utorok 29. decembra 2020

5 foods suitable for a ketogenic diet | Steroids4U.eu

 5 foods suitable for a ketogenic diet

We bring you a tip for 5 foods suitable for a ketogenic diet. There is a lot of food in a ketogenic diet. In the "keto diet", the consumption of fats and proteins is preferred, and conversely, foods high in carbohydrates are limited. Such typical ketogenic foods are e.g. butter, meat, nuts, various types of oils and the fruit is mainly avocado.

Keto diet and varied diet

At the beginning of a ketogenic diet, you may feel as if you are in seventh heaven. Bacon, cream, butter, eggs, avocados, nuts - everything available and the main thing will fit you into your diet. But appearances can be deceiving. Outwardly, tasty foods may not be the source of all the building blocks the body needs to function and build muscle mass in the long run. The biggest problem for people embarking on this diet is that the diversity of their ketogenic diet is probably close to zero. Without a varied diet, it can be very difficult to achieve a caloric optimum even in a diet whose alpha and omega are the most energy-rich foods.

Top foods in a ketogenic diet

Fortunately, there are foods with which you can enjoy this increasingly popular diet to the fullest. Add variety to your keto menu with these five foods and you will definitely not regret it.


A spoonful of this delicious cheese will offer you 5 g of fat and less than 1 g of carbohydrates. You can add these light 50 calories to your morning omelette or to a bacon-chicken roll wrapped in lettuce. Whole cream cheese is also an excellent source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), with antioxidant and anticancer effects. CLA also has its application in the reduction of body fat.

In any case, you should be careful when choosing such types of cheese, because most of them certainly do not fall into the category of ketogenic foods! Make sure you choose pure whole cream cheese and double check the contents of the ingredient on the package. All flavored and unflavored species will contain some form of sweetener or added carbohydrates, most often called sugar, dextrose, cane sugar, which are definitely taboo in your diet.


 These little flax and chia seeds offer more than it may seem at first glance. They contain several tens of grams of carbohydrates per 100 g of weight, but it is mostly insoluble fiber, also known as probiotic fiber supporting the intestinal microflora. It draws water on itself, thus increasing its volume, which also results in a longer saturation. In addition, it also rids us of harmful substances that clog our intestines. Chia seeds are among the largest sources of OMEGA-3 fatty acids. Flax and chia seeds are e.g. suitable to add to your favorite sheikh as a quick source of fatty acids and fiber.


No matter how you relate to proper nutrition, eating vegetables should be essential. The amount of vitamins and minerals that are needed for the proper functioning of our metabolism is found in vegetables. Of course, in a ketogenic diet, you should choose vegetables carefully, because you certainly do not need carbohydrates. You may want to leave onions, carrots, potatoes and other root vegetables to another diet. In contrast, leafy vegetables are more than desirable in a ketogenic diet. It is a rich source of nutrients, fiber and most importantly it is low in carbohydrates. Roasted in butter or coconut oil will create the right side dish to your diet.

Ketogenic vegetables

kale, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, zucchini, patison, radish, eggplant.

In any case, the high caloric and fat demands of a ketogenic diet are probably hard to beat with salad. Therefore, by combining ketogenic vegetables with a classic hard-boiled egg, hard cheese, bacon or fatter meat (beef, pork) in coconut oil, you will definitely not spoil anything. The mentioned avocados, nuts or walnut butter, olive oil are excellent for flavoring.

In addition, from such cauliflower or broccoli, it is possible to produce a ketogenic and low-carbohydrate version of rice, which perfectly plays the role of side dish. Similarly, there is cauliflower porridge, for which you need a seasonal cauliflower with salt, pepper, pepper, drizzled with olive oil. Bake the cauliflower thus prepared at 215 ° C for 20 min. Then mix it with roasted garlic and a few tablespoons of traditional butter to a creamy porridge.


A very good alternative to chips in a ketogenic diet is just dried meat. It can be perfectly used as a "snack" in an evening movie. You will also like it if you are a fan of fried dishes. It contains a very high amount of quality proteins.


Yes, the amount of spices and dressings is oversaturated with complex but also simple sugars, which are the killers of your efforts to keep carbohydrate consumption to a minimum. Fortunately, there are also those that your food tastes pleasant and, in addition, contains the necessary fats without unnecessary carbohydrates. The main components of these dressings are e.g. blue cheese, sour cream, garlic, avocado or various types of mustard (excluding honey).

Of course, with commercially purchased dressings, pay attention to their composition twice. On the contrary, in domestic dressings this negative is eliminated and it is possible to correct the nutrient content according to yourself. Also, the freshness of the ingredients used is significantly better in home dressings. In addition to various types of herbs and spices (basil, pesto), cinnamon is also suitable as a flavoring in a ketogenic diet. Among its important properties, it should be emphasized that, like chromium, it improves insulin sensitivity, has antibacterial effects, lowers cholesterol levels, strengthens memory and increases attention.

Create your own ketogenic diet

If you liked the idea of ​​a ketogenic diet and the benefits that flow from it, be sure to continue. But try not to stick to commercially set menus, and give space to your imagination. Because the best indicator of whether you are doing it right is your body and everything you do with reluctance will not last long. Neither the health nor the dream figure that the diet promised you.

nedeľa 27. decembra 2020

Cardio training for weight loss | Steroids4U.eu

 Cardio training for weight loss

How to lose weight effectively through cardio training? The most common answer to this question is: do cardio exercises for a long time with low intensity. Unfortunately, this is not the most effective way. This is just a brief truth, but regardless of a few facts of this training. Increase the intensity of training and you will achieve efficient fat burning even after cardio training during regeneration.

What cardio training is effective for weight loss

The most important indicator of cardio training is the duration of the load and the intensity of its performance. It is true that classical cardio training (aerobic load) is very ineffective for weight loss. The most effective cardio training is anaerobes, interval, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and last but not least, strength or strength-endurance training. I recommend a combination of these types of loads in combination with proper nutrition and regeneration.

It is true that carbohydrates (glycogen) are a ready and quality source of energy.

The figure shows the energy coverage in relation to the load intensity. Be careful, it should not be forgotten that it is an energy component only directly during physical activity. This graph does not show additional energy coverage during regeneration.

A few things are forgotten here. One of them are the adaptive mechanisms of the organism. With regularly recurring aerobic exercise, the body adapts quickly. The body's goal is to save energy and reduce oxygen consumption. This is due to the body's defenses to withstand these conditions for as long as possible. The weight loss effect disappears very quickly and the results do not appear.

Burn fat even after training in the regeneration phase

Another very important factor enters the classic (aerobic) cardio training in order to lose weight. It is the level of homeostasis and the time of regeneration.

Homeostasis is the equilibrium state of the organism. The role of homeostatic regulatory mechanisms is to restore the normal state of the internal environment after its disruption (excess muscle heat, lactic acid…). The disturbance is caused by the influence of various stress stimuli. Most stresses in everyday life (cold, heat, lack of oxygen, low glucose, changes in pH, psyche) are weak and the body can quickly restore homeostasis.

One of the important stress stimuli is the training load. When training is low-intensity (aerobic cardio training) the process of homeostasis is very fast and effective through the nervous and hormonal systems. The disadvantage is that after such cardio training, the body recovers very quickly and there is no further expenditure of energy.


spalovanie_tukov_kardio_trening_bestbodyThe picture shows the energy expenditure from the fat reserves of a 70 kg man. During a low intensity load (run 8 km / h, 120 min.) A fat output of 800 kcal (100 g fat) was recorded, which is much more than in the case of a high intensity load (run 16 km / h, 60 min), where it was recorded loss of fat reserves only 160 kcal (12 g of fat). It should not be forgotten that this is an expenditure of energy only during physical activity. However, the advantage of high-intensity loading is that even during recovery, energy is still released from fat stores. Finally, at the end of the regeneration, the same loss of energy from fat stores (52 g) was recorded.

However, with high-intensity (anaerobic, strength-endurance exercise, HIIT) training, homeostasis is much more disturbed and the body has to deal with it more difficult and in the long run. Therefore, the overall regeneration process is also energy intensive. And since regeneration is not demanding on intensity, a lower-quality source of energy, fat, is enough. In layman's terms, if the regeneration process takes place within 2 days of high-intensity training, it can be said that you are constantly burning more fat for two days.

In the case of strengthening the muscles through interval training or strength training, there are other physiological benefits such as burning fat and losing weight faster and more efficiently.

Don't forget about nutrition, which helps the effectiveness of cardio training and weight loss

To support and accelerate regeneration and for the formation of active muscle mass, it is important to receive a sufficient amount of necessary nutrients such as: proteins, minerals, amino acids, BCAAs, vitamins, antioxidants and the like. In most cases, the intake of these nutrients from the normal diet is insufficient. As a rule, the higher the physical demands you make on the body, the higher the demands on nutrients. Due to the lack of nutrients, training can be ineffective, the body does not have time to completely regenerate, gets into mental discomfort, is more prone to disease, overtraining and subsequently there is a breakdown of muscle mass. We recommend supplementing with nutrients in the form of nutritional supplements.


During intense training, muscle mass can be lost in order to gain energy. BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, valine) and glutamine are the only amino acids that in this case become a protein source of energy and thus a "muscle protector". Their supplementation before and after training is due to the fact that the body does not have to draw this protein source from muscle mass.


With a protein drink, you will ensure a sufficient supply of protein during high-intensity workouts. The principle of such trainings is also damage to muscle cells. For fast and high-quality muscle mass recovery, we recommend choosing high-quality protein drinks with a minimum sugar content.


Try a fat burner that works by increasing thermoregulation. Your body will produce more heat, thus ensuring a higher expenditure of energy from fat stores. Due to the large number of different burners and the difficult orientation between the active ingredients, we recommend these high-quality and proven.

štvrtok 24. decembra 2020



It sounds quite logical after all. If you want to lose weight from the abdomen, you need to exercise the abdomen. And as the endless number of articles with guaranteed tips for a flat stomach in 7 days advises, the coveted "six-pack" in the world will soon be. Or is it all a bit more complicated and even hundreds of dump trucks a day don't have to help you with weight loss at all? Let's see what is and is not in the power of seats and tippers.

Achieving at least partially visible muscles in the abdomen is the dream of many athletes and fans of a healthy lifestyle. Who knows why even a belly belly and a very low percentage of body fat is considered a symbol of success and health, but the opposite may be true. As a result, people embark on a variety of challenges, extreme diets, detoxes and training plans, from which they promise guaranteed results, or even higher self-confidence or happiness in life. However, in many cases, this does not represent a momentary peep of the abdominal muscles. Everyone should want to be the best and happiest version of themselves, but you also need to think about what this means specifically for you, and then try to achieve your boldest dreams.

How to lose weight from the abdomen, and what percentage of body fat is normal?

Getting rid of excess fat anywhere on the body is a huge benefit to health, but also self-confidence and self-satisfaction. Excess intra-abdominal (visceral) or subcutaneous fat is associated with an increased risk of developing insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes or heart disease.

Visceral or intra-abdominal fat is located in the abdominal cavity around the internal organs. Its excess is associated with a number of diseases, such as type 2 diabetes or heart disease.

Subcutaneous fat is located in the subcutaneous tissue between the skin and the muscles, and anyone can easily feel it in the form of skin algae. Within normal limits, it is not associated with a greater risk of developing a number of diseases of civilization, and is thus an aesthetic rather than a health scarecrow.

What percentage of body fat is considered normal?

For a healthy young man, the normal amount of body fat is up to about 20% of body fat, but we are already talking about beginning to be overweight.

For a healthy young woman, the normal amount of body fat is about 30% of body fat, but again we start talking about beginning overweight.

Ako schudnúť z brucha a aké percentu telesného tuku je normálne?

Why don't you lose weight from your stomach with hundreds of dump trucks and seats a day?

What happens to muscles when you load them with strength training with your own weight, barbell or axle? Right, stronger and growing. The same thing basically happens when you exercise your abdomen in the form of dump trucks or seats. Does this mean that you strengthen your abdomen by strengthening your abdominal muscles? Unfortunately not, but fortunately we all have abdominal muscles, only someone can hide more under a larger layer of body fat. On the other hand, exercising dump trucks increases the strength of the abdominal muscles and probably their volume.

It would be nice if we could say that we will exercise the abdomen or legs, and we will lose fat on the abdomen or legs. But our bodies don't work that way…

When you strengthen the abdomen, you strengthen the abdomen…

At the University of Illinois, scientists have been trying to answer the same question we are asking today. A total of 24 volunteers (14 men and 10 women between the ages of 18 and 40) were randomly divided into two groups. The research group was given the task of exercising 7 abdominal exercises five times a week for 6 weeks and 10 repetitions during 6 weeks. The control group enjoyed peace and quiet, while both groups followed a zone diet, ie a diet with the same energy content as before the intervention.

And what was the result of the study? In the research group, the strength of the abdominal muscles and muscular endurance increased, while there was no loss of total body fat or fat stored in the subcutaneous tissue on the abdomen compared to the group that did virtually nothing. And it must be quite annoying when you strengthen your belly every day in order to reduce it and still nothing. It takes a more comprehensive approach, which we will talk about in a moment.

Further research tested a 27-week training program consisting of a progressive model of sitting exercises, in which 13 men trained a total of 5,004. What did the researchers find out? Body weight and% body fat did not change, and even the size of fat cells on the abdomen remained the same, similar to the size of skin algae on the abdomen (amount of subcutaneous fat).

And the last study in this study looked at 40 overweight or obese women and the impact of a 12-week intervention, in which participants were divided into two groups, the first group following dietary measures and exercising abdominal exercises, and the second group following only dietary measures. Both groups lost weight, but the difference between the groups was negligible. And what's more? Again, the researchers found no difference between the groups in terms of loss of body fat in the abdomen.

Z akej časti tela pri chudnutí mizne tuk ako prvej?

From which part of the body does fat disappear first when losing weight?

Just as you do not affect where your fat is preferentially stored, you do not affect where your body first breaks it down. In the first place, someone stores fat on the abdomen, which is associated mainly with lower testosterone levels and, conversely, increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol. As a rule, women are generally more inclined to store fat stores in the thighs and buttocks, for which they may be "grateful" to the female sex hormone estrogen, which is associated with this fact.

Hormones, genetics and the overall lifestyle interfere with the complexity of this issue. Someone is lucky that perhaps he won the genetic-hormonal lottery and the fat is stored evenly throughout his body and is evenly broken down from the whole body.

Therefore, it does not make sense to try to lose weight locally from one particular place on the body, because it is simply not possible. Personally, I really like comparing local weight loss with pool and bucket of water: "Trying to lose weight locally to a particular body part by exercising it more often (such as the abdomen) is like using a bucket to drain water from just one corner of a pool."

What needs to be done for successful abdominal weight loss?

Now that we know for sure that there is no miracle spell for getting rid of unwanted fat in a particular area, let's take a look at the good old and years-old spells that really work, just aren't perceived by such a "sexy" look.

Caloric deficit is key to successful weight loss. Eating approaches and diets are basically just tools to achieve a caloric deficit. Set a caloric deficit of 10-20%, which is sustainable in the long run and will help you run the long haul. If you don't know how to do this, we will explain it in the article How to calculate your energy and macronutrient intake for weight loss or muscle gain?

The overall healing of the diet will bring you more vegetables, fruits, quality proteins, fats, carbohydrates and enough fiber at the expense of low-quality and highly industrially processed foods, such as various sweets, savory delicacies and fast food. By giving up alcohol, or at least reducing its consumption, you will save a few hundred more calories and prevent a morning headache. As a result, you will probably spontaneously reduce your energy intake and start losing weight without it hurting.

Sufficient protein is key to optimal immune system function, regeneration and growth of muscle mass, a greater feeling of satiety after a meal, and protein can even help get under control of unrelenting taste not only for sweets. Following strength training and weight loss, stick to a protein intake of about 1.6-2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Remember that increasing training volume and a higher caloric deficit also means a greater need for protein. A quality whey or vegetable vegan protein can also help with their sufficient intake.

Comprehensive strength training is an ideal helper when changing the figure. Thanks to it, the muscles are strengthened, strengthened and grown, which helps to build an attractive figure, led by the developed abdominal muscles. Include quality strength training about three times a week and be patient and persistent. In case you are not sure about setting up a training plan, read our article What to eat and how to exercise to finally gain muscle?

Endurance sports are an ideal means of burning excess fat reserves. You don't have to become a lover of cycling or running right away, just try every aerobic sport you enjoy every day. Take a longer walk, go rollerblading, cross-country skiing or go swimming. Such an average 65-kilogram woman burns about 540 kcal in an hour's run at a speed of 8 km / h and an 80-kilogram man burns about 660 kcal.

As much exercise as possible during the day also means more energy burned, which can be reflected in more effective weight loss. Try walking as often as possible, run up the stairs instead of elevators and escalators, and you may start to see home cleaning as a kind of circular training.

Any movement you enjoy counts. Exercise costs the body the energy it must draw somewhere. And the difference between watching TV for an hour and playing sports for an hour in augmented reality games using a game console can be as many as a hundred calories. If you are interested in how to stay active at home, read our article 5 tips, thanks to which you will stay active, motivated and you will not stop exercising even at home.

Daily 7-9 hours of sleep is key to maintaining optimal levels of testosterone, the hormones of hunger and satiety (leptin & ghrelin), maintaining cognitive functions and, last but not least, the fighting immune system. If you are more interested in sleep, read our article How to improve sleep and how it affects health and muscle growth?

Less life stress will bring you more peace of mind, a more resilient immune system and a more balanced hormonal system thanks to a reduction in the levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is associated with a higher rate of fat storage in the abdomen. In addition to breathing exercises and meditation, hardening can also help reduce chronic stress.

Can you do something about promoting fat burning from the abdomen?

One study examined whether the deposition of adipose tissue was related to the energy coverage of movement. The researchers compared the changes in the subcutaneous fat adjacent to the working muscle. Regardless of exercise intensity, higher blood flow and lipolysis ("fat breakdown") were observed in the subcutaneous fat adjacent to the working muscle. But does it have any real impact on everyday life? Unfortunately, no. The increased effect of lipolysis was really small and in relation to the overall lifestyle and all the factors that interfere with weight loss, quite negligible.

Some work even suggests a slightly positive impact of strength training and subsequent cardio on the required weight loss within the local area. Simply put, if you put more strain on your upper body during strength training and then go to cardio, you will probably draw a little more energy from the fat stores stored in the upper half of the body. Again, however, this effect is subordinate to all the conditions for successful weight loss and it is rather a potential "biohack" method, the effect of which on local weight loss has not yet been sufficiently confirmed. On the other hand, if you put a few exercises on your stomach during the workout and then go for 30-minute cardio, you won't do anything wrong, on the contrary, you can only get it.

Weight loss is always the ratio of energy burned vs. received energy. Quality fat burners contain thermogenic substances that stimulate the body to increase heat production, which costs energy. At the same time, in their composition we find substances that have a positive effect on enthusiasm, concentration and concentration. Thanks to this, you can handle a higher volume of work during training, which can be reflected in a larger number of calories burned, and thus contribute another part to the mosaic of weight loss.

What do you get out of it?

Unfortunately, there is no exercise that can conjure an outlined "six-pack" on the abdomen or conjure up unwanted fat. But what the tippers and seats can help with is the strengthening and enlarging of the muscles, especially the straight abdominal muscle, which is formed by the famous bricks on the abdomen.

The visibility of the abdominal muscles is not a matter of their strength or volume, although of course it has a bit to do with it, but it is the amount of subcutaneous fat. This is the main "culprit" of the fact that your abdominal muscles are not visible. When you build on a sensible training plan and diet, you will look for exercise whenever possible, and make your sleep a priority, you are well on your way to successful fat loss not only on your abdomen, but all over your body.

According to current scientific findings, you can slightly increase fat loss as a source of energy in the desired area during subsequent cardio activities thanks to strength training. In training, it is enough to include a few meaningful and sufficiently demanding exercises on the abdomen, and then go for a run on the belt. However, it is still just a drop in the ocean of an overall approach to weight loss, not a revolutionary method.

But the question is, do the bricks on your stomach bring you a greater sense of well-being or happiness? But it's up to each of you.

utorok 22. decembra 2020

4 nutritional supplements to maintain muscle mass during weight loss | Steroids4U.eu

 4 nutritional supplements to maintain muscle mass during weight loss

If you want to maintain your hard-earned muscles while shedding fat, the following nutritional supplements will help. The most important fact is the slow and stable drawing. Drawing too fast can reduce your hard-built muscles - proper nutrition is essential. But if you feel that you need some extra source of nutrition, consider taking some supplements that can help you and support fat burning, while maintaining muscle mass.

For many people, losing weight or drawing is much harder than gaining it - you have to count calories, give up sweets and stay motivated. But you can't give up - it's all about the psyche. The drawing phase results in a significant decrease in calories in daily energy intake. Most often, meals are taken every two to three hours in smaller portions.


61% of skeletal muscle contains an amino acid called glutamine. After strenuous exercise, its levels drop significantly. This amino acid is very important for maintaining muscle mass and for promoting protein synthesis in muscles. When it comes to fat loss, glutamine can balance fat storage, making it a beneficial weight loss supplement. Let us also not forget that as we age, human growth hormone levels begin to decline. Glutamine increases the body's ability to secrete a source of the hormone of youth; Human growth hormone helps burn fat and build muscle.

One of the highest quality glutamines is produced by the renowned English company Reflex Nutrition, which guarantees: innovative technologies, the highest rating of raw materials used, made from 100% green energy, made from 100% renewable sources in recycled packaging, manufactured in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 17025, independent testing for the absence of doping substances, absolute purity of the product and health safety.


As a precursor to nitric oxide (NO), arginine can contribute to increased blood circulation during intense training. It works by dilating the blood vessels during exercise, so more oxygen and nutrients get into your muscles. In addition to improving blood circulation and contributing to muscle growth, arginine is also a quality fat burner. As mentioned above, that glutamine serves to prevent fat storage, arginine then uses the released fat as fuel (lipolysis). You can achieve this effect only with quality arginine from trusted brands. We recommend Arginine Xplode from the Weider brand.


Carnitine is another valuable amino acid that can support the drawing phase. It works by moving triglycerides (TG) into the mitochondria of your cells. Once the TG enters the cell, it decomposes into energy. With carnitine, you prevent fat from storing in your body and at the same time increase your aerobic calorie burning threshold. There is a patented pure and effective form of l-carnitine under the well-known name CARNIPURE®. However, not every manufacturer offers this effective form. The Czech company Nutrend offers this substance in its product Carnitine 100,000 in liquid form or Carnitine Compressed in tablet form.


It has similar functions to L-carnitine, coenzyme Q-10 increases metabolism and supplies the body with energy. Coenzyme Q-10 increases the rate at which food is used as fuel; it helps stabilize the amount of fat in the blood. This antioxidant also helps support the basic functions of cells in the body. We recommend this strong antioxidant from the trusted English company Reflex called Coenzyme Q10. Alpha-lipoic acid can also increase the body's ability to convert food into energy.

By reducing your daily intake by 300 calories, it is necessary to get proper nutrition into your body. Your goal is to lose weight effectively while maintaining muscle mass. Incorporating these nutritional supplements along with a multivitamin will help you achieve the results you wanted so much.

nedeľa 20. decembra 2020

9 ways to burn fat and lose weight | Steroids4U.eu

 9 ways to burn fat and lose weight

Use these 9 tips to burn fat and watch your body fat melt like butter. The human body is a remarkably adaptable machine. Even though over the years your body has gradually gained a gram of grams of fat, you can get rid of it much faster than you gained it. Time is on your side! Take these 9 easy-to-apply heart tips and progress will come very quickly!

1. Do not monitor body weight, but the proportion of muscle mass and fat

The fact that you can gain muscle mass with suitable training and burn fat at the same time is one of the reasons why I advise people not to monitor weight. The composition of the body and how you look in the mirror matter more than what the weight shows. You can train hard and eat properly and gain 2 pounds of muscle and burn 2 pounds of fat, and what does the weight say? That you still weigh the same. Frustrating isn't it? But realize it's the progress you want! Use the weight as a guide, but how you look in the mirror or how much muscle mass you are in fat are better indicators of progress.


With less progression, such as an increase in muscle mass of, for example, 3-4 kg or a decrease in body fat of 3-4%, it is difficult to see visible results in the mirror or in photos. There may be a problem here that you do not know if your training and diet were effective and efficient enough. At the same time, you do not know whether you should continue or switch to another training or diet. If you want to avoid uncertainty and subjective self-observation, this is a great option. Detailed measurement of body composition by the bioimpedance method on the Inbody 770. This top-of-the-line 770 provides results that are much more accurate and sensitive than any other device. InBody 770 offers measurement not as a whole, but in individual parts (left hand, right hand, torso, left foot, right foot) which gives a person a perfect overview of the composition of his body (amount of body fat, muscle mass, water, viscellar fat…) .

2. Reduce your calories gradually and lose weight

If you're trying to burn fat, don't make huge cuts to your calories. This will put your body into starvation mode, lower your metabolism and make burning calories even harder for you and can lead to a yo-yo effect.

To prevent this metabolic slowdown and allow your body to lose weight at the optimal rate, make minor caloric reductions, but not below your basal metabolic rate, to cover the body's basic vital functions.

3. Change your caloric intake and hormones will help you lose weight

This is another way to deceive your body and continue to burn fat without reducing your metabolism.

By changing your caloric intake once a week, instead of eating exactly the same amount of calories each day, you can help and continue burning fat.

Although food is now available and plentiful, our bodies are designed to store as much energy as possible to prepare for emergencies. One of the ways the body does this is by adjusting its metabolic rate of calorie intake. If you stick to the same calories every day, your body will adjust by reducing your metabolic rate to prevent you from burning too much body fat. It's all about hormones.

When leptin levels are high, your metabolic rate remains high, when leptin levels decrease, so does your metabolism.

When calories are low and steady, leptin levels fall, and with it the rate of metabolism. Consuming higher calories on one day and lower calories on other days helps keep leptin levels high.

To make this weight loss strategy more effective, it can also be combined with a thermogenic fat burner. You can read more about fat burners in the articles: Which fat burner is the best? or Efficient fat burner.

4. Strength training and weight loss

Resistance training helps with fat loss in many ways. Training with weights burns calories by itself. Studies have also shown that weight training, unlike aerobics, increases the calories you burn in your room for the next 39 hours after your workout. Plus, the more muscle your body has, the more calories you burn each day. Although your goal is solely to burn body fat, you need to train with weights to replace the weight you burn with muscle.

If this did not happen, your metabolism would slow down, which would make your effort to burn fat more difficult and you would become a lean person with fat. Yes, even someone with anorexia can have a high percentage of body fat. You can learn more about gaining muscle mass in our article: Top 3 supplements for gaining muscle mass or How to gain muscle mass.

5. Robte HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

This means alternating short intervals of exercises with high intensity, with short rest periods. You will get better results in less time. With high-intensity (anaerobic, strength-endurance exercise, HIIT) training, homeostasis is much more disturbed than with low-intensity (aerobic cardio training) and the body has to deal with it more difficult and for a longer period of time. Therefore, the overall regeneration process is also energy intensive. And since regeneration is not demanding on intensity, a lower-quality source of energy, fat, is enough. In layman's terms, if the regeneration process takes place within 2 days of high-intensity training, it can be said that you are constantly burning more fat for two days.

One of my favorite exercises is skipping. You may need a little practice. After a short warm-up, I jump on the skipping rope as fast as I can for 10-20 seconds, followed by half a minute of jumping at a slower pace. By the way, always warm up before the intervals and prepare the organism for the load. If you are not in the best condition, start with low or medium intensity cardio. You can also consult your coach.

6. Eat more fat and burn fat

Eating enough good fat will help you burn fat, build muscle and regenerate faster after training. Healthy fats also have a myriad of health benefits, including being good for your heart. So which fats are "good" fats? Those polyunsaturated (mainly omega-3), such as those from fish and nuts, and monounsaturated, such as those from peanut butter, olive oil, linseed oil, egg yolk and fish oil.

Do you know conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)? It is a naturally occurring group of healthy omega-6 fatty acids. Numerous studies confirm that CLA promotes fat loss while enhancing muscle growth and strength. The main way it works is to suppress the enzyme lipoprotein lipase (LPL). LPL allows fat cells to collect fat from the bloodstream and store it as body fat. By suppressing LPL, CLA prevents the body from storing fat and instead encourages it to burn.

7. Limit carbohydrates

The focus on low-carb diets has divided many people into camps "behind" and "anti" low-carb diets. On either side, the main thing is that reducing your carbohydrate intake - especially sugars and starch - will help you burn fat.

The carbohydrates you consume should come from sources such as oatmeal and vegetables.

The timing of your carbohydrate intake also affects fat burning. I recommend cutting out carbs by three in the afternoon. Consume most carbohydrates in the morning and during training.

8. Increase your protein intake and lose weight

Increasing your protein intake will increase your metabolism and help you maintain your muscle mass, all of which helps to burn fat. In fact, your body burns more fat when you eat protein than when you digest fats or carbohydrates, because protein has a higher thermal effect of digestion. The thermal effect of digestion is the amount of energy that the body consumes to process ingested food. Fats have the lowest values ​​of about 1 to 3%, carbohydrates 4 to 10% and the highest values ​​have proteins about 15 to 30%. So, when we take 1 scoop of protein, which is about 22 g of protein, the caloric value of protein is 88 kcal, but in reality we take about 62 kcal. This means that you burn 26 kcal to digest protein.

This may explain why a study published in the American Journal of Physiology confirmed the effects of fat burning when consuming higher amounts of protein. One group consumed a high-protein diet (over 1 gram per approximately half a pound of body weight per day), while the other group consumed an amount closer to the lower ODD recommendations (recommended daily allowance). The group that ate a higher protein diet burned the most fat.

Yes, you read that right, a lot of people on a diet have actually gained muscle mass without exercise, simply by consuming a high-protein diet. You can read more about protein in our next articles: on these links: How to use protein safely and Best versus worst whey protein

9. Eat 5-6 smaller meals a day, not 2-3 huge ones

This will reassure you that you will supply your body with the nutrients it needs to build muscle and burn fat.

Bonus: the rate of your metabolism at rest will increase. It also prevents your body from entering starvation mode, which can happen when too much time passes between meals.

Don't be the type of person who complains about your situation, but never does anything to improve it. Use this knowledge and start acting! We believe that these types will help you achieve your dream goals and that you will feel healthier and fit.

štvrtok 17. decembra 2020

How protein helps you lose weight naturally | Steroids4U.eu

 How protein helps you lose weight naturally

Protein is the most important nutrient when it comes to weight loss and a better looking body. Intake of high amounts of protein starts metabolism, reduces appetite and alters a few hormones that regulate body weight.

Protein can help you lose weight and belly fat, and it works through several different mechanisms. This is a detailed review of the effects of protein on weight loss.


Your weight is actively regulated by your brain, especially the part called the hypothalamus. In order for your brain to determine when and how much to eat, it processes several different types of information. Some of the most important brain signals are hormones that alter the response to feeding.

Higher protein intake actually increases satiety hormone levels (reduces appetite) like GLP-1, peptide YY, and cholecystokinin, while lowering your hunger hormone levels ghrelin.

By replacing carbohydrates and fats with proteins, you will reduce the hormone of hunger and increase several hormones of satiety. This leads to a significant reduction in hunger and is the main reason why protein helps you lose weight. It will help you to eat fewer calories automatically.

Summary: Proteins lower the levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin, while increasing the appetite-reducing hormones GLP-1, peptide YY and cholecystokinin. This leads to an automatic reduction in calorie intake.

Protein digestion and metabolism burn calories

When you eat, some calories are used to digest and metabolize food. This is often referred to as the thermal effect of food (TEF). Although not all sources agree on the same numbers, it is clear that proteins have a much higher thermal effect (20-30%) compared to carbohydrates (5-10%) and fats (0-3%).

If the thermal effect of protein is 30%, it means that out of 100 calories of protein, only 70 calories are usable.

Summary: About 20-30% of calorie protein is burned while the body digests and metabolizes protein.


Due to the high thermal effect and several other factors, high protein intake results in increased metabolism. This causes you to burn more calories 24 hours a day, including during sleep.

High protein intake has been shown to increase metabolism as well as calories burned by approximately 80 to 100 per day. This effect is especially noticeable during overeating or during eating caloric excess. In one study, overeating a protein-rich diet increased burning by 260 per day.

By causing you to burn more calories in your body, a high-protein diet has a metabolic advantage over a lower-protein diet.

Summary: High protein intake can cause 80-100 calories to burn more per day, with one study showing an increase of up to 260 calories during overeating.

Protein lowers appetite and causes you to eat fewer calories

Proteins can reduce hunger and appetite through a few different mechanisms. This can lead to an automatic reduction in caloric intake. In other words, you end up eating fewer calories without having to count them or consciously control portions.

Several studies have shown that when people increase their protein intake, they start consuming fewer calories.

In one study, proteins with 30% calories automatically reduced their caloric intake by 441 calories per day, which is a huge amount.

So a high-protein diet has not only a metabolic benefit, but also an "appetite advantage" that allows you to reduce calories more easily, compared to a low-protein diet.

Summary: A diet high in protein is very satisfying, so it leads to a reduction in hunger and appetite, compared to a diet high in protein. So it will be easier for you to limit calories.

Proteins reduce "carnivores" and reduce cravings late at night

"Carnivores" are the worst enemy of those who try to eat healthily. They are one of the biggest reasons why people tend to fail their diets. Another big problem is late night eating. Many people who tend to gain weight have "carnivores" at night, so they have a lead until the evening. These calories are added to all the calories you eat during the day.

Interestingly, protein can have a strong effect on both, carnivores and cravings at night.

This graph is from a study comparing a high-protein diet with a normal-protein diet in an overweight man:

The group with high protein intake is shown in blue and the group with normal protein intake is shown in red.

In this study, protein with 25% calories helped reduce cravings by half by 60% and after a late night meal by half!

Breakfast is probably the most important meal you can eat with protein. One study found that high-protein breakfasts significantly reduced the so-called "Carnivores" in adolescent girls.

Summary: Consuming more protein can lead to a significant reduction in cravings for food and nighttime meals. These changes should make it easier for you to follow your healthy diet.

Proteins will help you lose weight without knowingly reducing calories

Protein works according to the equation "calorie expenditure versus calorie intake". They reduce calorie intake and increase their expenditure. For this reason, it is not surprising that a diet high in protein leads to weight loss, even without knowingly limiting calories, portions, fats, or carbohydrates.

In one study of 19 individuals, an increase in protein intake to 30% of calories caused a massive decrease in calorie intake.

In this study, participants lost an average of 5 kg over a period of 12 weeks. Remember that they only added protein to their diet, they did not intentionally limit anything.

Although the results are not always so dramatic, most studies show that a diet high in protein leads to significant weight loss.

Higher protein intake is also associated with lower belly fat, harmful fat that accumulates around organs and causes disease. Weight loss is not the most important factor, but it is the long-term adherence that counts. Many people can be "on a diet" and lose weight, but most end up gaining weight.

Interestingly, higher protein intake can also help prevent weight gain. In one study, a slight increase in protein intake (from 15 to 18% of calories) caused a 50% reduction in recovery after weight loss.

Summary: Eating a high-protein diet can cause weight loss, even without counting calories, controlling portions, or reducing carbohydrates. A slight increase in protein intake is also a prevention against weight gain.

Proteins help prevent muscle loss and slow down metabolism

Weight loss does not always mean fat loss. When you lose weight, muscle mass is reduced as well. However, what you really want to lose weight is body fat, subcutaneous fat (under the skin) as well as body fat (around the organs).

Loss of muscle mass is a side effect of weight loss that most people do not want.

Another side effect of weight loss is that the metabolic rate tends to decrease.

In other words, you end up burning fewer calories than before you lost weight. This phenomenon is often called the "starvation mode" and can cause several hundred fewer calories burned each day.

Consuming a lot of protein can reduce muscle loss, which should help maintain a higher metabolic rate when burning body fat.

Strength training is another important factor that can reduce muscle loss and slow down metabolism during weight loss. For this reason, high protein intake and heavy strength training are two wonderful components of an effective weight loss plan.

Not only do they help keep your metabolism fast, they also ensure that what's under fat actually looks good. Without protein and strength training, you can end up looking "poor but fat" instead of fit and clean.

Summary: Consuming large amounts of protein acts to prevent muscle loss during weight loss. It also helps keep your metabolic rate high, especially in conjunction with heavy strength training.

How much protein is the optimal amount?

The recommended daily intake for protein is only 46 and 56 grams for the average woman and man, respectively. This amount may be sufficient to prevent deficiency, but it is far from optimal if you are trying to lose weight (or gain muscle). Most studies on protein and weight loss expressed protein intake as a percentage of calories. Based on these studies, targeting proteins like 30% of calories seems to be very effective for weight loss.

You can find this number of grams by multiplying your calorie intake by 0.075. For example, if you have a diet with 2000 calories, you would eat 2000 x 0.075 = 150 grams of protein.

You can also target a specific number based on your weight. For example, 0.7-1 grams of protein per pound of net mass is a common recommendation (1.5-2.2 grams per kilogram).

It is best to divide your protein intake during the day so that you eat protein with each meal. Keep in mind that these numbers may not be accurate, anything between 25-35% of calories should be effective.

Summary: In order to lose weight, focusing on 25-35% of calorie protein is optimal. 30% calories means 150 grams of protein in a diet with 2000 calories.

How to get more protein into your diet

Increasing your protein intake is easy. Simply eat more protein-rich foods.

And these are:

Meat: chicken, turkey, pure beef, pork, etc.

Fish: salmon, sardines, cod, trout, etc.

Eggs: all species

Dairy products: milk, cheese, yoghurts, etc.

Legumes: beans, chickpeas, lentils, etc.

If you have a low carbohydrate diet, choose fatter meats. If you are not on a low carb diet, try to incorporate as much clean meat as possible. This will make it easier for you to keep your protein high without taking in too many calories.

Taking protein supplements is also a good idea if you have trouble getting the amount of protein you need. Whey protein powder has been shown to have a number of benefits, including increased weight loss.

Although it may seem simple to you at the thought of eating more protein, it can actually be difficult to incorporate into your life and nutrition plan. I recommend that you use a calorie / nutrient counter at the beginning. Weigh and measure everything you eat to make sure you are achieving your protein goals.

You don't have to do this forever, but in the beginning, until you find out what a high-protein diet looks like, it's very important.

Summary: There are many high protein foods that you can eat to increase your protein intake. In the beginning, it is recommended to use a calorie / nutrient counter to make sure you are getting enough.

Protein is the easiest and tastiest way to lose weight

When it comes to fat loss and a better looking body, protein is the king of nutrients. You don't need to limit anything to benefit from higher protein intake. It's just about adding them to your diet. This is especially appealing mainly because most protein-rich foods taste really good. Eating many of them is simple and satisfying.

A protein-rich diet can also be an effective strategy for preventing obesity, it's not just something you're taking temporarily to get rid of fat. By permanently increasing your protein intake, you balance the calories spent and received in your favor. Over the course of months, years or decades, the change in your belt can be huge. However, keep in mind that calories still count. Protein can reduce hunger and increase metabolism, but you will not lose weight if you do not eat fewer calories than you burn. It is certainly possible to overcome and negate the calorie deficit caused by high protein intake, especially if you eat a lot of junk food. For this reason, you should base your diet mainly on meals with one ingredient. Although this article focuses only on weight loss, proteins also have many other benefits for our health.


By default, the purest and most usable protein is NATIVE WHEY and also CFM whey isolate.

utorok 15. decembra 2020

Can ketone supplements burn fat? | Steroids4U.eu

 Can ketone supplements burn fat?

When someone takes ketone supplements while consuming a normal diet, do they get the same benefits as when they are on a low-carbon diet or a ketogenic diet? The answer is probably not, although this answer also needs to be elaborated a bit.

The basic idea of ​​ketone supplementation and its effect on fat loss is this: When your body is consistently depleted of carbon, it produces ketones as a mechanism for using fats (and to a lesser extent amino acids from muscle) as fuel. These ketones can also be used as an alternative to glucose as a fuel to support your brain, muscles, heart and other organs. Once you have a high enough presence of ketones in the blood, usually about 0.5 to 3.0 mmol per deciliter of blood (can be measured using ketone strips for urine analysis) you will get into the so-called. nutritional ketosis. Your body is what produces these ketones. A ketone supplement increases the amount of ketones that your body produces itself. This means that when you take ketone supplements, you increase the level of ketones in your blood so much that you are technically in ketosis, then your body burns fat, but it burns it as if you got into ketosis without the help of supplements, just by eating .

Unfortunately, there is insufficient scientific evidence on this issue. The researchers recently gave a group of rats large doses of beta hydroxybutyrate (exogenous ketones) for four weeks. Unsurprisingly, the researchers concluded that consumption of oral ketones increases circulating ketones (ketonemia). When you consume a lot of fats, surely even free fatty acids will appear in the bloodstream. This indicator alone does not mean that you burn more liquefied fat. Similarly, researchers have not seen a decrease in glucose or insulin with an increase in ketones, nor a decrease in clinical markers that would define a ketogenic condition, a condition in which you actually use fat as your primary fuel source. Neither the body weights of rats given ketones nor the less food were changed.

Is ketone supplements worth it?

So how is it? Are ketones worth spending our money on? The human equivalent of the dose consumed by rats will be 39 grams of beta hydroxybutyrate or up to 77 grams per day for four weeks for people weighing 80 kilograms. Since ketone supplements are relatively more expensive, you definitely want to be sure that they are well invested money. Unfortunately, I cannot unequivocally confirm this, as there are still few studies examining the effects of ketones on humans. I don't think that means you have to look at the ketones as a whole, maybe it just wants to change perspective. In particular, I recommend taking ketones not as an alternative to carbohydrates or proteins, but rather as an alternative calorie fuel. In human experience, it can be confirmed that short-term use of ketones can help reduce hunger and promote cognitive energy during periods of calorie restriction. Ketone supplements such as beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) salts or esters do not appear to stimulate the body to burn stored body fat and use it for fuel. And it also looks like raising blood levels of ketones with the use of ketone supplements is not the same as building up your own body to support your energy needs. However, this does not mean that ketone supplements may not be useful in combating the deficiencies that accompany intensive diets.

nedeľa 13. decembra 2020

4 important nutritional principles for fat loss | Steroids4U.eu

 4 important nutritional principles for fat loss

The exercise plan and fat reduction need to be synchronized a bit to make it easier to reach your goal. Here are four eating strategies to help you succeed.

Before you start planning your workouts, make sure that you really need the calories and macronutrients you receive daily. If you want to find out how many calories you can take per day and lose weight at the same time, you can use the nutritional calculators that you can find on the Internet. Statistics and activity rates are recorded in the calculator. Keep in mind that the daily amount of calories is just an estimate. To get any results, you need to monitor your food intake every day and check your morning weight several times a week. Your goal to lose weight should be 0.5-1.0 percent of your body weight per week. For example, 0.5 - 1 kilogram per week with a body weight of 85 kilograms. If you lose weight more slowly, reduce your total calorie intake by 10-15 percent. If you lose weight too quickly, you risk losing muscle, you should increase your calorie intake by 0.5-1.0 percent of your body weight per week.

Principle no. 1 - Eat more protein!

Protein offers benefits that help you maximize your body changes. First, it plays an important role in muscle growth and regeneration. If you consume enough protein, you can optimize muscle maintenance even with limited calorie intake. Second, protein can reduce appetite because it takes longer to digest, so the food stays longer in the stomach. Plus, the protein triggers the release of several saturation hormones, including cholecystokinin to suppress appetite. The more protein you take, the more cholecystokinin is released and the less hunger you will feel. But how much protein do you really need to eat? One study found that athletes who are preparing for heavy exercise consume 1.1-1.4 grams per kilogram of body weight, for example, 204-259 grams of protein per day for an 85 kilogram person. You must also ensure that you receive protein evenly throughout the day to maximize muscle growth and maintenance. This is because you need a minimum level of leucine, an amino acid found in protein that fully activates muscle growth and regeneration at the cellular level. You should try to take 25-35 grams of protein per serving to reach the recommended dose of 2-3 grams of leucine per serving. Make sure your protein comes from quality complex proteins such as dairy products, beef, poultry, pork and soy. These complex proteins are rich in leucine and contain all nine amino acids necessary to maximize muscle growth and repair.

Principle no. 2 - Reduce fat content!

The amount of protein you consume should always be the same during your program. Your job is to adjust other macronutrients to create a calorie deficit. When you need to reduce calories, remove the fat first. You should not start by reducing carbohydrates as they are the primary fuel source of your brain and muscles. During exercise, your body relies on both hydrocarbons and fat as fuel. The higher the volume and intensity of your workout, the more your body relies on carbohydrates. Let's say you have to create a deficit of 300 calories. You can remove 33 grams of fat, which corresponds to two tablespoons of olive oil or 4 tablespoons of peanut butter. You can also omit 75 grams of carbohydrates, which corresponds to 2 cups of brown rice or 3.5 medium-sized apples. However, limiting these carbohydrates would probably have a greater effect on your satiety.

Principle no. 3 - Prefer carbs around exercise!

Consumption of carbohydrates during training brings a fast digested fuel supply, which protects muscle glycogen and reduces muscle breakdown. The food you consume within one hour after your workout should be full of carbohydrates to replenish the glycogen stores in your muscles and prepare your body well for the next workout. Eating carbohydrates after training also minimizes the rate of muscle breakdown and increases the recovery process. To maximize energy before, during and after training, break down your carbohydrate intake as follows: 30-40% before training, 5-15% during training as a supplement, 30-40% after training. If you follow this recipe, you will be able to train more intensively and at the same time do everything you need to maintain muscle maximum.

Principle no. 4 - Drink more fluids!

When you drink more fluids at once, the stomach dilates, triggering the receptors in your stomach to send satiety signals to your brain. Drink more fluids before, during and after a meal. By staying hydrated throughout the day, your body will not crave high-calorie foods and it will be easier for you to stick to your diet plan.

štvrtok 10. decembra 2020

15 tips to help you melt fat like butter | Steroids4U.eu

 15 tips to help you melt fat like butter

Have you ever tried to lose weight and found that over time, your progress slowed down or even stopped completely? In fact, there is often misinformation when it comes to diet. Skip fats? Bad.

Consumption of dairy products increases weight, right? Not necessary. The fewer calories we consume, the faster the fat is released? No way. A successful fat loss program is a combination of willpower, careful planning and a few good tricks. Here are 15 tricks that can help you run more fat loss.

1. Implement regular days of cheating or recurrence

One of the results of a diet, especially an intensive diet, is that your metabolic rate may slow down. This is because the body does not get the calories it needs to generate energy, so it adapts by burning fewer calories each day. Start adding regular cheating or repeating the same days to your diet to boost your metabolism a bit. Recurring days are when we intentionally eat too many carbohydrates, while cheating is days when we indulge in what we desire. Either way, the principle of both days is to make sure you consume more than your normal number of calories. When your body does not reach enough energy, it goes into storage mode by saving energy. By speeding up your metabolism, you can burn more fat and a break can help you maintain peace of mind.

2. Go for a stable cardio workout

Regular cardio will help you continue to burn calories in the long run. It can also increase your appetite, making it difficult to follow your diet plan. If you have more than five hours of steady cardio each week, this can affect your ability to lift, which is key to maintaining muscle mass in your diet. Don't think that when you spend 60 minutes on a cardio machine, you burn a ton of calories. Instead, focus on interval training, which increases the rate of metabolism a few hours after training to help maintain muscle tissue.

3. Increase the protein content of your diet plan

Adding lean protein to your meal helps ensure you don't lose muscle, which helps you maintain a higher metabolic rate. But the act of eating protein says more than its share of calories. I mean the process of digesting proteins. Protein has a higher heat effect, so your body burns more protein to use for energy than carbohydrates or fats. In addition, protein quenches hunger more than any other nutrient. When you try to burn fat, you consume at least 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight.

4. Don't be afraid of carbohydrates

Nowadays, low carb diets think that carbohydrates are the enemy. In fact, carbohydrates can help you maintain weight loss by maintaining normal levels of leptin in your body. Yes, people who start a very low carb diet may see rapid weight loss at first. These people tend to have a yo-yo effect more than those who consume carbohydrates. The trick is to choose healthy ones high in fiber and low in sugar and consume them at a time that is close to your workout so that they are easily available to give you energy. Make sure these good carbs are a central part of your diet plan.

5. Think carefully about removing dairy products

Nowadays, even people who are not allergic to dairy products often stop eating them when they are trying to lose weight. But research shows that people who include dairy products as part of their diet show a higher overall loss of fat in the abdomen. So dairy products definitely do. You can always choose low-fat and low-sugar products such as Greek yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese and low-fat hard cheeses.

6. Use fat burners

Many people use fat burners to give them a special advantage when they are on a diet. It's okay, just don't abuse them. Any type of fat burner-based stimulator will be stressful for your body and too much stress can lead to burnout, fatigue or illness. There are several types of fat burners without stimulants, such as Resveratrol: It promotes healthy blood glucose levels and recovery from exercise-induced inflammation. Carnitine: Affects fat transport in cells. Capsinoids: Support the body's ability to burn calories and fat. Independent burners are generally considered safe.

7. Sleep more

Speaking of sleep, the more, the better. You've probably heard of the need for 8 hours of sleep a night. People who do not get enough sleep at night may suffer from insulin resistance, suppressed testosterone levels and increased appetite, all of which undermine your fat reduction goals.

8. Get a partner for your program

It's just more fun and more motivating when you work on your goal with a friend. Whether someone is dieting with you, or attending a gym, or just watching your efforts, all is the support you need.

9. Take Omega-3 fatty acids

If you are taking a supplement in your weight loss program, be sure to get omega-3 fatty acids as well. There are no claims about this product that causes weight loss, but you will not be mistaken, on the contrary, they can be of benefit to you. Take omega-3 fatty acids all the time, regardless of your goals. They help improve insulin sensitivity, support the immune system, optimize metabolic rate, and reduce the risk of many medical conditions and illnesses. If you eat salmon often, take 3-6 capsules of omega-3 a day.

10. Squat

Often! Nothing can be compared to squats. Not only do squats work on the entire lower body but they also bring the upper half into action. People who squat will find that they burn calories faster every day of the week.

11. Fat loss is never linear

To stay healthy and motivated, always keep in mind that fat loss is never linear. Too many people are discouraged from losing less than a pound a week. Do not look at the weight, but at how you feel, whether you have looser clothes or a visible increase in muscle mass. If you answer yes to some of these questions, you can be sure that you are going in the right direction. If nothing happens for more than three weeks or you don't notice any changes in yourself or your weight, you should reduce your calorie intake.

12. Write your goals on paper

We all have moments of weakness when we want to give up. This is the right time to write down your goals. Setting achievable goals is key to weight loss. Goals will keep you on track, and seeing them written in a visible place will help you take responsibility for your actions. Start with a general goal, such as wanting to lose 13 pounds in five months. Then work to create small milestones along the way to help you reach your overall goal step by step.

13. Food preparation

Plan what you will eat in advance, and then try preparing meals during the week. If you don't, you may end up eating something you shouldn't eat.

14. Choose the right fats

Smart fats, including nuts, seeds, olive oil, coconut oil, avocados and oily fish varieties, will keep your heart healthy and support your body composition. Avoid produced fats and all fats found in processed foods. None of these fats support a lean body and often cause health risks. Consume any fats you choose in moderation. Some can be high in calories, so you'll miss your daily limit before you know it. But at the very least, you should strive to consume less than 0.3 grams of fat per kilogram of body weight when dieting. Most people can take more if they have free space for calories. Add 5-10 grams of fat to most meals during the day, except when you are training. It takes your body longer to digest fats, which can make you feel full.

15. Relax

When you are doing your fat loss program, you should not be too obsessed with the results and be careful to watch every inch or gram. You can be very frustrated and just give up. The more peaceful you are, the better you will feel, the more you will be confident, and the more you will positively influence your health. Quality results require a time investment and a good workforce!