nedeľa 31. októbra 2021

Gainer - carbohydrates needed by our body |

Gainer - carbohydrates needed by our body

Carbohydrates or sugars are an important part of our diet, as are proteins or fats. We most often encounter the term simple (monosaccharides) or complex (polysaccharides) sugars. The most well-known natural polysaccharides include starches and fiber, as well as muscle glycogen. One of the most widely used carbohydrates or gainers is maltodextrin, which is composed of only a few dozen glucose molecules and therefore has easy digestibility and is often used as an essential component of gainers.

Glycemic index of carbohydrates

For athletes, the complexity of carbohydrates is not as important as the value of the glycemic index (GI). The glycemic index is a number that speaks about how fast the ingested sugar (carbohydrate) is metabolized and thus converted into a ready source of energy - glucose. Sugars with a high glycemic index "fast sugars" (GI over 70) increase rapid blood glucose. For sugars with medium values ​​(GI 55 - 70) this rate decreases. With sugars with a low glycemic index (GI less than 55), the breakdown takes much longer and the rise in blood glucose levels is only slight.

The glycemic index of a food may vary depending on various factors such as:

Proportion of sugars (for example, green unripe banana contains more fructose and has a GI of 35, while a ripe banana has much more glucose and therefore the GI is more than 70)
Presence of fiber
Food hardness
Presence of proteins or fats
Presence of acidity (vinegar, lemon ..)

Is the gainer suitable for training people?

The gainer can be used as a source of energy before, during, but also after regeneration. Their higher proportion in the diet (approximately 70% and sometimes even more) is especially important for aerobic sports, where there is a significant depletion of glycogen stores compared to anaerobic sports. The benefits of higher carbohydrate intake and increased glycogen stores are most visible in performance, especially for activities lasting more than 45 minutes. Recent scientific studies also point to a positive increase in strength, explosiveness and muscle volume with higher glycogen stores.


In the case of endurance athletes, it is recommended to reduce the training load or include a break in the last 3-4 days before the competition and significantly increase the daily carbohydrate intake to approximately 7-10 grams per kilogram of body weight. This high intake of carbohydrates is very difficult to achieve with a normal diet and foods, so the most suitable remedy is just a gainer. You can take the required amount of carbohydrates with a gainer or a carbohydrate or carbohydrate-protein drink. In this way, the glycogen stores in the stressed muscle areas are increased. For maximum effect, it is possible to include a very hard workout combined with a minimum carbohydrate intake 3-4 days before this supercompensation. However, for many, this method is inconvenient. Nowadays, it has been proven that carbohydrate supercompensation can be achieved in just one day, if it is preceded by a short and very intense training.

Gainer restores and increases glycogen stores

It should be mentioned that in the human body (70 kg male) there are approximately 400-500 g of glycogen stores, which corresponds to the amount of energy consumed in a 29 km run. There are also large differences in glycogen stores between an untrained and trained individual.

Muscle glycogen in 100 g of muscle:

Untrained muscle = 13 g
Trained muscle = 32 g
Trained muscle pre-supplied with glycogen = 35 - 40 g
Athletes can reach a glycogen supply of up to 800 g. Diet has the greatest impact on these stocks. The rule applies here: high training intensity = high carbohydrate consumption = high glycogen requirement = performance improvement.

Carbohydrate intake, together with amino acids, has been shown to double the insulin response. Which is a key factor for building muscle mass and anabolic effect.


The fact is that one gram of glycogen binds about 2.7 g of water in the cells. However, this does not mean that the weight gain will be significant. Through the bound water in the muscle cells, the fullness of the muscle mass and larger muscle volumes occur. In this case, bodybuilders and strength athletes see the advantage in particular. The risk of dehydration is also reduced during exercise.



Muscle glycogen depletion is closely related to increased levels of muscle breakdown and weakened immune system

There is a sudden loss of muscle strength and fatigue

Glycogen fluctuations and depletion cause coordination disorders, dizziness, inability and weakness
A constant glycogen level ensures the proper functioning of the brain and the maintenance of blood glucose levels

A low-carb diet for athletes causes muscle fatigue and poorer performance

An example of glycogen depletion when an athlete consumes too few carbohydrates while undergoing strenuous training. The diet contained 45-50% of energy instead of the necessary 55-65%.

Carbohydrate intake before exercise

A higher dose of carbohydrates through a gainer (1 - 4.5 g per kg body weight) with a high glycemic index should be taken 3-4 hours before the procedure. This temporarily increases (approximately 6 hours) the supply of liver and muscle glycogen. Later intake of "quick sugars" is inappropriate because it causes a rapid rise in insulin levels, which causes hypoglycemia (drop in blood sugar) and higher consumption of muscle glycogen. It also causes central nervous system depression. However, according to the latest studies, it is recommended to take fast sugars in small amounts also before strength training. This is due to the partial resynthesis of muscle glycogen in the intervals between sets. This reduces the risk of depletion and thus the risk of overtraining and incomplete regeneration.

Carbohydrate intake during training

During training, the insulin response is suppressed, so sugar intake increases blood glucose levels and thus contributes to muscle glycogen savings. However, there are limits to the rate and amount at which ingested sugars can be metabolized and converted to energy, especially during intense performance at the anaerobic threshold level. For example, according to the latest research, the dose is increased from 1.0 to 1.5 g / min. accelerate the oxidation of sugars from 1.0 g / min to only 1.1 g / min. Therefore, the intake of sugars during exercise makes sense mainly during long-term and less intense exercise (marathon, triathlon, cycling stages…).


Among the most effective sugars during exercise are high glycemic index (fast sugars) such as glucose, sucrose or maltodextrin. Fructose is unsuitable during training because its very slow absorption can lead to digestive problems. The result can be much better if the sugars with different glycemic index are combined, such as glucose, maltose, sucrose, fructose, ribose. In the body, these individual sugars are metabolized and transported by various mechanisms. It is important to mention that such a carbohydrate drink (most often ionic drink, energy gel, energy tablets, energy bars…) should not be more concentrated than about 5% as stomach upset may occur. If you want to increase the carbohydrate content of the drink, the most suitable option is maltodextrin, which can be dosed in much higher amounts.

Carbohydrate intake after training - a means of effective regeneration

Immediately after training, it is advisable to take an adequate amount of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index due to rapid regeneration. Otherwise, the body must rely on the slow recovery of liver and muscle glycogen. These fast sugars should be taken within 45-60 minutes after training, when glycogen synthesis is most intense. The gainer plays an important role here. Most gainers contain these fast sugars (maltodextin, glucose) together with quality proteins, which causes better regeneration, insulin response and thus anabolic effect. It should be mentioned that fructose restores glycogen stores in the liver faster than other sugars.


The amount of carbohydrates received through the gainer after training does not need to be exaggerated. Dosages above 1.2 - 1.5 g per kg body weight per hour (75 - 90 g / hour) do not make practical sense because it exceeds the regenerative capacity of the body. If the gainer is dosed gradually in smaller doses after training, glycogen resynthesis is significantly faster. Suitable reception is every 15 to 30 minutes. An important role in glycogen recovery resp. regeneration is also played by the intensity of the load. The faster the glycogen stores are depleted, the faster the return to the original level. Attention should be drawn to the fact that active rest after training significantly slows down glycogen recovery. Especially in the slow muscle cells that work during such rest.

Based on my experience with carbohydrate supercompensation and the results of my clients with increasing glycogen stores, I recommend food sources of carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, fruit, potatoes, oatmeal and different types of cereals with respect to different individuals and intolerances. To achieve optimal carbohydrate intake, it is necessary to take a gainer with the diet.

nedeľa 24. októbra 2021

Creatine and its effects |

 Creatine and its effects

Creatine is one of the best studied nutritional supplements. It is an effective substance and our own substance. Creatine is recommended by many authors. Athletes use it to increase strength, explosiveness, muscle volume and overall performance.

What is creatine

Creatine is a derived amino acid from arginine, glycine and methionine found in meat and fish. It is synthesized in the liver, pancreas and kidneys in an amount of about 1 gram per day. Creatine plays an important role in the metabolism of ATP (adenosine triphosphate - the immediate source of energy for muscle activity). Creatine nutritional supplements increase the degree and rate of absorption of creatine phosphate (CP - a compound of creatine and phosphoric acid) into muscle cells, thereby increasing muscle performance. The effects have been demonstrated not only in athletes but also in the elderly and patients.

Creatine phosphate (CP) serves to resynthesize ATP and provides energy during high-intensity exercise. The result is a balance between consumption and supply of ATP. Creatine phosphate further increases the strength of muscle contraction and delays fatigue during anaerobic exercise by eliminating hydrogen ions within the cell that are formed during lactate formation. Thus, creatine increases the buffering capacity in muscle cells and plasma, which causes an increase in the amount of energy in the process of anaerobic glycolysis.

Creatine monohydrate and bound water

The use of creatine monohydrate supports the growth of muscle mass and strength, which is mainly due to the increased storage of water in the muscles. It should be borne in mind that water storage is the most effective mechanism that contributes to the increase of strength, muscle mass, explosiveness and improved performance. The average increase in water is evidenced by an increase in body weight of approximately 4 kg. To date, however, it has not been possible to determine whether the above-mentioned increase in the form of water is also associated with a certain increase in muscle proteins. On the other hand, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient supply of water to the body to prevent dehydration, given that more water is directed to the muscle fibers and other organs are depleted of water.

Effects of creatine and use in sports


Increasing strength skills
Sprint acceleration
Improving repeated sprints
Increasing work capacity


Increased glycogen synthesis
Increasing performance in interval training
Increasing work capacity and quality of training
Improvement of aerobic capacity due to increased ATP transport from mitochondria
Improving regeneration
Increasing training tolerance


Weight gain
Increase muscle mass
Not gaining in fat stores


Fluid retention in muscle cells (water retention)
Protein synthesis
Increased training quality

Creatine Monohydrate and its dosage

There are many different dosing methods. Almost all different dosing methods have been scientifically proven to have the same effects. The most common dosing methods are:

With saturation phase. You take 20-30 grams of creatine for the first 5-7 days and only 5 grams for the next 20 days (maintenance phase). This method of dosing creatine has the disadvantage that during the saturation phase, some of the creatine that has not been used leaves the body in the urine. On the contrary, the advantage is that there is a rapid "saturation" of muscles with creatine.
Without saturation phase. This method of dosing is simpler and more economical. You take 10 grams of creatine every training day. On a non-training day, take 5 g. Muscle cell saturation occurs more slowly, but at the same time there is no such significant loss of creatine.
Both variants are very similar in effect. Creatine should be mixed together with a carbohydrate drink - gainer. I recommend 50 grams of gainer or fast carbohydrate. This is because carbohydrates start the production of insulin, which helps to absorb creatine into the cells. After 6 - 8 weeks of creatine use, it is advisable to take a break for 14 days. In the case of constant use of creatine, its effects would be smaller and smaller and practically unrecognized. Some studies have shown much better performance results when creatine was used not only with a gainer but also with L-glutamine at 5 grams of glutamine per dose of creatine.

Creatine and side effects

The effectiveness of creatine supplements varies depending on the body's basic levels of creatine, and the lower the level of creatine in the body, the greater the effect of the creatine supplement. There have been reports in the past that creatine use causes muscle cramps, but none of these and other side effects have been scientifically proven. Creatine is a nutritional supplement that belongs to the category with minimal or no side effects. However, based on my experience and the experience of my clients, creatine can cause a severe feeling in the stomach immediately after use. I recommend using the purest patented form of CREAPURE, which is produced for various brands of nutritional supplements by the world-renowned German company Alz Chem. Reduction of stomach problems is also possible by dissolving creatine in lukewarm to warm water together with fast sugar (glucose, maltodextrin ..). In this case, creatine has much better solubility, digestibility and usability for the body.

Studies on the effects of creatine

Several dozen studies have concluded that creatine supplements, along with training, increase muscle strength and muscle mass. This increase may be due to several mechanisms, including effects on protein synthesis, metabolism, and transcriptional expression at the genetic level. For this reason, it is advisable not to underestimate protein intake. One of the means of increased protein intake is to consume a protein drink. Recognized scientists theorize that a five-day dose of 20 grams of creatine per day increases the presence of creatine in the muscles by 20% and significantly accelerates the regeneration of creatine phosphate after intense muscle contractions. Various strength athletes have seen an improvement in performance after taking creatine supplements in doses ranging from 20 to 30 grams per day, both with short-term high-intensity exercise and with exercise until exhaustion. 12 weeks of taking creatine in combination with demanding strength training increases the growth of active body mass in healthy men, improves physical performance and muscle morphology.

Creatine is especially suitable for the supplementation of sports nutrition, especially in speed-strength disciplines, strength sports and most sports games such as football, hockey, basketball and the like.

nedeľa 17. októbra 2021

Minerals and trace elements suitable for athletes |

 Minerals and trace elements suitable for athletes

Minerals and trace elements play an important role in the human body. They act as electrolytes, which ensure the exchange of nutrients between the cells and the extracellular environment. The imbalance between the body's mineral content and body fluids can be caused by high or prolonged sweating. For this reason, minerals and body fluids must be in balance, as osmotic balance can be disturbed and muscle cramps or other problems can occur.

Intake of clean water after severe dehydration is sometimes not enough. In extreme cases, there can even be a dangerous "water poisoning" (hyponatremia), manifested by nausea and vomiting.

Electrolytes needed for athletes

People with a larger body volume have a relatively smaller body surface area, so they get rid of excess heat worse and their sweat loss is much higher than in small people. Mineral supplementation is important especially for taller athletes and generally more for men than women.

At 15 km / h and 20 ° C, the runner sweats approximately 1-2 liters of fluid per hour. Sweat losses increase dramatically at higher temperatures. To prevent dehydration, I recommend approximately 0.5 liters of fluid with electrolytes 2 hours before exercise.


Salt (NaCl) and sodium (Na), respectively, which play a key role in cellular osmosis, should be mentioned first among the minerals. Salt intake in a normal diet far exceeds the physiological minimum, but during long-term and exhausting exercise, especially in a warm environment, sodium losses are very significant (approximately 800 - 1400 mg Na / 1 liter of sweat). Lack of sodium in body fluids in combination with a high intake of pure water depleted of minerals poses a high risk of the already mentioned hyponatremia. Sodium should therefore be added continuously to beverages or gels.


Magnesium deficiency is often associated with the onset of convulsions. The daily dose of magnesium (Mg) is in a wide range, but is estimated at 250 to 450 mg. Examples of good sources of magnesium are: poppy (456 mg / 100 g), sunflower (420 mg / 100 g) and sesame seeds (352 mg / 100 g), soy flour (300 mg / 100 g), walnuts (247 mg / 100 g) 100 g), almonds (251 mg / 100 g). There are also many magnesium supplements to choose from.


I recommend replenishing potassium (K) especially after exercise. Potassium affects insulin secretion and has an irreplaceable role in glycogen production. Half a liter of sweat contains about 85-105 mg of potassium. The high losses caused by heavy sweating are sufficient to supplement with regular foods. Rich sources of potassium include: spinach (1977 mg / 100 g), cocoa powder (1500 mg / 100 g), raisins (1020 mg / 100 g), nuts (690 mg / 100 g), lentils (670 mg / 100 g) g), bananas (450 mg / 100 g), tomatoes (275 mg / 1 piece), potatoes (570 mg / 100 g), orange (250 mg / 100 g).


Calcium plays an important role in muscle contractions. In addition, it is generally beneficial for bone support and growth during adolescence. The optimal calcium intake for children and adults is approximately 1000 mg. For the elderly, breastfeeding women and puberty, the dose is 1500 mg. The best sources of calcium are cheeses (Parmesan 1340 mg / 100 g, Emmental 1145 mg / 100 g, blue cheese 612 mg / 100g), dairy products (cottage cheese 366 mg / 100g, milk 120 mg / 100g, yoghurts 150-200mg / 100 g) , poppy (1059 mg / 100 g), almonds (279 mg / 100 g), sesame seeds (783 mg / 100 g), sea fish (sardines 410 mg / 100 g). In case of excessive protein intake, calcium is used to neutralize acids that are formed during their decomposition. This leads to increased calcium excretion and bone loss.


Iron is part of hemoglobin and for this reason it is needed in sports mainly by endurance athletes during training to increase blood transport functions. The best sources of iron are mainly animal products (meat and offal 2-8 mg / 100 g, egg yolk (6 mg / 100 g), yeast (17 mg / 100 g) and molasses (17 mg / 100 g) are also high. The content in plant food is also high (wheat germ 9 mg / 100 g, poppy 17 mg / 100 g, oatmeal 7 mg / 100 g, hazelnuts 14 mg / 100 g), but only in small amounts it can benefit the body. This can have adverse consequences for perennials who are vegetarians, and the absorption of iron can be significantly improved by the administration of vitamin C.

Other minerals are not excreted to such an extent in sports activities. Therefore, it is not so necessary to supplement them through supplementation. Minerals, vitamins and sugars are best and most conveniently supplied through a variety of ionic beverages, but not every manufacturer has the right composition. Mineral water can also be used as a source of minerals and trace elements. It should also be noted that extreme doses of a mineral can be toxic in the sense that they cause other important substances to be excreted from the body.

nedeľa 10. októbra 2021

Baking soda improves athletic performance |

 Baking soda improves athletic performance

For some sports activities, baking soda improves sports performance. Consumption of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3-) may be useful before and after exercise. This is especially the case with activities that are accompanied by high lactate accumulation. According to significant scientific studies, the blood concentration of HCO3- is increased, which increases the ability to neutralize free hydrogen ions and improve the buffering capacity.

Baking soda neutralizes lactate (lactic acid salt)

The results of various experiments are really very interesting, even in intermittent or long-term activities, where there is increased lactate production such as sprints, boxing, cycling, HIIT, various interval training, swimming, crossfit and the like.

Lactic acid is released into the muscles during intense physical activity, when the process of anaerobic glycolysis predominates. A small amount acts as a temporary source of energy mainly for muscle cells, heart muscle and brain. The accumulation of higher amounts of lactic acid and thus lactate causes various physiological processes (including discomfort and pain) that prevent you from continuing to train. Lactate reduction and its metabolism can be achieved by supplements such as inosine, beta alanine, creatine or baking soda. Olimp offers two unique products in its range called Beta-Alanine Xplode and Endugen Oxygen Performance, which are very suitable for the processes of lactate degradation, muscle oxygenation, improving VO2max, increasing performance and the like. All contained components (beta-alanine, creatine, B6, histidine, sodium bicarbonate - sodium bicarbonate, L-arginine,) support these processes.

Dosing of baking soda to improve training

Based on various studies, I recommend taking 300 mg / kg body weight (approx. 20 - 25 g) mixed in one liter of water approximately 2 hours before sports performance. The extent of the effects is, of course, individual. Some athletes may experience discomfort after consuming soda. In this case, it is advisable to divide the dose into smaller portions and consume it gradually. One solution is to consume soda for several days in a row, because its effect can last another 2 days. The combination of soda with creatine is also suitable, as creatine also has the effect of improving the buffering capacity. Recently, the buffering effect of sodium citrate has been tested. According to the available results, a dose of 500 mg / kg is probably even more effective than soda alone and sodium citrate causes much less digestive problems.

Training with the sip of baking soda improves endurance

At a constant load (training process time of 8 weeks) in a test performed at 100% VO2max (maximum oxygen consumption), the baking soda (bicarb) group had a 41% improvement over the saline group. Also, the group that ate baking soda before each workout improved their performance at the anaerobic threshold by 9.6% more than the group that ate saline. Performance at the anaerobic threshold level is one of the most important indicators for determining endurance performance. In this study, an improvement in performance at fatigue time of 41% is indicated. This improvement in performance is precisely due to the neutralization of lactate or free hydrogen ions.

Training with baking soda improves the breakdown of lactate from the muscle

Training with the ingestion of soda increases the special protein MCT4, which has the function of transporting lactate from muscle. The graph shows the values of three different transport proteins in rat muscle. During the 5-week interval training, the soda group had a significantly greater increase in lactate-transporting protein (MCT4) than the group that consumed only pure water.

Bicarbonate improves performance in strength

In one of the other studies, positive changes in strength performance were also demonstrated (4 series, three exercises with an intensity of 12RM and a short rest between series). The group received 23 to 31 grams of baking soda 60 minutes before the procedure.

Soda consumption can be associated with one problem, which is the chemical neutralization of soda with stomach acids. It would be advisable to take baking soda in gelatinic acid-resistant capsules, which have the ability to dissolve only in the small intestine (enteric capsules). These capsules protect their contents from high pH in the stomach. You will also avoid stomach upset after taking soda. In a few studies, these special capsules have been applied. For this reason, I assume that the performance will also be improved by direct consumption of baking soda. In sports, soda is fully legal and tolerated similar to caffeine or creatine.

Výsledky preklaKonzumácia sódy môže byť spojená s jedným problémom, ktorý je

nedeľa 3. októbra 2021

Muscle building for vegetarians |

 Muscle building for vegetarians

Can you be a vegetarian and build muscle at the same time? Yes, it is possible, but only if you follow a certain diet. The key is to combine foods so that you achieve a balanced ratio of individual amino acids.

Essential amino acids are the basis

We have 22 amino acids, the combinations of which produce proteins necessary for tissue growth and regeneration. In order for your body to synthesize proteins, all of these amino acids must function. If only one is missing or its concentration is too low, protein synthesis is limited.

Eight of these 22 amino acids cannot be synthesized by our bodies on their own and must be supplied by the diet. These amino acids are referred to as essential amino acids. Seven of the 22 amino acids are referred to as semi-essential amino acids. This means that they are synthesized in our body, but under certain conditions their need is significantly higher. The other seven amino acids that our body can synthesize are called non-essential amino acids. The body makes non-essential amino acids from carbohydrates and nitrogen and from other, essential and non-essential amino acids.

Complex and full-value proteins

Foods that contain all the essential amino acids necessary for health and growth are called complex proteins. Proteins contained in dairy products, eggs, meat, fish, or other animal sources of protein are complex and thus contain all 22 amino acids.

Some foods of plant origin generally do not contain all 22 amino acids and are often referred to as non-complex proteins. However, this is not quite the case. The important fact is whether they contain all the essential amino acids. If a food of plant origin or a combination of plant foods contains all 8 essential amino acids, we can practically speak of a full-fledged and complex protein.


Your vegetarian diet must contain enough essential amino acids. Therefore, it is necessary to combine foods so that a suitable combination of foods achieves a balanced intake of amino acids. An amino acid deficiency in one food should be balanced by a combination of another food that contains a sufficient amount of the amino acid. It is not necessary for these two foods to be combined in one meal, but in one day.

For example, corn cereals contain a limiting amount of lysine but a higher amount of methionine. Legumes, such as beans, contain a small amount of methionine but a higher amount of lysine. By combining these two foods, you will achieve a complex protein intake.

The best protein for vegetarians

For vegetarians and vegans, it is a very practical way to get enough essential amino acids to get a unique nutritional supplement from the English company Viridian - Balance Amino Acid, which directly contains only essential amino acids.

There are also a number of protein drinks for vegetarians (rice, hemp, peas), which contain all the essential amino acids and are an excellent, healthy and quality source of protein.


Rice protein is an excellent protein for vegetarians, vegans and people with various allergies. It will also be replaced by women and athletes who try to live healthier and not acidify the body. It is also known to be alkaline, which, unlike animal proteins, does not acidify the body. It contains all the essential amino acids (the body cannot make them itself), which are needed to make muscle tissue, hormones and enzymes, without which we cannot survive. Its amino acid composition is comparable to whey protein and much better than soy protein. It is quickly absorbed, so it is suitable immediately after training.

Rice protein is made by filtering protein and fiber from enzymatically pre-digested whole grain brown rice, including germ and bran. The production process is at low temperatures, without the use of chemicals and acid hydrolysis.


high protein content 80%
excellent digestibility
does not contain gluten, soy, lactose, milk or other allergens
alkaline effect
good taste
high content of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, tocopherol and other substances
good price
high glutamine content


Hemp protein is considered the best vegetable protein. It is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, all essential amino acids, antioxidants and fiber. Its great advantage is the detoxifying effect. It has beneficial effects on pH balance and does not cause acidification like soy and whey proteins. It is called a complete protein because it is the source of all the amino acids necessary for regeneration. This makes it fully comparable to any animal protein. It is suitable for all active people, vegetarians, vegans and people suffering from allergies.

Hemp protein is made by crushing hemp seeds. By pressing, hemp flour and hemp oil are obtained. The whole-grain hemp flour is then cold-dried and sieved to separate the coarse parts of the bran from the fine hemp powder, which has a high-quality protein content of up to 50%.


excellent digestibility (up to 90%)
high content of omega 3, antioxidants, digestible fiber, vitamins, minerals, enzymes
does not contain lactose, gluten, milk, soy, hexane and other allergens
representation of all amino acids "complete protein"
does not contain THC - has no psychotropic effects
is a source of GLA (omega gamma-linoleic acid)
suitable for vegans and vegetarians
without the use of chemicals


worse taste
lower protein content 50%


Pea protein is a full-fledged "natural" that includes all the essential amino acids. It is designed to support the growth of muscle mass for all athletes. Pea protein contains approximately 80% protein isolate. For protein isolation, a patented, very gentle non-aggressive technology is used, where only pure water is used, without the use of chemical substances!

If you are a vegetarian who is eggs and dairy, you do not have to worry and think about food combinations. The proteins in milk, eggs, cheese and other dairy products contain all the essential amino acids you need to regenerate, maintain and grow tissues.

Vegetarians and iron, zinc and vitamin B12 deficiency

If you decide to exclude meat from your side, pay attention to diet planning to avoid the problems that can be associated with excluding meat. This is mainly due to a lack of iron, zinc and vitamin B12. This can impair your athletic performance. Here are some tips on what to do if you are doing strength training to avoid this situation:

Eat plenty of protein-containing foods. Maintain a steady intake of 1.6 - 1.8 g of quality protein per kilogram of body weight, which is the recommended intake for those who seek to build muscle mass. You can achieve this by consuming dairy products and foods of plant origin with a high protein content. If you are a vegan, ie you do not consume any food of animal origin, increase your protein intake to 1.8 - 2 g per kilogram of body weight.

Remember the sources of iron. As already mentioned, proteins of animal origin contain a better absorbable form of iron, the so-called heme iron. If you are a semi-vegetarian, ie you eat chicken and fish and you do not eat red meat, you are lucky because fish and chicken contain a sufficient amount of heme iron. If you do not eat any food of animal origin, your heme iron intake is zero and it will be more difficult for you to supply your body with the appropriate amount of iron in your diet. A slightly lower iron intake signals your body to use more iron from the vegetables contained in your diet. The plant diet contains enough iron, but with lower absorption. For example, nuts, legumes and cereals contain more iron than red meat. If we consume enough fresh foods rich in vitamin C, there is no problem with the absorption of iron.
Beware of vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is one of the most important substances that vegans may be deficient in. This is because the source of vitamin B12 is only animal products. Fortunately, the need for this vitamin is very small (the recommended daily dose for adults is 2.4 micrograms). Adequate intake is essential for proper hematopoiesis (red blood cell production) and for the nervous system. Thus, a deficiency of this vitamin has serious consequences and can cause irreversible changes in the nervous system. Fermented products, such as soy and tempeh products, supply the body with a certain amount of vitamin B12 from a bacterial culture that causes fermentation, but this is not enough. Vegans should eat foods fortified with vitamin B12, or nutritional supplements containing it.

Beware of zinc and iron deficiency. Some foods contain phytates, oxalates, or other substances that block the absorption of iron and zinc from the gut. Phytates are a storage form of phosphorus and this form is bound to fiber. Coffee and tea (regular and decaffeinated), whole grains, bran, legumes and spinach are examples of foods containing these substances. It is advisable to combine them with foods containing sources of heme iron and vitamin C to ensure the absorption of more iron and zinc. The main sources of zinc in the diet of vegetarians are: whole grains, nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews), walnut butter (cashew butter, almond butter), pumpkin seeds, legumes (beans, lentils, soy), wheat germ, quinoa, in addition also suitable intake of iron and zinc in the form of nutritional supplements.

Although dietary supplements are not a substitute for food, in this case it is desirable to supplement the insufficient intake of iron and zinc in the diet with food supplements containing these minerals. Ensuring that you take their recommended daily allowance in the form of nutritional supplements will protect you from the serious effects of their deficiency.