We'll explain the frequency of meals. How many servings a day should you eat in terms of weight loss or muscle gain?
What is the usual answer to the question, how many times a day should we eat in connection with fitness and a healthy lifestyle? "At least 5-6 smaller meals a day." And the usual justification? Fewer meals several times a day will keep your metabolism at high speeds, you won't slow it down and it's just better. Today we will look at which of these is a complete bullshit, which is based on a true and relevant theory, what it makes sense to solve in practice, and you will find out how many of those dishes you should eat.

First of all, let's destroy the myth that fewer meals slow down your metabolism and you need to eat at least 6 servings a day to keep it fast enough and not cause harm in the form of poorer weight loss. The only ones supporting these claims are women's journals, broscience trainers and theories about blood sugar control. When we look at the data, we see that there is no kick-off of metabolism and no worse weight loss.
Frequency of meals - brief & biased
If we had to explain the issue of the frequency of meals very briefly and biasedly, we would say that the frequency of meals does not matter, it depends on the total caloric intake and macronutrients during the day. Basically, we are not lying, and this statement is true, but very one-sided and biased. We will not deal with partial studies and pick up details, let's look directly at meta-analyzes or the opinion of the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, in which you can read this issue in absolute detail, until you get a little overwhelmed by those researches.
If you don't want to worry, we've studied it for you and will tell you clear links to remember. The increased frequency of meals has no effect on better fat burning, resp. character composition. It also has no effect on the increase in diet-induced thermogenesis, total energy expenditure or resting metabolism. However, it can have a positive effect on a few health markers (eg cholesterol). It has also been shown that an increased frequency of eating can help drive away hunger, but we will return to this in the lines below.
… But I've heard the theory of the thermal effect!
Yes, perhaps the most well-known theory is that of the thermal effect of food (TEF, ie the amount of energy that is expended during digestion). Whenever you eat, your metabolic rate increases slightly due to digestion and absorption of nutrients. However, one critical part that people have ignored is that in this equation, TEF is directly proportional to calorie intake. Since you definitely love numbers, let's explain it like this:
Example - daily intake of 2100 calories and TEF is set to 10%. If you break your diet into six meals, TEF will look like this:
food: 350 x .10 = 35
food: 350 x .10 = 35
food: 350 x .10 = 35
food: 350 x .10 = 35
food: 350 x .10 = 35
food: 350 x .10 = 35
Calculate the numbers and you get a TEF of 210 calories. Now let's look at the same scenario, but divide the food into three portions.
food: 700 x .10 = 70
food: 700 x .10 = 70
food: 700 x .10 = 70
Count the numbers. How much did it cost you? But still 210 calories, as in the example above. Eating frequently will give your metabolism a small acceleration several times a day, while eating less times will lead to an acceleration less than a day. The end result is therefore identical and the total TEF is the same regardless of the frequency of meals.

Frequency of meals - briefly & objectively in terms of weight loss
You probably already know why we closed it biased at the beginning - we did not take into account a person's goals, ie weight loss or weight gain. Let's fix it now. So let's borrow the words of B. Schoenfeld from May 2018, who concluded this issue based on science clearly - in terms of fat loss, the frequency of meals does not matter, but the total calories. We did a complete analysis of this issue and we always found similar results, regardless of how many meals the subjects ate.
How you divide your meals has no effect on the amount of oxidized fat at the end of the day. Fat storage and fat burning is a process in which you save less and burn less with six small meals, you save more with three meals and you burn more. In the end, it simply doesn't matter how often you eat, as Brad Schoenfeld said from the available data. I will now return to the aforementioned demonstration that increased eating frequency can help drive away hunger, which is certainly a good diet, right? It should be added, however, that the conclusions were not the same for each individual. From the personal experience, but also the experience of our clients within Fitclan coaching, I know that it is highly individual. Some people prefer fewer larger meals, which will satisfy them and they are not hungry, another person prefers more smaller meals. This is an individual response that does not have a clear position.
Frequency of meals - briefly & objectively in terms of muscle gain
In this case, it is not so much the frequency of meals as such, but the frequency of protein consumption. We also know from our latest article on proteins that if we want to maximize muscle growth (really emphasize the word maximize), science tends to have a higher frequency of eating food (protein) than a low-frequency diet. What does this mean in practice? If your goal is to maximize muscle growth, you should take 3-5 protein portions during the day rather than 1-2 servings. For this purpose, it would therefore be very unfortunate to say the general view that the frequency of meals does not matter.
If you are on a diet, you do not have to box all-day food into 6-8 servings. You will not lose your metabolism quickly and more effectively. Conversely, if you are trying to maximize muscle growth, 1-2 servings a day may not be the most effective choice. Put the information from the article into practice, into your lifestyle and we believe that we have closed the issue of frequency of meals.
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