nedeľa 25. júla 2021

What food before morning workout |

 What food before morning workout

The quality of your morning workout also depends on what you eat before you arrive at the gym. Should it be cereals, bowl of oatmeal or eggs? And what about easily with Smoothie? Or it is better to eat anything at all?

Control of portions and the macrozivin ratio are difficult and thus the morning part of the day can be treacherous. If you eat too much you can have digestive difficulties. If you eat little result can be bounced on trending performance.

Protein will protect your muscle mass

If you run out of the door in the morning without bite into something, you're training fasting. It is a manifest opportunity to protect the rare muscle from considerable defect.

Approximately three hours after protein-rich food, your body returns to minus protein. So after eight hours of sleep, your body is very prone to catabolism. Prevent this negative state is simple: Consume protein before training. Amino acids (for which proteins are divided) directly encourage muscle building and also help to regenerate them.

What proteins are they suitable before morning training?

Any low-fat protein source is a great option. For example: egg whites, chicken breast and various poor meat. However, you can prefer faster digestible proteins as BCAA or whey protein accessories to minimize the risk of stomach difficulties.

Leucin protects and builds muscle mass

Regardless of protein source, consume at least enough protein to provide their body 2-3 grams of amino acids leucine, which is a key amino acid responsible for encouraging muscle building. This quantity is recommended as a limited value for leucine and may vary depending on the age.

Carbohydrates are your primary energy source

Carbohydrates are your primary energy source, so it makes sense when you put on your way to the gym some oat flakes or banana. Or not?

Your muscles and the brain are relying on glucose as a fuel fuel (they cleave carbohydrates). Carbohydrates that are not immediately used as a source of energy are stored in the liver or in the muscle in the form of a glycogen. Later, when energy needs are high, for example, glycogen is used as an energy source during exercise.

Overnight, the supply of glycogen in the liver is partially exhausted, as the brain and the central nervous system needs energy to perform basic functions during the night. Wake up and go right now, without carbohydrate income can be quite problematic because the glycogen in the liver is also the first source of energy during low intensity training.

The start of training with a partially exhausted glycogen can lead to very early fatigue and lousy training. However, if you eat too much, or you will consume a bad type of carbohydrates, it can slow you and sabotage your performance.

What food before morning workout and how much?

Assuming you are in time emergency, you will not be too time to spend enough food and thus prevent stomach difficulties. This is true especially when you choose high fiber portions such as oatmeal or wholegrain bread. To maximize energy availability and minimize stomach difficulty Choose quickly digested low fiber carbohydrates.

Rice cakes, pretzels, dried fruits and bananas are all excellent option. You can also mix your whey protein or BCAA amino acids with sports beverages or glucose. Start sipping a drink along your way to the fitness center and continue during training.

There is no such as "unique size" such as clothing for serving carbohydrates. You may have a iron stomach and you know tolerate a cup of oatmeal. And perhaps half banana is all you can handle. Try different quantities and different kinds of meals. Observe how you feel and what is your performance during workout. After time you will find it right for you to maximize energy during workout.

Fats for later

Fat slows digestion. Since you are probably pushing time, high fat dishes for you are not good at all. Smaller quantities will not hurt you, but by selecting a high fat or peanut butter, can be in your disposure.

However, there is a fast energy source that will give you the amount of energy. It's mct fat. It is important to not play with a dose, but will ensure you quick energy even though it is fat.

Morning preterm combinations.

Let's finish all this with combinations that reflect the principles we just explained. Those should leave your body ready for excellent performance this early morning.

Rice bread and icing from whey protein: 

Mix 1 whey protein meter with a bit of water and stir until the frosting is preventable. Flight down the top of a few rice breads.

Wrap with poor meat: Place 6-8 pieces of your favorite poor meat (chicken breasts, turkey breasts, ham, roasted beef) on top of low fiber tortilla.

Breakfast Sandwich: Quickly mix a pair of egg whites, keep a few bacon pieces and throw it on top of the plain mini bun.

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