nedeľa 26. septembra 2021

Antioxidants and their miraculous and beneficial effects |

 Antioxidants and their miraculous and beneficial effects

Antioxidants help fight free radicals. Free radicals are substances that occur naturally in the body and that cause irreversible damage to cells. Free radical damage can cause vulnerability in your body, rapid aging, cancer, cardiovascular disease and various degenerative diseases.

Free radicals damage our body

The process of protection against free radicals is very important for the human body. We create a small amount of free radicals throughout our lives. All you need is short-term exposure to sunlight, exposure to various industrially produced chemicals or inappropriate diet. Also, some of the environmental factors such as cigarette smoke, exhaust fumes, radiation, drug use, and stress can increase the amount of free radicals. Free radicals are insidious, causing our tissue to lose elasticity and cease to function. It's basically like aging. It is this uncontrollable damage that is also part of the changes leading to cataracts, vascular hardening, cancer, arthritis and many other diseases that we encounter every day. Substances that have the ability to destroy free radicals are called antioxidants.

Free radicals are also formed by physical activity

Paradoxically, a healthy thing such as physical activity can increase free radicals. During respiration during physical activity, electrons in the cells separate from the sugars and combine with oxygen. Energy is produced in this process. During this reaction, the electrons may break off, combine with another molecule to form free radicals. Training, on the other hand, stimulates the production of enzymes that counteract the effects of free radicals. Elevated body temperature is also a factor that increases the production of free radicals. Another factor is the increased production of catecholamines during physical activity. These are substances of a hormonal nature that are produced as a result of muscular exertion. Another cause of free radical production is damage to cell membranes in muscle cells. This is after intense training and especially when exercising in the phase of eccentric contraction, such as running downhill, jumping or placing heavy loads on the ground. In these chemical reactions, free radicals bind to fatty acids in the cell membrane and so-called peroxides. These attack the cell membrane and the chain reaction produces many more free radicals. This process is called lipid peroxidation and is closely related to oxidative stress.

The principle of creating antioxidants in plants

One of the very visible properties of all plants is the range of their color. In terms of the aesthetic experience of eating, we know that the combination of fruits and vegetables is visually unrivaled. Colored fruits or vegetables are based on various chemicals called antioxidants. These are found only in plants. Most plants obtain energy from sunlight through photosynthesis. This process is very energy intensive. Energy is transmitted by electrons. These electrons are charged with energy from the sun's rays and move at a very high speed, which the cell must control very precisely. If electrons deviate from their path, free radicals can form. Plants can create a protective "shield" around the place where there is a potential risk of reaction. The shield is composed of antioxidants that capture and absorb electrons that have deviated from their direction.

The formation of antioxidants in the human body does not exist

The human body is usually unable to build a "shield" against free radicals. We are not plants, we do not produce photosynthesis and we do not produce our own antioxidants like plants. Fortunately, in our body, antioxidants taken from plants work in the same protective way as they do. It is an admirable harmony. Plants create a protective shield from antioxidants and at the same time make them an attractive target with their attractive colors. People, like animals, are attracted to these colors. We consume these plants and at the same time borrow these "protective shields" from antioxidants, which we use to protect our own health. We must admit that this process is a wonderful spiritual example of the wisdom of Mother Nature.

Antioxidants in the form of nutritional supplements and physical activity

A mixture of antioxidants and can help prevent oxidative stress. This stress is a situation in which free radicals exceed antioxidants and thus muscle tissue can be damaged. Various scientific studies confirm that during the use of antioxidants through dietary supplementation, the oxidative stress caused by physical activity is much lower than without the use of antioxidants. At the end of these studies, the use of antioxidants provides protection against tissue damage, which can lead to improved athletic performance. However, as in most scientific studies on the effect of supplementation, other studies have concluded that supplementation of antioxidants in the form of nutritional supplements has no effect on the prevention of muscle damage by physical activity.

Antioxidants and their effect on sports performance

Most studies focus mainly on endurance sports. Much less for power sports. In the case of intensive and regular training, a large amount of muscle tissue is degraded and a large amount of free radicals are formed. Because of this, strength athletes can also benefit from the use of antioxidants that help them from free radical tissue damage. The fact that the use of antioxidants actually increases athletic performance has never been definitively confirmed by scientific evidence. However, if you are deficient in a certain vitamin and you increase this deficiency, you will definitely feel better and perform better. But if you have enough antioxidants in your diet, then additional excess intake may not lead to a further increase in sports performance.

Most people eat so that they suffer from a deficiency of vitamin E and other antioxidants. One of the reasons is the fact that active people follow low-fat diets. The problem is that the fat contained in vegetable oils, nuts and seeds is one of the best sources of vitamin E. In addition, these people limit their fruit intake. They mistakenly believe that fructose in fruits is stored as body fat. However, in the absence of fruit, they limit the very important intake of beta carotene and vitamin C.

Significant studies of the relationship of antioxidants to the most common diseases

One of the most important links between vitamin C and cancer was its relationship to the number of families prone to cancer. With low levels of vitamin C in the blood, these families were more likely to develop cancer (p <0.001). Low vitamin C levels were associated with a higher risk of esophageal cancer (p <0.001), leukemia and tumors of the larynx, breast, stomach, liver, rectum, colon and lung. Vitamin C is derived primarily from fruit and fruit consumption was inversely proportional to the incidence of esophageal cancer (p <0.01). In areas with lower fruit consumption, the incidence of this cancer was 5-8 times higher. The same effect of vitamin C was found in the incidence of ischemic heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke (p <0.01). Consumption of fruit containing vitamin C clearly shows the strong protective effects of many diseases.

Low levels of alpha and beta-carotenes (precursors of vitamin A), as well as alpha and gamma tocopherol (vitamin E) in the blood indicate a relationship with an increased incidence of stomach cancer.

Recommendations for taking antioxidants

However, it should be noted that only a tablet containing artificial vitamin C, beta-carotene or fiber will not protect us from these diseases. In general, health does not lie in individual isolated nutrients or chemicals, but in foods and plant foods that contain these substances in organic form. Eat as much fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains as possible and you will get all the benefits you read about in this article. There are also several manufacturers (Viridian - offers so-called ethical vitamins of the highest quality, all products are bioactive in capsules of plant origin), which make sure that these vitamins are in organic and therefore functional form. This increases the efficiency and effectiveness of these organic supplements.

Individual antioxidants

Basic antioxidants

Beta Carotene
Effects in sport May reduce the production of free radicals arising from physical activity. It protects against muscle tissue damage and complements the antioxidant effects of vitamin E
Food source Carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, melon, broccoli, green leafy greens, all orange vegetables and fruits.
The side effects are not known. The body can regulate the amount that is converted to vitamin A. A daily intake of 20,000 IU of food or a dietary supplement for several months can cause yellowing of the skin. Disappears after a reduction in income.
Recommended dose Not determined. 2500 IU daily in the form of a nutritional supplement is safe.

Vitamin C
Effects in sport Important for the function of connective tissue, increases the absorption of iron, can reduce free radical damage and protects against damage to muscle tissue.
Food source Citrus fruits and juice from them, raw vegetables, kiwi, melon, green leafy vegetables.
Side effects The body adapts to a high dose. Doses of 5,000 to 15,000 mg per day can cause burning when urinating and diarrhea.
Recommended dose Women 75 mg, pregnant 85 mg, breastfeeding 120 mg, men 90 mg, women smokers 110 mg, men smokers 130 mg.
Safe intake of 2,000 mg

Vitamin E
Effects in sport Important for cellular respiration. It is involved in the production of red blood cells. Eliminates free radicals and protects against tissue damage.
Food Source Nuts, seeds, raw wheat germ, polyunsaturated vegetable oils and fish liver oil.
The side effects are not known
Recommended dose 15 mg, breast-feeding woman 19 mg
Safe intake of 1,000 mg

Effects in sport Along with vitamin E, it is essential for growth and metabolism. Maintains skin elasticity. It produces glutathione peroxidase - an important protective enzyme.
Food source Cereal bran, Brazil nuts, whole grains, egg yolk, milk, chicken, seafood, broccoli, garlic and onions.
Side effects of 5 mg daily from food lead to hair loss and a change in nail quality. Higher doses cause intestinal problems, fatigue and irritability.
Recommended dose Women 55 mcg, pregnant 60 mcg, breastfeeding 70 mcg, men 55 mcg.
Safe intake of 400 mcg

Coenzyme Q10
Effects in sport Coenzyme of mitochondial enzymes in oxidative phosphorylation necessary for ATP production. A powerful antioxidant that reduces tissue damage by free radicals.
Food source Guts, beef, soybean oil, sardines, mackerel and peanuts.
The side effects are not known.
Recommended dose Not determined.

Effects in sport Participates in energy metabolism and immune responses.
Food source Animal proteins, oysters, mushrooms, wholegrain products, brewing products and nuts.
Side effects Doses higher than 20 mg per day may prevent the absorption of copper, lower HDL cholesterol and impair the function of the immune system.
Recommended dose Women 8 mg, pregnant 11 mg, breastfeeding 12 mg, men 11 mg
Safe intake of 40 mg

Effects in sport It is involved in the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells by improving the absorption of iron. Necessary for energy metabolism and function of superoxide dismutase - a key enzyme with antioxidant effects.
Food source Whole grains, crustaceans, eggs, almonds, green leafy vegetables and beans.
Side effects Toxicity is very rare and rare.
Recommended dose Men and women 900 mcg, pregnant 1000 mcg, breastfeeding 1300 mcg.
Safe intake of 10,000 mcg

Effects in sport Participates in metabolic processes. Necessary for the function of superoxide dismutase - a key enzyme with antioxidant effects.
Food source Whole grains, egg yolk, green leafy vegetables, dried peas and beans.
Side effects Higher doses can cause vomiting and intestinal problems.
Recommended dose Women 1.8 mg, pregnant 2 mg, breastfeeding 2.6 mg, men 2.3 mg.
Safe intake of 11 mg

nedeľa 19. septembra 2021

Health Effects of Strength Training |

 Health Effects of Strength Training

Strength training is an integral part of the training process in many sports, sports games, as well as in physiotherapy or in the treatment and prevention of various diseases for better quality of life. Recently, the power training is much more discussed and is also used by recreational athletes. The power load has much more positive and healthy beneficial effects than several years ago.

Medical effects of force exercises

Through strength training, muscle strength and performance occurs. This results in many positive health effects that are very significant mainly in older people. Nowadays, there are no rational reasons to deny a wide population favorable health effects of force exercises as it was once.

Effects of power training

Strength training increases the sensitivity of cells for insulin. This is a result of a better glucose control (a lower insulin and pad doses) and lower glycolyzed HB values ​​(long-term blood glucose control).

Suitable power training is an effective means of preventing and treatment of back pain whose most frequent cause is the lack of paravertebral muscle strength

Strength training and thus an increase in force improves life comfort (normal activity vs. Threadless thrills) of older people.

Strength training promotes reducing high blood pressure in peace.

Strength training improves proprioceptive functions (faster reply to proprioceptive incentives). Stability and coordination improves. For this reason, lower risk of falls, injuries and other injuries.

Increasing the force helps against osteoarthrosis. Strengthened muscles take part of the mechanical claims from passive joints, which acts on smaller irritation, pain and restriction of joint function.

Energy expenditure (higher basal metabolism) through strength training occurs. This contributes to a favorable energy balance and last but not least to significant decreasing body fat and weight loss. This results in an increase in muscle mass and "slow" oxygen debt phase.

Strength training increases bone density (bone density). This effect is very significant mainly in young persons in a preposterbital age. It is the strongest prevention against osteoporosis.

Strength training helps to accelerate the transport of food digestive tract. It is a prevention of circulation, diverticalulosis and colon cancer.

Improving endothelial function is caused by force training. Positive effects are diseases such as heart disease, pad and hypertension. Endothelial dysfunction deteriorates overweight (blood flow).

Traditional attitude toward power training

From the 1970s, the attitude towards the power exercises refusing. Only aerobic activities that were generally recognized as part of preventive medicine preferred. In force sports it was accepted as "necessary evil" and considered potentially harmful to the ordinary population. Strength training was about 1970 prohibited for children, older people, pregnant women and patients for heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, back pain, osteoarthes and osteoporosis. The most common argument that was used against power exercises was that they are accompanied by a significant increase in blood pressure which could cause complications of bleeding and ischemia.

Another today, the argument has already been rebuted that the power exercises increase room blood pressure, deteriorate hypertension. These arguments were unjustified at that time and unfortunately dominated today in the views of some of our doctors.

For example, for strength exercises weighing 70% 1RM (approx. 10 RM - once maximum) without the use of valsalv's maneuver (air retaining) is a systolic blood pressure comparable to pressure on aerobic exercises as running. Also, power training acts to reduce room blood pressure.

Today's attitude toward power training

Nowadays, different medical organizations recommend strength training as one of the strongest means of preventing and treatments of some diseases. Unlike 70 years, the strength training is recommended for patients with hypertension, cardiac diseases, osteoarthrosis, osteoporosis, back pain, diabetics, pregnant women, older people or children. Strength training is also recommended for tumor diseases, thyroid disorders, birth cardiomyopathies, cardiac insufienci, Down syndrome, neurological diseases and the like.

Studies prodating positive health effects of force training.

For strength exercise of paravertebral muscle, strength is improved by a few 100%. These measurements on special dynamometers testify to extreme atrophies and malfunctions of paravertebral muscles in patients with back pain.

Longitudinal training studies have shown strength training increased sensitivity of cells for insulin. The evidence is lower glycemia after dose of glucose and lower glycemia after the insulin dose.

In another similar study, the synergistic effect of the sensitivity of cells for insulin was significantly demonstrated in combinations of force and aerobic training in a group of 36 mentioned women with NIDDM (non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus). This improvement is in a tight relation to the loss of subcutaneous and visceral fat and raising muscle mass.

In a significant study, a positive effect of movement activity has been demonstrated to 3,000 latent diabetics compared to metformin and placebo for 2 years of follow-up.

For 13 weeks of strength training, a group of 60 years of patients accelerated by digestive tract transport. The control diet was 5 days prior to tests and reducing the GIT was from 41 to 20 hours (without changing the duration of the transport to the colon).

Energy expenditure was detected through strength training. 58-year men after 16 weeks of strength load increased their basal metabolism by 7.7%.

According to the US Geriatric Society of 2003, different falls are a problematic cause of older persons. 30% of the elderly as 65 years and 50% of older persons as 80 years falls at least once a year. 5% of them suffers fracture. 25% of patients over 65 with femur cervical (hip bone) will die within 6 months. The cost of treating medical complications of falls in the US was $ 5 billion per year.

For example, according to significant studies, after 60 years of life, the annual muscle force loss is 1.5% and power by 3.5%. 45% of women over 65 and 65% older than 75 years cannot lift 5 kg.

Based on another study, the strength training in seniors can improve the force of expenses of 189% and the force of the thighs of 87%, which was reflected in the speed of spontaneous walking (+12%), increasing the speed of walking into the stairs (+28%) and increases spontaneous physical activity (+34%).

Blood pressure on power exercise can exceed 300/200 Torr. The highest measured value was 480/350 Torr. Blood pressure in force exercises depends on intensity (resistance), number of repetitions, series, activated muscle mass and from Valsalv's maneuver. Significant meta-analysis about power exercise and room blood pressure talks about a positive effect of power training, with such training in the long term reduces room blood pressure.

Power exercises have beneficial health effects and lead to changes such as improving strength and muscle mass, which can not be achieved by aerobic exercises themselves. If the power exercises are used in the right manner, they represent a safe and effective means of preventing and treated a whole range of diseases and improve life quality. Nowadays among modern means of power training includes Core (training aimed at deep stabilization system), functional training, training with TRX, fitness training or intense forms such as HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), crossfit, deficit techniques and the like.

nedeľa 12. septembra 2021

4 Effective Hamstrings and Ass |

 4 Effective Hamstrings and Ass

Certainly a lot of us met with pain or injury to the rear thigh muscles ,, hamstrings ". The back thigh muscle is very important whether you are spending your free time in the gym or you are going to run or be running. you skate. These muscles are often under heavy pressure because they are constantly overloaded and shortened because of poor intermediate coordination.

These exercises will help you build strong and healthy hamstrings and buttocks. Get to know 4 effective hamsting exercises and buttons that are simple and can handle their beginner.

When working with the athletes who came to me with the problem of rear thigh muscle, they have made the most of these 4 effective hamstring exercises and ass:

Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat (TZV. Trip on One Leg With Back Legs)
Single Leg Deadlift (Dead Rid Single)
Bilateral Slideboard Leg Curl (crouching ,, attracting "feet in lying with SLIDEBOARD)
ECCENTRIC Unilateral SLideboard Leg Curl

1. Cloth on one leg with rear foot support (Rear Foot elevated Split Squat):

In this exercise it is important that the knee on "front" foot has been stable. We also watch the knee so that its position is not in front of the tip and the foot to be laid all the time to the ground. The torso should not be in a large forecast, shoulder and traps must be released. The back leg is placed on a raised pad. For this exercise, we can also use the TRX Hanging System. And thus the back foot can be suspended in TRX.

2. Dead Strip Single (Single Leg Deadlift):

Classic dead thrust definitely know. This will try one-year. The basic principle is that the foot is laid all the time throughout the surface on the mat, the knee slightly crumpled and stable. As for the torso, it must be active, the back upright and head in the torso extension. If the hull movement begins down to the foreground, the back leg goes the pomades up. In this exercise it is important that the back in the shank part is not shipped and the pelvis remained in a neutral position without rotation.

3. Crushing ,, attracting "legs in a lying with slideboard (Bilateral slideboard Leg Curl):

You will need Flowin, slideboard or plain slipper pad or TRX suspension system. The body is in the position, the arms fired, the palms are headed up, the legs are loosely laid on the pad (when using TRX suspension system are legs hung on TRX). The exercise starts with a slightly raising the pelvis followed by a slow leg backing under the body and then shooting the legs to the start position.

4. One-time spill in position with the help of slideboard (EXCENTRIC UNILATERAL SLIDEBOARD LEG CURL):

The previous exercise builds out the exercise with the same movement but "one-year". Again is the body in the position Easy, one of the feet of the slippers is subjected to lift the pelvis that must not be filmed to one of the parties. Slow braking movement we try to leg on slideboard to hear.

These 4 exercises can be difficult to do at first sight. complicated, but I think they work very well as prevention against injuries, respectively. As a set of exercise in the training process after injury to the rear thigh muscle.

nedeľa 5. septembra 2021

Amino acids and muscle building |

 Amino acids and muscle building

Do amino acids help build muscle mass?

There has long been a debate about whether athletes should take amino acid supplements as a natural way to simulate the process of building muscle mass. Currently, the discussion is more focused on how to time protein intake, what are the appropriate protein types and amino acid intake in relation to training. The research that was carried out focused on verifying the need for proteins before and after exercise in order to achieve the activation of the processes of regeneration and growth of lean muscle mass.

Leucine and phenylalanine cause an increase in lean muscle mass

Researchers from the University of Texas conducted a study in which they tested the hypothesis that 6 g of essential amino acids administered orally within one to two hours after strength training stimulates the growth of lean muscle mass. The two amino acids applied in this study were leucine and phenylalanine. When subjects drank a drink containing these amino acids after training, an increase in pure protein was noted in their muscles, which is an indicator of an increase in lean muscle mass.

Arginine increases growth hormone and improves regeneration

The amino acid arginine, plays an important role in initiating the regeneration process after training. In one study, half of the subjects were treated with a carbohydrate supplement after training and the other half with a carbohydrate and arginine supplement at one, two and three hours after exercise at 1 g of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight and 0, 08 g of arginine per kilogram of body weight. During the four hours of subsequent regeneration, muscle glycogen recovery was faster in the arginine carbohydrate group.

The researchers attribute the above-mentioned result to the ability of arginine to increase the availability of glucose for muscle glycogen synthesis during regeneration. However, some undesirable side effects such as hot taste and diarrhea have been associated with the intake of a carbohydrate supplement with arginine.

Arginine is also likely to increase the secretion of growth hormone, which affects muscle growth. It acts as a dilator causing smooth muscle relaxation in the arteries. This helps to lower blood pressure and increase congested muscles, probably also to increase the supply of nutrients and oxygen to increase muscle growth. However, there is currently little scientific evidence for the effect of arginine on muscle growth.

BCAA - branched chain amino acids

As for the branched-chain amino acids BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine and valine), they make up about one third of the proteins contained in muscle. Together, they work to restore muscle proteins that are catabolized during exercise, and are also a source of energy during exercise. The more intense the training, the more leucine is consumed. After aerobic exercise, the plasma leucine level decreases by 11 to 33%, after strength training by 30%. In addition, intense aerobic load reduces leucine stores in skeletal muscle.

Another scientific study concluded that if you supply leucine in the form of nutritional supplements (50 mg per kilogram body weight per day) together with 1.26 g protein per kilogram body weight per day, you will avoid a decrease in leucine stores during the five-week speed and muscle training program. . Further studies have shown that the intake of branched-chain amino acids BCAA containing 30 to 35% leucine before or during endurance training reduces the rate of protein catabolism during exercise and saves muscle glycogen.


Your body starts using BCAA branched-chain amino acids as an energy source only if you do not have enough carbohydrates (carbohydrates prevent the burning of branched-chain amino acid stores). In other words, you should supply your body with all the necessary branched-chain amino acids of BCAAs, especially through diet. In addition, a great way to supplement the branched-chain amino acid loss caused by training is to consume dairy products or whey protein after training.

Glutamine as an essential amino acid for muscle growth?

Glutamine is the most common amino acid in the human body. The largest amount is stored in the muscles, but a relatively large amount is also in the brain, lungs, blood and liver. Glutamine serves as a building block for proteins, nucleotides (a structural unit of RNA and DNA) and other amino acids and is a major source of fuel for the cells that make up the immune system. Recent studies point to bedtime glutamine dosing due to higher growth hormone production in athletes with hard training, which causes muscle growth.


Glutamine saves protein

Glutamine stimulates glycogen synthesis

Glutamine protects the immune system

Glutamine proteoanabolism

During intense training, the muscles release glutamine into the bloodstream. This can reduce the glutamine reserve by up to 34%. Such a decrease can be problematic because a lack of glutamine promotes the breakdown of muscle tissue. And if the amino acid glutamine is enough, it prevents the loss of muscle mass.

Glutamine also stimulates muscle glycogen synthesis. In a study in which subjects were treaded on a stationary bicycle for 90 minutes and given glutamine intravenously within two hours of the end of the procedure. Twice the concentration of glutamine was recorded in the muscles. It is not entirely clear how glutamine works in this case. Researchers believe that either glutamine in the muscle is directly converted to glycogen or it can prevent the breakdown of the muscle glycogen present.

Glutamine is also a major source of energy for the cells of the immune system. Intensive training reduces glutamine levels, and scientists believe that this may be one of the reasons for the weakened immune system that we encounter in hard-working athletes. Glutamine supplementation in the form of a nutritional supplement is beneficial in the prevention of infectious diseases that may accompany training.

Glutamine is also involved in cell hydration control processes. By maintaining cell volume, proteosynthesis is stimulated and protein breakdown is reduced.

Glutamine is therefore beneficial for everyone who wants to maximize their performance, support the regeneration of muscles and the immune system. The recommended daily dose of glutamine is 5 to 20 grams.

Amino acid absorption

In order to better absorb amino acids, it is important that their supply is ensured mainly in a natural way from the diet. However, sometimes a given amount is not sufficient for people with high physical activity, and therefore it is necessary in this case to supply the body with amino acids in the form of a nutritional supplement.

As for proteins, one of the best absorbed substances is proteins from animal sources. Scientific research has confirmed that 95 to 99% of animal protein is absorbed and utilized in the body. But even a protein of plant origin is well absorbed if it contains all the essential amino acids. More than 90% of the proteins of plant sources with a high protein content are used by the body.