nedeľa 25. októbra 2020

5 stereotypes and prejudices faced by women in exercise and a healthy lifestyle |

 5 stereotypes and prejudices faced by women in exercise and a healthy lifestyle

Don't practice so much! Don't lift those heavy dumbbells! Are you drinking those muscle drinks again? Every woman who has practiced this has heard of it. Some have more support at home, others less support. In the end, however, it's up to you what activity you choose, whether you drink protein or something else. However, stereotypes still exist and women do not easily avoid prejudice about a healthy lifestyle. Which are the most common?

# 1 It is important how much pounds you have and your weight should determine your goals

The feeling when you stand on the scales, you have the number 48 in your head and 49.5 flashes on the display. It's 6:20 in the morning and you already have a bad day. How many women were found in a similar scenario? Probably enough, but don't forget that when you have a slightly higher weight, it doesn't automatically mean that everything is bad and that you're fat, because you've gained weight again. First thing, weight is not synonymous with fat. Weight is defined by many more factors, such as water retention, carbohydrates and glycogen, stress, sleep or the phase of the menstrual cycle. Your weight will jump every day. Take it easy, and if you want to track your weight, focus on weekly averages, not jumping day-to-day numbers.

In addition, with good training and a reasonable approach to diet, weight gain does not have to be evil. Maybe she gained muscle mass (and a little fat to it, which is natural). Maybe you lost fat and gained some muscle (recomposition of the figure, ie you improved the ratios of muscle and fat mass on your body, so maybe you weigh + - as well, but the composition of the figure is better). 700 g more, it can't automatically force you to go on a diet. It can't force you to change your training. This number should not tell you what to do and whether you should be happy with your body.

Unfortunately, the specific number on the weight is still a problem for many women. As soon as their weight rises above this imaginary limit, immediate cardiac and caloric deficits occur. As a punishment! And that's exactly how you buy a ticket to the carousel of failures. Don't have this imaginary number in your head, focus on being stronger in the gym and focus mainly on calories, protein and fiber in your diet. You may be surprised how suddenly it goes "alone" the way you want.

# 2 Creatine? Women? Don't be silly!

I have no idea where the idea arose that creatine is only for men and women should focus on protein and carnitine as much as possible. Probably because of the dogma that creatine is taken by men to inflate.

Gender doesn't matter here. Creatine works the same for men and women. In your body you have ATP (adenosine triphosphate - immediately usable energy for muscle activity). In layman's terms, the body can only use ATP for a short time, as every single repetition in the gym or every single acceleration while running misses this ATP. You supplement ATP with creatine, so your body can last a little longer during exercise. It is one of the few nutritional supplements that really works, it has been researched a million times and we would recommend it to any woman who is a little more active in exercise. Benefits are not just performance benefits. Creatine also has a positive effect on our brain, it is assumed that it helps with short-term memory, thinking or overall health. Let's stop the idea that creatine is only for men.

# 3 Women are destined for yoga, zumba, cardio or recreational exercise. Lifting heavy dumbbells is for men!

Don't lift those heavy weights. What are you guys? You better go for some jumping. An expert at the family celebration said, and she just rolled her eyes in her mind and raised a mediator. Also in mind, I'd rather. Strength training has so many benefits for our health that up to! It's not just that exercising with dumbbells builds beautiful curves, muscle definition and strength. There is much more to it that many will simply not understand. They see only one thing behind it - you become a "guy" (they use that term, don't they?).

Fortunately, it's almost 2020 and today it's not as bad as it used to be. Today, women scramble, they are not ashamed of lifting heavy weights, they proudly show that they can still look extremely sexy, even though they sometimes have 100 kilos on their trapezoids. Women are not destined for running and yoga. Who enjoys these activities, great. Who enjoys exercising with dumbbells, great. But let's not push women into a kind of bubble, that top sports, exercise with dumbbells, heavy weights and dirty hands from a magnet are bad. They are not. The limited opinions of people will do more harm.

# 4 Cellulite and stretch marks are synonymous with fatness and ugliness

Many will tell you nicely that cellulite is not a problem. But yes, it's a problem, but a mental one. Often it is just an attempt at perfectionism that does not exist. The media and the photographed models are shaking women's heads, and they think that their cellulite is something they have to be ashamed of. And we can more or less throw stretch marks into the same bag. Even men don't take it as negatively as women themselves. In real life, those normal men know that some of the stretch marks and signs of cellulite are simply normal for women, and it's not breathtaking or terrible. The fact that this is a mistake, only the media try to force us and convince every single woman that perfection exists, cellulite is a mistake and… a .. come buy this gel, we need to earn. Any man who judges the value of a woman on the basis of some cellulite is probably a fool, because we all know very well that in the real world there is no Photoshop, it is not a good looking photo, always the best light highlighting our muscles, filters or perfect angles. Men should value a woman for what she is and not for any marks on her thighs or ass.

Cellulite affects 85-98% of women after puberty. If you have cellulite too, after this sentence you should feel not like an outcast of society, but like a completely normal woman. If you play sports, you eat healthily and you live actively, but you still have cellulite, calm down. Your psyche probably solves the most, no one else.

# 5 Protein is only for men and for big muscles

Proteins, meat, cottage cheese. It's not as sexy as lettuce and oatmeal with peanut butter, is it? But that doesn't mean women shouldn't eat enough protein. On the contrary, they should focus on their sufficient intake (approximately 1.6 - 2.2 g / kg), because we know from practice that they have a lot of problems with this. Honor the exceptions. Consuming protein is not just about every extra gram helping you build bigger biceps. Not even close. They have a positive effect on bones, tissues, cartilage, skin, blood, satiety and reduction of appetite, tissue repair, production of enzymes, hormones. They are very important in gaining weight and losing weight. Let's throw away the outdated media opinion that because of protein, women are "bulky" (that is, bulky, muscular).

And one more important fact. Only about 10% of the protein consumed is actually used by your muscles to grow! The intestines and liver consume large amounts of protein (~ 50%). The residue is released into the plasma circuit. And of course, when you're already exercising, it would be great to have enough of them in your diet, because they are also needed for building muscle (or if you want and still building muscle sounds too boyish, let's say otherwise - for shaping a sexy figure). Don't be afraid of protein. They'll just help you.

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