nedeľa 20. decembra 2020

9 ways to burn fat and lose weight |

 9 ways to burn fat and lose weight

Use these 9 tips to burn fat and watch your body fat melt like butter. The human body is a remarkably adaptable machine. Even though over the years your body has gradually gained a gram of grams of fat, you can get rid of it much faster than you gained it. Time is on your side! Take these 9 easy-to-apply heart tips and progress will come very quickly!

1. Do not monitor body weight, but the proportion of muscle mass and fat

The fact that you can gain muscle mass with suitable training and burn fat at the same time is one of the reasons why I advise people not to monitor weight. The composition of the body and how you look in the mirror matter more than what the weight shows. You can train hard and eat properly and gain 2 pounds of muscle and burn 2 pounds of fat, and what does the weight say? That you still weigh the same. Frustrating isn't it? But realize it's the progress you want! Use the weight as a guide, but how you look in the mirror or how much muscle mass you are in fat are better indicators of progress.


With less progression, such as an increase in muscle mass of, for example, 3-4 kg or a decrease in body fat of 3-4%, it is difficult to see visible results in the mirror or in photos. There may be a problem here that you do not know if your training and diet were effective and efficient enough. At the same time, you do not know whether you should continue or switch to another training or diet. If you want to avoid uncertainty and subjective self-observation, this is a great option. Detailed measurement of body composition by the bioimpedance method on the Inbody 770. This top-of-the-line 770 provides results that are much more accurate and sensitive than any other device. InBody 770 offers measurement not as a whole, but in individual parts (left hand, right hand, torso, left foot, right foot) which gives a person a perfect overview of the composition of his body (amount of body fat, muscle mass, water, viscellar fat…) .

2. Reduce your calories gradually and lose weight

If you're trying to burn fat, don't make huge cuts to your calories. This will put your body into starvation mode, lower your metabolism and make burning calories even harder for you and can lead to a yo-yo effect.

To prevent this metabolic slowdown and allow your body to lose weight at the optimal rate, make minor caloric reductions, but not below your basal metabolic rate, to cover the body's basic vital functions.

3. Change your caloric intake and hormones will help you lose weight

This is another way to deceive your body and continue to burn fat without reducing your metabolism.

By changing your caloric intake once a week, instead of eating exactly the same amount of calories each day, you can help and continue burning fat.

Although food is now available and plentiful, our bodies are designed to store as much energy as possible to prepare for emergencies. One of the ways the body does this is by adjusting its metabolic rate of calorie intake. If you stick to the same calories every day, your body will adjust by reducing your metabolic rate to prevent you from burning too much body fat. It's all about hormones.

When leptin levels are high, your metabolic rate remains high, when leptin levels decrease, so does your metabolism.

When calories are low and steady, leptin levels fall, and with it the rate of metabolism. Consuming higher calories on one day and lower calories on other days helps keep leptin levels high.

To make this weight loss strategy more effective, it can also be combined with a thermogenic fat burner. You can read more about fat burners in the articles: Which fat burner is the best? or Efficient fat burner.

4. Strength training and weight loss

Resistance training helps with fat loss in many ways. Training with weights burns calories by itself. Studies have also shown that weight training, unlike aerobics, increases the calories you burn in your room for the next 39 hours after your workout. Plus, the more muscle your body has, the more calories you burn each day. Although your goal is solely to burn body fat, you need to train with weights to replace the weight you burn with muscle.

If this did not happen, your metabolism would slow down, which would make your effort to burn fat more difficult and you would become a lean person with fat. Yes, even someone with anorexia can have a high percentage of body fat. You can learn more about gaining muscle mass in our article: Top 3 supplements for gaining muscle mass or How to gain muscle mass.

5. Robte HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

This means alternating short intervals of exercises with high intensity, with short rest periods. You will get better results in less time. With high-intensity (anaerobic, strength-endurance exercise, HIIT) training, homeostasis is much more disturbed than with low-intensity (aerobic cardio training) and the body has to deal with it more difficult and for a longer period of time. Therefore, the overall regeneration process is also energy intensive. And since regeneration is not demanding on intensity, a lower-quality source of energy, fat, is enough. In layman's terms, if the regeneration process takes place within 2 days of high-intensity training, it can be said that you are constantly burning more fat for two days.

One of my favorite exercises is skipping. You may need a little practice. After a short warm-up, I jump on the skipping rope as fast as I can for 10-20 seconds, followed by half a minute of jumping at a slower pace. By the way, always warm up before the intervals and prepare the organism for the load. If you are not in the best condition, start with low or medium intensity cardio. You can also consult your coach.

6. Eat more fat and burn fat

Eating enough good fat will help you burn fat, build muscle and regenerate faster after training. Healthy fats also have a myriad of health benefits, including being good for your heart. So which fats are "good" fats? Those polyunsaturated (mainly omega-3), such as those from fish and nuts, and monounsaturated, such as those from peanut butter, olive oil, linseed oil, egg yolk and fish oil.

Do you know conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)? It is a naturally occurring group of healthy omega-6 fatty acids. Numerous studies confirm that CLA promotes fat loss while enhancing muscle growth and strength. The main way it works is to suppress the enzyme lipoprotein lipase (LPL). LPL allows fat cells to collect fat from the bloodstream and store it as body fat. By suppressing LPL, CLA prevents the body from storing fat and instead encourages it to burn.

7. Limit carbohydrates

The focus on low-carb diets has divided many people into camps "behind" and "anti" low-carb diets. On either side, the main thing is that reducing your carbohydrate intake - especially sugars and starch - will help you burn fat.

The carbohydrates you consume should come from sources such as oatmeal and vegetables.

The timing of your carbohydrate intake also affects fat burning. I recommend cutting out carbs by three in the afternoon. Consume most carbohydrates in the morning and during training.

8. Increase your protein intake and lose weight

Increasing your protein intake will increase your metabolism and help you maintain your muscle mass, all of which helps to burn fat. In fact, your body burns more fat when you eat protein than when you digest fats or carbohydrates, because protein has a higher thermal effect of digestion. The thermal effect of digestion is the amount of energy that the body consumes to process ingested food. Fats have the lowest values ​​of about 1 to 3%, carbohydrates 4 to 10% and the highest values ​​have proteins about 15 to 30%. So, when we take 1 scoop of protein, which is about 22 g of protein, the caloric value of protein is 88 kcal, but in reality we take about 62 kcal. This means that you burn 26 kcal to digest protein.

This may explain why a study published in the American Journal of Physiology confirmed the effects of fat burning when consuming higher amounts of protein. One group consumed a high-protein diet (over 1 gram per approximately half a pound of body weight per day), while the other group consumed an amount closer to the lower ODD recommendations (recommended daily allowance). The group that ate a higher protein diet burned the most fat.

Yes, you read that right, a lot of people on a diet have actually gained muscle mass without exercise, simply by consuming a high-protein diet. You can read more about protein in our next articles: on these links: How to use protein safely and Best versus worst whey protein

9. Eat 5-6 smaller meals a day, not 2-3 huge ones

This will reassure you that you will supply your body with the nutrients it needs to build muscle and burn fat.

Bonus: the rate of your metabolism at rest will increase. It also prevents your body from entering starvation mode, which can happen when too much time passes between meals.

Don't be the type of person who complains about your situation, but never does anything to improve it. Use this knowledge and start acting! We believe that these types will help you achieve your dream goals and that you will feel healthier and fit.

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