nedeľa 1. augusta 2021

The best protein for women |

 The best protein for women

What is the best protein for women? Many companies claim to have the best protein powder for women. But what is the best? Most women look for a protein powder that has as few carbohydrates and fats as possible - there are many options. Whey, casein, soy, egg, rice, hemp or pea protein. The list could go on and on. What is best for women? In fact, there is no universal type of protein that is right for all women. You need to find out which one is best for you. In this article, we would like to explore each of the above options and help you determine which of these proteins is best for you.

Whey protein

Whey protein is the most popular type of protein supplement. For a minute of money you get a large amount of protein, tastes good and is suitable for building muscle mass or losing weight.

So what exactly is it? Whey is a by-product of cheese production. After the milk has coagulated and drained, the whey remains. It was originally considered a waste, but was later found to be a complete protein rich in amino acids known as leucine. Leucine is an essential amino acid that plays a key role in initiating protein synthesis. When the world of sports learned about this research, a new supplement was created, whey protein.

Whey proteins can be used at virtually any time, but they are especially effective as a source of protein after training. Why? Because they break down quickly, causing a dramatic increase in amino acids in the blood (especially leucine). This in turn stimulates an immediate increase in muscle mass than slower proteins. So whey is a good choice of protein powder for both men and women.


However, it should be mentioned that even if you are not allergic to lactose, you can react to the proteins present in cow's milk. This is why some people do not do well with highly refined forms of whey, such as isolate or hydrolyzate, which are supposed to remove virtually all of the lactose. If whey doesn't do your stomach well, try using a non-dairy protein alternative such as beef, egg, rice or hemp protein and you'll be fine.


Casein is a protein that follows whey in terms of popularity. This protein is also found in milk. Casein is broken down more slowly than whey, causing fewer amino acids in the blood but more stable release within a few hours.

Here we can continue the debate about whether whey supplements or casein supplements are better for building muscle mass. Most reputable experts agree on the following:

Due to the rapid digestion and the amount of leucine, 30-40 grams of whey is the best choice after training. Casein is a good supplement due to the slow release of amino acids. While this may or may not be as optimal as whey use after training, there is growing evidence that "slow" proteins are the best choice for building muscle. Casein is a good protein that, when taken before bed, helps muscle regeneration.

Egg protein

Many people have no idea that egg protein can be purchased in powder form. And it is an excellent source of protein.

It has three basic advantages:

has a high biological value, which can be deduced from how quickly your body can use various forms of protein. According to animal research, egg protein is similar to whey and its ability to stimulate muscle growth.

egg protein is digested more slowly than casein, which, as we already know, results in a longer release of amino acids in the blood. This contributes to overall muscle growth.

since egg protein powder is produced only from egg whites, it does not contain any fat and a minimum amount of carbohydrates.

Soy protein

While research has shown that soy protein is a versatile, effective source of protein for building muscle mass, soy protein is a constant subject of debate, especially for men. According to some research, regular intake of soy foods has a feminizing effect in men due to estrogen - the molecules found in soy are called isoflavones.


For example, studies conducted by Harvard University analyzed the sperm of 99 people and found that soy food consumption affected sperm counts - men with high soy food intake had fewer sperm than men who did not eat soy food. On the other hand, a study by Guelph University found that soy food intake did not affect sperm counts. So how is it? Further research has shown that the answer to this question is not easy. The effects of soy may depend on the presence or the absence of certain types of bacteria in the gut. In a study conducted by the University of Beijing, the researchers found that men who consumed soy foods for three days had reduced testosterone levels and markedly elevated estrogen levels. Related to this is a study conducted by Sungkyunkwan University, which found that in environments with high estrogen concentrations, isoflavions suppressed estrogen production and, conversely, in environments with low estrogen production, increased this production.

In women, no adverse effects on their hormone levels have been demonstrated. However, there are other things to consider when eating soy.

Research has shown that soy protein contains substances that inhibit the breakdown of protein molecules and the absorption of other nutrients, as well as several known allergens. While some research suggests that soy may have special benefits for women, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and breast cancer, other research questions these findings. Conversely, others claim that soy can even stimulate the growth of cancer cells.

Another problem addressed with soy consumption is the fact that the vast majority of soybeans grown in the United States are genetically modified.

Despite this information, do not be discouraged and do not completely consume soy protein. There is no reason to worry about several servings of soy a week.

Other vegan proteins

Other sources of vegan proteins, such as rice, hemp or peas, are often referred to as incomplete sources of protein. This means that some "experts" claim that this protein lacks the essential amino acids your body needs, so you need to combine special ways to make "complete" proteins. However, this statement is a myth and is wrong. All proteins found in vegetables are "complete". However, it is true that some forms of plant proteins have a lower amino acid content than others, so some sources are better than others.

Three of the better and more popular protein powders are rice, hemp and peas.

Rice protein is a great choice. It has a high biological value - about 80%, similar to beef and tastes great.

Pea protein is also a good choice. The biological value is about the same as rice, and has a large amount of leucine. It should also be said that the combination of peas and rice is particularly good, and this combination is similar to whey protein in terms of amino acid levels. That is why this combination is also called vegetarian whey protein.

Cannabis protein is the weakest choice. Although it has a large amount of trace elements and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Hemp protein is not as easily digested as rice or pea protein. Cannabis should be seen as a food, not a dietary supplement.

Try, combine and see what's best for you.

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