise it, so it's a guarantee of quality! However, body wraps are a trend of 2018 in Slovakia. We know It Works abroad! wraps are slowly dying out and other body wraps have their teeth full there for many years as well. But we are a progressive nation, so it only came to us now. Well, nothing. Let's move on to a few important facts.

# 1 Detoxification this way is stupid

Longtime fans of Fitclan and science already know this fact. Who has not yet, can look at the dose of information and studies in the article on detoxification. We have kidneys, liver, lungs or sweat glands doing their job, and even detox tea, pills, ointments or even body wraps won't help you detoxify your body. You will find exactly 0 results that would support one of these methods helping the body with detoxification. Since we have 2 articles on the detox topic (here and here), you probably don't need to go into more detail. Whenever you see that a product can detoxify your body, pull out a flag with a big bold B like a bullshit on it.

# 2 Weight does not equal fat

You will lose weight thanks to body wraps. We do not deny this. But the average person does not know what the word lose weight means. Lower weight or less inches on women's sections does not mean that you have lost fat. How is it possible? Because the weight ≠ fat. This is often ignored even with low-carb diets, where the study sometimes shows that individuals have lost more weight on this diet (now all low-carb fanatics celebrate), but when we look closer at the results, we see that fat loss was the same as in the high-carbohydrate, high-calorie, protein groups, and that extra weight was just water (now all low-carb fanatics mourn). As carbohydrates play an important role in water / glycogen retention, it is clear that the weight will be slightly lower, but the fat (what really interests us) is reduced as well. Water fluctuation is an ignored issue, but it plays a very important role in centimeter or weight loss.

And this is how body wraps work. You lose weight inches, water, but as soon as you drink, eat and start working normally, after a few days you have everything back. Or do you think that in body wrap conditions they forbid you to shower 24 hours after the procedure? And why do you think you have to repeat the procedures several times? To live in false conditions for a few days in a row. To sum it up - you will be just as fat but dehydrated.

Let's be objective, we will say that with some types of body wraps you have to exercise for 15-30 minutes (mostly cycling). In that case, fat loss is possible here. If a passive person starts a 30-minute activity a day, they will increase their caloric expenditure and may eventually lose fat. But is it necessary to pay brutal money for a 30-minute workout and look like an idiot? And now try to think about this. If you have a seriously ill dog at home and you give him an effective medicine wrapped in ham, because otherwise he would not eat it, which will help the dog with the treatment? The effective medicine or the wheel of ham? So what can help you, wrapping your body in bandages or exercising? Don't be naive and if you want to lose fat, exercise and watch your caloric intake.

# 3 Marketing, celebrities, bloggers, influecerky, instagram…

Using celebrities in advertising campaigns is not a marketing hit. It's a common practice for people to buy an ordinary white cotton t-shirt for € 499, because it was Kanye West, or you can pay for one body wrap procedure for € 58. For the recommended weekly treatment again 269 €. Oh, we haven't mentioned those prices in the article yet and you're only now staring with your mouth open? Well, yes, the prices are listed on the web and it's really not a typo. € 269 for someone to stay just as fat, but with a lower weight that will return soon and with fewer inches that will return as well, it's a pretty decent deal, isn't it? By the way, the sauna costs about 6 euros :)

When they invite Eva from the Farm ("celebrity"), who sings detox and body wrap, to the TV show Teleráno, which is watched by moms and thousands of other people, what do you think will happen? When some opinion-forming women's magazines whose editorial staff has knowledge of freezing fitness describe body wraps as a Florida revolution, what do you think will happen? When instagram stars with more than 100,000 fanbases advertise a product, what do you think will happen? When bloggers do body reviews wra…. Ok, that's enough. We all know that these scenarios only support the use of idiotic services and the sale of idiotic products. Money rules the world and the backbone is an unknown concept at the time. And sometimes it's not just about money, but about IQ, where some think exactly what is written on the official website and would also believe that the Earth is flat.

Recently, I wrote a comment to a "unnamed Slovak blogger who reviewed body wraps, where she was like a mummy and smiling," I guess they have to pay well ". In response to her defensive comment that she just wanted to try it, I responded that it was really funny and sad at the same time, how to be photographed like a mummy in front of an advertising banner "slimming and detox wraps", promotes something that is bullshit and leaves make themselves a sheep so that the company can use photos of influencers in advertising. My comments were suddenly collected and the whole post was deleted with photos within a few hours. Why? After all, are some ashamed and aware of what they are creating on social networks?

The attempt of one representative of body wraps for crisis communication occurred under our contributions on Instagram, when the same answer (obviously prepared in advance, since even after 2 weeks the reaction was identical) failed. She received a few comments from dozens of people, so that she would rather not throw away her business even more with those statements. Twice we even asked for "clinical studies", which they were so inclined to. Well, guess what. We haven't received them to date. But it sounds so good - clinical studies - so at least this term is somewhat popular and doesn't even need published research to see it.

It is difficult to refuse cooperation, we understand. After all, in the official promotional materials there is information about the profit for the cooperating company in the form of € 45 from one body wrap. With the current trend, this is a vision of quick earnings for many. After all, "catching" 5 people is not a problem and having more than € 200 in your pocket is nice. There are even trainings available, where in the theoretical part they talk about detoxification and stretching and in the practical part they teach you to make mummy people. We are afraid that the wraps movement is already becoming a kind of sect, of which only the ancient Egyptians are proud.

However, if the lines above are not enough for you, we can look at other things. "It's pseudo-scientific nonsense." That's what Dr. Herbert of the Veterans Research Center said, who is also a member of an organization trying to expose false health claims. As any relevant person in the art has mentioned, weight loss due to body wraps is temporary because it is a loss of water. Dermatologist Dr. Joel Schlessinger also said of body wraps: "There is no data to say that wraps help with cellulite." Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi recalls that: "There has never been any scientific evidence that wraps remove toxins from their bodies."

You risk?

Some doctors mention that they are dangerous because hypovolemic shock can occur, which results from low blood volume caused by dehydration. A smaller loss usually does not manifest itself in any way, a larger one represents a serious, life-threatening condition and a high volume can mean death. Likewise, the consequences overlooked can be fatal over time. Tissue compression, slowing the flow of blood to the tissue through the capillaries, changes in the circulation of body fluid… is it really stolen from you and is it worth the wrap for those lost centimeters that you still get back, because it is not a fat mass? Regular dehydration (greetings to regular customers) can lead to urinary tract infections, electrolyte depletion, which can affect involuntary muscle contractions and sometimes loss of consciousness. With the growing popularity, it may be just a matter of time before this "revolutionary" technology is tried by someone who loses something and it will not be exactly centimeters.

On the one hand, we understand that everyone has to make a living from something, but grabbing a business plan from America and drawing huge amounts of money from people for something that has no effect on weight loss (fat) is sad. People wrap themselves in foil, grease their hips with ointments, make themselves mad and mummies, eat detox pills, and all this is boldly supported by the media. Where is the healthy lifestyle? We only see dementia wrapped in money.

štvrtok 11. júna 2020

Do you think you have PCOS? Here are 3 tips on how to proceed, as this disease is often misdiagnosed | Steroids4U.eu

Do you think you have PCOS? Here are 3 tips on how to proceed, as this disease is often misdiagnosed

Acne, excessive hair or depression. Many women have PCOS, they have no idea. This was the title of the first article on PCOS, which should be read by any woman who wants to know more about this issue. In short, it is one of the most common endocrine diseases and many women do not even have a diagnosis. Today we will continue and reveal how you could proceed if you think or have been told that you have (probably) PCOS.

I probably have PCOS! What now?

Recognize phenotypes (sum of all observable properties) and types of PCOS
Educate yourself and write down information about your health condition
Professional assistance and physical ultrasound and laboratory examinations by specialists
Let's take a closer look.

# 1 Phenotypes and types of PCOS according to the best known sources

The Rotterdam criteria describe the following four PCOS phenotypes:

Polycystic ovaries visible by ultrasound, elevated androgen levels and irregular menstrual cycles (also known as "complete PCOS")
Polycystic ovaries visible by ultrasound and irregular menstrual cycles
High androgen levels and irregular menstrual cycles
Polycystic ovaries visible by ultrasound and high levels of androgens

The four types of PCOS according to Dr. Fiona McCullough are:

Type A (Classic PCOS): elevated androgen levels + symptoms of these elevations, irregular menstrual cycles / delayed ovulation, polycystic ovaries
Type B (Classic PCOS): elevated androgen levels + symptoms of these elevations, irregular menstrual cycles / delayed ovulation, normal ovaries (not polycystic).
Type C (Non-Classic PCOS): elevated androgen levels + symptoms of these elevations, regular menstrual cycles - 35 days or less, polycystic ovaries
Type D (Non-Classic PCOS): normal androgens, irregular menstrual cycles / delayed ovulation, polycystic ovaries

The four types of PCOS according to Dr. Lary Briden are:

Insulin resistance: elevated levels of insulin, glucose, abnormal OGTT (Oral Glucose Tolerance Test) results, and in some cases elevated LH levels
PCOS "caused" by hormonal contraception: hormonal contraception suppresses ovulation, which usually returns after stopping treatment, but in some cases it takes months or even years
Inflammatory PCOS: caused by chronic immune activation caused by stress, environmental toxins, intestinal permeability and "inflammatory" foods
PCOS with a "hidden" cause: caused by something that blocks ovulation, such as low levels of progesterone (chronically elevated cortisol), thyroid disorders, HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary axis) or HPO Axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian) dysfunction, low-carbohydrate diets, etc.

# 2 Educate yourself and write down information about your health

As you can see, there are many types of PCOS that are specific to both symptoms and laboratory results, so it's important to know yours. The diagnosis of PCOS is very complex, as is PCOS itself. There is no treatment to get rid of it completely and the overall management of PCOS is complex and individual. There are not two people with the same symptoms, prognosis and treatment.

This is not the case, for example, with any bronchitis or peanut allergy. Symptoms -> examination -> results -> treatment = often the same in several people. PCOS differs not only in how it is presented, but also in how it needs to be treated or rather managed. Although the definitive cause is not fully known, there are certain elements that cause PCOS. It is more often a combination of them than the one itself, and finding them helps to identify a given type of PCOS.

So why observe your health and write down information? As I mentioned in the previous article, each body reacts differently, and the more you get to know yours, the more you will help yourself and your doctor diagnose and set up treatment for your PCOS, because it is difficult to remember all the symptoms and difficulties with a time-limited visit.

Write down:

Symptoms: when they occur, which improves or worsens them, how long they last, when they started to appear (after stopping contraception, after diet, during a more stressful period, etc.)
Information on the menstrual cycle: regularity, cycle length, presence of PMS (premenstrual syndrome), length and intensity of bleeding, presence of ovulation (eg basal temperature measurement). If the cycle is irregular, record when and to what extent (eg every 4 months, every six months). If you suffer from amenorrhea (absence of menstrual cycle), mark when and after what period you stopped menstruating.
Symptoms during the menstrual cycle: pain (type of pain, incidence, duration, etc.), digestion / bloating, mood swings, acne, hair loss, fatigue, weakness, length, symptoms and intensity of PMS.
This information will be a very helpful aid, along with other results, in diagnosing / disabling diagnosis and determining treatment. This information will also often help women have a greater sense of power in this case, when most of what is happening is not in their hands.

# 3 Professional assistance and physical ultrasound and laboratory examinations by specialists

As I mentioned, before you jump to the conclusion, "Oh God, panic, I have PCOS!", Seek professional medical help. Even if your GP goes on first and sometimes only for gynecology, it is worth visiting an endocrinologist who specializes (as in the name) in endocrinological disorders, and PCOS is one of them.

Hormonal profiles:

Many times the basic hormonal profile examined for gynecology is "normal" and the doctor will send you home with the understanding that everything is in order. However, in the "norm" because the basic hormonal profile does not investigate in more detail and does not address individual hormones and things such as ratio of one hormone to another (which is, for example, very important for determining estrogen dominance, progesterone deficiency and the like.

Another very important thing about hormonal blood tests and the menstrual cycle is that hormone levels as well as "norms" change during the month, so it is important that all phases of the menstrual cycle are tested. However, this method can be more complicated for those who have an irregular cycle or amenorrhea, and therefore it is necessary to have the other information I mentioned in the second point.

Insulin and glucose:

Examination of insulin and blood glucose levels is also very important, but rarely recommended by physicians when diagnosing, respectively. in the treatment of PCOS .. I had these tests done from my own experience, knowledge and costs without the recommendation of doctors, based on the symptoms I had. Since I'm not overweight and I'm not obese, many doctors have said, "Because why do you deal with details like insulin, when you're not obese, you can eat whatever you want and not deal with insulin" ... As a matter of fact? And the fact that I had all the symptoms of insulin resistance was not taken into account by anyone until I came up with the results of these tests, which I requested in my lab at my own risk.

Vitamin D levels - are reduced in some cases of PCOS

Sex hormone binding globulin (SBGH) - is reduced in some cases of PCOS
Androstenedione - is increased in some cases of PCOS
Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) - Elevated levels are often seen in patients with PCOS
These tests help to exclude some potential diseases (which have a similar presentation to PCOS) from the list when diagnosing PCOS:

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and antibodies / thyroid function - to rule out thyroid dysfunction - thyroid dysfunction
Cortisol - to rule out Cushing's syndrome
Prolactin - to rule out increased prolactin (hyperprolactinemia)
17-hydroxyprogesterone - to detect the most well-known form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia
IGF-1 - to eliminate increased levels of growth hormone (acromegaly)
DHEAS - often slightly elevated in PCOS, tested to rule out adrenal tumors in women with rapidly worsening hirutism
This information should be used to confirm or exclude PCOS. It is really very important to have all the information together, as PCOS is one of the most common misdiagnosed or overlooked endocrine disorders and the diagnosis often takes months, in some cases up to years. In the next section, we'll talk more about how to proceed once the diagnosis has been confirmed, how to adjust your lifestyle (diet, physical activity, etc.), as these (often the most important treatment factors) do not talk much about doctors.