nedeľa 24. októbra 2021

Creatine and its effects |

 Creatine and its effects

Creatine is one of the best studied nutritional supplements. It is an effective substance and our own substance. Creatine is recommended by many authors. Athletes use it to increase strength, explosiveness, muscle volume and overall performance.

What is creatine

Creatine is a derived amino acid from arginine, glycine and methionine found in meat and fish. It is synthesized in the liver, pancreas and kidneys in an amount of about 1 gram per day. Creatine plays an important role in the metabolism of ATP (adenosine triphosphate - the immediate source of energy for muscle activity). Creatine nutritional supplements increase the degree and rate of absorption of creatine phosphate (CP - a compound of creatine and phosphoric acid) into muscle cells, thereby increasing muscle performance. The effects have been demonstrated not only in athletes but also in the elderly and patients.

Creatine phosphate (CP) serves to resynthesize ATP and provides energy during high-intensity exercise. The result is a balance between consumption and supply of ATP. Creatine phosphate further increases the strength of muscle contraction and delays fatigue during anaerobic exercise by eliminating hydrogen ions within the cell that are formed during lactate formation. Thus, creatine increases the buffering capacity in muscle cells and plasma, which causes an increase in the amount of energy in the process of anaerobic glycolysis.

Creatine monohydrate and bound water

The use of creatine monohydrate supports the growth of muscle mass and strength, which is mainly due to the increased storage of water in the muscles. It should be borne in mind that water storage is the most effective mechanism that contributes to the increase of strength, muscle mass, explosiveness and improved performance. The average increase in water is evidenced by an increase in body weight of approximately 4 kg. To date, however, it has not been possible to determine whether the above-mentioned increase in the form of water is also associated with a certain increase in muscle proteins. On the other hand, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient supply of water to the body to prevent dehydration, given that more water is directed to the muscle fibers and other organs are depleted of water.

Effects of creatine and use in sports


Increasing strength skills
Sprint acceleration
Improving repeated sprints
Increasing work capacity


Increased glycogen synthesis
Increasing performance in interval training
Increasing work capacity and quality of training
Improvement of aerobic capacity due to increased ATP transport from mitochondria
Improving regeneration
Increasing training tolerance


Weight gain
Increase muscle mass
Not gaining in fat stores


Fluid retention in muscle cells (water retention)
Protein synthesis
Increased training quality

Creatine Monohydrate and its dosage

There are many different dosing methods. Almost all different dosing methods have been scientifically proven to have the same effects. The most common dosing methods are:

With saturation phase. You take 20-30 grams of creatine for the first 5-7 days and only 5 grams for the next 20 days (maintenance phase). This method of dosing creatine has the disadvantage that during the saturation phase, some of the creatine that has not been used leaves the body in the urine. On the contrary, the advantage is that there is a rapid "saturation" of muscles with creatine.
Without saturation phase. This method of dosing is simpler and more economical. You take 10 grams of creatine every training day. On a non-training day, take 5 g. Muscle cell saturation occurs more slowly, but at the same time there is no such significant loss of creatine.
Both variants are very similar in effect. Creatine should be mixed together with a carbohydrate drink - gainer. I recommend 50 grams of gainer or fast carbohydrate. This is because carbohydrates start the production of insulin, which helps to absorb creatine into the cells. After 6 - 8 weeks of creatine use, it is advisable to take a break for 14 days. In the case of constant use of creatine, its effects would be smaller and smaller and practically unrecognized. Some studies have shown much better performance results when creatine was used not only with a gainer but also with L-glutamine at 5 grams of glutamine per dose of creatine.

Creatine and side effects

The effectiveness of creatine supplements varies depending on the body's basic levels of creatine, and the lower the level of creatine in the body, the greater the effect of the creatine supplement. There have been reports in the past that creatine use causes muscle cramps, but none of these and other side effects have been scientifically proven. Creatine is a nutritional supplement that belongs to the category with minimal or no side effects. However, based on my experience and the experience of my clients, creatine can cause a severe feeling in the stomach immediately after use. I recommend using the purest patented form of CREAPURE, which is produced for various brands of nutritional supplements by the world-renowned German company Alz Chem. Reduction of stomach problems is also possible by dissolving creatine in lukewarm to warm water together with fast sugar (glucose, maltodextrin ..). In this case, creatine has much better solubility, digestibility and usability for the body.

Studies on the effects of creatine

Several dozen studies have concluded that creatine supplements, along with training, increase muscle strength and muscle mass. This increase may be due to several mechanisms, including effects on protein synthesis, metabolism, and transcriptional expression at the genetic level. For this reason, it is advisable not to underestimate protein intake. One of the means of increased protein intake is to consume a protein drink. Recognized scientists theorize that a five-day dose of 20 grams of creatine per day increases the presence of creatine in the muscles by 20% and significantly accelerates the regeneration of creatine phosphate after intense muscle contractions. Various strength athletes have seen an improvement in performance after taking creatine supplements in doses ranging from 20 to 30 grams per day, both with short-term high-intensity exercise and with exercise until exhaustion. 12 weeks of taking creatine in combination with demanding strength training increases the growth of active body mass in healthy men, improves physical performance and muscle morphology.

Creatine is especially suitable for the supplementation of sports nutrition, especially in speed-strength disciplines, strength sports and most sports games such as football, hockey, basketball and the like.

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