nedeľa 23. februára 2020

Your weight is a liar, but don't throw it away! |

Your weight is a liar, but don't throw it away!

Many people rely on one single figure. The one who blinks on their weight display in the morning. The only number after which they would rather wipe their eyes again and ruin many not only in the mood but also throughout the day. But many people still ignore one essential fact, the body composition - the ratio of muscle to fat. Because, as we said in the article on lean obesity, and what we have outlined in the post about fat measurement, weight is not like weight and 56 pounds can look any way and much higher weight will prove even nicer and better.

However, weight is not evil, it is a great help if we can use the feedback in the form of a two-digit (or even three) number correctly. Getting upset and ruining your day just because of this number, without realizing the fact of body composition, is where the problem begins. Weight itself is deceiving you. And why is he lying to you?

Weight does not equal the amount of fat

First, perhaps the most important point why weight is deceiving you. The number it shows will tell you nothing about how much of your total weight is fat and how much muscle is. Weight simply tells you the total weight, regardless of fat, bones, muscles, organs, water, glycogen, etc. Many times we can especially find women thinking that gaining weight is something wrong. But what if the vast majority of weight gain is muscles? That's wrong? And we have the other side of the coin. What if most of the weight loss consisted of muscles? Should we rejoice in losing important muscle mass? In short, if you weigh 75kg, you can be a champion but also a skinny-fat unfortunate.

What you eat will not just disappear

Weight is deceiving you, because it also depends on the contents of the intestines. We cannot solve this in detail, but the weight of excrement can be somewhere on the level of one solid kilogram. Getting up in the morning after taking a hill of food, especially in the evening (and not just carbohydrate), can also affect the final weight, and the kilograms you pick up don't have to talk about fat. To put it simply, as after a “heavy” meal, you may have more weight in the short term the next morning, and it may not be fat or lean, but you may lose some weight by not eating, yet again not losing fat, but not losing muscle.

Water turnover. Fluktu… what?

Simply change or fluctuation of weight due to the fact that the body maintains water. Each gram of stored carbohydrates maintains an additional 3 grams of water, so the weight can vary by more than 2 kilograms from day to day. Many would immediately accumulate that they had gained 2 kilos of fat yesterday, but that is not true. We each react a little differently to water retention, but it is important to realize that this is a very important factor.

Carbohydrates & Glycogen

Carbohydrates make you fat! You've heard this pointless claim, right? And do you know what is one of the many nonsensical theories behind it? After adding some carbohydrates, they are stored as glycogen in the muscles or liver. Remember the fluctuation of water, and the result? Weight gain. After 2 days, however, many are unaware that they have gained fat from carbohydrates. This is not true. Of course, do not misunderstand me, fat can be taken from carbohydrates, but it is also possible from other macronutrients that are enough to create a calorie surplus that will lead the body to gain weight. In this, your balance can fool you, because the amount of carbohydrates consumed can affect what you see on the balance display. And the number may not only be higher, but also lower, by depleting glycogen.

Magic diets

You know the various "revolutionary and magical" diets, including detox, that naive women can withstand usually only a few days. They are also enchanted that they really lose weight and probably found a diet that really works (by the way, every diet works because diet = calorie deficit = weight loss). What is actually happening is the fact that they have lost the amount of water retained, at the same time they have been in a huge deficit, which is not suitable right from the start, and possibly removed carbohydrates from the diet that bind the water. Not to mention that they probably lost enough important muscle mass, because similar "diets" are built on the head. Yes, there may be a wanted and expected weight loss, and after weighting you say you did it, but first, it doesn't have to be a lot of fat, and second, it is very easy to scatter hormones, metabolism, health and normal healthy long-term functioning of the organism. This will cause you to start eating less, you can only have a decent calorie deficit, but the body has gotten such KO over time that just nothing will work as it should and will eventually fatten. However, based on the number on the scale showing less value, you can think of how the diet and detox greatly helped. Fart.

The number you get is the number you get ... but this number doesn't tell the whole truth. In general, the balance is a good aid, many use regular weighing and the weekly average of the weighed values. It is also a great helper for people who have their food, training, periodization and simply know what this figure is talking about and can control their weekly, monthly progress. Another extreme problem is that many weigh in the demotivation. For example, they start to work for a month, exercise, they are happy and at the same time have a goal to put down a kilometer. After a month of drudgery, they stand on the scale and see only half a pound down. But you know what they can't see? That they could gain muscle and lose fat! The composition of the figure, ladies and gentlemen, do not forget. Sometimes it is better to orient yourself by regular photography under the same light and angle, and perhaps by centimeters, especially in the waist, not by the number on the scale.

Clearly, there are a lot more minor factors that also have something to say. It is worth mentioning the time we appreciate, extreme temperature fluctuations, hormonal issues that are especially known to women, illness or stress. Either way, the weight, like BMI, is deceiving, and some don't realize it.

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