nedeľa 8. augusta 2021

8 food for better sleep |

 8 food for better sleep

Worrying you sleep? You don't know to give advice? Try 8 food for better sleep that help you quickly and fall asleep hard. As we have already told one of the main factors that affects sleep quality are food. Much of them is worth mentioning but we will bring 8 of them to solve this issue.

1. Walnuts

They are a wealthy source of melatonin, whose essenciality at sleep we have already remembered in the article "How to improve sleep". They contain an amount of omega-3 fatty acids that hold the heart and brain by vital. They reduce cholesterol levels and are rich in zinc and magnesium.

2. Salmon

The salmon also contains omega-3 fatty acids which, in addition to the mentioned properties, should multiply the effect of melatonin. But you need to pay attention to your supermarkets in today's supermarkets. Wild salmon that is much more nutritious than salmon bred on the farm, you can find only very hard. And if you still find him probably you are not allowed. Choose those with a more excessive color.

3. White rice

Research published in the American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition magazine suggests that consuming 2 and a half cups of white rice 4 hours before bedtime could help to sleep quality. Of course it's a lot of rice but also smaller quantities should be helpful. As the main argument of this theory was that the brain is used to produce the neurotransmitter of serotonin carbohydrates. Serotonin supports feeling of peace and relaxation. Although the whole grain brown rice is a generally healthier choice, there would be no mistake occasional classification of a white rice to the diet, especially if you have problems sleeping.

4. Eggs

They are one of the few foods containing vitamin D. This is essential for the right function of the immune system, blood glucose homeostasis, supports good mood and cognitive features of the brain. Some research also indicate that vitamin D should improve your sleep. Men in this study, which have been measured by low vitamin D values ​​in the blood marked greater sleep disorders over men who had vitamin D in blood enough. The reasons for this result are not quite clear, but it is possible that vitamin D is favorable to neurons in certain parts of the brain that is responsible for sleep.

5. Warm milk

Quality milk includes a large amount of calcium and amino acids of tryptophan. These two things your brain necessarily needs for producing melatonin. As a bonus, the mentioned vitamin D is also located in the milk. For an even better effect on sleep Try heap. Consumption of hot drink increases body temperature against what fights your body trying to return this temperature to the original state. This back cooling can cause drowsiness.

6. Cashew nuts

A quarter of the pot of cashew nuts or 2 tablespoons cashew butter will provide you up to 20% of the recommended magnesium benefit whose consumption is nowadays at least chapes. Magnesium plays an important role in muscle contraction and his lack can cause nerves to head out too many signals at once, leading to convulsions or different ticles of legs. Lack of magnesium is thus associated with sleep disorders and also with so-called. the syndrome of restless legs. The consequences of this syndrome often manifest right at night, leading to difficulty falling asleep.

7. Sweet Potatoes (Batats)

Also, as previous food or sweet potatoes, the magnesium content cannot be caused (25 mg per 100g). Together with potassium (337 mg per 100g) support the right muscle contraction and hold so night flasks in chess. In addition, they contain a lot of fiber and carbohydrates promoting serotonin formation.

 8. Camomile tea

Chamomile tea contains compounds that relieve anxiety and stress, thus to calm you and induce a good mood. As well as hot milk and chamomile tea can make you good at sleep without throwing up.

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