štvrtok 15. októbra 2020



While browsing the net, I came across the scary headline “4 worst diets: What are you at risk with? Sometimes it's about life! ”Published on a page that supposedly“ understands women ”. It was a typical thing like Woman and life and so on. That is, a slice that I find regularly at my mother's, although she always suffocates that she has never read it. Which is funny, but only until I find out that the bestial diets are the well-known carbohydrate waves, ketogenic diet, etc. that they will ruin their lives and health because they just read it. And what is written is given a basta.

So now it's time to deliver some ammunition to the other party. That's why I'm reprinting the original article and below it my opinion on why it's all nonsense.

We all want to lose weight and of course the ideal diet is one in which you do not have to limit yourself and at the same time you lose weight. But unfortunately, it doesn't work. And so we are looking for diets that are not only dysfunctional for a long time, but also sometimes life-threatening. Here are the four worst diets and their consequences.

1. Crazy diet - Ketogenic diet

This is the so-called protein diet. You will eat the whole protein and reduce carbohydrates to a minimum. The body thus enters the "ketosis" phase, when the body begins to burn fat due to a lack of sugars. It sounds good, especially if you are overweight, but ketosis is definitely not a beneficial condition for the body, it is a state of emergency. In this state of emergency, the pounds really go down, even very quickly, but especially through drainage caused by unnaturally low carbohydrate intake.

What are you at risk with?

First, prepare for permanent fatigue. She will become your best friend and definitely do not plan any sports activity while you are embarking on this diet. You just can't do it. What you probably won't like is that despite the higher protein intake, the proportion of muscle mass decreases, the body loses active body mass, which reduces basal metabolism. After the end of the diet, few people are able to gradually increase their intake of carbohydrates (pastries, side dishes, fruit), most people literally throw themselves on these foods, because they had to deny them for a long time, and guess who wins the whole line, but clearly that buddy yo-yo effect. While you lost active muscle mass during the diet, during the yo-yo effect you only regain fat. Your metabolism will slow down and each new diet will get worse and worse.

What is blabbering on and what is true:

We find a real pearl right in the sentence that says that you will lose weight due to dehydration caused by a lack of carbohydrates. Yes, carbohydrates bind water to each other, but the water in the body is held mainly by subcutaneous fat. Therefore, when bodybuilders are little outlined, they have fat in their subcutaneous tissue, they retain a thin film of water even when the water is handled really hard. The whole principle of the Ketogenic diet is that the body draws energy from fats and proteins, which is much more energy-intensive for it than energy intake from carbohydrates. The reason why someone is looking for a ketogenic diet is precisely in a slight slowdown in metabolism, when a person does not suffer so much from hunger and also enjoys somewhat more, because a fatter diet is delicious than a dry one without a pinch of fat. In other words, what is presented here as pure evil is precisely the advantage of Ketogenic diets, which are really very effective up to a certain point in time. At the same time, I have no idea what the author meant with the loss of muscle mass, but the ketogenic diet, on the other hand, is much friendlier to maintain muscle mass than other diets. Of course, provided you exercise. So it is possible that the original article probably does not envisage this shocking alternative.

2. Crazy diet - Carbohydrate waves

This diet became a hit overnight. What is it about? Simply put, the point is that you consume a different amount of carbohydrates every day, while the body is a little shocked and confused and it is forced to keep the metabolism still active. In addition, with this diet you get enough protein in your body so you don't lose muscle mass. Maybe that's why all bodybuilding fans failed en masse. What can discourage you is counting carbohydrates until you go crazy. You have to learn to read labels.

What are you at risk with?

With a significant reduction in carbohydrate intake in the diet, severe fatigue occurs, while with a higher carbohydrate intake, there may be a disproportionately high increase in sugar levels after a meal, which generally provokes inflammatory mechanisms in the body. If you have problems with blood sugar fluctuations, this diet should be taboo for you. This could easily lead to nausea, dizziness or hypoglycaemia. If you want to stick to carbohydrate wool, you should have it tailor-made by an expert. If you embark on them with a thirty-day challenge, then you can even ruin your health. With a poorly set diet, metabolism is disrupted, which can have very serious consequences for your health.

What is blabbering on and what is true:

If you have read the previous threat carefully, you have noticed that when you eat more protein on a ketogenic diet, your muscles fall, whereas you don't when you eat more protein in carbohydrate waves. This can only be explained by the fact that the author was on strong antidepressants at the time of writing. But what, that's a detail. Carbohydrate waves "are bad because metabolism is broken." Well, that's what it's all about. The principle of carbohydrate waves consists in intensive stimulation of metabolism in order to put its speed to the maximum. Then you will eat to burst and still lose weight. But don't worry, it doesn't go on indefinitely and it's also very easy to regulate. Just gradually add fats and "forbidden foods" and later you will achieve that your diet will be relatively loose, but will guarantee you a slim figure.

The truth is, you will be tired on low sugar days. It is also true that diabetics should definitely not keep low carbohydrate waves. But that's about it. The fact that carbohydrate waves in various modifications are used by most people engaged in fitness or bodybuilding (as the author rightly remarked) shows how effective and relatively manageable this diet is.

3. Crazy diet - Intermittent starvation

What can you imagine under this crazy term? It is about losing weight through intermittent starvation, when the phase of food intake alternates with the phase when you do not receive any energy or food. First you start starving for only one day, then two, three and some have reached a 6-week starvation program! It is quite clear to you that no reasonable person who needs energy for everyday life can handle this.

What are you at risk with?

Here, in the case of bad timing and not training the organism, it is literally about life. Initially, your body functions normally, without significant changes. After about three days, you feel tired, weak and nauseous. You also have to reckon with feelings of cold, headaches, or dizziness. Reportedly, after overcoming the 10th day of starvation, the mood will improve, you will get enough energy and you will feel reborn at all, we admit without torture that we simply did not manage. The biggest threat is the very return to a normal diet. If you start eating head on, then you run into real health problems, it can even be about life. For the same length of time that you have been starving, you have to keep the so-called a return diet, in which you start first with the intake of juices, then light meals and very slowly return to a normal diet. Otherwise you may have diarrhea, cramps, insane abdominal pain.

Uff, one day fast for us yes, thank you for a long time, we don't want to!

What is true and what was blabbering on:

Here we can finally agree. I don't see anything positive about the long-term starvation either. This is a bit closer to the Warrior Diet system, which paradoxically paradoxically uses to gain and grow muscle mass.

4. Crazy Diet - Diet 5: 2

Eat everything for five days, watch for two days, the 5: 2 diet advises. During the days when you will limit yourself in your diet, your energy intake should not exceed 500 kilocalories per day and the promised weight loss should be less than half a kilogram per day.

What are you at risk with?

Irregular diet slows down metabolism. If you solve problems with food, then this diet increases your risk of developing binge eating. You may feel tired, unfocused, stressed, may suffer from fluctuations in sugar levels, headaches. However, the biggest threat to this diet is mental eating disorders.

What is true and what was blabbering on.

Here it is obvious that the author simply did not understand the principle of carbohydrate waves. This is exactly the same. Not only do you work with carbs every day, but stay low for 5 days and high for two days. Because everyone will simply overeat. This is commonly used by bodybuilders, where they hold for 5-6 days and then "collapse" under a mountain of McDonald's packaging. The name Pig Day, or Piglet, was used for this. So why is it actually done? Well, this is again a well-known stimulation of metabolism. If you have a limited energy intake for 5 days, the body in fat stores will order to save energy, slow down metabolism and thus stop losing weight even with low calorie intake. But then a whirlwind of calories comes, the body tells itself the end of the crisis, we stop wallowing with energy, let go of the metabolism to full ceres. And you lose weight again. The only thing I would agree with is that 500 calories a day is too little and losing half a pound a day is too much. So just add on the food and it's OK.

In conclusion, with all the paragraphs, there is a line of bitterness that you will be tired, that you will be hungry here and there, and that if you cough up uncontrollably, you will be more fatty than before. Yes, that is undoubtedly true. Eating out is relatively fun, putting it back together again. It's the same as with debt. Borrowing money and then spinning it is undoubtedly more pleasant and less painful than paying it back. But if the slim line and solid body were such a simple thing, everyone would have it. And it doesn't. So if you want to look like your favorite fitness, get ready for a little self-sacrifice. If you take the whole effort as a lifestyle change, you have half won. Sure, it means regular activity, eating the right foods and a firm order for the rest of your life. But what seems like a disadvantage to you now is a huge benefit to life that you will appreciate very soon. No diet in the world can preserve form forever. Diet is a state where you get in shape and then maintain it in a looser regime. But that doesn't mean you end up with rice and get on hairy dumplings. I have been eating rice for 20 years and yes, the author is right, shit on it, my navel will grow and my moss will grow. But why on earth should I do that? What will offer me better?

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