nedeľa 21. novembra 2021

8 activities after each training |

8 activities after each training

We bring you 8 basic activities that you should do after each training. These activities will help you regenerate your body better and faster after training, improve your immunity, increase your performance in sports and, last but not least, you will feel much better.


It is important to cool down once you have completed the last repetition or the last kilometer in your cardio workout. After each workout, whether strength or endurance, you should find 5 minutes to cool down. Your heart rate and body temperature will drop and your body will start to cool down automatically, but if you sit or lie you will most likely harden. It is very important to stop training properly, to be constantly on the move and to cool down slowly so that your body can begin to regenerate. For this reason, we recommend a light trot and car massage with various aids after training.


Remember to drink plenty of water or an ionic drink during training, as hydration is a key element of any workout. During training, you sweat a lot of fluids and lose a certain amount of minerals. The body has an elevated body temperature and must cool down. The cooling mechanism is the evaporation of body fluids. If the outside environment is low or dry, you may not feel sweaty. But you will still lose a certain amount of fluid with minerals. Dehydration and all its negative effects on the body are associated with some fluid loss. Overheating, dizziness, organ damage, convulsions, collapse, overtraining and many other dangerous effects on the body can occur. It is necessary to drink enough fluids during the day of training, during training, but also after it. We recommend the unique product The Edge from the company Reflex Nutrition, which with its composition helps hydrate the body, replenish lost minerals, restore lost glycogen stores, strengthen immunity and other processes.


As well as cooling down after training, it is very important to find an additional 5-10 minutes for stretching. Stretching is neglected by many people, which can shorten muscles and worsen the range of motion, which can result in injuries. If you're in a hurry, you can combine points 1 and 3, but be sure not to miss stretching. We recommend car massage as a suitable and very effective method for relaxing muscles after training. You can read more details about car massage in one of our articles: Get rid of the pain with a foam roller.


After-work showering is not just a matter of hygiene. If you have had a hard workout and you are afraid of a subsequent muscle, we recommend combining a cold shower with a warm one. A cold shower alleviates inflammatory processes in the muscles and thus accelerates regeneration. Warm relaxes the body and muscle mass. It is important to alternate cold and hot water. In the case of a long-term cold shower or ice, a more effective alleviation of inflammatory processes is achieved. However, the disadvantage is the slowdown of adaptation processes in the body, which means that your body is less able to cope with the stimulus of training and there may not be an improvement in performance. This physiological problem can be solved by alternating a cold shower with a warm one. There is a great deal of scientific evidence for this method, which demonstrates the alleviation of inflammatory processes and at the same time a high adaptive response to training in the form of performance improvement.

Proteins and amino acids


Through exercise, we create microcracks in our muscle fibers. In the process of regeneration, when they are "repaired", it is necessary to supply the body with nutrients, especially proteins and amino acids. This mechanism of constant damage and renewal of muscle cells ensures strength improvement, hypertrophy - increase muscle mass and the like. The composition of our muscles is made of protein. They need the same building material to restore them. This is one of the reasons why so many exercisers carry a protein drink that they drink approx. 15 minutes after training. Here I would like to point out one very common mistake. Most exercisers drink protein only after training. The next day, when not training, they do not consume protein or receive protein from the diet. However, even on the second day, when you do not have to train, the body undergoes very complex regenerative processes to restore damaged muscle cells. Here you need to pay much more attention to the intake of protein drink 2-3 times a day. Recent research also points to the fact that it is much more important to drink a protein drink regularly during the day than just after training.

You can supplement protein from other, natural sources, but a protein shake is an effective way to supplement a sufficient amount of quality protein. In the case of the fastest possible post-workout intake - and in the case of post-workout proteins, the "The faster after a workout, the better" certainly applies. For this reason, I recommend rapidly absorbed proteins, namely whey "Whey Protein". A multi-component protein is suitable for protein intake during the day. Casein protein is the most suitable for supplementation and gradual release of amino acids during sleep.

Special proteins

Proteins are the best-selling nutritional supplement and today you can easily enjoy various specialties such as vegan protein, lactose-free protein, soy protein, vegetable protein, rice protein, a special protein for women - KetonDiet for weight adjustment, meat protein and the like. However, if a protein shake is not for you, get at least the second most important BCAA supplement - amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. You can get BCAAs in various forms - in the form of tablets, capsules, instant powder, drinks or liquid disposables. We also pay attention to a very practical intake of proteins in the form of protein bars. You can read more about protein bars in one of our articles: The best protein bars.


Whether you use the app or a regular notebook, simply write down your training indicators such as barbell weight, number of repetitions, number of sets, times. Tracking your progress will motivate you and is an effective way to prevent stagnation.


Professional athletes use compression clothing as a key aspect of post-workout recovery. Compression clothing is designed to help you reduce toxins in your muscles, improve blood circulation and speed up regeneration.


Yes, it hurts, but in the long run it will be of great benefit to you. Foam rolling works on the same principle as massage. Physiotherapists, trainers, and athletes use foam rollers to relieve muscle pain and stiffness (often called "adhesions," "nodules," or "pain points"). Classic foam rollers have a smooth surface while compressing soft fabric. Scrolling improves blood circulation and tissue elasticity.

The foam massage roller costs about as much as an hour of massage, can be used daily, is easily portable and will last you several years, so it is definitely a small investment that will pay you back many times over.

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