nedeľa 6. septembra 2020



Information is pouring in on you from all sides, how important it is to consume a sufficient amount of protein. Unfortunately, some bodybuilders suffer from the misconception that if they consume huge amounts of protein, it will always lead to maximizing muscle growth. If you are a strength athlete, the generally accepted view is that it is important that you take at least 2 grams of protein per kilogram of your weight per day. However, many athletes do not realize that it also depends on how effectively their body uses such a large dose of protein. What do I mean by that? For example, if you weigh 90 kg and consume about 3 grams of protein per kilogram of weight, it means that you will eat something around 270 grams. But have you ever wondered if your body absorbs such a dose at all? What if it absorbs only half of that amount? Then you get a dose of 140 grams per day. By that I mean that total protein intake is important, of course, but more importantly, how efficiently your body absorbs protein. But this also applies to other nutrients. If proteins pass through the digestive tract undigested, they cannot be used to build muscle mass or other physiological processes. Thus, the biological activity of proteins is of primary importance and plays a key role in many respects. In today's article, we will try to outline a few tips and strategies to help ensure that your body gets the most out of the nutrients it receives.

1. Consume medium doses of protein during the day

One of the basic prerequisites for quality absorption and digestion of proteins is the right timing.

The once-valid view that the body can take a maximum of 30 grams of protein in a single dose has long been refuted by both theoretical and practical experience. If, on the other hand, you consume 100 grams of protein twice a day, you can expect an obscure farting party rather than a significant effect in terms of building muscle mass. The results will definitely be smaller than if you divide the total dose of protein into 5-6 smaller portions.

Imagine that protein is like wood you put in a fireplace and your goal is to keep the fire going 24 hours a day. If you add wood only two or three times a day, the fire will probably go out. But if you always add only a few squares and more often, the fire will last you all day long.

And the same goes for the process of building muscle.

According to experts, it is good if you consume a dose corresponding to about 0.5 grams per kilogram of weight in one serving. That is, when we return to a bodybuilder who weighs 90 kg, he should eat about 45 grams of protein (90 * 0.5) at a time. If you have good digestion, a higher dose will probably not harm you either. Another situation occurs if you reduce the dose or limit the number of servings per day - this will of course affect the total dose of protein received and processed during the day.

2. Take probiotic supplements

One of the underestimated factors of the bodybuilding diet is the role of healthy bacteria in the process of digestion and thus also the building of muscle mass. These "good" bacteria live in the digestive tract-stomach, small and large intestine, helping to digest food, which is then better absorbed. They are also able to kill harmful bacteria so that they do not enter the body. Appropriate probiotics will therefore make it easier to digest food that we may have problems with.

For example, many people suffer from lactose intolerance. It is clear that taking probiotics and then drinking a liter of milk does not solve the problem of intolerance. But you will be able to include at least certain dairy products in controlled doses, and probiotics will make these foods easier to digest.

When we are born, our digestive tract is populated with the necessary bacteria, the presence and amount of which is subsequently influenced by the foods we eat, such as yoghurts, kefir, but also sauerkraut. On the contrary, the consumption of prepared foods or antibiotics leads to the loss of important bacteria. Unfortunately, they also decrease with age. It is logical that we should pay adequate attention to their completion. It is important to follow the instructions on the label of each product, which states the doses and frequency of probiotic administration.

3. Eat quality proteins that are consistent with your body

Some like dairy products, others prefer beef. Of course, it is not necessary to eat something that you do not like, but sometimes it is simply not possible to choose the foods you like for frequent consumption, because you may not spend quite well. For example, if after drinking a glass of milk you run to the toilet after a while or you have a stomach like a balloon, then you are probably not able to absorb the proteins in this form well. Studies have shown that people quite often instinctively avoid sources of protein that do not suit them.

If you have lactose intolerance, for example, then there is really nothing to lose. You drink milk and the body starts to react quite dramatically - diarrhea, cramps, nausea, etc. Logically, then, be careful not to repeat anything like this. Because after such a reaction, the body does not take much from a given source of protein. Therefore, always try to eat those types of proteins that do not burden your digestion and for which you will be sure that they will be beneficial to the body. Unfortunately, there are not a few people with lactose intolerance and their number seems to be increasing. This is also one of the reasons why Extrifit offers Isobeef with absolutely zero lactose content.

4. Choose protein supplements that are consistent with your digestion

The taste and quality of the product you choose for pre-workout and post-workout supplementation, or as a cocktail before bed, is of course crucial. However, you should realize that the first thing that matters is whether the body is able to digest and process protein. Protein shakes are beneficial for the body for several reasons.

They are liquid, so nutrients are absorbed faster, they contain large doses of protein, so you can increase your protein intake.

But if you suffer from bloating or even diarrhea after such a cocktail, then you should choose another type or try to take the dosage to start with. Protein supplements are not such a cheap affair that you can waste them.

5. Incorporate protein into your diet gradually to get your body used to it

You may think that your body can't process certain sources of protein, so you'd better avoid them. But this may not always be true. If you want to include a new food in your diet and you have problems digesting it, try to reduce the doses initially. For example, if you eliminate meat from your diet for a while and then have a good portion of beef, it is normal that you will probably have digestive problems.

The digestive system does not have the enzymes needed to digest such a large portion of beef at that time.

Quite often, people also avoid eating legumes because they bloat them. But it's the same problem - if you eat legumes once in a while, it's an "unknown" food for your body and again it doesn't have the enzymes to process it.

If you start to include legumes in your diet regularly, in smaller doses, you will see for yourself that the digestive problems will decrease and will probably disappear over time. If you want to start eating legumes, start with a red lentil that does not bloat and, most importantly, does not need to soak, so you will certainly appreciate its quick preparation.

Remember that different foods require different enzymes (chemicals that help process food) to digest food and make efficient use of the nutrients in it. The human body is very smart in this respect, and it produces just the enzymes it knows it will need. That is, with regard to what foods you are currently consuming.

The body has a strong ability to adapt, so if you want to include a new food in your diet, start slowly and in smaller doses - the body adapts. Imagine inclusion in smaller doses as consuming the food 2-3 * per week and then you can possibly increase the doses - the body will already produce the necessary enzymes. This will avoid digestive problems and insufficient absorption of nutrients.

6. Ensure sufficient fiber supply

Fiber performs a number of functions in the body, and this is primarily the case in the digestive tract. In a way, fiber is not a nutrient because the body does not absorb it. All fiber - soluble and insoluble - just passes through the body.

So why do you need it?

Fiber plays a very important role as it supports the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals. It is also necessary in the process of "cleansing" the intestines, which promotes the overall absorption of nutrients. Fiber also slows down the digestion of blood sugar, which is very important for you, because it prevents a dramatic increase in insulin levels, which leads to the storage of carbohydrates in the form of fat. Furthermore, fiber helps the movement of digested food in the intestines, ensures regular excretion and thus optimizes digestion and absorption of nutrients.

7. Take glutamine as a supplement

Glutamine is an amino acid that is present in relatively large amounts in the human body.

When you add it with the help of a supplement, you will ensure better regeneration of the body and strengthen the immune system.

And what is especially important - glutamine helps digestion.

It mainly affects regular excretion. Although you also get glutamine from protein in your diet, most of us are unable to get enough of this amino acid. That is why the use of glutamine in the form of a supplement seems to be ideal. Glutamine helps the body absorb and process proteins.

8. Use di- and tripeptides because they are absorbed differently than the individual amino acids

Another way to promote protein absorption is to understand the difference between different types of protein molecules. A dipeptide is a protein molecule formed by the binding of two amino acids. The tripeptide consists of three amino acids. Interestingly, these small peptides are absorbed uncleaved in the higher parts of the gastrointestinal tract than most single amino acids or larger protein molecules. By consuming foods or supplements rich in di- and tripeptides, you help to maximize the absorption of proteins in another way. It is appropriate to highlight the product Aminofree peptides, as there is currently no product that has less loss in the absorption of amino acids in peptide form. In this respect, AminoFree Peptides is the absolute top.

9. Take digestive enzymes

We have already mentioned enzymes in the previous lines, so now only briefly.

Enzymes are found in the digestive tract, some even in the mouth. When you chew food, enzymes mix with saliva and the process of digesting food begins, allowing nutrients to be more easily absorbed. Digestive enzyme supplementation further supports this process. To improve protein absorption, choose digestive enzymes that contain protease and peptidase. Choose protein supplements as well, because some of them already contain the necessary mixture of enzymes. Extrifit proteins are included in every product.

  As you can see, the amount of protein consumed is not always a decisive factor in muscle gain. It is also important how you are able to absorb proteins, how much you can actually use from your diet. Keep this in mind as you prepare your next meal.

1 komentár:

  1. The Borage PME (Protein Metabolism Enhancer)Advanced Digestive Enzymes Supplement is a great digestive aid for those with digestive problems and for those who are concerned about the quality of their food.quality of food
