Body wraps are a trend this year. Does the method that make you a funny mummy make sense?
Avalanche! This is exactly what body wraps for weight loss and detox are spreading on social networks. The trend of 2018 replaces slow-dying detoxification teas for weight loss or slimming corsets. Apparently, these conveniences didn't help the girls (is anyone wondering?), Because this year women are almost fighting for body wraps as pensioners for butter and eggs, when we noticed a significant increase in prices. If you don't happen to know what it is (I don't believe it, it's everywhere), let's mention a few official, publicly available sentences.
"Thanks to Body Wraps SPORT, the figure is visibly outlined and muscle mass is highlighted."
"Use the wrap method to get rid of your problem quickly, painlessly and effortlessly."
"Body Wraps Detox is a body wrap that helps detoxify the body."
"Body Wraps BELLY is a set that contains everything you need to have a beautifully shaped belt and to burn fat in your abdomen faster. They focus on fat burning and waist shaping. ”
"Body Wraps Slim supports fat burning. Slim methods are for those who want to lose weight quickly and permanently. "
"The substances in our mixture speed up the metabolic processes in the body and thus the body burns fat better."
As you may have noticed, there are more types of body wraps. The more, the more targeted naive people. I understand. Ultimately, however, all types offer the same thing - it is said that you will lose fat, you will be detoxified and your metabolism will start. The bonus is supposedly the removal of cellulite. Of course, different types of body wraps have a different procedure. Somewhere they just rub you with magic cream and then they bandage, while others you first have to drink detox tea and then you will exercise for 15 minutes and lie down for 40 minutes. There must be a lack of measurement / photography before and after, or a guarantee of loss of centimeters on the body. And the mummification process can begin.
At this point, every quality nutrition therapist and doctor is already foaming, because it already stinks of a bullshit. We will also talk about the dangers of this method today. But let's not be pessimists, because it came to Slovakia from as far away as Florida, and in America everything is progressive, so it must work. Plus, many celebrities advertise it, so it's a guarantee of quality! However, body wraps are a trend of 2018 in Slovakia. We know It Works abroad! wraps are slowly dying out and other body wraps have their teeth full there for many years as well. But we are a progressive nation, so it only came to us now. Well, nothing. Let's move on to a few important facts.
# 1 Detoxification this way is stupid
Longtime fans of Fitclan and science already know this fact. Who has not yet, can look at the dose of information and studies in the article on detoxification. We have kidneys, liver, lungs or sweat glands doing their job, and even detox tea, pills, ointments or even body wraps won't help you detoxify your body. You will find exactly 0 results that would support one of these methods helping the body with detoxification. Since we have 2 articles on the detox topic (here and here), you probably don't need to go into more detail. Whenever you see that a product can detoxify your body, pull out a flag with a big bold B like a bullshit on it.
# 2 Weight does not equal fat
You will lose weight thanks to body wraps. We do not deny this. But the average person does not know what the word lose weight means. Lower weight or less inches on women's sections does not mean that you have lost fat. How is it possible? Because the weight ≠ fat. This is often ignored even with low-carb diets, where the study sometimes shows that individuals have lost more weight on this diet (now all low-carb fanatics celebrate), but when we look closer at the results, we see that fat loss was the same as in the high-carbohydrate, high-calorie, protein groups, and that extra weight was just water (now all low-carb fanatics mourn). As carbohydrates play an important role in water / glycogen retention, it is clear that the weight will be slightly lower, but the fat (what really interests us) is reduced as well. Water fluctuation is an ignored issue, but it plays a very important role in centimeter or weight loss.
And this is how body wraps work. You lose weight inches, water, but as soon as you drink, eat and start working normally, after a few days you have everything back. Or do you think that in body wrap conditions they forbid you to shower 24 hours after the procedure? And why do you think you have to repeat the procedures several times? To live in false conditions for a few days in a row. To sum it up - you will be just as fat but dehydrated.
Let's be objective, we will say that with some types of body wraps you have to exercise for 15-30 minutes (mostly cycling). In that case, fat loss is possible here. If a passive person starts a 30-minute activity a day, they will increase their caloric expenditure and may eventually lose fat. But is it necessary to pay brutal money for a 30-minute workout and look like an idiot? And now try to think about this. If you have a seriously ill dog at home and you give him an effective medicine wrapped in ham, because otherwise he would not eat it, which will help the dog with the treatment? The effective medicine or the wheel of ham? So what can help you, wrapping your body in bandages or exercising? Don't be naive and if you want to lose fat, exercise and watch your caloric intake.
# 3 Marketing, celebrities, bloggers, influecerky, instagram…
Using celebrities in advertising campaigns is not a marketing hit. It's a common practice for people to buy an ordinary white cotton t-shirt for € 499, because it was Kanye West, or you can pay for one body wrap procedure for € 58. For the recommended weekly treatment again 269 €. Oh, we haven't mentioned those prices in the article yet and you're only now staring with your mouth open? Well, yes, the prices are listed on the web and it's really not a typo. € 269 for someone to stay just as fat, but with a lower weight that will return soon and with fewer inches that will return as well, it's a pretty decent deal, isn't it? By the way, the sauna costs about 6 euros :)
When they invite Eva from the Farm ("celebrity"), who sings detox and body wrap, to the TV show Teleráno, which is watched by moms and thousands of other people, what do you think will happen? When some opinion-forming women's magazines whose editorial staff has knowledge of freezing fitness describe body wraps as a Florida revolution, what do you think will happen? When instagram stars with more than 100,000 fanbases advertise a product, what do you think will happen? When bloggers do body reviews wra…. Ok, that's enough. We all know that these scenarios only support the use of idiotic services and the sale of idiotic products. Money rules the world and the backbone is an unknown concept at the time. And sometimes it's not just about money, but about IQ, where some think exactly what is written on the official website and would also believe that the Earth is flat.
Recently, I wrote a comment to a "unnamed Slovak blogger who reviewed body wraps, where she was like a mummy and smiling," I guess they have to pay well ". In response to her defensive comment that she just wanted to try it, I responded that it was really funny and sad at the same time, how to be photographed like a mummy in front of an advertising banner "slimming and detox wraps", promotes something that is bullshit and leaves make themselves a sheep so that the company can use photos of influencers in advertising. My comments were suddenly collected and the whole post was deleted with photos within a few hours. Why? After all, are some ashamed and aware of what they are creating on social networks?
The attempt of one representative of body wraps for crisis communication occurred under our contributions on Instagram, when the same answer (obviously prepared in advance, since even after 2 weeks the reaction was identical) failed. She received a few comments from dozens of people, so that she would rather not throw away her business even more with those statements. Twice we even asked for "clinical studies", which they were so inclined to. Well, guess what. We haven't received them to date. But it sounds so good - clinical studies - so at least this term is somewhat popular and doesn't even need published research to see it.
It is difficult to refuse cooperation, we understand. After all, in the official promotional materials there is information about the profit for the cooperating company in the form of € 45 from one body wrap. With the current trend, this is a vision of quick earnings for many. After all, "catching" 5 people is not a problem and having more than € 200 in your pocket is nice. There are even trainings available, where in the theoretical part they talk about detoxification and stretching and in the practical part they teach you to make mummy people. We are afraid that the wraps movement is already becoming a kind of sect, of which only the ancient Egyptians are proud.

However, if the lines above are not enough for you, we can look at other things. "It's pseudo-scientific nonsense." That's what Dr. Herbert of the Veterans Research Center said, who is also a member of an organization trying to expose false health claims. As any relevant person in the art has mentioned, weight loss due to body wraps is temporary because it is a loss of water. Dermatologist Dr. Joel Schlessinger also said of body wraps: "There is no data to say that wraps help with cellulite." Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi recalls that: "There has never been any scientific evidence that wraps remove toxins from their bodies."
You risk?
Some doctors mention that they are dangerous because hypovolemic shock can occur, which results from low blood volume caused by dehydration. A smaller loss usually does not manifest itself in any way, a larger one represents a serious, life-threatening condition and a high volume can mean death. Likewise, the consequences overlooked can be fatal over time. Tissue compression, slowing the flow of blood to the tissue through the capillaries, changes in the circulation of body fluid… is it really stolen from you and is it worth the wrap for those lost centimeters that you still get back, because it is not a fat mass? Regular dehydration (greetings to regular customers) can lead to urinary tract infections, electrolyte depletion, which can affect involuntary muscle contractions and sometimes loss of consciousness. With the growing popularity, it may be just a matter of time before this "revolutionary" technology is tried by someone who loses something and it will not be exactly centimeters.
On the one hand, we understand that everyone has to make a living from something, but grabbing a business plan from America and drawing huge amounts of money from people for something that has no effect on weight loss (fat) is sad. People wrap themselves in foil, grease their hips with ointments, make themselves mad and mummies, eat detox pills, and all this is boldly supported by the media. Where is the healthy lifestyle? We only see dementia wrapped in money.
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