nedeľa 11. júla 2021

10 natural antibiotics hidden in your kitchen |

 10 natural antibiotics hidden in your kitchen

Over the last decades, antibiotic overuse has reached high levels. The result was the development of resistant bacteria and bacteria that evolved faster than scientists could figure out how to fight them. The future of where bacteria will be at the top of the chain is not so unrealistic.

Hippocrates said, "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food."

Long before pharmaceutical antibiotics were developed in the 1940s, there were foods and herbs that helped fight infections and diseases. Many of them are used all over the world today.

These natural antibiotics are available to you right now.

Instead of waiting for you to become ill or find that your medications are not working, you can start building your immune system in advance.

These foods and herbs have not lost the ability to fight disease. Bacteria do not become immune to them. Hundreds of years before us and now what worked then, it still works today. They are known as astringent foods - they naturally cleanse the blood without any side effects or disturbing the balance of good bacteria in the body.


If you crush or chew raw garlic, it contains the compound allicin, which has similar properties to penicillin. This member of the onion family is an antibiotic, has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antiparasitic, antifungal effects and is an antioxidant.

For more than seven millennia, it has been used internally and externally for various mild but also serious diseases. Everything from inflammation, through colds to serious infections is minimized by the use of garlic, and for those who do not like garlic, there are also various garlic supplements.

Garlic contains various vitamins, nutrients, minerals that are excellent for overall well-being. Not to mention how much garlic costs and how many visits to the doctor and medication.

Garlic is really a versatile helper, but some people don't like it in the raw state at best. In addition, few people suffer from a specific garlic aroma. Capsules containing garlic extract are therefore advantageous as a practical solution. You do not have to deny the strength of garlic and at the same time you are spared unpleasant side effects.


The ancient Romans used honey on the battlefield to heal wounds and prevent infections. Civilizations around the world continue to do this, using honey as one of the best natural antibiotics, containing antimicrobials and having anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects known for thousands of years.

Honey Manuka from New Zealand has been shown to have the highest levels of antioxidants and healing effects.

Enzymes in honey release hydrogen peroxide. This process helps the body fight infection and prevents the growth of bacteria. It has a calming effect on the digestive system, honey removes toxins from the blood and helps the liver work more efficiently.

It is a great support for the immune system, the combination of honey and cinnamon strengthens white blood cells. Organic honey is the best choice because most pasteurization methods kill the antioxidant effects.


The cabbage contains sulfur compounds - it comes from the genus Cabbage, which also includes broccoli or tusk, which scientists have proven to be effective fighters against cancer.

Many people don't realize how much vitamin C is in the cabbage. One cup of cabbage contains 75% of the daily dose of vitamin C. Cabbage has natural antibacterial effects. You can eat it fresh, chopped in a salad, in the form of a side dish like cabbage salad, drink fresh cabbage juice, which you can sweeten with honey.

It is great for improving digestion, preventing disease and can even help reduce weight.

Grapefruit seed extract

Grapefruit11 The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine has published a study that found that grapefruit seed extract is effective against more than 800 viruses and bacteria, more than 100 species of fungi and many parasites.

It contains a high amount of antioxidants, increases immunity, naturally alkalizes the body, helps digestion by improving the intestinal microflora.

Raw apple cider vinegar

img-acvjug1The far-reaching benefits of daily doses of apple cider vinegar include antibiotic and dantiseptic properties, naturally alkalize your body and can help you in other things, from regulating your weight, to lowering cholesterol to reducing the risk of cancer.

It can be used topically for disinfection and sterilization.

Extra virgin coconut oil

100-Pure-Plants-Extracts-Fractionated-Coconut-EssentialIt has naturally occurring antifungal and antimicrobial properties and is full of antioxidants that you cannot find anywhere else in nature in this form. Its use strengthens the immune system, balances the thyroid gland, maintains cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and even improves brain function. It can be used externally as well as internally, it is one of the most versatile and unique gifts from Mother Nature.

Feel free to mix a teaspoon of coconut oil into your morning coffee for more energy and a cleaner head all day.


It has similar effects to garlic, is well tolerated and able to stimulate the immune system, naturally strengthens fighters against infections in your bloodstream. Native Americans have used echinacea for hundreds of years in indigenous medicine to treat pain and disease.

Unlike garlic, this solution has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effects and is used at the first signs of the disease and should not be used for more than 10 days.

Fermented food

Probiotics are one of the most incredible discoveries of the last decade. They work to strengthen and preserve the natural intestinal microflora in the digestive tract. Research has shown that a balanced intestinal environment is one of the keys to the overall well-being of the body and the prevention of cancer.

These good bacteria are so important to your health that doctors recommend taking probiotics, especially when prescribing antibiotics to their patients. Fermented foods contain antioxidants and microorganisms that your body tolerates much better than in the form of supplements. Unpasteurized cabbage, apple cider vinegar, raw cucumbers or probiotic yogurt are great ways to improve your intestinal balance.

Colloidal silver

Colloidal silver as a natural antibiotic is a mixture of silver particles in a fluid that has been used for centuries. However, this treatment is only temporary because too much silver is poison. However, it retains the enzyme that single-celled bacteria need to multiply. By not receiving their dose of oxygen, bacteria and viruses will be destroyed without harming you. The leading American company Sunwarrior produces a unique product Immune Shield containing silver ions enriched with 4 billion microorganisms. This product belongs to the unit of nutritional supplements to strengthen the immune system.

Oil of oregano and other herbs

Further medical research has shown that a number of tried and tested medicinal herbs are as effective as they were hundreds of years ago.

Essential oils made from herbs that are beneficial to human health are fast becoming desirable items. The Mediterranean countries are home to many, even the most famous, including oregano. Oregano oil is considered an antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiviral and antifungal. It can be used internally as well as externally, to treat wounds, respiratory problems, digestive problems and even for colds. Packaged with antioxidants known as phenols or flavonoids, they heal but also strengthen the immune system.

The natural antibiotic properties of many herbs are confirmed by scientists around the world. They are natural alternatives to support immunity.

Fresh spices, thyme, cinnamon, basil, rosemary, turmeric, cayenne pepper, chili peppers, cloves, ginger, anise, mustard seed and fennel are just a few natural herbs that you should consider and add to your diet. Some of them are also available as essential oils, which increase their healing power.

The antibiotics prescribed by your doctors kill all bacteria, bad but also the good ones, which deprives your body of the ability to fight infections and avert disease.

By adding these medicinal foods to your life, you can actively work to keep your body healthy and in balance.

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