utorok 18. februára 2020

Exercise belt - a possibility to help but also hurt yourself | Steroids4U.eu

Exercise belt - a possibility to help but also hurt yourself

You cannot simply answer yes to this topic, the belt must be used or not. It depends on the context. Again, as with any fitness argument, two camps with radical opinions face each other. One group of people perceive the exercise belt slowly as part of their body and wear it while performing isolated exercises, arguing that the belt is a prevention against any injury, but on the other hand there are individuals who are even morbidly against the use of the belt, because they say "it makes the center of the body weaker" and "you are using something that is not natural". As always, the truth is somewhere in between. What is true about the belt and what is not? Makes exercise safer? Are we making him stronger? Does the middle of the body weaken?

Power in the gym

With a belt you are stronger. No doubt about that. It is hard to limit this “help” to a specific number, but many experts and based on more research have agreed that using a belt will add about 5-15% to our performance. Of course, here too everything depends on the individual, on his / her technique of breathing, on the type of belt used, etc. Now we will recall a few studies on the speed of the barbell and the completion of the exercise with the belt versus without it. This showed that the belt in deadlifts helped achieve a 0.3 second faster generation of force. Thanks to another, we could learn that the use of a belt in squats accelerated this exercise in advanced exercisers by an impressive 6%, even in this 2001 research it was an acceleration of up to 9%.

Although dumbbell speed is not a direct indicator of greater strength, we can still say with certainty the following. The two most important factors that directly influence the adaptation to training (ie, increase in strength and muscle formation) are the amount of training units and intensity. With a belt, you can lift / squat about 5-15% more weight with the same number of series and reps as without a belt, or exercise with the same weight, but do 1 to 3 reps in a series, or make less effort with the same weight and the same number of repetitions. Simply, with a belt you are stronger.

Training effect (on legs, spine erectors, abdomen)

Unfortunately, no study has been conducted to directly examine and compare two groups of exercisers in the long run, where one half would exercise exclusively with a belt only and the other half would not use a belt during the same period. This means that some conclusions can be drawn from at least EMG data (electromyography - a method to find out a lot of information about nerves, muscles, etc.), which is not a problem at all, since EMG is a relevant indicator of expected longer-term training effects.

On the feet - the use of the belt in deadlifts seems to have no effect on the main muscles involved. When squatting, the belt increases activation of the thighs through the sticking point, and may also increase the activation of hamstrings during the last repetitions in the series, but this is probably not the case with just one or two reps.

On spine erecters - wearing a squat belt increases slightly EMG activity at lighter weights and beginners, but with more advanced lifters who squat heavier weights, there is no major difference.

On the abdomen - as a whole, the waistband may (but does not) increase the activation of the direct abdominal muscles, and probably does not activate the oblique abdominal muscles at all. Again, it is very unlikely that a squat / corpse belt would make the "center of the body weaker". However, research on this issue is quite crooked. So we have a definite conclusion for another time.


First of all, it is very difficult to determine precisely how much impact the use of a belt has on the prevention of injury, since some more relevant studies in good conditions have not been carried out. However, the main effect of the belt is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. This has two effects, good = lower back pressure, bad = can cause more radical firing of blood pressure during exercise (also depends on the type of belt - thinner produces less pressure than a thicker belt, although this study shows that it may not be as prominent difference). In squats, the height of the abdominal pressure is up to about 30 - 40% greater when using heavier weights than without the belt. For deadlifts, the use of the belt in this exercise increases intra-abdominal pressure by 15% (however, if I use the belt for deadlifts, be careful to bend the spine too much).

As far as security is concerned, we have recognized the pros and cons. So what to do? To wear or not to wear a belt? There are two ways to look at this issue in terms of security.

1. If you are more comfortable with your belt and feel more “safe”, continue to use it.

2. The second option is to further work on dynamic neuromuscular stabilization to improve the “comfort” of belt use. The ideal solution is to combine these two options and thus work on dynamic neuromuscular stabilization and subsequently use a belt. Dynamic neuromuscular (core - core) stability is essential for optimal sports performance, when it is not only achieved by sufficient strength of the abdominal muscles, gluteal or erecters. However, stabilization of the center of the body occurs through precise coordination of the aforementioned muscles together with regulation of the intra-abdominal pressure by the central nervous system. In short, specifically work on the core and do not neglect it!

Who, when and what belt?

Who should not wear a belt? If you have problems with your blood pressure, and also if you are experiencing difficulty due to huge fluctuations in the abdominal pressure (rhinitis, rupture, or folk stripe), using a belt is not the best option for you. However, here too, if you feel comfortable and work out better with your belt, you feel better about lift itself, go ahead.

Who, on the other hand, should? Powerlifters, bodybuilders and simply everyone who wants to improve and move forward. We have already described all the benefits above, but with a belt you can do the same number of reps with more weights or more reps / series with the same weights. You just get stronger and you can exercise more.

When to start using your belt? At any time. There is no magic number that you need to lift / squat before you can wear your belt. Of course, we recommend that you first learn the technique perfectly, know how to breathe properly and work on a solid center of the body! Only then choose a suitable belt (comfort, thickness, size…)

We do not recommend corsets and similar nonsense, as many women have hups to this trend and even recommend wearing such a corset instead of a classic exercise belt. It's better. No, such babies, please don't listen. We thank you. They probably also drink their detox tea with him.

Maj na pamäti, že použitie opasku je jedna z ďalších schopností, ktorú sa taktiež treba správne naučiť a obetovať jej potrebný čas. V každom prípade, sprístupnili sme ti nejaké relevantné informácie na základe ktorých sa už ty rozhodneš, ako ďalej postupovať. V každom prípade, opasok je dobrá voľba, najmä u ľudí, ktorí už majú čo-to odcvičené a majú vypilovanú techniku cvikov. Väčšina ľudí by mala z používania opasku profitovať.

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