pondelok 9. apríla 2018

How many portions did you eat during the day for muscle building / fat burning? | Steroids4U.to

How many portions did you eat during the day for muscle building / fat burning?

Do you want to build muscles? Burn fat? Want to reduce calories or want to add? It all affects your eating habits.

If you try to lose weight or increase muscle mass, nutrition and lots of portions are really important. Not only training but also nutrition is very specific for everyone. Knowing your training goal and setting the limits of your comfort is probably the most important indicator of your eating habits. Respectively. is the answer to the question: How many portions I should eat every day ?!
That's why it's probably the most realistic chance to turn to an expert (individual training and eating plan), which should go to each one individually. But there is one common tip that is suitable for almost all people, regardless of their purpose.

This type of consumption is 5 to 6 small portions of meals a day (once every 2-3 hours). It's one of the most effective eating methods that suits almost everyone. Setting up three large portions during the day is a huge taboo.

More frequent eating of smaller portions speeds up your metabolism and brings many other benefits that directly affect weight loss. Reducing body weight will be easier, faster and more efficient. In addition, this type of diet also helps prevent fat deposits and ensures good muscle building.

If you eat normally in the way that three large meals are enough during the day, read the following reasons why such eating is not right for you. Your metabolism is slow, causing fat storage. It adversely affects the action of mechanisms that help remove excess fat and build muscle. There is absolutely nothing to indicate the significant contribution of eating or eating.

Every eating style has its pre and counter.
But if your consumption of calories and nutrients is exactly the same as your body needs at the end of the day, it does not matter the number of portions. Just as metabolism is not just about accelerating and slowing it down. Loss of fat is still the same way and muscle building is no different.

So if you try to keep your diet every 2-3 hours, although you feel it's not right for you, just do not do it.
If you keep the necessary amount of nutrients and calories, your results will not be affected in any way. You will lose the fat in the same way and build muscle too.

How many portions should I eat during the day?
Before you make any changes to your diet, remember that there are some indirect effects for each diet.

Let's say you're a woman trying to lose a few pounds. Based on your current height and weight, physical activity and genetics, it is very likely that your caloric intake will be somewhere between 1400-2000 calories per day.

If a man who is trying to build muscles, similarly based on height, weight, activity and genetics, your caloric intake will be somewhere between 3000-4000 calories per day.

If you are a woman like you and you are trying to eat 5-6 small portions a day, your every meal should contain 200-300 calories. In fact, with such a diet, you will never feel happy and satisfied. Simply put, most of the time you are hungry. When your calorie intake is relatively low, which is typical for most women, trying to eat 5-6 servings a day is simply impossible.

If you are male in our second example and your calorie intake is somewhere between 3000-4000 calories per day. Each serving of 6 meals should contain 500-600 calories. This means that for someone with a higher calorie intake, the higher the frequency of the meal has a big meaning. Imagine eating only 3 large meals a day. Your every meal would have to contain over 1000 calories, which is very intense and exhausting for your body.

What is best for you ... how many portions of food should you eat daily?

Depending on your calorie intake, which depends on gender, age, height, weight, activity and genetics, receiving 5-6 smaller portions a day is a good choice. Likewise, 3-4 bigger meals are ideal for someone, but for others it is not. The most important thing is to set the right nutrition that contains the right amount of calories and nutrients. Your optimal income for every day can be tailored to suit your needs - individual eating and training plans.

For people who have an average caloric intake (not high or low), it is only a question of personal preference, choosing what is best for them. Whether it's 5-6 or 3-4 servings a day, everything is up to you.

Do not follow the latest trends. Define your goal, set the limits of your comfort, and choose your own eating style, including exactly how much food you eat per day.

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