nedeľa 2. februára 2020

Rest from heavy training for better results? Discover the magic of deload |

Rest from heavy training for better results? Discover the magic of deload

Among other things, we like to venture into the so-called. “Taboo” themes. Topics that are not discussed in the fitness world, or only very little about them, for their not very useful in marketing. At a time when social networks rule the fitness world, and every second photo you see the slogans like “Go Hard Or Go Home”, “Beast Mode” or “No Pain No Gain”, it is difficult to write about deloade (or rest). In this article we will use the word deload, because the Slovak equivalents would only be wrong when reading. You will not break through the head of the wall and even the biggest athletes do not make the most of daily hardworking of squats, corpses or benchpress. How do you release your foot from the pedal to get ahead of everyone on the nearest road? We'll teach you!

Though weight training is very beneficial for us, it causes tremendous stress on our body. Stress on joints, muscles, tendons and the central nervous system. I don't want to go on a slope called overtraining (a topic on my own article), but in short, if we keep pushing our body beyond its limits, it's only a matter of time before we get into complete physical and mental exhaustion and the injury is waiting for the nearest. corner - here we can hardly talk about progress and improvement. Every one of us has gone through this period and is characterized by a huge reluctance of training, stagnation of strength, but also muscle gains and mainly physical exhaustion and lethargy. Here comes the already mentioned deload, a kind of weekly gas loss, which can be divided into two groups: planned and unplanned. Unscheduled use mostly mostly experienced individuals who know their body and know exactly when deload to effectively apply. On the contrary, as planned, we set the exact time in advance (eg after the competition, after the completion of the program, after three, six, nine months…).

The basic premise of deload is based on studies and many books examining the body's reactions to physical stress induced by strength training. The very simplified version looks like this: provide stimulus (strength training) -> remove stimulus (rest and regeneration) -> better & faster adaptation to the following stimulus. You become stronger with proper and sufficient regeneration after exercise (and also with proper diet), not just through exercise.

Who is deload for?

To be as objective as possible, if your training stimulus is weak, or you don't push your body beyond its abilities, you may not even need a deload. This is true, for example, for individuals who do not record the intensity of training, the number of series and repetitions, and the loaded kilograms of the barbell, when many times during the month they have very similar or even lower total training volume than last month. However, secondly, the inclusion of deloads would be recommended to this group of practitioners, because even though they do not need it physically, it does not mean that they cannot benefit from it psychologically. Deload is therefore intended for more experienced, or those who have been honestly unlocked for some years and are watching their progress.

How often do I apply deload?

As with the “ideal diet”, there is no clear answer. The time distribution of this relief from training depends on many factors: the age of the athlete, the years spent in the gym, the intensity and intensity of the training, the history of injuries, and much more. World recorders recommend every 4 weeks, top powerlifters have a deload at about eight weeks, an average exerciser every 3-4 months, and eventually there are people who have a deload once, twice a year. In this brief appointment, we want to point out the great variety of possibilities of incorporating this “lighter” week into your training plan, there are many possibilities. Generally, however, we recommend deload between the sixth and twelfth week of the training program.

And any more precise instructions would not be?

He was. There are more than enough methods. From nothing to do for a whole week, to increasing or including cardio for better active regeneration. But probably the most used form of deload is to make training easier. Simplification in less work (series x repetitions), less weights, or both.

1. Using the method of reducing the amount of work done, we take around 40-50%, so if you did 4 sets of 8 reps - now you only make 2 sets of 4 reps. There are also more possibilities. For example, if you did a total of 16 series on your breasts, reduce that number to 7, 8, or 9. Easy as a slap, with the next week adding more reps and a series where the next week you are exactly the same as you were before deloadom.

2. If you use smaller weights than a deload, it is recommended to go to a maximum of 75-85% of your previous weight. Attention, not your maximum! If you are doing back stretches with 80kg, 4 sets of 8 reps, now, during the deload, you will do them for example with 60kg, 4 sets of 8 reps.

3. The last option is to reduce both the weight and the amount of work in the training unit - thus combining the previous two methods into one. Once again, the ideal and optimal option does not exist and everything depends on your preferences and goals. You simply cut both the weight and the series + reps.

Increase your heart rate at rest, you can't warm up properly, the performance stagnates, motivation is often lacking, eyes are more sensitive to light, the feeling of going to the gym does not control you anymore, weird feeling and pain in joints, tendons and muscles? These, but various other symptoms may tell you that you need a deload.

Deload is very important for achieving your long-term goals, preventing injuries and serving to recharge your batteries or gain lost motivation and appetite for exercise. If one of them is an increase in strength, an increase in muscle mass, an effort to be faster or an improvement in body composition, then by applying it to your training plan you will benefit. It should also be noted that there is no accurate and magical date when deload week must be performed. It's more about listening to your body. Just a pity 90% of people find out when it's too late. Another important thing - this week does not serve as a glutton week, but on the contrary, you should always pay attention to your caloric intake and distribution of macronutrients. Finally, we know that you're worried about losing muscle and strength for 7 days. But don't worry, if your training program is really worth it, you track your progress and you have what-and-do it, deload will only help you and you will definitely not lose your muscles! Sometimes, to be able to take two steps forward, you simply have to step back one step first.

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