štvrtok 9. apríla 2020

Arnold Schwarzenegger - training, diet and motivation of the bodybuilding legend | Steroids4U.eu

Arnold Schwarzenegger - training, diet and motivation of the bodybuilding legend

Many people cannot decide who they want to become in their future. But Arnold Schwarzenegger knew from a young age that he wanted to be a bodybuilder and not just that. He wanted to be the best. He adhered to this idea, worked on it and eventually achieved it. How did he do it all?

Arnold Schwarzenegger

The power of Arnold's vision

"I've always believed that you need a vision to be motivated or to work hard."

Arnold's vision was born in his early childhood when he first saw the world's heavyweight champions. He recalls, in particular, how Tommy Kono won the 1961 title. Universe. Watching these bodybuilders had an incredible impact on Arnold and began to develop his own vision.

At the age of 15, Arnold decided to start training as a real bodybuilder. "I started watching heroic, elaborate guys and I was reading the magazine he had in Reg Park's cover photo depicted as Hercules." Reg's life was written in the magazine and how Mr. Universe. It is this edition of the magazine that has become the path to Arnold's future success. “If at any time I felt lost in my life, that feeling was gone. Now I had the direction. I realized that I had a special ability that could not be trained. The ability to see things very clearly. ” Instead of seeing Reg Park on London, Arnold saw himself there. "I've seen hundreds of bodybuilders around me, holding a trophy and hearing everyone chant my name."

Arnold Schwarzenegger - training, diet, motivation

Arnold was motivated by a vision of victory more than anything else. “It was so strong that I didn't even need the discipline - it just dragged me to go to the gym every day. I knew that every training I had since had taken me one step closer to turning this beautiful vision into reality. My life took a single direction - Mr. Universe, training and typing. ”

In 20 years, Arnold reached his goal and became the youngest Mr. Universe in history. Instead of enjoying the glory and relaxing, Arnold decided to train even more. “I felt I was undoubtedly a new hope of bodybuilding. But I still didn't get where I wanted to go. Become Mr. The Universe is like winning the Golden Glove or the Boxing Olympics - it's great, but it's far from being the best boxer. ”

But Arnold didn't want to be just a great bodybuilder, he wanted to be the best. “I realized it would take me a while. In America, extraordinary bodybuilders like Serge Nubret and Dave Draper were more elaborate, more popular and more sophisticated to pose. ”

When Arnold was 21, he moved to America and people immediately began to notice him. “They whispered about me. They said this is the boy from Austria. He is the boy who is already making a deadlift with 317 kilograms. ” This confirmed Arnold that he had taken a challenging but correct step. “I barely understood. I couldn't watch news or read newspapers. I felt isolated from the outside world. I felt alone. Nevertheless, they greeted me with open arms. I got so much love and support from bodybuilders who didn't even know me. I will never forget it, it was something really special. ”

All bodybuilders long for perfection and Arnold was no exception. “I never felt I reached 100% of my potential. I think every bodybuilder feels that way. He wants to have bigger triceps, bigger thighs and more stomach. ” Arnold's successful bodybuilding career was built on continuous improvement and attempts to improve small physical details. Working on these details kept Arnold's hunger for victory and fueled his vision.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Franco Columbu, training

“We took pictures like fanatics. Franco Columbu took pictures of me and I took pictures of him. We compared photos, observed improvements, and tried to find bottlenecks. With hard work you can achieve your goal and become successful. That's great for bodybuilding. If you are good at it and achieve your goals, you will be able to apply the same principles to anything else in your life. ”

Training according to Arnold Schwarzenegger
"The biggest mistake today in bodybuilding is that people don't include basic exercises in their workouts."

However, the basic exercises Arnold did not mean easy exercises. Many contemporary fitness centers are overcrowded with people sitting on machines, not at dumbbell stands. “When I go to the gym today, no young boy learns about moving overhead or pulling a big dumbbell to his chin straight from the floor. They all use machines. ”

Arnold Schwarzenegger, training, diet

However, Arnold does not insist on the inclusion of basic exercises because he longs to live in the past. It all comes from decades of his experience in bodybuilding and hard work, which Arnold said will not be replaced by fitness machines. “Get everything out of you, for every season. Don't spare yourself to the next. This is a mistake many people make. ” Arnold believes that every repetition and every series must be done with high intensity because it moves you closer to the goal.

 We chose a few of Arnold's favorite exercises to prepare you for Mr. Olympia. The fact that Arnold was awarded Mr. Olympia up to 7 times!

Exercises for the chest

“There are 3 chest exercises that you should always train. Bench press, incline bench press at different angles and dumbbell fly-flat presses (dumbbell flyes). ”

Arnold was known for the size and width of his chest. It is due to the possibility of extreme muscle tension when pulling with dumbbells lying on a flat bench (dumbbell flyes).

Arnold Schwarzenegger, exercises for the chests

“Exercising with a dumbbell lying on a flat bench is a workout that has worked to fully develop my pectoral muscles. Remember, it is important for your muscles to stretch and strengthen them. In this exercise, I tightened my arms as far as I could, and then returned to the original position to touch the dumbbells. You will not replace this exercise with any machine. ”

Back exercises

“I trained on my back with undershoes, big dumbbell leaning forward, one-handed dumbbell leaning forward, and specially modified two-handed dumbbell leaning forward. I relied on these exercises from the beginning to the end of my career. ”

If you already have oaths included in your workout plan, do them without supporting your chest. “There are many bodybuilders who have trouble working out the lower back. You need to relax your body and allow the lower back to keep the load straining. This will give you the right strength and develop a wide back. ”

Biceps and triceps exercises

Arnold trained all kinds of biceps strokes. One technique he used to shock biceps was that the first repetition began with 124 kilograms. On the second he lost weight and on the third repeat he lowered his weight even more. “That was the way I grew without ever putting the dumbbell down. I wanted to let my biceps know they had no idea what to expect. They will never get used to the method of my workouts because I always have a trick up my sleeve. ”

Arnold used a large barbell stroke to build a wide biceps. To isolate the biceps, he trained dumbbell strokes on an inclined bench and isolated biceps strokes. “Heavy-weight isolated biceps strokes were able to isolate the biceps, creating a“ spitz ”on the biceps. We used a lot of tight-grip pressure for the triceps. Later there were also different variants of triceps extensions. ”

Shoulder exercises

Arnold worked on his shoulders with the following exercises:

pressure with barbell press
behind-the-neck barbell press
lateral raises
presses with a big dumbbell in front of the head (military press)
dumbbell presses

“We've always been doing pressures with a two-handed dumbbell from behind the head and special presses with dumbbells that stretched the front deltoid from below and fully outlined it from above. Now this technique is called Arnold's pressures. ”

Thigh and leg exercises

“Drep is the most important exercise for creating large thighs. I did a squat with a dumbbell behind my head, a squat, a kick, a lunge, a one-leg deadlift, “good morning” exercises and a lot of tripping. ”

Exercises for belly

“The classic training we did to develop the abdomen was made up of lifting the legs in the lying position, lifting the legs in the trapeze vision, and sitting down. We believed that the 500 repetitions of the Romanian Sed-Leh really did work. ”

Arnold's variation of training before Mr. Olympia
In this variation of training, you exercise each muscle group twice a week. This training plan comes from the book The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding, written by Arnold Schwarzenegger himself and Bill Dobbins.

Training split

Day 1: Chest and back

Day 2: Shoulders and hands

Day 3: Legs and lower back

Day 4: Chest and back

Day 5: Shoulders and hands

Day 6: Legs and lower back

Day 7: Rest

Arnold Schwarzenegger, training split

Protein matters!

Early in his bodybuilding career, Arnold knew that protein was the most important nutrient for muscle growth. “There has always been debate about how much protein the body really needs. I consumed one gram of protein for each kilogram of my weight. ”

Arnold weighed nearly 107 kilograms, which was a challenge for him to take 250 grams of protein a day. “It worked best for me when I had 5 meals a day. There are people who can work with three meals a day. For me, 5 meals were ideal because I was never a big one. I've always been happy with a medium-sized steak. Even if you gave me only a small 200 gram steak at the top of my career, I would be happy. ”

Arnold Schwarzenegger - diet plan

For breakfast, Arnold often had noodles, bacon, tomatoes and onions. "That's enough, but two hours after breakfast I was hungry again." Arnold never went far without a protein shaker to cover his daily doses of protein he needed for constant growth. “Whether I was sitting at a school in Santa Monica City College or working on a construction site, I always pulled a small plastic container full of milk and protein powder out of my bag. That was exactly the remaining 30 grams of protein I needed at that time. ”

An hour after the protein drink, Arnold went to do what he knew best - lifting weights at the gym. After training, he had lunch, usually steak and vegetables. Two hours after lunch, Arnold indulged in another protein sheikh. “I drank protein drinks twice a day to be able to take 250 grams of protein. However, you have to realize that we do not get all the nutrients we need, such as vitamins, minerals or protein itself, from ordinary foods. That's why we have nutritional supplements. No matter how healthy you eat, you will never get enough of the essential nutrients from ordinary foods. ” For dinner, Arnold usually enjoyed grilled chicken with brown rice, vegetables or salad with avocado, macadamia nuts and olive oil.

Arnold has left a huge mark on the bodybuilding world, as evidenced by the IFBB Arnold Sports Festival, also known as the Arnold Schwarzenegger Sports Festival. This event was founded in 1989 in Arnold's honor. It consists of classic bodybuilding (Arnold Classic), strongman competition (Arnold Strongman Classic) and fitness & bikini expa.

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