štvrtok 29. októbra 2020

How many calories will be burned by professional footballers and what must not be missing in their diet? | Steroids4U.eu

 How many calories will be burned by professional footballers and what must not be missing in their diet?

Many of you are definitely doing different team sports. These are quite demanding on the energy requirements of our body. Information on daily energy expenditure is important because it sets a goal for daily calorie intake within a diet. Today we will look at professional footballers from the Dutch and English Premier Leagues, as well as young people under 18. We will also outline their diet and UEFA's recommendations so that your performance is going in the right direction.

If you are a football player (or do other team sports calmly), you are definitely wondering how to eat as efficiently as possible so that your performance increases. To answer this question, it is necessary to perceive the overall context of sport. Before you can deal with how much carbohydrate to eat or how much protein and fat to eat, you need to have an idea of your energy expenditure (EE) as such. Why? Because, adequate energy intake is necessary not only to cover the energy intensity of matches and training, but also to maintain optimal immune function and reduce the risk of injury. Three studies have dealt with this issue, which we will approach today.

What were we based on in energy expenditure (EE)?

The observational study addressed energy expenditure (EE) as well as income (EI) for 14 days with a representative group of professional footballers operating in the Dutch Premier League (Eredivisie). A total of 41 footballers participated in the study, while the physical parameters were on average - 23 years, 182 cm, 77.6 kg (11.6% BF). Only on the edge - the goalkeepers were the heaviest (89 kg). The players underwent the so-called the doubly labeled water method (DLW), which is the gold standard for determining energy expenditure (Note 1). Repeated face-to-face 24-hour recalls were chosen to determine their energy intake. This means that the researchers sat down with them to go over what they ate on a given day (training, non-training, wrestling).

As I have already written, a period of 14 days was followed. During this time, the players played 2.3 ± 0.5 matches, participated in 8.7 ± 1.0 training and had 3.1 ± 1.0 days of rest. To give you a better idea, the workouts lasted an average of 78 minutes, in which they ran about 5.5 km. But during the 90-minute match, the average was over 10 km! So no training deployment from Horná-Dolná, but a really demanding training cycle!

The mean daily EE during the study period was 3285 ± 354 kcal (13.8 ± 1.5 MJ), while their mean daily EI was around 2658 ± 693 kcal (11.1 ± 2.9 MJ). Given that the players' body weight did not change in 14 days (day 1: 77.6 ± 8.1 kg, day 15: 77.6 ± 8.0 kg;), the difference between EE and EI represents a classic underestimation of their income. . They simply didn't tell the researchers everything. Overall, therefore, they underestimated their intake by 18 ± 15% Kcal. In a similar survey from 2017, they found similar EEs in English Premier League (EPL) players. It was around 3566 ± 585 kcal for 5 workouts and 2 matches per week.

When researchers considered the body weight of individual players, they found that the daily EE was lowest in goalkeepers (37.6 ± 2.9 kcal / kg body weight) and highest in midfielders (44.4 ± 3.2 kcal / kg body weight). . That probably didn't surprise us, we know who runs the most, don't we? The average value of physical activity, the so-called PAL, was set at 1.75 for all. In practice, this means that these players need to energetically cover 1.75 times their basal metabolism. It is interesting to note that daily EE correlated well with body weight, but even better with LBM = body weight after subtracting body fat. This means that when we know (exactly) how much fat a player is wearing, we can also determine his energy requirements a little more precisely. For example - a nearly 90 kg goalkeeper wearing 12.5% ​​fat would need 3375 Kcal / day for such a deployment.

And how are the young footballers?

In this study, the authors sought to determine the energy expenditure of academic footballers (under 18) in the EPL. A total of 24 young footballers were included, divided evenly into three groups - 12/13 year olds, 15 year olds and 18 year olds. They followed them for 14 days using DLW technology, recorded food with photos and also used GPS.

What did they come up with?

Players in the under-18 group had a higher RMR (2236 ± 93 kcal / day) and their total energy expenditure, abbreviated TEE (3586 ± 487 kcal / day; range: 2542-5172 kcal / day) than their younger teammates. Those in the group up to 15 had a higher RMR (2023 ± 162 kcal / day) and TEE (3029 ± 262 kcal / day; TEE range: 2738-3726 kcal / day) than players in the group 12/13 years (RMR 1892 ± 211 and TEE 2859 ± 265 kcal / day; TEE range: 2275-3903 kcal / day). Fat-free weight (FFM) was highest in the oldest players (U18: 57.2 ± 6.1 kg> U15: 42.9 ± 5.8 kg> U12 / 13: 31.1 ± 3.5 kg). Logically, these values ​​should not surprise us. Heavier, in this case even older footballers have a higher BMR and burn more calories during training. In other words, they will need more calories.

When we look at their caloric intake, again players under the age of 18 (3180 ± 279 kcal / day) ate the most, followed by those under the age of 15 (2821 ± 338 kcal / day) and under the age of 12/13 (2659 ± 187 kcal / day) . The taste grows with age! In addition to interesting numbers, you may notice that there are large ranges for both spending but also calorie intake. This strongly suggests that in the case of young players (under 18 who take football seriously), energy intake needs to be strictly individualized to the intensity of training. With increasing age, their energy availability had a declining trend, which can be problematic for optimal growth.

It is also interesting to follow the eating habits of adult players:

Periodization of caloric intake - It turned out that the players of the Dutch Eredivisia received around 2640 Kcal on the training day, 2510 Kcal on the non-training day and ate the most on the day of the match, over 3100 Kcal. Similar differences were noted for EPL players, receiving 3,800 kcal on match days and 2,950 kcal on training days.

Protein was not so bad - the average protein intake of Dutch Eredivisie players was 1.7 g / kg TH. However, the protein distribution was less ideal. As many as 56% of players did not follow the recommendation to consume at least 20 g of protein for breakfast. Even EPL players were like some bodybuilders, over 2.5 g / kg TH a day! Over the last decade, much more attention seems to have been paid to protein intake in football. And how are you? Are you already wet? Have at least protein for those cornflakes with milk!

Carbohydrates also had elements of periodization - Dutch Eredivisia players received something around 300 g / day during training and non-training days, while on the day of the match their intake approached 400 g / day. The question is whether this is a sufficient amount. Data from EPL players also indicated that the most problematic was sufficient carbohydrate intake. Especially in the days before the match and during post-match (recovery) days. If a footballer is to invest the remaining calories somewhere, he should do so in the form of carbohydrates.

You may also be interested in water intake - it was highest on the days of the match (4.4 ± 1.7 l), then on the training day (3.6 ± 1.1 l) and finally on the rest day (2.7 ± 0.9 l). ) L) slightly lower.

What does UEFA say in this regard?

Nutrition plays an important role in optimizing the performance of elite players during training and playing matches, or in maintaining their overall health throughout the season. Demands on players are rising significantly, which is reflected in the higher training and match load (Note 2). Therefore, it is necessary for players to have not only an adequate energy intake, but above all a sufficient intake of carbohydrates and fluids (Note 3).

Boarding on the day of the match

Before the match - Carbohydrate intake is key. Players are advised to eat at a level of 6-8 g / kg TH, while 3-4 hours before the match it is desirable to consume food rich in carbohydrates (1-3 g / kg TH). Pre-match meals should be easily digested to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal problems (eg reflux, discomfort). Such food should allow players to "feel better". Therefore, it is necessary to apply an element of flexible diet for players, not only a rigid fulfillment of carbohydrate intake (eg flakes vs. chocapic). Players should not miss enough hydration. It is recommended to take 5-7 ml / kg TH 2-4 hours before excavation. Urine should be a soft white-yellow color.

During the match - Sufficient intake of carbohydrates and fluids are crucial during the match. Therefore, it is recommended that 3030-60 g of carbohydrates be taken in after heating and the same amount after the first half. Special sports supplements (eg carbohydrate drinks or bars) can provide an optimal way to meet this goal and at the same time minimize potential gastrointestinal problems (Note 4). As players lose a significant amount of electrolytes (especially sodium) during a match (training), players should try to drink plenty of fluids. What does it mean? That weight loss after a match should not be more than 2-3% of the weight before the match.

After the match (recovery) - The primary post-match goal is not to celebrate a possible victory but to reduce the time required for the player to fully recover. Therefore, it is absolutely essential that carbohydrates / glycogen are replenished as soon as possible. Post-match meals and snacks should focus on carbohydrate intake, ~ 1 g / kg BW / hour for 4 hours. Also, the intake of 20-25 g of high quality protein at 3-4 hour intervals (not only after the match) is important! Players should not forget about enough fluids and electrolytes.

Boarding on training days

The football season is usually divided into three phases: pre-season, season and off-season. Typically, this means that not every season the training level is the same. This, of course, affects the recommendations below, which form a general corpus.

Although we do not have specific data focused purely on training days, given the importance of muscle glycogen for preparation and recovery from wrestling, the following can be recommended. The day before the match, on the match day as well as the day after the match, increase the carbohydrate intake to 6 to 8 g / kg TH day. On other days, a daily intake in the range of 3 to 6 g / kg TH may be sufficient for sufficient energy and regeneration.

Depending on the length of the training (> 60 min) and its intensity / difficulty (possibility of running km), it is unlikely that most players will have to take in carbohydrates during training. For proteins, the general recommendations for a daily intake of 1.6-2.2 g / kg TH apply.

How would I handle it if I were a football player?

Imagine that I am an 80 kg midfielder who on average needs 3650 Kcal and 480-640g of carbohydrates. It's Sunday and I'm ahead of the match, which is supposed to be at 2:30 p.m. Total macros ⇒ 194b, 528s (195c), 88t and 28g fiber (4330 mg sodium, 2660 potassium, 2980 mg calcium)

Breakfast (8: 00-9: 00) - 5x toast, 3x eggs L, 50g ham, 50g ketchup, 50g corn and 100g pepper + 250 ml apple juice = 834 Kcal / 45b, 114s (52c), 21t and 5g fiber ( potassium 790mg, sodium 1300 mg, calcium 140 mg)

Before the match (12:00) - 500ml semi-skimmed milk + 100g chocapic + 50g blueberries + 30g protein = 764 kcal / 48b, 114s (56c), 14t and 7g fiber (potassium 880 mg, calcium 1200mg)
During the match (14: 30-17: 00) - after warming up and during the match, I choose an isotonic drink or a drink that contains carbohydrates and electrolytes. For example this 40g + 40g = 300Kcal and 70s (56c, 880 mg sodium, 320 mg calcium)

After the match (18:00) - 150g pasta + 150g lean ground beef + 1/2 sauce lidl alla bolognese + 20g parmesan = 1012 Kcal / 57b, 135s (15c), 27t and 6g fiber (1400mg sodium, 650 mg calcium)
Last meal (21:00) - 250g semi-fat cottage cheese, 300g yogurt 3.7%, 50g sponge cakes, 100g raspberries, 10g cocoa = 44p, 98c, 26f and 10 f (970 mg potassium, 450mg sodium, 670 mg calcium)
Comment - The above example is based on my subjective view of how I (as a footballer) would deal with my match day. Sources of carbohydrates are different, you can include rice, potatoes, flakes, more fruit, etc. It's up to everyone what food combinations they choose, on the one hand to fulfill the goal (their sufficient intake), to eat what they like and at the same time not to cause unnecessary discomfort. That's why I chose chocapic instead of flakes, that's why I chose pasta instead of potatoes. The flakes can fill me unbelievably, I would have to eat more than 400g of potatoes after the match in order to achieve the same amount of carbohydrates. Given that a footballer sweats during the match, even increased sodium intake will not be a problem, on the contrary, maybe some food could be salted (but this is a personal preference). Of course, it is possible to include other nutritional supplements such as creatine, electrolytes, caffeine, etc.


As we have found, football is a relatively energy-intensive sport. Adequate carbohydrate intake is very important. Of course, as with any activity, it depends on the intensity, length and weight of a particular person. Nutrition guidelines for team sports should be specific to the sport and the particular athlete. The basis is therefore to have an idea of ​​their energy intensity. We were able to present these differences within age categories or specific positions. Keep in mind, however, that even if we list some numbers in the article, these are average values ​​that may not replicate your situation. Nevertheless, the research involved higher-level players who do not play in the village league.

utorok 27. októbra 2020

Return to training in the COVID-19 era: Physiological effects of exercise in a veil, recommendations for fitness centers and an appeal to the government | Steroids4U.eu

 Return to training in the COVID-19 era: Physiological effects of exercise in a veil, recommendations for fitness centers and an appeal to the government

With this article, we want to at least appeal to the government in this way. However, not by swearing, not by conspiracies, but by facts and the effort to compromise. We are aware that the situation is critical, which is reflected in the drastic measures taken. The moving median at level 500, which the Prime Minister spoke of as the main condition for relaxing the current measures, is in sight. Infinity, this is simply not possible, otherwise there is a risk that many operations in Slovakia will actually go bankrupt. The total closure of services in the spring of 2020 has already hit us hard, and it is possible that after this second wave we will have nowhere to train, and many will not even have anything to live on. If we do not find a compromise, the fitness industry will be on its knees. A compromise between a reasonable number of newcomers and an economic burden on the state, companies or people. The coronavirus just doesn't go away, so let's talk about the compromise we're proposing.

Before you start reading the following lines, we would like to inform you that this article will be continuously supplemented with the arrival of current studies. And although we are not doctors or virologists, our aim is to bring the most objective information possible on this topic. It is thus possible that the current wording will undergo a significant addition / change, which we will inform you about.

Introduction to the discussed issues

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has had, and still has, a significant impact on almost every aspect of our lives. In addition to other measures that accompany this unfortunate situation, whether we like it or not, wearing veils and respirators has become an essential part. Unfortunately, various operations or even entire sectors, including fitness centers, have been closed down. Regular exercise in a safe environment is an important strategy for a healthy lifestyle (Note 1). Although direct data on the number of those infected in fitness centers are absent, there is no denying that there is an increased risk of virus transmission. In addition, in the gym you will not only meet young and healthy people, but on the contrary, it is also visited by older and more obese people who fall into risk groups. In the future, this probably requires the wearing of veils during the entire exercise of physical activity, as an inseparable duty for everyone.

Why is it necessary to wear drapes during training in the gym?

COVID-19 is a respiratory infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, a new form of coronavirus. The primary way in which COVID-19 can be transmitted is probably through small droplets when talking, breathing, coughing or sneezing. Therefore, gyms, where there are a lot of people in an enclosed space who sweat, exhale many drops into the environment and at the same time catch common equipment (which they do not usually disinfect after themselves), are really a risky environment. If we add to this the fact that a significant part of the carriers of the disease, especially young people, is without obvious symptoms, the problem is exacerbated. It is young people who can later be an important source of virus transmission at home, to the aforementioned vulnerable groups.

In addition, some preliminary studies have shown that small droplets can spread up to 5 meters when walking (at a speed of 4 km / h) and even up to 10 meters when running (at a speed of 14.4 km / h). For example, running on a belt? YES, it's about modeling, not reality, in any case it's worth considering the possible minimization of risks in the gym. It should also be added that, according to another study, SARS-Cov-2 remains in the air for up to 3 hours. For solid surfaces, evidence suggests that SARS-Cov-2 may remain on the surface of metal, cardboard, glass, or plastic for more than a week. So one-handed arms and grips on machines?

Airway cover helps fight Covid

Masks have already been effective in reducing the spread of influenza and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Surgical drapes / masks or N95 respirators have also been effective in preventing influenza in healthcare professionals. Recent preliminary reports indicate the effectiveness of face masks in combating the COVID-19 pandemic. Two other well-conducted model studies based on real-world data have also shown a statistically highly significant benefit of wearing masks / drapes. Simply, yes, they help!

Specific case:

The findings published in the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Weekly Report on Morbidity and Mortality provide a concrete example. According to this report, two hairdressers continued to work with symptoms until they tested positive (day 8), exposing 139 clients to COVID-19. However, hairdressers and their clients wore veils, as required by regulations. After tracing the contacts, none of the exposed clients showed symptoms. In addition, of the 67 tested, all were negative. Although such evidence has some limitations, the non-proliferation of SARS-CoV-2 can be attributed in part to the wearing of drapes (they wore a two-layer cotton or surgical drape).
Of course, it is necessary to distinguish between the protection of a person as an individual who wears a certain mask / veil and the protection of his surroundings. Civilians wear a veil to protect their surroundings. That's why it's important that everyone wears the drapes properly. Healthcare professionals, on the other hand, wear a respirator and other protective equipment to primarily protect themselves in a hazardous environment.

In addition, the coverage of the face is not fully sufficient, and if the drape is handled incorrectly, one can become infected anyway. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly disinfect your hands, do not touch your face or drape, always replace it and clean it. It is also questionable how effective are over-the-counter or following a home made drape. Although a higher specific case suggests an effect, this meta-analysis states that cloth drapes show minimal efficacy compared to medical drapes / respirators. However, the authors state that "something is better than nothing". Logically, a drape that does not fit flawlessly to the face cannot completely prevent the inhalation of particles from the air. In addition, the composition of the substance determines its filtering effects. However, they can at least partially reduce their direct discharge into common areas. This also applies to fitness center areas or their equipment (single arms, machines, belts, etc.) that are affected by fewer virus particles. That is why it is necessary for everyone to have them and to keep their distance from each other. I know that everyone wants to be as close as possible to the mirror and see themselves in it, but only then will it have the desired effect.


In this study, they observed the external emissions of aerosol particles in healthy people using a micron scale. Participants (there were 9 of them) performed 4 types of facial activity (breathing, talking, coughing and chewing), wearing different types of medical or homemade masks / drapes. KN95 surgical drapes and respirators have been found to reduce particle discharges by an average of 90% and 74% during conversation and coughing, confirming their effectiveness in reducing external aerosol emissions and thus the potential for SARS-CoV-2 to spread. It should be added that they could not determine the effectiveness of home-made cotton masks, whether single or double ply. They only determined that they needed to be cleaned regularly. In addition, it was mainly a matter of capturing larger particles (> 0.5 μm), so that the small ones are still able to penetrate. I would add that they dealt only with direct exhalation, not to the sides, and even the inhalation itself = the possibility of infection exists when the mask / drape does not fit. The point is, what we have already mentioned is that such a surgical drape does not protect you, but reduces the risk to other people around you.

In this case, they tested 14 commonly available masks or mask alternatives and the N95 respirator using the method of optical measurement of droplet transfer during ordinary speech. The droplets emitted during the narration were shown to be best filtered in the N95 respirator and the surgical drape, but the other drapes did not turn out completely poorly compared to the narration without it. The limitation is, they did not measure virus transmission, only the transmission of particles larger than> 0.5 μm.

Veil training

If fitness centers reopen (hopefully later this year!), It is more than likely that exercise drapes will be a must. We will not now argue about the question of whether it is necessary to have a veil in the gym, but whether they are safe during exercise. Alternatively, what impact will they have on our performance?

The use of any type of drape / mask reduces airflow to the lungs, compared to training without a drape. This causes a lower supply of oxygen to the lungs and consequently a lower supply to the muscles = so it makes our training more difficult. In this case, an increase in respiratory rate can be expected, so some negative side effects may occur, such as dizziness, shortness of breath and decreased performance. However, it has also been shown that after a period of adaptation, these symptoms and discomfort can be reduced or even eliminated. All previously published studies on face masks that have yielded positive results have been tested under low to medium stress conditions. Therefore, caution is warranted for athletes who exercise intensively for extended periods of time, especially if they wear too tight airway coverage (but this is important for their personal protection). They may thus also be at risk for physiologically significant hypercapnia and hypoxia. This hypothesis urgently needs to be tested.


This prospective crossover study compared the effects of wearing a surgical drape, FFP2 / N95 respirator in 12 healthy men (age 38r, BMI 24.5). They underwent a load test on a bicycle, which started at 50W, with the load being increased by another 50W every 3 minutes until they were depleted. Subsequently, they cycled for another 10 minutes at a load of 25 W (recovery). They monitored their performance, several health parameters and discomfort during exercise. The mean duration of the stress test decreased slightly with the drape (−29 ± 40 s) and decreased significantly with the respirator (o52 ± 45 s). At maximum load, there was a significant decrease in performance parameters. Wearing FFP2 / N95 resulted in a 13% reduction in VO2max and 23% ventilation.

The conclusion they presented states that masks / respirators (in addition to causing considerable discomfort) have a significant negative effect on cardiopulmonary capacity, which significantly impairs strenuous physical activity. In other words, there is a decrease in performance. Here's the answer to why you shouldn't train like crazy as intensely as without a veil.
Kampert and his group responded to this study in a letter to the author, where they pointed out several poorly formulated conclusions.

Thus, studies have shown higher values ​​of oxygen consumption and pulmonary ventilation, together with increased volume and duration of training, shorter pauses, higher speed of movement and higher number of repetitions (assuming that the effort was the same). Therefore, in order to reduce cardiorespiratory stress when wearing a veil and the consequent "risk of contamination" due to changes in pulmonary ventilation and dyspnea, it is appropriate to:

reduce the volume / total length of training
train with a lower number of repetitions,
have longer pauses resp. longer breaks between exercises and series
avoid highly dynamic repeated movements (jumps on the crate, English, etc.)

CO2 issues - are we really poisoned?

This study aimed to assess the physiological effects of wearing surgical drapes or N95 respirators during short-term strenuous cycling training. So it's about cardio training. Healthy participants in this study underwent so-called maximum stress test without airway cover, with surgical drape and with N95 respirator. What is the stress test? In short, you cycle and gradually (every 30 seconds) the resistance increases and you go until complete failure. A total of sixteen volunteers (mean age 34, BMI 28.72 / m2) completed this protocol. Several parameters were compared → heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen saturation and time to exhaustion. Levels of (terminal) carbon dioxide (EtCO2), which is highly controversial on the Internet, were also monitored.

The results:

When looking at the time to exhaustion, we do not find statistically significant differences - 18.9 ± 3.7 minutes without mask, 18.3 ± 3.7 minutes with surgical drape and 18.5 ± 3.6 minutes with N95 respirator. It should be noted that the other monitored parameters (systolic blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, etc.) did not reach statistical significance at any stage of the protocol.
Wearing an N95 respirator was associated with higher EtCO2 values ​​in most phases of the protocol (see graph). The differences were more pronounced when the load increased and at exhaustion (ie at the end, when they were already at 100%) reached a level of 8 mm Hg more. In other words, 15% higher values ​​with a respirator than without it. For the surgical drape, it was 5 mm Hg more.

Unfortunately, this research is still lacking. In addition, we do not have a study that specifically examines strength training and its impact. From the data available so far, it can be concluded that in healthy individuals, short-term moderate aerobic physical activity with a surgical drape or respirator is possible, safe and is associated with only small changes in physiological parameters, especially a slight increase in EtCO2. However, it is not necessary to ignore the fact that the protocol lasted on average 18-19 minutes, it was not an uninterrupted two hours on a bicycle or an hour's run on a belt. Again, an argument on the other hand - the exercise is an intermittent physical activity, not a continuous physical activity without a break. Of course, vigilance is necessary in patients suffering from lung diseases, heavy smokers, people with cardiovascular diseases and the like. They cannot be advised to do this form of exercise with airway obstruction.

Recommendations for reopening fitness centers

Limiting the capacity of visitors when converting to a training (not total) area. The specific number is for professional discussion.

Mandatory hand disinfection, temperature measurement and registration before entering the fitness center. By registering, it is easy to search for contacts in case of infection.

Exercise in a surgical drape, or in a specially adapted exercise drape (Under Armor, etc.) with the obligation to have the mouth and nose covered during the entire time of visiting the fitness center.
Daily obligation to disinfect equipment (machines, dumbbells, treadmills, etc.), while providing equipment for hand disinfection in exercise areas.

Ensure adequate ventilation / air circulation to the outside. Where appropriate, provide direct air disinfection (ultraviolet disinfection equipment, which could be a promising solution).
Fitness center without the possibility of showering (unpleasant, but survivable).

Consider a temporary entry ban for at-risk populations. However, the problem is also that a significant proportion of at-risk people are overweight people who need fitness to improve their overall quality of life and health. Therefore, alternatively consider dedicated classes for seniors as the most vulnerable group. This could also avoid the issue of discrimination.

Proposed sanctions

Both the operator and the visitor are responsible for violating the wearing of the veil in the fitness center. This will prevent ignorance and disrespect for the set rules. Just a few exemplary sanctions in larger fitness centers and the problem is solved.

The possibility of canceling the season ticket without the possibility of a refund if the person concerned refuses to respect the measures taken.

The possibility of ordering the closure of the fitness center if it does not meet the measures taken or. he ignores them.

Recommendations for people

Be careful and watch for symptoms - Unfortunately, empathy is a trait that many lack. Keep your distance, and if you have symptoms, you better stay home and don't risk endangering the people around you. When training in a veil gym, also look for side effects including dizziness, dizziness and shortness of breath. If this happens to you, take a break and stop exercising. If the symptoms are not resolved by resting, go out of the fitness center (or into a well-ventilated area) and put the drape down for a while. If you have an asthmatic who cannot tolerate exercise in a veil (or other health problems), it is necessary to choose another form of physical activity outside the commercial gym (training at home / outdoors).

Approach the intensity of the exercise sensibly - As we mentioned in the article, if you want to avoid the risk then - lower volume / length of training, longer pauses and breaks between sets and exercises, minimize highly dynamic exercises. Unfortunately, performance athletes are likely to experience a decline in performance. But lower performance is better than none, right?

Choose the right drape - Giving the best recommendation is not easy. While one drape is more comfortable, the other protects the surroundings more. A surgical drape or a multi-layer cotton drape will definitely be a good choice. Of course, a textile drape with at least a double layer will be better than nothing. Avoid respirators during exercise, which protects the most, but also has the greatest impact on sports performance and potential health risks.

Handle the drape responsibly - Do not use the same drape more than once. If it is a sports towel for multiple uses, pay attention to its sufficient cleanliness and disinfection, or they have ironed it. Do not grab the veil from the front during the exercise, take it off your face by attaching it from the back. If you get too sweaty, have another veil in reserve so you don't have to exercise all the time in a sweaty and wet veil. Finally, we add, not a drape as a drape in terms of certification. See the report for more details.


I know that many people reject the veil in principle and you want it to end. We are also tired of it, but we perceive reality (the number of infected over 40 million and 1.1 million deaths as of October 18, 20), and therefore we must find a compromise. Once the situation is at least slightly stabilized (we will overcome the peak / the moving median will not increase for two weeks in a row), it is time to look for a compromise for the reopening of fitness centers. Although also in the form of exercise in drapes and in compliance with strict hygiene measures. Otherwise, in this situation, our sector will not survive until the end of the year!

nedeľa 25. októbra 2020

5 stereotypes and prejudices faced by women in exercise and a healthy lifestyle | Steroids4U.eu

 5 stereotypes and prejudices faced by women in exercise and a healthy lifestyle

Don't practice so much! Don't lift those heavy dumbbells! Are you drinking those muscle drinks again? Every woman who has practiced this has heard of it. Some have more support at home, others less support. In the end, however, it's up to you what activity you choose, whether you drink protein or something else. However, stereotypes still exist and women do not easily avoid prejudice about a healthy lifestyle. Which are the most common?

# 1 It is important how much pounds you have and your weight should determine your goals

The feeling when you stand on the scales, you have the number 48 in your head and 49.5 flashes on the display. It's 6:20 in the morning and you already have a bad day. How many women were found in a similar scenario? Probably enough, but don't forget that when you have a slightly higher weight, it doesn't automatically mean that everything is bad and that you're fat, because you've gained weight again. First thing, weight is not synonymous with fat. Weight is defined by many more factors, such as water retention, carbohydrates and glycogen, stress, sleep or the phase of the menstrual cycle. Your weight will jump every day. Take it easy, and if you want to track your weight, focus on weekly averages, not jumping day-to-day numbers.

In addition, with good training and a reasonable approach to diet, weight gain does not have to be evil. Maybe she gained muscle mass (and a little fat to it, which is natural). Maybe you lost fat and gained some muscle (recomposition of the figure, ie you improved the ratios of muscle and fat mass on your body, so maybe you weigh + - as well, but the composition of the figure is better). 700 g more, it can't automatically force you to go on a diet. It can't force you to change your training. This number should not tell you what to do and whether you should be happy with your body.

Unfortunately, the specific number on the weight is still a problem for many women. As soon as their weight rises above this imaginary limit, immediate cardiac and caloric deficits occur. As a punishment! And that's exactly how you buy a ticket to the carousel of failures. Don't have this imaginary number in your head, focus on being stronger in the gym and focus mainly on calories, protein and fiber in your diet. You may be surprised how suddenly it goes "alone" the way you want.

# 2 Creatine? Women? Don't be silly!

I have no idea where the idea arose that creatine is only for men and women should focus on protein and carnitine as much as possible. Probably because of the dogma that creatine is taken by men to inflate.

Gender doesn't matter here. Creatine works the same for men and women. In your body you have ATP (adenosine triphosphate - immediately usable energy for muscle activity). In layman's terms, the body can only use ATP for a short time, as every single repetition in the gym or every single acceleration while running misses this ATP. You supplement ATP with creatine, so your body can last a little longer during exercise. It is one of the few nutritional supplements that really works, it has been researched a million times and we would recommend it to any woman who is a little more active in exercise. Benefits are not just performance benefits. Creatine also has a positive effect on our brain, it is assumed that it helps with short-term memory, thinking or overall health. Let's stop the idea that creatine is only for men.

# 3 Women are destined for yoga, zumba, cardio or recreational exercise. Lifting heavy dumbbells is for men!

Don't lift those heavy weights. What are you guys? You better go for some jumping. An expert at the family celebration said, and she just rolled her eyes in her mind and raised a mediator. Also in mind, I'd rather. Strength training has so many benefits for our health that up to! It's not just that exercising with dumbbells builds beautiful curves, muscle definition and strength. There is much more to it that many will simply not understand. They see only one thing behind it - you become a "guy" (they use that term, don't they?).

Fortunately, it's almost 2020 and today it's not as bad as it used to be. Today, women scramble, they are not ashamed of lifting heavy weights, they proudly show that they can still look extremely sexy, even though they sometimes have 100 kilos on their trapezoids. Women are not destined for running and yoga. Who enjoys these activities, great. Who enjoys exercising with dumbbells, great. But let's not push women into a kind of bubble, that top sports, exercise with dumbbells, heavy weights and dirty hands from a magnet are bad. They are not. The limited opinions of people will do more harm.

# 4 Cellulite and stretch marks are synonymous with fatness and ugliness

Many will tell you nicely that cellulite is not a problem. But yes, it's a problem, but a mental one. Often it is just an attempt at perfectionism that does not exist. The media and the photographed models are shaking women's heads, and they think that their cellulite is something they have to be ashamed of. And we can more or less throw stretch marks into the same bag. Even men don't take it as negatively as women themselves. In real life, those normal men know that some of the stretch marks and signs of cellulite are simply normal for women, and it's not breathtaking or terrible. The fact that this is a mistake, only the media try to force us and convince every single woman that perfection exists, cellulite is a mistake and… a .. come buy this gel, we need to earn. Any man who judges the value of a woman on the basis of some cellulite is probably a fool, because we all know very well that in the real world there is no Photoshop, it is not a good looking photo, always the best light highlighting our muscles, filters or perfect angles. Men should value a woman for what she is and not for any marks on her thighs or ass.

Cellulite affects 85-98% of women after puberty. If you have cellulite too, after this sentence you should feel not like an outcast of society, but like a completely normal woman. If you play sports, you eat healthily and you live actively, but you still have cellulite, calm down. Your psyche probably solves the most, no one else.

# 5 Protein is only for men and for big muscles

Proteins, meat, cottage cheese. It's not as sexy as lettuce and oatmeal with peanut butter, is it? But that doesn't mean women shouldn't eat enough protein. On the contrary, they should focus on their sufficient intake (approximately 1.6 - 2.2 g / kg), because we know from practice that they have a lot of problems with this. Honor the exceptions. Consuming protein is not just about every extra gram helping you build bigger biceps. Not even close. They have a positive effect on bones, tissues, cartilage, skin, blood, satiety and reduction of appetite, tissue repair, production of enzymes, hormones. They are very important in gaining weight and losing weight. Let's throw away the outdated media opinion that because of protein, women are "bulky" (that is, bulky, muscular).

And one more important fact. Only about 10% of the protein consumed is actually used by your muscles to grow! The intestines and liver consume large amounts of protein (~ 50%). The residue is released into the plasma circuit. And of course, when you're already exercising, it would be great to have enough of them in your diet, because they are also needed for building muscle (or if you want and still building muscle sounds too boyish, let's say otherwise - for shaping a sexy figure). Don't be afraid of protein. They'll just help you.

piatok 23. októbra 2020



Should we all start the day with a multivitamin tablet? There are groups of people who need vitamin and mineral supplementation to stay healthy more than others. Are you one of them? You will find various multivitamins and multiminerals with different composition and form on the market. They are available in the form of tablets, capsules, drinks and now also jelly candies. Read about multivitamins, their importance during the flu period, but also the potential risks.


In the world of supplements, you will come across products containing one nutrient, a combination of several useful substances, but also a whole range of nutrients. The term "multivitamin" covers nutritional supplements with a wide range of vitamins, minerals, but also other ingredients. It is a popular and practical way to supplement the necessary nutrients for the proper functioning of the body.

One needs to take 13 vitamins to stay healthy. They have to get them from somewhere, with two exceptions - vitamin D and B3, which the body can create under certain conditions. We also bring a list of vitamins with their recommended daily intake - nutritional reference value (NRV):

Nutritional reference value (NRV) - recommended daily intake
Vitamin A 800 μg
Vitamin C 80 mg
Vitamin D 5 μg
Vitamin E 12 mg
Vitamin K 75 μg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 1.1 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 1.4 mg
Vitamin B3 (niacin) 16 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 6 mg
Vitamin B6 1.4 mg
Vitamin B7 (biotin) 50 μg
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 200 μg
Vitamin B12 2.5 μg

We have not yet mentioned minerals, which are also important for humans. They are divided into main and trace, because they are found in different amounts in the human body. For a better idea, we present them in a clear table:

Main minerals Trace minerals
Chloride Chloride
Potassium Chromium
Phosphorus Iodine
Magnesium Manganese
Sulfur Copper
Sodium Molybdenum
Calcium Selenium

It would be great and ideal to take all the nutrients in adequate amounts from the diet. Try to think about your diet for the last month, for example. Have you consumed enough fruits, vegetables, whole grains and protein sources? If you answered in the spirit - yes, we sincerely congratulate you and perhaps envy you, because a large part of society is not able to make do with nutrients from food for various reasons. In this case, multivitamins are a practical solution for supplementing vitamins and minerals.

Why take multivitamins?

It would be ideal to take vitamins and minerals from the diet, such as fruits, vegetables and other necessary ingredients. Is your diet really that balanced and do you control your intake of all minerals and vitamins? Multivitamins are a practical solution, you don't have to control the amount of vitamin C or iron in your diet, because you have them listed directly on the product packaging. Among other things, the consumption of fruits and vegetables is great, but with age our nutritional needs increase, and at the same time the body has a higher problem absorbing nutrients. Last but not least, a specific diet, such as veganism or difficulty in absorbing certain nutrients from the diet, may be the reason for the lack of nutrients.

How to choose a multivitamin?

The offer is wide, the packages are colorful, but their doses are different. How do you identify the best multivitamin to replenish missing nutrients? Some people prefer more tablets, others will definitely prefer a drink or a teddy bear. The final decision is up to you, but we still have a few tips to help you make a multivitamin decision.

Read the contents of the ingredients - in addition to the number of nutrients found in the multivitamin, you should also check their content. Then decide between products that approach the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) with the amount of active ingredients. The abbreviation RDA or AI (Adequate intake) refers to the levels of nutrients that need to be taken to maintain good health. Taking supplements in excess of the recommended daily allowances could have side effects.

But how do we tell if the dose is too high?

In addition, the recommended daily intake of vitamin C is 80 mg and several nutritional supplements contain 500 or 1000 mg. In addition to the recommended daily dose, there is also a tolerable upper limit (UL), the value of the highest possible dose without danger. This limit may in some cases be quite far from the recommended dose. Therefore, you can take certain vitamins and minerals at levels in excess of the RDA.

The upper limit of vitamin C is, for example, 2000 mg, zinc 40 mg and vitamin B6 100 mg per day. In addition, some upper limits are tied to the supplemental form only and do not exist for natural sources, such as vitamin B3, magnesium or folic acid. In other cases, you need to consider all sources, including food. Remember that the upper and recommended doses may vary between adults, children, the elderly, and possibly pregnant and breastfeeding women. And now importantly, some nutrients have an upper limit close to what is recommended and their high intake can be dangerous for the body, such as vitamin A, E, K, but also selenium and iron.

Number of tablets vs. number of doses - the number of capsules or tablets is often stated on the packaging of products. Keep in mind that 90 tablets does not necessarily mean 90 doses. In the range of products, this may look good, but if, for example, the daily dose is 3 tablets, the whole package will last you a month.
Price vs. quality - the price of a multivitamin can vary rapidly, so try to carefully evaluate your priorities depending on the price, so that you do not pay unnecessarily for nice packaging and ingredients that you do not care about.
Choose quality manufacturers - multivitamins may also differ from other supplements by the fact that their effect may not be as clear when used as, for example, in sleeping preparations, where you can immediately assess their effect. You can also find out the quality of the product on the basis of the manufacturer's reputation. Nowadays, it is not difficult to check various reviews, forums and overall to verify whether the company has a "good name".

Who should take a multivitamin?

Each of us sometimes needs to supplement vitamins and minerals, whether after taking antibiotics, malnutrition or for other reasons. However, there are groups of people who may be particularly in need of multivitamins:

Pregnant and lactating women - pregnant women are often recommended to supplement, for example, folic acid, because it reduces the risk of neural tube disorders. However, this category of women should consult their doctor about the intake of nutrients, as not all vitamins have a positive effect on them, for example, vitamin A is dangerous during pregnancy due to the possibility of congenital disorders of the fetus.

Breastfed children (partly and exclusively).

Older people - they may need mainly vitamin B12, calcium and vitamin D.

Vegetarians and vegans - these diets may lack vitamin D, iron, zinc, calcium, or omega-3 fatty acids. Find out more in our article What nutrients are lacking in vegans most often, and how to supplement them?

Athletes - Vitamins and minerals are needed by each of us, with the exception of athletes. Vitamins and minerals are present in several processes associated with metabolism, conversion of diet into energy or bones or collagen. According to some research, athletes should increase their vitamin intake, due to the high level of activity. On the other hand, there are no guidelines and recommendations for different intake of vitamins aimed at athletes. Supplements with vitamins and minerals will not increase your performance, but their lack may result in lower performance.
People with poor absorption of nutrients (malabsorption) or diagnosed nutritional deficiencies.
People with limited access to food
People after gastric bypass

Disadvantages and risks of multivitamins

We mentioned above that pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a specialist for the intake of vitamins and minerals because of the amount of vitamin A. In general, multivitamins are safe, but there are several potential risks:

Increased intake of vitamin D and calcium can be caused by kidney stones.
High doses of vitamin B6 over a long period of time (a year or more) are associated with nerve damage.
High beta carotene intake in smokers is associated with a higher risk of lung cancer. Beta carotene supplementation may affect the absorption of other carotenoids from the diet, of which there are more than 600.
High doses of vitamin E lead to a stroke and supplementation with this vitamin is associated with a higher risk of heart failure and overall mortality.
Vitamin K affects the anticoagulant effect of blood thinners.
The mineral iron is important for humans, but should be used in case of deficiency or defined need. Iron supplementation is important in the case of below-average iron levels caused by heavy menstruation or pregnancy. However, there is also evidence that excessive iron intake carries a higher risk of heart and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as colon cancer caused by increased iron stores.
Very low and high doses of selenium are dangerous. For example, increased doses are associated with several diseases - diabetes, prostate cancer or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
Mineral copper is not recommended to be supplemented because its excess is associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease or an increase in overall mortality and cancer.
According to a 2016 study, taking high doses of nutritional supplements containing vitamins A, E, D, C and folic acid is not always beneficial. What's worse, it can also be bad for your health. Many people are convinced of the maximum safety of multivitamins, but the health consequences of long-term use of overdose of multivitamins are unknown. According to scientists, it is sensible to limit the intake of these vitamins to those we lack. 

Avitaminosis and hypervitaminosis

These 2 concepts are also connected with the levels of vitamins in the body, the meaning and difference of which each of us should know.

Avitaminosis - a condition caused by a lack of one or more essential vitamins.

Hypervitaminosis - a condition caused by excessive intake of one or more vitamins.

Are multivitamins or one-component supplements better?

Multivitamins are not a solution to poor lifestyle. To stay healthy, it is better to consume fresh food and a balanced diet. If you are afraid of nutrient deficiencies, try to write your diet for one day and check the nutrient content. It is laborious, but you will have at least a small idea of ​​how (un) balanced your diet is. You can also have a blood test done to see exactly the nutrient levels.

Do you lack one or two nutrients? You can also buy most micronutrients, vitamins and minerals separately. So if you are deficient in a particular vitamin, it is better to solve it in the form of a one-component product. You can also solve its deficit with multivitamins, but count on the fact that they also contain ingredients that you do not need right now. If you are unable to decide whether to choose separate supplements or a range of nutrients, consult your doctor. 

Multivitamins during the flu period

Consumption of multivitamins is often associated with the flu period, the prevention of influenza and colds, and the strengthening of immunity. The question is which components of multivitamins are best placed to combat "sneezing and sneezing". According to the nutritional advisor, vitamins A, C and D3, as well as zinc and probiotics, are helpful for strong immunity. 

Vitamin C is probably the most popular vitamin for colds and flu. Interestingly, according to research, vitamin C is not functional as a prevention of colds. It is great during treatment, according to research that reduces its duration by 24-36 hours, but there are also studies that claim that higher doses of vitamin C do not have positive effects. However, vitamin C can be beneficial in preventing colds for people with heavy training or those who have been exposed to cold weather.

Zinc supplementation helps reduce the symptoms of a cold. A 2016 study states that zinc deficiency weakens the immune system, which reduces the ability to fight infections. According to a 2011 survey, sick respondents who took zinc had a shorter course of a cold and at the same time their symptoms were less severe.

If you want to support your health, intestinal bacteria in probiotics, echinacea, or garlic and ginseng can also help you. If you want protection against colds and flu, try to focus on multivitamins containing these components. Certain studies prove their importance, but they do not guarantee that you will definitely not get sick.

Multivitamins are a practical way to supplement vitamin and mineral levels. However, this does not mean that each of us should use them for a long time. However, there are groups of people for whom they are more important. Nevertheless, they help you get the necessary nutrients during the flu period, but they are not a miracle for all diseases. Therefore, it is still true that the ideal source of nutrients is diet. But who in today's hectic time has time to thoroughly check the nutrient content of the diet? In this case, multivitamins will help you. However, do not buy the first product you find, but carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of the product. We hope that we have once again enriched your knowledge and that you have learned everything important about multivitamins.

utorok 20. októbra 2020



"Long hair, short sense," women, who would like to have firm and shiny hair up to their waist like their friends, say with false consolation, but no matter what they do, they can't achieve their goal.

However, we may be pleased that not everything is lost. Although the quality of hair is largely determined by factors with which we do nothing, there is still a significant part that we can influence ourselves. And it would be a shame not to try!

How does hair growth work?

But let's take it from the beginning. In order to analyze in more detail what is behind the quality of our hair, we must first understand how hair growth works at all.

Each follicle (the tissue that envelops the hair and from which the hair grows) contains a hair root that is made from protein cells. Oxygen then enters the bloodstream. Without oxygen, the cells would not be able to divide. This division creates hair that begins to press against the skin from below.

Gradually, the hair grows out of the skin. At that moment, we can already see them on the surface of the head. When growing up, each individual hair passes through the sebaceous gland. As a result, it is lubricated, which gives it softness and shine. Over time, the hair is no longer long enough to pass through the skin. However, a new hair is slowly growing under such a hair, which pushes it out. The "old" hair then falls out and is replaced by "new" hair.

Factors that affect hair quality

How our hair looks, that is, for example, its density, structure, color and quality, is largely influenced by genetics. Just as it can affect whether your hair will fall out, when we start to turn gray and so on. Unfortunately, we will not change genetics.

Other factors we are unlikely to do anything with are age and gender. Unfortunately, for us ladies, men generally grow hair faster. In terms of age, the fastest hair growth can be seen between the ages of 15 and 30. Then the process slows down and in extreme cases baldness can also occur.

Even if we do nothing with some factors, it can be a consolation to us that we can partly influence the quality of our hair ourselves. Stress, smoking, for example, play an important role, but also a diet that should be balanced and rich in all macronutrients and micronutrients. In case of a lack of a certain substance in the body, we can also help ourselves with vitamins or other food supplements. And what are the key ones for improving hair quality and growth?

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Vitamin A

Vitamin A is one of the fat-soluble vitamins and has an irreplaceable role in the body. It is involved, for example, in immune functions, and is essential for cell growth and healthy skin. However, it also plays an important role for hair, as it promotes the secretion of sebum, thus helping to prevent hair breakage.

When taking vitamin A, it is not the best solution to try to get it into the body as much as possible. There is also research that has shown that too high a vitamin A intake (specifically 6700 micrograms, which is approximately eight times the recommended daily intake) can be toxic to the body, which can lead to hair loss. So all in moderation. Experimenting with such a high intake of vitamins belongs only to experts. 

Vitamin A intake reference value: 800 μg 

Sources of vitamin A: beef, liver, eggs, fish, carrots, pumpkin, spinach, mango, food supplement 

B vitamins

The following vitamins can be included in the B vitamins, which together form the B complex:

B1 (thiamine)
B2 (riboflavin)
B3 (niacin)
B5 (pantothenic acid)
B7 (biotin)
B9 (folic acid)
B12 (cobalamin)

We add all the "bugs" to the body ourselves. The exception is biotin, which a healthy body can produce. If you have a problem with hair loss, you should be particularly interested in the intake of vitamins B2, B7, B9 and B12, as only these are directly related to hair loss.

The study focused on biotin (B7) in a study of 541 women aged 9-92. They all reported hair loss problems. In 38% of cases, the primary cause of hair loss was identified as a lack of biotin in the body.

Another study (this time a case study) focused on another issue, which is premature graying. Specifically, 52 people with this problem, who were always 20 years old, were examined. According to the results, a general deficiency of both vitamin B12 and B9 was revealed in these respondents.

Vegetarians or vegans in particular may have a problem with vitamin B deficiency. Its source is, for example, meat and products of animal origin. If you avoid these foods, it is advisable to focus on the intake of "B", for example, using a dietary supplement.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is needed in the body for the metabolism of amino acids, which is involved in the synthesis of collagen, which is an important part of the hair structure. However, it also supports, for example, the absorption of iron. Vitamin C deficiency alone is not such a problem for hair. However, its absence in collagen and iron-related processes, which are already very important for hair quality, would be crucial.

Reference value for vitamin C intake: 80-125 mg, higher values apply to the elderly and breastfeeding women.

Sources of vitamin C: citrus, strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, food supplement.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the fat-soluble vitamins. It is important, for example, for the proper functioning of the immune system, healthy teeth, bones and skin. Adequate intake for healthy bones is especially important for menopausal women. Lack of "baby" can have a negative effect on hair loss. In extreme cases, it can lead to alopecia, a disease that causes hair loss. 

This is confirmed by the results of a study comparing vitamin D levels in healthy individuals and in people with alopecia. In patients with alopecia, the level of vitamin D was significantly lower, and in addition, there was a significant correlation between this disease and the level of vitamin D in the body.

If you feel that this problem may affect you, do not hang your head. It doesn't have to be difficult to replenish vitamin D in the body. We can also draw it by staying in the sun, especially from UVB rays falling on our skin. If possible, we should expose the largest possible area of ​​the body to the sun's rays around noon (for at least 10 minutes). They are the strongest at this time. If this is not possible, a dietary supplement in the form of D3 will help.

Vitamin D intake reference value: 5 μg 

Sources of vitamin D: fatty fish, yeast, eggs, milk, UVB radiation falling on the skin, food supplement in the form of D3.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is involved in the balance of harmful free radicals and antioxidants in the body. Opinions, however, differ on whether vitamin E affects hair and hair loss. According to a study by Beoy and his team, people with alopecia had a 34.5% increase in hair growth after 8 months of vitamin E supplementation. In contrast, Naziroglu and colleagues found no statistically significant differences in body vitamin E levels between healthy people and patients with alopecia.

So we cannot say for sure where the truth is. However, if you take enough vitamin E, it will not hurt.

Vitamin E intake reference value: 12 mg

Sources of vitamin E: vegetable oils, leafy vegetables, whole grains, nuts, food supplement.



Iron is one of the minerals we most often lack in the body. In women, this deficit can be associated, for example, with heavy menstruation, when more blood is lost from the body. There are several external manifestations of iron deficiency that can be seen at first glance. We can name, for example, pale or dry skin, dry hair and brittle grooved nails, which have a tendency to split.

The link between low iron levels in the body and its effect on hair has been studied, for example, in an Indian study. It was performed on 35 students aged 20 years who suffered from premature graying of hair. In this case, the researchers confirmed that not only low levels of iron but also vitamin D3 or calcium played a role. 

However, iron deficiency can also have other negative consequences. The Shrivastava study identified low iron levels as a cause of hair loss in women. Researcher Olsen and his team came to the same conclusions.

The relationship between low iron levels and negative effects on hair is thus irrefutable.

In this context, it is important to mention the importance of vitamin C, which promotes the absorption of iron. In the case of supplementation, it is therefore appropriate to take both of these supplements together. In the case of a diet, it is then appropriate to combine meat (as a source of iron) and, for example, pepper (as a source of vitamin C).

Iron intake reference value: 14 mg 

Sources of iron: red meat, poultry, eggs, fruits, green vegetables, food supplement.


Selenium is a trace element that is essential for many bodily processes, for example, it also contributes to maintaining healthy hair. Venton and his team described his influence in his qualitative study. The subjects had a long-term problem with hair pigmentation (in this case it was insufficient coloration - gray). It was recovered 6-12 months after intravenous selenium treatment. However, the study should be taken easily with caution as it was performed on only 4 people. 

Selenium has also played a role in patients with ovarian cancer who have received chemotherapy. Selenium replacement has been shown to significantly reduce hair loss compared to patients not receiving selenium. 

Although enough selenium in the body is desirable, it is again necessary to watch out for its overdose. Excessive amounts of selenium (the study reports 400 micrograms) can be toxic to the body, which could begin with nausea, brittle nails and rapid hair loss. 

Reference value for selenium intake: 55 μg 

Sources of selenium: organic meat, seafood, walnuts, food supplement.


Zinc is a vital element necessary for the proper functioning of the body. It is needed for immunity, nervous system or reproductive functions. However, it also plays an important role in the metabolism of macronutrients. Its deficiency is often associated with deteriorating quality of nails, skin and hair. 

This is also evidenced by a review study in patients with alopecia, which showed that 4 of 6 case control studies confirmed low levels in patients with alopecia compared to groups of healthy people. A strong correlation between zinc deficiency in the body and hair loss was also confirmed by a study by Kil and other authors.

Reference value for zinc intake: 10 mg 

Sources of zinc: meat, shellfish, legumes, whole grains, food supplement.

Bonus tip


Collagen makes up a large part of all proteins in the body. It is rich in amino acids that the body needs to make hair proteins. In addition, collagen acts as an antioxidant. It fights compounds that appear in the body due to stress, smoking, eating poor quality food or drinking alcohol. Many of these compounds could damage cells, proteins, DNA and hair follicles.

Furthermore, collagen helps the scalp. It contributes to the elasticity and strength of the suede (one of the parts of the skin). If he does not perform this function, hair thinning may begin. An improvement in collagen flexibility after taking collagen over the placebo group was seen as early as eight weeks, according to a study of 69 women aged 35-55. 

The article How to choose the best collagen for healthy skin and joints will help with the right choice of collagen?

However, in addition to collagen, you should not forget about other proteins that have, among other things, a building function in the body, thanks to which they can contribute to the quality and growth of hair. If you don't know how to supplement protein, you can help with whey protein, for example, or get inspired by our article on protein sources. The Yum Yum Whey protein is then designed specifically for women, which also contains ingredients that women often lack (for example, magnesium, iron or vitamin B6).

Sources of collagen: eggs, fish, seafood, vegetables.

What can I do for quality hair?


As mentioned above, the most important factor of quality hair that you can influence is a quality and balanced diet containing enough macronutrients and micronutrients. If you don't know how to do this, it will be enough for the beginning to smuggle more nuts, fatty fish, eggs, legumes, fruits and vegetables into your diet. Especially with nuts, however, pay attention to the amount, their calories jump faster than you would like.

If you are a vegetarian or vegan, you should pay even more attention to the intake of vitamins and minerals. Animal products are among the rich sources of minerals. So if you have excluded them from your diet, you need to know how to replace them. It is also not harmful to undergo regular examinations, which will show you the level of vitamins and minerals in your body. In case of deficiency, it is appropriate to include food supplements that will help with their intake.

People on diets with unreasonably low caloric deficits or people with eating disorders can also have a problem with a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals. In this case, it is appropriate to consult the levels of these substances again with doctors.

In connection with the intake of vitamins, minerals and hair quality, you should also pay attention to medicines that can cause hair loss. These include, for example, cholesterol-lowering drugs, blood-lowering drugs, antidepressants, amphetamines (used to treat attention deficit disorders), gout medications, beta-blockers for high blood pressure or antirheumatics. So try to do everything so that you do not have to take these medicines regularly. It may also come as a surprise to women that hair loss may be associated with hormonal contraception.

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The way you take care of them also has a certain effect on the appearance of your hair. It doesn't hurt to invest in better shampoos and cosmetics that will fit your hair type exactly. If you buy the cheapest shampoo in the supermarket, you can't expect miracles. It will also help your hair if you regularly trim and nourish it with masks. You can create them yourself at home, there are many recipes on the Internet.

On the other hand, in order not to harm your hair, it is not recommended to blow it off often with long hot air without treatment with a hair protection product. Furthermore, frequent ironing, curling and dyeing do not prove them. If you want to minimize hair breakage, do not go to bed with a wet head. At the same time, it does not hurt your hair if you fasten it to your free tail overnight.

What do you get out of it?

Many factors affect the appearance of your hair. Unfortunately, some of them will not affect you, while others will. And that's what you need to focus on so you can say that you've done your best for the look of your hair. Start with a healthy balanced diet and care. You will see that the results appear. And if you are still not satisfied with their appearance, try another hairstyle, for example. Even such a change can benefit the hair.

If the article was good for you, support it by sharing it with your friends. Maybe they have the same problem and will be happy when they finally find a solution to achieve thick and long hair.

nedeľa 18. októbra 2020



Recently, "hi-tech" has spread in an exercise in which people control their heart rate, calories burned and a bunch of other values. The question is whether monitoring your heart rate during training is necessary, interesting or completely irrelevant. Learn all the essentials in the article about heart rate and its importance during exercise.

What is heart rate?

Heart rate is basically the frequency of heartbeat. In addition to the term heart rate, the term pulse is also used, and both terms express the number of heartbeats per minute. Its pace changes depending on whether we are sitting in front of the TV or running on a belt. The higher the intensity of the activity, the higher the frequency value.

You can easily calculate your heart rate by placing your index finger and middle finger on your neck. More precisely on the side of the neck, to feel the pulse of the trachea. Do you want the second variant? Another option is to measure by wrist. Again, you need to put your finger, but this time between the bone and the tendon on your wrist towards your thumb. Have you felt your pulse yet? At this point, look at your watch and count the number of strokes in 15 seconds. Multiply the result by four and you have a heart rate per minute.

In order to be able to assess the difficulty of training with respect to the heart rate, we should start with the value we will need first. It is called the maximum heart rate and refers to the highest rate your heart can reach in a minute. You can calculate your maximum heart rate using a simple mathematical formula:

207 - (0.7 x your age) = maximum heart rate

In addition to this formula, you may also come across a variant to calculate the approximate maximum heart rate by simply subtracting your age from 220. As you can now correctly guess, the rate value changes over time, more precisely decreases. If you are interested in what your frequency will be at 5, 10, or 20 years, compare your current state with the possible future in the table:

Age Heart rate 50 - 85% Maximum heart rate - 100%
20 years 100 - 170 BPM (beats per minute) 200 BPM
30 years 95 - 162 BPM 190 BPM
35 years 93 - 157 BPM 185 BPM
40 years 90 - 153 BPM 180 BPM
45 years 88 - 149 BPM 175 BPM
50 years 85 - 145 BPM 170 BPM
55 years 83 - 140 BPM 165 BPM
60 years 80 - 136 BPM 160 BPM
65 years 78 - 132 BPM 155 BPM
70 years 75 - 128 BPM 150 BPM

Pulse during exercise - heart rate zones

As we have already mentioned, the higher the intensity of the training, the higher the number of heartbeats. Based on your pulse, you can deduce how demanding your activity is. There are 5 different zones that express the level of heart activity as a percentage of the maximum heart rate (MSF). These are the 5 zones:

1. zone - "very light" - 50 - 60% MSF

activity with the lowest intensity that is suitable for regeneration
is great for the warm-up and cool down part of training
staying at this level shouldn't be a problem for you for a few hours

2. zone - "easy" - 60 - 70% MSF

is designed for running within 90 minutes
it is possible to have a normal conversation during this zone
supports the body's ability to use fat as a source of energy
it is the pace at which marathon runners, for example, run
long-distance runners (half marathon and longer) should stay in it about 80% of the total running time

3. zone - “medium” - 70 - 80% MSF

you can stay in it for about 30 minutes
is referred to as the aerobic zone
suitable for improving blood circulation in skeletal muscle and heart
is great for improving aerobic capacity and endurance
Oxygen is used as energy for the cells
lactic acid begins to accumulate in the bloodstream

4. zone - "difficult" - 80 - 90% MSF

you should stay in it for about 10 minutes
it uses a combination of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism
above 84% of MSF the body undergoes anaerobic metabolism
is great for raising lactic acid threshold and performance
contributes to the management of higher levels of lactic acid in the blood
supports the body's ability to use carbohydrates as a source of energy

5. zone - "very difficult" 90% - 100% MSF
the highest and maximum training intensity
you can stay in it for a maximum of 2 minutes (according to another source within 5 minutes)

Why is it important to know your heart rate during exercise?

Do you exercise, but sometimes your heart rate seems too high or are you worried that your heart rate is too low? It is the heart rate that can be an indicator of the level of activity. However, it all depends on your goals and type of training. An example is the difference between 5-kilometer training and a marathon. In the case of a long track, such as a marathon run, it is important to maintain a steady pace over long kilometers. Runners should stay in the 1st and 2nd zones for a significant part (about half) of the training during this type of training. For runners with training focused on 5 kilometers, it is beneficial to move the run more often to the 3rd and 4th zones. You must have noticed that the intensity of running for marathon runners is lower than when running at lower distances.

If you are training for progress, you may be interested in the number of heartbeats per minute, because you will notice an improvement thanks to it. Trained athletes have a "resting" pulse of about 40 beats per minute. If you start training and want to know your personal improvement, try to record your heart rate in peace. Exercise will strengthen your heart and lungs, but most importantly, your heart rate will start to decrease.

Heart rate control is also useful to prevent overtraining. Thanks to this, you will not get "beyond the limit" by training, thanks to which you will avoid emotional fatigue and also possible injuries.

Knowing your pulse is not a condition during training. However, it has several advantages. If you go jogging regularly and add a "daily number of steps", you don't have to measure your heart rate accurately. If you have fitness goals and you are interested in following the improvement in performance, we definitely recommend measuring your heart rate. As we mentioned, knowing your heart rate will also prevent injuries and overtraining. Last but not least, make sure that you do not go "under" the aerobic zone.

What affects heart rate?

As we have already mentioned, the pulse of an adult in a room is 60-100 beats per minute. In addition to age, heart rate is affected by several factors, including:

physical condition and activity
health condition - cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and high cholesterol
body size - obese people tend to have a higher heart rate
body position - the value of the pulse in bed is lower than when standing
smoking and coffee - caffeine and nicotine affect the heart rate, this also applies to tea and soda
emotional mood - anxiety and stress increase the pulse

Problem heart rhythm

An abnormal heart rhythm is considered to be an irregular, too low, but also too high heart rate. The normal pulse for an adult in a room is from 60 to 100 beats per minute. The problem starts if the number is different.

Low blood pressure (bradycardia) - the heart rate in the room is too slow, more precisely less than 60 beats. Exceptions are athletes, their slower heart rate is not the result of disease, but on the contrary fitness.

High pressure (tachycardia) - has several types and represents over 100 strokes per minute in value.
Heart arrhythmias - may or may not have symptoms. However, they may manifest as palpitations or pain and tremor. The important thing is that not all of them are threatening, but it is definitely better to tell your doctor about them.

Athletes and heart rate

As already mentioned, athletes may have a lower heart rate at rest. This is due to training, because it not only trains muscles, but also the heart, thanks to which it can pump more blood. However, you are definitely interested in how you will recognize in an athlete that his heart rate is too low or dangerously high.

Low heart rate in athletes is often considered to be only a condition that has other symptoms, such as weakness, fatigue and dizziness. An excessive heart rate is considered if you exercise more intensely than at maximum heart rate for a long time. This is a dangerous condition, and it is better to stop, for example, in case of dizziness.

Having the right pulse is necessary not only in life to maintain health. It also makes sense to monitor the heart rate during exercise to prevent overtraining and injury, but also to achieve the desired effect of training. We hope you have learned all the important things about the benefits of heart rate control, heart rate zones, but also what influences the right heart rate.