nedeľa 4. októbra 2020

Give yourself, but limit, or completely erase from your life the foods for which you have a weakness? |

 Give yourself, but limit, or completely erase from your life the foods for which you have a weakness?

Peanut butter or chocolate. Even such foods are "problematic" for many. They simply succumb to them very easily and resisting them is very, very and again, very problematic. You may already have a strategy for dealing with such things, but research has tried to come up with the best way. Was anything specific found?

Probably the best known strategy is to avoid them, not have them at home. However, this in turn can lead to that black-and-white approach, which often results in less success in the long run. Then we have something from flexible eating, so you have such meals / groceries at home, you also put them here and there, count in your income and you are fine. However, not everyone can do this, even if this flexible approach is combined with long-term success.

The worst part is that almost all similar foods have a high energy density. Energy density is the amount of energy per unit weight or volume of a food. In other words, energy-density foods / meals are those that are light but high in calories. On the contrary, foods with low energy density provide us with more food at the cost of low calories. Imagine a chocolate bar. A typical example of a food with a high caloric density. You eat her for 3 bites and she eats a good dose of calories from your intake. And of course, they are hyperpalatable, so they're pretty good, which makes us "addicted" to them.

The research ranged from 20 to 65 years. 81% of them were obese, 19% were overweight. They were part of an annual study on portion control, in which researchers divided women into three categories:

Ordinary advice - get info to eat less and incorporate more "healthy" things into the diet
Portions - had trained practice regarding the energy density of meals and also had weight available
Specified portions - based on the study, I do not know exactly, but they probably received instructions to focus on meals where 1 portion is listed, plus they received a voucher for the main course in terms of one portion

None of the groups received instructions on how to deal with problematic meals. However, they met in person with a nutritionist for dietary consultations. During that year, of course, they were weighed and had to fill out a questionnaire about problem meals here and there. Thanks to him, they had to identify them and identify what they were doing so that they could control themselves. In the questionnaire, they also asked about the most problematic dishes, which the fact that they can't resist, sort different dishes according to how much weakness they have for them, and so on.

What was found?

Most people had an average of 6.5 problem meals. After a year, it dropped to 5.2. This may mean that just ordinary general consultations (not direct advice) with an expert can help a little. So if you have a problem, we will be happy to help you through our online coaching :)

On average, people who dieted more often in the past had higher hunger and even more problematic meals. Most dishes had a higher energy density, which we mentioned in the introduction to the article (sweet baked goods, savory snacks, chocolate, candies and ice cream. More specifically, they were mostly different types of ice cream, chips, classic chocolate, cookies, but also pizza.

The most used strategy was not to have such meals at home and not to buy them. Furthermore, it was eating a smaller amount to satisfy and limit the amount. The least used strategy was to use some social support, ie family, friends or colleagues at work, to help a little in terms of psychology. It is interesting that at the end of the study, ie after a year, the method in the form of portion limitation was the most used. Women who worked this way also had the best values ​​for weight loss. On average, the women who used the portion reduction strategy lost about 7.2 kg and the women who used the least strategy lost only 3.8 kg.

The methods changed, of course, with women trying what worked and what didn't, but only the portion limiting method was significantly linked to weight loss in all three groups. Thus, the study tells us that in terms of long-term success in weight loss, a better strategy is to limit portions than to completely eradicate problem foods.

It has also been shown that women who have difficulty controlling portions would benefit from pre-prepared meals. In practice, this means that weighing food and tracking calories is important (no surprise, huh?), But also that boxing can help such people (either their own, but have a real knowledge of income and track it, or use an external company, which you tell how many calories you want and they will prepare your meals). Another interesting fact is that those women who were only told to eat less and simply eat less problematic meals lost weight, but the weight loss was the worst for this group. It is likely that such a group will overeat and ignorance of portions and calories will prevent them from performing better.

It should be added, however, that we can each work a little differently. Some are able to have chocolate in the cupboard and limit portions, someone simply eats it whole and can't control it. It is very individual and this research does not give us a clear position, it may only lead to a more effective method in general. And what about you, do you have any goodies of the time or do you avoid similar foods in the store already?

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