nedeľa 25. júla 2021

What food before morning workout |

 What food before morning workout

The quality of your morning workout also depends on what you eat before you arrive at the gym. Should it be cereals, bowl of oatmeal or eggs? And what about easily with Smoothie? Or it is better to eat anything at all?

Control of portions and the macrozivin ratio are difficult and thus the morning part of the day can be treacherous. If you eat too much you can have digestive difficulties. If you eat little result can be bounced on trending performance.

Protein will protect your muscle mass

If you run out of the door in the morning without bite into something, you're training fasting. It is a manifest opportunity to protect the rare muscle from considerable defect.

Approximately three hours after protein-rich food, your body returns to minus protein. So after eight hours of sleep, your body is very prone to catabolism. Prevent this negative state is simple: Consume protein before training. Amino acids (for which proteins are divided) directly encourage muscle building and also help to regenerate them.

What proteins are they suitable before morning training?

Any low-fat protein source is a great option. For example: egg whites, chicken breast and various poor meat. However, you can prefer faster digestible proteins as BCAA or whey protein accessories to minimize the risk of stomach difficulties.

Leucin protects and builds muscle mass

Regardless of protein source, consume at least enough protein to provide their body 2-3 grams of amino acids leucine, which is a key amino acid responsible for encouraging muscle building. This quantity is recommended as a limited value for leucine and may vary depending on the age.

Carbohydrates are your primary energy source

Carbohydrates are your primary energy source, so it makes sense when you put on your way to the gym some oat flakes or banana. Or not?

Your muscles and the brain are relying on glucose as a fuel fuel (they cleave carbohydrates). Carbohydrates that are not immediately used as a source of energy are stored in the liver or in the muscle in the form of a glycogen. Later, when energy needs are high, for example, glycogen is used as an energy source during exercise.

Overnight, the supply of glycogen in the liver is partially exhausted, as the brain and the central nervous system needs energy to perform basic functions during the night. Wake up and go right now, without carbohydrate income can be quite problematic because the glycogen in the liver is also the first source of energy during low intensity training.

The start of training with a partially exhausted glycogen can lead to very early fatigue and lousy training. However, if you eat too much, or you will consume a bad type of carbohydrates, it can slow you and sabotage your performance.

What food before morning workout and how much?

Assuming you are in time emergency, you will not be too time to spend enough food and thus prevent stomach difficulties. This is true especially when you choose high fiber portions such as oatmeal or wholegrain bread. To maximize energy availability and minimize stomach difficulty Choose quickly digested low fiber carbohydrates.

Rice cakes, pretzels, dried fruits and bananas are all excellent option. You can also mix your whey protein or BCAA amino acids with sports beverages or glucose. Start sipping a drink along your way to the fitness center and continue during training.

There is no such as "unique size" such as clothing for serving carbohydrates. You may have a iron stomach and you know tolerate a cup of oatmeal. And perhaps half banana is all you can handle. Try different quantities and different kinds of meals. Observe how you feel and what is your performance during workout. After time you will find it right for you to maximize energy during workout.

Fats for later

Fat slows digestion. Since you are probably pushing time, high fat dishes for you are not good at all. Smaller quantities will not hurt you, but by selecting a high fat or peanut butter, can be in your disposure.

However, there is a fast energy source that will give you the amount of energy. It's mct fat. It is important to not play with a dose, but will ensure you quick energy even though it is fat.

Morning preterm combinations.

Let's finish all this with combinations that reflect the principles we just explained. Those should leave your body ready for excellent performance this early morning.

Rice bread and icing from whey protein: 

Mix 1 whey protein meter with a bit of water and stir until the frosting is preventable. Flight down the top of a few rice breads.

Wrap with poor meat: Place 6-8 pieces of your favorite poor meat (chicken breasts, turkey breasts, ham, roasted beef) on top of low fiber tortilla.

Breakfast Sandwich: Quickly mix a pair of egg whites, keep a few bacon pieces and throw it on top of the plain mini bun.

nedeľa 18. júla 2021

Why women should take creatine |

 Why women should take creatine

Creatine is one of the most sought after supplements. Studies over and over again show that creatine can increase strength, increase lean muscle mass and improve exercise performance, regardless of gender. Creatine has something to offer almost everyone.

For the most part, thanks to the misinformed media, many women still believe that creatine is a male-only supplement. To make matters worse, companies selling nutritional supplements commonly omit creatine from their supplements for women, which further strengthens the gender gap. It can be said that this is an anti-creatine absurdity.

Even with hundreds of published studies praising him, many women who train regularly do not use creatine. I have recommended this supplement several times, but I still listen to the same excuses.

3 myths of creatine use:

1. From creatine I will be powerful

Many women, but also men, think that creatine is a supplement that you only take when you want to get a lot. Sure, with the initial use, you may notice a small change in weight, but that's no reason to believe that it will cause you anything that will immediately resemble a Hulk.

Gaining real long-lasting mass comes with eating a lot and conscientiously lifting heavy weights. Talk to anyone who has followed a weight gain program and they will tell you that much more work is required to gain muscle than just taking creatine.

You need to be honest with yourself and respect that women have significantly lower levels of testosterone, the hormone that is most responsible for muscle growth than men, which makes gaining a lot of muscle mass extremely difficult for you.

Creatine alone will not make you powerful. But it can help you overall for better training, which will only help you to your goals.

2. I will be inflated with creatine

People fear that creatine causes water retention, bloating and indigestion. It's bad enough that women have to deal with bloating and cramps during certain periods of the month, so why make things worse with a supplement?

Believe it or not, research has shown that men taking creatine are more prone to water retention and weight gain than women. Women may experience water retention, but only while taking 20 grams of creatine per day for the first period of use for 5 to 7 days, and this also decreases over time.

Fortunately, you don't need a lot of creatine to work in your favor! Any overdose of the daily dose is negligible in the long run. If you stay at a low and recommended dose (3-5 g per day), it is very unlikely that you will notice any changes in your weight or any other unpleasant side effects.

3. The use of creatine is not safe

First of all, I would like to emphasize that creatine is by no means, nor does it resemble an anabolic steroid. It boasts more safety and efficacy information than various other popular female supplements such as CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), carnitine and glutamine. It is not even considered a banned substance by any sports authority, so it will not happen that you do not pass the test if you compete with your sport.

Some people believe that creatine can cause kidney damage or even liver failure. I've saved you from looking for studies, but I want you to keep your mind calm: in the hundreds of creatine safety studies done, none have ever shown that they pose any kind of health threat.

Not only is it considered safe, but your own body basically produces it! In addition, it is quite likely that you have it in your diet and consume it without knowing it. Do you eat fish or meat? Then you consume creatine.

Believe me, properly dosed creatine is completely safe for women.

How creatine works and what it brings

Although most research has been done on men, there is compelling evidence that creatine increases women 's strength without gaining weight.

And this is how it works: in order to contract muscle, the cellular fuel-adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecule must break down the phosphate group, leaving behind adenosine diphosphate (ADP). Your body cannot use ADP. Fortunately, ADPs borrow a phosphate molecule from the creatine phosphate (PCr) stores in your body to make more ATP.

Taking creatine allows you to have more creatine phosphate available to replenish your ATP stores. When your body can replenish your energy more easily in this way, you can train at higher intensities and to a greater extent without getting tired quickly.

Studies on the effects of creatine

Studies have shown that as untrained as trained women can significantly increase their upper and lower body strength when taking creatine. In addition, a 2003 study found that women achieved greater improvements in strength compared to men: 14.8% versus 5.5%.

Creatine has also been shown to be beneficial for athletes outside the gym. It improves sprint and overall performance in terms of the dexterity of elite footballers preparing for the Olympics and reduces the recovery time for cyclists. This is only part of the reason why creatine was a supplement that is surprisingly the best choice an endurance athlete should take.

Whatever your goals - improving strength and energy, increasing muscle mass, reducing body fat, or just wanting to feel better about the physical activities you love - the ability to train harder and with more energy will help you achieve them.

What kind of creatine to take

Creatine monohydrate (the purest form of creatine monohydrate is the patented CREAPURE brand) is the most researched and supported type of creatine available on the market. Although there are other forms of creatine, such as creatine ethyl ester, creatine HCL, cre-alkalyne, Krea-Genic or creatine nitrate, no research has yet shown that any of these species have more benefits than creatine monohydrate.

How to dose creatine
I recommend taking 3-5 grams of creatine a day. As I mentioned earlier, there is no reason to take a higher dose. If you stay at a lower dose for about a month and still increase your body supply. It is also not necessary to take creatine for cycles.


Creatine is one of the cheapest sports supplements on the market, so you get a lot of music for little money. It is also tasteless and mixes well, so you can add it to almost any drink or protein sheikh without ruining its taste. For better solubility, you can mix creatine in warm water.

nedeľa 11. júla 2021

10 natural antibiotics hidden in your kitchen |

 10 natural antibiotics hidden in your kitchen

Over the last decades, antibiotic overuse has reached high levels. The result was the development of resistant bacteria and bacteria that evolved faster than scientists could figure out how to fight them. The future of where bacteria will be at the top of the chain is not so unrealistic.

Hippocrates said, "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food."

Long before pharmaceutical antibiotics were developed in the 1940s, there were foods and herbs that helped fight infections and diseases. Many of them are used all over the world today.

These natural antibiotics are available to you right now.

Instead of waiting for you to become ill or find that your medications are not working, you can start building your immune system in advance.

These foods and herbs have not lost the ability to fight disease. Bacteria do not become immune to them. Hundreds of years before us and now what worked then, it still works today. They are known as astringent foods - they naturally cleanse the blood without any side effects or disturbing the balance of good bacteria in the body.


If you crush or chew raw garlic, it contains the compound allicin, which has similar properties to penicillin. This member of the onion family is an antibiotic, has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antiparasitic, antifungal effects and is an antioxidant.

For more than seven millennia, it has been used internally and externally for various mild but also serious diseases. Everything from inflammation, through colds to serious infections is minimized by the use of garlic, and for those who do not like garlic, there are also various garlic supplements.

Garlic contains various vitamins, nutrients, minerals that are excellent for overall well-being. Not to mention how much garlic costs and how many visits to the doctor and medication.

Garlic is really a versatile helper, but some people don't like it in the raw state at best. In addition, few people suffer from a specific garlic aroma. Capsules containing garlic extract are therefore advantageous as a practical solution. You do not have to deny the strength of garlic and at the same time you are spared unpleasant side effects.


The ancient Romans used honey on the battlefield to heal wounds and prevent infections. Civilizations around the world continue to do this, using honey as one of the best natural antibiotics, containing antimicrobials and having anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects known for thousands of years.

Honey Manuka from New Zealand has been shown to have the highest levels of antioxidants and healing effects.

Enzymes in honey release hydrogen peroxide. This process helps the body fight infection and prevents the growth of bacteria. It has a calming effect on the digestive system, honey removes toxins from the blood and helps the liver work more efficiently.

It is a great support for the immune system, the combination of honey and cinnamon strengthens white blood cells. Organic honey is the best choice because most pasteurization methods kill the antioxidant effects.


The cabbage contains sulfur compounds - it comes from the genus Cabbage, which also includes broccoli or tusk, which scientists have proven to be effective fighters against cancer.

Many people don't realize how much vitamin C is in the cabbage. One cup of cabbage contains 75% of the daily dose of vitamin C. Cabbage has natural antibacterial effects. You can eat it fresh, chopped in a salad, in the form of a side dish like cabbage salad, drink fresh cabbage juice, which you can sweeten with honey.

It is great for improving digestion, preventing disease and can even help reduce weight.

Grapefruit seed extract

Grapefruit11 The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine has published a study that found that grapefruit seed extract is effective against more than 800 viruses and bacteria, more than 100 species of fungi and many parasites.

It contains a high amount of antioxidants, increases immunity, naturally alkalizes the body, helps digestion by improving the intestinal microflora.

Raw apple cider vinegar

img-acvjug1The far-reaching benefits of daily doses of apple cider vinegar include antibiotic and dantiseptic properties, naturally alkalize your body and can help you in other things, from regulating your weight, to lowering cholesterol to reducing the risk of cancer.

It can be used topically for disinfection and sterilization.

Extra virgin coconut oil

100-Pure-Plants-Extracts-Fractionated-Coconut-EssentialIt has naturally occurring antifungal and antimicrobial properties and is full of antioxidants that you cannot find anywhere else in nature in this form. Its use strengthens the immune system, balances the thyroid gland, maintains cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and even improves brain function. It can be used externally as well as internally, it is one of the most versatile and unique gifts from Mother Nature.

Feel free to mix a teaspoon of coconut oil into your morning coffee for more energy and a cleaner head all day.


It has similar effects to garlic, is well tolerated and able to stimulate the immune system, naturally strengthens fighters against infections in your bloodstream. Native Americans have used echinacea for hundreds of years in indigenous medicine to treat pain and disease.

Unlike garlic, this solution has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effects and is used at the first signs of the disease and should not be used for more than 10 days.

Fermented food

Probiotics are one of the most incredible discoveries of the last decade. They work to strengthen and preserve the natural intestinal microflora in the digestive tract. Research has shown that a balanced intestinal environment is one of the keys to the overall well-being of the body and the prevention of cancer.

These good bacteria are so important to your health that doctors recommend taking probiotics, especially when prescribing antibiotics to their patients. Fermented foods contain antioxidants and microorganisms that your body tolerates much better than in the form of supplements. Unpasteurized cabbage, apple cider vinegar, raw cucumbers or probiotic yogurt are great ways to improve your intestinal balance.

Colloidal silver

Colloidal silver as a natural antibiotic is a mixture of silver particles in a fluid that has been used for centuries. However, this treatment is only temporary because too much silver is poison. However, it retains the enzyme that single-celled bacteria need to multiply. By not receiving their dose of oxygen, bacteria and viruses will be destroyed without harming you. The leading American company Sunwarrior produces a unique product Immune Shield containing silver ions enriched with 4 billion microorganisms. This product belongs to the unit of nutritional supplements to strengthen the immune system.

Oil of oregano and other herbs

Further medical research has shown that a number of tried and tested medicinal herbs are as effective as they were hundreds of years ago.

Essential oils made from herbs that are beneficial to human health are fast becoming desirable items. The Mediterranean countries are home to many, even the most famous, including oregano. Oregano oil is considered an antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiviral and antifungal. It can be used internally as well as externally, to treat wounds, respiratory problems, digestive problems and even for colds. Packaged with antioxidants known as phenols or flavonoids, they heal but also strengthen the immune system.

The natural antibiotic properties of many herbs are confirmed by scientists around the world. They are natural alternatives to support immunity.

Fresh spices, thyme, cinnamon, basil, rosemary, turmeric, cayenne pepper, chili peppers, cloves, ginger, anise, mustard seed and fennel are just a few natural herbs that you should consider and add to your diet. Some of them are also available as essential oils, which increase their healing power.

The antibiotics prescribed by your doctors kill all bacteria, bad but also the good ones, which deprives your body of the ability to fight infections and avert disease.

By adding these medicinal foods to your life, you can actively work to keep your body healthy and in balance.

nedeľa 4. júla 2021

4 nutritional supplements to maintain muscle mass during weight loss |

 4 nutritional supplements to maintain muscle mass during weight loss

If you want to maintain your hard-earned muscles while shedding fat, the following nutritional supplements will help. The most important fact is the slow and stable drawing. Drawing too fast can reduce your hard-built muscles - proper nutrition is essential. But if you feel that you need some extra source of nutrition, consider taking some supplements that can help you and support fat burning, while maintaining muscle mass.

For many people, losing weight or drawing is much harder than gaining it - you need to count calories, give up sweets and stay motivated. But you can't give up - it's all about the psyche. The drawing phase results in a significant decrease in calories in daily energy intake. Most often, meals are taken every two to three hours in smaller portions.


61% of skeletal muscle contains an amino acid called glutamine. After strenuous exercise, its levels drop significantly. This amino acid is very important for maintaining muscle mass and for promoting protein synthesis in muscles. When it comes to fat loss, glutamine can balance fat storage, making it a beneficial weight loss supplement. Let us also not forget that as we age, human growth hormone levels begin to decline. Glutamine increases the body's ability to secrete a source of the hormone of youth; Human growth hormone helps burn fat and build muscle.


As a precursor to nitric oxide (NO), arginine can contribute to increased blood circulation during intense training. It works by dilating the blood vessels during exercise, so more oxygen and nutrients get into your muscles. In addition to improving blood circulation and contributing to muscle growth, arginine is also a quality fat burner. As mentioned above, that glutamine serves to prevent fat storage, arginine then uses the released fat as fuel (lipolysis). You can achieve this effect only with quality arginine from trusted brands.


Carnitine is another valuable amino acid that can support the drawing phase. It works by moving triglycerides (TG) into the mitochondria of your cells. Once the TG enters the cell, it decomposes into energy. With carnitine, you prevent fat from storing in your body and at the same time increase your aerobic calorie burning threshold. There is a patented pure and effective form of l-carnitine under the well-known name CARNIPURE®. However, not every manufacturer offers this effective form.


It has similar functions to L-carnitine, coenzyme Q-10 increases metabolism and supplies the body with energy. Coenzyme Q-10 increases the rate at which food is used as fuel; it helps stabilize the amount of fat in the blood. This antioxidant also helps support the basic functions of cells in the body. We recommend this strong antioxidant from the trusted English company Reflex called Coenzyme Q10. Alpha-lipoic acid can also increase the body's ability to convert food into energy.

By reducing your daily intake by 300 calories, it is necessary to get proper nutrition into your body. Your goal is to lose weight effectively while maintaining muscle mass. Incorporating these nutritional supplements along with a multivitamin will help you achieve the results you wanted so much.