nedeľa 15. augusta 2021

How to improve sleep |

 How to improve sleep

Practical advice for quality sleep

Don't know how to improve sleep? Sleep is certainly the most important form of regeneration, making it the alpha and omega of good health, vitality, mood and, of course, muscle gains and sports performance. Therefore, we should not neglect sleep, but we must not overdo it with him. The ideal sleep time is around seven hours, which will ensure sufficient regeneration of the whole body. Of course, it does not only depend on the length of sleep, but mainly on its quality.
It is generally accepted that it is best to go to bed at 22:00, but we are all different and what applies to one may not automatically apply to the others. Therefore, you have to find the right time to go to bed and stick to it.

The primary problem that impairs the quality of sleep is generally very difficult and long sleep or even chronic insomnia. Therefore, many people out of desperation prefer to reach for tablets that address the consequence rather than the cause. 

To solve this problem, try to properly prepare for sleep:

Cultivate a stereotype of regular sleep time

Go to bed regularly at certain times. The body gets into a stereotype and forces you to go to bed without wanting it yourself.

An evening without stimulants

If possible, avoid using various stimulants such as coffee, green tea extract, synephrine, pre-workouts, burners and other stimulant supplements, especially in the evening. Of course, this can be a problem if you go to exercise in the evening.

Clear mind

Before you go to bed, try to clear your head and not think about duties, work and other stressors. In order to achieve a clear mind, I think it is very helpful to gradually include short meditations in your day.

Proper diet and physical activity

Eat properly and exercise physically so that your body wants to rest.

Stretching and relaxing the neck for better sleep

Shortening the neck muscles and tendons can also be a big problem when falling asleep, forcing your head to be in the position you have it at work all day (eg sitting incorrectly at a computer). Therefore, if the head is not in this position when sleeping, you may be uncomfortable lying in bed. The solution is neck stretching. Try to get up from your chair at regular intervals and pull hard.

Calm down by breathing properly

Minimize light and sound stimuli

The quality of sleep can also be significantly negatively affected by light or sound stimuli. It is mainly melatonin, which is best produced in as much darkness as possible and tells our body when to go to bed. It is very difficult to influence sounds and lights from outside if you are not alone somewhere. But what you can influence is that 30-60 min. dim all the lights in the room before going to bed. Above all, avoid bright, sharp light from mobile phones, monitors and TVs.

Fresh and clean air

Ventilate the room properly and if you do not have problems, sleep with the window ajar. Lowering the room temperature should also help.

Zinc and magnesium help the quality of sleep

Include foods higher in zinc and magnesium. If you are not sure that you are consuming enough of these substances, a good alternative is their supplementation (ZMA).

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