utorok 4. augusta 2020

How important is sleep when your goal is to build a beautiful figure? | Steroids4U.eu

How important is sleep when your goal is to build a beautiful figure?

Sleep is very important for your training goals. Whether you want to build muscle or burn fat. Start by getting a good night's sleep.

Sleep. A thing so common that it is often overlooked. I don't want to bore you, but you really need to get a good night's sleep. Do you know what results in little sleep? - more body fat, more hunger, smaller muscles, more irritability, higher levels of stress and, last but not least, earlier death.
Apart from all the other effects of lack of sleep, I assume that no one wants to die sooner. At least it doesn't sound very pleasant to me. I tried to get more time for us every day, but unfortunately, I was not successful. I'm kidding.

If you belong to the more active part of the population, it is common that, despite your efforts, you may not be able to take more than 7 or 8 hours of sleep for your sleep. If you have children, this (in) possibility is multiplied.

Even if you don't have time to sleep, no excuse is strong enough. Yes, indeed. We do not produce during sleep, we do not survive, which is why in active people sleep is most often postponed to "after". As I belong to active people, I also write from my own experience. But.

Is it really necessary to check Facebook tonight? Is it now (in the evening) time to check all the programs on TV? Unequivocal recommendation of scientists for all who postpone sleep. Get rid of all the nonsense and go to bed earlier.

If you are still not convinced of the importance of sleep, there is another important thing. The most important thing is not sleep time, above all its quality.

"Sleep quality is directly linked to improving life and health"

say scientists from the Institute of Medicine.

There are many studies showing a link between poor sleep and diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, as well as shorter lives.

The study, which involved more than 10,000 people, showed a clear link between sleep and the ability to function on a daily basis.

They also mentioned the most common problems associated with it - problems with concentration, memory, driving, finances and problems at work (intellectual).

This is an indication of "only" the 5 most frequently mentioned problems related to short / poor sleep.

Maybe it's not so shocking… The most interesting thing is that you can change all this very quickly.

Further research has found that up to 30% of the adult population sleeps less than 6 hours on average. And these people are the group mentioned above. Such a short sleep time already has all the negative consequences.

In men, there is a significant decrease in testosterone production after a week of sleep, which has not reached at least 6 hours a day (or at night). This decrease has been published in various studies between 22 and 31%.

Part of this study is another finding that people who went through sleep for 8 hours or more reported problems that did not exceed statistical significance.

The result is an almost immediate remedy for the negative consequences of sleep deprivation. Yes, I know, it sounds very simple, but in the sequence of daily duties it may not be easy at all.

If you are serious about building your body and good health, sleep should be an important part of your endeavor.

Getting enough sleep means losing weight as well as controlling your tastes. Building and defining muscles in the body as well as burning fat will become more accessible to you.
Having enough sleep means, in particular:

- easier to build muscle mass,

- easier to burn fat,

- better immunity and health,

- more energy for everyday, work and training activities,

- better mood and access to life.

Although sleep may be an unproductive part of the day, it is not a good choice to push it "aside". You will achieve your training goals more easily if you sleep well. Otherwise, you slow down your training results.

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