nedeľa 29. augusta 2021

As cortisol affects muscle building building |

 As cortisol affects muscle building building

Do you know how cortisol affects muscle building building?

You surely met the theory that cortisol is "enemies" for building muscle mass. But it's not entirely so and you don't have to worry about.

To get a slim and muscular figure, it is necessary to do more just as it is properly eating and exercising. It is important in the maximum extent to influence anabolic and catabolic hormones throughout the day. At the same time, it is necessary to suppress the main stress hormone of cortisol that does not support muscle mass building. The maintenance of a constant cortisol level for building and maintaining muscle mass is most often encountered with a method of trunning training and reducing load intensity. In this case, cortisol is mainly related to its short-term impact on muscle building. What is a short sightseeing on the issue of influencing a cortisol for muscle building building. It does not take into account the difference between acute and chronic cortisol increases with regard to the nature and behavior of the catabolic hormone.

The effect of cortisol hormone in muscle building process

What is cortisol and how works?

Cortisol is hormone excluded from adrenal gland in response to physically and psychological stress. Its main function is a counterparty and anti-inflammatory effect. It causes the body suppressing its immune response and stop responding to stress problems or pain incentives. Cortisol also has immunoregulation properties. A pharmaceutical cortisol derivative such as prednisone is used against strong allergic reactions and against inflammation.

Will Cartizole to muscle matter?

The short term is cortisol associated with a decrease in protein synthesis. The reason is that cortisol also provides alternative fuel for the organism when there is a lack of glucose. This catabolic process consists that cortisol mediates a groomed muscle mass such that the amino acids in the muscle tissue are used to form glucose through the gluconeogenesis process. This state occurs during hunger strike, but also during highly intensive workouts.

Human body cannot afford to waste energy. It makes sense only if cortisol stimulates the disintegration of muscle mass, but at the same time inhibits protein synthesis. Furthermore, we will say why building while degrading something at the same time.

Cortisol and training process

In the issue of building muscle mass, it is known that training increases cortisol. In some cases, cortisol levels can be increased after exercise up to 50%, which sounds like a great recipe for making muscle mass.

In the case of non-cortisol level, vigorous physical activity can increase and reduce cortisol levels. The increased cortisol level at a given moment does not talk about the problem, as the cortisol is secreted by a very irregular way. Cortisol levels that are variable and flexible reflect a healthy endocrine system. If your body has lost the ability to respond to stresses and appropriately regulate its cortisol levels, then it could be a problem.

Cortisol is often referred to as "fat abdominal hormone", but the truth is that cortisol has the greatest impact on the visceral fat, which is fat that surrounds your organs and not subcutaneous fat that is in the area of ​​your abdomen. If your abdominal muscle is not exuded, cortisol is not a problem.

The influence of a nutritional beverage during a cortisol training

In 2006, Stephen Bird has published a number of works that dename the picture of hormonal changes, influence and diet. When these significant evidence is combined, information on the difference between the short term (eg during or after training) and long-term rock regulation.

There were four groups of subjects in studies. Each group consumed a different drink during training: water as placebo, essential amino acids, carbohydrates and essential amino acids with carbohydrates. For 12 weeks, all groups lost approximately the same amount of body fat and the group that accepts carbohydrates along with essential amino acids acquired the highest muscle increase.

In this study researchers also measured and observed the amino acid 3-methyl-histidine in urine as a Marker for muscle tissue degradation. As a graph showed, a group that saw only water (placebo) has increased muscle metabolism (muscle degradation) 48 hours after training. In groups that saw carbohydrates and essential amino acids have not occurred any change, suggesting that the muscle mass was not degraded. However, in a group that saw carbohydrates with amino acids, this marker has fallen as it can also indicate the effective use of histidine amino acids and building muscle mass.

As you can see in the picture, the level of catabolic hormone 30 minutes after exercise increased by more than 50% in the group that saw water. In a group that consumed essential amino acids have not been changed. The very positive effect of cortisol reduction is in case of consumption of carbohydrates and carbohydrates with essential amino acids during workout. What ultimately causes protection against catabolism and support the anabolic processes that are essential for muscle building.

Regular training is crotizol decreases

It should be aware that in the group that has taken water (placebo) Although the largest catabolic response has occurred, the growth of muscle mass was recorded. How is it possible? Their organism adapted to power training and issued less and less cortisol during research, even without nutritional intervention. In a group that saw water, cortisol values after training were reduced by up to 28% for 12 week studies.

Tall cortisol does not prevent workouts to build muscle mass!

This studio shows that the cortisol level and acute loss of protein has a negative impact on muscle mass building and fat loss over a 12 week period.

In other studies, the relationship was monitored between the level of after-training cortisol and the changes of strength, muscle mass and muscle fibers. After 12 weeks of exercise with the burden it was found that despite the high cortisol level after training were (although weakly) recorded muscle substances and changes in the size of muscle fibers type II. This means that people with a higher level of cortisol were those who have more likely to gain more muscle mass during the study. This is the opposite of what you think about cortisole people think and what they wouldn't expect!

Dudes Training = more cortisol = more muscle mass

In general, I know to say that the training is more intense, the higher the cortisol level. Regeneration is more demanding and longer, but our organism is adjusted based on many adaptation mechanisms, which is ultimately the most effective way of progressing and building muscle mass. It also begins with significant testosterone production to occur metabolic equilibrium. Of course, if our endocrine system is healthy and flexible.

If you have ever reduced the intensity of training or if you lifted lower weights from fear that your levels of cortisol after training will climb, then you were probably badly informed. The study of McMaster indicated the relationship between acute increase in cortisol and a long-term increase in muscle mass.

Effective muscle building: intense training + nutritional intervention

Maybe you wonder, but acute increase in cortisol levels reflect good training. But it does not mean that the nutritional intervention (carbohydrates and essential amino acids) must be neglected to influence the decrease in cortisol. The combination of the correct nutritional program and intensive training causes a more efficient process of building muscle mass and strength.

Increased cortisol is simply a marker of productive training. And as we have already mentioned, the group at the beginning of a 12-week study that received essential amino acids and carbohydrates gained more than twice the muscles opposite those who saw water.

How to encourage change and flexibility of cortisol?

It is very important, not to ignore cortisol levels after training and take into account long-term changes in its level and felxilitis. Systemic effects of this catabolic hormone should be taken into account, especially when planning our workouts, eating habits or lifestyles. Adequate sleep, quantity and quality of received diet, regeneration and intensity or volume of training loads are the largest factors that we have under the day-based control to affect the level and flexibility of cortisol. In addition to these things, there are additions of nutrition, such as Rhodiola Rosea, which helps in adaptation to stress and protects against high cortisol levels. Or other nutritional supplements such as HMB, BCAA, ZMA, which are designed to mitigate catabolic processes and improving regeneration for the benefit of muscle mass.

nedeľa 22. augusta 2021

How much protein you should take after training |

 How much protein you should take after training

How much protein to take in after training to make it enough to build muscle mass?
To optimize muscle growth, we have a new perspective on the issue of protein intake after training. It is based on one of the latest studies in the field of fitness. Surely each of us knows that a training meal is extremely important and especially the amount of protein contained in it. Few people can estimate the optimal dose of these nutrients, so they often choose a simpler and safer way to mix very high amounts of protein powder into shakers so that we don't happen to grow a gram less muscle. You can find out more about why and how much protein to take in one of my articles: Why and how much protein to take.

Protein dosing after training for differently muscular athletes

Fortunately, we have scientific studies here that shed new light on this topic. This was specifically published in the online journal Physiology Reports and sought to determine the effect on muscle growth of two different amounts of protein (20 and 40 g of whey protein) consumed after training. In addition, individuals who had different muscle volumes were included in the study, which could be a significant aspect of the study.

The participants in the study were divided into the following 4 groups:

Low percentage of muscle mass, consumption of 20 g of whey protein
Low percentage of muscle mass, consumption of 40 g of whey protein
High percentage of muscle mass, consumption of 20 g of whey protein
High percentage of muscle mass, consumption of 40 g of whey protein

Protein whey drink was consumed after a comprehensive training on the whole body twice a week for 6 months.

The results showed that in the group consuming 40 g of whey protein, there was a 20% increase in muscle protein synthesis after training, compared to the group consuming 20 g of protein. The percentage of muscle mass of the participants played almost no role in this case.

40 g of whey protein will build muscle mass

Although this study was small and the first of its kind, it made it clear to us, at least in part, that consuming at least 40 g of protein after training can lead to effective muscle building, whether you are a beginner or an advanced exerciser. The authors believe that you will achieve these results mainly through comprehensive training for the whole body, as it involves the most extensive damage to muscle fibers throughout the body. Of course, it can only be speculated about, because the research included only the mentioned complex training and not training focused on individual muscle parts.

Women and protein intake

In the end, it doesn't matter how much muscle mass you have, while consuming 40 g of whey protein after training will ensure the building of muscle mass. Therefore, it is very likely that even women who have a low percentage of muscle mass will achieve the same effect in protein synthesis by consuming 40 g of protein drink as individuals with a higher percentage of muscle mass.

Which whey protein is the best?

The highest quality whey protein is obtained by CFM microfiltration (Cross Flow Microfiltered). The process is at low temperature, low pressure and normal pH, which preserves the high biological quality of proteins and peptides. CFM protein does not come into contact with chemicals and therefore remains undamaged in its original state, resulting in certain advantages over protein produced by ion exchange or ultrafiltration, such as higher calcium and less sodium, lower lactose and fat, and much more.

 Advantages of CFM Whey Isolate:

excellent digestibility and usability (biological value)
fast absorption
high content of branched chain amino acids BCAA
high protein content 85 - 95%
minimal or no content of lactose, fat, carbohydrates
good solubility and excellent taste
preserved lactoferrin content (antiviral, antimicrobial, anticancer and immune effects
without the use of chemicals
support for the production of anabolic growth factor IGF-1


relatively higher price compared to other lower quality proteins

Consumption of other meals after training

A very important protein intake is not only immediately after training in the form of whey isolate or BCAA, but also in the form of quality food, which will ensure further sufficient protein intake. So try to hide the next dose of protein drink and consider a combination of these seven meals that will definitely help you meet your additional protein intake later after training:

3/4 cups of ordinary Greek yogurt + 1 scoop of whey protein + 1/2 cup of blueberries = 43 g of protein
170 g salmon fillet + 1 cup quinoy + 1 cup broccoli = 45 g protein
120 g tuna + 1/2 cups beans + 2 cups baby spinach + 1 cup cherry tomatoes = 43 g protein
1 cup cottage cheese + 4 tablespoons hemp seeds + 1 cup sliced ​​pineapple = 42 g protein
170 g chicken breast + 1 cup brown rice + 2 cups baby kale = 42 g protein
170 g sirloin + 1 medium sweet potato + 2 tablespoons pesto = 40 g protein
1 cup low-fat milk + 1/2 cup low-fat white yogurt + 1 scoop of whey protein + 1 tablespoon almond butter + 1 frozen banana = 44 g protein

nedeľa 15. augusta 2021

How to improve sleep |

 How to improve sleep

Practical advice for quality sleep

Don't know how to improve sleep? Sleep is certainly the most important form of regeneration, making it the alpha and omega of good health, vitality, mood and, of course, muscle gains and sports performance. Therefore, we should not neglect sleep, but we must not overdo it with him. The ideal sleep time is around seven hours, which will ensure sufficient regeneration of the whole body. Of course, it does not only depend on the length of sleep, but mainly on its quality.
It is generally accepted that it is best to go to bed at 22:00, but we are all different and what applies to one may not automatically apply to the others. Therefore, you have to find the right time to go to bed and stick to it.

The primary problem that impairs the quality of sleep is generally very difficult and long sleep or even chronic insomnia. Therefore, many people out of desperation prefer to reach for tablets that address the consequence rather than the cause. 

To solve this problem, try to properly prepare for sleep:

Cultivate a stereotype of regular sleep time

Go to bed regularly at certain times. The body gets into a stereotype and forces you to go to bed without wanting it yourself.

An evening without stimulants

If possible, avoid using various stimulants such as coffee, green tea extract, synephrine, pre-workouts, burners and other stimulant supplements, especially in the evening. Of course, this can be a problem if you go to exercise in the evening.

Clear mind

Before you go to bed, try to clear your head and not think about duties, work and other stressors. In order to achieve a clear mind, I think it is very helpful to gradually include short meditations in your day.

Proper diet and physical activity

Eat properly and exercise physically so that your body wants to rest.

Stretching and relaxing the neck for better sleep

Shortening the neck muscles and tendons can also be a big problem when falling asleep, forcing your head to be in the position you have it at work all day (eg sitting incorrectly at a computer). Therefore, if the head is not in this position when sleeping, you may be uncomfortable lying in bed. The solution is neck stretching. Try to get up from your chair at regular intervals and pull hard.

Calm down by breathing properly

Minimize light and sound stimuli

The quality of sleep can also be significantly negatively affected by light or sound stimuli. It is mainly melatonin, which is best produced in as much darkness as possible and tells our body when to go to bed. It is very difficult to influence sounds and lights from outside if you are not alone somewhere. But what you can influence is that 30-60 min. dim all the lights in the room before going to bed. Above all, avoid bright, sharp light from mobile phones, monitors and TVs.

Fresh and clean air

Ventilate the room properly and if you do not have problems, sleep with the window ajar. Lowering the room temperature should also help.

Zinc and magnesium help the quality of sleep

Include foods higher in zinc and magnesium. If you are not sure that you are consuming enough of these substances, a good alternative is their supplementation (ZMA).

nedeľa 8. augusta 2021

8 food for better sleep |

 8 food for better sleep

Worrying you sleep? You don't know to give advice? Try 8 food for better sleep that help you quickly and fall asleep hard. As we have already told one of the main factors that affects sleep quality are food. Much of them is worth mentioning but we will bring 8 of them to solve this issue.

1. Walnuts

They are a wealthy source of melatonin, whose essenciality at sleep we have already remembered in the article "How to improve sleep". They contain an amount of omega-3 fatty acids that hold the heart and brain by vital. They reduce cholesterol levels and are rich in zinc and magnesium.

2. Salmon

The salmon also contains omega-3 fatty acids which, in addition to the mentioned properties, should multiply the effect of melatonin. But you need to pay attention to your supermarkets in today's supermarkets. Wild salmon that is much more nutritious than salmon bred on the farm, you can find only very hard. And if you still find him probably you are not allowed. Choose those with a more excessive color.

3. White rice

Research published in the American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition magazine suggests that consuming 2 and a half cups of white rice 4 hours before bedtime could help to sleep quality. Of course it's a lot of rice but also smaller quantities should be helpful. As the main argument of this theory was that the brain is used to produce the neurotransmitter of serotonin carbohydrates. Serotonin supports feeling of peace and relaxation. Although the whole grain brown rice is a generally healthier choice, there would be no mistake occasional classification of a white rice to the diet, especially if you have problems sleeping.

4. Eggs

They are one of the few foods containing vitamin D. This is essential for the right function of the immune system, blood glucose homeostasis, supports good mood and cognitive features of the brain. Some research also indicate that vitamin D should improve your sleep. Men in this study, which have been measured by low vitamin D values ​​in the blood marked greater sleep disorders over men who had vitamin D in blood enough. The reasons for this result are not quite clear, but it is possible that vitamin D is favorable to neurons in certain parts of the brain that is responsible for sleep.

5. Warm milk

Quality milk includes a large amount of calcium and amino acids of tryptophan. These two things your brain necessarily needs for producing melatonin. As a bonus, the mentioned vitamin D is also located in the milk. For an even better effect on sleep Try heap. Consumption of hot drink increases body temperature against what fights your body trying to return this temperature to the original state. This back cooling can cause drowsiness.

6. Cashew nuts

A quarter of the pot of cashew nuts or 2 tablespoons cashew butter will provide you up to 20% of the recommended magnesium benefit whose consumption is nowadays at least chapes. Magnesium plays an important role in muscle contraction and his lack can cause nerves to head out too many signals at once, leading to convulsions or different ticles of legs. Lack of magnesium is thus associated with sleep disorders and also with so-called. the syndrome of restless legs. The consequences of this syndrome often manifest right at night, leading to difficulty falling asleep.

7. Sweet Potatoes (Batats)

Also, as previous food or sweet potatoes, the magnesium content cannot be caused (25 mg per 100g). Together with potassium (337 mg per 100g) support the right muscle contraction and hold so night flasks in chess. In addition, they contain a lot of fiber and carbohydrates promoting serotonin formation.

 8. Camomile tea

Chamomile tea contains compounds that relieve anxiety and stress, thus to calm you and induce a good mood. As well as hot milk and chamomile tea can make you good at sleep without throwing up.

nedeľa 1. augusta 2021

The best protein for women |

 The best protein for women

What is the best protein for women? Many companies claim to have the best protein powder for women. But what is the best? Most women look for a protein powder that has as few carbohydrates and fats as possible - there are many options. Whey, casein, soy, egg, rice, hemp or pea protein. The list could go on and on. What is best for women? In fact, there is no universal type of protein that is right for all women. You need to find out which one is best for you. In this article, we would like to explore each of the above options and help you determine which of these proteins is best for you.

Whey protein

Whey protein is the most popular type of protein supplement. For a minute of money you get a large amount of protein, tastes good and is suitable for building muscle mass or losing weight.

So what exactly is it? Whey is a by-product of cheese production. After the milk has coagulated and drained, the whey remains. It was originally considered a waste, but was later found to be a complete protein rich in amino acids known as leucine. Leucine is an essential amino acid that plays a key role in initiating protein synthesis. When the world of sports learned about this research, a new supplement was created, whey protein.

Whey proteins can be used at virtually any time, but they are especially effective as a source of protein after training. Why? Because they break down quickly, causing a dramatic increase in amino acids in the blood (especially leucine). This in turn stimulates an immediate increase in muscle mass than slower proteins. So whey is a good choice of protein powder for both men and women.


However, it should be mentioned that even if you are not allergic to lactose, you can react to the proteins present in cow's milk. This is why some people do not do well with highly refined forms of whey, such as isolate or hydrolyzate, which are supposed to remove virtually all of the lactose. If whey doesn't do your stomach well, try using a non-dairy protein alternative such as beef, egg, rice or hemp protein and you'll be fine.


Casein is a protein that follows whey in terms of popularity. This protein is also found in milk. Casein is broken down more slowly than whey, causing fewer amino acids in the blood but more stable release within a few hours.

Here we can continue the debate about whether whey supplements or casein supplements are better for building muscle mass. Most reputable experts agree on the following:

Due to the rapid digestion and the amount of leucine, 30-40 grams of whey is the best choice after training. Casein is a good supplement due to the slow release of amino acids. While this may or may not be as optimal as whey use after training, there is growing evidence that "slow" proteins are the best choice for building muscle. Casein is a good protein that, when taken before bed, helps muscle regeneration.

Egg protein

Many people have no idea that egg protein can be purchased in powder form. And it is an excellent source of protein.

It has three basic advantages:

has a high biological value, which can be deduced from how quickly your body can use various forms of protein. According to animal research, egg protein is similar to whey and its ability to stimulate muscle growth.

egg protein is digested more slowly than casein, which, as we already know, results in a longer release of amino acids in the blood. This contributes to overall muscle growth.

since egg protein powder is produced only from egg whites, it does not contain any fat and a minimum amount of carbohydrates.

Soy protein

While research has shown that soy protein is a versatile, effective source of protein for building muscle mass, soy protein is a constant subject of debate, especially for men. According to some research, regular intake of soy foods has a feminizing effect in men due to estrogen - the molecules found in soy are called isoflavones.


For example, studies conducted by Harvard University analyzed the sperm of 99 people and found that soy food consumption affected sperm counts - men with high soy food intake had fewer sperm than men who did not eat soy food. On the other hand, a study by Guelph University found that soy food intake did not affect sperm counts. So how is it? Further research has shown that the answer to this question is not easy. The effects of soy may depend on the presence or the absence of certain types of bacteria in the gut. In a study conducted by the University of Beijing, the researchers found that men who consumed soy foods for three days had reduced testosterone levels and markedly elevated estrogen levels. Related to this is a study conducted by Sungkyunkwan University, which found that in environments with high estrogen concentrations, isoflavions suppressed estrogen production and, conversely, in environments with low estrogen production, increased this production.

In women, no adverse effects on their hormone levels have been demonstrated. However, there are other things to consider when eating soy.

Research has shown that soy protein contains substances that inhibit the breakdown of protein molecules and the absorption of other nutrients, as well as several known allergens. While some research suggests that soy may have special benefits for women, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and breast cancer, other research questions these findings. Conversely, others claim that soy can even stimulate the growth of cancer cells.

Another problem addressed with soy consumption is the fact that the vast majority of soybeans grown in the United States are genetically modified.

Despite this information, do not be discouraged and do not completely consume soy protein. There is no reason to worry about several servings of soy a week.

Other vegan proteins

Other sources of vegan proteins, such as rice, hemp or peas, are often referred to as incomplete sources of protein. This means that some "experts" claim that this protein lacks the essential amino acids your body needs, so you need to combine special ways to make "complete" proteins. However, this statement is a myth and is wrong. All proteins found in vegetables are "complete". However, it is true that some forms of plant proteins have a lower amino acid content than others, so some sources are better than others.

Three of the better and more popular protein powders are rice, hemp and peas.

Rice protein is a great choice. It has a high biological value - about 80%, similar to beef and tastes great.

Pea protein is also a good choice. The biological value is about the same as rice, and has a large amount of leucine. It should also be said that the combination of peas and rice is particularly good, and this combination is similar to whey protein in terms of amino acid levels. That is why this combination is also called vegetarian whey protein.

Cannabis protein is the weakest choice. Although it has a large amount of trace elements and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Hemp protein is not as easily digested as rice or pea protein. Cannabis should be seen as a food, not a dietary supplement.

Try, combine and see what's best for you.