nedeľa 15. apríla 2018

How important is nutrition after training? |

How important is nutrition after training?

The importance of nutrition - what to eat after training when you want to burn fat, maximize muscle gains, ...

Simply put, in most cases, the problem is not just exercise and training. The problem is that people do not pay enough attention to nutrition. And it does not matter whether it's about fat burning / weight loss or muscle growth / build-up.

People spend most of their time focusing solely on training. Ignoring the importance of a healthy diet. It is good to remember that how you eat before and after training, maximizes your efforts in the gym.

Carbohydrates and proteins as a routine after each workout.

Exercise, whether it's strength training or endurance training, is responsible for many health and aesthetic benefits. The training itself is physiological stress for the human body. The symptoms of this "stress" are often mild and include muscle pain, increased appetite and need for sleep. These symptoms tell us that our training has exhausted the fuel sources of the muscles, which later leads to less damage. This damage is a sign that our muscles need repair and sufficient regeneration.

If you prefer endurance training, your muscles will soon be exhausted and then damaged. But in the long run, this is also a good offset because your body becomes a better aerobic machine. If, on the contrary, you are doing mostly strength training, weak muscle fibers will start to thrive in favor of building bigger and stronger fibers. In any case, however, old and less adaptable muscles are disturbed to restore the function of the muscles themselves. This phenomenon is also called the remodeling of the muscles.

During the training and especially immediately afterwards, our reserves of carbohydrates and proteins are decomposed. Without sufficient amount of quality protein and carbohydrates, muscle regeneration is hard to do. If you want to do the maximum for your muscles, you have to supply the body with the raw material it needs most - protein and carbohydrates.

Supply your muscles after each training session.

No matter what exercise you choose, nutrition should be taken seriously after each training session. This will give your muscles the basic building materials they need most. Each type of training requires energy. The most energy the body gets from carbohydrates that are simply necessary. For this reason, it is necessary to add a high carbohydrate meal after each training session. Their consumption is also very important in promoting insulin release. Insulin is a hormone that is responsible for the movement of carbohydrates and amino acids into the muscles. By consuming large amounts of carbohydrates, you also promote and repair protein and regeneration.

Proteins in the muscles naturally degrade during training. Adding a relatively large amount of protein to the diet after exercise will restore the structure of the muscles. After training, the body reduces the rate of protein synthesis and increases its disintegration. However, it has been found that providing the body of protein and amino acids reverses this process. This means that the protein synthesis will increase and the decomposition of the proteins will decrease.

You already know that your meal after each training should be rich in protein and carbohydrates. However, this meal should not contain grease. By using fat only after training, you can reduce the effectiveness of your protein drink. At this time, they can also slow down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and proteins. Eating after training is really very important and you should never forget it. Your muscles after training are exhausted and need sufficient recovery or regeneration. If you do not get enough protein and carbohydrates in a short time, the chances of full recovery are reduced.

Real Nutrition vs. Food supplements.

Certainly, you also know the case of a person whose nutritional supplements many times exceed the proper nutrition. Properly disinfected food is really the most important thing for the body, but nutritional supplements are sometimes much more effective.

After hard training, most people find it hard to make a big meal after training too hard for them.
This is understandable because the stress that is created during exercise in the body also creates a situation where the mechanisms of hunger are completely disabled. But food is very important if you want to remodel, enlarge or simply recover muscle.

Fortunately, nutritional supplements are delicious, easy to consume, and provide the body with the nutrition that most needs after training.
Since most dietary supplements have a very simple structure of composition, the gastrointestinal tract has no problem processing them.

Nutritional supplements containing fast-decomposing protein (whey hydrolysates and isolates) and carbohydrates (dextrose and maltodextrin) are more rapidly absorbed as a whole meal alone.
Nutritional supplements can be fully absorbed within 30 to 60 minutes, while conventional meals are absorbed for 2-3 hours.
The faster the proteins and carbohydrates get into the muscles, the better the chances of their recovery and building.

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