utorok 29. septembra 2020

Why the weight shows you a higher number and it's not fat | Steroids4U.eu

 Why the weight shows you a higher number and it's not fat

Everyone knows that. One day you jump on the scales, and thanks to the number on the display, you feel good about yourself and then the whole day is somehow more bathed in the sun and you feel really good. A day or two after that, you want to make sure you're still doing so well. You step on the scale and hope that the number on the display will be even lower. A moment of tension… "Well, are you making me a p ****?" When it comes to self-blame for failure, you have a hundred appetites to eat a whole rack of sweets from the pantry and a bucket of ice cream hidden in the freezer for emergencies.

Keep calm and read on. You will learn that you have to worry completely, that weight fluctuations in the range of a few kilograms are completely normal, that the number on the weight does not say anything in itself, that you know much better than you think and you definitely did not fail.

"The average adult can experience fluctuations in body weight during the day at rest of up to 3 kilograms. It is mainly due to body water and the part of the day when he steps on the scales, "says Dr. Heinberg of the Cleveland Clinic.

Is it possible to gain a few kilograms of fat in a day or two?

As soon as the weight hits you on a number three kilograms larger than the one that jumped on you two days before, you will automatically confirm that you have gained fat and it is the fruit and a piece of chocolate that you had for dinner.

The fruit and the piece of chocolate are innocent in that, and the fact that the weight shows 3 kilograms more is not an increase in fat, but something completely different. Just imagine how much food you would have to eat to gain 3 kilograms of fat. I'll help you with that imagination.

1 kilogram of fat hides approximately 7,700 kcal (32,240 kJ).

You get 7,700 kcal when you can eat: 17.7 large packages of French fries from McDonalds or 60.6 classic "white rolls" or less than 6.5 kilograms of cooked rice or drink less than 17 liters of Coca Cola.

In order to theoretically gain 3 kilograms of fat in 2 days, you would have to eat or drink three times as much. And I dare say that no one can make sense.
It's probably clearer why you couldn't gain three kilograms of fat in those two days, and it's completely useless to worry about such an assumption. It is even unnecessary to weigh each day because body weight fluctuates naturally. Just consider once or twice a week, and monitor other body parameters. But not until later. If you are more interested in fruit and which is best for weight loss, read our article Fruits and Weight Loss - Which Fruit Has the Lowest Calories?

The 11 most common reasons why weight shows a higher number and the culprit is not fat

"Most of us are not able to eat enough food to lose 4 kilograms of fat in a few days. When you notice such a dramatic increase in weight, body water is most likely to blame, ”says Dr. Anita Petruzzeli for Shape magazine.

Changes in body water can occur for several different reasons. The most common are the effects of nutrition, environment, physical activity, medications and phases of the menstrual cycle in women.

6 nutritional factors that affect weight fluctuations

1. Weigh yourself before a meal, the second time after a meal, but each meal also weighs something

When weighing under different conditions, the result will always be skewed. One of the prerequisites for successful monitoring of body weight development is weighing under the same conditions each time. In this case, ideal before eating.

Consumption of food logically causes an increase in body weight due to its weight. Water also occurs naturally in food, which in this form contributes to the "drinking regime". Energy from food is used to cover the body's energy needs, and in case of excess, it is stored in the form of glycogen or fat for later use. Waste products of metabolism are eliminated from the body every time you go to the toilet.

If you weigh yourself every hour during the day, you will probably always get a different result.

2. Contents of the intestines

It takes you a while to process the food and it is completely metabolized. You can record the highest body weight just before emptying and the lowest body weight after emptying. Even after emptying your digestive system, the remnants of yesterday's lunch pass. Normal digestion time is estimated to be between 40-60 hours, and a range of 24-48 hours is considered optimal.

Again, it is necessary to weigh always under the same conditions, ideally on the same day of the week after the toilet. You can improve the quality of digestion by focusing on enough fiber in your diet. You should eat about 30 grams of fiber per day. Food rich in fiber and water is "processed and excreted" faster than foods that are generally considered unhealthy. On the contrary, they contain little fiber, but an excess of fat and salt. You can also support the optimal digestive function with soluble fiber in the form of Psyllia. You can read more in the article Psyllium - beneficial fiber not only for proper digestion.

3. You ate a predominant carbohydrate meal

Due to the possibilities and needs, the organism naturally stores carbohydrates in a repository, which is collectively called glycogen. The human body has about 450 grams of glycogen stores, which are used as a source of energy. Trained athletes have a little more glycogen in their muscles.

How is it possible that beloved pastries, Italian spaghetti or risotto can cause the hand to gain weight? The magic is that each gram of glycogen stored binds approximately 3 grams of water. The higher number on the weight is again due to water together with the weight of the food and the filling of the intestines, not fat.

450 grams of glycogen binds approximately 1,350 g of water. Your weight can thus "fly" due to the fact that you eat more or less carbohydrates, or engage in sports activities that deplete glycogen and water reserves. Everyone who has tried any form of low-carb diet has experienced this phenomenon and initial weight loss. Unfortunately, their joy is premature, because the first kilograms lost in a few days are just water and glycogen, not fat.

4. The amount of salt in the diet

More salt in the diet is responsible for more body water retained. Some people are more sensitive to salt intake and may perceive it as feeling swollen. You should take about 5 grams of salt per day, no more. Even if you are not one of those who need to salt every meal, you may have a problem with high salt intake.

The salt is hidden in various semi-finished products, frozen foods, cold cuts, cheeses, pastries, various grilling sauces and fast food dishes. You can easily limit its intake by eating as much fresh and minimally processed food as possible.

5. Irregular drinking regime

When you take a few more glasses of water than you normally do, it will result in a slight and short-term increase in body weight. It will return to normal as soon as your body copes with it - it will use water where it needs to and eliminate the rest.

On the other hand, there is an insufficient drinking regime and the resulting dehydration, which has a negative impact on human health and sports performance. How do you know if you are drinking enough fluids? A simple test of the color of urine, which should be optimally soft yellow. The darker the urine, the higher the level of dehydration. If you are interested in how to drink, read our article Hydration before, during, after training and how to avoid dehydration.

6. You drank alcohol

You've probably noticed that you go "small" more often when you have a beer or a few glasses of wine. This is because alcohol has diuretic effects. However, as soon as you replenish such lost liquids in the form of drinks or food, everything will return to normal.

But the following scenario is more likely. When consuming alcohol, it almost never stays with one glass. For most people, alcohol stimulates the appetite, especially for salty and fatty foods. Almost no one has a sweet dessert with a beer or wine, but chips, sticks, nachos or various fast food from the restaurant's menu. This means more energy intake from alcohol and these salty foods. As you well know, salt retains water, so you can see weight gain.

5 lifestyle and training factors that affect weight fluctuations

1. Sweat naturally during sports

We all sweat and not just in sports. It is the body's natural reaction to maintain an optimal internal temperature and prevent overheating. The degree of sweating is individual for each and depends on many external and internal factors. As a result, one person can completely sweat sportswear, while the other can have only small wet spots in the armpits.

Then you will have a logically lower body weight during sports thanks to sweaty fluids. As soon as you replenish the lost fluids, the balance returns to normal. Sweating more does not mean losing weight. Therefore, it does not make sense to try to intensify sweating during sports activities with several layers of clothing. To learn more about the relationship between sweating, training and weight loss, read our article Sweating and Training - Do We Have to Sweat to Make Exercise Sense?

2. You are engaged in intensive sports or strength training

Any form of well-built sports, and especially strength training, causes muscle damage, which is marked on the muscle cells by the formation of a microtraum. One of the parallel phenomena is local inflammation, when water is retained between and within muscle cells. This mechanism can lead to weight gain again.

You can subjectively recognize our body as a "muscle man". This delayed onset of muscle pain, aka DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness), usually lasts 24-72 hours and is characterized by the difficulty that you have trouble climbing stairs after training your legs or raising your arms after training your shoulders.

3. Excessive stress

Excessive stress can also be caused by weight fluctuations on your body. Elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol are associated with water retention.

Even long-term caloric deficiency can increase plasma cortisol levels, which may contribute to some extent in body water retention. 

What about that? Try techniques to reduce stress, such as yoga, mindfulness, or relaxation and wellness treatments, such as sauna, hardening or massages. During weight loss, regularly include a refeed day once every 14 days, when you increase your energy intake by 5-10% above your balanced energy balance.

4. You are a woman and your body weight changes naturally during the menstrual phases

Studies show that body water retention peaks during the first day of menstruation. You can observe that your body weight is slightly higher than normal due to the changed hormonal environment. The weight will return to average over the next few days. 

"How big this weight fluctuation is is very individual. It usually represents about 1-3.5 kilograms, "adds nutritionist Amanda Foti. There is no need to make wrinkles on your forehead. The solution can always be to weigh in the same part of the cycle. 

5. You have a disease and are taking medication

Fluctuations in body weight can be affected by untreated thyroid disease, diabetes or inflammatory bowel disease. Therefore, it is important to tell your doctor in the event of a sudden and excessive change in your body weight.

There are drugs that contribute to greater retention of body water or increase appetite. Such drugs include those commonly used to treat diabetes, high blood pressure, mood disorders or migraines. If you are taking such medicines and suspect that they affect your weight, talk to your doctor.

Are there any other factors that affect the number on the scale?

It may be a little funny, but not every floor is the same level. If you weigh yourself in several places, you will always get a slightly different result.
Even if the batteries in the balance run out of energy, distorted measurements can occur.
Therefore, always weigh yourself in the same place, under the same conditions and with charged batteries.

How to properly monitor progress and how often to weigh yourself?

The number on the scale does not tell the whole truth, and as you can see, it is often very distorted. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor several physical parameters over time and, based on this, get an overall picture of how you are doing or not succeeding in meeting your goals.

Weigh yourself once a week or two, always under the same conditions. Ideal in the morning after the toilet and before meals.

Also observe body circuits in the same way you weigh - always under the same conditions. Focus on the circumference through the hips, abdomen, waist and possibly other areas that you want to watch.

Watch for changes in clothing. Will you wear old jeans even if the weight hasn't moved? Then you dropped some fat first and gained muscle.

Write down the values ​​in a diary or notebook and always write down a note about how you feel in your clothes. Are your pants or t-shirts looser? Great, write it down and brag.

On this "check day" of yours, you can take a peaceful and progressive photo in the mirror. You can look back where you have come.

If you want or have the opportunity, use devices that measure the composition of the body (muscle mass X body fat) and tell you what specific changes have really taken place.

The number is growing in weight, but you are poorer. How is it possible?

This phenomenon has a simple explanation. When the number on the weight does not move or grows, while you are objectively slimmer and your clothes are looser, you simply gained muscle mass until you got rid of a decent amount of body fat.

A kilogram of fat is more voluminous than a kilogram of muscle, although they both weigh the same. It's a similar situation to imagining a kilogram of feathers vs. kilogram of iron. But this is a matter of weeks and months, not days.

Does weight matter at all?

Body weight is affected by many factors and in itself will never tell the whole truth about the success, failure of weight loss or overall change in body composition. The healthy goal of weight loss is to try to lose weight at a rate of 0.5-1 kilograms per week.

Especially if you are doing strength training, you do not have to observe changes in weight at all. But you will definitely notice smaller body circumferences, better sitting clothes and more visible muscles on your body. Other factors that indicate that you are really doing well include better sleep and skin, a better sex life and more energy during the day. You can easily find yourself feeling healthier and happier. Your own self-esteem should not depend on the number on the weight you may be clamping on.

What do you get out of it?

A weight number may tell you how you're doing with losing weight or gaining muscle, but it never tells the whole truth. Weight fluctuations over days are completely natural when you consider food, drinking, exercise, hormonal effects and medications used, or current medical condition. Even during the day, body weight can vary by up to 3 kilograms, which is perfectly normal.

Weigh once a week or two, each time under the same conditions, and monitor body circumference values as well. Together, these values will tell you much more than a single number on the scale.

Don't spoil the number on the scale to start a new day.

nedeľa 27. septembra 2020

Fasting exercise - a myth or an effective way to lose fat? | Steroids4U.eu

 Fasting exercise - a myth or an effective way to lose fat?

People's approach to sports and exercise varies, some prefer modern fitness centers, others feel better at home. In addition to intensity, however, there is also a difference in attitude to training time. There are definitely supporters of exercising in the afternoon, but many fans also have a morning fitness.

One of the arguments for morning sports is training on an empty stomach. It is believed that "fasting" a person burns more fat and loses weight faster. But is it really so? Are we going to set the alarm for an earlier hour?

Morning workout burns more calories

The human body needs energy for physical activity, which it obtains from diet. More precisely, it is represented by three macronutrients - proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It is the carbohydrates in the diet that are a quick source of fuel because they are broken down into glucose, which travels through the bloodstream. There is also a connection with carbohydrates that the body takes energy from stored carbohydrates and fat during training on an empty stomach, and not from food that you would otherwise have just eaten. So should we all exercise in the morning before breakfast?

As already mentioned, carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, which is a source of energy. In addition, however, the body can store it in the liver and muscle tissue in the form of glycogen. It is a fast source of energy, but after a night without food, the sugar reserves in the liver are quite depleted. If the body does not have energy from available carbohydrates, it uses fat as a source of fuel.

This finding is not just the result of knowing the processes in the human body. This has been confirmed by several studies, such as a 2017 study from the University of Bath. The researchers found that several genes present in fat metabolism, glucose transport, and insulin signaling "behaved differently" during exercise after a meal and on an empty stomach. Physical activity on an empty stomach triggered certain genes in obese men that were able to accelerate fat burning. According to another study from 2013, active men can burn 20% more fat on an empty stomach than after breakfast.

What happens to the human body when we exercise on an empty stomach?

Fat cells are broken down - lipolysis.
Fat is used as fuel.
Hormone levels that support the use of fat as a fuel are rising.
Degradation of fats in the abdomen is promoted.
Abdominal blood flow increases.

Early training with an empty stomach is better according to this, and scientists are proving it. If it were that simple, this article would just end, everyone would exercise in the morning, and the gyms could close peacefully in the afternoon. However, the whole topic is a bit more complex.

Exercising on an empty stomach is great, but…

Some people exercise in the morning because they prefer to "get it out" before work, others want to lose weight primarily. Before you go for a run or "lifting dumbbells" before sunrise, you should consider a few interesting findings.

Fasting training is beneficial in terms of growth hormone growth and insulin sensitivity. These processes can result in fat loss, but keep in mind the other two facts:

Intense fasting training can have an impact on your muscles - this is the catch you may have been waiting for. During a demanding morning workout before breakfast, muscle loss could occur because the body can break down amino acids to maintain blood glucose levels. Fast running or strenuous strength training uses more glycogen than fat, and it doesn't matter if you have an empty stomach. This is also proved by a study by Schoenefeld from 2011, which will be of particular interest to bodybuilders and athletes interested in building muscle mass. Fasting training significantly affects the protein reserves that you have gained through diet and exercise. It can cause their loss by up to 10.4%. 

We burn glucose and fat throughout the day - remember that the amount of fuel from glucose or fat depends on all energy "requirements" throughout the day. However, fat burning is more about total energy expenditure. Yes, you can burn a little more fat by training on an empty stomach, but from a general point of view, it probably won't be enough to solve the problematic fat.

Common truths and rules without relevant evidence become only "hypotheses." It is up to the research to analyze and validate theories that "logically" make sense. Training on an empty stomach triggers other genes in obese people, but exercise before breakfast may not be a universal guide to fat reduction for everyone.

Evidence of this is also the results of research from 2014, which examined the hypothesis of the effectiveness of fasting exercise. The aim of the researchers was to compare the differences in fat and "non-fat" tissue of young women after aerobic training on an empty stomach or after a meal.

Participants were randomly divided into "fasting" and "after meals" groups. It should be noted that all respondents followed the diet plan and were in caloric deficit. Weight and adipose tissue loss were found in both groups. Wondering how much better the group that trained on an empty stomach was? According to the results, there were no significant differences between the groups. It is true that only young women were involved in the research and their number was also not particularly high (20 respondents). On the other hand, it can mean that if you follow a reasonable diet and exercise, it doesn't matter if you go jogging before or after breakfast.

Less strength during exercise

Another argument against fasting training is less strength during exercise. Using fat as energy requires more oxygen, so breaking down fat takes longer compared to carbohydrates. To maintain a high intensity, the "rate" of fat metabolism is slow. This means that your training may be weaker than if you had eaten before.

The evidence is the results of a study from 2019, which compared the performance of squats and bench pressures after a carbohydrate-rich breakfast and a "on-water" breakfast. The task of the participants was to perform 4 series of squats and pressures on the bench at the level of 90% of their maximum for 10 repetitions (10 RM - repetition maximum). The result? Participants who drank only water in the morning and did not have breakfast were found to have a 15% reduction in squatting strength and a 6% reduction in bench press. The results show that training associated with lifting higher weights or requiring strength is probably more sensible and effective after a meal. It is possible that you will burn more fat, but your performance may "go down", which you probably will not like emotionally, and in addition you are at risk of injury due to fatigue. 

The Bonk

There is another risk associated with glycogen storage with pre-breakfast training. In English, it is known as The Bonk or "hitting the wall". Energy loss occurs due to the depletion of glycogen stores. Complete "Bonk" occurs when glycogen is completely depleted of muscle and liver. 

The glycogen stored in the liver is depleted after a hard workout or night. Remember the fact that not only your muscles need energy, but also your brain. When you are fasting, the source of energy for the brain is glycogen in the liver. Therefore, exercising on an empty stomach runs the risk of a decrease in energy, which can cause a lack of glycogen in the muscles, but also little "fuel" delivered to the brain.

How to prevent a sudden drop in energy?

On the other hand, it is true that severe glycogen depletion occurs during longer endurance activities rather than during short and intense training. You can logically prevent a drop in energy by consuming carbohydrates and replenishing glycogen stores, especially after a long workout lasting an hour or more. An important fact is that chronic malnutrition may also be behind glycogen depletion. Therefore, if you are considering exercising on an empty stomach, keep in mind your "glycosts", which you can really feel exhausted. So it depends on the intensity and type of training you prefer.

If you are fasting despite the disadvantages of exercise, allow at least two tips:

Do not train only on an empty stomach - this method of exercise is only suitable if it is low in intensity. It is therefore not recommended to exercise more than twice a week before breakfast. So if you exercise at least four times a week, try to balance it. Leave your stomach empty for less demanding workouts, and you should replenish your energy from the diet before the intense ones.
Think about proteins and carbohydrates after training - exercise puts the body under stress and it needs nutrients for the body to regenerate after training. Therefore, give him not only carbohydrates but also proteins after training.

What to eat before training?

The aim of the article is not to convince you of a diet before exercise, but rather to point out its advantages and disadvantages. You know your body best and what works best for it. Do you prefer food to training or have you decided to combine it? In this chapter we will try to recommend what and when to eat before exercise, but also after training.

Eating something before going to the gym has several advantages:

This will increase the strength and intensity of your training
You will support the regeneration of the body
You will ensure a longer and more pleasant exercise
Your pre-workout meal should primarily provide energy for exercise, while not straining your stomach. If you are going to exercise for an hour, choose an easily digestible snack rich mainly in carbohydrates.

For the best exercise results, it is advisable to consume a meal containing carbohydrates, proteins and fats, but you have to give your digestion more time for that - about 2-3 hours. Have you ever noticed that your stomach needed a little more time after coming to the gym?

For a better overview and selection of the right food, we offer you several examples according to the time before training:

If you have an hour or less to exercise - fruit, protein bar or Greek yogurt with fruit
If you have 2 hours to exercise - protein drink, oatmeal, whole grain cereals with milk
If you have 2-3 hours to exercise - dietary source of protein with brown rice and roasted vegetables, wholemeal sandwich with protein and salad, omelette with wholemeal toast

The best way to support your performance during training is with a balanced diet. When compiling your diet, you should focus on:

meat, egg and dairy proteins,
healthy carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains,
healthy fats from coconut or olive oil or ghi,
various nutrient-rich nuts and seeds, such as almonds,
nutritious and unprocessed foods.

Exercising on an empty stomach can be beneficial, but according to research, probably not the same for everyone. In the article, we have provided you with his "pros and cons", as well as the results of research that has addressed this topic. The most important thing is that your training suits you and does not cause health problems or slow down your fitness goals. Whether you decide to eat something or not before exercise, we believe that we have broadened your horizons again.

štvrtok 24. septembra 2020

How to take more collagen from the diet? | Steroids4U.eu

 How to take more collagen from the diet?

Do you suffer from knee pain or inelastic skin? Maybe you should consider collagen supplementation. But don't you know how to do it? Here are some guaranteed tips on how to take more collagen effectively, but especially comfortably.

What is collagen?

Collagen is a general term for a certain type of structural protein that is found in the skin and connective tissues of both animals and humans. This type of protein makes up about 30% of the total protein in the body. It also makes it exceptional that it contains up to 19 amino acids, including glycine, proline, lysine and arginine.

To make matters worse, there is not just one type of collagen. There are even up to 16 types of collagen, which differ in structure and function. However, 80 to 90% of the human body consists mainly of type I, II and III collagen. Type I occurs mainly in the skin, tendons, ligaments, organs and bones. Type II is mainly found in cartilage and type III is found in skin, muscles and blood vessels.

What are the benefits of collagen?

We have already said what collagen is and where exactly it is located. But what interests you more are probably its advantages, of which there are really enough.

Improves skin health - Collagen slows down skin aging by moisturizing it, reducing wrinkles and improving its overall elasticity.
It supports joint health - with excessive long-term physical activity and in the process of aging, joint wear and tear increases in people. Collagen supplements can help restore or serve to prevent the destruction of cartilage in the joints.
It helps to increase muscle mass - the muscles also consist of connective tissues, so it is not surprising that part of the protein in the muscles is also formed by collagen.
It prevents the loss of bone mass - collagen is found in large amounts in the bones, which keeps them strong and protects them from injury. As a person ages, he loses a high amount of collagen from his bones and develops an unpleasant problem - osteoporosis. Optimal collagen supplementation, or a combination of collagen and calcium, has been shown to be effective in combating bone thinning and to prevent osteoporosis.
Promotes heart health - Some research has focused on the effects of collagen on promoting the health of the cardiovascular system. The use of collagen has been shown to reduce the stiffness of arteries and their levels of low-density lipoproteins ("bad" LDL cholesterol). However, to hypothesize these effects, this hypothesis needs to be further studied.

Risks affecting collagen loss

But why is it necessary to supplement collagen, even though the body can make it itself? Collagen levels in the human body decrease during life due to several factors, such as:

lack of some vitamins and minerals,
excessive sugar intake,
excessive exposure to sunlight,
autoimmune diseases,
excessive stress,

How to take more collagen?

Fortunately, collagen can be taken in several ways, so you don't have to worry about its low levels. All you have to do is simply choose the right foods or nutritional supplements!

The best food sources of collagen

Collagen itself can also be found in food. However, it is guaranteed not only animal sources of food, and vegetarians and vegans will also enjoy themselves. What are the best food sources of collagen?

Fish - not only are they very tasty, they are also rich in amino acids that support collagen production. Fish skin is a particularly nutritious part. Have you ever wondered how the skin of fish is so smooth after removing the scales? This is because it contains a high concentration of type I collagen. If you ever eat salmon, consider removing the skin from it.
Red peppers - are a rich source of vitamin C, which is key in the formation of collagen. Red pepper is essentially a ripe green pepper, and in general, the more ripe the pepper, the more vitamin C it contains. That's why red pepper is the right kind of vegetable to supplement with vitamin C.
Tomatoes - especially sun-dried - also contain high levels of vitamin C needed to produce collagen. They also contain the antioxidant lycopene, which is known to protect the skin from sun damage and collagen breakdown.
Bone broth - this is one of the oldest and most popular natural sources of collagen, the preparation of which is really simple. All you have to do is add beef, chicken or other animal bones to the pot and let them cook for a few hours.
Berries - strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries are full of antioxidants, including vitamin C. At the same time, they also contain ellagic acid, which protects the skin from UV radiation.
Beef - a popular source of collagen, which contains a high amount of zinc, but is also extremely rich in the three amino acids that make up collagen - glycine, proline and hydroxyproline.
Citrus fruits - lemon, orange, grapefruit or tangerine - these crops are one of the best sources of vitamin C.
Eggs - if you want to support the production of collagen and increase its levels in the body, we recommend that you enjoy whole eggs. Egg yolks contain a type of collagen that is responsible for keeping hair strong and shiny. Egg whites, in turn, contain several amino acids needed for proper collagen production.
Dark leafy vegetables - again a great example of foods high in vitamin C. In addition, if you enjoy kale, broccoli or spinach, you will also take the green color chlorophyll. It can increase procollagen levels (a collagen precursor).
Legumes - Several types of legumes, such as chickpeas, are very rich in manganese, zinc or vitamin C, which promote collagen production.
Oysters - are one of the best natural sources of copper, which helps to produce collagen in the body.
Chicken and Bones - Like beef or fish, chicken is a valuable source of collagen as it contains a lot of connective tissue. There are also chicken bones, which can be used to prepare gelatin or broth. Chicken neck and cartilage are a particularly rich source.
Garlic - it contains a high amount of sulfur, which helps prevent the breakdown of collagen.
Cashew nuts - all nuts contain many beneficial substances, but cashew nuts are an extremely rich source of zinc and copper, which support the natural production of collagen.

Vitamins and minerals that support the natural production of collagen

Some vitamins, minerals and other beneficial nutrients significantly help to improve the body's natural production of collagen. In addition, when combined with collagen supplementation, they can also promote the natural production of collagen in the body. Which are they?

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most sought-after vitamins, which our body cannot create on its own. She even needs it so much that she can absorb it and use it within a few hours of receiving it. It performs several important functions, including strengthening the immune and nervous systems, supporting bone and cartilage health, and according to several studies, it also plays an important role in skin protection. Vitamin C acts in the process of collagen production as an antioxidant that regulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin. In addition to these functions, it has another important one, and that is its necessary presence in the formation of procollagen. It then undergoes a process of hydrolysis, which is necessary to form the final structure of collagen. Therefore, the intake of vitamin C is really crucial for collagen production. 

In addition to being found in many foods, such as citrus fruits and several fruits and vegetables, it is also available as a nutritional supplement. You can choose vitamin C in the form of tablets, effervescent tablets or powder. For the best possible participation of vitamin C for collagen production, nutritional supplements containing both components - vitamin C + collagen - are also available. If you are considering collagen supplementation, make sure that vitamin C is included in the composition. This will get the most out of it.


This mineral is an essential trace element needed for bone formation, which contributes positively to many processes in the body, such as DNA synthesis or the promotion of fertility and proper reproductive function. However, zinc has been shown to have strong stimulatory effects to promote collagen production. The results of the study suggest that zinc may increase its osteogenic effect by stimulating cell proliferation, ALP activity and collagen synthesis in osteoblastic cells. Simply put, zinc has been shown to promote collagen production and help increase bone density.


Another mineral that plays an important role in collagen formation. Copper activates an enzyme in the body called lysyl oxidase, which is needed to make collagen mature. A great way to get enough copper in the body is to supplement it, but you can also find it in beef roast, cashew nuts, oysters, crabs and sunflower seeds.


Did you know that manganese is extremely important for maintaining bone and connective tissue health? It is therefore not surprising that its supplementation together with collagen will have positive effects for you. In addition, the collagen protein in the body contains the amino acid proline, which helps give collagen fibers their shape and strength. It is manganese that activates the enzymes needed to make proline. According to experts, you should take from 1.8 to 2.3 mg of manganese per day. You can consume it as a separate nutritional supplement or as part of mineral complexes. However, you can also find it in brown rice, pecans and green tea.

Collagen supplementation

The fastest and most comfortable way to get more collagen is through nutritional supplements. The composition of the individual supplements varies, but they usually contain type I, II, III collagen, or a combination thereof. However, you can find it on the market in three main forms: 

Hydrolyzed collagen - this is a collagen hydrolyzate that decomposes into smaller collagen peptides. These enter the body much more easily, are better absorbed into the blood, and can pass into the layer of skin called suede, which is directly responsible for the elasticity and strength of the skin. Therefore, if you want to firm and strengthen the skin, you should try hydrolyzed collagen or a supplement that contains it.
Gelatin is a product of plant or most often animal origin, which is obtained by processing connective tissue. Animal-based gelatin is called aspic and is made from pork, beef, chicken and fish bones. These are heat treated and then filtered for collagen. Gelatin from plant sources, called agar or agarose, is made from seaweed, specifically a type of agar agar. Pectin, which is made from the peel of citrus fruits or even crushed apples, can also be included in this category of gelatine.
Undenatured collagen II. type - it is a crude unprocessed type of collagen. This nutritional supplement is mainly used in healthy people who experience pain after exercise and in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.

However, several studies have shown that hydrolyzed collagen supplementation has been shown to be the most effective.

Collagen supplementation in vegetarians and vegans

Because collagen supplements come mostly from animals, they are not suitable for vegans or vegetarians. Fortunately, collagen can also be produced using genetically modified yeasts and bacteria that are suitable for opponents of animal diets.

Remember, collagen is lost from the body with age, and if you do not want to suffer from joint pain or loss of skin elasticity at a later age, you should consider taking it. Whether you opt for collagen supplements or their food sources, you are guaranteed to do something beneficial for your health.

utorok 22. septembra 2020

Why don't you see the results of diet and toil in the gym? We will advise you on how to succeed! | Steroids4U.eu

 Why don't you see the results of diet and toil in the gym? We will advise you on how to succeed!

The world is moving by miles in the development of new technologies that aim to make our lives easier and simpler. At the same time, the worldwide incidence of overweight and obesity is growing at an alarming rate. Why do most attempts to lose weight, exercise regularly, and get in shape end up unsuccessful? Let's take a look at how you can lose weight permanently and change your life for the better.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2016, 39% of the world's population (about 1.9 billion people) were overweight or obese.
More than 60% of people visiting the gym have trouble sticking to a regular schedule for more than 3 months.
80% of New Year's resolutions end in a basket of failures by the second week of February, and only 8% of people actually achieve their set resolutions. Statistics show that around 55% of New Year's commitments are linked to lifestyle improvements. This shows that people are dealing with it and want to work on it.

As we can see, similar problems are shared by more than a third of the world, and not everyone has an encoded iron motivation to exercise. The truth is that most people simply have trouble getting at least into the distant form in which they see themselves in their dreams.

When we follow a brutal training and nutrition plan to 120%, and in a few days we eat some extra food or skip training, we may say that it doesn't make sense to continue. And then comes the period when we treat ourselves to everything we've been denying all along and our overall effort is gone. Or do we start exercising and losing weight over and over every Monday?

It can be done better, let's look at it together.

Exercise and food are "ordinary" tools of success. What matters most?

There are countless books on weight loss and exercise on the shelves of bookstores. On the Internet, you will find an inexhaustible number of articles on diet, exercise, and "guaranteed guidelines and programs" for successful weight loss. If we do not fall into the trap of nonsensical detoxes or programs that promise miracles, and choose a quality and rational approach to weight loss, we have almost won.

Why can it work? Because rational and quality programs offer proven and workable guidance that contains information to achieve our goals. Whether it's an effort to lose weight, gain more muscle or eat healthily. But how many such books do you already have in the library?

A new diet does not always lead to success, but a change in habits, behavior and lifestyle

Habits are responsible for approximately 40-50% of our daily activities. It is precisely the everyday habits that largely shape our lives. Our entire lifestyle so far is then the result of this "learned behavior" and the little decisions we make at the moment. Shall we have a big cappuccino and sit down at the TV, or reach for a cup of stimulant espresso and go to work out? When we imagine it in the context of one year, then the difference is whether we practice 365 days an hour a day or watch TV.

What really doesn't matter when we start exercising or losing weight?

According to some, it is best to lose weight on a low-carbohydrate diet or a keto diet, while others cannot afford a vegetarian diet.

What really matters? On the fact that we will gradually try to improve and heal our diet. We can start by eating more vegetables, fruits and less sugar and cold cuts. We are gradually working towards a caloric deficit, which is a condition for successful weight loss (Hall, 2008).
We also do not have to deal immediately with how many series and repetitions of the exercise are most ideal during exercise, or which exercise is best for muscle growth and change of body proportions.

What really matters? The simple fact that we slowly and regularly start performing the sport we enjoy. We don't have to go crossfit right away, although according to social networks we feel that perhaps everyone is a crossfit today. When we do something that is "against our hair", we will not last long.
Success is conditioned by the ability to change habits and gradually start with new ones, thanks to which it will be much easier for us to achieve our goals.

Strong will is not omnipotent

"I can do it." The sentence we say when compiling a low-calorie diet without any food we like, and a training plan suitable for a professional athlete.

The illusion of perfection and trouble-free adherence to the "new lifestyle" is especially close to newcomers to the world of fitness. We want to achieve everything, and especially as soon as possible. Do we know each other? As I mentioned above, small and lasting changes are more effective in the long run than drastic and short-term ones.

A strong will is undoubtedly one of the factors for a successful lifestyle change. But she is not omnipotent.

When we let other players into the game in the form of emotions, stress and other challenges of a normal person's everyday life, we get into very difficult situations. You can throw logs at our feet in our quest to be consistent and persistent in changing our lifestyle.

Let's adapt our environment to success

When we know that we are able to eat all the sweets we find in stressful situations, we simply give them to someone from the pantry and secret hiding places.
Do we tend to fall for "binge watching" on Netflix or another similar platform instead of training? We will temporarily disable this service.
If we have a problem with a regular training routine, a solution is offered in the form of a partner with whom we will go to train or a personal trainer.
With such a simple simplification and improvement of the living space, we will achieve a reduction in the factors that prevent us from succeeding. The end result will be that we will get used to an improved lifestyle far more easily than if we had to face all the pitfalls of the old lifestyle, and a sudden 180 ° rotation of lifestyle habits.

Sweller (2011), in his publication on the theory of cognitive load, states that cognitive load is related to the amount of information that can be stored in working memory at the same time. Excessive cognitive stress can have a negative impact on task completion and quality decision making. In this way, we can also indirectly justify why the drastic lifestyle change and most of New Year's resolutions end in failure. It's just too much for us.

Research shows that the "small steps" approach, and trying to change or build one habit, is far more successful, simpler, and helps reduce cognitive stress.

If we are not athletes in body and soul, and a healthy diet is not our passion, changing to healthier and new habits will cost us a lot of mental energy. If we go for it in an "all or nothing" style, we probably won't be able to achieve almost anything. We will only spin in a constant circle of dieting, trying to live healthier, followed by feelings of guilt with the necessary partial failure.

These 6 steps will help you achieve your goals

1. Set small and specific goals that will help you achieve the big ones

One of the cornerstones of success is to want realistic and achievable goals. We each have a different lifestyle or different mental and time consuming work. Losing 10 kilograms in 14 days is not realistic or healthy. How about losing 10 pounds in 3 or 6 months, that's better and more achievable, isn't it?

When we break this big goal into a few small and easier-to-achieve sub-goals that we will be able to achieve, we will achieve greater activation of the internal reward system. He is responsible for the release of dopamine, which is responsible for feelings of happiness from the goal and motivates us to continue. Partial successes simply motivate us to achieve the great ones.

2. Make achieving your goals a priority

Whatever our goal is, it should have one of our priorities in our lives. Therefore, it will cost us some time, which we have to save somewhere else.

Lifestyle areas where relatively much time can be saved include:
Watch TV, series or online platforms such as Netflix or HBO.
Frequent shopping. All you have to do is make a big purchase once in a while and jump to buy fresh vegetables, fruits or pastries in a smaller store every other day. Today, even in relatively small towns, it is possible to order a purchase online and have it delivered to your home.
Spending time on social networks. Just for the sake of interest, let's try to observe how much time we headlessly scroll through the timeline of Instagram, Facebook and other social networks.
Let's get 7-9 hours of sleep every day. Let's get up at the same time each day or a little earlier. So we will have enough energy for demanding days.
Don't do multitasking. It is an inefficient work tool. We'd better "uncheck" one task after another.
Stop procrastination. Chronic postponement of tasks rather steals our time. We prefer to bite ourselves into everyday responsibilities, so that we have enough time for ourselves.
Let's stop thinking about the past and worrying about the future. We may be surprised at how much time we gain each day. 
We will use boxing for cooking. We will prepare several portions of food for the next days and we do not have to spend every day in the kitchen unnecessarily much time.

3. Be patient and consistent

No one has yet gained perfect shape after the first workout, just as they have not lost weight after a much healthier and less caloric meal. Everything takes time.
Thanks to small steps and daily walking, appearing by the pool or in the gym, we will gradually develop a habit that will help us achieve our goals in the long run. What's more, with this approach, we already identify with the person we want to be, not the one we don't want to be.

4. Create a supportive environment

Achieving goals is much easier when we have people around us who can help us with it. It can be family, friends, colleagues at work, a training partner or a coach or nutrition coach.

The likelihood of success is directly related to our own responsibility and the support we can gain from our wide surroundings and close relationships.

"I can do this myself!" Maybe so, but we have a better chance of success if we ask the support of the immediate area for support.

5. When you meet, return to the track

The "all or nothing" approach has been discussed once. What happens when we have an honest burger or pizza that we have a huge taste for, instead of the planned tuna salad? Nothing, we only eat more calories. Then all you have to do is lose energy, for example in the other two meals, and everything is fine.

The same applies even if we miss the scheduled training once. Practically nothing happened and we will come to the next one. But it must not become a routine.

Unfortunately, people still live in the fact that when something goes wrong according to plan, all efforts turn to dust in a second, and there is no point in continuing. But that is a great pity and a mistake. Throw away days and weeks of drinna for one little thing? Definitely not. With a calm head, we continue our efforts.

6. Accept the fact that you will not want to exercise every day. But this is perfectly normal

In fact, even the most motivated and determined people sometimes just don't want to play sports. According to a Diet survey that included 25,000 runners from around the world, only 8% of runners really like running, and about half either hate it or tolerate it. But they continue to run, thanks to their belief in improving health and making their appearance more attractive.

What will help? If we are not sick, then despite all the reluctance, it pays to go playing sports, because those positive feelings due to endorphins and new energy in the veins after training are worth it. Is it better to go to training and then feel more energetic and better, or to sit on the couch at Netflix?

Imagine the moment of achieving your set goals

Imagination and visualization is a powerful witch. Visualization is also used by sports psychologists and top athletes to better prepare themselves mentally for sports performance and to be more confident.

A similar principle can be applied to the achievement of any goals. When we can imagine what we want to look like and what we want to achieve, it is easier to take steps to help us do so. We can imagine under that we can complete or skip training.

What do you get out of it?

"If you don't change anything, nothing will change." There is so much truth in this statement that it perhaps captures the very essence of today's article. Losing weight, strengthening your body or gaining muscle mass is about eating and training. But these are just tools that need to be learned to work with. When losing weight, it is not necessary to read all the scientific studies and articles on the Internet about the suitability of a given type of diet for weight loss or muscle growth.

The biggest determinant of success is everyday life, in which we need to acquire such habits that will help us achieve our goals. The key to success is small, gradual and lasting lifestyle changes, not a 180 ° turn of life.

nedeľa 20. septembra 2020

What nutrients do vegans lack most often, and how to supplement them? | Steroids4U.eu

 What nutrients do vegans lack most often, and how to supplement them?

Vegan and vegetarian diets are gaining in popularity, but the choice of purely plant food sources, combined with a lack of knowledge about nutrition, can cause a deficiency of some vital nutrients. Find out which are the most risky nutrients and substances that vegans most often lack and how to avoid this deficiency.

What nutrients do vegans most often lack?

Despite the fact that a plant-based diet is really healthy, there is a certain group of nutrients that you simply cannot get without eating animal products. Or if so, in small quantities. See what substances you should supplement if you are a vegan. 

Vitamin B12

The first and very often deficient nutrient is vitamin B12, ie cobalamin, which occurs naturally in meat, fish, but also in eggs, milk or liver. No wonder you can't find it in the vegan diet so easily. At the same time, this B vitamin has truly beneficial effects on the body. It is important for many bodily processes, including protein metabolism and the production of oxygen-carrying red blood cells in the body. It also plays a crucial role in the health of the nervous system and is also needed for proper immune function.

Too little vitamin B12 in the body can lead to:

to anemia,
to damage the nervous system,
to infertility
to bone or heart disease.
Symptoms of deficiency include fatigue, weakness, constipation, loss of appetite and weight loss. Signs of vitamin B12 deficiency can also include tingling in the arms and legs, depression, confusion, or memory or balance problems.

The recommended daily intake of vitamin B12 is 2.4 μg for adults, 2.6 μg during pregnancy and 2.8 μg during breast-feeding. The only scientifically proven way for vegans to reach these levels is to eat foods rich in vitamin B12. These are vegetable milks, soy products, breakfast cereals, spirulina, chlorella and nutritional yeast. However, it should be added that you would have to take a really high amount of these foods a day to reach the desired values. Therefore, the most effective way is to supplement vitamin B12. You can choose from the separately sold vitamin B12, but you will also find cobalamin in the B-complex. Thanks to it, you get all kinds of B vitamins into your body at once in their optimal daily dose.


Zinc is a mineral that our body, unfortunately, cannot make on its own. Its supplementation through diet or supplements is therefore very much needed. Zinc is essential for the activity of more than 300 enzymes that affect metabolism, immune function and the repair of body cells. It is also extremely essential for skin health, DNA synthesis and protein production. However, his insufficient intake can cause serious damage to the body. It can lead to:

developmental problem,
hair loss
delayed wound healing. 

Most zinc is found in animal foods such as mussels, meat, fish and eggs. However, few plant foods contain high amounts of zinc. In addition, the absorption of zinc from some plants is limited due to their content of plant compounds - phytates. You can therefore draw zinc from legumes, whole grains, mushrooms, seeds and nuts.

To achieve the optimal dose of zinc, you should take 8 mg (women) or 11 mg of zinc (men) daily. The dose is increased to 11 to 12 mg in pregnant women and to 12 to 13 mg in breast-feeding women. To reach these values ​​as a woman and vegan, you would need to eat at least 800 g of lentils a day. It contains only 1 mg of zinc per 100 g. For comparison, 100 g of mussels contain up to 61 mg of zinc, which is more than 700% above the level of the optimal daily dose.

A recent review of 26 studies showed that vegans have lower zinc intake and lower levels of zinc in the body than omnivores. To maximize your intake, you should focus on a wide variety of zinc-rich foods. In many cases, despite your best efforts, this will be insufficient, so it is recommended for vegans to supplement zinc levels with nutritional supplements.


Iron is a mineral whose main purpose is to carry oxygen in the hemoglobin of red blood cells so that the cells can produce energy. Too little iron in the body can lead to anemia and its accompanying symptoms, such as fatigue and decreased immune function. Although iron is commonly available in food, some groups of people may suffer from its acute deficiency. These include young children, adolescent girls and pregnant or breastfeeding women. The main reason why iron deficiency affects the fairer sex is the menstrual cycle. Along with the blood and waste products, a good dose of iron gets out of the body. In children, increased iron intake is needed due to the development of brain functions.

Another vulnerable group that may suffer from iron deficiency is vegans. The body is able to absorb two to three times more iron from animal sources than from plant sources.

Vegans with a low iron intake should try to eat more foods rich in iron, such as leafy vegetables, beans, peas, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains or bread and bread. Iron supplementation itself is also an effective aid. However, you should check with your doctor for a lack of iron in your blood. It is possible that your body is able to absorb a sufficient amount from the resources you offer it. Excess iron in the body can do more harm than good. Extremely high levels can damage cells, prevent the absorption of other minerals, cause convulsions or even lead to organ failure.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 is a group of essential fatty acids that play an important role in the body and can provide many health benefits. The most important types of omega-3 are ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). However, the body cannot make these acids on its own, so they must be taken in through diet. The most common sources are fatty fish, which boast truly unique amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. However, we have long known that omega-3 fatty acids are not only found in the animal diet. Chia seeds, walnuts, algae, flax seeds and soybeans are also rich sources.

But why should you make sure you have enough omega-3s in your body? These fatty acids, especially DHA, are vital for the brain, heart and eye health. They are especially beneficial for pregnant and breastfeeding women, as enough DHA can affect a child's health and proper development. Although these theories need to be further explored, several studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acids may protect against a variety of diseases, including breast cancer, depression, ADHD, and various inflammatory diseases.

But how is it possible that despite the wide range of plant sources of omega-3s, vegans may lack them? Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA, are found only in animal sources. On the contrary, ALA is just abundant in plant foods. Although the body is able to produce small amounts of DHA and EPA with ALA, but according to research from 2017, the human body still has only a limited capacity to convert ALA to DHA or EPA. However, there is also a solution to this problem for vegans, which is the supplementation of algae oils, which are also a source of EPA and DHA due to the presence of fish in the sea and rivers.

Vitamin D

The most effective and best source of vitamin D is the sun. Several experts claim that a 10- to 15-minute stay in direct sunlight is enough to get enough vitamin D into your body, which is extremely important because:

maintains bone health,
strengthens the immune system
helps regulate mood
helps absorb other nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus.

But what if you live in a country with limited sunny days, or it's autumn and winter? You can also find vitamin D in mushrooms or soy milk. But there are woefully few of him there. For example, 100 g of salmon contains 526 IU of vitamin D, while some species of mushrooms can provide only 130 to 450 IU of vitamin D per 100 g. The recommended daily dose of vitamin D is in the range from 600 to 800 IU. Taking vitamin D supplements is therefore really important for vegans.


Calcium is a mineral that is essential for building, maintaining and proper bone development. Its best source is undoubtedly dairy products, which, however, do not appear in the vegan diet. Vegans must find other sources, such as cabbage, kale, broccoli, soybeans, chickpeas, black beans, almonds or vegetable milks. However, plant sources of calcium are not absorbed as well in the body as animals, which can lead to a lack of calcium. Low calcium can increase the risk of weak bone and osteoporosis over time.

Several studies agree that most vegans do not have enough calcium in their bodies. However, vegans are often deprived of the fact that they do not use this mineral to neutralize the acidity caused by a diet rich in meat, so they do not need it to the same extent as omnivores. However, there are very few relevant sources to support this claim. However, evidence suggests that vegans who consume less than 525 mg of calcium per day tend to have an increased risk of bone fractures.

The recommended daily calcium intake is set at 1,000 mg per day for most adults and increases to 1,200 mg per day for adults over 50 years of age. So if you are a vegan and want to ensure the health of your bones, your daily calcium intake should be more than 525 mg. [15] Such 100 g of chia seeds contain 631 mg of calcium, which would solve the problem of its deficiency. Hand on heart, who among you consumes up to 100 g of chia seeds a day? If you are unable to supplement your diet with calcium, you should consider supplementing it. 

Creatine, carnosine and beta-alanine

The best molecule for building muscle mass and increasing strength is clearly creatine. It is usually stored in the muscles, but a significant amount of creatine is also concentrated in the brain. It is therefore beneficial not only to increase physical strength, but also to strengthen brain functions such as memory.

However, the only food source for creatine supplementation is animal feed. Although creatine is naturally formed in the liver, many studies suggest that without a proper animal diet rich in creatine, you will not have enough of it in your body. The only way vegans get enough creatine is to supplement it.

Vegetarians or vegans taking creatine supplements have also been shown to be able to take advantage of its effects more than edible meats that do not supplement creatine. Therefore, vegans on creatine supplements may experience a significant improvement in brain function and an increase in strength.

The antioxidant carnosine is the same case. It is very important for muscle function and its high levels in the muscles are associated with a reduction in muscle fatigue and improved performance. Carnosine is obtained through animal diet or supplementation, but the most effective way is to make it by taking beta-alanine.

Food sources of beta-alanine can significantly contribute to higher muscle levels of carnosine, but its main food sources are meat, poultry and fish, which are certainly not vegan. Beta-alanine supplementation is therefore a great way to increase muscle carnosine levels, improve endurance and increase muscle mass.

However, there are only two solutions to getting these nutrients into the body. The first is to prepare a detailed vegan menu in advance, in which you will focus on ensuring that you get enough of each nutrient. The second, and undoubtedly more convenient, is to take the individual ingredients through certified nutritional supplements. However, which path you choose is up to you.

štvrtok 17. septembra 2020

Beta-carotene - a plant source of vitamin A not only for our eyes and skin | Steroids4U.eu

 Beta-carotene - a plant source of vitamin A not only for our eyes and skin

Beta-carotene is a dye needed to produce vitamin A, which is useful for its antioxidant properties, but also to support healthy eyes and skin. You can supplement its level from the diet or in the form of supplements. Read about the sources of beta-carotene and its significance for the human body.

Beta-carotene - what exactly is it?

Beta-carotene is essentially a carotenoid - a color pigment found in some vegetables or fruits. Do you like colorful fruits? Many salads and dishes are more appealing because of their distinctive colors. Pigments are beneficial to health and, in addition to chlorophyll or anthocyanins, carotenoids are also important.

Beta-carotene is one of the carotenoids and has an orange-yellow color. There are about 700 different carotenoids in nature. About 10% of them are found in the human diet, and about 20 carotenoids have been found in the plasma and tissues of mammals. Major plasma carotenoids include beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, or alpha-carotene. The name beta-carotene comes from the combination of the Greek word "beta" and the Latin "carota" (carrot). This is the name of H. Wachenroder, who first isolated it from carrots in 1831. Beta-carotene was isolated as early as the 19th century, but its chemical formula - C40H56 was discovered a little later in 1907. However, so that you do not think that found only in carrots, this dye also contains other vegetables and fruits, such as sweet potatoes or kale.

Beta - carotene and vitamin A

Beta-carotene intake is important for humans because the body converts it to vitamin A - retinol. It is a precursor of vitamin A, which has two forms in the human body:

Pre-prepared vitamin A (retinol and retinyl esters)
Provitamin A (carotenoids, such as beta-carotene)

Vitamin A is an important micronutrient because it supports eye and vision health, the immune system, but also, for example, healthy skin. You can take pre-prepared vitamin A from fortified foods, animal products or nutritional supplements. Carotenoids are a natural part of plants, but you can also find them in the form of supplements. Beta-carotene, unlike vitamin A, is not an essential nutrient. With vitamin A, its intake should be guarded, because its excessive amount can be toxic to the body. Associated with this is the benefit of beta carotene in the diet, because the body converts it to vitamin A only in the amount it needs.

Eat carrots to see better

I don't know about you, but I had my eyesight as a child. However, I ate carrots honestly because I was afraid that without it I would be wearing "rough" glasses as "big". You must have encountered this statement. However, this is not complete nonsense, because beta-carotene in carrots is necessary for the right level of vitamin A, which supports the proper functioning of eyesight. I hope that none of you, as a child, expected that after eating a pound of carrots, they would drop their glasses and see anywhere, or they could sight the door.

Benefits of using beta-carotene

Antioxidant properties of beta-carotene

The inclusion of antioxidants in the diet and their popularization is not just a commercial hype. Free radicals and oxidation of molecules can be the cause of several chronic diseases. Oxidative stress is not a fabrication and its high levels can lead to the development of chronic inflammation, cardiovascular disease, or cancer. Antioxidants are considered to be substances with the ability to reduce the oxidation of molecules and include carotenoids, including beta-carotene. They can be useful in neutralizing potential damage to lipids in cell membranes, proteins and DNA by free radicals. Several studies have confirmed that the intake of antioxidants has a positive effect on promoting immunity to oxidative stress.

Beta-carotene is the flagship of carotenoids, but lycopene is consumed in the United States in approximately the same amounts as beta-carotene. Not only beta-carotene alone, but also mixtures of carotenoids or the combination with other antioxidants, such as vitamin E, can increase their anti-free radical effect. As many as 3 out of 4 intervention studies did not show a protective function of beta-carotene supplements against cardiovascular disease or cancer. These two diseases in connection with beta-carotene are dealt with separately in the next subchapter. In any case, it can be argued that dietary carotenoids have a positive effect, but not at high doses in people exposed to asbestos and smokers.

Beta-carotene and vision

We have already talked about the legend associated with carrots and good eyesight. The effects of beta-carotene on eye health have been the subject of several studies. The 2016 study concludes that increased carotenoid intake reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In addition, the results of the 2017 study point to the fact that higher intake of vegetables and fruits containing beta-carotene, but also alpha carotene and vitamin C, may also have a protective effect against AMD in smokers. AMD is an abbreviation for an eye disease that causes blurred vision, such as reading. It is the main reason for vision loss in people over 50 years of age. While consuming carrots and similar vegetables and fruits will not give you "clairvoyant" abilities, but you can support the vitality of your eyes at an advanced age.

Beta-carotene and leather

Adequate intake of beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body, is beneficial for healthy skin. It can protect against allergies to the sun. It is a manifestation of skin exposed to sunlight. You will often recognize it due to red rashes, swelling or itching. To be precise, this is an allergy to ultraviolet radiation, which usually occurs at the beginning of the tanning season. If you do not know it, be happy, 10 and 15% of the Nordic population has problems with this type of allergy. 

What does beta carotene have to do with sun allergies? The human body can protect itself from the effects of UV rays from the sun with its pigment, called melanin. In addition to a beautiful tan, melanin also has a protective function. The "bronze dye" protects the skin from harmful parts in the sun's rays. However, beta-carotene has the ability to protect against sun allergies due to an increase in melanin production. It indirectly follows that carrots are not only beneficial to the proper functioning of the eyes, but also a beautiful tan and avoid rashes from the sun.

Beta-carotene and cognitive functions

The effect of beta-carotene on cognitive function is not particularly pronounced, but it is worth mentioning. It is presented in an overview of studies from 2018, which was based on 8 studies focused on the effect of antioxidants on cognitive functions. It points out the small importance of beta-carotene in use over 18 years (we are not talking about age, but the duration of supplementation), but it also has a certain seriousness. Systematic supplementation of antioxidants can also support the fight against cognitive impairment. 

Other benefits of beta-carotene

Research is not only focused on the importance of beta carotene in improving the quality of eyes, skin and its antioxidant properties. The 2016 study also provides an overview of other investigated potential effects and benefits of carotenoids on the human body:

Type 2 diabetes - a diet rich in beta and alpha-carotene is associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.
Insulin sensitivity - beta-carotene has a positive effect on insulin sensitivity in obese people, which may include upregulation of adinopectin.
Lead poisoning - The antioxidant properties of beta-carotene are important in the treatment of lead poisoning.
Decreased cholesterol absorption - beta carotene has been shown to reduce intestinal cholesterol absorption and its higher excretion in the faeces.
Slowing the course of atherosclerosis - carotenoids in a diet high in 9-cis-β-carotene are beneficial in slowing the course of atherosclerosis, especially in a high-fat diet.
Effects on liver damage - The use of beta-carotene in the form of a nutritional supplement is useful in preventing liver damage due to ethanol.
Potential anticancer effects - beta carotene has been shown to affect the "microenvironment" of the tumor.

Beta-carotene, heart disease and lung cancer

Beta-carotene is important for several processes in the human body, but it is not a panacea for which you can defeat every disease. An example is the results of a 1996 clinical study looking at the effects of a combination of beta-carotene and vitamin A on the prevention of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. According to the conclusions, the approximately four-year supplementation was of no significance. It could even have a negative impact on smokers and workers exposed to asbestos, and could have caused them to die from lung cancer, cardiovascular disease or other reasons. Unfortunately, beta-carotene supplements cannot be used to prevent lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. Especially for smokers.

Sources of beta-carotene

Beta-carotene can be found in fruits, vegetables with yellow, orange and red colors. It is soluble in fat and its consumption with fat improves its absorption. It is even scientifically proven that you can take more carotenoids from boiled carrots than from raw ones. This does not mean that you should cook carrots every time, but if you are taking beta-carotene, try adding a "drop" of oil to the carrots. The highest beta-carotene content can be found in the following foods:

a carrot
cantaloupe melon

In addition to fruits and vegetables, beta-carotene is also found in several spices and herbs. You can also increase its intake by consuming chili, parsley, coriander, peppers or sage.

Of course, beta-carotene is also available in the form of nutritional supplements.

Recommended doses of beta-carotene

The recommended daily allowances for other minerals and vitamins are generally known. It is not that simple with beta-carotene. However, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the U.S. Food and Nutrition Board have not established recommended daily intakes of beta-carotene and other carotenoids. The reason is the lack of existing evidence for its determination. Vitamin A may be toxic to humans, but beta-carotene is considered safe. According to the available evidence, 20 mg daily and more beta-carotene supplements are not recommended for smokers. The ideal way to take beta-carotene is, of course, diet, but supplements are also a practical source of this important nutrient. In the case of nutritional supplements, we recommend following the recommended doses set by the manufacturer.

Negatives and side effects of beta-carotene

In addition to the benefits, it is important to point out the possible negatives of beta-carotene use. Yellowing of the beta-carotene from nutritional supplements may be a yellowing of the hands, palms and feet. Rarely include joint pain, dizziness, diarrhea, or unusual bleeding and bruising. In case of persistent side effects, it is advisable to see your doctor. Increased intake of vitamin A or synthesized retinoids is associated with congenital disorders. Therefore, it is not recommended that pregnant women take high doses of vitamin A as a supplement.

Beta-carotene is an important nutrient whose intake from food or supplements is important for humans. It has antioxidant effects, promotes skin and eye health, but also other benefits. In any case, it is important to follow the recommended daily dose for the supplemental form.

utorok 15. septembra 2020

Can we gain muscle faster or lose weight by shocking muscles? | Steroids4U.eu

 Can we gain muscle faster or lose weight by shocking muscles?

We will probably experience a real shock when we get under a cold shower in the morning, meet a bear in the woods, or find ourselves in front of a map of the New York subway, while we have lived alone so far. Is it possible to "shock and confuse" muscles so that our desired results arrive faster?

This idea was quite popularized by the high-intensity P90X exercise programs and fitness trainer Tony Horton. For faster and more visible results according to this method, it is enough to constantly load muscles or otherwise shock and undergo a constantly changing training program. This can include elements of weight training, karate, yoga, sprint training and other sports from a variety of industries. In English, this term is known as Muscle Confusion.

In simplicity, it is a matter of constantly surprising muscles with different types of workouts, so that the muscles do not get used to the given type of movement and we are constantly pushing our limits towards maximum performance and delaying performance stagnation. Let's imagine that we have strength training on Monday, crossfit on Wednesday, running on Friday and circular training on Sunday.

I myself have heard this idea several times from athletes who have already trained for a year. But as with everything, not all the gold that glitters is, and everything is a little more complicated.

What drives successful training, and are constant training changes and muscle "shock" unnecessary?

A properly set up training plan allows us to achieve better results on the barbell and on the body in the long run.

What variables does the training plan follow?

Training volume represents the work performed during training, such as the number of sets and repetitions during training or over a longer period of time. We can also include here the number of serrated or elapsed specified intervals.
The intensity of training can be compared to the difficulty. In strength training it is mainly about the weight on the barbell and in running training we can talk about speed.
The frequency of training expresses how often we train a muscle part or go running or performing another sport.
We cannot expect radically visible results from one or two workouts a week, just as when we go to bed with a barbell. Simply put, you need to train "just right", neither little nor much.

From time to time, however, shocking muscles with another type of training may seem like the perfect way to overcome the stagnation of performance or get rid of the last pounds of Christmas 2015 that are holding on to us with our fingernails. You can also train fully outdoors.

Proper training planning leads to a sexy figure and perfect sports performance

When we can no longer move forward in strength or running performances for a long time, maybe we should think about training. Do we practice the same exercises with the same load, and with the same number of repetitions over and over again? For a year now, have we been running for the same hour every other day on the same route?

Then it is not surprising if our performance does not improve. Any long-term sports load is manifested on our body by adaptations. Strength will increase, some of those muscles will grow, we will lose a little fat, the overall physical condition and performance of the circulatory systems will increase for better coping with endurance.

Although we still give the body the same impulse, we cannot expect other results of adaptation in the form of a growing chest after bench press exercises with the same load. Nor can we expect to run a marathon well when we run 10 kilometers every other day.

How to properly improve sports performance and overcome stagnation in training and weight loss?

If we want to constantly improve, we must also add and achieve progressive overload in training, which will achieve a stronger training impulse, which will be reflected in better results in the long run.

Progressive overload can be achieved by:

Larger training volume in the form of a larger number of rehearsed series within the exercises during training. For a start, instead of 3 series, it is enough to practice 4. We can also use the practice of one exercise beyond the training.
Higher intensity of training, which we achieve by increasing the load on the barbell. Even those small discs that weigh 1.25 kilograms count. In particular, we will achieve greater mechanical muscle tension, which is one of the indicators of muscle growth.
By shortening the rest intervals between sets, we achieve exercise exercises in a shorter time and greater metabolic stress, which is an indicator of muscle growth.
By slowing down the exercise, we increase the time under tension (TUT) and again we increase the metabolic stress.
How many repetitions during training per muscle part is the most sensible choice? This is a range of 40-60 repetitions. We can bounce back from more powerful 4-6 repetitions in a complex exercise to "bodybuilding" 8-12 repetitions in the next exercise.

3 mechanisms stimulating muscle growth, without which the results will not be obtained

The exhaustive work of Schoenfeld (2010) shows that the primary 3 factors are responsible for muscle growth due to strength training.

Mechanical tension. We achieve greater mechanical tension with more weight on the barbell.
Muscle damage is a manifestation of a training load, which is marked on the muscle cells by damage and the formation of a microtraum. Subsequently, they are repaired and the muscles become larger and stronger.
We stimulate metabolic stress more with a longer time under tension (TUT) or more repetitions in a series called "pump series", and we can imagine it as an old familiar "muscle burning during exercise."

Training periodization: Is "muscle shock" and frequent training changes completely unnecessary?

The key to constantly shifting sports performance and overcoming stagnation is a properly set up training plan respecting the basic mechanisms of muscle growth. Increasing the intensity of training does not go on indefinitely. As part of training planning, we should increase the load in the mesocycle (medium-term training period) lasting approximately 4-8 weeks.

After this block, there should be a roughly weekly deload phase of training, which does not mean couching at Netflix. We can imagine a reduction in the intensity of training by about half in order to fully reflect the training adaptations. Simply put, we can reduce the load on the barbell or the number of drilled series. We can also use longer breaks to rest between sets. 

Muscle shock and constant training changes will not bring us better and faster results. On the contrary, they can prolong the path to the destination. Imagine that our goal is to increase leg strength, and our training should focus primarily on complex heavy strength exercises such as squats, deadlifts, or lunges. Instead, we would practice one workout with our own weight and replace another with, for example, HIIT. That will not help us reach our goal. Paradoxically, we would be robbed of this strategy by performance.

Instead of shocking muscles, it is sometimes better to change the order of exercises in training for greater motivation

In a study by Enek Baz-Valle and colleagues (2019), the researchers found that alternating the order of exercises in an 8-week training plan based on computer program output was less tedious for an experimental group of athletes than a classical training program where the control group trained exactly set training plan still the same. Both groups trained 4 times a week, underwent approximately the same training volume during the program and achieved similar results. But we must not confuse this with the principles of "muscle shock", which is based on changing the type of training. 

Unless we have specific goals, performing each training different sport can also be beneficial

Changing types of workouts during the week can be beneficial by not getting bored quickly and falling into a training stereotype. You can look forward to more trainings and be more motivated. But this, in turn, is a very individual matter.
Thanks to a combination of various sports activities (strength training, HIIT, running, crossfit, etc.) we can work on almost all components of sports performance, such as maximum strength, strength endurance, speed endurance or general aerobic endurance, and thus improve overall physical fitness.

What do you get out of it?

The results at school, at work or in sports are due to hard work, patience, perseverance and a properly set plan. Once we achieve performance stagnation, it's time to look at the training plan and think about whether it's set up correctly. It doesn't make sense to still work the same way and expect different results.

Other lifestyle factors go hand in hand with an optimally set training plan that respects the principles of progressive overload. Without sleep, quality nutrition and working with stress, it will be much harder to achieve our goals than if we focus on improving all lifestyle factors.

Unfortunately, frequent changes in training and sports to shock muscles according to the Muscle Confusion principle will not bring faster and better results. Increasingly demanding training with enough time for regeneration will bring us quality results, you just need to be patient and trust the process. It is ideal to consult a training plan with an experienced trainer.