nedeľa 26. decembra 2021

10 foods for better sex |

 10 foods for better sex

Sexologists, cardiologists and psychologists agree that what we eat has a big impact on our sex lives. Sex is healthy mainly because it relieves tension in the body, but it also serves as a good cardio workout. British researchers claim that men who have more than 20 "notches" per month are at increased risk of prostate cancer. Lack of sexual activity in turn increases the risk of erectile dysfunction. So it is important to estimate the correct ratio somewhere in between :). We offer ten foods that have a positive effect on better sex.

Here is a list of ten foods that have a positive effect on our sex life:

Spinach is a source of magnesium. Magnesium helps to dilate blood vessels, thus improving blood circulation in the genital area and creating more arousal.

Tea contains the antioxidant Catechin, which has a positive effect on sexual strength, improves memory and concentration. Tea without added sugar contributes to the breakdown of fats.

Melon contains the substance L-citrulline, which is converted to the amino acid arginine. Arginine increases nitric oxide, which relaxes and dilates blood vessels, which has the same effect as Viagra in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Eggs are an excellent source of vitamins B5 and B6, which help keep hormones in balance, reduce stress and are important for maintaining a healthy libido.

Antioxidants and alcohol in wine cause the formation of nitric oxide in the blood, which contributes to the relaxation of blood vessel walls and increases blood flow to the genitals. One maximum of two cups is enough for this positive effect. With more wine, sexual performance is reduced.

Pumpkin and sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts, walnuts contain the necessary monounsaturated fats from which our body produces healthy cholesterol. Our sex hormones need this good cholesterol to function properly.

Proteins or essential amino acids are the building blocks of the human body. They are essential for the growth and maintenance of the cell structure of all organs, including the genital ones. In addition, proteins increase metabolism during digestion more than any other type of food, they also increase metabolism by helping to build muscle mass and stop the natural loss of muscle mass as a result of aging. Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, so the more muscles we have, the more calories we burn. Elaborate belly, thighs or ass definitely look sexy when we take off clothes :)

Salmon, mackerel, cod and tuna should not be missing from your diet. They contain omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA which increase dopamine levels in the brain, which triggers arousal.

Fish contain the amino acid L-arginine, which stimulates the release of growth hormone in other substances and is converted to nitric oxide in the body. It is worth repeating that nitric oxide is crucial for achieving an erection, and also improves women's sexual function by causing blood vessels to dilate due to better blood flow.

If you do not like fish or do not have the opportunity to include fish at least 1-2 times a week in your diet, you should reach for nutritional supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as:

9. Oysters
They are a well-known aphrodisiac. Oysters contain more zinc than most other foods. Zinc increases libido by helping to produce testosterone - and higher testosterone levels are associated with increased desire causing better sex. Zinc is also essential for healthy sperm production and blood circulation. Casanova reportedly ate up to 50 raw oysters a day. Three oysters a day will provide us with a sufficient daily dose of zinc. Shrimp, red meat, pumpkin seeds, poultry and pork, eggs and dairy products are also good sources of zinc.

Dark chocolate contains a compound called phenylethylamine, which releases the same endorphins that are released during sex and increases the feeling of attraction between two people.

But which chocolate is the "healthiest" chocolate? Be sure to prefer chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa.

nedeľa 19. decembra 2021

Which fat burner is the best? |

 Which fat burner is the best?

To choose the best fat burner, the most important thing is to understand the principle of how they work. Fat burners are usually a combination of stimulants such as caffeine or synephrine and natural herbs. At present, various healthy fats such as CLA, omega 3 and the like are also represented among efficient burners.

How does a fat burner work?

The fat burner generally contains a precisely calculated ratio of ingredients that slightly increase body temperature and increase metabolism, thereby increasing energy expenditure, suppressing appetite and directly promoting fat burning with essential fatty acids. Some burners regulate thyroid hormones or promote the activity of enzymes responsible for digesting carbohydrates, which means that we can consume more carbohydrates without affecting our weight.

How and when to dose a fat burner?

Follow the instructions on the product packaging. If you plan to use fat burners for a long time, use them in two-week cycles, which means that you use the burner for 14 days and take 14 days off.

The burners are best used in the morning or in the morning or before training. It depends on the type of product. Be sure to avoid using burners in the evening or at bedtime if you do not want to wander for several hours until you fall asleep.


Thermogenic fat burners
Free fat burning stimulants
carbohydrate blockers
fat blockers
burners regulating thyroid hormones
appetite suppressants

Which of the many options is right for me?

Every year, a lot of money is wasted on fat burners because a lot of people who don't play sports at all and eat completely poorly buy them. The fat burner is very effective if you want to get rid of excess fat, but without training and diet modification, it will not work.

Now that you understand how fat burners work, how and when they are used, we will help you choose the right one.

Make sure you buy a product from a reputable brand that makes nutritional supplements. Also avoid the miracle pills that are so often advertised on the Internet and without training and dietary adjustments promise you a loss of 7 kg per week! These miracle pills from unknown manufacturers, often offering only one product, usually have a weak effect and can have negative consequences for your health.

I often get a question from my clients, customers and acquaintances which burner is the best. From all that are available with us, I chose 4 verified. I chose them based on my own experience and I also followed the ranking of the best-selling burners in the USA, Europe in our e-shop and in the stone shop.

The main difference between selected fat burners and others that are available on the market is the unique blend of ingredients. All are from trusted companies. I am sure that these selected burners will help you achieve the highest loss of unwanted fat in the safest possible way. Don't forget to combine them with proper diet and training!

nedeľa 12. decembra 2021

Testosterone and its natural production |

 Testosterone and its natural production


Testosterone - A hormone produced primarily by the testicles, is known as the male hormone although women have testosterone as well. In fact, testosterone affects manhood, potency, erection, male sexual and reproductive functions, muscle mass, hair growth, maintaining bone density, red blood cell levels and well-being.

If you are a man who experiences symptoms such as decreased sexual appetite, erectile dysfunction, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating and memory - low testosterone levels may be to blame. Before you decide to see a doctor, try to increase your testosterone levels naturally.

8 ways to increase testosterone levels naturally


Overweight men usually have low testosterone levels. Testosterone levels drop after sugar consumption because sugar leads to high insulin levels which in turn leads to low testosterone levels. According to estimates, the average adult consumes 12 teaspoons of sugar a day, which corresponds to about two tons of sugar in a lifetime !!!

Why we eat so much sugar is not difficult to understand - it tastes good, and it gives us pleasure by starting a process in the brain through dopamine and opioid signals. What it does to our physical and emotional level is a completely different story. Most people experience a significant improvement in health when they reduce the amount of sugar in their diet.

If you are serious about losing weight, you must strictly limit the amount of processed sugar in your diet - sweetened drinks, fructose in processed foods, fruit juices, refined carbohydrates such as breakfast cereals, baguettes, waffles, pretzels. Most other processed foods also break down sugar rapidly and increase insulin levels, causing insulin resistance, which is the cause of almost every chronic man's disease, including weight gain.


Zinc is important for testosterone production. It is estimated that up to 45% of adults suffer from zinc deficiency.

The best sources of zinc in the diet are: meat, fish, Brazil nuts, cheese, beans and yogurt or kefir made from raw milk.

If you decide to supplement zinc with nutrients, I recommend keeping doses below 40 mg per day, as this is the upper limit recommended for adults. Taking too much zinc can impair your body's ability to absorb other minerals.


Strength training is known to increase testosterone levels.

To increase your testosterone levels as much as possible, focus on higher weights and lower repetitions, as well as complex multi-joint exercises that work big muscles - that is, exercises like deadlifts or squats and high-dumbbell pressures. and so on. These complex exercises are the cornerstone of testosterone production in the gym. Testosterone has been shown to increase strength training with a number of repetitions of 1 to 6 and a break between series of 4 to 5 minutes the most. Therefore, prefer exercises with sports such as weightlifting, crossfit, powerlifting and the like.


Vitamin D is essential for the anabolic hormone testosterone and also essential for maintaining the quality and sufficient number of sperm. Vitamin D also increases testosterone levels, which boosts libido. Staying in the sun is the best way to optimize your vitamin D levels. Another option is a nutritional supplement - vitamin D3.


When you are under a lot of stress, your body releases high levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This hormone blocks the effects of testosterone. In the modern world, chronic stress, and consequently elevated cortisol levels mean that these effects of testosterone are blocked in the long run, which we want to prevent.


Research shows that a diet with less than 40 percent energy from healthy fats leads to a reduction in testosterone levels. It is more than necessary to eat a high amount of healthy fats.

Examples of healthy fats include:

Olives and olive oil, coconuts and coconut oil, MCT oil, butter made from organic milk, raw nuts, avocados, almond butter, egg yolks, fish oil - omega 3


Tribulus is a non-hormonal supplement of plant origin, which is used to increase sexual libido and potency, to stimulate testosterone production and to maintain optimal levels of the hormones cortisol and estradiol. Positive effects on fertility have been demonstrated, and application during menopause and andropause in men is also suitable.

It increases the available energy level during physical exercise, helps remove toxins caused by mental stress, promotes fat loss and stimulates the growth of muscle mass and strength.


The steroid saponin protodioscin is an active substance that stimulates the production of sex hormones (testosterone in men, estrogen in women), has a positive effect on the central nervous system and acts as an active component of an anabolic nature. In the male body, protodioscin increases testosterone levels, regulates the levels of other hormones without interfering with their function, and optimizes prostate function. In women, protodioscin increases pregnenolone, progesterone and estrogen levels, improves sexual libido, and promotes a positive mental and emotional state. There is only one product that contains up to 60% protodioscin. It is a Bulgarian tribulus terrestris from VemoHerb.


BCAAs or branched-chain essential amino acids, those that the human body cannot produce, contribute to increasing testosterone levels, especially when taken with training.

nedeľa 5. decembra 2021

What training is best for weight loss? |

What training is best for weight loss?


Any physical or sports activity means a higher energy expenditure for the body. Higher energy expenditure, however, does not necessarily mean that you will lose weight. A number of other factors also play a role in weight loss, such as energy intake, hormonal balance, basal metabolism, biological aspects, type, frequency and intensity of physical activity.

There are many ways to lose weight through exercise or exercise. Don't know what training is best for weight loss? We most often meet with recommended trainings such as: running or other cardio training, HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training, strength or strength training, crossfit, circular training, exercise with your own body, or training on the TRX suspension system and the like.

Every coach and advisor says something different. Everyone promotes their weight loss training. Some argue that cardio is best, while others do strength training. Each type of physical activity has its benefits. It is important to combine this so that we make the most of weight loss, so that we understand the principles of all exercises, respect the physiological processes in the body and use it for weight loss.

In this article, we will talk more about the benefits of strength training, which indicators of strength training are most beneficial and affect weight loss. In the following articles, you will learn more about cardio training, crossfit training and other types of sports activities in relation to weight loss.

Why weight training for weight loss?

Strength or strength training in which you do a standard 8-15 repetitions in series for different muscle groups should be an integral part of physical activity during weight loss. The biggest advantage of this training over cardio training is the formation of active muscle mass. Muscle mass is a major "consumer" of energy. Therefore, you also have a higher basal metabolism. Basal metabolism is the expenditure of energy you consume in 24 hours at rest. In layman's terms: even if you do nothing, such as sleeping, you still consume much more energy than when your muscles are weak and inactive.

Does fat burning and strength training?

During an hour of strength training, you will burn more energy from sugars (glycogen) and less from fats, but this does not mean that you will not lose fat in the end. On the contrary, during regeneration after strength training, you will burn much more fat than sugar. Regeneration after classical strength training for an individual muscle part lasts approximately 24 - 48 hours. During this time, you burn more fat than if you didn't have strength training. And it is this demanding regeneration together with higher basal metabolism that is the main physiological advantage of fat burning during strength training.


If you want your strength training to be as effective as possible for fat burning, you don't have to do 15 repetitions at all costs. The time when the simple rule of 15 repetitions for weight loss applied, 8-12 repetitions for muscle growth is long gone. The difference between making 8 or 15 reps is insignificant and more needs to be done. In terms of training methodology, there are much more important factors that affect higher energy expenditure and weight loss, such as:

Practice each series until exhausted (within your capabilities). This means that if you have to do 10 repetitions, it should look like you will no longer be able to do 11 repetitions, of course, following the correct technique of the exercise.

Exercise especially large muscle areas such as legs, back, chest. If you strengthen large muscle areas, you burn more energy and regeneration is also more demanding in terms of fat loss.

In training, prefer complex (multi-joint) exercises over isolated (single-joint) exercises. Complex exercises are those where movement in several joints occurs in one repetition. These are exercises such as: squats, lunges, deadlifts, relocations, crossbars, cranks, handrails, bench press, shoulder pressure, dumbbell expressions, dreams and the like. With complex exercises, you will involve more muscle parts in the activity, which will ensure much higher energy expenditure and exercise intensity.

Include combined series in strength training. One combined series consists of two exercises for different muscle groups performed without a break.

Perform strength training at least 2-3 times a week. It is also suitable to combine with cardio training 3 times a week.

As a type of strength training, it is appropriate to include other often more demanding trainings such as: strength-endurance training, crossfit or elements from crossfit training, HIIT, circle training, training on the TRX suspension system and similar types of strength load.

Nutrition is a big part of the effectiveness of training and weight loss

To support and accelerate regeneration and to build active muscle mass, it is important to receive a sufficient amount of necessary nutrients such as: proteins, minerals, amino acids, BCAAs, vitamins, antioxidants and the like. In most cases, the intake of these nutrients from the normal diet is insufficient. As a rule, the higher the physical demands on the body, the higher the nutrients. Due to the lack of nutrients, training can be ineffective, the body does not have time to regenerate completely, gets into mental discomfort, is more prone to disease, overtraining and subsequently there is a loss of muscle mass. We recommend supplementing nutrients in the form of nutritional supplements.


With a protein drink, you will ensure a sufficient supply of protein during strength training. The principle of strength training is to damage muscle cells. For fast and high-quality muscle recovery, we recommend the selection of high-quality protein drinks with a minimum sugar content, which help lose weight:

Instant Whey Protein

You can also consume these low-energy protein drinks as a substitute for bedtime during weight loss.


During intense training, muscle mass can be lost in order to gain energy. BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, valine) and glutamine are the only amino acids that in this case become a protein source of energy and thus a "muscle protector". Their supplementation before and after training is so that the body does not have to draw this protein source from muscle mass.


Try a fat burner that works by increasing thermoregulation. Your body will produce more heat, thus ensuring a higher expenditure of energy from fat stores. Due to the large number of different burners and the difficult orientation between the active ingredients.