štvrtok 17. septembra 2020

Beta-carotene - a plant source of vitamin A not only for our eyes and skin | Steroids4U.eu

 Beta-carotene - a plant source of vitamin A not only for our eyes and skin

Beta-carotene is a dye needed to produce vitamin A, which is useful for its antioxidant properties, but also to support healthy eyes and skin. You can supplement its level from the diet or in the form of supplements. Read about the sources of beta-carotene and its significance for the human body.

Beta-carotene - what exactly is it?

Beta-carotene is essentially a carotenoid - a color pigment found in some vegetables or fruits. Do you like colorful fruits? Many salads and dishes are more appealing because of their distinctive colors. Pigments are beneficial to health and, in addition to chlorophyll or anthocyanins, carotenoids are also important.

Beta-carotene is one of the carotenoids and has an orange-yellow color. There are about 700 different carotenoids in nature. About 10% of them are found in the human diet, and about 20 carotenoids have been found in the plasma and tissues of mammals. Major plasma carotenoids include beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, or alpha-carotene. The name beta-carotene comes from the combination of the Greek word "beta" and the Latin "carota" (carrot). This is the name of H. Wachenroder, who first isolated it from carrots in 1831. Beta-carotene was isolated as early as the 19th century, but its chemical formula - C40H56 was discovered a little later in 1907. However, so that you do not think that found only in carrots, this dye also contains other vegetables and fruits, such as sweet potatoes or kale.

Beta - carotene and vitamin A

Beta-carotene intake is important for humans because the body converts it to vitamin A - retinol. It is a precursor of vitamin A, which has two forms in the human body:

Pre-prepared vitamin A (retinol and retinyl esters)
Provitamin A (carotenoids, such as beta-carotene)

Vitamin A is an important micronutrient because it supports eye and vision health, the immune system, but also, for example, healthy skin. You can take pre-prepared vitamin A from fortified foods, animal products or nutritional supplements. Carotenoids are a natural part of plants, but you can also find them in the form of supplements. Beta-carotene, unlike vitamin A, is not an essential nutrient. With vitamin A, its intake should be guarded, because its excessive amount can be toxic to the body. Associated with this is the benefit of beta carotene in the diet, because the body converts it to vitamin A only in the amount it needs.

Eat carrots to see better

I don't know about you, but I had my eyesight as a child. However, I ate carrots honestly because I was afraid that without it I would be wearing "rough" glasses as "big". You must have encountered this statement. However, this is not complete nonsense, because beta-carotene in carrots is necessary for the right level of vitamin A, which supports the proper functioning of eyesight. I hope that none of you, as a child, expected that after eating a pound of carrots, they would drop their glasses and see anywhere, or they could sight the door.

Benefits of using beta-carotene

Antioxidant properties of beta-carotene

The inclusion of antioxidants in the diet and their popularization is not just a commercial hype. Free radicals and oxidation of molecules can be the cause of several chronic diseases. Oxidative stress is not a fabrication and its high levels can lead to the development of chronic inflammation, cardiovascular disease, or cancer. Antioxidants are considered to be substances with the ability to reduce the oxidation of molecules and include carotenoids, including beta-carotene. They can be useful in neutralizing potential damage to lipids in cell membranes, proteins and DNA by free radicals. Several studies have confirmed that the intake of antioxidants has a positive effect on promoting immunity to oxidative stress.

Beta-carotene is the flagship of carotenoids, but lycopene is consumed in the United States in approximately the same amounts as beta-carotene. Not only beta-carotene alone, but also mixtures of carotenoids or the combination with other antioxidants, such as vitamin E, can increase their anti-free radical effect. As many as 3 out of 4 intervention studies did not show a protective function of beta-carotene supplements against cardiovascular disease or cancer. These two diseases in connection with beta-carotene are dealt with separately in the next subchapter. In any case, it can be argued that dietary carotenoids have a positive effect, but not at high doses in people exposed to asbestos and smokers.

Beta-carotene and vision

We have already talked about the legend associated with carrots and good eyesight. The effects of beta-carotene on eye health have been the subject of several studies. The 2016 study concludes that increased carotenoid intake reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In addition, the results of the 2017 study point to the fact that higher intake of vegetables and fruits containing beta-carotene, but also alpha carotene and vitamin C, may also have a protective effect against AMD in smokers. AMD is an abbreviation for an eye disease that causes blurred vision, such as reading. It is the main reason for vision loss in people over 50 years of age. While consuming carrots and similar vegetables and fruits will not give you "clairvoyant" abilities, but you can support the vitality of your eyes at an advanced age.

Beta-carotene and leather

Adequate intake of beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body, is beneficial for healthy skin. It can protect against allergies to the sun. It is a manifestation of skin exposed to sunlight. You will often recognize it due to red rashes, swelling or itching. To be precise, this is an allergy to ultraviolet radiation, which usually occurs at the beginning of the tanning season. If you do not know it, be happy, 10 and 15% of the Nordic population has problems with this type of allergy. 

What does beta carotene have to do with sun allergies? The human body can protect itself from the effects of UV rays from the sun with its pigment, called melanin. In addition to a beautiful tan, melanin also has a protective function. The "bronze dye" protects the skin from harmful parts in the sun's rays. However, beta-carotene has the ability to protect against sun allergies due to an increase in melanin production. It indirectly follows that carrots are not only beneficial to the proper functioning of the eyes, but also a beautiful tan and avoid rashes from the sun.

Beta-carotene and cognitive functions

The effect of beta-carotene on cognitive function is not particularly pronounced, but it is worth mentioning. It is presented in an overview of studies from 2018, which was based on 8 studies focused on the effect of antioxidants on cognitive functions. It points out the small importance of beta-carotene in use over 18 years (we are not talking about age, but the duration of supplementation), but it also has a certain seriousness. Systematic supplementation of antioxidants can also support the fight against cognitive impairment. 

Other benefits of beta-carotene

Research is not only focused on the importance of beta carotene in improving the quality of eyes, skin and its antioxidant properties. The 2016 study also provides an overview of other investigated potential effects and benefits of carotenoids on the human body:

Type 2 diabetes - a diet rich in beta and alpha-carotene is associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.
Insulin sensitivity - beta-carotene has a positive effect on insulin sensitivity in obese people, which may include upregulation of adinopectin.
Lead poisoning - The antioxidant properties of beta-carotene are important in the treatment of lead poisoning.
Decreased cholesterol absorption - beta carotene has been shown to reduce intestinal cholesterol absorption and its higher excretion in the faeces.
Slowing the course of atherosclerosis - carotenoids in a diet high in 9-cis-β-carotene are beneficial in slowing the course of atherosclerosis, especially in a high-fat diet.
Effects on liver damage - The use of beta-carotene in the form of a nutritional supplement is useful in preventing liver damage due to ethanol.
Potential anticancer effects - beta carotene has been shown to affect the "microenvironment" of the tumor.

Beta-carotene, heart disease and lung cancer

Beta-carotene is important for several processes in the human body, but it is not a panacea for which you can defeat every disease. An example is the results of a 1996 clinical study looking at the effects of a combination of beta-carotene and vitamin A on the prevention of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. According to the conclusions, the approximately four-year supplementation was of no significance. It could even have a negative impact on smokers and workers exposed to asbestos, and could have caused them to die from lung cancer, cardiovascular disease or other reasons. Unfortunately, beta-carotene supplements cannot be used to prevent lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. Especially for smokers.

Sources of beta-carotene

Beta-carotene can be found in fruits, vegetables with yellow, orange and red colors. It is soluble in fat and its consumption with fat improves its absorption. It is even scientifically proven that you can take more carotenoids from boiled carrots than from raw ones. This does not mean that you should cook carrots every time, but if you are taking beta-carotene, try adding a "drop" of oil to the carrots. The highest beta-carotene content can be found in the following foods:

a carrot
cantaloupe melon

In addition to fruits and vegetables, beta-carotene is also found in several spices and herbs. You can also increase its intake by consuming chili, parsley, coriander, peppers or sage.

Of course, beta-carotene is also available in the form of nutritional supplements.

Recommended doses of beta-carotene

The recommended daily allowances for other minerals and vitamins are generally known. It is not that simple with beta-carotene. However, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the U.S. Food and Nutrition Board have not established recommended daily intakes of beta-carotene and other carotenoids. The reason is the lack of existing evidence for its determination. Vitamin A may be toxic to humans, but beta-carotene is considered safe. According to the available evidence, 20 mg daily and more beta-carotene supplements are not recommended for smokers. The ideal way to take beta-carotene is, of course, diet, but supplements are also a practical source of this important nutrient. In the case of nutritional supplements, we recommend following the recommended doses set by the manufacturer.

Negatives and side effects of beta-carotene

In addition to the benefits, it is important to point out the possible negatives of beta-carotene use. Yellowing of the beta-carotene from nutritional supplements may be a yellowing of the hands, palms and feet. Rarely include joint pain, dizziness, diarrhea, or unusual bleeding and bruising. In case of persistent side effects, it is advisable to see your doctor. Increased intake of vitamin A or synthesized retinoids is associated with congenital disorders. Therefore, it is not recommended that pregnant women take high doses of vitamin A as a supplement.

Beta-carotene is an important nutrient whose intake from food or supplements is important for humans. It has antioxidant effects, promotes skin and eye health, but also other benefits. In any case, it is important to follow the recommended daily dose for the supplemental form.

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