piatok 27. apríla 2018

Muscle Building and Combat Sports? These goals can also be combined. | Steroids4U.eu

Muscle Building and Combat Sports? These goals can also be combined.

Combat sports and muscular body building are two different worlds. But they have something in common - hard power training.

Bodybuilding versus combat sports. They are two different sports worlds, but they often meet in gymnasiums. While bodybuilding and fitness are all about body aesthetics, muscle quality, and long-term work on the smallest details, combat sports are dynamic, fast, striking.
Nevertheless, even a boxer needs muscle, strength and contraction. True - too much volume is rather detrimental, and heavier weight classes dominate highs. Today, I'll tell you what to do about exercising when it's your goal to do martial arts.

What does a boxer need? What muscles? What kind of training?

Have you ever seen a boxing match? At first glance it may seem simple - since the ring is small, the jumpers do not have to sputter or run long distances. After a few minutes they have a break for refreshments and snacks. Easy, though? No way.

Even though the ring is really small, boxers are constantly moving. Not only do they change their place in the ring every now and then, they often jump, avoid the wounds of the opponent, and start challenging assaults. But that's not all! In order for the boxer to win the match and to weaken the opponent as much as possible, his strikes must be strong and accurate. The Boxer must be extremely concentrated in every single second, because any blessing in his defensive can lead to a precise and painful strike from the opponent. If the match is settled at 12 laps, it is a real drine.

The match is thus a combination of constant movement, enormous concentration, and precisely directed power. Boxer therefore needs dynamism, stamina, precision, concentration and strength - both physical and psychological. And so his training must look.

What does training for a warrior look like?

Boxing training can be much more interesting and varied than classic bodybuilding training. There is not so much heavy burden on it. It is a combination of conditioning exercises, dynamic exercises and the overall strengthening of muscles, joints and bones.

As far as physical fitness is concerned, the aim of the wrestler is to keep the whole match in the best possible form. The weaker boxer can handle the first 5 rounds perfectly, but then he gets tired and his opponent uses it. That is why he has to know how to properly distribute his strength so that he is also in the form of a final round. Otherwise, K.O.

But we will be more interested in exercising in the gym. As I mentioned earlier, at a height of 175 centimeters, for example, a 100-kilogram boxer is hard to win. The objective of such an athlete is to develop as much force as possible in the shortest possible time. He wants to strike the opponent so he can feel it and then pulls himself off. So if you imagine the right hook, during that short distance to the opponent's head, it must develop as fast as possible and must strive for the hardest hit. Similarly, there is an attack offense, which must be fast and brisk.

Each exercise is not aimed at the highest possible weight, but for the most dynamic version, the shortest time for which the course will take place. It does not focus on the whole movement of the concentrate, such as the bodybuilder. Boxer wants to transfer the weight from point A to point B and back as quickly as possible. For example, they often use rails or overalls to gain mobility, simplicity, and dynamism.

Dynamic vs. Static load.

Finally, I offer you a comparison of a more static and dynamic exercise. I chose drep because you probably know his technique. The bodybuilder tries to control the movement in full. The goal is to get the best muscles to read and, of course, to grow. Therefore, he chooses higher repeat counts.

How does a drep boxer make? He will certainly choose a lighter weight, but he will add to it. For him, the second part of the movement and jump in the air will be more important to him. This will provide a "lightning impulse" in the muscle that performs the same movement as a bodybuilder, but faster and with less muscular precision.

Training a fighter and a bodybuilder is a very individual matter.

streda 18. apríla 2018

nedeľa 15. apríla 2018

How important is nutrition after training? | Steroids4U.to

How important is nutrition after training?

The importance of nutrition - what to eat after training when you want to burn fat, maximize muscle gains, ...

Simply put, in most cases, the problem is not just exercise and training. The problem is that people do not pay enough attention to nutrition. And it does not matter whether it's about fat burning / weight loss or muscle growth / build-up.

People spend most of their time focusing solely on training. Ignoring the importance of a healthy diet. It is good to remember that how you eat before and after training, maximizes your efforts in the gym.

Carbohydrates and proteins as a routine after each workout.

Exercise, whether it's strength training or endurance training, is responsible for many health and aesthetic benefits. The training itself is physiological stress for the human body. The symptoms of this "stress" are often mild and include muscle pain, increased appetite and need for sleep. These symptoms tell us that our training has exhausted the fuel sources of the muscles, which later leads to less damage. This damage is a sign that our muscles need repair and sufficient regeneration.

If you prefer endurance training, your muscles will soon be exhausted and then damaged. But in the long run, this is also a good offset because your body becomes a better aerobic machine. If, on the contrary, you are doing mostly strength training, weak muscle fibers will start to thrive in favor of building bigger and stronger fibers. In any case, however, old and less adaptable muscles are disturbed to restore the function of the muscles themselves. This phenomenon is also called the remodeling of the muscles.

During the training and especially immediately afterwards, our reserves of carbohydrates and proteins are decomposed. Without sufficient amount of quality protein and carbohydrates, muscle regeneration is hard to do. If you want to do the maximum for your muscles, you have to supply the body with the raw material it needs most - protein and carbohydrates.

Supply your muscles after each training session.

No matter what exercise you choose, nutrition should be taken seriously after each training session. This will give your muscles the basic building materials they need most. Each type of training requires energy. The most energy the body gets from carbohydrates that are simply necessary. For this reason, it is necessary to add a high carbohydrate meal after each training session. Their consumption is also very important in promoting insulin release. Insulin is a hormone that is responsible for the movement of carbohydrates and amino acids into the muscles. By consuming large amounts of carbohydrates, you also promote and repair protein and regeneration.

Proteins in the muscles naturally degrade during training. Adding a relatively large amount of protein to the diet after exercise will restore the structure of the muscles. After training, the body reduces the rate of protein synthesis and increases its disintegration. However, it has been found that providing the body of protein and amino acids reverses this process. This means that the protein synthesis will increase and the decomposition of the proteins will decrease.

You already know that your meal after each training should be rich in protein and carbohydrates. However, this meal should not contain grease. By using fat only after training, you can reduce the effectiveness of your protein drink. At this time, they can also slow down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and proteins. Eating after training is really very important and you should never forget it. Your muscles after training are exhausted and need sufficient recovery or regeneration. If you do not get enough protein and carbohydrates in a short time, the chances of full recovery are reduced.

Real Nutrition vs. Food supplements.

Certainly, you also know the case of a person whose nutritional supplements many times exceed the proper nutrition. Properly disinfected food is really the most important thing for the body, but nutritional supplements are sometimes much more effective.

After hard training, most people find it hard to make a big meal after training too hard for them.
This is understandable because the stress that is created during exercise in the body also creates a situation where the mechanisms of hunger are completely disabled. But food is very important if you want to remodel, enlarge or simply recover muscle.

Fortunately, nutritional supplements are delicious, easy to consume, and provide the body with the nutrition that most needs after training.
Since most dietary supplements have a very simple structure of composition, the gastrointestinal tract has no problem processing them.

Nutritional supplements containing fast-decomposing protein (whey hydrolysates and isolates) and carbohydrates (dextrose and maltodextrin) are more rapidly absorbed as a whole meal alone.
Nutritional supplements can be fully absorbed within 30 to 60 minutes, while conventional meals are absorbed for 2-3 hours.
The faster the proteins and carbohydrates get into the muscles, the better the chances of their recovery and building.

piatok 13. apríla 2018

What to eat before training? | Steroids4U.to

What to eat before training?

By "pre-training meal" we mean food or foods that contain a variety of nutrients. But what does that mean?

Such food or food should be consumed approximately 2 to 3 hours before each training, as it may also include the following benefits:

More Energy - Increasing the glycogen content before training can significantly increase your energy level. Managing intensive training can sometimes be very challenging. If you suffer from a lack of strength and energy, the bug may be eating. If you are on a diet low in carbohydrates, the glycogen stores in your body are also low. Try a lot of carbohydrates before each training, which gives you much more energy.
Protect Your Muscles - If you enjoy hard workouts and use heavier weights, your body is in a catabolic environment. In this case, muscle tissue may be decomposed so that the body can be used as a source of energy. Proper nutrition with sufficient nutrients before training can effectively reduce or even suppress such a condition.
Increase Muscle Growth - Consuming protein before training slowly releases enough calories to gradually increase muscle growth.

If you are trying to lose or reduce the amount of fat in the body, do not forget to adjust the amount of calories in the diet before each workout.

What and when to eat before training.

If you want to eat the best quality and the best food before training, it is first important to understand the rate of digestion of individual substances.

Fat man spends about 6 to 8 hours, protein 3 to 4 hours, and carbohydrates about 2 to 3 hours (depending on the type of carbohydrate food).

The digestion is essentially the time that is needed to move food from the stomach to the intestines. Total elimination of food may take from 24 hours to several days.

How your meal should look like before training.

Protein - whey protein, lean meat, low fat milk products, fish, seafood.

Carbohydrates - whole grains, rice, potatoes, fruits and vegetables.

Protein + carbohydrates - beans, lentils, legumes, peas, quinoa, buckwheat.

Fats - avocados, olives, vegetable and animal oils, flax seeds, butter.

Protein + fats - bovine meat, dairy products, eggs, salmon, nuts and seeds.

Fats - Fats are the longest, so your pre-training meal should not contain much fat.
Proteins - Every meal before training should contain high amounts of protein to prevent muscle catabolism. By consuming high-quality protein before training, you can give your body amino acids. Amino acids, especially those with a branched chain, effectively prevent muscle breakdown while helping to restore and grow muscles.
Carbohydrates - In general, carbohydrates are divided into two basic types: simple and compound. Simple carbohydrates contain a high glycemic index, composite carbohydrates have a lower glycemic index. Which carbohydrates should be consumed before training? It all depends on your goal and time. Simple carbohydrates are a great choice 30 to 60 minutes before training because they give the body energy in the form of glucose. However, complex carbohydrates also play an important role in energy metabolism. By eating low glycemic carbohydrates about 2 to 3 hours before training, you can give your body a slow energy source. This means that during your training the energy will gradually decrease and you will not be destroyed right in the middle of the training.

Ideas for pre-training food.

Ovine flakes mixed with protein.
Omelette of 2 whole eggs and 2 egg whites with pepper, onion and low fat cheese.
Wrap with turkey ham and vegetables.
Grilled chicken with horseradish and asparagus.
Get plenty of water! Sufficient dehydration helps optimize performance.
If you often feel that you are not longer than 3 hours after your last meal, try to get more food before training. Go for fruit, yoghurt, or try a protein shake.

For those who do not have time to eat before training, a simple BCAA drink can help, which can improve performance and protect the muscles for their catabolism.

Food before training - Chicken, rice and vegetables.
Maybe it sounds stereotypical, but this triple combination is really one of the most popular classic meals before training. By combining high-quality proteins and complex carbohydrates, this meal can provide a number of amino acids. This meal should be consumed about 2 to 3 hours before training.

Eating before training - Greek yoghurt and dried fruit.
Dried fruits contain a large amount of carbohydrates and have a high calorie content. However, it is a good source of simple carbohydrates that are effective as a quick source of energy. In combination with the Greek yogurt of the body, you can also supply the necessary amount of protein to help optimize your training. Take this meal 1 to 1.5 hours before training.

Meals before training - Gourmet and oatmeal.
Fruit mash and oatmeal are the best choice before training. This meal contains complex carbohydrates and is also a great source of beta glucan soluble fiber. If you eat oatmeal before your training, you will satisfy your hunger during training and at the same time you will get a great source of slow energy release. A great tip is to add protein powder to the oatmeal to obtain a large source of protein and amino acids.

Food before training - Fruit smoothie.
Fruit smoothies provide people with a range of nutrients that are needed for health and well-being, but they are also full of carbohydrates, including fructose. Smoothies are often high calorie, and are rather a meal than beverages. They are excellent pre-training food, they also provide a good and fast source of energy. Smoothie should be drunk about 30 minutes before training.

Meal before training - Wholegrain bread, sweet potatoes and brown rice.
These three foods are great sources of carbohydrates, which should be consumed about 2 to 3 hours before training. Combining these foods is also an excellent source of protein and energy.

Omelette and protein shake are also a great choice. If you're on the move or rushing, a protein drink will solve all your problems before training.

streda 11. apríla 2018

5 tips to burn fat without losing muscle. | Steroids4U.to

5 tips to burn fat without losing muscle.

Losing fat without losing muscle does not have to be a major problem if you know the right procedure.
Although this seems to be impossible at first glance, in fact it is not really hard. But in order to understand why and how it is possible, you must first understand one important fact.

Losing weight and losing fat is not the same.

People often declare that they want to lose weight and forever reduce their weight. In many cases, it is really just a stupid thing, because high weight does not always signal a lot of fat in the body.

High volume of water can hide high amounts of water or glycogen in the body, possibly some hidden illness. If you honestly keep a balanced diet and regular training, and you still can not lose weight, something really will not work. It does not have to signal right now and mean something serious. In many cases, this is really just a piece of stuff that prevents you from effectively reducing weight.

Despite many crazy things that you could hear about how to lose weight, there is only one truth - a calorie deficit.

Caloric deficit means you consume less calories than your body really needs. Sufficient amounts of calories are important for performing all tasks during the day (movement, breathing, digestion ...).

If you have a calorie deficit, your body is forced to find an alternative energy source. The most ideal case would be if this source was excess fat in the body. Alternatively, your muscles may also be an alternative source.

Of course, everyone would like the body to take the necessary energy from fat and not from muscle. But the hook is that our body really does not care what we want. The body knows only that in order to survive and function normally it needs energy from anywhere. This place may be fat, muscles or even a combination of both.

If you ask how to ensure that your body burns energy just in the form of fat, there are 5 effective tips.

1. Receive plenty of protein.

Sufficient protein intake is one of the most important conditions for building and maintaining muscle. It's not a lot of portions, nutritional supplements or food quality. Loss of fat without muscle loss is possible only by consuming enough protein a day. So, what is the ideal amount of protein intake? The recommended daily dose is 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight. This fact is a great starting point and effective point for most people.

2. Maintain strength / intensity / weight during training.

This is the most important training requirement for anyone who wants to lose fat without losing muscle. Simply put, the primary training stimulus needed to maintain your muscles keeps your current level of strength.

One of the biggest myths is that many people first try to lift mad heavy weight in order to build muscles. But then they choose lower weights and more repetitions. This is one of the worst things you can do if you try to avoid losing your muscles. In fact, try to raise a certain burden and gradually add to it (if possible) and not vice versa. In this way you not only maintain but also build bigger muscles. So the best thing you can do for yourself and your muscles is to keep your strength throughout the training.

3. Reduce the range or frequency of strength training.

Calorie deficit can be understood as a deficit of energy. At first glance it seems fantastic, especially for the loss of any amount of body fat. For training and things associated with it, such as regeneration and performance, the calorie deficit is simply inappropriate. In many cases, caloric deficits often lead first to loss of strength and later to loss of muscle.

In order to lose weight and muscle loss successfully, he / she adjusts his / her training to his / her caloric daily intake. Try to reduce series, repeat or some exercises. You will lower the overall training rate and your body will not require more energy than you can offer.

4. Keep regular and appropriate nutrition before and after training.

The whole concept of good nutrition is practically built to improve the quality of training and regeneration. This means that the food you consume before and after training is extremely important. A well-balanced and nutritious diet with enough nutrients and minerals is key to fat loss and muscle loss.

5. Avoid excessive amounts of cardia.

If you want to avoid muscle loss, cardio exercises have to go straight ahead. Strength training provides the body with a signal to maintain muscle and burn body fat. Cardio or HIIT training reduces recovery of the nervous system and muscle fibers, which is very problematic in terms of muscle maintenance.

Goodbye to fat, welcome your muscles.

This is the 5 best and most effective tips to help you lose fat while maintaining muscle mass. The first two points are the most important (sufficient protein intake and maintenance of strength). So, if you've ever come to lose some muscle mass or strength in addition to trying to reduce fat, these five tips will surely help you.

pondelok 9. apríla 2018

How many portions did you eat during the day for muscle building / fat burning? | Steroids4U.to

How many portions did you eat during the day for muscle building / fat burning?

Do you want to build muscles? Burn fat? Want to reduce calories or want to add? It all affects your eating habits.

If you try to lose weight or increase muscle mass, nutrition and lots of portions are really important. Not only training but also nutrition is very specific for everyone. Knowing your training goal and setting the limits of your comfort is probably the most important indicator of your eating habits. Respectively. is the answer to the question: How many portions I should eat every day ?!
That's why it's probably the most realistic chance to turn to an expert (individual training and eating plan), which should go to each one individually. But there is one common tip that is suitable for almost all people, regardless of their purpose.

This type of consumption is 5 to 6 small portions of meals a day (once every 2-3 hours). It's one of the most effective eating methods that suits almost everyone. Setting up three large portions during the day is a huge taboo.

More frequent eating of smaller portions speeds up your metabolism and brings many other benefits that directly affect weight loss. Reducing body weight will be easier, faster and more efficient. In addition, this type of diet also helps prevent fat deposits and ensures good muscle building.

If you eat normally in the way that three large meals are enough during the day, read the following reasons why such eating is not right for you. Your metabolism is slow, causing fat storage. It adversely affects the action of mechanisms that help remove excess fat and build muscle. There is absolutely nothing to indicate the significant contribution of eating or eating.

Every eating style has its pre and counter.
But if your consumption of calories and nutrients is exactly the same as your body needs at the end of the day, it does not matter the number of portions. Just as metabolism is not just about accelerating and slowing it down. Loss of fat is still the same way and muscle building is no different.

So if you try to keep your diet every 2-3 hours, although you feel it's not right for you, just do not do it.
If you keep the necessary amount of nutrients and calories, your results will not be affected in any way. You will lose the fat in the same way and build muscle too.

How many portions should I eat during the day?
Before you make any changes to your diet, remember that there are some indirect effects for each diet.

Let's say you're a woman trying to lose a few pounds. Based on your current height and weight, physical activity and genetics, it is very likely that your caloric intake will be somewhere between 1400-2000 calories per day.

If a man who is trying to build muscles, similarly based on height, weight, activity and genetics, your caloric intake will be somewhere between 3000-4000 calories per day.

If you are a woman like you and you are trying to eat 5-6 small portions a day, your every meal should contain 200-300 calories. In fact, with such a diet, you will never feel happy and satisfied. Simply put, most of the time you are hungry. When your calorie intake is relatively low, which is typical for most women, trying to eat 5-6 servings a day is simply impossible.

If you are male in our second example and your calorie intake is somewhere between 3000-4000 calories per day. Each serving of 6 meals should contain 500-600 calories. This means that for someone with a higher calorie intake, the higher the frequency of the meal has a big meaning. Imagine eating only 3 large meals a day. Your every meal would have to contain over 1000 calories, which is very intense and exhausting for your body.

What is best for you ... how many portions of food should you eat daily?

Depending on your calorie intake, which depends on gender, age, height, weight, activity and genetics, receiving 5-6 smaller portions a day is a good choice. Likewise, 3-4 bigger meals are ideal for someone, but for others it is not. The most important thing is to set the right nutrition that contains the right amount of calories and nutrients. Your optimal income for every day can be tailored to suit your needs - individual eating and training plans.

For people who have an average caloric intake (not high or low), it is only a question of personal preference, choosing what is best for them. Whether it's 5-6 or 3-4 servings a day, everything is up to you.

Do not follow the latest trends. Define your goal, set the limits of your comfort, and choose your own eating style, including exactly how much food you eat per day.

Increase muscle 9 years of proven points - as you meet bodybuilding goals | Steroids4U.to

Increase muscle 9 years of proven points - as you meet bodybuilding goals

Tried and tested strategy to quickly fulfill its objectives in shaping muscular physique

People believe that even with zero capacity and commitment can achieve their objectives in the form of muscle increase. If it was that easy, we know more people like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Strong, large, combative and purposeful. To carry out large targets need to know more than just the average exerciser. Commitment, attitude and discipline are the qualities that you definitely should not miss.

1. Believe in yourself and do not believe the dubious business counselor

In the world is more and more experts. Experts, who for a few euros distribute simple hints, tips and tricks. They believe that their practices are precisely those by which you should live. If you hear someone talk about the exact procedures, instant solutions, what should you do, most likely it comes to another of cheap guru who knows about the growth of muscles just as much information as children in kindergarten.

Of course there are professional fitness trainers. But they never claimed to know everything, and what they know is always great value. Do not offer instant solutions. Therefore it is not possible to buy them quick, easy and inexpensive recipe for muscle building.

To reach the muscle gains you need is to eat healthily, lots and properly train and properly relax - everyone knows that without a fitness guru.

2. Strengthen your inner strength

The best athletes in any sector in particular have great mental strength. They talk about dreams represent them and with great determination to follow. Therefore, you should do as well as you. We constantly see themselves in their dreams. Soon you realize that this fantasy can also be your reality.

3. Realize what you want

It may sound too simple. The problem is often that people do not even have a clue what they want in life. Some would perhaps want something ...

Many principles in life and is identical in different sectors. I strengthening. Very often I meet with it in practice. One month is to build huge muscles, another month to achieve the greatest strength a week later, the requirement to burn fat in the abdomen ... Guess what you get such a chaotic process ??? Most likely absolutely NOTHING!

The task number one is in this case as a priority objective that you want to follow. This does not mean that it never changes. This means that at least for a certain period (long enough) will this objective follow.

Take your time and try to think about your goal. If you consider just this one single thing in your progress will not chaotizovať, so your progress will be much easier and faster. Because you will not waste time wandering through the activities that you do not have to make any sense.

4. Listen to your body

The human body is the most sophisticated mechanism in the universe. If you'll just listen to you "you say" what you should do. If you eat more, exercise or rest. We never deceive you.

5. Learn

It is true that the most muscle increment get by working hard with weights. But learning is equally important. Experiment with new exercises and exercises Educate yourself and be open to new things. Not in vain it is said that knowledge is precisely the greatest treasure.

6. Practise all muscles

Even if you care about the big muscular arms and legs just are not your priority train every part of your body. A complete and comprehensive training that stress for you non-priority muscles keep the body strength and balance. If the development of individual muscles big difference - it reduces the overall performance of the exercise. What may begin to lag the priority of the lot.

7. Concentrate on proper technique

Also within the bodybuilding true that quality trumps quantity. Quality technical strengthening is not only the best injury prevention but also provides the best results in terms of keeping fit and building muscle mass.

Be strict with himself at the beginning and end of the training as well as in each repetition and practice. The emphasis on quality training allows you to train less, thereby achieving economies of time spent in the gym.

8. Be regular and disciplined

If the described activities do not regularly perform a proper dose of discipline, no results will be forthcoming.

9. Hold

Training efforts is long and often life-long journey. There are simple tips or tricks than this time significantly shortened. If you think so, you're reading the wrong website and post the wrong author.

Endurance is the key. The first results of your efforts are to appear after a few weeks if you follow these simple points. However, the net result will be a matter of months and perhaps years. So sit tight and nepoľavujte. Only in this way you'll get really big goals.

Discover even more helpful hints, you scrol down and examine the articles similar to that found under the author of the article.

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