nedeľa 12. septembra 2021

4 Effective Hamstrings and Ass |

 4 Effective Hamstrings and Ass

Certainly a lot of us met with pain or injury to the rear thigh muscles ,, hamstrings ". The back thigh muscle is very important whether you are spending your free time in the gym or you are going to run or be running. you skate. These muscles are often under heavy pressure because they are constantly overloaded and shortened because of poor intermediate coordination.

These exercises will help you build strong and healthy hamstrings and buttocks. Get to know 4 effective hamsting exercises and buttons that are simple and can handle their beginner.

When working with the athletes who came to me with the problem of rear thigh muscle, they have made the most of these 4 effective hamstring exercises and ass:

Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat (TZV. Trip on One Leg With Back Legs)
Single Leg Deadlift (Dead Rid Single)
Bilateral Slideboard Leg Curl (crouching ,, attracting "feet in lying with SLIDEBOARD)
ECCENTRIC Unilateral SLideboard Leg Curl

1. Cloth on one leg with rear foot support (Rear Foot elevated Split Squat):

In this exercise it is important that the knee on "front" foot has been stable. We also watch the knee so that its position is not in front of the tip and the foot to be laid all the time to the ground. The torso should not be in a large forecast, shoulder and traps must be released. The back leg is placed on a raised pad. For this exercise, we can also use the TRX Hanging System. And thus the back foot can be suspended in TRX.

2. Dead Strip Single (Single Leg Deadlift):

Classic dead thrust definitely know. This will try one-year. The basic principle is that the foot is laid all the time throughout the surface on the mat, the knee slightly crumpled and stable. As for the torso, it must be active, the back upright and head in the torso extension. If the hull movement begins down to the foreground, the back leg goes the pomades up. In this exercise it is important that the back in the shank part is not shipped and the pelvis remained in a neutral position without rotation.

3. Crushing ,, attracting "legs in a lying with slideboard (Bilateral slideboard Leg Curl):

You will need Flowin, slideboard or plain slipper pad or TRX suspension system. The body is in the position, the arms fired, the palms are headed up, the legs are loosely laid on the pad (when using TRX suspension system are legs hung on TRX). The exercise starts with a slightly raising the pelvis followed by a slow leg backing under the body and then shooting the legs to the start position.

4. One-time spill in position with the help of slideboard (EXCENTRIC UNILATERAL SLIDEBOARD LEG CURL):

The previous exercise builds out the exercise with the same movement but "one-year". Again is the body in the position Easy, one of the feet of the slippers is subjected to lift the pelvis that must not be filmed to one of the parties. Slow braking movement we try to leg on slideboard to hear.

These 4 exercises can be difficult to do at first sight. complicated, but I think they work very well as prevention against injuries, respectively. As a set of exercise in the training process after injury to the rear thigh muscle.

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