It sounds quite logical after all. If you want to lose weight from the abdomen, you need to exercise the abdomen. And as the endless number of articles with guaranteed tips for a flat stomach in 7 days advises, the coveted "six-pack" in the world will soon be. Or is it all a bit more complicated and even hundreds of dump trucks a day don't have to help you with weight loss at all? Let's see what is and is not in the power of seats and tippers.
Achieving at least partially visible muscles in the abdomen is the dream of many athletes and fans of a healthy lifestyle. Who knows why even a belly belly and a very low percentage of body fat is considered a symbol of success and health, but the opposite may be true. As a result, people embark on a variety of challenges, extreme diets, detoxes and training plans, from which they promise guaranteed results, or even higher self-confidence or happiness in life. However, in many cases, this does not represent a momentary peep of the abdominal muscles. Everyone should want to be the best and happiest version of themselves, but you also need to think about what this means specifically for you, and then try to achieve your boldest dreams.
How to lose weight from the abdomen, and what percentage of body fat is normal?
Getting rid of excess fat anywhere on the body is a huge benefit to health, but also self-confidence and self-satisfaction. Excess intra-abdominal (visceral) or subcutaneous fat is associated with an increased risk of developing insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes or heart disease.
Visceral or intra-abdominal fat is located in the abdominal cavity around the internal organs. Its excess is associated with a number of diseases, such as type 2 diabetes or heart disease.
Subcutaneous fat is located in the subcutaneous tissue between the skin and the muscles, and anyone can easily feel it in the form of skin algae. Within normal limits, it is not associated with a greater risk of developing a number of diseases of civilization, and is thus an aesthetic rather than a health scarecrow.
What percentage of body fat is considered normal?
For a healthy young man, the normal amount of body fat is up to about 20% of body fat, but we are already talking about beginning to be overweight.
For a healthy young woman, the normal amount of body fat is about 30% of body fat, but again we start talking about beginning overweight.

Why don't you lose weight from your stomach with hundreds of dump trucks and seats a day?
What happens to muscles when you load them with strength training with your own weight, barbell or axle? Right, stronger and growing. The same thing basically happens when you exercise your abdomen in the form of dump trucks or seats. Does this mean that you strengthen your abdomen by strengthening your abdominal muscles? Unfortunately not, but fortunately we all have abdominal muscles, only someone can hide more under a larger layer of body fat. On the other hand, exercising dump trucks increases the strength of the abdominal muscles and probably their volume.
It would be nice if we could say that we will exercise the abdomen or legs, and we will lose fat on the abdomen or legs. But our bodies don't work that way…
When you strengthen the abdomen, you strengthen the abdomen…
At the University of Illinois, scientists have been trying to answer the same question we are asking today. A total of 24 volunteers (14 men and 10 women between the ages of 18 and 40) were randomly divided into two groups. The research group was given the task of exercising 7 abdominal exercises five times a week for 6 weeks and 10 repetitions during 6 weeks. The control group enjoyed peace and quiet, while both groups followed a zone diet, ie a diet with the same energy content as before the intervention.
And what was the result of the study? In the research group, the strength of the abdominal muscles and muscular endurance increased, while there was no loss of total body fat or fat stored in the subcutaneous tissue on the abdomen compared to the group that did virtually nothing. And it must be quite annoying when you strengthen your belly every day in order to reduce it and still nothing. It takes a more comprehensive approach, which we will talk about in a moment.
Further research tested a 27-week training program consisting of a progressive model of sitting exercises, in which 13 men trained a total of 5,004. What did the researchers find out? Body weight and% body fat did not change, and even the size of fat cells on the abdomen remained the same, similar to the size of skin algae on the abdomen (amount of subcutaneous fat).
And the last study in this study looked at 40 overweight or obese women and the impact of a 12-week intervention, in which participants were divided into two groups, the first group following dietary measures and exercising abdominal exercises, and the second group following only dietary measures. Both groups lost weight, but the difference between the groups was negligible. And what's more? Again, the researchers found no difference between the groups in terms of loss of body fat in the abdomen.

From which part of the body does fat disappear first when losing weight?
Just as you do not affect where your fat is preferentially stored, you do not affect where your body first breaks it down. In the first place, someone stores fat on the abdomen, which is associated mainly with lower testosterone levels and, conversely, increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol. As a rule, women are generally more inclined to store fat stores in the thighs and buttocks, for which they may be "grateful" to the female sex hormone estrogen, which is associated with this fact.
Hormones, genetics and the overall lifestyle interfere with the complexity of this issue. Someone is lucky that perhaps he won the genetic-hormonal lottery and the fat is stored evenly throughout his body and is evenly broken down from the whole body.
Therefore, it does not make sense to try to lose weight locally from one particular place on the body, because it is simply not possible. Personally, I really like comparing local weight loss with pool and bucket of water: "Trying to lose weight locally to a particular body part by exercising it more often (such as the abdomen) is like using a bucket to drain water from just one corner of a pool."
What needs to be done for successful abdominal weight loss?
Now that we know for sure that there is no miracle spell for getting rid of unwanted fat in a particular area, let's take a look at the good old and years-old spells that really work, just aren't perceived by such a "sexy" look.
Caloric deficit is key to successful weight loss. Eating approaches and diets are basically just tools to achieve a caloric deficit. Set a caloric deficit of 10-20%, which is sustainable in the long run and will help you run the long haul. If you don't know how to do this, we will explain it in the article How to calculate your energy and macronutrient intake for weight loss or muscle gain?
The overall healing of the diet will bring you more vegetables, fruits, quality proteins, fats, carbohydrates and enough fiber at the expense of low-quality and highly industrially processed foods, such as various sweets, savory delicacies and fast food. By giving up alcohol, or at least reducing its consumption, you will save a few hundred more calories and prevent a morning headache. As a result, you will probably spontaneously reduce your energy intake and start losing weight without it hurting.
Sufficient protein is key to optimal immune system function, regeneration and growth of muscle mass, a greater feeling of satiety after a meal, and protein can even help get under control of unrelenting taste not only for sweets. Following strength training and weight loss, stick to a protein intake of about 1.6-2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Remember that increasing training volume and a higher caloric deficit also means a greater need for protein. A quality whey or vegetable vegan protein can also help with their sufficient intake.
Comprehensive strength training is an ideal helper when changing the figure. Thanks to it, the muscles are strengthened, strengthened and grown, which helps to build an attractive figure, led by the developed abdominal muscles. Include quality strength training about three times a week and be patient and persistent. In case you are not sure about setting up a training plan, read our article What to eat and how to exercise to finally gain muscle?
Endurance sports are an ideal means of burning excess fat reserves. You don't have to become a lover of cycling or running right away, just try every aerobic sport you enjoy every day. Take a longer walk, go rollerblading, cross-country skiing or go swimming. Such an average 65-kilogram woman burns about 540 kcal in an hour's run at a speed of 8 km / h and an 80-kilogram man burns about 660 kcal.
As much exercise as possible during the day also means more energy burned, which can be reflected in more effective weight loss. Try walking as often as possible, run up the stairs instead of elevators and escalators, and you may start to see home cleaning as a kind of circular training.
Any movement you enjoy counts. Exercise costs the body the energy it must draw somewhere. And the difference between watching TV for an hour and playing sports for an hour in augmented reality games using a game console can be as many as a hundred calories. If you are interested in how to stay active at home, read our article 5 tips, thanks to which you will stay active, motivated and you will not stop exercising even at home.
Daily 7-9 hours of sleep is key to maintaining optimal levels of testosterone, the hormones of hunger and satiety (leptin & ghrelin), maintaining cognitive functions and, last but not least, the fighting immune system. If you are more interested in sleep, read our article How to improve sleep and how it affects health and muscle growth?
Less life stress will bring you more peace of mind, a more resilient immune system and a more balanced hormonal system thanks to a reduction in the levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is associated with a higher rate of fat storage in the abdomen. In addition to breathing exercises and meditation, hardening can also help reduce chronic stress.
Can you do something about promoting fat burning from the abdomen?
One study examined whether the deposition of adipose tissue was related to the energy coverage of movement. The researchers compared the changes in the subcutaneous fat adjacent to the working muscle. Regardless of exercise intensity, higher blood flow and lipolysis ("fat breakdown") were observed in the subcutaneous fat adjacent to the working muscle. But does it have any real impact on everyday life? Unfortunately, no. The increased effect of lipolysis was really small and in relation to the overall lifestyle and all the factors that interfere with weight loss, quite negligible.
Some work even suggests a slightly positive impact of strength training and subsequent cardio on the required weight loss within the local area. Simply put, if you put more strain on your upper body during strength training and then go to cardio, you will probably draw a little more energy from the fat stores stored in the upper half of the body. Again, however, this effect is subordinate to all the conditions for successful weight loss and it is rather a potential "biohack" method, the effect of which on local weight loss has not yet been sufficiently confirmed. On the other hand, if you put a few exercises on your stomach during the workout and then go for 30-minute cardio, you won't do anything wrong, on the contrary, you can only get it.
Weight loss is always the ratio of energy burned vs. received energy. Quality fat burners contain thermogenic substances that stimulate the body to increase heat production, which costs energy. At the same time, in their composition we find substances that have a positive effect on enthusiasm, concentration and concentration. Thanks to this, you can handle a higher volume of work during training, which can be reflected in a larger number of calories burned, and thus contribute another part to the mosaic of weight loss.
What do you get out of it?
Unfortunately, there is no exercise that can conjure an outlined "six-pack" on the abdomen or conjure up unwanted fat. But what the tippers and seats can help with is the strengthening and enlarging of the muscles, especially the straight abdominal muscle, which is formed by the famous bricks on the abdomen.
The visibility of the abdominal muscles is not a matter of their strength or volume, although of course it has a bit to do with it, but it is the amount of subcutaneous fat. This is the main "culprit" of the fact that your abdominal muscles are not visible. When you build on a sensible training plan and diet, you will look for exercise whenever possible, and make your sleep a priority, you are well on your way to successful fat loss not only on your abdomen, but all over your body.
According to current scientific findings, you can slightly increase fat loss as a source of energy in the desired area during subsequent cardio activities thanks to strength training. In training, it is enough to include a few meaningful and sufficiently demanding exercises on the abdomen, and then go for a run on the belt. However, it is still just a drop in the ocean of an overall approach to weight loss, not a revolutionary method.
But the question is, do the bricks on your stomach bring you a greater sense of well-being or happiness? But it's up to each of you.
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